KapitiKapiti Coast Coast Erosion Erosion Hazard Assessment PartKapiti 2: CoastInlets Erosion Hazard Re-assessment A report prepared for the Kapiti Coast District Council A report prepared for the Kapiti Coast District Council By Dr Roger D Shand COASTAL SYSTEMS Ltd Research, Education and Management Consultancy 70 Karaka Street. Wanganui, New Zealand. Phone: +64 634 44214 Mobile: +64 21 057 4189
[email protected] www.coastalsystems.co.nz Applicability: this report has been prepared to fulfill the specific terms of reference detailed herewithin and the information may not be relied upon in any other context, applied to any other location, or used for any other purpose without prior review and agreement by Coastal Systems Ltd and consent from the client. Client Report 2008-03 March, 2008 2 Executive Summary While the Kapiti Coast has been subject to open coast erosion assessments in the past, these have essentially been regional assessments in that they covered large areas at a relatively low level of detail. Given the extent of residential development along the coast and the potential for future development, together with the dire consequence of property damage and loss associated with erosion plus the uncertainties associated with climate change, the Kapiti Coast District Council (KCDC) commissioned a more detailed (localized) assessment. In particular the erosion hazard line methodology should, be robust and defendable, use industry best practices, use a time-span of at least 50 yrs, and incorporate all available information. In addition, where the coast is protected by structures or management regimes, an erosion assessment for the simulated natural coast was also required.