P. O. Box 407, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean, Phone 786-6518, 786-6125, www.bonairereporter.com email:
[email protected] Since 1994 The hard core of the market: Aminah and Galil with their baby ducks and rabbits, fruits, vegetables and plants. Stephanie Booi and Said Elkaich - selling the most beautiful and freshest vegetables on Bonaire - a super initiative! But you have to come real early because by 9am they're practically sold out! Sra. Alba Lombana selling shoes, flip flops and pastechis, and neighbor Angliet Baidjoe with her delicious chutneys and syrups from ginger, lime, tamarind and pineapple. Daymiro Janga and his meat chickens, weigh- ing about 3 kilos each! Selling them for $5.10 per kilo. He buys the little chicks when they are one day old and then he raises them himself without giving them hormones. Mother and son: Ingel and Maaike van Almenkerk selling mint, Surinam- All photos by Greta Kooistra ese cherries, tomatoes and sweet tamarind. according to the International Air Trans- known until recently when the countdown port Association (I.A.T.A.), a trade asso- began to Stolte’s May 1 departure. In the past This Week’s Stories ciation for airlines. an RCN official performed the Rijksvertegen- Kriabon Farmers’ Market 1 But from 2009 to 2012, repayments took woordiger functions rather than Woodley. Voting Right 3 around six months, and by the end of Judicial Errors 5 2012 payments were being delayed for as MIAMI, Florida--The 2014 Atlantic hur- TV Special 5 long as a year. And since October, 2013, ricane season is expected to be quieter than Jong Bonaire Donors 5 almost no payments have been approved normal, with a below-average number of Spearfisherman Caught 6 he Bonaire island Council unani- at all.