• , THE I MACARONI JOURNAL I I 1, I 'I I Volume XIV 1 1 , Number 3 , , July 15, 1932 :1 , , ' 1932 nConventi ,on Message " .\ ,.' ... ~ ~ Out I of the 1932 Convention' of the ~atJoncil M ~c ar~ni Manufacturers Association , " ' at NJ ~ gara ' falls, iJune 1'4,-16 comes a mes- sage 'of ' good' che,er and an expression of ' good will toward every manufacturer in the As a means of combating present uneco­ nomic conditions ,confronting the trade it , sugg~sts greater con~dence in one's business, 'closer ,cooperation with competitors and '" more p r o~table distribution of quality goods, , , pleasing message in this issue, " TO"THE INTERESTS OF MANUFACTURERS OF MACARONI • , July IS, 19J1 THE MACARONI JOURNAL .1 LOWER YOUR PACKAGING COSTS WITH PETERS MACHINES The new Peters J unior Seri'~s Carton Folding & Closing The Pteesident's ~fessage Machine will effect real economy in your packaging depart­ ment. This machine, when used in conjunction with the Peters J unior Forming & Lining Machine, makes a complete unit that handles various size packages with ease, speed and economy. The Peters Junior Folding & Closing Machine has an aver­ age production of 35 to 40 cartons per minute, and will save the labor of four girls working by hand. Priced at one-third the cost of standard models, this sturdy A GreetiJl,tJ ",ul "", flJI/le,d efficient machine requires only a small initial investment which is soon repaid by savings effected. GHEETINGS. i\1;u:nTUn; "11.'11. A !'~ IIl' iatillll "'t'mlll'flO ami :\Ol1l11l'mbl' T!\: Write today fur full information and illustrated folder. N UNSOUGJIT hunur ha s hl'l.~ 11 I,:'ullh' rrl'cl 111 "111 IIIl',-IIIY dn~ tiflll 111 Illl' hi J.:h :lIul ri'­ spulIsihle oOire (I' I'resident Ilf the Nal iHfl:11 " ';Ie.m lll; "'aI1U(:\{' lu rcrs :\ ~l' l)d:llillll . I aI" ' (ClIft'" it with rclUl,:' tancc ;uul unly aftl' T 111\11:11 lIrJ.:illJ.: 01\ the pari IIf Illy fcllow IIIl'ml lt'rs 0 11 ~the lIuanl IIf Din'elms who SO ll'III11 1y I'll'll),:l'cllI1c Il u';T OIlOsi stanrl', thei r loyally 011111 slIPIII,rl. My hesitancy is tlue tn an iuh erent knowl,'!I!.!l' lhat thl' pn'sit lt'llI:y of this splt'.utill or· gall izaliun in\'lIlves the heavy reslMlIIs illililil'S of I,'adl'rshil' whid. I fe d I lack in thl' samt' degree IllOIt m)' pn'tleCl'ssors IMI SSl'SSI,'!1 it t1urillJ.: the Sl'ure ami Il'lI y,'a(s that till' ~alilllla l Association has 511 sm'l'l'ssfully 01111 1 unsl'llishly pfOm :tll'ti thl' ,1I1";UI "'l'IIII: 1I1 IIf til" iutluslry in our cuu ntry, My j)cl'c ptann: was mgl'lI Ily Illy fri "lU ls I ,ll Ih l' J.: rolllul thai my al'quaimalll'l' with all groups in till' tralll' will enaillc nil' til Ilrinl, til II Il' ul'J.:Ot nization thl' supporl IIi lII;my of our former members ,lIul the hell' "' m'\\' fllll'S whilSt, rfMlpl' raliflll is SII gn'ally 1Il",tll'd at this lime, To this theu. I wi ll tI,'dit-alt' III~ ' SI,'f\'il'l's, ami III the ,'nd Ih;lt lIanllOIl,\ ' m Ol )' ~ht. GIfIU, prevail 011111 the I'rl'slif,:c IIi the ~:l li u ll a l :\s5l1ciatioll mar Ill" "lIh:llln:tl , I "pl'l'al Itl a ll mallufacturers for thl'ir ",uuJlel'atillll :1111 1 suppurt. Fur our Industry as well :IS IIlIr Assud;ltioll th l,' p resenl olfe rs Ih l' add Il'S l, I ju r "u s in l'lo ~ is in thl' throes of :I 101\' price and pour 'Iualit,\' I'flTIlilal whi ch 51'1,' 11 5 ruill fflr lIIallY uIIll'SS H'lIIt,,J i:.! lI \l'a S IlI't' ~ ,)I'e taken immt.'t liatcl\', A tralle assudalioll lih nurs ,';\11 Ill' fl'aslllll'f\ wi th : u ul e fht ~';l h' ~1 as tu 11 11 01 1 is ri),:ltl ~r wrong, ~()(H I C1~ ill'St, ami this wl' will ( illitillll\' to tin !II Iltl" l' x t~'n l uf /llIr ahilil ~'. \Vc IICl't! and sHlidt thl' hell' IIf l'n :ry I'fflgn'ssin t!I;Umiaflllfl'r ill till' irati" , irrt'Spt'l'lin ' oi Itll\\' It l' packs his proolll'l. Ailcr all wl' han' so much in Wlllt!lun Ilial whal"\'l'r hdl's flll l' gl'lIUp aids Ill ll ,'r~ , I am reatly til hell' yuu, Arc you wi lling III hell' IIIl' Slll'l't'l.'d ~ ~Ia y I lUll SIlUI! han' a pral'lit-a l 1II:t llih'sla­ ti un o f yuur guuc l inlt'nliun! IJl'l'tiS, 1101 I'Willisl'S, :lfl' whal lillles li ke Ihl'~e ,Il'mand awl IlntSI tital I alii not aJlP,'alill i,:' III YOII in \';I ill, Mr, Hulk :'\10111 an d ~1 r. I'ad,agl' ~lallufa l" ltlfl' r, ALFONSO GIOIA. Prcsidc:nt. Peters lW:achinery CO. GENERAL OFFICE AND FACTORY 4700 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. • , MOOERN INfORMATION SYSlEMS, INC. 112 Ilorth 3rd Street ' P,O. Box 5479 Grand Forks. lID 5B206-5479 " (' .OF ; PRECEDING · DOCUMENT , I I • July IS, 1932 THE MACARO NI JOURNAL .1 LOWER YOUR PACKAGING COSTS WITH PETERS MACHINES The new Peters Junior Series Carton Folding & Closing The ~Iessage Machine wi11 effect real economy in your packaging depart­ I ment. This machine, when used in conjunction with the , ! Peters Junior Forming & Lining Machine, makes a complete , . unit that handles various size packages with ease, speed and economy. The Peters Junior Folding & Closing Machine has an aver­ age production of 35 to 40 cartons per minute, and wi11 save the labor of four girls working by hand. Priced at one-third the cost of standard models, this sturdy A G,.eetil'g al,,1 ,.11 "Pllel,,1 efficient machine requires only a smal1 initial investment which is soon repaid by savings effected. GREETI NGS. :'I1 :u:aruni ),1 1,' 11, Assul.'iatinn ), lclllht"rS ;Hul :\'UlIlIll'lIlhl.' r s: Write today for ful1 information and i11ustrated folder. N U~SOUr. II T hOllur has hcell l' ulI!l' rn'" UpOIl III t· . - III~ · ch'C li ulI I II Ihe high :mel n" spo lI sihlc olliee u! Presidellt of the ~al i nna l :\I :lc:truni )'la llUf:lt'lufl' rs A!iSOt' j:llin ll . 1 0K­ CC llll't1 it with rl'llicla ncc and unly ;dl l'r l1Iuch ur"dl1J,: 1111 the part IIf Illy fd low III t'fII hNS Oil the Buard uf Din'elm s who solcnml,\' 1'1 1,'11 10: 1., 11 III I.' tht'ir assislam'I.'. th eir loyalt y and SIII'I"IT I. U1 fir, My h('sil ane), is dIU: 10 :HI illht'n' nl h:nuw !l·d j.!l' that the presidl'Ill'," o f thi s Spk lHli" ~a ll il ati on im'ulves the 11t,',wy reSIMJIl sibilitil'S fl f Il·.u lership whirh I feci 1 lad; in tI n' S: 1II1t' degrl'c Ihal Ill)' pteclcces5ur5 "()SS I ~ 5 S l· .1 il lIurill j.! Ih e srore all.1 len Yl'ars Ih al th .· :\ational Association has so sun'l'ssftl")' and unsdtishly pn JII lflll·d Ihe .uh·;mn ·lll l·ut "f lilt· ;udustry in our country. My :\n'ept:l ll re was urj.!ec l lIy my frien ds li n till' j.!rllu lI.1 Ihal lily arquail1l:lIIft' I , ',il all groUJ1 S in the tra.ll· will ellaiJll' Ill l' 10 hriuj.! 10 Ihe organization the supporl !If ma11 Y of our runner Illl'llIhl'rs all.1 the hd" IIf m'w lilies whil St· t'HlIl'l' ra tirm is Sll J.!Tt'a tl y m'l·.il- d at this time. Tn this tht' n. I will cll'cl iralc 111\' sen ·ices. allil III tilt' l'llIl Ihal hamlllll\' ma\' ~hl. GrlllA prevail amI the prestif,[e of the :\atiunal "s~IIl'ia t ioll mOl ," Ire l'nhalll'l'd . I "I'pl'al ',,, ail manufacturers fur thei r clHlpernti nn alll\ suppo rt , For nur h ulustr), as well as HUt :\SSflcia ti ulI til t, preSt'lil litTers Iltl' 'lI:i.1 tesl. « lilt ).usim' !'>!'> is ill till' throes o f a low price anll pOllr Cj uali ty l"IlInhal whk h spd ls ruin fllr many II lIl l' 5S n 'lI\t'llial II1l'a!'>lIrl'!'> art' lakell illlmedi ately, A trade assucialiu!! like ours can ill' n'aSIlIll'd \\'illt ;tIIt! t'dul":cll'c l a .. I II \1 h;n 1:-- ri l!li t ;Ir \\'ron!;, J: IMlti nr IIl'S I, ;IIHllhis \\'l' \\"i ll l"l JIIli mu' III dll III tht· t'skllt II f oll r ability, \Ve IIl't.''' allli suli..: it lilt: ht:l)l II f t: \'t·r." I'tugtl'ssin- lIIalluf .. ~t ur t'r ill tht: It;,,1t-. irrl'S pt'l'til'l' IIi h"w hl' )lacks his prmlu..:1. After all Wl' ha\'l' Sit lTI urh ill l'0Il111lU ll that whall'\'l'r ill'l l'S W it' l!,ouJI .. id :-- .. I h l' r~ , I am rl'ally 10 ht:ll' yuu.
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