Town Crier the Official Parish of St Helier Magazine
TheSt Helier TOWN CRIER THE OFFICIAL PARISH OF ST HELIER MAGAZINE picture: Gosia Hyjek Parish Matters • The Dean in Germany • Constable’s Comment • Town Matters Parish Notice Board • Dates for your diary • St Helier Gazette Delivered by Jersey Post to 19,000 homes and businesses every month. Designed and printed in Jersey by MailMate Publishing working in partnership with the Parish of St Helier. FREEFREE Samsung FRREEE PLUSPLLUUSU FREENG AMSSU £20 SAMSUNGSAM HUUB IDEODEO HHUB VI HHEERERR!! VOUCHER!VOUC GalaxyGalaxy S4 on Smart Ultimate just £46p/m TermsTTeerms andand conditionsconditions apply for full terms visit Welcome to the August edition of the Town Crier, arranged by the Parish, while the month in a month when lots of parishioners will be able closed with the Minden Day parade, a to enjoy some holiday, and hopefully some more commemoration of an earlier conflict in which of the fine weather that we saw in July. Last we fought on the same side as Germany (or month the new Street Party provided a Prussia) against the French. The main event in spectacular end to the Fête de St Hélier, and August is, of course, the Battle of Flowers, with Deputy Rod Bryans’ photo of the fire eater in the Portuguese Food Fair also taking place later action outside the Town Hall conveys the in the month, so it promises to be a busy time excitement of the event. The festival began with for the Parish. These events would not be able the annual pilgrimage to the Hermitage, and to take place without the support of our included the Flower Festival in the Town Church Honorary Police, who also play a vital part in featured on our front cover, and the annual Rates keeping the Parish safe: any parishioners aged Assembly when ratepayers agreed the budget for between 20 and 69 who are interested in getting the new financial year.
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