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NIXON TELLS AMERICANS - Withdrawal Schedule Worked Out By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Against this background Nixon, after, reviewing the his- talks was entirely the fault of the enemy, and he specified (AP) President Nixon says WASHINGTON — he has tory of the war, focused his speech on turning the conflict how the war had nevertheless been scaled down on both sides. worked out with South Vietnam "an orderly scheduled time- over to the South Vietnamese, thus gradually disengaging table", for withdrawal of all U.S. ground combat troops from American ground combat forces until all can be brought As to the future, Nixon said: Vietnam but may have to revise it if Hanoi "significantly" home. "We have adopted a plan which we have worked out escalates the war. For this plan he asked support, particularly the support in cooperation with the South Vietnamese for the complete "I have chosen a plan for peace," Nixon told a national of "the great silent majority of my fellow Americans." withdrawal of all U.S. ground combat forces and their re- television audience Monday night, "t believe it will succeed. The speech, as White House officials noted, contained placement by South Vietnamese forces on an orderly sched- "If it does succeed, what the critics say now will not no spectacular new proposals, and his critics were quick to uled timetable . . . As South Vietnamese forces become matter. If it does not succeed, anything I say then will not jump on this point. Senator Albert Gore, D-Tenn., called stronger¦ , the rate of American withdrawal can become great- matter." for early hearings on the war by the Senate Foreign Rela- er.". - He disclosed he had undertaken several secret contacts tions Committee—hearings which had been deferred pending Nixon did not detail either the dates . in his timetable or with North Vietnam to try to break the stalemate in the the speech. the total of troops to be brought home. Administration offi- Paris peace talks. But Republican leaders and some Democrats hailed cials say the withdrawal rate will go up in 1970, and specula- These included a personal letter to the late Ho Chi Nixon's presentation as pointing the way toward peace. And tion is that pullbacks during the year may total 175,000 or Minh in which he urged "an early resolution of this tragic presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the more, if there are no upsets. war." But Ho replied, shortly before his death Sept. 3, with White House switchboard was jammed with calls praising (Continued on Page 2A, Column 2) a demand for settlement on his terms, and this initiative, speech. the ¦ ' like all the others, failed. Nixon said the failure to make any progress in the peace ' " ":' NIXON ' V THIEU AGREES WITH NIXON'S Speech Draws Predictable Rea ction VIET ADDRESS WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- some Democrats, hailed Nixon's Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, in Saigon and Hanoi rather than as candid and frank. dent Nixon's Vietnam address report as candid and pointing Alan Cranston of California and in Washington." "The President has made a SAIGON 0PI — President Javits of most frank and forthright state- from the way towards peace. They Republican Jacob K. In Minneapolis, former Vice Nguyen Van Thien express- drew predictable reactions New York/ ment on Vietnam," said House ed total agreement today his . supporters and critics in urged Americans to write or "There is no choice now but President Hubert H. Humphrey GOp Leader Gerald R. Ford of with President Nixon's Congress. Leaders of antiwar wire their support of the Presi- for the Senate Foreign Relations said he was disappointed Nixon Michigan. "An act of great speech on the Vietnam war. protest groups called for redou- dent's course to the White Committee constructively -try courage—and an address that bled efforts to force a quick end to announced no new troop with- "The people of Vietnam House. to contribute to the finding of a drawals and failed to call for a promises to be a turning point want nothing more than to to the war. And Ronald L. Ziegler, the , commented Senate policy for peace " Gore said. cease-fire. in history," gradually taie the respon- A leading Senate critic, chief executive's press secre- Fulbright, however, deferred GOP Whip Robert P. Griffin of sibility to preserve their Tennessee Democrat Albert tary, reported White House comment pending a study of Javits said "The President's Michigan. own independence and free- Gore, urged early scheduling of switchboards were jammed Nixon's text. statement, as eloquent and mov- Several other senior congres- dom with the efficient as- the Foreign Relations Commit- with calls praising the Presi- McGovern accused Nixon of ing as it was, hasn 't changed sional Democrats, including sistance of the . allied coun- tee hearings on the war de- dent's speech. "We've never pursuing the "same tired old anything. It can only be charac- chairman John C. Stennis of the GIANT TOADSTOOL OR UFO? .. . Is the mail scaling tries, especially that of the ferred last month by chairman had a response like this to a discredited policy we have fol- terized as a disappointment." Senate Armed Services Commit- people of the United States, giant mushroom? A sculpture of an A-bomb explosion? A J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark., pend- presidential address," he said. lowed to the death of 40,000 But other Republicans praised tee, Sen, Henry M. Jackson, of • with a view to achieving ing Njxbn 's speech Monday flying saucer? Actually the man on the pulley is painting Criticism of Nixon came from young Americans." Muskie said the President in an outpouring Washington and Rep; Emanuel the self-sufficiency and self night. Democratic Sens. Gore, George Nixon's plan "leaves the deci- of similarly worded statements, a rather prosaic water tank just . being finished in Raleigh, development which I have Celler of New York, praised Republican leaders, joined by S. McGovern of South Dakota , sion as to American withdrawal many of which used words such s effovts to bring peace. N.C. (AP Photofax) ; affirmed many times." Nixon' A group of 100 House mem- bers, 50 (rom each party, called HAD HOPED FOR ANOTHER WI THDRAWAL for support of Nixon "in his ef- North Vietnam forts to negotiate a just peace in Vietnam." ; ! T ugboatCrew But 10 Democratic war critics in the House, expressing dis- Blasts Speech Reaction of GI's Mixed couragement, predicted ' 'oppo- . SAIGON (AP) — American GIs said he still opposed the war, but Nix- fort to the enemy." sition to the President's course ite his efforts to registered varying degrees of approval on made "one of the best delivered \ Marine 2nd Lt. Keith McConnel of will grow desp Trapped Alive? speeches I've ever heard . . . But I Lorain, Ohio, said he was glad to hear discredit the opposition." ' ' and disappointment following President As Defiance think it's pretty much the same we've the President "ask for support from David Hawk and Sam Brown , MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. tion, 12 miles southwest of LONDON (AP) - North Viet- Nixon's speech on the Vietnam war, been getting. I don't believe the ma- the middle." "The only thing you've two coordinators of the Vietnam Committee which UPi — Two Navy rescue craft Cape Lookout, N.C. nam today called President Nix- Initial South Vietnamese reaction was jority of the American people have the heard anything from have been the Moratorium generally favorable. led nationwide demonstrations sped today toward a spot in Water at that point is 112 on's speech on Vietnam a "defi- patience to wait until the South Viet- antiwar people and the military-indus- the Atlantic Ocean where a feet deep, which Copeland "I had expected him to announce namese supposedly are capable of tak- trial complex," he said. Oct. 15 and plans more Nov.13- ¦ "" missing tugboat may lie on said is a "good depth for ance not only of the Vietnamese another withdrawal," said Spec. -4-Jim ing over." - -¦¦¦ .- President Nguyen Van thieu had no 14 , expfessed disappomtment. the bottom with its crew of diving work."; people but 6f the American"peo- Talley, 22, of Newnan, Ga. The 25th "I was not disappointed,"-sald .Gapt. -V. immediate comment on the speech.- But "The only thing that he made six trapped alive. The Navy rescue vessels ple and all the peace-loving peo- Division Infantryman said he was "in a John Kelly, 35, Watertown. Mass., a White House press secretary Ronald clear was the possibility of a "It's a very new vessel were , the salvage boat Re- ple in the world." way disappointed" but "I'm glad he member of the 1st Infantry Division at L. Ziegler said the administration had re-escalation or the continuation and is probably intact if it covery, which carries divers of the present disastrous poli- Whfl^ this reaction was ex- stated Ms position. Now we know where Di An, north of Saigon, "I didn't expect "full arid complete consultation" with did go down," said Lt. How- and has gear capable of he stands." any . earth-shaking announcement. I the South Vietnamese government on cies," Hawk said, adding "It's ard Copeland, a spokesman raising and refloating the pected, many Europeans ex- Another 25th Division soldier, Pfc didn't think he should give a withdraw- the speech and the latter was "in agree- clear that we have to redouble for the Coast Guard at tug, and a sonar-equipped pressed disappointment because Tom Bozzuto, 22, of Waterbury. Conn., al schedule. This would be aid and com- ment with its contents." and intensify our efforts." Portsmouth, V&. "The minesweeper to help find of what they saw as a lack of chances of it being water- the missing ship. progress tight are very good." A spokesman for McAllis- toward peace. Reac- The tug, the Marjorie Mc- ter Brothers, Inc. of New tion in communist countries Allister, was last heard from York, owner of the tug, said was hostile. Protest Leaders there was "a faint hope the Antiwar Sunday, when she radioed The North Vietnamese that she was having elec- vessel has not sunk." delega- trical ^trouble and taking The $1.2-million tug is tion to the Paris peace talks is- water in 20-foot seas and 50- only eight months old, and sued a statement repeating its knot winds. the Coast Guard says it insistence on an unconditional Turn Backs on Yip pies The Coast Guard cutter could have swamped in the withdrawal of U.S. troops from rally capping the antiwar Both Hoffman and Rubin Chilula found wreckage and storm without letting water WASHINGTON Cfl-Lead- South Vietnam and American ers of the massive antiwar march. are defendants in the trial, a rubber lifeboat Monday in into the crew's compart- along with six others , in- an oil slick six miles from ments, which could be seal- abandonment of the South Viet- demonstration planned for The rally is expected to their cluding David Dellinger, the tug's last reported posi- ed. namese government—"a war- Nov. 15 have turned end in late afternoon. The backs on a Yippie-sponsored Yippie march, designed to national cochairman of the like, dictatorial and corrupt ad- march on the Justice De- protest the federal conspir- New Mobilization. ministration." partment that same day. acy trial now in progress in Radical elements, includ- "The Nov. 3 address of Presi- Not only won 't the leaders Chicago is expected to be- ing factions within the Stu- , "' dent Nixon," the statement add- of the New Mobilization gin shortly after the rally dents for"fi Democratic So- ciety believe that by focus- ed, Committee endorse the Yip- ends. — "shows still more that his pie action, they decided sing on the conspiracy trial administration pursues ever March leaders say they against mentioning it at a expect a half million peo- as well as directly on the more obstinately the war of ple to join in the antiwar war , they can put a more aggression, shows even more protest, radical stamp on the dem- onstrations. the warlike and perfidious na- "When it ends, we will tell ture of his administration ." * * * our people to board their New Mobe leaders want In Saigon, President Nguyen GUARDSMEN TO buses and go home," said to keep the focus directly Van Thieu, in a stout endorse- Ted Johnson , a spokesman on the war and are afraid ment of Nixon's speech, de- WORK AGAINST for the New Mobe, that any departure from a clared in a statement: "I be- The Yippie action , he controlled , disciplined and lieve that the policy to end the PROTESTERS sa id , "is not a sponsored pe.'icefu l march could seri- ously damage the peace war and restore a genuine W> - The action by the New Mobiliza- peace to Vietnam which Presi- WASHINGTON tion; neither does the New movement. , nation 's 500 ,000 national dent Nixon has recalled in his guardsmen are being asked Mobilization take any re- address today, is the right poli- sponsibilit y for it, nor will cy which conforms with our just to participate in a counter- it urge people to participate Belt-Ti g htening position. demonstration against anti- in it , " war activities scheduled for " When it comes to diet- mid-November. The decision to avoid en- ing, the hardest meal to cut In the first reaction from out i.s the next one. , , . non-Communist Asia, Japan 's Maj. Gen. Winston I'. Wil- dorsement of the Justice De- partment action came at a Someone described a dull Foreign Ministry said that while son, chief of the National show. "It was as exciting the Nixon speech contained Guard Bureau , sent the ap- stormy weekend meeting at Chicago. ns one ping pong player " nothing substantiall y new , it peal to istnte adjutants gen- Among the things helped reaffirm U.S. policies in eral , asking that between There , Ihe tensions beset- that money can 't buy, sighs Vietnam and also explained to Nov. ll and IB guardsmen ting the uneasy coalition of the cynic , i.s what it used to the American people that seri- drive wi(|i automobile head- radicals and moderates . . , .Highway safety sign: ous efforts were being made to lights on during the day, united against the war , hub- "Last year 4,02!) people in achieve pence. DASH FOR SAFETY . . . Stf. Sgt. Rodney K. Namauu. display American flags nt bled to tlie surface. this stale died of gas . Two In West Germany, Chancellor 29, of Hilo , Hawaii , a platoon sergeant with the 25th Infantry their horn on anil leave The Yippie.s, including Ab- inhaled it. Ten put n match CONFIDENT SMILES . . . Incumbent Cleveland Mayor Willy Brandt welcomed Nixon 's Division operating 25 miles northwest of Saigon, dashes for piachli glitH burning around bie Hoffman and Jerry to it. And the rest stopped Carl B. Stokes and his wife Shirley flash smiles of confidence announcement of a solution in cover after setting the fuse of a claymore mine—an explosive the clock. Rubin , planned the Justice on It. " after voting in the general election in which Stokes is making Vietnam through the gradual Wilson said the counter- device designed to spew sharp pellets in a MO degree swath Department action to focus a bid for a second two-yenr term as mayor of Cleveland. withdrawal of U.S. troops, add- demonstration would show on the Chicago conspiracy when triggered. Narnauu charged through an open area and (jJihofL Stokes, first Negro elected mayor of a major U.S. city, op- ing in a statement that he hoped North Vietnam the nation in trial .stemming from disor- f coJxL placed the mine only 10 feet in front of a hedgerow hiding poses Republican Ralph Perk Guyahoga County auditor. (AP the President's speech would determined "to follow a pru- ders during the lOfilt Demo- ( For more laughs see Earl , enemy troops (AP Photofax) Photofax) "find a positive echo in Hanoi." . dent eournc In Vietnam. ' * cratic National Convention. Wilson on I'age ih. Disowned Republican Lindsay Heavy Favorite in New York By WALTER R. MKAHS on intervened personally for the a major election day factor , al- has criticized Nixon policies , in- In New York , the dovish Lind- Lindsay In a primary election. Campaigns in two other major AP Political Writer Republican campaigners. though the nationwide appear- cluding those in Vietnam , but say has stressed his opposition Marchi , who also carried the en- cities , Cleveland and Detroit , in- A major imponderable: Tho candidates. New Yorkers elect a mayor ance itself could prove of some the war issue has not caught on , lo the war in opening hi.s lines to dorsement of the Conservative volve Negro today, with disowned Republi- polling place impact o[ Nixon 's liberal blocs once disenchanted Mayor Carl li . Stokes , who can John V. Lindsay heavily fa- election eve report on Vietnam , benefit to Virginian Linwood and Ihe campaign has been wilh his administration. party, sided with President Nix- narrow l y won election in Cleve- vored to win the re-election wilh his word of n secret timeta- llolton and New Jersey 's Wil- largely one of personal invec- Mario A. Procaccino, the city on ' s policy land >wo years ago to become which once seemed beyond hi.s ble for the withdrawal of all liam T. Cahill , the Republicans tive between the candidates. controller and Democratic nom- Lindsay, running as an Inde- the first black mayor of a major reach. GOP challengers seek to American ground combat (0" whom he campaigned. (,'uiiill is a six-term congress- inee , nl first criticized llie may- pendent and Liberal , i.s rated a cily, faces a tight contest with capture the governorships of troops. William C. Battle , the son of a man seeking to win for the GOP or ' s Vietnam position, Hut as !>¦ '.! favorite to win and restore Republican Kalpli J. Perk. Virginia and New Jersey, where Disclosure of a major break- former governor and once U.S. thi; last major industrial state Lindsay battled back from an tlie lustre |<> his standing as a In Detroit , Richard Austin , n Democrats now rule. through °r <* dramatic now ambassador to Australia , is the still governed by a Democrat. earl y deficit in campaign polls , lcdcr of national , Negro , fact's Roman Gribbs , the Those nre the feature races in peace move undoubtedly would Democratic nominee in Virgin- Thi! Democratic incumbents Procaccino vowed that as may- lie remains a member of the county sheriff in a nonpartisan off-year elections which could have proven a boon to Republi- la , carrying the credentials of a in Virginia and New Jersey or lie would demand an end to national Republican parly, but election , Austin insists he would signal the mood of the voter in cans in the two stales electing party which has held the gover- were by stale law ineligible for the conflict. politicians can only guess how a win easily it he were white; his cities dismayed by rising crime governors. norship there for fill years. re election. Republicans now John J. Marchi , a stale >rna- mini once rated a future GOP newspaper advertising puts the rates and racial tensions , and in Nixon 's restatement of admin- In New Jersey, former Demo- control :io of the nation ' s stale lor from Staten Island , wrested presidenti.' il prospect will choose question: "Can you vole for a two stales where President Nix- istration policy i.s unlikely to bo cratic Gov. Robert 11. Mcyner houses. " llie Republican nomination trom to chart li»s political future . black mayor?" Highlights of Speech Listed WASHINGTON (AP ) - Here to defend their own freedom. the consequences of what vie forces within one year. ¦ had done, inevitable remorse have proposed a cease- - are textual highlights of Presi- I have chosen this course. —We « dent Nixon's Vietnam policy It is not the easy way. and . divisive recrimination fire under international supervi- Ijf • &e*ym ftigR rfl would scar our spirit as a peo- sion. speech: It is the right way. AwM .. ' .. ' . ' We can persist in our ple. —We have offered free elec- Oil illw¦ SI^F^^mHH^^^^ ^M mM ^l _m ¦ ^^1 ¦ ^1¦H ^^.m ^Hii In speaking of the conse- For the future of peace, pre- P^^H ¦ - -wi~ - :jm^m M B ^LH ^M. AM m ^1 : ¦Wm y^Hii_ mii, search for a just peace through tions under international super- ^^^B m- -M- m m ^mf A^^^P^^J^H ' ^Av w M ^ m m *. _ ^_ a negotiated settlement if . possi- quences of a precipitate with- cipitate withdrawal would thus vision with the communists par- yHltai^iJwA^^dBfcM^HMv^^MLJOMMJkJtaMJkM^M^j ble, or through continued imple- drawal, I mentioned that our al- be a disaster of immense mag- ticipating in the organization mentation of our plan for Viet- lies would lose confidence in nitude. ... and conduct of the elections as namization if necessary—a plan America. In order to end a war fought an organized political force. The in which we will withdraw all of Far more dangerous, we on many fronts, I initiated a Saigon government has pledged would lose confidence in our- pursuit for peace on many i^0a*n&a>?tjjflSB our forces from Vietnam on a ¦¦ ¦ to accept the result of the elec- Bffl schedule in accordance. with our selves. The immediate reaction fronts. • tions. ' mamtimmtiEM 7100 ! program, as the South Viet- would be a sense of relief as our —We have offered the com- Hanoi has refused even to dis- towe¦ 7000 ¦ ¦ ^oioe ¦ ¦ I men came home. But as we saw plete withdrawal of all outside •i. . . ¦ " ¦ ¦ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ "" ^ . , - - - . . .. - . ' - ., namese become strong enough ¦ ¦ cuss our proposals. They de- • . i ' ' ¦¦ mand our unconditional accept- . //' ¦•. - . ¦ ' :. ance of their terms; that we | , ; ; .. . . -, ' ' • - -* I* . ' ' § Jackson County withdraw all American forces ¦ unconditional- w -*» IJillWItMWi^^ ' ' immediately and !^ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦' rffif&FT&BFm^S^^^^^^AmAmm*~_ TZ^ " '' ~~~ A\lf \ I «^»»»» ««••'>"¦ Judge Starts New ly and that we overthrow the ' j_mAmmm '~' r^ y l\ [ 9 government of South Vietnam Enforcement Plan Nixon: Plan Must as we leave. ... The effect of all the public, ¦ BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. private and secret negotiations | r^^^^^^^^mnwi»«i«»»»" 1' 1'' ' y | __ ^^mAmmmm/ ' ^k ± ¦'1 (Special) — Judge Richard which have been undertaken ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ Jackson County, ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦/ Lawton, an- since the bombing halt a year r ' ¦ " ' .. .. : .. ¦- Permanent I nounces, that a new plan to en- Remain A Secret ago and since this administra- !' " ' $1 29 BRYL CREEM IIwmSmi WfTfTTuft force support payments for de- the district attorney Robert W. that "if the level of enerny ac- phase would provide for remov- announce the timetable for our p h 0 Radcliffe and the family court al of the rest—and air and sup- withdrawal program. 5 S^&?£ ^-x ^^?Uim^\ t'mvjmw^misAiwmwmmrmf^ -iw,-; ^ItXa^M^M^M^^* ' ^^^^^^^ tLmmmm. Tml^^^^mmmmmmm ^SM NEW YORK (AP) - Presi- before the speech and finished it c I Tmb***** Jyx-»A *4JI ;of speech and quick review. ceiving a green light. "Music j r j I ^">»L-—""^ _j \ f "J C ^ *ffl& ®*8^"W!W!lg!!W!^^ '7-H .'m}\iHS.m^l.l^H Then it picked up the movie Scene," a bravo experiment but I S:l I , With This Coupon Amla^ W ! I I a Nielsen laggard , is retrench- * | whore it had left off, 'tt ' j *+? | ;; $1.25 (j Dale Carnegie Course ing. Its troupe of six young sat- *¦ ' I \I t ' ' i :; i CBS had only to give Doris Good at Both Ted Maier Stores 1 n j Dny a night off , then joined irists assigned to provide the \: j j A. I Downtown & Miracle Mall I j 'Tiifi Carol Hiirnelt Show " after comed y nnd contemporary com- j rv i I I * fN * V' Now Forming the speech and comment. Tliere ment iias been cut to one—Da- Exp ires Nov 8, 1969 Dushanbe Hair Dressing ' was , however , a Inst minute vid Steinberg of Smothers il j j jj fl .substitute of a more expendable Brothers controversy note will J11] . In Winona ( Burnett show , wilh Pat Boone henceforth go it alone a.s the j p A jwiM ij in MM T IIUI ® 11 OOc as guest , for the HI IOW originally show's host, A'lAlf , COUPON FOR FHKK niiOCnilRK nKSCIIHHNfi scheduled'thnt had Ding Crosby, 'i ; - THK DAl-K CARNKOIK CODUSK " ; Kiln Kit/gornld and Dick Martin n— ^^^^^ i !| » ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ COUPON ns guest stills. LIFE-LIKE J, P* **^ iiiiiiiu __m it:? wf$y? '£'yy!y%^^ -•¦ : """" j Mail to ARTIFICIAL $ ¦ DON'T WRAP IT—BAG ITI 50-COUNT 5 Vj ; Dale Carii'egic '• ABC was in the toughest bind . ML lit moved ils "Love American _ J Box •113 ; ¦ OBm NAIts? ,RY NEW ;' Rochester , Minn. K.r>!ll )l i j Stylo " up an hour to o p.m. all Christmas J8M ' laciuss the country. In the East 8 5 BAGGIES SB " , Trees ! Name ; ^ p vll ! ! HARD AS NAILS U-II WITH COUPON AaJL^fAQC __ ^ W R ] ; Address '. I CONSTIPATED^ 12 Slies to Choose From M 5 * ~ m '\ WITH NYLON I * y ¦ GOOD AT BOTH TED MAIER STORES DUE TO LACK OF FOOD J" DODD BROTHERS J ijj j BULK IN YOUR DIET ¦ HkU'DD STORE , Inc. ; City xi|> i h __ EXPIRES NOV. 8, 1969 ¦ J* $*| _^\/\ ; I' lTM-rili'd by (.only l>rlc"ll r\ Mmirl.n. Ni' ! THY V&S HARDWARE , • 5/6 E. 4th St. Phone 4007 liiiuimiiiHiuHui! _^_mmm I I .UU ' ' ...--.. — " 1! j r , ^ _m _m— I Levee Plaza to Be Used for Demonstrations Area Student By FRANK UHLIG much of this already . As part Heddle — who remarked that Daily News Staff Writer of the city's enforcement de- he is a veteran — replied that Found Guilty of Crossing their fingers men- partment, he said, he could there is no intention of creating tally, City Council members foresee serious consequences a demonstration but only to Monday night approved two re- from such an act. If others at- memorialize all veterans, includ- quests by local college stu- tempt to burn American flags, ing thosei of the Vietnam war. the city would do all it could Frydenlund said he considers Draft Evasion dents to : conduct downtown MINNEAPOLIS Wi — Dan demonstrations. to stop such actions, Robertson the plaza appropriate because it Holland, 20, Caledonia, Minn., Both the demonstrations re- said; . is an expression of the American free enterprise system, some- who served as his own defense late to the war in Vietnam but MAYOR Norman E. Indall somewhat differing viewpoints thing which the YAF supports counsel, was convicted Monday told students that Winona con- strongly. are involved. siders itself extremely fortunate evening of refusing to be induct- THE FIRST will be Friday to have the students of three COUNCILMAN Gaylord Fox, ed into the military service- at 6:45 p.m. ' colleges because they have con- Who previously had voted in fa- A jury deliberated about an " to the commu- vor of the motion to allow the and is spon- j _, " tributed heavily hour before returning its deci- DTt. C. H. HOPF E. W. MUELLER WALLACE HITT EDWIN J. SPENCER nity's well-being. Students cre- permit, moved that the matter sored by ClfV sion to Federal Judge Miles Young Amer- ated an unforgettable image last be reconsidered. Councilman spring by volunteering in droves Earl Laufenburger seconded. Lord - icans for CatmrW Freedom 1 ^° "^" for flood work,, said the mayor , Nelson said he didn't think Holland told jurors he served (YAF) , a stu- and this image -should not be the permission ought to be re- as his own attorney because he Ma jor Ad mi n i strative C ha rrges dent conservative group espous- tarnished by an unwise act. scinded, which would be the ef- wanted to "get away from legal ing the hard-line approach. At this point Nelson's motion fect of an affirmative vote. He technicalities and legal rheto- Another is the parade and to give permission was adopted said he was confident that the ric" . :. . '. . program of the Winona Mora- by a somewhat subdued voice flag-burning would be discarded vote. Thinking it over, Council- because the native intelligence He added , "You're going to Get Board s Informal Approval torium Committee, a group ad- have to make a moral decision. vocating "peaceful solution" of man Dan Trairior Jr. asked to of the students would rule. By C. GORDON HOLTE the board since an adjustment ticipating in curriculum con- years — receiving his master » be recorded as voting nay. There "They're smarter than that," he The judge will instruct you in the war in Vietnam, scheduled the law. May your consciences Daily News Staff Writer panel appointed in teacher con- struction and revision. All cur- degree from Winona State in for Nov. 11, Veterans Day. was no reference to the flag- declared. __ riculum - work is to be done in 1962 — before appointment as burning idea in the body of the Hoveland said he would rely instruct you as to your moral A major restructurilfg' of the tract negotiations earlier "this Speaking for the Moratorium beliefs. administrative staff of the pub- close cooperation with the in- Winona director of elementary motion. on the students' good judgment " year submitted findings which structional staff , department Committee, John Heddle, Wi- At one point, Holland and Lord lic schools ' of Independent Dis- urged that the administrative education to succeed Dr. Hopf nona State College, said a par- Another member of the dele- to say what they wanted to say heads and- building principals. when the latter was named high gation, Philip Welty, also of in a reasonable way. exchanged views on legal evi- trict 861 involving the creation staff be expanded to allow for ade will form at 7:30 p^m. ori of three new supervisory posi- school principal. Mueller is a WSC, promised that the council's dence. ¦ ¦ more direct supervision and DR. HOPF is 46, a native of Nov. . 11 near Somsen Hall on COUNCILMEN found them- Lord said he was required to tions — among . ' ' ' ' • - ' - • : evaluation of the teaching staff. Alma, Wis., and taught in ru- veteran of Navy service from the campus. It will move silent- viewpoints would be presented ¦:. ' ¦ ' 1945 1946. to YAF membership. selves in a tie vote on the mo- so limit the evidence, and the them : two as- . / ; I For the past two months a ral Buffalo County, Wis., schools to ly downtown and a memorial tion to reconsider. It was sup- youthful defendant replied, "I sistants to the School board committee has been work- from .1942 to 1943 before begin- Hitt is 43 and came to Wino- service for veterans of all wars A QUESTION about why Levee ported by Fox, Laufenburger was required to submit to induc- s u p erin- ing with Nelson on a. proposal ning 38 months of service in na as assistant Senior High will be conducted. Plaza is to be the site of demon- and Trainor and opposed . by tion, but I did what I thought tende ntof to implement the adjustment the Army during World War II. School principal in 1968 from schools— A BoarcT- . He received THE PROGRAM will consist strations was raised by Gene Nelson, Hoveland and Dan was right. If I can do it , so can . . panel findings and the recom- his bachelor 's Dodge Center, Minn., where he Meeker d r e w irifor- > including names degree from La Crosse State of remarks by - a speaker, a , Chamber of Commerce Bambenek. you:" — mendations — had been a member of the facul- manager. He said the plaza is Mayor Indall broke the tie by can't be mal approval of the district of personnel involved and a de- University in 1948 and joined ty-for yl8 years. Previously he prayer of commemoration, hon- Replied Lord: "I night. . supposed to provide the commu- voting nay and then made ; a guided by my personal feel- School Board Monday scription of duties arid respon-- the Winona public school facul- had taught at Byron , Minn . oring all veterans for their sac- FIGURING IN the administra- sibilities associated with the ty in that year as an instructor rifices in the cause of peace, nity with a touch of added beau- direct appeal to YAF students ings." ty and an air of peace and quiet "not to let us down " or abuse tive reorganization recommend- new positions — were presented at Jefferson School. HE'S A 1949 graduate of La and a hymn. It will be held on A crowd of some 50 Crosse State University and at downtown. the council's confidence.. or sympathizers waited outside ed by Superintendent of Schools to the board at a committee He was awarded his master's Levee Plaza and parade marsh- A; L. Nelson are; meeting Monday night. degree from the University of Dodge Center he served as a* als will maintain o r der and the courtroom, sometimes sing- sistant principal , athletic direc- ing. • Dr. CH. Hopf , principal of Since the board was meeting Iowa and his doctor of educa- clean up the area after the pro- Winona Senior High School since as a committee ho formal ac- tion degree from Colorado State tor arid football coach and had gram, Heddle told councilrnen. Holland's mother is Mrs. Don- coached; basketball and base- Caledonia. His 1967, who would be appointed to tion could be taken Monday but College, Greeley. Heddle's original request for Enact Emergeney ald Meiners, the new post of assistant super- general approval was expressed bll. He received his master's de- a permit to move the parade father died some years ago. IN 1960 HE was appointed gree from Mankato State Col- Sixty anti-war protesters, led intendent for secondary educa- by board members who are ex- along Main Street Was modified ¦ tion :,.^.,.,,,. ...y.....y. .; pected to formalize the reorgan- director of elementary educa- lege in 1968. bf ProfessoK.M^lford;-&'• Sibley " ' "^ .. ..;.!... at council suggestion. They Minnesota, ' • Wallace Hitt, assfstaiiFSen- ization at next Monday's regu- tion for the city's public A native of Minneapolis, pointed out that of the University of y Main Street Ordinance Against which Dan attended, appeared ior High principal who would lar board meeting, schools and served in that ca- Spencer is 50 and a 1941 grad- is a state highway and sug- fill the vacancy created by Dr. pacity until his appointment in uate of Winona State College. in his support when he appeared THE TWO new assistants to gested that the procession fol- at the induction center in Min- Hopf's promotion. 1967 as principal of Senior High He was a member of facul- low Johnson Street north from E. W. Mueller, director of the superintendent will be di- School whose new building was ties at Danube, Chatfield and neapolis, according to a report in • rectly responsible .to the su- , the starting point to 3rd Street, Driving on Plaza this newspaper on Sept. 25, 1968. elementary education since the opened in the fall of that year, Blooming Prairie, Minn., un- fall of 1S67, who would become perintendent in matters con- turning eastward there and An emergency ordinance that council from the floor , caution- Ove Fossum, Spring. Grove, cerned with personnel, curricu- Mueller, 42, is a native of til he entered the Army in 1944 moving to the plaza. Heddle assistant superintendent for ele- Lewiston, Minn., and a 1950 for two years of World War II forbids casual driving of vehi- ing it not to take hasty action, chairman of the Houston County lum and supervision of instruc- agreed and the motion for per- cles on Levee Plaza pedestrian Selective Service Board , said mentary education. graduate of Winona State Col- service. He blamed the city's admin- Edwin J. Spencer a mem- tion in their respective areas. mit was thus amended. areas was adopted Monday Holland first refused induction • , Each will have the responsi- lege who was a sixth grade in- Councilman Barry Nelson , y' istrative and legal divisions for about 1% years ago. ber of the Senior High structor at Madison Elementary HE JOINEl> the physical ed- night by the City Council School physical education and bility for recommending staff ucation and health; faculty at said . he doubted a parade per- By invoking emergency provi- putting the city in a box of its appointments, promotions, dis- School from 1950 to 1954 when mit was needed in any case. health faculty and ' coaching he resigned to accept appoint Senior High School in 1946 and sions outlined in the city char- own making. ; staff since 19,46, to be appoint- missals, and salary adjustments is a former Senior High varsity When a committee member, ter, the council made it possible arid will directly supervise arid ment as elementary principal Roger Brosnahan , asked how NO ORDINANCE should be ed director of student activities at Winnebago, Minn. He became head football coach. He has for enforce- at the high school . evaluate staff work and accom- been coach of the Senior High the Steamboat Days kiddie par- passed without a study being Police Probe . plishments. director of elementary educa- ment to begin | *— baseball team for a number of ade could use Main Street, City made of "solid obstacles placed THE administrative restruc- They'll afso have direct respon- tion at Luverne, Minn., in 1956 Clerk John w ith in 24 CltV years. Carter evoked laugh- hours of pas- ¦*¦ ' in the way of plaza drivers and turing has been under study by sibility for initiating and . par- and served as director for il ter by admitting that it "was Spencer received his master's probably illegal." sage. Th « f%»i*r»#«;r pedestrians," Beatty argued. He Several Thefts degree from Washington State charter p er- |>-ounc" complained that such installa- University in 1951.. , ^. mits such ac- Winona police are investigat- HEDDLE SAID the parade tions cut off access of downtown During the past year Spen- tion when there is a finding ing incidents of theft and re- in addition to serving as would be two or three blocks port apprehension of three cer, l0Hg. ; that public welfare or safety is firms to streets. His own office the head , baseball coach, has been endangered. Under ordinary entrance, he said, is obstructed juveniles In connection with Discuss Transfer of It was the YAF request for ari assistant football coach and permission to gather procedures , the ordinance would by a flower planter, lights "arid other recent thefts and van- a driver training instructor. ¦ on the dalism. plaza that - brought a reflexive have to be introduced at a a spooning bench." twitch to meeting and wait two weeks for Employes at Rail- THE superintendent said that council nerve ends. : The proposed emergency ordi- St,,, reported Beginning at 6:45 p.m., Fri- final passage. . road, 65 E. Mark Kindergarten Students he contemplated retaining Spen- nance, he said, could be con- the theft Monday night of tJwo cer in these capacities for tha day, explained John Fryden- A PREFACE to the enact- The feasibility of transporting class and two first , second, who started in first grade to lund , Tri-College YAF chair- sidered discriminatory against a sets of reflectorized cross arms remainder of the school year, merit clause declared that the particular property owner. He from the crossings at West kindergarten pupils in the Cen- third, fourth and fifth grade continue at Central through the particularly in consideration of man, the group proposes to council had become aware that pass out literature on Levee advised the council to "make Broadway and West Wabasha tral Elementary School district classes and one sixth-grade sec- sixth. the difficulty that might be en- "various persons are driving haste slowly.' Street. The cross , arms were countered in obtaining a base- Plaza , play a recording of the motor vehicles in the Levee ' to another school beginning tion. Councilman Barry Nelson won- valued at $35. This means that one sixth THE BOARD agreed to take ball coach in midyear. national anthem irom time to Plaza area, endangering per- next fall was suggested Monday the -suggestion under considera- time and dered whether any barriers to Mark Pellowski, 678 E. Broad- ¦ ¦ grade section has to be trans- With formal certification to , for the climax, burn sons walking therein and such traffic would be erected way, told police that his u> night to the ,— tion for possible action at a fu- a replica of a North Vietnam- on Cen- ported to another school, Nel- the new post he probably woufd practices should be halted with- ter Street. Cit Manager Carroll horsepower outboard motor was School Board c L I ture meeting. drop his coaching assignments ese flag. A properly supervised out delay to insure the public y of Independ- OChOOl son explained, and objections J. Fry replied that bumper taken from his boat Friday or frequently are expressed by Nelson was asked how trans- next year, Nelson said . incinerator would be used, Fry- safety and welfare." blocks are on order. He said e n t District portation of kindergarten pupils During the discussion of tho denlund said; Saturday as it was moored on parents of children transferred Although not directly acknowl- several motorists had entered the river at the north end of St. might be effected and he replied job descriptions for the new First to speak Up was Coun- edged, the council's action was ™y., Board to a school outside the residen- the plaza by mistake at Center Charles Street. Value of the mo- , r. | tial district after the students there are severa l possibilities. posts ol" assistant superintend- cilman Howard Hoveland who prompted by reports that Mar- Street south of 2nd . Street. At intendent of One might be to run a bus ents which accompanied tlie observed that tin A. Beatty, whose law offices tor was $150. Schools A, L. Nelson told di- have established friendships dur- he would likely this point there is no curb or Winona Park and Recreation ing their first six years in the down several streets in the vic- recommendations for appoint- be the logical one to object to are at 116 Center St., had driv- change of street level. rectors there is room at Cen- inity of the school to allow pu- ments, Board President Frank such Board reported today that a tral Elementary for one kinder- school. burning. Hoveland's wry en his car through the nominal- pils to be picked up compara- J. Allen emphasized that he felt remark drew ly pedestrian areas on several THE ORDINANCE also cs: metal memorial plaque attach- garten room and .11 elementary Nelson said he thought as long a laugh since he as some pupils must be sent to tively close to their homes. that "evaluation of our teaching is considered the occasions. Beatty's office en- tablishes one-way westerly traf- ed to a stone in Gabrych Park sections, council's on Winona s East side was pried an outside school, it might cause personnel is a necessary tool in leading champion of clean air trance is at the northern edge of fic on Srd Street, from Walnut ' upgrading our teaching staff . the plaza 's Center Street sec- to Lafayette and 1-way easterly from the stone and stolen Fri- FILLING THESE accommo- less trouble to move the kinder- CORRECTION and smoke abatement. dations are the kindergarten garten class. We have to have the personnel Nelson said tion. traffic on the half-block of 3rd day night. The plaque was esti- and the mechanics to do it he wasn't sure mated to be worth $80. The date of the annual the flag burning was in .good Granted suspension of proced- Street east of Main Street. Al- THESE CHILDREN , lie noted , Boy Scout recognition ban- and this should not be construed taste. Frydenlund ural rules, Beatty addressed the leys leading north and south Police Chief James McCabe haven 't established n circle of as-an implication that we think said it was said today that two 17-year-old quet was incorrectly given a symbolic gesture against a from that mid-block point are friends and probably would be as Nov. 10 in thc Daily News that we have a number of teach- country tha t "has killed restricted to 1-way traffic exit- boys were apprehended by the Winona Soldier a ffected less. Monday. ers who aren 't doing Ihe jobs 40,000 detective division Monday fol- of our men." ing from the street. He also observed that in many The banquet will be held they should. " The vote for adoption was lowing an investigation of the cases kindergarten pupils enroll Nov. 12, beginning at 7 p.m., THE superintendent agreed , THIS COULD BE a fateful Report Youth unanimous. Oct. 16 theft of two >boxes of Struck by Car in a nonpublic school after at- at St. Mary 's College Stu- precedent , said City Attorney ¦ gloves from Stott and Son Corp. tending kindergarten and do not commenting, "We should ari un- dent Center. Paul Giel, Min- derstand thnt this is not intend- George M. Robertson Jr. He lie added that another. 17-year- continue at Central Elementary neapolis radio broadcaster, old boy had been apprehended ed to be a punitive measure or said thc act could cause excite- Car Damaged, after that first year. will lie guest speaker. • • ment and possible , in connection with the breaking In Georgia If kindergarten children anything like that. " confronta- 15 Missing were Tickets are on snle at Ted reorganiza- tions. He noted also of a window at the West End Pvt. Richard Allen Vogel , 20, sent to another school he ex- Allen also said that that a city Mrs. Gerald Bailey, Dakota , Deer Killed , Maier drug stores or muy tion recommended by the com- ordinance prohibits burning in Minn,, told Winona County Sher- Bait Shop on July 21. McCabe Winona , is in intensive care at plained , the kindergarten room be purchased from Lou said the three youths have been mittee was in no way "an at- the streets. iff George Fort Monday thnt A deer was killed and a car the base hospital at. Fort Gor- might be converted to a sixth- Sayre, 7115 45th Ave., Good- l Board or At referred to juvenile authorities grade room , allowing children view. tempt by the Schoo campuses all over the coun- her 15-year-old son William has damaged in an accident investi- don , Ga., as the result of in- the administrat ion to .usurp any try, responded Frydenlund , left- gated by the Winona County and that restitution has been been missing from home since jurie s received when hit by a of the functions of the merit wing groups such as Students Friday. Fort asks that anyone sheriff 's office Monday night. made by all three. car while pay study committee." for a Democratic Society burn having any information regard- Sheriff George Fort said walking back to the A joint boiird-fi ieulty-ndminis- American flags at will . He said ing the boy notify his office im- David Neuman , 21, Altura , TREMPEALEAU VFW base early Sunday morning. tration committee had been ap- the YAP wants to show that left- mediately. Minn., was southbound driving TREMPEALEAU , Wis. (Spe- His father , William C. Vogel , pointed earlier this year to draft wing groups Teachers Council are not representa- William is described as be- a 1966 model sedan on CSA 33 cial) — Trempealeau VFW 379 E. sth St., has learned from possible guidelines for imple- tive of majority opinion . The ing 5 feet 6 inches tall , weighing four miles south of Altura at Post 1915 and auxiliary will hold mentation of another panel rec- his doctor that "YAF also plans to raise the about 140 pounds, with brown 8:15 p.m. when a deer darted their annual get-together Satur- he may have ommendation Unit some form Stars and Stripes at the affair , hair and blue eyes. When last in front of his car, The car day at 8 p.m. Members are brain damage . He has a severe of merit plan he used in deter- he said. seen he was wearing a black and struck the deer killing it in- asked to bring a covered dish pelvic fracture , and has six Members Named mining future salary increases It would be an act of symbol- orange reversible ski jacket, stantly and causing $250 dam- to pass. broken ribs plus fractures of the for faciifl y members. ic violence, Robertson contin- brown corduroy trousers and a age to the front of the car. The organizations are remind- Selection of five facult y mem- The five-member council was left shoulder and left leg. Or- bers who will serve on n Winonn established under provisions of THE restructurin g of the ad- ued , and the nation has too rust colored sport shirt. Neuman was not injured. ed of memorial services sched- thopedic surgery was perform- ministrative staff recommended m. Teachers Council representing the "meel and confer " law uled Saturday at 2 p. ed foilflw/ng the accident. adopted by the state legislature Monday night would allow (or His doctor described his con- the Winona Education Associa- more effective application of ( governing board-teacher rela- dition as serious-critical , Vogel tion \VEA) and the Winonn Fed- tions in areas such as contract whatever plan for evaluation is said, Richard' s sister , Ellie , eration of Teachers fWFT) in negotiations and other matters, established hy the joint com- Damage High who arrived at Fort Gordon any meetings with the School mittee and approved by tha Monday, told her father Mon- Hoard of Independent District COUNCIL moWb_ersliip Is de- hoard. llfil during the coming year was termined on a ratio basis in con- Allen said he 'd like the new day night that at that time he "to come up with In Collision was still in a comn. reported to school directors sideration of respective, total assistants Monday night . memberships of various teacher some detailed job descriptions Police . investigated one acci- His mother , Mrs, Francis for .school principals and de- Whcelock , Rochester , arrived at Named to the council by the organizations. dent this morning resulting in WEA were Bernard Bnratto , an This yenr , ns was the case partment heads . $1, 100 property damage. There Fort Gordon at fi a.m. today. The job descriptions submit- According to information instructor al Winona Senior last year , the Winonn Education were no personal injuries. Association will be represent etl ted Monday for the assist ant which Mr. Vogel received , the High School; Ernest O. Buhler , .superintendents represented a A 1957 mode) sedan driven by Winonn Junior High School by four members nnd the WFT John M, Morphew , 39, St. Char- accident occurred nbout one del ni Ted outline of responsibili- guidance counselor; Vernell by one. areas of personnel and les, Minn., was struck In the mile from the base when Rich- The WKA certified ils ties in ard who was walking on high- J ackels , Senior High instructor , mm curriculum. rear by a tractor semi trailer a and A FIFT H member , who will Till': nOAItl) probably will for additional consideration next at 2:01 a.m. on Highway 01-14 a.m . .Sunday and his son was serve as an alternate represen- take action at its next meeting Monday. 900 feet west of Huff Street . injured about an hour earlier . tative for Ihe WEA is Vincent formally recognizing Ilnrnllo , If the board approves tho Police said both vehicles were Richard , graduating from Cot- Trillici , a teacher nt Washing- Buhler , Jnckcls , Matson and recommended reorganization , westbound and thai , after im- ter niflh School in W>7, microti tnn-Koseiiiskn School. Lnwver as council members for directors wanted to know when pact , both went Into the ditch at service In October I hat year The WFT will be represented Ihe coming yenr. the , superintendent I bought tlio KAIILY MrtHNING ACCIDKNT ... A after 2 a.m. today after being struck by a and of hy Thomas O Lawyer , Winona No tlate has been set as yet restructuring might be effected, , the south etlge of the highway. was with the infantry . 1957-modcl sedan owned by .lohn M Morphew , trnclor- .scml-lrniler. There were no injuries , Damage was $(i(Kl to the front of tho I 7;trtl Airborne Division in Senior High School , with John for the first meeting of the Nelson said he felt this 'M) , St. Charles, sits al the south edge of (Daily News photo) the truck and trailer and $500 Viclnnm from June , HIGH , to Pendleton anrl Arnold Hoffe board and council on 11)70-7 1 should be done as snon as possi- Highway 61-14 just west of Huff Street shortly to the rear of the enr. June this' yenr. listed as alternates. contract matters. ble niter approval is voted.

il MARK TRAIL 'X By Ed Dodd §1 Mapping Wight Smoking/ Diseased Janet Handles Arteries Related? CHICAGO (AP) - Three Dan- tional Symposium on Athero- ish scientists reported today evi- sclerosis. Two Daddies dence that carbon monoxide The Danes' joint paper at the from cigarette smoke may con- symposium reported experi- By EARL WILSON tribute to development of dis- ments with rabbits which were high cholesterol—saturated NEW. YORK — Janet Leigh's daughter Kelly Curtis, 13, eased arteries in smokers. fed They connected it specifically fat—and normal diets in atmos- who is also Tony Curtis' daughter, was comparing daddies with disease pheres containing carbon mon- another little girl in the Beverly Hills world recently and said , to atherosclerosis , a by the accumula- oxide and various oxygen con- daddy is a stock broker." characterized "My tion of fats in the walls of the centrations. Later she said , "My daddy is an actor. " They found that cholesterol An obvious discrepancy. larger arteries. Her girl friend stopped her. This condition is related to the deposits in heart and aorta tis- "Oh, yes," beamed Kelly, "I have two daddies." planning has USO Christmas better-known arteriosclerosis sue of the rabbits exposed to "Golly ! Are you lucky!" said her friend; visit to Vietnam . . . Bravo: and is held responsible for most carbon monoxide was 2.5 times Janet, now the wife of Robert Brandt , the investment broker, Marilyn Maye's slick new show heart attacks and strokes and greater than that in rabbits fed was in town promoting ABC s at the St. Regis Maisonette some other disabilities related cholesterol but living in a nor- highly rated "Movie of the says. "Daddy should be allow- with just enough Kansas City to the circulatory system. mal atmosphere. Week" TV program. ' ed to come in any old time." in it for us. Midwesterners. The rabbits exposed to carbon "I think we handle it pretty Abe Burrows, praising Nat Jane Morgan led the cheering Carbon monoxide Is a toxic ¦ com- monoxid&Valso showed marked well," she said. When she and Lefkowitz, president of the . . • - . Gina Lollobrigida 's steady gas formed by incomplete increases in Carboxyhemoglobin Tony decided to divorce, Janet Wm Morns Agency when he U lucky George Kaufman . . . . bustion of a carbon-based fuel. . in auto- concentrations in their blood. consulted a counselor on how got the Anti-Defamation League Burgess Meredith reports It is found , for example, Carboxyhemoglobin is a mole- mobile exhaust. . . to break it to Kelly and a sis- award for ; Human Relations, James Mason's agreed to play cule made up of carbon monox-. ter, Jamie, 10, so they "wouldn 't explained ,"That means he was a . half-Chinese, half-English The scientists, Drs. Paul As- ide bound to hemoglobin, a com- ¦ John have any hangups." : human to his relations" . . ' wheeler dealer in his "Touch trup, Knud Kjeldsen and ponent of red blood cells. it has gone smoothly. & Go" : movie in Hong Kong Wanstrup of the University of And . Harry Hershfield went to Beth- their Ordinarily , hemoglobin "We explained that Mommy Israel Hospital for a checkup . . . Beautiful Daniele Gaubert, Copenhagen, presented ¦ " findings at the second Interna- transports oxygen -from the and Daddy couldn't get along. . . . - . Chandler's West wanted star , of . "Camille 200Q," and lungs to body tissues in the "Then when I get to_ _sej)d Katharine Hepburn ski king Jean-Claude Killy have blood , but in combination with married again, I spoke to them lunch while she was rehears- moved their romance to N.Y. Monkeys on carbon monoxide it delivers no again . . . When Tony wanted nearby in "Coco" but she said from Europe.. oxygen and thus acts to as- to get married, I told them Thanks, she brings it from customer at Danny's Hide- " 'Speed' phyxiate the tissue. again. Then when Tony ^wanted A 'Pot home .. . Peter Nero, a big hit away bought champagne for the The scientists said the concen- to divorce . Christine Kaufman at the Rainbow Grill, mixes WASHINGTON, DC. - A bouse; $300 worth . . . Res- three-year experiment with the trations of this molecule in the and marry Leslie Allen, I ex- contemporary with his Rach- Van Rapoport's prize- rabbits js similar to that found; plained that. They understand taurateur effects of "speedy (ampheta- mmoff & Bach in his album: winning horse, Mr. Spindletop, in heavy smokers. . and the only difference is that "From 'Hair' to Hollywood." mines) and marijuana on little had to be destroyed after a gray Indian rhesus . monkeys they have four people in love Secret Stuff : The leading lady . - .. The tempera- with them instead of two. road accident . . . and Ugandan , chimpanzees _ is of a big film didn 't show at mental he-man star of a new the premier. The explanation: being conducted through a joint JANET scrupulously avoids major film threatens not to at- effort of the Air Force and the "She was sick ..." "Of what?" tend the much ballyhooed taking acting jobs that will sep- HIOH SCHOOL ARCHER . . . Steve in Eagle Valley Saturday. It was the bow- Justice Department's Bureau of arate her from the girls. And .. . "The picture." premiere: for no apparent rea- Severson, 15 Arcadia High School sopho- hunter's, :first deer. (Mrs. Franklin Sobotta Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Tony, "being in a rather pe- Comedian Joey Adams was son. , v ¦ in the New niore bagged this 8-point photo) '.¦""" at Holloman AFB, NITES: 7:15 - 9:15 culiar business," can drop in heckled by a baby girl, Greta TODAY'S WORST PUN: , , 180-pound buck Mexico desert. on the children any time he Thyssen's 8-month old dtr., There's a plan (writes Joe The purpose of the project is $1.50 - $1.25 - NO PASSES Genevieve Guenther, at a wants tc—even at 7 a.m. when Peikes of CBS radio) for an to establish scientific facts on A man went looking for America.l he's on the way ' March of Dimes meeting at the to the studio off-B'way ; m usi c a 1 about which to base drug control And couldn't find it anywhere.,, if he likes. Friars for the Nov. 30 tribute weight-watchers: It's to be Voiee of the Outdoors laws, according to Dr. Milton j "The plan , to Bert & Burt Bacharacn. called "No-Cal Cutta." Jaffe of the Narcotics Bureau. where Daddy -The—babyr~bouncing^around"on drops in at 4 every Sunday Window Breaking Deer , than last year. Travel is restrict- -three birds. The limit there was "We're not sayin g these and her- mother's distracting bosom, WISH I'D SAID THAT: Fred ! Thursday doesn't work," she Verdi:Ellies, 714 W, Wabasha ed and hunting pressure has four. The general average for things, are good, bad or indif- kept wailing "P.a.jja, da da ," Allen explained why people pre- St., , • ferred TV to radio: "They'd reported two garage win- been light" the state, as reported by the ferent," Jaffe said. "We're sim- Am Winona Daily Newt with Joey yelling, "Hey kid , I dows broken recently, not by game department , was one bird ply trying to assess their effects ™« Winona, Minnesota shut-up. " rather: look at something bad than hear something good." i Halloween vandals but by a Here and There for . hunters. by developing ways of studying TUESDAY, NOV. 4, 1969 The B.W. and I viewed the ' deer. In fact, the deer , appar- REMEMBERED Q U 0 T E: Lines run by local trap- them, arid that's a long proc- huge Cartier's diamond (pro- ently the one that has been seen The bottom dropped out of MHDO C0Mi%XYrtnj a>4«fl w(fc ' 'mmaamjBC&t •'The secret of a happy mar- pers in open areas of the ref- ess." ¦ enseal HtQOUCl>OHSt " j^Out at the ^^X [ RwyisofTEaiNaxjar ^E y^^^MORRoSr^ffljw 7:15 - 9:20 ~ £y/ EVERY WEDNESDAY -. HH ft ENDS TONITE m O JC ^4 55e - $1.25 - $1.50 * My / Delicious BAKED SHORT ^ ^ \vf^'ll m '"" - ;/ RIBS — all you can ¦ ~ ¦ ¦ \p^r\. "BUTCH CASSIDY \f_\ Mi I eat for just f^ ' ^sym0^^^*I * ^f- ^f jr S >¦ ;, „ . "w ^L \fy \ "FAMILY VARIETY" rKIUA l Baked "Chlckon-AII " I i Hlch , s c r 11 m p t i 0 u a \ n r „ , ,„„ A with Dumplinua and 1; 5 CHICKEN , fioldcn bnt- :' .]' Katler-l rial Rsli-AII : Mnslied Pol.-iKics, Rich I 5 tor-fried PISH , and ten- ' !; served 4 to midnifiht — Gravy, VcRctnhle . Cnlc j \ (liT-linltod HAM—served V : with hYciich Fries Cole xlttftett7$r$0 , Slaw niniier Hulls nnd Kmnlly Stylo from 4:30 ! slaw , ninm- r Uolls , nnd : ;¦ BcvcniKo . . , THK ] to il p.m. Come join us }„ , '^'Vf raS''. AM,A,, \OUvnn SUPPER CLUB Ft Cif V "ALL" MEA NS AM, ¦,' fnr Ihis new dining do- : ;: \''lv^v • .«i r YOU CAN EAT, Try ill !; li (;ht . . . i ; CAN EAT ^Olt >—«*— medium cool robert forster/verna bloom/peter bonerz L^!?LJ l : mdridnna hill/harold blankenship r—.-- Lii^?_ I s~y Ly^L™ #-»*-•« * -— -^ **" fim'l S *^__ ' REGULAR MENU SERVED EACH NIGHT 'TIL MIDNIGHT ____ ' tally Friedman $ hadcell wexler/haikcll w*xler (5ft?&] \v/ \fwj Dance Saturday to the music of "THE MELLO TORES" TUESDAY The Weather The Daily Record NOVEMBER 4, 1969 ;, W. Burns Valley^ Municipal Court WINONA At Community Two-State Deaths Winona Deaths Attorney Julius Gernes enter- Road Recommended ed a plea of not guilty to a Memorial Hospital Doyle Rud Miss Mary Prochowitz 79 m.p.h. in charge of speeding Maternity patients: 2 to 3:30 and 7 to MONDOVI, Wis.—Doyle Rud, Miss Mary Prochowitz, 86, for- a 65 zone on behalf of his client «:30 p.m. (Adulti only.) 44, Mondovi Rt. 3, died Monday merly of 6U E. 5th St., died For 4-Lane Route St. Paul, Visitors lo e patient limited to two Larry L. Weber, 29, at one tlmi night of heart failure shortly Monday at 5:30 p.m. at St. Eliz- The Minnesota Highway De Construction would begin in and requested trial before a jury Visiting nours: Medical and surgical after being admitted to Buffa- abeth Hospital, Wabasha, Minn., partment has submitted a re- 1973 and possibly be completed D. McGill patlenls: no 4 and 7 to 8:30 p.m. (no of six. Judge John children under 12.) lo Memorial Hospital here. He where she had lived since 1953. commendation to the U. S. Bu- in 1974V y&m. scheduled trial for 9:30 had been ill for some time. She was born here July 9, reau of Public Roads that the at to be MONDAY 1883 to Alex; and Catherine Beck- The route was one of three Dec. 2 and set bond $3JK He was born March 6, 1925, two-lane West Burns Valley road days. Weber ADMISSIONS discussed at a hearing last paid within five at Marshfield to Mr. and Mrs. er Prochowitz. She was a mem- be reconstructed into a four- Oct. Mrs. Mary Speltz, Rolling- ber of St. Elizabeth Catholic Aid spring. Other suggested routes: was arrested at 6:21 p.m. Elmer: Rud. He lived in the Gil- lane from Winona to Wilson. 3 on Highway 61 south of Twin stone, Minn. Society and the Cathedral of the The East Burns Valley Road, manton area all his life except This particular route involves which basically follows tha Bluffs . by the Highway Patrol. Hubert Volkman, 803 W, How- Sacred Heart. ard St. during his service with the U.S. Trunk Highway 43 between a route of County Road 105, and Weber did not appear. Navy in the Pacific Theatre She is survived by two sis- point approximately .2 miles attorney for Mrs. Anna Fischer, Lewiston, a road between East Burns Richard H. Darby, during World War II. farm- ters: Mrs. Anna Fischer, Wino- north of the junction of TH90 at 45, 655 Frank- Minn. . A na, and Mrs. Katherine and West Burns valley roads Robert F. Griesel, er, he was a member of the Witt, Wilson and the junction of TH61 plea of not Mrs; Scott Tolleson , 1276 Park- Phoenix, Ariz. Two brothers wliich has been coiisidered a lin St., entered a Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at Winona. his client who view. have died. y blufftop route. WEATHER FORECAST V- ..Warm and clear weather is guilty, on behalf of of West Bennett Valley for- " with speeding 58 Miss Rose Marie Culhane, arid THE BUREAU of Public Richard Klobuchar, design due for most of the nation tonight. Rain and showers are is charged mer president of the church Funeral services will be at 40 zone. Griesel was Rushford, Minn. . Roads is expected to render engineer, district headquarters forecast for most of the Northeast to the Eastern Great m.p.h. in a council. He was president of 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Burke's arrested at 10:25 p.m, Friday on Scott Luedtke, Minnesota City, Funeral Home and at 10 a.m. at its decision in the near future. of the Minnesota Highway De- Lakes regions, southern Florida and the north Pacific coast. - the Gilmanton School Board at Highway 61-14 east of Winona Minn. the Cathedral, the Rt. Rev. partment, Rochester, said that (AP Photofax) ; > the time of his death and a :^ by the Highway Patrol. Griesel Mrs. Nick Apel, Rollingstone, Msgr. Harold J. Dittman offici- his office has conducted more member of the Gilmanton • not . appear in court. Minn. ating. Burial will be in St. studies of several factors raised did American Legion. He married FORFEITURES: Paul Rahn, 158 W. Wabasha Mary's Cemetery. at the Oct. 21 hearing. Local Readings Mildred Schultz May 16 Wilfred S. Schlaefer, St. Paul, St. ' , 1945. Council Urges Klobuchar pointed out that his Survivors are: His wife; Friends may call at the fu- Readings for the 24 hours ending at noon today: Minn., $30, speeding 65. m.p.h; DISCHARGES neral home this evening after office recognizes the fact that three sons, Roger, Mondovi, Rt. High temperature 44, low 34, noon 41, trace of preci- in a 55 zone, 11:30 a.m. Oct, 18, Michele DuBois, St. Paul, 7. Msgr. Dittman will conduct various local government agen- 3; Larry, River Falls and . . . pitation. . - Highway 61 in Winona , arrest Minn. , a Christian wake service at 8. cies are not agreed. So an in- John, at home; three daugh- A year ago today: by Highway Patrol. James Creeley, 1750 Kraemer Stv Elizabeth 'Society will pro- Creeper Lane depth study of all factors was ters, Mrs. Rodney ¦ (Judy) Pe- High 48, low 39, noon 48, precipitation none. Francis A. Dahl, Rochester, Dr. vide an honor guard at the made before arriving at a deci- terson; Myrna, Minneapolis Normal range for this date 51 to 32. Record high 68 Minn.; $15, disobeying traffic, Sheila Ackley, Arcadja, Wis. , church Wednesday morning. sion (The Winona County Board and Carol at' home; five grand- In 1895, record low 7 in 1951. signal, 2:50 -a.m. - Saturday, West Rdbert Grossell, 559 E. King , of Commissioners had favored children; two brothers, Merle Reinstatement Sun rises tomorrow at 6:48, sets at 4:52. 5th and Main streets. St.. Winona Funerals the East Burns Valley ' route). Theodore R. Stenzel, La BIRTHS and Dale, Mondovi , and seven A resolution calling for rein- ' sisters, Mrs. Roger (Bernita) IN ADDITION to engineering Crosse, Wis., $30, speeding 80 Mr. and Mrs. Darold Block, Miss Claire K. Gehres statement of the Stockton Hill 11: 20 a.m. ' '¦ ' Forthun and Mrs. . Bernice factors, Klobuchar said they m.p.h. in a 55 zone, Winona Rt. 3, a son. - - :' Funeral services for Miss creeper lane project by the Oct. 25, highways 61-14 and 43, Dregney, Mondovi; Mrs. Robert Claire K. Gehres, 123 E. San- State Department of High- considered the character of the land. It was found that arrest by Highway Patrol. ((Helen) Bartholomew, Keno- born St., were held this afternoon ways was adopted Monday the East IMPOUNDED DOGS Burns Valley road would create Fasfenal Co., 69 Lafayette. St., sha; Mrs. Noll (Cora) Davis, at Burke's Funeral Home, Dr. night by the:City Council. (Lyla) greater disturbance than the $5, overtime parking, 10:43 a.m. No; 181 — Black Labrador Alma; Mrs. Lyle Kent, Fred E, Luchs, First Congrega- Council action came as a re- (Alma) West Burns Valley route, part- Oct. 9, Lafayette Street, male, available. Racine; Mrs, Donald tional Church, officiating. Burial sult of the recently announced Pat Shortridge, 402 E. San- Hanson, White Bear Lake, was in Woodlawn Cemetery. cancellation of the project by ly because the West Burns high- No. 182 — Part German shep- way already exists and the born St., $5, overtime parking, Minn., and Mrs. Bernard (Mar- Pallbearers were Paul Gehres, the highway department. The herd and black Labrador puppy, orientation of residents and de^ 11:40 a.m. Oct. 7, Johnson Street. available. gie) Davis, Milwaukee. Eugene Solberg and George, project was to have been up velopment to the West Burns Roger Lemmer, 728& E. 3rd No. 186 Female black Lab- Funeral services will be Fri- Carl, Edward and Dennis for bidding next month and — road already exists. East Burns Forecasts Elsewhere St., $5, overtime parking, 1:45 rador pup, available. day at 2 p.m. at the Good Shep- Grahdl. V construction was ; scheduled fbr the Valley has a sheltered rural High Low Pr. p.m. Oct. 8, East 3rd Street . No. 195 — Small brown female, herd Lutheran Church, next month under the prior de- Rev. Thomas Hoversten offic- Benjamin G. Prigge character, said Klobuchar, and Albany, cloudy .... 60, 48 .07 Roger Brown, 817 E. Front mixed breed , available. partment schedule. The depart- Minnesota overtime parking, 7:29 iating. Burial will be in the Funeral services for Benjamin the residents settled there with Albuquerque, clear . . 53 30 .. St., $5, No, 196 — Small white and ment revealed last week that Fair to partly cloudy to- p.m. Oct. 3, East 3rd Street. church cemetery. G. Prigge, 1011 E. Broadway, it had been indefinitely post- this in mind, : Atlanta, clear ...... 63 35 . . .. brown female¦ , mixed breed , night through Wednesday. A William M. John, La Crosse, available. Friends may call at the who died Sunday at Community poned. Economically speaking, said Bismarck, clear ... 49 23 . Memorial Hospital little colder some sections $30, speeding 50 . m.p.h. in a 30 Kjentvet & Son Funeral Home , will be Wed- Mayor Norman E. Indall said Klobuchar, East Burns Valley Boise, clear ...... 59 38 . No, 197 — Small female puppy, nesday tonight, low 22-32. High Wed- zone, 7:35- p.m. Thursday, High- from 3 p.m. Thursday to 11 at 2 p.m. at Immanuel he is organizing a protest that road would have been the most Boston, rain ...... 61 53 .01 white and brown, part terrier, Lutheran Church nesday 48-56 north, 54-62 way 14 at Gilmore Avenue, ar- a.m. Friday, and at the church , Silo, rural will include resolutions by mu- costly although there was not Buffalo, cloudy < . ... 52 42 .31 third day. Lewiston, the south. ' rest by the Highway Patrol, from noon. Rev. Merle Kitz- nicipal governments of Good- too much difference among the Charlotte, clear .... 69 34 No. 198 Black male, part manh officiating. Diane B. Dunning, 760 E. — Burial will be view, Lewiston and Stockton. three proposed routes. This Chicago, cloudy .... 44 39 .48 cocker, available. . William Gehrking in the church cemetery. Wisconsin Cincinnati cloudy . 47 37 .12 Broadway, $30, speeding 70 Southeastern Minnesota mem- would not have been a decisive , . No. 199 — Tan female, mixed WYKOFF, Minn. (Special) — Friends may call at Breitlow- Cleveland cloud .48 38 .. m.p.h. in a 55 zone, 2 :30 a.m. bers of the League of Minne- factor by itself , Klobuchar point- Partly cloudy tonight and , y breed , no license, first day. William Gehrking, 74, rural Martin Funeral Home this eve- Denver, clear ..... 41 26 .. Monday, Highway 61-14 south of sota Municipalities also have ed out. Wednesday. L«w tonight 27 Winona , arrest by Highway Pa- Wykoff, died at his farm home ning from 7 to 9 and at the Des Moines, cloudy . 41 37 .. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ adopted a resolution asking for The recommended route ba- to 34. High Wednesday most- trol. ' ¦- ' . ' Monday evening. He had suffer- church Wednesday after 1 p.m. ly in the 50s, Detroit, rain ...... 46 39. .03 the project reinstatement, May- sically follows the present route Barry V. Costanzi, St. Paul, Two-State Funerals ed a heart attack a week ago. There will be a devotional serv- Fort Worth, clear ., 61 44 .35 A retired farmer and tailor or Indall told the council. of TH43 with some relocation , speeding 65 m.p.h, in a 50 , ice this evening at 8:45 at the Helena, clear ...... 54 28 • " .. $30 Carl Ducke 1895, in Other users of the road , in- in the upper end of the valley S.E. Minnesota zone, 6:25 p.m. Monday, High- he was born May 15, funeral home. Indianapolis, rain ..45 36 .11 HUKAH, Minn. (Special) - Germany. He served in the Ger- cluding school bus drivers, will where one roadway of the di« 61 north of Whitman Dam, Fair to partly cloudy and Jacksonville, cloudy 72 55 way Funeral services for Carl man Army during World War I Ervin H. be asked to provide documen- vided roadway would be lo- arrest by Highway Patrol. Brus* a little cooler tonight, low Louisville, clear .... / 48 38 .10 Ducke, 76, were held at Milwau- and - came to America in 1922, Funeral services for Ervin H. tation of the heed for the proj- cated on the west side of West 28-32. Fair to partly cloudy Memphis, clear .... 55 38 .04 kee Wednesday with burial settling in Rochester. He was a Bruss, Post Falls, Idaho, a for- ect. Data are being assembled Burns Creek. Some relocation and warmer Wednesday, Miami, cloudy ..... 80 71 .. there, tailor in Rochester and Spring mer resident here, were held to illustrate the long history of is proposed on a 1.2 mile seg- high 54-58. Outlook Thurs- Milwaukee, cloudy . 44 37 .45 He died Oct. 25 at a Milwau- Valley before coming to Wykoff this ; afternoon at St. Martin's postponements for the Stock- ment immediately west of Glen day: Mild with no important Mpls.-St.P., cloudy , 42 35 V. WSC Speaker kee rest home. in 1929. On July 3, 1930, he mar- Lutheran Church, the Rev. A. U. ton Hill project, Mayor indall View Road where the recom- precipitation. New Orleans, cloudy $1 40 .. He was born at Hokah to Mr. ried Martha Affeldt here. In Deye officiating. Burial was in said. mended route would be located New York, cloudy .67 57 .. and Mrs, Frank Ducke and at- 1962 he retired from tailoring Woodlawn Cemetery. When assembled, approximately 400 feet south of to a farm. had the materi- River Okla. City, clear ... 53 31 .. tended the public school here. and moved He Pallbearers were Norman and al will be presented the existing highway/From near . ¦ been a member of Immanuel to state ¦ Omaha, clear ...... 39 27 .„ Will Appear He taught manual training and Donald Schniepp, Richard Har- officials by a delegation , the Glen View Eoad to the junction Flood Stage 24-hr. Philadelphia, cloudy 68 51 woodworking in Milwaukee Lutheran Church since 1930 and ris, Willard Matzke, Edward of TH61 the recommended route vjl- mayor said. Stage Today Chg. Phoenix, clear ...... 81 48 schools until he retired. had served on the Wykoff Kindt and Oscar Gerth. again generally follows the pre- fage council. Red Wing ...... 14 2.5 0 Pittsburgh, cloudy . 50 40 .06 Survivors are: One son, sent highway and this segment Lake City ...... 6.1 0 Ptland; Me. cloudy ¦. .57 48 .57 Ralph, Milwaukee, and two Survivors are: His wife; two Thomas J. Con key was common to all alternate . In 2 Programs sons William Jr., Rochester Former Wabasha ...... 12 7.0 0 Rapid City, clear ... 43 28 .. grandchildren. His wife, one , , Funeral services for Thomas Winonan routes considered. and Gerald R., Wykoff ; three Alma Dam, T.W. .. 4.3 -.1 Richmond, cloudy . 74 44 Winonans will have two oppor- brother, Frank and one sister , J. Conkey, Hackensack, Minn., . , , grandchildren ; three brothers Mapsi sketches, and other Whitman Dam . .. 2.5 —.1 St. Louis rain ...... 48 36 T tunities Wednesday to hear Saul ) , a native of Winona , who died Dies After Being , Mrs. Harley (Edyth Oaks, have August, Germany; George Ro- data used in determining the Winona D., T.W. .. 3.1 - .6 Alinski, one of the leading ad- , Saturday at his home, were Salt. Lk. City, clear . 59 34 .. died. chester, and Fred, Wykoff , and route recommendation and re- . ' vocates of self-determination as held this morning at the Cathe- Struck by Auro WINONA ...... 13 5.2 - .4 San Diego/ clear ... 81 50- - .. three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Zazu- quest for approval is available Trempealeau P. ... 10.0 0 a way to solve local problems Mrs. Anna Rmn dral of the Sacred Heart, the San Fran., cloudy ... 69 52 bek, Rochester, and Lena and TACOMA, Wash. - Monica for review at the District Head- Trempealeau D. in the United States. ROLLINGSTONE, Minn. - Rt. Rev. Msgr. Harold J. Ditt- .. 4.0 —.2 Seattle, rain ...... 57 50 .16 Thea , Germany. An infant dau- Patricia Norstrude, 14, daugh- quarters of the Minnesota High- Dakota .. 7.4 —.2 Tampa, cloudy .... 77 65. ' According to William J. Sul- Funeral services for Mrs. Anna man officiating. Burial was in ¦ . .. ghter and a brother have died. ter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. way Department in Rochester, Dresbach Pool . ..'.' 9.4 Washington ' livan, Winona State College lec- Rinn will be at 10:30 a.m. Wed- St. Mary's Cemetery. , clear . 73 47 . . Funeral services will be Norstrude, Tacoma, Wash ./for- Minn. Dresbach Dam ." . . 1.9 —.2 T-Trace. tures and concerts chairman, nesday at Oak Ridge Catholic Pallbearers were Ian Arm- Alinski will take part in a Sem- Thursday at 2 p.m. at Immanu- mer residents here and in Rol- La .Crosse .... 12 4.8 —.1 Church instead of the Trinity strong, Harry, Joseph and inar "Eastman Kodak and el Lutheran Church, the Rev. lingstone was struck by a car Tributary Streams , Church here as originally re- Thomas Allaire, Robert Conkey FIGHT," a discussion of the Andrew Kubik officiating. Burial Monday evening while walking Windows at Eleva Chippewa at Durand 2.1 —.2 Bird Glub Meet ported. The Rev. Leland Smith and Douglas Steihm. black community's challenge to will be in thc church cemetery. along a street near her home Zumbro at Theilman 28.7 0 will officiate. Burial will be in Cleaned by 4-H'ers "Nature Is Like That" will be management prerogatives and Friends may call at Ander- and died of injuries an hour la- Trempealeau at D. 2.7 —.2 Holy Trinity Church Cemetery. son-Thauwafd Funeral Home F-C WOMEN'S GUILD ...... the program subject at the No- other topics, at 4:15 p.m. in the FOUNTAIN Wis. (Spe- ter at a hospital there. ELEVA, Wis. (Special)-Wax Black at Galesville 1.5 —.1 Friends may call at the Roll- here after 2 p.m. Wednesday CITY, vember meeting of the Hiawa- Pasteur Auditorium. cial) 's Guild of She was born June 8 1955 in and soap applied to windows of La Crosse at W.S. 5.0 ingstone Funeral Home after 2 and Thursday until noon and — The Women , +.6 tha Valley Bird Club of Winona At 8:15, also in the Pasteur St. John's United Church of Albert Lea , Minn., to Charles business places here by Hallo- Root at Houston 5.4 0 p.m. today. There will be a then at the church after 1 p.m. scheduled for Wednesday at Auditorium, Alinski will lecture prayer service at 8. Christ will meet Wednesday at E. and Ria Merda Norstrude. ween pranksters were removed RIVER FORECAST 7:30 p.m. at Lake Park Lodge. on, "People , Power and Urban Mrs. Ernestine Wiech 2 p.m. at the church fellowship The family moved here in about Saturday by members of the Setters 4-H Wed. Thurs, Frl. The program has been arrang- Crisis." Miss Dorothy Peterson LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) hall. The speaker will be Mrs. 1956 where they lived until 1964. Beef River Pace club's Red Wing , 2.4 2.3 2.3 ed and will be presented by the During his appearances , Alin- PEPIN, Wis. (Special) - Fu- — Mrs, Ernestine Wiech , 82, Jane Kwawu, Gana, Africa. Mr. Norstrude was employed Club. It was part of the 1 service project. Winona ...5.0 4.9 4 ,9 bird club president, William sky can be expected to com- neral services for Miss Dorothy Lake City, died suddenly Mon- Women of the United Church of at the Jonway Tool & Die Co., community the club taking La Crosse . 4.7 4.6 4 .6. Drazkowski, It will consist of an ment on his involvements with Peterson , 71, Stockholm , who day afternoon at Lake City Mu- Christ, Cochrane, and St. Paul's Inc., and the family attended Members of ¦ part were Bruce Bauer, Greg illustrated narrative, in ques- what he believes are effective died Wednesday at Pierce Coun- nicipal Hospital. and St. Luke's UCC, Alma, will the Assembly of God Church. alternatives to current social ty Manor Ellsworth, were held Martin , Brian Semingson, Ton- WINONA DAM LOCKAGE tion and answer form, covering , The former Ernestine Hars- be guests. Hostesses will be the They lived in Rollingstone from problems: Black power labor Saturday at her home in Stock- ya , Tammy, Christine and many facets of local flora and , tedt, she was born April 11, Mmes. Edna Fried , Marvin Fu- 1964 to July 1968 when they organizing, the business holm the Rev. T. J. Sandness Becky Myer , Diane, Debra and Monday fauna , with major emphasis on .vote, , 1887, in Burnett County, Wis,, gina , Wallace Haeussinger, Al- moved lo Tacoma. renter's protests _ all means to of Mound Minn., officiating. Sandra Bauer , Kathy Allison 12:40 p.m. — L. Wade Child- birds. Colored slides of photo- , to John and Hattie Harstedt and fred Heichel, Carl Heitman and Survivors arc : Her parents ; achieve participation Burial was in Oakland and Glnny Martin. ress, 12 barges, down. graphs taken by Drazkowski , giving Ceme- was married to Charles Wiech James Kirchner. people reasons for being citi- tery, Stockholm. one hrofher, Michael , at home; Small craft—1 . and, with minor exceptions July 11, 1909 in Mount Pleas- VISITS , zens. Pallbearers were Vaughn , great-grandchild. a grandmother, Frankfurt , Ger- NORTIIRUP Today never shown to the club mem- ant Township, Wabasha Coun- TREMPEALEAU, Wis. (Spe- There is no charge for the pro- Biles, Herman Larson Milton Funeral services will be many; an aunt , Mrs. Olen Ev- Flow — 15,900 cubic feet per bership before , ty. They farmed until his death ' Northrup, , will accompany grams and the public is invited. Lindgren Erwin Mattson Thursday at 10 a.m. at Our ans, Albert Lea , and an uncfe , cial) — Norris Nilcs second at 8 a.m . today. the talk. , , Je- rome Peterson and August Shel- in April 1936. She then moved Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Ivconard Norstrude , Washington , 10.1, for many years Trempea- 5:45 a.m. — Badger , 15 barg- Visitors are welcome to at- don. to Lake City where she was a Church, the Rev. John Mauel D.C. leau's oldebt resident , spent tho es up. , tend. She was born Aug, 19 member of the First United officiating. Burial will be in St. Liddle Funeral Home, Taco- weekend here. He made the trip , 1898, - Highway in Stockholm, to Anton and So- Methodist Church and its Wo- Stanislaus Cemetery. ma , has charge of arrange- with his daughter , Mr.s. Blanch 61 phia Peterson. She attended mens Society of Christian Serv- Friends may call at Killian ments. Reiehert of Prescott, Wis., with school at Stockholm and Pepin ice. Funeral Home from 4 p.m. Wed- whom he lives, anrl his grand- and was graduated from the Survivors are; One son , Clar- nesday. Rosaries will be said daughter , Mrs. L. W. Mencham In Years Gone By Route Shown University of Wisconsin , Madi- ence, Lake City ; a daughter, Wednesday at 7:30 and 8 p.m., Planning Meet, of Ellsworth. Guests of Mir. and son, She was a public school Mrs. Elmer (Elenor) Wind- the latter led by Rev . Mauel. Mrs. Eli Motschenbacker, ho teacher until she retired in .1959. horst, Lake City; six grand- Dinner for had visited with two nieces, Ten Yea rs Ago . . . 1959 Since that time she made her children ; seven great-grand- Frederick W. Suhr Mrs. Marie Voss , formerly of home in Stockholm. She was a children; anrl a brother , Her- Winonn , now of Daggett , Calif., Offers of Northern States Power Co to purchase all of To Board LEWISTON , Minn. - Freder- Merchants Set . member of Birmingham Art As- man , Lnke City. Two brothers and Mr.s. Vinson Rice, who the assets of Mississippi Valley Public Service Co ick W. Suhr, 62, Ft. Wayne, . for an Vern Harty and Frank Schloe- sociation of Birmingham, Ala., and a sister have died. Tho downtown relnil mer- moved to Trempealeau late this aggregate consideration of approximately $9 200 000 have Ind., a former resident here, , , ger , Minnesota State Highway and of Tau Chapter of Delta Funeral services will bo at. of the Winona Area summer. been approved by the Winona utility 's board of directors died Monday at his home. chants . Department, Rochester Zeta , University of Wisconsin. 1:30 p.m, Thursday nt First Chamber of Commerce will hold Rain mixed with snow is moving into the , Minn., A consulting engineer for Winonn area met with Winona Survivors are: One sister Methodist Church meeting Nov , 12 at the with a temperature reading of 43. County Com- , , the Rov . General Electric Co., Ft. a dinner missioners Tuesday morning Miss Laura Peterson , Stock- Robert E. Rollin Park Plaza to formulate plans John Wachowiak , who won the local Swift & Co letter to officiating. Wayne, ho was horn here to ., show them the r .' . holm; one aunt, Julia Peterson Burial will be for the promotion of downtown writing contest, has won a prize of three shares of Swift — in Lakcwood and Mrs. R. II. Suhr and IRREGULAR? proposed _ of Burbank , Calif., and nieces Cemetery. Mr. Winonn for thc. calendar year DUE TO LACK OF FOOD " stock in national competition. wns graduated from the Lewis- ¦ and nephews. Her parents and Friend^ may call nt 1970, BULK IN YOUR DIET route for County Pcter- ton High School and the Uni- Highway 61 nt . one brother have died. son-Shcehan Funeral Home According to David Johnston, Twe nty-Five Years Ago . aft- versity of Minnesota . In 1938 ™ BRAM . . 1944 er 2 p.m, Wednesday assistant chamber manager, all . Minneso t a Board basha counties furnishing ap- nnd he married Helen Bechter of A/a/> 9 City. A public Thursday until 12:30 ideas obtained during the moot- BUDS A plane piloted by LeRoy Luther , La Crescent , roared proximately 22 percent each of p.m. and Winonn and they moved to Ft. nmvyps hearing will then at thc church until ing will be recorded and a 1970 in over Highway 61, struck five electric power lines, nosed the expenses and Winona Coun- time Wayne. up, earth thnt village Nov. 19, of services. program formulated. Johnston stalled nnd plunged to . be held in ty the remaining 56 percent. Survivors nre: His wife, and area residents will be snid ideas nol of n promotional when At a special session on Oct. a son , Robert, Peoria , 111. over to to voice their opinions Michael Bautch nature would bo turned Fifty Years Ago . . . 1919 able,., 8 Houston County commission- Funernl services will be held Levee Pla- the proposal. , ARCADIA , Wis. (Special) - tho newly appointed about ers adopted a resolution that it Michael ) Thursday nftcrnoon at tho Chal- za Commission. October will go down in records as a cloudy, rainy month The road extends from .2 of (Mike Bautch , 81 , dinrl wns the intention of that coun- Monday nt sant-Perry-Klnehn Mortuary, A social hour will he held nt somewhat above normal in temperature, according to a n mile from thc north junction 11:35 a.m. nt the ty to withdraw its support from nursing Ft. Wayne. Burial will be in a 5:15 p.m. nnd the dinner meet- statement made today by the focal weather observer , of state trunk highways 248 to home nt Lutheran Hos- the center as of June 30, 1970. pital , La Crosse Ft. Wnyne cemetery, ing will start nt 5:¦ the gift them the attributes of the few, al- determination. al reasons to explain the official bear lishment dominance in the foundation of power. There are lots of other of appreciated shares and of con- though some generalities are in or- world, a resentment exacerbated by hug. But the occasional rhetorical We hope that all reasonable Americans of all institutions, inside and outside the trol in family companies. The great der./' a certain arrogance perceived among misfires aside, Mr. Agnew is doing political factions and of all ages will give the Presi- government, that Congress might example is, of course,, the Ford foundation executives. Some persons WHICH MR. Agnew makes ro- okay, and the impudent yelping of dent the support he asked for and deserves in this fruitfully consider abolishing auto- Foundation. have abused the tax exemption for bustly. He said, at Harrisburg, that some of his snobbish critics is mu- active effort to bring to a close one of the un- matically after 40 years. Or it could "it is time to stop dignifying the sic to the ear. y happiest chapters in American history. — W.F.W. personal gain, but the larger con- really move against concentration THE SUM OF it is that the bill, as it now cern is with the possible concentra- of economic power by tightening the . stands, is not one that immature actions of arrogant, reck- Washington Star Syndicate tion of power in tax-free sources of screws oh inheritance of property. would break up a concentration of economic power and enlarge the Job opportunities money. But in the legislation as it stands, The concern and the resentment there is a basic inconsistency. If the number of sources of funds in our so- have a real basis, and it is right 40-year rule is intended to prevent ciety. It would almost certainly re- Wh ite¦¦¦ on Ag new duce the number -¦ for women expand that Congress should act to prevent concentration and to diversify and the function . of private World War II vintage citizens will remember abuses. But it is also essential to sources of funds in our society, the foundations, and , thus, in- WASHINGTON - The sudden consider the affirmative rote of foun- crease our reliance on the federal "Winnie the Welder" and "Ruby the Riveter." bill should encourage the creatjon of transformation of Spiro Agnew from BW^^^S^'^^T government. They personified the American housewife who had dations, and to understand before fi- new foundations' to replace the old. With the Whatshisnanie to Mister Vice Presi- been lured from the kitchen into the factory for nal passage how the legislation may But, in fact, it sharply discourages environmental and social affect that role. problems that how face the dent — and with a good deal of re- one reason or another. Money and patriotism were new ones. United Nixon with his vice president. The A quick way to indicate the sig- States, we surely do not want to nar- "Mister " certainly among them. spectful stress on the — President has now disposed of that nificance of foundations in the United TWO PROVISIONS are crucial. row the possible sources of new is a political development that is story by publicly commending Ag- Women liked it, and today the adage "that wom- States is to consider the contrasting One discourages gifts of appreciat- ideas. A wise Congress would look much more than a personal success new for doing "a great job." an 's place is in the home," has been modified . situation in Britain ed property , mostly shares that past its annoyance , where the tax have at the founda- Thus it is that where only yester- Their place may still indeed be in the home, but a laws comparatively discourage the increased in value over the years, to tions and think again before story. confin- day Spiro Agnew had wandered lone- great number of them feel that this doesn 't mean existence of foundations and private foundations. The other discourages ing them so severely. Agnew's decision to take on the ly through the corridors of this gov- in the home all the time. The need to augment the giving generally. Most universities in the owners of closely held companies Oct. 15 "peace moratorium" and his ernment, he is today meeting no dif- family income to meet generally higher standards Britain are totally dependent on gov- from creating new foundations based New York Time! News Service subsequent refusals to back down ficulty whatever in finding friends of living is a factor in causing many wives, to ernment funds. So is scientific re- on ownership of their shares. an inch from his attack upon the and allies. Significant lessons are to work , but it's equally true that a good percentage and are being drawn , from enjoy the business and factory world. .- K . ^7?ry "impudent snobs" among its leader- be drawn, y ' * %v^r "T ;v-, n^wH^' .$* 7 ' " -- v yK ^^ all this by other politicians. For i if V : ' < ;J , ) ' . * . , .,, „'. ' * -y ship has established him as, so It would be an overstatement to suggest that ' • , * - / ii * ¦ Agnew has proved all the following : • . , uiJV'V- *< F, * • * .> M- • ' ' < ' « ' to speak , a character with charac- the demand for women to work is as great now as * ^ '>' * ' * political propositions: ter. More importantly, he has cut in the national crisis of World War II but Depart- • Tharthe great bulk of the coun- ment of Employment Security says that Winona out for himself a unique role as the .J try, whatever its mixed feelings "is in the midst of the lightest labor supply we ' ' among all th, , *• -t \\ O "j: sv f* «Vj ?* , i «\ n . t preeminent defender, about Vietnam, is bone-tired of all have ever known. Some of the plants in Winona have * • "peace" at the top l , i e, ^ * . ,y, ~ American politicians, of the coun- those who shout been unable to maintain top production schedules ^ try's traditional values of patriotism of their lungs but are most bitterly because of short crews." L intolerant and repressive toward all and respect for lawfully constituted others who choose to dissent from Whatever the proportions of the needs, the em- Page 6a , Winona Daily News, Winona, Minnesota, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1969 authority . their own form of dissent. Indeed , ployment service and the YWCA are joining Wed- the limitless violence of the new pa- nesday in a Job Opportunity Workshop and are THE PLAIN truth is this: In going cifism is ils outstanding characterist- encouraging women to attend, lt would be an after the revolutionary extremists ic. ideal program for the women — married , single, within the "peace" forces — in- The fuss over cyclamate • That the great hulk of the coun- widowed . — to get the facts from a variety of cluding those few he has correctly try understands that it would be peri- sources. An editorial in alarming warnings are issued for Christians are busy attacking their if tactlessly identified in so many lous beyond measure — not to men- The Courier such things as contraceptive pills , government, their church , their fore- words as "anarchists and commu- Thc program for the morning shows that it' tion unconstitutional — if we got in- s Tlie fuss over the artificial sweet- even though it is admitted that they fathers and what have you , they nists who detest everything about not "a man 's world" : Ten of the 14 speakers are to the habit of trying to settle tho ening additive , called cyclamate, has have deleterious effects on humans. wallow in fear that has little to do this country " — he has done what women. most delicate of international ques- now erupted anew over some such with these things. many another public man has sim- BUT EVEN MORE important is tions by simply shouting in the Anyone persuaded lo go (o work addition to . baby foods. Some sci- ply not had the guts to do. will be joining the side effect , psychologically WHO WILL CRUSH tho link that slreets and counting the heads of the the crowd . About 4 ,200 - 35 entists have been calling into ques- Moreover (and this is thc vital percent of Winona 's speaking, of the whole current war binds together the circle of our shouters. work force are women; that's 1 (111 tion a whole , list of food supplements point), he has made it work, When , 1 more than 20 of nerves being waged by the FDA fears? Not the doom-sayers who rail That the great bulk of the coun- years ago. — A,B. and additives wliich affects a host of he denounced the refusal of the mor- • with regard to chemical additives, against governments, populations, the try is infinitely weary of (hose ¦ eating habits, atorium leaders to repudiate com- drugs, and nicotine. The entire cam- atmosphere, nations , against death , aspects of the so-called youth move- "The International Evidence for Ihe harmful effects radely salutes from the North Viet- Press Institute reports that paign is being put on the basis of yes, against more of their own hu- ment that regard draft-dodging and dist rust ol news media of these chemical compounds has namese communists, he unquestion- is growing in the United fear . man kind. If a .Christian is to be a revolutionary violence as not only States and constitutes come mostly from tests with animals. ably contributed to the substantial more of a challenge than lt is getting so that all of us will Christian , he must have no fear , permissible but actually badges of the technical and And while we are in no position to failure of that demonstration to the economic problems that beset he afraid to eat! Add this to the must acknowledge his own independ- intellect and honor. Ihe industry . . . The question results, it does seem a lillie extent that it was originally designed nation has special com- mess of fears we already have and ent worth as divinely loved , free of ( United Fenlure Sundkalc) missions coining j( incomprehensible that everyone out of s oa rs. But it might be we find ourselves in one horrible dependency upon pills, drugs, or hu- to hurl thc high foreign policy of n Rood thing should get so excited when no such this nation directly into the hands to appoint one more , composed of slate of anxiety. Fears and tensions man esteem to compete wilh his distinguished Americ. of marching crowds in thc streets. -ins outside the field of jour- are inducing more nnd more people neighbor for a place on earth. That nalism , to take a For the great majority of the peo- searching look at the news media, lo rush into the use of all sorts of is his Good News, but most of us if only lo discover that it ple involved in this affair had no still performs a useful func- substances to "blow our minds" into know so little about it. Can we save tion. " - New Bum, more love for Hanoi than he had N.C, Sun-Journal Piracy defined some kind of tranquillity and nir- a world this wav? , ¦ and his blunt assault upon Hanoi's vana. And Ihen , we are immediately ! have interference caused them to take sec- yet miiny things to say unto vim , hut ye An editorial in presented with horrendous images of cannot hear them now,—John ic,: y i. GRAFFITI by Leary ond thoughts. In a word, he divid- Milwaukee Journal Ihe dangers of using the escapes. A ed the true red-hols from the great circle of fear that needs to he broken When the problem of hijacking of mass of Ihe merely good-intention- airplanes was added recently to the as much as Ihe vicious circle of vio- ed. WINONA DAILY NEWS agenda of llie United Nations Assem- lence When , however, he passed from bly, several states , Poland amoiiR Young and old , we are a people for W ILLIAM F. W IIITB Publisher this point to the now-famous New CONVENIENCE C. E. L INIIKN theni , insisted that "piracy in the whom tear and depression is becom- ...... Htis. Mor. , Adv. Director Orleans speech addressed lo Ihe "im- ADOI .IMI B HKMKR air " was much loo severe a desig- ing a national disease. If we have SERVICES FOR . Kditor-in-Chicf pudent snobs," many here in Wash- C ARY W. E VANS Newa Edit nation for the subject , The title sub- no fear of food , drink and drugs, or ington — some of whom privately ERVIN H. BRUSS C. G OIIIION Hoi/i'K Sunday Editor sequently was toned down to "for- we have fears of a polluted atmos- agreed with him — thought thai he Funeral Held Today FitANK It . U III .IO chic) Edit. Writer cible diversion of aircraft. " phere , a fear of over-population , a had gone too far and would now be W II . I . I .IM II. H NOUSII Controller But not long alter , a Polish air- fear of children , a fear , worst of all , A. .1. KiHKiiiisni discredited . But not so at all. The BENJAMIN G. PRIGGE . , Circiilfi/iori Mgr. craft was forcibly diverted lo West of each other, Who can be <\ free L. S. ftiio.wK fact is that his own mail , along with Wednesday—2 P.M. Composing Supt, Berlin. Angry Polish authorities people , no -matter what the maxi- L. V .- A LSTON Kngravin ' 1 Ihe mail of olhers involved in one Immanuel Lutheran Church q Supt. termed the ad nol merely " piracy ' mum of options and choices reli gious- Silo, Minnesota R OY LOUD press Superintended! way or another in public affairs , has bill outright "terrorism." The Poles ly, politically, and occasionally, if shown that the nation both approv- MKMBI'.TI Or THK ASSOCIATED PRESS have now joine d those nations who we have all these fears. Fear de- ed what he had said and liked Breitlow-Martin are pushing hardest for UN action to stroys freedom more than any polit- The Associated Press ls enlitltd exclusively him for having said it. " to lighten up intcniational laws in re- ical or ecclesiastical system. the use for republication of all Ihe local news printed Funeral Home gard lo any interference with air- II seems lo he Ihe unfortunate in (his newspaper ns well ns all A.P. news dispntclm. THE ANTI-Agnewites had In tho 376 EAST SARNIA craft in flight. .Semantics depends on leiidcncy of man to identify Ihe meantime made great play of the WINONA , MINN. An Independent Ncwr.paper — Established 1855 whose ox is gored. wrong enemy. While citizens and alleged displeasure of President Phona Day cr Night 8-1528 ¦ ' : .;-; sure ')'' v : : ' :'¦¦ as the sun will rise. You cari ctiobsa from! • jHH^K>' ' ':A'iMMmlSM ^MMmSMMMS ^L ' ' ' *' ^ radiant, hot water or circulating atr systems. 7 mN^L^L-^L-WA -7 . . '.¦^^^^ ¦^^^ ¦ ; ' . ^ . We think you'll love it. And that's not just hot air. i y ' ' [ ' ' : •¦^^^^ ¦ ¦ : '^MLWMmMSSmmmmmmmMmmmmM': ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ' " ' ; 11 llm r^JHI^TIlrtrMJ.>lliii. ^ ifB^S^B^B^B^Lm' ' A ' 'A' - 'A^MMmiffimmm1 ^^^^ E! ^^ m' ' ' " ^-j^gjKffiBJOT ' ' ^ W^ZMB ^^FUK ^MM ¦ ^ ^ ¦ $AM»w9i ^^^^^^^^^^^^, E9BRH0i ^9^^^^^^ H^^HHH ^Hw: ^^l^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HK' ^Bik ^ - B B^L^HB^LWV. cf a^L^Lv 0MbfcHiKn^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I^^H^B8bBH ^^^^^^^HH!^^B^^^^H'J9I^^HI^^^^^Bl^^^^^^^^^^HRmu.l^ni^^^' ^B^B^B^B^B^B^B H m * -^mml 'flSHH^HKBH ufi^^HHiflH ^^BH^^^^HiflBftft. ^^^ft *iy mBBHM^^^MmMMl^^^^M^^^BMSa^B^^M^MB^^^Mmm^MMf^L^L^BW c!.mm Ctean " wl MSMSMMtLmmmmmmmmmmmMmm__ ^__^__^M^^t^^L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^KM^^^^M£^M^^BMmb ^^^M^^^^^^^^^M^MI^^^^^B^^MI^^MMI^^: V^-7i W&mBmmmmmmmmmmmW ^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^MSM^^^^^^M^~ 's«-7~m air In any home today W&3S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mmmmmmmmM ^^^^^^MM ^^^^^^^^^MhAn slectronlc air cleaner WML ^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^^^ MSM ^^^ K^M ^^^^^^^^^^^^ m remove up to 95% MuSM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mt/ E^^^^^^^^^Mm.' airborne Five Killed in ^^^^^^^^ ¦nW'y^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^MaL.: , cooking tobacco Ig^^^^^^^^ V"1 -:' V^H^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^HLw W_ sm°ke passing m ^ _fj ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_W^^^^n ^^^^^ MKL through the system wB^__^_^_^_^_^_^_m_w_ ^m ^ % *m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m HH ^^^^^^ B^B^^KIH y¦ :¦: Give VOlJr n0Se 8 Headon Crash mrw30^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^AniA^^K&2&3amkm *:/£&* ' ¦ ' ^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*tm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M AAli ^MK^^^nJrlmmmmmmmmm 'i-MS^^^^A^^^^S&^^^^^^^^^mAe m^^_w__ ^_^_^_^_^_^_^m_m^J Mn_^_mL_j__ ^l}y' v^mmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmimS^^^^m'' lS/fm^^^^^mm mj ^ K^^BB^mmmmmmm\^_mll^m mmmmmm ^ '^ KSMiMaBaaaaaaaaaBaHMBBBaaaaawRPMuB^^W^^ ¦ ^vA!j _ ^S^mAwm^m^m^m^m^m^m^A^^^9^Miiiii^^^ml^M^^^^MI^^^^t ^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^m^^^iSAtfBAKI ^^^^^^^^^^^^t^^^^ BSh^B^BMssssssssssssssssssssssssssftssssssBBfnKniF '^Si'^^v ' m&^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mSx ^^S^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B mk Near Dawson DAWSON, Minn. (AP —Five mmmW ^^^^^^^^^MS^y/A'AAyyAA ! 'A/yy.±fflmi&AA&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bipersons were killed in a head-on mmmmmmmmmmmmm ^MM^^M^Miiil'M^^mMK^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mcollision a half-mile east of mmmmmmmmmmmmmW^Mmm ^^^^lK^iA^^^Mm ^Mm ^&a< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M Dawson Monday night,, raising the Minnesota road toll to 809, compared with 876 through this ^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^StKcffi^^vI^I^^^Hl^ffiP^HI^HHB^^^^^^^^^^^Hr^^^^^lK^^^^^^I^^IJ^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^i^^^^^^^p date a year ago. H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HHS^^-^^^:: K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B The state Highway Patrol ^^^^^^^9^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^nSafci ' . '^_\\\\\\\ _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^ HK9^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B* Identified the victims as: John Carroll, 38, Arlington, Minn., said to be the driver of one car ; Louis Rauschendorfer, 47, Ar- lington, a passenger in the Car- roll car; Irene Rauschendorfer, 46, Ar- lington, wife of Louis; Barbara Carroll, 33, Arlington, wife of John, And Maurice Kallhoff, 30, Dawson, driver of the second vehicle. Pllt OR happy face. IV The Patrol said the accident 9 a^BBsl^BBSSSSSSSSSSSsV apparently happened about 5:40 Now because of electricity you can even control ^L k^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_W the humidity In your home. Hot , drying interior winter air ^k ^AA^AA^AA^AA^km p.m. on Highway 212. The vic- can be moistened to comfortable levels And sticky, tims were said to have died at --\L^^^^^^^^^B skin saturating moisture can be totally eliminated ^ the scene. In the summer. All automatically vv ^^^^^^^^ L r&a ^^^^^^^^^ . / "^v District Judge

f^^Bi^BaV1 yy^Ii9na«aTaaaaaam AaH i ' ""* Vtfmna BTsvBfl^laCalled to Sit ¦- j •S 1 TjT "^lte iJmUM^^MOn State Court ST. PAUL (AP) - The Minne- --Mif sota Supreme Court has expand- ^^^BHBi ed its panel to nine judges by '' ^mrn ' '.JHJ^^^^Hicalling up District Judge . John W. Graff, St. Paul- to sit as a temporary member. < ' i'm^mmmmmmmmmmWWWWWWAdditional district judges will , Ja^BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap F-'aBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe summoned ^^ as long as neces- . . .. y ^__\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W\^^sary to handle the court's grow- Osage Indians Seek * _\ __^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^^^^^^ing work load, said Chief Justice Oscar R. Knutson. Graff , 66, will handle Supreme Court cases through the current Settlement for Land term which lasts: through December By DAYTON BLAIR recent years; There are about maining three months were f % . 5,000 members of the tribe to- %V 1 IM-Pl il 1 s^ SaiiKS Under the. state constitution, TULSA, Okla. W — Early in spent at their villages where uti l the high court can appoint the 1800s, before the white man day. they raised vegetables and f% ixuii i ^y^arc ir retired Supreme Court judges moved westward through the ; Involved is 15.3 million acres fruits. r and can bring in one district extending from east of Fort judge at a time: Plains, Osage Indians farmed Smith, Ark., up the Arkansas Hunting camps and garden There are seven regular mem- and hunted over a four-state River through the city pf Tulsa plots along the Arkansas Riv- bers of the Supreme Court, with area including parts of present- to Arkansas City, Kan., North er from a northern point near retired Justice. Frank T. Galla- day Oklahoma, Kansas, Mis- and east in Kansas to Emporia; present Hutchison, Kan., to the gher acting as an eighth full- souri and Arkansas. then east to the Ozark Mountain mouth of the Canadian River time judge. area southeast bf Kansas City, establish indications of Osage Graff was appointed to the The Osages, who then num- and back south through Mis- control of the Arkansas River J t? Electric heat'predicts s happening. bench in 1969 chief judge bered between 4,000 and 11,000, souri and Arkansas to near BS l\ s what' and is in the area. They actually hunt- BU n-V ^^H $ " And it's happened in more than 3 million American homes — of the Ramsey County District were no match for the ap- Fort Smith,. ed as far west as the Oklaho- _fs . «Hsm Ara^ ' .^flUiBw thousandsovernment of them In ths Upper Midwest. . . Court. proaching pioneers who took Besides the cities and farm- ma Panhandle but didn't live *' One big reason for its growth is lower cost: In NSP's area, I^^^ a^;^ ^^^^^^ . aw6 40% their land. Now the Osages are land, the area today includes there sufficiently long to estab- |^^ HH|l i , % m^m^m^m^LMMm^m^m^m^M^ rates ^ dipped since 1958: . .: - in court seeking what they say lead, zinc and coa 1 mining lish claim. ^L^L^LWEtajsm ^^^^^^^ »The U. S. G that by 1980 one-fourth ¦ . ^^^ H^^^ p of all American homes wil I be heated electrically. is a fair settlement for their areas of the four states and oil In a treaty of 1808, the gov- Students Hope r homeland. and gas land in Oklahoma and ernment took the 12 million Kansas. acres in Missouri . and Arkan- ^^IHu ^^^^MMi *A*^^&fa^MR&£m& *»^' An evaluation hearing opens sas, shoving the tribe - west- Jan. 20 before the Indian A claim by the Osages that ward. For the land, the Osages ' To Create Claims Commission in Wash- the land actually belonged to - '^ received $6.9 million after a ington. Unofficially, it is esti- them has been established in suit that lasted 18 years. . ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ MHflsTeBaB mated the land may bring the past years. The January hear- That land extends from a line Election Interest ing — * ^sflHIHHHHI: . II . IIII II . . i ^Bni ^B^BBB ^HII ^B^HBHBlB ^B^B^B^B^BV ^B^B^B^H tribe $1 million to $15 million, second involving the between Kansas City and Fort - ^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^^mwa^aW^mMmmmw^mmmAi^^^^^^A^AI^^KI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦ AmmmmmmmmAml ^^^^^^^ m^m^^^t MANKATO, Minn. (AP) - based on other settlements in tribe — is to set compensation . !' t m M^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_m m m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^Mm^m^m^m^m^m^m^Mm^M Smith eastward in the two 'J _W^_^_^_ _^_^_M^^^^^^^^^^^MMmmm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^^M^ ^ m Mankato State College students for the Osages for their home states as far as Jefferson City, jd^^^^^^Bml^LmmmmmmmM_^_^_^_^_^_ ^^^BMim^^^KI^^^^M^^^^^^^^^K^Mhave organized a march on the and hunting. grounds. Mo. ^_^_^_^_W_ ^_^_^_^_^_Vml^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmW ^B^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^city hall Wednesday in an effort In an earlier suit that lasted to run ::vi j ^^ H | ^^ H | ^ H ^^^^^^^^^ B ^ " ' > V^^BBaaaa^BBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflHto encourage eligible residents Acrobatic Burglar 18 years, the Osages received In later treaties of 1818 and __^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^__mWM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mM '^IH^LiaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa M ^kito register f or the Bee. 2 elec- $6.9. million for another 12 mil- 1825, the government took the And here's more hot tion . lion acres in southern Missouri 15.3 million acres now in court electric cable, imbeddednews ' ^^H^^^^^^^^^^^ nH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HlaB ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "JJJ ^^^^^^^^^^ B . ' j__^_^__^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^m$!§___^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^M-m£' "' ' ' ' i ^^ H ^^^^^^ H l The election will he on a ref- and northern Arkansas. Thc At that time they pushed the m m m m^MWB^^^^MB*Wm^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^MM$*''' ¦ ^''£*J^^ B^Ew^B^B^B^B^B^B^BIflerendum for charter reform. Put Behind Bars land , taken in another treaty, Osages into an area 50-by-30 keeps ' MmMm^ ^ ^^S ^^^^^MS ^^^^^^^^^^^ MMf ^^* ^^^MJ JAHIWH^^^^^^ HQI \emvsr&we \n co\ti&s\ _ ^_m_m%aA_Wfi_ ^^ The plan would change the city PRAGUE (AP) - An acrobat- borders the present disputed miles hi size in southeastern m^m^Km^m^mmmWMeimM-MUI^^^S^^^^^mml^^KsW ' ^^|HHJ^H|| B from a city manager type of ic burglar who specialized in up- land on the east. Kansas that eventually was JJ^^^B^^^^^^^^H government to the strong may- per-floor apartments was be- Before 1825, the Osages were sold fop $1.25 an acre. or type. " ^B^^^^^HHiwi^^^^^Kji. , "' ^^^PHBIB B B hind bars today. a small band of Indians who If and when a judgement is ' - ¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦¦K.. ' ' ^^fRS&mi^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^mW^HH One purpose of the march, For several weeks, police had made their livelihood from caffiiirded , the congress of the '^^^^^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^MmmiJmk^y-^ ^W ^A-i ^^ said Bob Boyd, co-chairman of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^f^ been puzzled by a series of hunting and farming. For about tribe will decide how it is to be MpHHi^^M^^^^^HII^B^B^B^BHthe demonstration , is to make more than 20 burglaries on the seven months of the year they spent, It could go in a per cap- the people and the community ' l^^^^^^^^^ p^siHB ^P^ilwBiHB ^i^L^H fifth and sixth floors of apart- hunted buffalo and two months ita^ sottlement but there is sup- : more aware of each other . were spent hunting deer bear port for using it in a tribal fund '^^^^I^^ "We are not trying to ment buildings reserved for , ' ^_^__^__^m_^a_^__^__^__^__^__^__^__^__t__^__^__^_^__^__^ f / ^^__WA__^__^__^ take personalities holding impor- and other small game. The re- for long-range benefits. H^^^^^^^gBJ^H^H^l^^^^^^^^H^^^^^HB^^^^m over the city government," " Boyd said. "We simply want to tant positions ," as one newspa- ^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^ per reported. Bs^i'^Hft^BlB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^S let the people of Mankato know j,w i n" i w i i " i umi that students contribute to the Last week the police arrested economy of the community." a 25-year-old roof tiler who used "We want to show the city a mountaineer 's rope in hi.s fastening it to rooftop ^ government that the students do raids , ihe story want a voice in city government chimneys and then letting him- /p of V\ and to make them aware that self down to the target, apart- we are here and that we do ment. A search of his home pro- duced loot worth $12,500, police ff want to get involved ," said Boyd. "We hope that this said. tms&tf will \\ bring about better communica- tions between the city govern- ment of Mankato and its citi- Cloquet Low-Rent zens." Boyd said the march has the Housing Loan OKed 'M VK support of the student senate MINNEAPOLIS (AP) The & i fv ^LK\ M JP"1 ** i V^^Y *wJ^m ^^. **«-»v^^*^. * i ' Don't lose your cool. - i ^lB^ ; iJL ^L^L^L^HJL and the campus fraternities and federal Department of Housing HL'/f&i A Today's turned on generation simply turns on the y\^_^_^_^_^_^_^Mfa. a good sororities. nnd Urban Development lias ap- 'MkMm aiir V^^^^^H' central electricfamilies. air conditioning and gets _m_f__M_&_tf__ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_mf night's sleep. The cost Is now well wllhln the reach proved a preliminary/ loan of JVSH ||^^^^^^m Hof most Today you can do something $.12,000 to plnn no lovtrent units ^r .A^Lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Largest Balloon for senior citizens in Cloquet , /fJB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^V Minn., tho office of Son. Walter Ever Built Is Mondale, D-Minn., said Monday. The loan will RO to Cloquei 's Launched in N.M. Housing nnd Redevelopment Au- thority . SPACE CENTER , Houston , : Tex. (AP) _ The largest bal- ;/ ; ' ' ^W I : 9tStW^abrighlBtlie%fbryou loon ever builU-ns tall as a 100- .; }, , W^ LAY-AWAY NOW IN 50J17 11 ^. ^^:-iAiir.. i/:||Ufa./ JW ^^BM^ Mf ^^^^^B B' ^^^^^& ^vx^\iv^ S ^^^^mK^ 'WS^^^^mi^ ^^mmT mMSSBKm^m^ ^raflB^B^B^B^B^BBBW ¦¦ t^^M^MB^^Ut ^mmmSr\HB !. \L w \^F .£_$£JrW ^B B 1 " #~^M BV ^_ ^MMu^^^^^^Mw^^^iMmm^^^SMMiB^-j' ^^^^^^^^^t^^KI^^Mml^tL ^B^B^B^BV A DEAR ABBY: When your; Child : Becomes a Hippie By ABIGAIL VAN '. BUREN DEAR ABBY: Your advice to . ignore the existence of a friend' s hippie son was tea party advice. Two of our three children went the hippie route, and any friend who wanted to know how the "good" one was, soon learned he'd better ask about the "bad" ones, too. Kids on the skids can use a little loyalty. So can their parents. How are our "bad" kids doing now? Well , this is sev- eral years later, and now, thank God , we can say, "just fine. " At least they're livin g decent lives. They learned a lot. So did we. But they didn 't get off scot-free. They're still pay- ing a big price for their self-destructive behavior , having experimented with drugs. Notice, however , I say THEY are paying, not we. They have hurt nobody but them- selves, so to whom must we apologize? And before whom should we feel ashamed ? We know our children didn't fall into evil ways by following the examples set for them at home, but they are still our dear children whether they mess up their lives or not. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ t. .. . :¦ yu/* . . .- -^- -Memmmmmmmmmmm:*: :::::-. . ¦mmmwmm Too . many young people today must A"bby (Camera Arli Studio) "buy" their places, in their homes by giving only pleasure and Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Schnltz prestige to their parents. The young person who turns hippie soon-finds out whether there is a price on his parents' love Schultz-Konkel Books Presented or not. So do the parents. y of Many adults don't give a hoo^jferat the children their Vows Pledged To Ettrick Church friends. They just inquire to be polite. But once you have a you find out who your -(Special) - black sheep or two in your home At Lewiston ETTRICK, Wis. friends are. They care. They ask. They listen, and they com- Nine books have been purchas- fort you. They save your sanity. LEWISTON, Minn . - Wedding ed with memorial. money for "KNOWS" IN SIERRA "MADRE , CAL. were exchanged at St. Hope Lu- vows the library at Living DEAR ABBY: I wonder if those "friends" who asked Rose of Lima Catholic Chiirch theran Church. A library com- whether to inquire about a son who had gone the hippie route here Oct. 25 by Miss Phyllis mittee appointed is comprised were friends of ours. E. Konkel and Charles H. of Mmes. Arnold Olson , Owen I think your advice (not to mention him since it surely ' ¦ ¦ Schultz. . ' ¦ ' • Pederson and Vernon Erickson must be a painful subject to the parents) was«good. We speak THE TREND FOR '70 . . . Cut-outs and no bras are the The suits are, from left, Catalina's celery green geometrical is a hippie. All of our Their parents are Mr. and Living Hope Lutheran Church from experience because our son trends in one-piece swimsuits shown at spring previews design, Cole of California's bright purple plunging neckline Henry J. Konkel, Cale- friends know how heartbroken we are over it, and they do. us of the California Fashion Creators in Los Angeles this week. style and Catalina's green print cut-out look. (AP Photofax ) Mrs. Worhen ; are planning a baked They also know that if we and Mrs. Irwin a kindness by not bringing it up. donia, and Mr. food sale to be held in the Et- had any GOOD news of our son we would lose no time in Schultz, Lewiston. BETHANY LADIES AID ! *tv^ 4t HONORED AT WEAVER lrick Mutual Insurance Co. sharing it with them. \\N\*VV --«H^v;Xi>^c>^s-c: : y^mmm ' (Special) Receiving their vows was the BETHANY, Minn. (SpeciaD- ^ ITv> WEAVER , Minn. - building Nov. 15. And, Abby, please tell parents ofyfine children who are V^ s S-i Mrs. Mabel Nelson was honored Max Satory. The Bethany Moravian Ladies Rt. Rev. Msgr; Living Hope circle meetings functioning well to please refrain from bragging about them Aid will meet at the home of on her birthday Oct. 28 by mem- Miss Marilyn Olmstead , Lewis- will be as follows: Eunice cir- to parents who are not so lucky. We still hold some hope for Mrs. Meinert Nienow Thursday <: ¦ bers of the Hungry Four Club. was organist. ALA, i :??;¦ ' ¦ rf * 'BvMrPi i ton, cle, with Mrs. Arnold Olson , 2 our lost son. HEARTBROKEN IN LEEDS, at 7:30 p.m. Devotions will be p.m. Wednesday; Rebekah cir- SPRING GROVE CONCERT GIVEN IN marriage by her DEAR ABBY: If someone were to ask me where my son lead by Mrs. Clarence Riske. (Spe- . 'A- cl with Mrs. Helen Temte 2 SPRING GROVE, Minn. father, the bride wore an . ^ is now, I wish to God that I could say, "He's living in a, hippie All women of the congregation ¦ cial) The music department line, floor-lengthy ivory crepe p.m.; Lydia circle with Mrs. are invited to attend. h / ^Ji?^'/jA ^/y &,&fi M — Robert Stensven, 8 p.m., 'Thurs- colony in San Francisco''! At least then there would . be somes ^ % of Spring Grove High School will gown with Venetian lace trim hope that he'd straighten out and come home again. ^ ^ * and a mantilla veil trimmed day; Dorcas circle with Mrs. PLAINVIEW BAZAAR f :\ (/ L ^S E C T I O N M present a concert Wednesday at Instead he lies dead. He was killed last July in Vietnam. ) 8 p.m. in the High School au- with lace. She carried a bouuet Kenneth Johnson , Deborah cir- ; PLAINVIEW . Minn. (Special cle with Mrs. Inga Runnestrand A beautiful 19-year-old boy He was all I had. — Plainview United Methodist ditorium. Several selections will of large yellow roses and steph- VA WIDOW ALONE anotis. and Hannah circle with Mrs. Church will hold its annual ba- presented by the junior and \//-^ym^ The bride's attendants were Gordon Bahnub , all at 8 p:m., DEAR ABBY: I disagree with you! We had a daughter zaar Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to ly ^ ' ^ senior choirs under the direc- two of her sisters: Mrs. John Nov. 11. who went the hippie route and ended up in a private mental 3:30 p.m. at the church. Noon /W ^^/t^^/il^iSi.!^^; "W2 have Players present- STRETC H HOSIERY 1:30 p.m., and from 4 p.m. and Mrs. Robert. Dufresne , all of WSC Theatre Party ed a Moliere classic , when they f did "The Miser ." on. Menu: Lutofisk with drawn St. Paul. The newlyweds nre \ I Vi Twenty-eight first nightors at- Thc pfay will be performed butter, Norwegian meatballs home in St. Raul . Relatives at- tended tended Ihe Commedin

1 \g / CONFORM* STOCKINGS - BY BEAUTY MIST . \/ AWKKimmmmtKmmmmmmmmimmAmKmmAAm Ai' I }f I The miracle one-size slocking lhat conforms (o your size nnd \A ¦ CARPET |j V ¦/' ¦¦; ' / $1.00 pair

STEAM CLEANING : j V / CAnMOLON® STOCKINGS - BY MOJITO j ; Streich nylon Ihnl gives you tlio , , ¦¦' NO DETERGENTS „,.„ ,„ .,„.«, ,„„. iiiili^Introducing \l I A only si/.e yon care nlinut « ;. • II III' 'il l lfi I NO ROTARY BRUSHES „„„ ,„ Ml "KNOW CLOTHES" W VJ $1.35 pair j • tenr fibers A distort pile, / A \ I ... for thc young woman \| j I HFlllS [¦. '' y J I \\ LEGLONn, PANTY HOSE - FASHIONED BY MODERN EXTRACTS THE SOIL who is an individual , has I nrw rr 1 e slrr-lcli yarn Ihnl gives constant clinging fit. i. * Not scrubbed deeper Into Ilia carpet. -- : i J J \ \ ^ ' ' ' W» remove If by the bucketful*. exquisite taste and enjoys j II ¦' ¦ 1 ___ M I V $1.35 pair { MOST THOROUGH & living in thc present. j \ * UV I: CABMOLON^ PANTY HOSE —RY MO.Ilin | HYGIENIC CARPET CLEANING / \ 0ne B / ft^Hu ,s'zc ^'s snor1 , nirrl iuni . I-ill. \. Phone 8-4494 (Wlnonn) ^ Mm ffl $3.00 pair Minnesota City, Minn. (f'nrSx ^ ,, THE UW DOOR (Locally Owned by Lyla Zloflownkl) J^lKmf i DOWNTOWN ON LEVEE PLAZA ll JI \ I IN WIDE OF NEW FALL SHADES ^ ^Sk A SELECTION .. . I ,,^,, , ,-^v, __ _ „ 1'1-HS FASH ION HI-COEOnS PROTASIL of WINONA HOSIERY-FIRST FLOOR ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ MBMHMMBlBVMBMBBaMBnBK ^MBjl Johnson-Stage Bautch-Kurth WPPOA Hea rs ¦ Catholic Rite Vows Pledged ; ¦::.. Nuptials Said Dr. Johnson In Ettrick Rite Joins Couple ' At Independence Dr. Curtis Johnson was thc ETTRICK , Wis. (Special) - INDEPENDENCE,. Wis.-(Spe- guest, speaker at the regular Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Darwin cial) — Ss. Peter and Paul ^ . INDEPENDENCE, Wis. (Spe- meeting of the Winona Police Johnson are living in St. Paul Catholic Church was the set- cial) — Mr. and Mrs. John A, and Peace Officers Auxiliary following their marriage Oct. 18. ting for the Sept. 27 marriaga Bautch (Bernice A. Kurth) ara The; bride is the former Linda of Miss Ruth A. Dejono Monday. Mary Stage , dau- home in Blaine, Minn., follow* , daughter of Mr. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Speaking on encephalitis and and Mrs. Rodney Stage, Ettrick , ing their Oct, 25 at Ss. Peter mosquito control, he showed J. Dejono, Independence, and and the bridegroom is the son Lawrence P. Cardinal, son of and Paul Catholic Church here, slides relating to the areas most of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Halvor- affected with the virus. Age Mr. and . Mrs. Louis Cardinal; Parents of the couple are Mr. son, Blair. Minneapolis, H. Kurth groups and urban and rural lo- The wedding at Hardies Creek and Mrs. George , calities were compared in rela- Attending the couple were and Mrs. Lutheran Church was solemn- Miss Joan Pientok , Independ- Whitehall, and Mr. tion to susceptibility to the ized by the Rev. Paul Wegner. Andrew V. Bautch, Independ' virus. ence; Miss Pat Sura , Miss Bev- Vickie Rindahl was organist and erly Thoma, Daryl Moses Minn- ence. .. Control of the mosquito carry- a duet was si'hg by Erna.Cook , The Rev. Chester Moczarny ing the virus is very difficult eapolis ; Ed Evans and Steve and Beth Ekern. Campbell. officiated at the nuptial Mass without extensive damage to :. The bride was attended by and Mrs. . Regina Reinhold and other insects and animals, stat- Mary Dejono and Nancy New- Miss Linda Ekern, maid of hall were junior Edmund Lyga were organist ed Dr. Johnson. honor, and Miss Kay Halvorson bridesmaids and soloist. • Committees were formed to and Beverly Brandt , brides- and Steve Madison and David The bride chose an empire- plan a Christmas party for po- maids, Dejono were junior groomsmen. v. . Ushers were Andrew styled velvet gow,n with a de- nce and peace officers and their David Dalzell was best man R. Dejono tachable train. Her bouffant veil wives. and John Swol and Tony Hal- and James Cardinal. was .caught to a petal crown Cookbooks with favorite re- vorson, groomsmen. Ther newlyweds are home at and she carried a bouquet of cipes of the members of Minne- A reception was. held in the 2402 Johnson St., N.E., Minne- white carnations and green sota Police and Peace Officers church dining room. apolis. fern. Auxiliary are now on sale. To , The bridegroom is employed Miss Catherine Kurth White- purchase a copy, contact any by the Land 'O Lakes Co., LUREN SINGERS hall, and Alfred Bautch, Inde- auxiliary member. ¦ Minneapolis, SPRING GROVE , Minn. (Spe- pendence, attended the couple. cial) — The Luren Miss Kurth wore a royal blue Singers from match- SPRING GROVE ALCW ULRIGHT OPEN HOUSE Decorah, Iowa, will present a Mr. and Mrs. David J. Waniorek vefveteen gown with a concert of music and film ing headpiece. SPRING GROVE , Minn. SPRING GROVE, Minn. (Spe- Sun- (Kins Sfudlo) (Special) — Family night of cial) Open house honoring day at 8 p.m.*at the Waterloo Ushers were Ben Killian and Mr. and Mrs John A. Bautch — Ridge Lutheran Church. Waniorek-Kube Nuptials Spoken Robert Przybilla. . the ALCW of Faith Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. George Ulright, Lunch Following a reception at Club Church of Black Hammer will formerly of Dorchester , Iowa , will be served following the con- In North Dakota 186, the newlyweds departed on uates of Independence High The bridegroom served three be held Sunday at 8 at the on their golden wedding will be cert. Marriage Vows church's social rooms. A film , held Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. at a trip through Southeastern Wis- School. The bride was employed years with the U.S. Army and Winona Daily News QA TAYLOR, Wis. (Special) - consin. by Gopher Glove Co., Independ- is employed by Jgerland Fur- "Between the Dark and Day- the Fellowship Hall , First Lu- Winona , Minnesota 33 Said at Arcadia Miss Betty Lynn Hoff , daughter j Both young people are grad- ence, prior . to her marriage. nace Co., St. Paul. . light" will be shown. . theran Church , Decorah , Iowa. TUESDAY, NOV. -4 , 1969 of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Hoff , ^ ARCADIA, Wis. ^Special) - Akron, Ohio, became the bride The American Lutheran Church, of Capt. Lynn H. Becker, son of Arcadia, was the setting for the Mr. and Mrs. Virgil E. Becker, marriage ceremony uniting Taylor, Oct. 25 at Grand Forks, N.D. . Miss Diane K.- Kube, daughter The bride, given In marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Kube, by her father, wore a gown of and David J. rural Arcadia, white lace over peau-de-soie Qum„s ¦ ¦ ¦ Waniorek, Independence. The with empire waist and wrists BROADWAY & HIGH FOREST SAVE $$$ ON V MEAT** bridegroom is the son of Mr. length puffed lace sleeves. Her and Mrs. Joseph Waniorek, In- headdress was satin leaves trimmed with pearls securing dependence. a shoulder-length veil. She car- The Rev, Wayne Radke of- ried a bouquet of white minia- ficiated at the nuptial cere- ture roses arid stephanotis. monies. Mrs. Merlin Klebig was The bride's sister, Miss Janet organist and . Richard Krackow Hoff, Akron, Ohio, was maid oi TO honor. She was attired in a gown aoloist. of soft yellow. Her olive green Given in marriage by her shoulder-length veil was held Make IL W M the bride chose a floor- mW ^|V: FABULOUS 1Sr4HV ' ' : ' ' ' U l . 1 \! ^JIfiviF S I Steakl father, by an olive green velvet bow ¦¦¦,.. ' ' ' ' ^ ¦ ¦¦ : length cage-styled gown of chan- headdress. She carried yellow V \M | i SIRLOIN ¦....¦ ib. $1.09 SM/BBaF '- ^/ ' ' ' ^^F- '- TMF' ' 4-Qz- MUSHROOMS ...... 4/$i.oo tilly lace styled with an empire miniature roses with stephan- ^^^^m bodice, square neckline and otis with olive green satin : , long sleeves. A chapel length ribbon¦ streamers. SMOKED REG. W -*- IGA OSCAR MAYER bouffant silk illusion mantilla •¦:¦ Daryll C. Careron, Rosemount, PMEPKPN completed her ensemble and she Minn., was best man. carried a cascade bouquet of The bride is a graduate of Pork Chops WIENERS Heck Boncs Smokie Links BACON white chrysanthemums. Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio, NECKS Miss Nanoy Kube, Arcadia, and has taught school in Marril- was maid* of honor and Mrs. lon, Ohio and in Camp Mercy Vilas Fimreite and Miss Judy on the island of Okinawa. The Wiemer were bridesmaids, bridegroom is a graduate of They were, attired in skimmers Taylor High School and Uni- of emerald green velvet styled versity of Wisconsin. with scooped necklines and long The couple will make their l^ full sleeves. There bouffant home at Grand Forks, N.D. veils were held in place by where the bridegroom is stat- BEEF M HORMEL LONGHORN ROASTING POLISH matching velvet bows and they ioned at Grand Forks Air Force K carried baskets of bronze and Base. gold mums. STEW HAM^ C ^ Vilas Fimriete, West AlEs, SAUSAGE was best man and groomsmen were Dale Sosalla and Jim J ob's Daughters Skroch. Roger Ziegler and Mim Walek, Cudahy, seated the Initiates Six guests. Six new members were initi- Following the ceremony , a ated into the International Or- was served T^ dinner and reception der of Job's Daughters, Bethel at Club 93. 8, Monday evening at the Ma- >¦ E The bride is a graduate of sonic Temple. I RUTABAGAS 10c POTATOES 10 - 49c RADISHES - 10c CABBAGE - ° 10c Arcadia High School and is em- Special guests introduced in- ployed at Friden, Wauwatosa. cluded Mrs. Florence Anderson, ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ B jiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiui The bridegroom is a graduate grand guardian of Minnesota; of Independence High School FREEZER SALE! Mrs. PhyTlies W. Johnson, grand QUILLIN IGA COUPON ¦ GUARANTEES__ TENDER and is employed at Hotpoint, fourth messenger of Minnesota ; £ „ QUILLIN IGA COUPON 5 5 ¦ ¦ West Allis. Christine Snell, past honored 5 REG. 3J|t—SCOTTIES _ The bride was feted at a 5 B queen ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry ^ bridal shower by Friden em- S. Johnson Jr., guardian and ployes. associate guardian; Mrs. Mau- The couple will be at home at E E F rice Godsey and Mrs. Ralph BUTTER Tissue j B 2011 So. 93rd St., West Allis. I Facial Hubbard , past guardians, and I JH Sides ' Fr0lrts" Hinds Mrs. Herbert Schladinske, wor- S A AM± B F AO thy matron Winona Chapter 141. * f" £*fl T and C Club Guests from Pickwick and Meets at Nelson Brooklyn were present. Linda Heyer, chairman of the L ic NELSON , Wis. - Town and winter formal dance announced 1 , 5 ccc eye 69S Coupon Exp!ires Nov. 15, 1969 ! ¦ ¦ 11 _J_J lb M Country Club met at the Nel- S B JJ kjf '^ ILw ^' 9 "* that the theme for the dance I son hall Oct. 30 with 24 pres- will be "Our Winter's Dream." ¦ reported fiiBDBIIH »H»»l»l»Btf! SHHIHIIMfllUIHHIHB — ent. Mrs. Jens Serum The formal will be held Dec. 29 ' on the Homemakers handbook . at the temple. 8-OZ. / REG. 2/39* - 303 SIZE | CHICKEN OF SEA RiBHIl ¦¦¦HMBBBBBBB U The November lesson will be Monica Mason reported on the furnishings TOMATO SAUCE - , 10c ¦ TUNA - - - - - 3/89c J " ™" ™" psychology in home grand guardian tea at Wabasha. j APPLE SAUCE 8/$1.00 j «* * with Mrs. Ellis Scharr and Mrs. New members were honored ¦ •««- ™i»<™ B Clair Duellman as leaders, at a reception following the JIFFY CAKE MIX - - 10e}* oz. DEL MOHTE in § - The holiday fair at Mondovi meeting. Mrs. William Finkeln- /^UnoiieASPARAGUS - - - ¦ 19e was discussed and the group burg was chairman , assisted by .*» S.ZE ) Pineapple-Crfl. DRINK 4/$i ) g BROWNIE MIX g decided lo continue "secret the Mmes. William Wiech, God- ¦ pals" another year. Mrs, John soy. Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. GREEN BEANS - - 10c ) ' Herbert Schladinske. 0RSN0E FUAV0RED J ly jra ""*" . mi nn « T» $"IOO S Reinhardt and Mrs. Lena Kreu- OLE0 " ¦ 3/$, ' * l ger served. Serving at the Nov . afflK"*"¦ > HAWAIIAN PUNCH 3/89c j '°° g 3 f S 20 meeting will be Mrs. Scharr BEETS 10c<« ¦ " ¦¦¦¦ " ¦¦¦¦ " S and Mrs. Frank Itadle. Carbon Monoxide I HOUSE ) ¦ I 50-COUNT **™,nprr 49c HUNT'S CATSUP - 3/89« Quil,in IGA Cou on Blamed in Death ) OTCUf ¦ ¦ 40* 1 ¦ P H SPRING GUOVE AUXILIARY BOOK MATCHES - - 10c ™ - - U - SPUING GROVE , Minn. (Spe- Of Young Couple gjgfc mps ¥RE£ | cial) — The hospital auxiliary ^ ^ m will meet at . the Tweeten Me- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) A morial Hospital meeting room — ¦ ¦ BALL STEW - 49c young couple was found dead at TOMATO SOUP - 10c "tAT G D ND Monday with the Mines. Bertha its St, Louis Park home Mon- K OYSTERS 3/51.00 jj ° i *° Holm , Jennie Kjome and Alvina REG. 2 FOR 55, f if\ % VX njfblVl ir> 19 p.m. in tho chapel of the leak in the house. . . SPRAY STARCH - 2/59c / GO1J0 BOND church. The regular ALCW LADIES AID I CREAMETTES . - - 10c ( CAKE MIX - - - 4/31.00 5 £ OlfTIHir^ meeting will he held at 2 p.m. St. Matthew 's Lulheran 2V« LBS, I V/s SIZE FREESTONE I 6-OZ FROZEN li g Thursday, A film will be shown Church ladies aid will meet B on "Charlie Christian. " Jemi- Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the ALMOND BARK - - $1.50 ( PEACHES .....29c ( ORANGE JUICE - - 5 89c g W.TH AJAX ma circle is in charge of the church . Hostesses arc Mrs,. E WINDOW CLEANER __ \ devotions and the hostesses will Max Gottschalk and Mrs. ,1 i g be thc Leah circle . George Kinstler. " ™""" "'S K GAL £«nBlBHM iHBil5 1 '!¦¦¦'< g m ' ' *™ ^ _ ^ RUMMAGE VISIT OUR HUGE SALE TOY Hl-LEX I PEPSI ke Cream 1 1! ^ St. ' Matthews DEPT. Lutheran Church Lfly-By Now For £ WED., NOV. 5 Christmas Giving I • C DADD BROTHERS - 39 - BEEF 5 ^^ ROAST ¦ ¦ Starting at HUPDSTORE, INC. I With Coupon & $3.00 Purchase gg 8-79' ^^5Q ~ =\\ = Igg V K S HARDWARE 1 :30 p.m. 576 E, Ith St. Phone 4007 £ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ 1 ^ I I giilHIHIIHHMHH|R —M^„ _. .. _M^—^MM. ^M^M_M^^MM ^^^^M^^^^^^M Daily Newt 10a Wnona IU3 Winona, Minnesota Israelis Warn Lebanon TUESDAY, NOV. 4, 1969 Co n trove rs i a I S n qwmbb i le Rule To Expect Retaliation 3 Minneapolis Takes Effect for Deer Hunting JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Lebanese army and the Arab tion sponsored by Syria , ran By GERRY NELSON Jarle Leirfallom will issue a snowmobile between the hours can be operated there. You can't officials warned Lebanon today commandos began fighting two into army troops while making S-Year ST. PAUL (AP) — A contro- comprehensive set of regulations of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in hunt on a highway right-of-way, to expect speedy retaliation for weeks ago, an attack from Leb- their way from. Rashaya, the Men Get versial regulation regarding the this week, regulating all phases any area open for the taking of so the machines can run theis any Arab guerrilla attacks anon against Israel was report- scene of bitter fighting Sunday, use of snowmobiles during deer of snowmobile use. deer by firearms, except for the at any hour. Lebanese soil as ed. The Israeli military com- season takes effect next Satur-. One of the new rules will re- purpose of establishing ah over- The problem, if there is one, launched from The Cairo communique said a result of the new agreement mand said one rocket was

ROAD RUNNER RETURNS . .. Travis •'Road Runner" Steeier punt 83 yards for a touchdown. Steeier Bobby Williams returned to NFL action Sunday after , bejng side- I WaWen (39) is Hubby trying Ta ks to catch About up. Williams also returned a lined with an injui^iBffe week bef(»e|and;^hfc^^wasscore kickoff 96 yards for a TD in the Packers' 38-34 triumph. Seniorvieaf CHICAGO -m — No one can said my husband was a fathead. "He tries. He's not a good three touchdowns. He is shown above returning a Pittsburgh (AP Photofax) call Woody Hayes a fathead "I told him : 'I agree with swimmer," and get away with it — except you. I think he is, too, atijmeg. Bump Elliott , associate ath- Anne Hayes, his wife. Asked how she liked being letic director at Michigan , was Named Cotter The pert 'little .', wife of the married to a football coach, the first speaker and sort of put Mrs. Hayes quipped: coach of the nation's No. 1 foot- his foot in his mouth. Three Big Ten "I don't see much of him dur- "Our' coach, Bo Schembech- Grid Teams ball team, Ohio State, became ing the season. But I like being Ier, is busy with the football Most Valuable the first lady o£/Chicago To- a football coach's wife. Don't team and I'm substituting for Senior Bob Leaf was day's Quarterback Club Mon- feel sorry for me. If you want him just like Mrs. Hayes is named W i no n a Cotter's day, to be sorry that I married substituting for Woody," h« In Running':torBo^l most valuable football play- She was the ; first invited Woody Hayes, that's different. said. T^a/ er at a meeting of the grid- woman speaker in the club's (AP) Mrs. Hayes continued : NEW YORK — Hanging host, perhaps against Penn It was a particularly satisfy- When victory finally came, 25- ders Monday . 30-year history ind a packed Mrs. Hayes looked at Bump, out the college football wash: State. Try the Texas-Arkansas "I know you all want to know ing triumph for Marshall, which 10, Kolstad was asked to explain Captain for the 1970 foot- house was on hand to listen to her eyes flashinr a little, and The announcement of ABC- loser in the Sugar Bowl against is under, indefinite suspension it, • my age. I'm 55. I'm proud of said; ' ball year will be John Or- her capdid remarks. it. But I'm not proud of my TV's Nov. 15 national wild card Louisiana State or Florida with from the Mid-American Confer- "I'm not substituting for any- game is due Wednesday. A good the Orange Bowl pairing "For one thing," he said, "I zechowski. The Rev. Rob- "We have a telephone In our weight. You can see it's on the ence for "alleged recruiting ir- ert Theobald, athletic dir- one. I was invited here, way guess would be Purdue af Ohio Tennessee and . the Big Eight regularities" and "lack of ade- shortened up practices quite a home, and it's listed, and, sure, up side." the Rose ector, announced that 30 More questions: back at the time of State, with Tennessee-Mississip- champion. quate athletic facilities." bit the week of the game ... so we get a lot of calls," she said. Bowl game." I could pray a lot." football players will re- Docs Woody own a long-sleeve pi a close runner-up. Marshall University saved it- "One time several years ago, , Mrs. Looking ahead to the bowl pic-, Subsequently^ thc football and ceive letters. Nine are after Ohio State lost to Penn shirt? Before it was all over self some embarrassment by seniors. Hayes publicly was invited back ture, the Rose Bowl depends basketball coaches, Perry Moss State , an irate gentleman called "No." defeating Bowling Green 21-16 and Ellis Johnson, were Larry Schreiber of Tennessee The seniors are: Kelly Can Woody really walk on to the Qjiarterback Club next strictly on conference races, Saturday. A loss would Tech is the seventh player in to say how shabby he thought have suspended for a year while Ed- to Kieffer , Tom Browne , performed. He water? year by uie> host. with Southern California or stretched the Thundering Herd's history^ rush . for more than the Buckeyes UCLA of the Pacific-8 hosting die Barrett, the athletic direc- Steve Wiczek , Mark Czap- non-winning streak to 28 games, tor, and Pete Kondos, an assist- 4,000 yards in a career. Schrei- lewski , Bob Leaf , Greg Purdue, Michigan or Indiana equaling the national major col- ber reached 4,041 Saturday by from the Big Ten. ant football coach , resigned. Kohner, Fritz Speck, Mike lege record. gaining 203 yards as Tech beat O'Brien and Gary Stiever, Tho Southwest Conference Marshall's victory touched off Chattanooga 23-11. He has three student manager. games left. champion—translation: the win- a wild celebration that lasted Army's Tom Cahill, whose Juniors are: Steve Blank, ner of the Dec. 6 Texas-Arkan- most of the night in Huntington , team lacks size, heard Missour- Mike Schultz, k\ Janikow- sas game is the Cotton Bowl W. Va. i's Dan Devine describe Oklaho- "We will not have another '13' ski , Steve Wiltgen , Bob Mc- ma tailback Steve Owens as in our locker room ," was the Gill , Paul Stiever, Tom "only " 215 pounds . "With us," way Coach Rick Forzano of Haun , Pat Wadden , John Cahill said, "Owens would be Navy explained punter Tom Orzechowski and Casey Ohio State Next For Wisconsin playing tackle ... or coaching." Moore's sudden number switch Burke. to 38. "I was wearing '13' when Sophomores are : Phil in the Ohio State game. MADISQN , Wis. un — Univer- St. Norbert College has beaten I was partially blinded in the Drazkowski , Bruce LeVas- Dick Horst M sity of Wisconsin Football Coach "We've just got to convince just about everyone else, but un- right eye while playing bantam seur, Mike Rodgers, Jeff Fred Naa» Jim Schoin John Coatta said Monday that these guys that we're not that til Oct. 25 the Green Knights league football ," Forzano said. Lueck, John King, Larry his Badgers still have a chance far away," he said. "We've Rot hadn't defeated Northern Michi- "I don't know why I didn't no- Swanson , Scan Burke, Jim for a "pretty good\* season. to play recklessly from the gan during Coach Howie tice Moore in number 13 be- Husman, Jim Lanik, Al "We are still 2-2 in Big Ten opening bell and we've got to do "Chick" Kolstad's nine seasons. fore." Gora and Ae Dee Latten. play and we aim to stay about it consistently.^ ... we are I tl .'e .500 mark ," said the coach The coach indicated that of- as his team began preparations fensive guard Don Murphy may be hard pressed to earn his for Saturday's game against I undefeated Ohio State, ranked starting job back. Murphy sat a department store 1 number one in the nation. out the Michigan game due to Fakler Belts 258-669 an injury/and Coatta was im- After watching films of Sat- urday ,35-7 , pressed by the performance of Sunshine's Gordie Fakler , Fakler with a fifiS errorless. St. Clair 's got 231 from Bill 's loss to Michigan Mike Musha. Coatta commented , "We have to competing in the City circuit at Jack Richter flipped 219—<330, Schreiber and Chris We i fen- I of insurance! ¦ bach contributed 224—638 to | play two halves instead of one. Hal-Rod Lanes, belted 258-C69, Ken Donahue 242—fi'20, Bob Kos- DOWNEY WILL MEET MAItK idowski 224— WHEREAS, There Is being constructed ¦ Chairman of the Board of /¦ 61.. In conlunction with and as part of Plumbing, Roofing 21 said portion of Interstate Highway 90, County Comrtilssloneri.- ' . a frontage road lying adjacent to and REDUCE safe and fast with GoBesa tab- Attest: " Ted southerly of said Interstate Highway 90, lets and . E-Vap "water pills. Septic Tank & Cesspool Alois J; Wiczek, . . Maier Drugs. said frontage road to provide a connec- ' tion for C.S.A.H. 7, County Road 125 and County Auditor... , - Gleaning Service - YOU QUEEN of the pots and pans Special. Truck, Sanitary & Odorlesa Intersecting Town R oads with C.S.A.H. 1) On motion the contract for a stee l ARE ¦ and C.S.A.H. 12; and,. . . storage building for the Highway De- In your home? Would you like to do It G. S. Woxland Co. HOTEL partment yw'as awarded to P. Earl for money? The WILLIAMS: Rushford, Minn. Tet. 844-9245 WHEREAS, The maintenance of por- start imme- Schwab for the amount of $43,268.00. needs a day dlswasher to tions of this frontage road would be- diately. Contact Innkeeper Ray Meyer come the responsibility of Pleasant Hill On motion, the Board adjourned to for details. Also part-time kitchen help ELECTRIC ROTO ROOTER Township and New Hartford Township 4:00 o'clock P.M. needed which may Interest some stu- For clogged sewers and drai ns. In accordance with M.S.A. 161,24; and, dents. CALL SYL KUKOWSKI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19M, WHEREAS, It Is considered to be In Tel. 9509 or 6434 . 1-year guarantee the public interest that the maintenance at 4:00 o'clock P.M. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME with a of said frontage road be performed by The Winona County Board of Commis- personal loan that will pay those de- YOU NEVER HAD IT so good! Modern ¦ Winona County; and, . sioners met in the County Commissioners' manding little bills. If you have a Moep/ .l-control faucets for kitchen and. WHEREAS, Present construction plans room of the Court House in the City of steady paycheck and a reputation for batH>, . . ,2 award winning designs ¦ ' Winona with all members present and paying your bills, you'll qualify for a ... . lever handle or sparkling jewel- , ftJwfflMWCAlL BWklWWrW Include the construction .. of bituminous "Does it occur fo you thaf there mig ht be a good reason surfacing only on that portion of the Chairman Len J. Merchlewitz presid- low-cost, easily arranged advance from like: Lucite dial. Confrol both tempera- ' ¦ MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. See ture ana- volume In one easy operation. ' ' frontage road between C.S.A.H. 7 and ing. ^MTH Ei^a^W^OI^ you don t find it insulting to your intelligence?" - -' Dick, Max or Dennis In our Saves you many gallons ot expensive) ' C.S.A.H. 12; . '¦ . . ' ¦ ¦ RESOLUTION Frank, Installment Loan Department. water each year. Gives long, depend- : IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, That "' ¦On motion, the following Resolution was able service . . • 0° modern with Moen. the Commissioner of Highways be and adopted: . ¦;. ' • pucks. hereby Is advised that Winona County Frank O'Laughlin will accept the responsibility for the BB IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to IE'S FORM & PLUMBING HEATING 1 P.M. New York Section . 161.36, Subdivisions 1 through 6, SOPH *. •¦ • ' ¦ The double defeats left the maintenance of the frontage road from 741 E. 6th . " ' . ' Tel. .2371 i C.S.A.H. 11 to C.S.A.H. 12 lying souther- Minnesota Statutes 1965,. fhe Commission- Blair Criticizes North Stars in fourth place in er of Highways be appointed as agent Stock Prices ly of and adjacent to Interstate Highway FITNESS STUDIO the West Division one point be- Some Stocks of the County of Winona to let as Its Jerry's Plumbing Service , Allied Ch 297/8 Honeywl 151% 90 in Winona County, Minnesota; and, - ¦ hind Oakland and Philadelphia's agent, contracts for the construction of 827 E, 4th .• ' " Tel- 9394 Allis Chal 27% Inland Stl 29% IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, To ex- portions ' of. County State-Aid Highways, is now located at lovely tend the bituminous nine points each. St. Louis is the surfacing from specifically described as follows: Female — Jobs of Int. 26 Hockey Officials Amerada 38 I B Mach 358 C.S.A.H. 7 to C.S.A.H. 11 with a mini- Laehn's House of Beauty in division leader with 11 County State-Aid Highway No. . Am Brnd 37%Intl Harv 28% mum base design . of seven (7) tons. < Westgate. MONTREAL (AP)-The Min- Recovering in from Trunk Highway 74 at Troy to DISHWASHER-parr-tlme. Apply In per- After the loss in Philadelphia . Len J, Merchlewitz, nesota North Stars were in Mon- , Am Can 47% Ml Paper 41 : 271 feet west of C.S.A.H. 35 and son, Snack Shop. 7 ¦ ' ¦ Blair criticized officiating in Am Mtr liy4 Jns & L 21/8 - ' . " . . Chairman- of the Board. the chairman and-the. auditor are You are cordially invited to treal today, . preparing them- ¦ ' hereby authorized and directed for ' PRESSER—will train. Apply 1-Hour Mar- that there is too much whistle AT&T 51% Jostens — Attest: . - become acquainted with our tlnlzing, 178 Lafayette, between 9 and selves for Wednesday night's ¦ and on behalf of the County to exe- blowing. Officials called 25 in- - ' Alois J. Wiczek, .' • ' " ' . '" truly unequalled figure serv- 5:30. . National Hockey League game Anconda 29% Kencott 45% Trading . . . cute and enter into a contract with Active . the Commissioner of Highways pre- fractions for 70 minutes in pen^ Arch Dn -^-Kraft Co 39% . County Auditor. ices/ We guarantee to re- BEAUTICIAN. WANTED—good In hair • against the Montreal Canadiens scribing the terms and conditions alties in the game. . Armco Sl 30 Loew's - 38% NEW TOEK (AP) - Some At 10:30 o'clock A.M. bids were re- of move inches from hips, styling. Write D-37 Dally News. and . trying to get their skating ceived for sale of County land as fol- such agency In the form as set forth ' stocks began recovering their and contained in thighs, midriff or any other sharpness back. y / "The intention of the offi- Armour 49% Marcor 48% lows: 3.4 acres formerly right of way "Minnesofa Depart- OFFICE HELP—enloy working with the losses in fairly active trading of CGW Railroad Company across the ment of Highways Agency Contract problem areas, with or public? Apply Plymouth Optical, 78 W. cials," Blair noted, "is to keep Avco Cp 27-y4 Minn MM 113% Form No. IV, The North Stars smacked the WVi of SW'A of Sec. 20, Township 107, " a copy of which said 3rd. this afternoon after a sharp de- form without weight loss! All this the game under control. I think, Beth Stl 30 Minn P L 20% Range 9, from Lester Rahn $350.00 and was before the Board, assuming Canadiens 4-1 last Wednesday on behalf of the without though , 'chicken' Boeing 31% Mobil Oil 50% cline earlier that was triggered 4.96 acres formerly CGW Railroad right Counly all of the without exercise, LADIES who ned money for Christmas. calls have the contractual obligations night with one of their best skat- of way across the SV4, SEVi, Sec. 18, therein con- exertion, just complete re- Full, part-time. Car necessary. WrlH opposite effect. Players figure if Boise Cas 75% Mn Chm 39% by disappointment at President tained ing shows of tlie season. But the Township 106, Range 9, except East 500 . laxation while inches melt D-36 Dally News. they're going to get two minutes Brunswk 1914 Mont Dak 293/4 Nixon's Vietnam War speech feet from Alvin W. Schwefder for $150.00 Daled at Winona, Minnesota, this 23rd North Stars sagged in losses Do come in now and WOMAN, BETWEEN ages 2J-50, ai in the penalty box they might Catpillar 44% N Am R 27% Monday night. per acre. day of October, 1969. away. Saturday night at Pittsburgh enjoy a slender loveliness housekeeper and child-care worker In as well take somebody out. The Ch MSPP -N N Gas 4B'/4 The Dow Jones industrial av- On motion, the bid of Lester Rahn on Len. J . Merchlewllz, Catholic children's home . Prefer wom- against the Penguins 6-3 and 3.4 acres more or (ess of . abandoned for the holidays. Special get s home game gets rougher. Ch RIRR —Nor Pac ' 43% Chairman of Counly Board. an who can live In children' . erage, down nearly 8 in morning former right of way of the CGW Rail- Write Children s Home Director , Box Sunday night against Philadel- ¦ Attest: A acquainted rates for a lim- ' phia against the Flyers 6-2. Chrysler 41% No St Pw 25% trading, was 849.13, off S.41 at road Co. across the WVi of SWW Sec. 588, Winona, .Minn., giving experience) CANADA NATIONALS WIN Cities Svc 47% Nw Air 33% 20, Township 107, Range 9, for the : Alois J. Wiczek, ited time. and references or Tel. wlnons 8-2969. "We just didn't skate the way noon. A-7- amount of $350,00 was approved. County Auditor. WINNIPEG (AP - A Com Ed 41% Nw Banc 37 GO GO DANCERS and exotic daneara. we had been skating," said goal by RESOLUTION RESOLUTION defenseman Bob Murdock at ComSat 57% Penney 54% Analysts say there was a Tel. Sophie at 8-1787. will leach. Write P.O. Box 941, Winona. ' Wren Blair, general manager- WHEREAS, pursuant to a Resolution On.motion, the following resolution was Con Ed 27% Pepsi 53% great deal of emotional beauty culture. coach . "We have to get skating 12:34 of the third period gave selling approved on July 10, 1968, the County unanimously adopted In meeting duly WANTED: Girls to learn Cont Can 74% assembled this 23rd day of October , 1969. Hording Beauty School, 76 W. 3rd. again, then we'll worry about Canada's national team a 21 Pips Dge 49% at the outset of the session of Winona shall provide space for the Winona County Public Health Nursing WHEREAS, The County of Winona Is victory over the Montreal Cont Oil 29 Phillips 34% based on the lack of any dra- AVON CALLING Voy- Service; . and, Ihe owner In fee of a certain parcel WINONA MARKETS Cntl Data 117% GUARANTEE' yourself a wonderful fttL Winona Dally Newi ageurs of the American League Polaroid 139 matic breakthrough in the Pres- of land lying and being In the County WHEREAS, there Is not sufficient space Christmas by selling AVON'S Christmas Dart Ind 52% of Winona, State of Minnesota Swift & Company Winona, Minnesota in an exhibition hockey game RCA 40% ident's speech. In the Winona Counly Courthouse to ef- , described bcauly line In spare time, starling now. "" as follows, to-wlt: These quotations apply to hogs deliver- TUESDAY, Deere 41-% Rep Stl 39 ficiently house the said Public Health Contoct Helen Scott, Box 764, Roches- NOV. 4, 1969 Monday night. "President Nixon's speech did ed to tha Winona Station by noon today. Dow Cm 72% Rey Tb 45% Nursing Service, It Is necessary that the A strip of land, 100 feet In width, HOGS ter. . not contain anything new or ex- County of Winona provide space outside described as follows: ' du Pont Hog market: Steady. _ Call No. 471 115V4 Sears R 69'^ of the Courthouse; and, All the abandoned right ol way of Charter No. 10845 citing," noied Eldon Grimm , Meat type, 200-230 lbs. .. 24.00-24.50 National Bonk' Region No. 9 East Kod 77% Shell Oil 50 the former Chicago Great Western V4 senior vice president of Walston WHEREAS, without respect to the need Butcliers, 200-230 Ibs 24.00 Firestone 54% Sinclair — for additional space for the Public Health Railway Company as located ond Sows, 270-300 lbs . ...22.00 Immediate Opening Consolidated Report of Condition, Including Ford Mtr 44% & Co. "The market is attuned to Nursing Service, It Is deemed advisable platted across the Wesl Half of the CATTLE Sp Rand 44% for tho Counfy of Winonn to acquire title Southwest Quarter (WW, SW'/*) of Cattle market: Steers and heifers stea- Domestic Subsidiaries, of Tha Gen Elec 83>/4 St Brands 47 going up on peace hopes and to the following described property: Section 20, Township 107 North, Rnnge dy; cows 25 to 50 cents higher. for girl with business school down when those hopes disap- 9, West , of tho Filth Principal Mer- choice and prima 27.00 Gen Food 82% St Oil Cal 57% Lot Nine (9), Black Forty-Six (46), High and/or college training. Original Plat to the City of Winona idian and containing 3.4 acres, more Choice 24.75-26.50 Gen Mills 37% St Oil pear." or less. Ind 50Vi tor 1ho reason that the location ot Good 22.50-24.50 Good typist, competent at Winona Nation alod Savings Gen Mtr 74% St Oil Nj (18% Grimm said it was apparent said property Is desirable as a site WHEREAS, said County does not have Slondard 21.00-22.50 Bank 16.50-18.00 Gen Tel 35 Swift that the enormous amount for additional or now county build- need for said parcel ol lond and has Utility cows figure work. Shorthand not . 29% advertised for sealed bids for the pur- Conne r and cutter 15.00-17,50 of Winona, in fhe Gillette 44% Texaco :)0% was be- ' Ings; and, required , but helpful. Ex- State of Minnesota/ at th« of cash on the sidelines WHEREAS, there Is a building on the chase thereof by publishing said adver- close of business Goodrich 33% Texas Ins 121 % ginning to support the market above described property which, If re- tisements for 3 successive weeks In tha Bay State Milling Company cellent working conditions. on October 21, 1969 Winona Dally News Pub ,shcd in csponso ,0 modeled , a dally newspaper Commercial 22.00-30.00 .,,, . , ! , / . . ca" m("*« b y comptroller of tha currency, under Section Goodyear 30% Union Oil 43 later in the session. Emotional , would provide suitable quarters Apply at 12(55 , 8 to 82ii, u.s. revised statutes. for the said Public Health Nursing Serv- published at Winona, Minnesota, sold ad- Elevator A Oraln Prices E. nth Gt'No Ry 45% Un Pac 48% vertisements tor snld bids having been jushels ol grain will ba selling over the President's Ice; and, Ono hundred 5, or Tel, 8-4626 Extension 8 ASSETS Greyhnd 19>/„ U S Steel so conducted In accordance wllh law, Iho minimum loads accepted at the el»' .17% speech wns begriming to dry up WHEREAS, the County of Winona has nnd In response thereto Cash .ind duo (rom b.inks , sealed bids valors. for appointment. (Including J None unposted debits) t ?,«? 786 0(1 GTilT-Oil 32 Wcsg El 62% boon e-dvlsed by the owner of the said U.S. • Treasury securities and some tmymg by bargain having been received by the Board of No. I northern spring wheal .... 1.J9 4 064 85154 properly that ths sold owner Will sell County commissioners In and for Winona Securities of other U.S. Government ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ildmestk 21% Wlworth 39 No. 2 northern spring wheat .... 1.57 Bgonclos nnd corporations , ...... 1,MS 562 50 hunters and others was appar- the snld properly to the Counfy of Wl- County In meeting duly assembled on Obllonllons ol Stfltos And polillcnl subdivisions ' No. 3 northern spring wheat .... 1.53 2 OlA ORl il ent nonn for the sum of $28,000.00; and, October 20, 1969, and snld bids being northern spring wheat .... Othrr securities (Including i None corporate stock) ' ' ' . No. 1.49 AAA. \ni l,79 il WHEREAS, sold sum ropresonts a fair one In number having been opened nt ^ 1.43 Fodi-ml (until sold and securities purchased under doreemenls to resell ' No, 1 hard winter wheat Needed At Once! 4no ,ooo!oo At midday tobaccos were up, and reasonable price for said property; 10:30 o clock A.M. by the clork of said '- 0,if1' , , .. ' No. 2 hard winter wheal 1.41 ' 19 291 709 A6 Stretcher Coach Board , and tho bid of Lester Bank premises,, furniture nnd fixtures, and other aiseti but. steels, motors , rubber is- NOW, THEREFORE, the followlnq re- Rnhn be- No. 1 hnrd winter wheat 1.37 ing Iho only bid duly received, snld bid whoet 1.33 Full and Part-Time represent Inn bnnk premises ... . 54A 1S9.04 sues , util i- solution Is hereby adopted by the Board No. 4 hard winter ' ' ' '. , aircrafts , electronics being In the amount of S350, and said Customers ' lloblllty lo Ihls bnnk on Acceptance s ouUlnndlnfl . . . 3,<>u0 00 Gives Inspiration of County Commissioners In nnd for Wl- No. I rV« '.08 Olher assets (Including i Hmw direct le,isn !ln,inclnn) 1111,024.S7 ties, metals, chemicals, rails, nonn Counly, Minnesota, In mooting duly turn rcprcsenllno a fair and reasonnblo No, 2 rya 1.08 oils, and airlines were all off. assembled: offer for said parcel, nnd II being lo Frocdtcrt Malt Corporation HOUSEKEEPING Total Asseh ,. Iho best interests of the residents of HO,.V0,J5IUo To Wadley Team BE IT RESOLVED, Thnt Winona Coun- Hours: t a.m. to A p.m. Mead Corp., with a block Wlnonn counly thnt snld bid b» ncccptcd LIABILITIES ty, through Its Board ol County Com- and snld pnrcel be sold; Submit sample before loading. MAIDS Demand depoMIs ol individuals, parlnershlps, .iiid corpornllona I 5,7M1 Chnlrman of tlio Bonrd of said Lester Rahn. Grncta A Inrgn (white) .45 (hi Total time and savings deposits J19, IIW,990 .|B team to complete its 19G9 season most active issues were on thc Orado A medium (whlli) 31 Watkins Methodist Home . Counly Commissioners. Daled Octobor federal luivls purchased and securities sold under norooments 23rd, 1969. Grade fi (white) 31 ^ undefeated. decline , 2 were ahead , and 3 un- 175 E. Wabasha to repurchase . .. / ' 90,000.00 Attest: Len J, Merchlowllr, Grn'te C lo Accept,inrcs executed Lying on a stretcher at thc , by or for account ol Ihis bank nnd outstanding .l.iSOO .Oo changed Alois J, Wlcrek, Chairman of the Board of Olher nihilities 1, 471 ,227. 20 sidelines, Mays, .10, helped Declines led advances by 550 (First Pub. Tuesdny, Nov, 4, IW) n . County Auditor. County Commissioner!, Male—Job* of Interest— 27 guide the team, to victory in ' State of Minnesota ) ss, Total l.ubllllles - ... 12H,M4 ,74n .2| issues after having a 650-issue On motion, Ili a Bonrd nd|ournod lo Attest: , RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES each of Its first seven games, 3:30 o'clock P.M. County of Wlnonn ) In Probate Court FULL AND part-time employment need- lead earlier , Alois J. Wlcink, No. 17,049 , Reserve lor had debt losses on loans (sei up pursuant lo (lis rulings) ,,l 212,312.22 lie had to have a ed. Yellow Cnb, 260 W. 3rd Tal, 3331. blood trans- Many of the glamors were hit , MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, IMf, County Auditor. In Ra Eitati ol Totnl Reserves on Loans /md Secuillle: , .$ 212,312.22 fusion to muster the strength to the hardest during earlier trad- at 3:10 o'clock P.M. On motion , tho County lllohway Engi- Constance Thomas, alio known ai AAAN FOR 'f-'ENERAL work. Apply In Conitancc Slmono Thomas , Decedent, person, Rush Arbor Form, Rushford, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS make it to the final game last The Winona Counly Bonrd of Com- neer wns Instructed to Install nccossnry Capital notes and debentures » 3M flOO inij, but l>y midday had begun to guard rails on Counly Order for Hearing on Petition lo Minn. Tel. tM-,:i97 .7.l change where 10 of the 20 most- plaint of Karon Kohner wns received In the Clly of filing thereof, leaving certain property Mays as coach this season Wlnonn, on Ihe 3rd dny Reserve lor conllnnencles and other capital reserves ... , 200, 000.00 , nnd placed on file and referred lo Ihe of November Minnesota, nnd that active issues forged ahead , nine A.D, 1969. In Wlnonn Counly, gives him full credit for the declined and ono remained un- Liability Insurance Agency. no Will of snld docodenl hai been prov- Train for PRINTING Totnl Cupilnl Accounts ,,»2,OI3,|97 .73 team's showing. On motion a copy, of a resolution of Len J. Merchlewllz ) County ed, nor administration of her "stall "We changed. tlio Houston County l)o7',4; !I0 B 05. and l)V mnlled nollco as provided hy Technical School belief K (rut, nnd correct. dramatic sioners met In the County Commissioners ' On motion, lha Bonrd adjourned . moment . The players Eggs steady; wholesale buy- room In the Court law. • r , I.. KING, JR . House In Iho Clly of I.en J , Mcrthlewlti, Prtlrrt Oclolw 31, IMP, for Catalog 'HS were moved by this. This rmlly ing prices unchanged to I high- Wlnonn . All members wore present nnd I , .1 , sirvi Chnlrmnn nl the Hoard . 5, A, SAWYER, JOHN A. (.1 RMLS meant something to them. Once er; 110 per cent ' or belter grade Chairman I.en ./ . Merchlewllz presided. Probato Judge . j Attest: 1104 Currio Ave., Minneapolis 'V, Direc lor he got in the stadium , we played A whiles 51; mediums 45; stand- On motion, thr earnest money con- (I'roDnte Court Sent) tract for Lot 9, Block 46, Original Plat Alois J. Wkrok , .lohn D . McGill, Approved for Veteran Training a great iianie." ards 4fi; checks 37. lo lha City of Wlnono bilweon A. Chrli County Auditor, Attorney lor Petitioner, ' Male—Jobs of Interest— 27 Wanted—Livestock 46 Articles for Sale 57 Wanted to Buy 81 Houses for Sale 99 Houses for Sala 99 Used Cars 109 Winona Daily News TU EXPERIENCED MAN for light farm- CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Winona/Minnesota '•• and procei- TV ANTENNA and rotor. Tel. 9573. WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON & METAL BEAUTIFUL NEW • 3-bedrrom home In TWOfSTORV 4-5 bedroom home. By own- FORD, 1966, work. Modern mobile home furnished. sing. Lewliton Locker V-8, stick, overdrive; 1966 Plant, Lewlilon, CO. pays highest price* for acrap Iron, Goodview. Large carpeted living room ers'. 452 E. 3rd. Inquire 975 W. 2nd. - ¦ Chevrolet, TUESDAY, NOV. 4, IM May ba of retirement age. Tel. J86-2771 Minn. Tel. 3311. We render ' V-8, stick; . 1965 .Chevrolet, 6, lard and G.E. 10 h.p., 3-phase electric motor/ re- metali and raw fgr. •nd family room with fireplace. Fur- Tel. 65B2. stick; 1965 Ford, V-8, automatic; 1965 days, 886-2791 nlflhtl,. P.O. Box 324, cure and imokt. cently overhauled, First 540 takes. 458 Cloied Saturdays nace with central air conditioning. This Chevrolet, 6, automatic, at Barney s Used Cars Harmony, Minn. 8th-after 222 W. 2nd . Tel. ' 109 W. S. , 2047 Is an executive type heme priced at MODERN 3'bedroom home In country. Standard, Stockton, Minn, Tel. Rollins- LEWISTON LIVESTOCK MARKET ~~ $37,800. Also 2 other new 3 and 4-hed- Gas furnace. Possession Nov 1, 8 MAN FOR yard work and chores, .. . . stone 689-2710. • part A REAL GOOD auction market for your DESK—Home or office, mahobany wood, HIGHEST PRICES PAID room homes In this attractive aree miles S. of Utica. For information Tel. or full-time. Cou ld be older man. Ed livestock. Dairy cattle on hand all 4 fl., double pedestal, locking drawers, for scrap Iron, metals, rags, hldei, with beautiful view of the hills. TOWN Lehnertl, RolMngstone, Tel. 689-2445. Bert Agrimson, Peterson 875-6103. week . Livestock bought every day. 130. Tel. 8-1000. raw fura and wooll 8. COUNTRY, Tel. 8-3741, Gen* Karasch PONTIAC — 1969 Cetalina 4-door sedan, 1967 FORD Trucke available. Sail, Thura., l p.m. SO-2254, Mark Zimmerman $-1476. TWO ST0RV 2 bedroom home, 1 . power steering, power , brakes, less than MAN FOR general farmwork ^4 baths, on. all mod- Tel. Lewliton itif or Winoni 7114. " Get In on the FABRIC SAVINGS. Now Sam Weisman & Sons lull loi, excellent location. Tel. 8-3712 : 5000 actual miles. Trust Dept., Merch- • Galaxie 500 ern dairy farm. Ralph Shank, 3 miles all New Polyester Double Knits, up to INCORPORATED PROMPT Real Estate Salii for appointment. ants National Bank. * E. of St. Charles. Tel. . 932-4941. ii" wide. SPECIAL - 54.98 a yard. « *, 3rd Tel. 5M7 And Financing 4 door, SoBd Burgundy fin- Farm Implements 48 CINDERELLA SHOPPE, M on the Pll- CUSTODIAN WANTED-day NEW 3-BEOROOM with attached garage ish with Black Cloth and work, 7-3:30. ze West. Frapk West Agency In Spring Grove, for sale, trade or vinyl . Uniforms and other benefits. Please KEWANEE AUGER, 5V; 47' Slanhoirt Rooms Without Meals 86 175 LofeyetH interior, automatic write giving age, brief rent. Also a good selection ol homes In LUXURY DRMNG history to D-26 elevator; 46* Kewanee elevator with MOTOROLA 23" color TV.'^olld walnut Tel. 5240 or 4400 aftir houri. the L« Crescent area. transmission, V-8 motor Dally News. BILL CORN- , power raise; 3 used 40' tJevjlori, case, 8449 w.t.; Gibson 14 cu. It. re- FURNISHED. ROOM, available tmmedl- FORTH, REALTOR, Le Crescttnt, Minn, power steering, radio and ready to go. Kalmei Implement, Al- frigerator-freezer, self defrost, 5219.95 ately, young man. Kitchen facilities. Tel. J55-21M or Spring Grove 5313. tura, Minn, w.t. SCHNEIDER SALES CO., 1671 W. Tal. M918 after 5:30. 1967 CHRYSLER ; whitewall tires. Help—Male or Female 28 ' ' ¦sth. . -; PETERSON, W. YOU CAN EXCHANGE your present WANTED—Dearborn* (h COOKS AND CHEFS wanted. Mutt hive corn picker, must ROOMS FOR MEN - with or without home for is new home. East location. New Yorker $1895 references. Write C-78 Daily News. be late model In A-l shape. Maurice Freezers & Refrigerators housekeeping, no day ilepeers. Tel. ABS9 3 bedrooms. Only $14,900. Financing Tew, Rushlord, MINNESOTA 2 door Hardtop Minn. Tel. 8M-713I, It costs no m,ore to own a Gibson. Come between 11 and 1. ' available. ABTS AGENCY, INC., 159 y DAY DISHWASHER needed at once. Also br and get our prices. WINONA FIRE Walnut St. Tel. 8-M«5. OPEN MON & FRI. WAGON with box and hoist. Russell Per- Seven room house and large Beautiful dark green metal- olher kitchen help. Students welcome to y& POWER CO., 54 E. Jnd. Tel. 5045. EVENINGS WILLIAMS ~- - sons, St. diaries, Minn. Tel. M2-4865. Apartments Flats . NEW 2-bedroom home. Will also rent to apply. HOTEL. , 90 lot, newly remodeled with lic with automatic transmis- I ¦ 7 .../ ': STOOL AND lavatory, magnesium ramp, responsible party. Tel. 8-AXi evenings ___ DISC SHARPENING by rolling, stays tew roof , sidewalks, and after 4:38. . sion, FULL POWER includ- Hollywood box spring. 264 W. 7th. FOUR and bath, all Business Opportunities 37 sharp longer, no metal lost. Diamond ^OOMS utilities, range and refrigerator furnished. West exterior paint. ing seats and windows, K . Enterprises, St. Charles, Minn. Tel. WALNUT BOOkCASE-8' long, 42" high, THREE-BEDROOM home, attached ga- . 932-4308. csntral location. Tel. 8-2165 - FACTORY AIR, Astrophonic sliding glass doors. Tel. 3426. $1,000 down payment and rage, glassed-in porch. Large lot. -JHi PART-TIME - baths. Fully carpeted. Tel, 9745. radio, tinted windows; white- SUNSET BULK TANK-300-flal., SSOO. DELUXE 1-BEDROOM apartment, BOB terms available to qualified FULL-LENGTH mouton coat, excellent SELOVER REALTOR, Tel. 2J49. wall tires, bucket seats BUSINESS May be seen before noon , any day. condition. Tel. 8-4404 weekdays after buyers. HEIGHTS BLVD. 1518-new 2-»tcry house. Harlow Poller, Rt. 3, Winona, (Witoka). 5:30. 4 bedrooms; family room with fire- with center armrest. All MODERN 2 bedroom apartment with place, double altached garage, air con- kitchen, living and dining room. Fully leather interior NO SELLING MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT For inspection, Tel. 875-5381 ditioned and landscaped Hilke Homes. . FLUFFY SOFT and bright as new, lhat's Carpeted and redecorated, with garage. Easy pleasant work, near home, restock- RATH wash lanks, fans, air intakes, Inc., Tel. 4127 for appointment . what cleaning rugs.will '-do, -when you Centrally located. $150. Adults only. or write P.O. Box 97.- ing GENERAL FOOD PRODUCTS, NES- hose parts, storage cabinets. . use Blue Lustre! Rent electric sham- SEE THIS FULL LUXURY TLES, PLANTERS, NABISCO. ' Write Apartments, P.O. Box tSA, Wi- Requires Ed's Refrigeration & Dairy -Supplies ' pooer 51. Robb Bros Store. You can be Its first own- 1-10 hours per week. Earn 1400 - . . nona. C. NEW HOME. CAR NOW $600 555 B. 4lh Tel. 5532 er and tske off the newness yourself. and up monthly Income. Investment TIGER REALTY Mobil» Homes, Trailer! Ill re- RUMMAGE SALE—Thurs., Nov. 6, 9 to 3 bedrooms, large living room with fire- quired. Give phone number and SIX-ROOM heated apartment, 1257>/3 W. write Wabasha St. Toys, dishes, place, large kitchen with dining area. D-31, Dally News. 2:30. 858 W. (th. Adults. Available now.. $125 per INVESTMENTS MOBILE HOME PICKER CLEARANCEf clothes. We have financing available. Let us $2595 SPOTS. I have 3 spoti furniture and month. Tel. 8-3768 or 8-2127. open for rent, 33x100' THE BOSS laid reduce the price ; for a Peterson, Minnesota 55962 show this new home. ABTS AGENCY, . It's lust a 25-mlle drive from Winona. Tel. 248-2579. Del- " good buy come on over, he wilt be SNOW TIRES, 14" and 15") 6-year crib, INC., 159 Walnut St. Tel 8-4345, WE DARE YOU.' . eft Krause, Cochrane, Wis. . . . , here also. We still have a good selection complete; 9'xl2' wool rug; refrigerator ; Apartments, Furnished 91 "We service what we sell." and have been getting a load, a week, 6 small size oil gas stove; large and GREEN TERRACE Mobile Home Park, To check us out, at our expense. If on hand now/2 more coming; also ele- heater. 168 High Forest. you are looking for a tremendous re- vators, plows, diggers. 50 John Deere A TWO-ROOM with kitchenette, private en- BY OWNER Lamoille, has some, lots available suit- trance, close to doWntawn and schools. able lor 12' and 14' wide homes. Earl turn on your invelmenf, we want you tractor. Cftrlsf Moen, Beaches Corner, Large 3-bedroom home for ¦ lo check our hundreds of distributors Ettrick, Wis., (house rear of lot). Coal, Wood, Other Fuel 63 Tel. 8-4749 between A and 8 p.m. Nottleman, Tel. Winona 8-1317 or 9612. end references. Service the wholesale — sale or rent. NEWLY REDECORATED 4-room apart- N TWO BEDROOMS-1958, 8" X 50', BOOd food trade part-time and develop lo WHITE BIRCH fire wood for sale. Tel. ment, : with all utilities-furnished. Close ° snaps. Tel. Rollingstone 639-2U5 eve. . full time if you so desire. $3,750 In- 896-3733. y SPECIAL PRICE Houston 896-3337 or. 510 W. Broadway vestment. Not . vending. No . selling; to downtown. S135 month. For married "Wib'' HELZER nlngs. Company established accounts, Men : couple. Tel. 7776 for appointment. BURN MOBIL FUEL OIL and enloy Tel. 5508 or Women, 3-4 hours per week on Allis Chalmers Model 73 MARSHFIELD, 1964 10x50', excellent con- . 100% the comfort of automatic personal care. REALTY ¦ ' THREE-ROOM apartment, completely Daily, 2:30-4:30 dition. New carpet ,-* air conditioning,. - guarantee buy-back on Inventory at 3-bbttom, 16" tractor' plow Keep full service - complete burner all times. For further information, furnished. Tei. Rolllngslon 689-9150. 106 Exchange Bldg. Call For Appointment. furnished, steps and skirling. Tei. care and furnace, cleaning. Budget serv- Fountain City 687-4841 after S:30. write Romsra, Inc., 3740 W. Fullerton with 3 point hitch and ser- ice. Order tcday from JOSWICK FUEL Ave., Chicago, —Til., 60647, giving your AVAILABLE NOW - deluxe efficiency 8, OIL CO., 901 E. 8th. Tel. ^389 . apartment, suitable for 1 adult. On bus- 3rd & Washington HOMETTE LIBERTY HAMPTON .. phone number. . rated coulters, used as line. $100 per month. Tel. 8-5250. . Sale or Rent; Exchange 101 Open Mon. & Fri. Evenings MARSHFIELD . SCHULT demonstrator 1 day. EDGE OF TOWN JA.K.'s MOBILE HOMES, INC. Fum„ Rugs, Linoleum 64 WANTED—2 girls to share 2-bedroom fur- BY OWNER—2-level home on wooded lot . ' ' NELSON, WIS. ; . BE YOUR OWN nished apartment. Tel. 8-4092. 3 bedroom home on double 'ln. Lanesboro, . .320,000. Will rent for KOCHENDERFER & SONS SEVEN-PIECE bedroom group Including, S150 month plus utilities. Tel. Lanes- Man/ homes to choose from st efficiency apartments for Tot. Breezeway and double boro 467-1318. . ' : COULEE MOBILE HOME SALES . double . dresser with mirror, chest, pan- TWO SMALL . . . BOSS Fountain City, Wis. girls. 178 E. 6th or Tel. 4207. Hwy 14-61 E., Winona . Tel. 4276 elled bed, Sealy boxsprlng and mattress, garage, Quiet area. Reason- SMOOTH . pair boudoir lamps, Special price' 5198, ably priced. Wanted—Real Estate 102 Operator, proprietor wanted BORZYSKOWSKI FURNITURE 30! EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, central lo- MOBILE HOMES all sizes starflna Mankato 'Ave. cation within walking distance of down- at 12x50', 60', 6A' ; 7 and 3 bedrooms. for Strum Locker Plant, town, available soon. ABTS AGENCY, DUPLEX—S15,O00-S23,0O0. Tel. Rochester TRAVELING Starling et only. $3895. On tlie. spot :. • INC., 159 Walnut St. Tel. 1-4365. 288-8616. . financing. Houston Mobile Homes, Tel. Strum, Wis. LINOLEUM RUGS—9x12, pretty patterns, CENTRAL LOCATION : FALL CLEANUP good selection for any room 55.99. each, 896-35001 or J. A. Twaiten 89<-3I01, H. For details write or call TWO WORKING girls to share apartment, Nice 2 bedroom home. Car- AHEAD! SHUMSKI'S, S8 W. 3rd. Tel. 8-3389.. Motorcycles, Bicycles 107 D. Gunderson 896-2017, C. W. E-ana Erling Johnson 2559 New- carpeted, kitchenette and bath, air con- peted living room and dining 895-2603. , ditioning, heat and water furnished. berry Ave., Green Bay, Wis. SALE ON room. 2 baths. $12,900. Good Things to Eat 65 Sm. 'Tal. 5234. USED HONDA 90 SS. 820 «lh Ave. Tel. 1967 CHRYSLER Auction Sales ' 54302. 8-2303. NEW LAZY A RUSSETS, 52.98 hundred; home- New Yorker Business Placet for Rent 92 4 BEDROOMS W. Motorcycles New & Used FREDDY FRICKSON grown rutobagas, 10 Ibs. 59C; apples 4 door Hardtop, white with* Auctioneer . . 51.50 bu. Winona Potato Market. Complete Parts & Service 2 baths, carpeted. . . living Winona—La Crosse—Eau Claire Will handle ell sizes and kinds ot Dogs, P«ts, Supplies 42 BUILDING FOR RENT—warehouse and black vinyl top, matching MACHINERY room, dining room. Oil fur- ROBB MOTORS. INC. auctions. Tel. D>*ofa 613-6143 GILMORE¦ VALLEY ORCHARD apples, office, 170 E. 3rd, available Dec. 1. black interior , power steer- POODLE CLIPPING-Avold Ihe Christ- 1-John Deere Model C20 51 a bu. and up. Tel. 8-441S. Weekdays Tel. 6067. nace. Easily convertible to ing, power brakes, power ALVIN KOHNER mas rush. Tel. 4988 for appointment. open after 4; weekends all weekend. Snowmobiles 107A AUCTIONEER, City and state llcens. 12% ft. field cultivator. _ BUILDING for rent, 1054 W. 6th, Tel. apartments. windows, power seats, ed and bonded, Rt. J, Winona. Tel. ~ ¦ AKC REGISTERED Miniature Schnauzer 6790. ; FACTORY AIR CONDI- 4980. . .y . puppies,' champion- sired, shots, ears 2—John Deere CCA 11% ft. y22 AAORE F\ Tel. 8-4808 Red Hot RUPP Show-Sport cropped, home raised. .Kittens to give 5 Models on Display TIONING, white sidewall ¦ ' ' field cultivators. Complete Sales St Service Minnesota Land k . :. '¦; -. ¦wa y. Tel. 6007. Houses for Rent 95 "24 Hour Phone Service" . tires, driven only^ 35,000 ' . Headquarters Auction Service 1-John Deere CCA 10 ft. WINONA FIRE S. POWER EQUIP. CO. miles, previous owner's Thanks- IVELL KEPT 3-bedroorn home, oil heat, Everett J. Kohner 54-56 E. 2nd St. : Tel. 5065 ¦ Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 field cultivatpr. __fj£?___ % Vh baths, nice kitchen. 7 miles S. ol name on request. Immacu- '" ; Winona . Tel . 7814 , ¦ Lewiston on blacktop. Roger Baer, Tel. ¦ GO ONE BETTER . .. late in every respect Jim Papenfuss, Dakota. Tel. 4-43-2972 1-John Deere F145 H 4 bot- giving Lewiston 5754. . , Boyum Agency, Rushford. Toi. 844.9381 BLACK MARE, 6 years old, weight about . N;«j Bffi Gel Skl-Dool 1400 lbs., broke and gentle. Dark sor- DICK'S MARINE tom 16 in. plow. ONE NEW 2-bedroom, East King, 5160; - $2595 rel riding horse, 6-year-old gelding, 800 Latsch Island, Winona. Tel: 3809 NOV. 5 - Wed. 1 p.m. Furniture Auc- : lbs., while socks and : blaze, broke buf 1 remodeled 3-bedroorn, west side, $165. tion, 605 E. {th, Winona. Alvin Kohner, . . 1—John Deere F620AH S bot- ~ ,, ' spirited. Columbia ram, .4 yeara old. Tel. 8-5376. WESTGATE GARDENS Auctioneer;/ . E. J. Kohner Clerk. Harley Thompson, Rt. 1, Winona. tom, 16 in. plow. Wheelhorse, AMF, Trades, Sales ! ¦ 1966 OLDS 98 To Be Given Away THREE-BEDROOM house on the black- Service, Accessories, Clothing. LUXURY SEDAN NOV. 6—Thurs. 1:30 p.m. 8 mlln S. of SERVICEABLE. HOLSTEIN bulls for sale 1—John Deere 2 section No. top, 2 miles S.E. of Lewiston. Donald Black River Falls on 27 to Shamrock. Monday's — Winner KS^33 Light blue with a black ' Russell Schroe- R. Wilson, Utica. Tel, 932-3132. Everett Zlllmer, owner; or rent, sired by Curtlss breeding. Lllla 14 rotary hoe. Fran Miller 510 Hamilton ' . - . GET . A HOMELITE . Bros., Tel. Centerville 539-2676. , E. 2nd 8 514i See whit fun snowmobll|ng can bit vinyl top, power steering, . der, auctioneer; Northern Inv. Co.. . ' |§f|Jl " clerk. 1-John Deere No- 200 41 ft. Register Today At Wanted to Rent : 96 Pf Service & Sales power brakes, power seat, PUREBRED ANGUS bull, no papers, 2 POWER MAINTENANCE & SUPPLY CO. Cty. Trunk yean old. Clifford Paulson, Tel. Peter- bale elevator. 2nd & Johnson Tel. 2571 power windows, AIR CON- NOV? 6-Thurs . 12:30. On TWO RESPONSIBLE young ladles look- D, 5 miles W. of Melroso. Gilbert V son 875-6136. , DITIONING , white sidewall V 1—Stanhoist 47 ft. auger ele- MCDONALD ing for unfurnished 3 or 4-bedroom Hops Hughes, owners; Hernlsch & Mill- house or apartment for rant. References er, auctioneers; Bank of Melrose, FEEDER PIGS; also Smedloy 12-hole hog Family Comfort tires, radio, heater and . yator. furnished. Tet. 4475. - feeder. Ilka now. Kermit Vertheln, Al- Fine three bedroom home, USED MfVNY other extras, a one clerk. tura. Tel. 7J45. lr-Koyker 47 ft Guns, Sporting Goods 66 . auger ele- has newly carpeted living owner car and mileage ex- NOV , 7—Frl. 12:30 p.m. 6 miles W. of Bus Property for Sale 97 winona in Stockton Volley. Emil Kulak REGISTERED POLLED Hereford bulls, vator. ceptionally low. You will BROWNING AUTOMATIC 12 gauge shot- room, dining room and bed- SNOWMOB ILE Estate i Alvin Kohner, auctioneers '3-yeer-old, ' 2 yearlings. Lewis one H. 3—John Deere No. 1040 wag- gun, ventilated rib, lightweight. Real kitchen with have to see this one to be- Norlhern Inv. Co., clerk. Screening (, Sons, 408 Center, Winona. nice shape, guaranteed to work. Silas rooms. Nice 6380. ¦ lieve it. Priced at Tel. . ons. Holland, Peterson, Minn. built-in cabinets. Den, utility Tel. 3541 or NOV 8—Sat. 11 a.m. 5 miles N. of Inde- The . ; room, bath. Full basement. : pendence on 93 to Elk Creek, then . V/t , PUREBRED SPOTTED Poland China 1—John Deere No. 2 bale 5781. $2300 milos E. on Cty. Trunk E, then 'Amile boars, new bloodline. Lowell Babcock, Garage. . . ; ejector. Gordon Agency, Inc. S. Pat & Ed Matchey, owners ; Alvin Utica, Minn. Te|. St. Charles 932-3437. BROWN ING Kohner, auctioneer; Northern - Inv. Co< REALTORS Trucks . ¦¦Traet'sV Trailers 108 clerk. SPRINS1NG HOLSTEIN heifers, aome 1—Big Butch EA 230 sprayer 12 gauge automatic, , close, calfhood vaccinated. Al Aschim, with 8 row boom. Growing Room buck special deerslayer. NOV . e—Sat. 1 p.m. Household Auction, Rushford, Minn. Newly carpeted four bed- JEEP-1950 4-wheel drlvi pickup with WALZ Hentges residence on Church St., Foun- See us for real savings GOMMERGiAL snowplow. 5420 W. 6th. • Buick - Olds - GMC tain City, Wis. Edward M. Hentgei •TEERS—Holstelm and Angus, 700 to 900 room home has large living auct ion- Open Mon. & Fri. Nights Estate, owners: HU Duellman,¦ lbs. Elmer A. Matzke, Rollingst one, on these Items, BROW NING room, dining room , utility FORD—Vh-lon truck, 1948 engine. Rush eer; Louis, clerk, '¦ ¦ ' ' • ' Minn. Tel. Lewiston 2774. : BUILDINGS Arbor, Rushford, Minn; Tel. 864-9122. r room and den. Brand new 2 ¥* vent rib barrel. - "<¦ - sS' -V- - .wv.v.-,^.v.-.-. -..^-.. v .--«•— •-•«- REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 3 years kitchen. Two baths. Garage. FORD—1!68 VMon pickup camper, over- ,* v?„ V. ^ ^iv>- ^ * ^\>* ^ —^ old; also registered Angus bull, 2 years LEWISTON 1915 WEST 5TH STREET load springs, 20,000 miles. S2.0O0. Dan old. Purebred Duroc boars and gilts. Central location. Attractive Prllil, Tel. 2741 after I. Clifford Hoff, Lanesboro, Minn. Tel. ; BROWNING financing available. AUTO 1500 Feet of space with Peterson 875-6125. CO. S" magnum with vent Sq. Used Cart 109 HOUSEHOLD Lewiston, Minn. two large li) ft. overhead I j REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull, ready for rib barrel. use. Dam with records up to 803 Ibs. Tel. 2511 doors Gas heat. Lot size Budget Priced PONTIAC 1966 Grand Prix, bucket seals, 4.5 test In 305 days, classified very fit, ¦ 104 by 153 ft. Zoned R-3. console, lutometic floor shift, power good. Sire Sunnyslde Standout. Gold Tel. 3541 or 5781. . Nice three bedroom home steering and brakes. Tel. 8-3832 efter S. medal. Schreiber Bros., Rt. 2, Winona . with garage. Carpeted living AUCTION OLDSMOBILE—1956 4-door, mint condi- v Hay, Grain, Feed 50 I At the Ed Hentges Residence on Church St. in Fountain J JUNCTION STREET room. I | HOLSTEIN SPRINGING heifer due with- room, and dining tion Insldo and out. New tires . 65,000 in 2 weeks, dam has many records over Kitchen, bath. Present fi- actual miles. 2-owner car . »395. 312Vi | | City, Wis. STANDING CORN-lo acres I 500 fat and sire Is proven plus 770M, , near Wyatt- HUNTERS ! Main Building has about nancing may be assumed S. Bakor. Tel. 7815. plus 16F . MOO. Merlin Parsons, St. ville. Contecf Bob Sfanbaure, Ruibford 2500 Sq. Feet 'of floor space Charles. Tel. 932-4398. or Ed O'Rourke, Stockton. with $2,000 down and low VOLKSWAGEN — 1960, excellent engine, | Novesnber 8 ;j with four large 10x10 ft. interest of 7% . gas heater, snow tires. Firs) $225 takes. Saturday,¦ ¦ ¦ HEREFORD FEEDER calves , 15, weight GOOD BALED STRAW—about 400 baleaV Come to overhead doors. Second Gary Ulbrech, 603 Lake Blvd. Tel. 7113. 400 Ibs.) registered polled Hereford bull, Gerald Semling, Founteln City, (Marsh- f ' . • I 3 years old Tel. Fountain Clly 687-3868. land). Tel. 8487-3854. JON'S GUN SHOP Building has 9 individual PLYMOUTH—1966 Fury II 4-door, air con- . At 1 P.M . Sharp 1 . % '¦ in Houston, Minn, rental garage stalls with Near Winona ditioned, power steering, new tlras. Ex- % $ FOUR SOWS—coming with second lltler, SHELLED CORN-Everett Rowi-kamp, ceptional. $1300, Tel. 8-2004. Frigidaire refrigerator ; Frigidaire electric stove; i| to, farrow soon. Maynard Olson, Hous- Lewiston, Minn. Tel. 3879. for repair service, reblu- overhead doors, Both Build- Large five bedroom home $ kitchen table and 4 chairs; bookcase; 9x18 ft. rug; Victor | ton. , Tel. 896-3918. ing, refinishing and restock- ings on 185 foot frontage. with garage. Spacious kitch- MUST SELL 1966 Oldsmobile FB5 Sports I CORN FROM the picker, lc a lb. Up to Will assist in financing. Coupe, V-8, all automatic, 1-owner. See I Victrola with lots of records; 9x12 ft. rug; dining room | CIRCLE G Ranch Is now equipped to do 4,000 bu, MARK ZIMMERMAN, Pleas- ing; also scope and sight en and living room May be at 164 N. Baker. Tel. 68J4. . set of dishes ; sewing cabinet; | horse training, shoeing and/or trimming. ant R idge. Tel. Winona S-U76. installation. 24 hour service Zoned B-3. purchased with small down I table, 6 chairs and buffet; l ^ BUICK-1961 4-door hardtop, V-8, alr- Dumont TV set; Tel. 8-1160. on recoil pad installations. I davenport and chair; console radio; | payment, balance like rent. condltlonlng, radio, oulomeillc transmis- chair; library table; hall tree; PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE boars of all Articles for Sals New Browning, Remington, sion, power brakes and slc-orlng, Like I upholstered rocker and | 57 THE dressers ; vanity ages, guaranteed quality. Will deliver. Winchester and Mossberg Residence Phones After 5: now. Whitewall tires. 4520 7th SI. Tel. 1 Toastmaster electric heater ; 3 beds; 2 | Tel. 878-4277 evenings. Lyle Sell, Strum, 8-3320. kitchen utensils; COMPLETE SCUBA set. Gary Schocnlng, field GORDON I dresser; Maytag wash machine; dishes; | Wis. slug guns on hand plus Bill Ziebell ...... 4854 4-door Tel. 6360. . . guns new and used. Model AGENCY MERCURY, 1965 Park Lane 4-door hard- 1 bedding; doilies ; pots and pans; 1960 Rambler gj FEB. AND MAR. purebred Hampshire Ed Hartert 3973 top, Vflnlerlred and snow liresj 1968 I sedan ; lawn mower; some tools; electric hedge trimmer; boars, excellent quality, superior pedi- ONE SIXTEEN stool formica top bar 12 Win; nickel steel trap Chrysler 300 5-door hardtop with vinyl | wllh refrigerated end tables. grees. Everett Rupprecht 8. Sons, Lew- beautiful back-bar, gun, 30" F.C. new Win. 101 Tel. 2Ht Charles E. Merkel. Realtor lop, low miles. This car cannot be I typewriter; oi! heater ; | Iston. Tel. 2720, vary good condition. Antique Bar, White- told from new, Tel. 6820, cliair; hall, Wis. trap and Ithaca 600 trap. | ARTICLES OF ANTIQUE VALUE: Rocking | and bowl ; TWO-YEAR-OLD registered Hereford Exchange Bldg. DODGE — 1969 Super Bee 6 pack, 440 I clock ; chest of drawers; hall mirror; pitcher | bulls. Elmer Schueler, Rushlord. Minn. RUMMAGE SALE — Wed. » to 5, 471 Be ready for the deer sea- © mngnum engine with 3 holley 2 barrel picture frames ; kerosenc-1nmp Wayne (behind Col. Sanders). Car seat, Winona $ table lamp; a few dishes; | Tel. 864-9122. son , try Jon's Special 575 EdolbrockCUUIUIUIR iiiyi!high riterile aluminum Intake,una**, ice skates, clothing nnd miscellaneous, 4:10 denedana rear end, fiberglass bubble | and lantern ; crocks, different sizes ; couch; writing, desk | COMPLETE WESTERN 8. ENGLISH Gr 12 gauge Vitt slugs for hood, 4 speed. Tel, Lewiston 4810. 1 with glass top ; and many other articles too numerous to i STORE . Riding equipment, clothing, USED REFRIGERATORS and electric the most power and accu- BOB ranges, all , reconditioned and guaran- i mention. I hone supplies - breaking, training, Farms, Land for Sale 98 J OLDSMOBILE—1945 "98" 4-door herdtop. for sale, stud servico, boarding, teed. B 8. B ELECTRIC, 155 E, 3rd, racy. L horses Inquire MERCHANTS NATIONAL | Edward M . Henlges Estate | . Indoor arena, English nnd Western BANK,BANK. lessons, trail and hay rldos Big Valley WE HAV E black and while TV, connotes Shop hours: 3 to 9 f?very 20-ACRE FARM wllh modern 3 or 4-bcd- | Clerk ; Louis Auctioneer: Hit Duenmnn and portables, many cablncl styles, detect | Tel. 3857. Ranch, East Burns Valley room home, 3 acres tillable W auto- , , wllh good FORD - 1962 Galaxie, 592 engine, ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ day until Nov. 7 to serve y ' . ., ,rs ,, ,. ,,., .,,.., ,. , - ...... ,>¦ ¦¦•¦ - ' . '¦ .' '. ' ¦yyy '. ''A' . ' . ' -' -'AT-:yA^'' : FRANK LILLA & SONS, 741 E. 8th. barn nnd 4-car garage. Located AVi T REALTOR matic transmission. Tel. U06 tiler 7. ^ . . ' . . . •. . * . . ' / i ^^ OPEN evenings. the needs of the hunter. miles N. of Galeivllle. Contact La- Verne Henderson, Rt. 2, Ettrick, Wis . 120 aNTER-m.2349 FORD—196? Oalaxla 800 4-door hardtop, WE HAVE WANTED — Happy Housewives wllh a Tel, 582-2957. wllh power, 12795. Alio oood selection Home Improvement Loan EASILY ar- "Your Business Is tmmmmmKf OBmmmmmwol other used cars and pickups, La rnnned at Ihe MERCHANTS NATIONAL I several nice first cnTf heifers 220-ACRC beef and hoo farm near Hous- Crosctnt Motors, La Creicant or Bill BANK, Appreciated" ton. Good land and buildings. Crops In- Cornforth, Tel. 895-2104. just fresh. . eluded II you move real fast. Or will CARPETS and lite too can bo beautiful sell same set ot buildings wilh 50 acres . OUR HOMES CHEVROFORDnlMOLDMIHRC electric Also 15 springer first cnlf If you use niuo Lustre . Renl Machinery and Tools 69 Either way reasonable price and terms . CARICHRYSBLRRVOLKMOBILB ^ WALLY GREDEN shampooer 51. H. Choale J. Co, Kendall Little Real Estate , Byron, COME IN WHICHEVER car you prefer, finance II ( heifers. Minn, wllh en eniy-to-orrnngo Auto Loan from m \ has / REDTOP .ANTENNA Service. Think ot SALE OR TRADE—Davis 170 hackhoc, the MERCHANTS NATIONAL DANK. 0ur Salcs Mana gcr tho many houri you will ba spending mounted on No. 65 Mimcy Ferguson ABOUT JO ACRES adlolnlng Spring Grove ALL SIZES! / L'"^^ ^& \ Quality dairy cows on hand watching TV this season. Eliminate diesel; also Dnvls power bucket . BILL Village, wllh modorn 3-bedroom home. 'S Sales Managcrs poor reception wllh n one-time Invest- CORNFORTH, La Crescent , Minn. Tel, ' • ¦ • won 2 Accommwia1lon« tor about 60 dairy cows, f ' '$$1 ¦¦' J from recently purchased ment of 5*9.95; nlso a guaranteed mini- 895-2106. wllh Grade A setup, Wllh or wllhoul 50 1968 ¦ ; contests in seven months. / spe- ' " /»J~!i¦/ mum of 30 FM stations wllh our cows. ImmedlaH possession. For sale FIVE \ ^i- ^~" herds. cially designed FM antenna. Tal. 9549, or trade. number ol other farms CHEVROLET ,e like WaI1y make Musical Merchandise 70 Also a Bedrooms, two baths, West / / ^%ir ' / • Pe°P \ ~ ~ ~~ for sale. BILL CORNFORTH, REAL- V-B, nutomntic. DA1T~Y NTWS TRUMPET—Orison Capri, Ilka new. Tel TOR, La Crescent, Minn, Tel, MJ-2106 Central. Plain View 3403 afler 5:30. or Spring Grovs 5313. Cheap! ( Mail IP YOU ARE In Ihe merket for a farm V irifh "Wm^ Dairy Farms LOWREY ORGAN DEALER -^ FOUR Tel. 3541 or 5781 \ WmBk. & mm* \ " New & Used Pianos, Piano Tunlne or home, or are plannlno lo sail real Bethany Road , Lewiston SUBSCRIPTIONS Oehrlng'i Electronic a, Music, Inc •state ot any typa, contact NORTH- Bcdroomn, 2% baths, choice Tel, Lewiston 4321 Days Lawlston,Mlnn, Tel. 3601. ERN INVESTMENT COMPANY, Real West location . ( WALLY'S DEMO ) May Estate Brokers , Inttpendonce, Wis., or Winona 72:«i Nights Be Paid at ' Eldon W. Berg, lHal Estate Salesman , N E ED LES Arcadia, Wis. Tel , 323-7350. 1 965 PONTIAC ) lDfiO XL 2-door hardtop \ TED MAIER DRUGS For All Makes THREE NOW ^Q50 NO TELEPHONE ORDERS Ot Record Players FARMS-FA RMS—FA RMS Catalina / List price: $4042.01 Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 WILL BE TAKIN MIDWEST REALTY CO, Bedrooms, Vk baths, Lake Oueo, Wis Park . , good shape. Hordt's Music Store 4 door, V-R motor, Automa- BROODER HOUSES, 12x14' OLD MASTERS Liquid Wood transforms lld.llj E. Jrd Tal. Office 5?7-l«5» \ 10B8 LINCOLN 2-door hardtop, \ Used, round hanging feeders, automatic old drab mlsmojched places ol furni- Rci. 495-31J7 tic tranamission , power waterers, rollaway nosls, plastic coat- $4290 ture and woodwork Into beautiful Mod - Wa buy, wa sell) we trade steering, power brakes ra- / only 32,000 miles ad egg baskets, all clean and in good ern wood, Sewing Machines 73 TWO , •hopo. Very reasonably priced , SPELTZ Bedrooms. Convenient Went dio, wfiitewnll tires and AIR I 10(i9 FOUD Torino loMt mileage $2895 ) CHICK HATCHERY, Rollingstone . PAINT DEPOT OOOD USED SEWING machines, rccon Houses for SaU 99 Central. CONDITIONING , solid white Minn Tel. 609-2311. 147 Center St. ttltlonad ana guaranteed HO end up ^ $2095 WINONA JBWINO CO., 9)5 W. 5lh SI, finish with bluo cloth and 19(57 MKIUHJKV 4-door (loaded) \ Wanted—Livestock 46 ~~ SMALL Iwo lwdroom home, complelaly CALL US TO SEE OUR vinyl interior. J - D^CON Stoves. Furnaces, remodeled, new carpeting throughout. 19(58 FORD Falcon 4-door ^nW) Parte 73 Buyer may asiumo present loan. Total NEW LISTINGS ( sailing price, I13.WO . Tel . 7736. MOUSE PRUFE MONOORAM OIL HBATHRS, all iliai, $1495 WANTED 2 Oz. 49c one-room to seven rooms. Liberal LOVELY COLONIAL home near 3 terms and trade allowances. OAIL'I schools, church nun bus Una. 1263 W. 4 Oa 89c APPLIANCE Holstein springing heifers, 2 , 215 E. 3rd. Tel. 4310, Broadway, i bedrooms, dining and liv- ing rooms drnpeil and carpeted. ' 3Vi i BOB to 6 weeks off; nlso 400-600 TED MAIER DRUGS OIL OR GAS heaters . Sales, tervlct. Downtown «. Miracle Mall baths . Screentd ln porch and sundsck In , RANGE OIL BURNER CO., 907 E. Sill. lb, open Holstein heifers. icnr. New p.melled family room with TOB3 Tel IAI1 Adolph Mlchalowikl. T0 1SISI " nor New rood now (urnacai new bnthi Doiiler "Licensed & Bonded Dealer " CLEARANCE SALE new dishwasher, sink and disposal , Sefofcfc ' I Your "Country Style" Ford-Mercury-Lineoln T wllh 'stove and Guns & Ammunition. ypewriters 77 Kllchen complete 'e W ME^BWR fiT^S* smUwI^llS/PeAAnlAmwHlB« I MIRACLM MALI. / Hoover Traps. trlgeraior. By owner , Unrly occupincy fl RCALTOR nBr!WiB Ed Lawrenz & Son While Houio Paint, Cal,, I).75, TYPEWRITERS and adding machlnri for Tel, 9372. a^HH^n§Rrl^^'/?w' \ Opt-n Mun. -Wcd. Frl, Kvcnings S Mexican Clolhei Daiketi, 50c. j.ilc nr rent. Reatonable ratal, fria l20 aNTeu.- St. Chmics, Minn. Air Tight Wood Haatari. delivery. Ste ui for all your office »up- WEST LOCATION— 7 badroom coltnoe m.2349 Tel. 032-4015. ollei, deski, filet or ofllce chair*. Square lot. A rooms In ell, C. SHANK, mmmmmmmammtmmm' m NEUMANN'S • LUND TYPBWRITBR co., Tei. mi, Hi B. ird. BUZZ SAWYER By Roy Crane

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DICK TRACY By Chester Gould

Dim : \ ——, . . n ^f—^——— ¦ limoiii t

BEETLE BAILEY ; By Mort Walker

"¦"— "^— ^"^ ^—^—-^— "~—^-^— . —— ¦*^^^^ , """" ^ " ^ ~ " ^ ^™* . **^^— ¦—«—. i r II BLONDIE By Chick Young

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' ' ' LI'L ABNER ., . . V.; V .y V By Al Capp

REDEYE By Gordon Bess

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STEVE CANYON By Mi I tort Canniff BARNEY GOOGLE ™d SNUFFY SMITH By Fred Laswell *. MH ~_ — ^ _ ^ _! „, . , ... t „ . ,mm— II—'I.II— mi 'i ei. ¦ IBII i " mil ll" ¦I ll f-*-V- ^ —opjaj*'

j». ¦ . pi .- ..-^.-.j ^i^—-^ . ¦-» ¦ el ¦ i ¦ I M ^— mam ^ i i pm | i ¦' ' • .^-— •". I ~ — " * . '" " . 7 " ' ' ' . APARTMENT 3-G By Alex Kotzky - . . -__ J. ' __ ' :__ . A. • * : ' ' • -- *

S^illssS^ . ' ¦¦ '• " ¦*"¦ "If ^iV A T CAI C IC ^^J* /Jf*l§l| l 'BK ^' ' ' i nIS COAT SALE IS mW

REX MORGAN, MD. - By Dal Curtis I-T 1 ¦ ' '¦ ; : I "vajwii, -:?^ > . ..— ^» imr- i^^Bn — ,—.

LADIES FUR TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED I Im f lf lil ttta ' MBA nan **^±.mm.mMm \fy| |- ill i^l/ i JTA M^. ~^i j || Btt tUi |l9* REGULAR and HALF SIZES COATS §||||| pl fIJ * ^^ B l l l l Reg ' Reg. $24.98 ^P . $45 %. M g\ Vc, Ue, $^ ) .0 I^ H i§j| « Value* ^ZBBB' ' ^m J* Il B | l | | ll l SPECIAL TftV ^ ^m IM _§_§ NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller ¦ Iff 81111 '^I -i« A ,-rw 4ik Ad ill jfej «&\ Reg- $55 Jk M M\ Reg. $29.98 «P*B£^ MZ |§ A #U Values F Value. H ^ SPECIAL /H ^B ,*w BB IW Hi § |1^ *J|\ Ti l / ^^ ^-^ | | 1|| A | | 1 Reg. $69.98 jO#^ Reg. $35.00 *f> « B M , Value, JJ Value ^ ( I^ Rl ;t ^ i B * iM!WJL -W^Bt 0m m SPEC,AL TUF *&^ ^ \^ If ^ IlP fe Ry, »"5 ft^AZ «•» Ms.00 9/111 » P I S^.M |D "¦""'• ^V ft I

— — — ¦ i. i ¦. i i .. ,1, t #K # IT ¦• r ii r ii hnrrrrr C /¦|,r \t^ S Ladies New Fall DRESSES * ft MARY WORTH By Saunden and Ernst Iffj yi| /) J || l • ONE SPECIAL GROUP FOR SALE! others Great, \ft^S | | || 1 ,|jj Juniors, Misses and Half Sizos , . . sensational values. Reduced, Too 1^ fHHi JMMMT _ f_ pl|§ lK _ 4f ' A ff a, /llli Wffir ''%?\ to Wff- m w .mm^m m¥^. mm^^ M €r n/lSk ^mM\WkK & Mmi\MJJM CmCmXilSm \ /MMf j

' ySMffikL 'f |\ ^ 60 WEST THIRD STREET ON THE PLAZA ^<^ iS ^^^ /j , J|