Its Meoning After .5Oon9 Ching Ling
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. l9ll Revolution: Its Meoning After 70 Yeors . Shoolin Monostery: Home ol Mofiisl fuis . A County ol Foothollers .5oon9 Ching Ling Memoriol Supplement The "Isles of the I Huangshan Mountai FOUNDER: SOONG CHING LING (MME. SUN YAT-SEN! (lse3-leel), PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY IHE CHINA WELFARE INSTITUTE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, ARABIC, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE AND CHINESE Artrcfes o tfie ffiont#a VOt. XXX NO. 9 SEFTEMBER 1981 CONTENTS The Revolution ofr 1911 The story ol Asio's lirst successful revolt ogoinst The TCth Anniversory of the 19tl Revoiution feudol monorchy; revolu' Soong Ching Ling on Sun Yat-sen 6 tionory leoder Sun Yot-sen The 1911 Bevolution I ond pioneer Chinese Com' Sun Yat-sen s Friendship with Communisl Lr Dazhao t3 munist Li Dozhoo; Soong Tile Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guanqzhcu 16 Ching Ling (Mme. Sun Yot' sen) on her husbond's lile Politics ond oims. Poge 6'13 Firm in Conviction, Unceasing in Struggle Deng Ying- chao Fecalls the Long March (lntervielv- Part 2) 28 Economics Eeadlusiment Brings More Consurrer Goods 32 Mcre Freshwater Fishing 62 l"ight,lndustry Benefiis Society irom Reodjustmen[ Youth Service Team rn Shanghar 59 Two' yeors of progress in exponding light in- Ex-Capitalrsts Aid Economy 66 dustry to meet consumer demonds. Poge 32 Science Dinghushan - a Living Laboratory 24 Arl Ur\dESCO Si,udies tling- Filming Lu Xun's'Fegret tor the Past 50 hushon hdoture ffisserte Friendship Far from Home Arab Medical Srudents in Berjrng 40 Why hove primevol forests there flourished while others Across the Lond ot the some lotitude declined? Spring Comes to the Mei Mountain Ridge A Vistt 10 A tTNESCO reseorch centet Meixian Prefecture, Horne ol Overseas Chinese- (2) 43 tries to find onswets. Poge 24 Yangzhou Ancient City Rich in Arl 34 Shaolin l,lonastery- ano lts Martial Arts tr? SportsTMedicine Home of Football 4b How Barefoot Doctors Are Trained 21 Notionolities Tibet. 30 Years After Liberation + Meixion, 'Horne o[ Columns ond Speciols Footbqll' Our Postbag 2 They're footboll mod Sr<etch book 3 in this Guongdong Wil and Barbs 70 county. Poge 43 Do You Know? Facls lrom Chrna's Books of Flecords Black Chicken the Medictnal Blrd 61 Chinese Cookery:- Lotus-White Chicken Slices .1.1 Shoolisr Monustery ond Legends and Tales from History: Flouyi the Sun Its Boxirrg Shooter and Chang'e the Lady in the N4oon 6g Children: How Do You Keep 485 Lions Clean? 65 The 1,400-yeor-old monostery Language Corner: Lesson g thot nurtured Chon (Zen) Buddhism goue birth to Ancient Jokes 71 ond orie form of gongfu (Chinese Cover Pictures mortiol orts). Poge 52 Front: Bronze Staiue ol Dr, Sun Yat-sen before the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou, Zhou Youma M Back: Autumn Yang Yin m,ffi Editoriol Olficer Woi Wen Building, Beijing (37), Chi'no, Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing' Generol Diskibutor: GUOJI SHUDIAN, P.O. 8ox 399, Beijing, Chino. me. I have read a number of Chinese cannol be fu.lty utilized. Instead, they books in the past years, and agree that become a lactor in pollution. Chinese lilerature and art have PABLO QUINTERO E. changed in positir.e ways. I hope the Tocupt;- Venezuelo PCSTBAG Chinese will not assimilate uncritically Western "hbcral" ideas, since many Diversity of Subjects such ideas have been used to corrupt Nonpolitical and Refreshing young pcople. I like the diversity in your articles GERD WEDEMDYER during the pasl several months. The I am a recent subscribet to China Wiesbaden. West Germana humor and legends columns are good Ileconstructs"'the first three issues for additions, I liker the Language Corner, lUEl have arrive(I. I feel that I should Giant Project and wish you had a t:ooking column as tell you how happy I, my rvife and a regular.feature. chiidren arc. with your elfort. "Giant Pro.iect on the Changiiang" in Among the ionger ar.ticles, I especially Most of whal you print appears i;cr _vour February 1981 issue made me like trnes that describe people's daily be nonpoiitical in composition and that much more than ()n realize that China is iife - Ior example , the articles is refreshing. The articles are well a rural country, as many Westerners village youth in the Junc 198I issue - written and we tind them intensely still believe. I '"vas amazed at the scope and those explaining economic and interesting. ImpDrtant. too, is the fact of this massive water controi pro ject scientilic developrnents. and introduc- that we're gi.ven a glimpse of average and vcry intercsted in details regarding ing culture, arts, and literature. Chinese people, and we realize - that water flow, silt, etc. I least like the articles about for- like the average American - they are GEORGE BURIAK vislting China. warnr and compassionate. they make Laurel, Nld., U.S.A. JEANNETTE I... FAUROT mistakes, they correct them, then work Austin. Ter- ti.S.A. toward a better tomorrow. Indeed, we Hani Nationality have much in common: China's Help with Projects I believe ir is vital that peopie of I enjoyed "We of the Hani National- different cultures and political ity" in your August 1980 issr.le, arld I have ?rlways been vpry interested in *- ideologies- you and I, f or example - hope you will continue to publish arti- ht-tw China hzrs helped ihird u'orlcl learn to understand each ather. cles on the various provinces and na- countries clevelop their infrastr.ucturesl We must do this so we can bridge tionalities, as'"vell as the life of in- as the Chinese have done in their or,tfn the gap of discr-rrd that f or years has dividuals. country. I refel to projects undertal<en existed between us. For the sake of MOHD. BADRUL AI,AIVI by Chinese technicians and workers in our childlen, it 1s esscntial that we Jhenidah. Bangladesh the dei,etropins countric.s which uss Iearn to live togethcr in peace" The local materials and, to Westerners. only way this will happen is through Tree-Growing on the Mountains rather primitive techniques which I communication. for that is the only would inste;td call energy-and-nroney-- avenue to understanding. And, dear Your country has Provicled a good technlques I would like to read frienCs, by understanding each other, example to other countries by leveling aboui such construction projects. w-e will be better able to accept points mountain areas and planting fruit trees EINAR MATTI{IASSON of view that are different irom our and vegetables of all kinds. Reykjauik, lcelantl own. I have been impressed bY the fruit . ROY B" RIPLEY grown in Beijing. Here in Maurititts Petersburg, U.5.,4. Too much on a Page St. Florida, we don't get much fruil to e onsume and people die at a very young age due ''Articles of the Month" mahes tlie to lack oI vitamins, first pag€l crowclc.d. Its photos are too More l,iberal Now RAMDUTH I'OOLI\{AUN smal.l. The front cover is more appeal- L'Escalier. Mauritius ing when there is only one beautiful I regular15, buy your magazine at photo and little text. At leasT I hcrpr: the nervssland, and appreciate your you don't put the yello'a'line on ther articles on Buddhist temples and Pre-Marital Clinic calrner, ancient art objects, and the Buddhist I was very delighted to read in Your Some of _vour photos are too small, schools now opening in China: and yl]u put I f.ind that China is becoming more November 1980 i-ssue borrowed from a too much lext and too many photos iiberal, v"'iih the terminatiorl oI the friend about a pre-marital clinic in on a page. Quality is gang Shanghai. Surely this shows the great more imp0rtant lhan the amount of ol four. I hope the Chinese photos people have more and more lreedonr. achieve[rents you have made in medi- ancl iext. In rhe article '.Visi." I myself belie'r,e in sociali,st ideals ctil cai'e -tor )'oul entlre people, lo the Xisha Islands" (Septembcr 1980) tht phottis placed. combined with frcedom f or people It is interesting to know that venerezrl rr.ere well I also everywhere in the world. disease has been virtuall.v eliminated hope .vou consider tbc look of the titles DAVID S. SMEATON in China. This remains a real prohlem The, title 'The Huarrghe Estuarv" in the Beaterton, Ore,, U.S,A. to alanv nations tt tn:r.*;:'*rYrMBA February lgfitl issue looked nice. I appreciat,td the ',Tangshan Report", Kampalo, Uganda in the October 1980 issrre. You might Economic R,eadjustment print such a special multi-part article Methane Gas evcry mor,.lh. Ifamily life rvould be an "Eccncrnic Re ad justment, Xue excellent subject - for instance, Iamily Muqiao Explains'' in the April 1981 "Now They're Cooking vt'ith Gas" in relationships among the Hans and other issue is well written, explains rvith the April 1981 issue impressed me very nationalities. and in such depth and facts and examples why China must much. The story and charts tell details as in "l'rom Pairing to Marriage readjust the economy. and refutes how a nation can make fuII use of Among the Naxis" in the July 1980 emoneou-s vieu.,s in the world press- wastes to develop rural areas and make 1SSUe. The articie on Chinese book pubiish- progress in technology. This is really KIRSTI ARJOLA ing in the same issue also impressed amazing! In the West, wastes usually Mantta, Finland. 2 CHINA RECONSTRUCTS Sketchbook hu Yaaa Zaosan Countrt I'air I'tasant Girls ia.+) .j )h rt )t t( I a 7 _E -r-'l'L'[ :- ffi ')tt4 '7(- ()n the banks of the Qiantang River Petrochemical wo.t , SEPTEMBER I98T Tibet: 30 Years After liheration T HIS year marks ihe thirtieth match-making, printing and food the total for I 959, and an increase r anniversary of Tibet's libera- processing.