16018103 郑淯尹

Night Market, Treasure of

Introduction: is a necessary part of life to people living in Taiwan. Some of them are used as a place in film shooting such as 《鸡排英雄》《第 36 个故事》《艋舺》《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》; some of them are even famous in the world. Today, I will introduce TOP10 including their features, numbers of visitors per year and popular foods.

Body: TOP10-( 师大夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features:  Scene of 《一页台北》(Movie Quotes)  A large number of clothes shops c. popular foods: 许记生煎包、阿诺可丽饼、 牛魔王牛排馆、牛老大刀削牛肉面、好好味 冰火菠萝油、 师园盐酥鸡、灯笼卤味 TOP 9-Ningxia Night Market( 宁夏夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features  Traditional local foods  Vehicle-pedestrian separation( 人车分道 ) c. popular foods: 慈音古早味阿婆饭团、刘芋仔蛋黄芋饼 ,香酥芋丸 、、、詹记鸡脚翅、蚵仔煎、 猪肝荣仔、鸭头正二代、鸡肉饭、祥记大桥头麻糬 TOP 8-Liouhe Night Market(六合夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features:  Began since1950, last for 66 years  Many exotic-food stalls set by foreigners  More than ten steak stalls c. popular foods: 郑老牌木瓜牛奶、庄家海鲜粥、盐蒸虾、筒仔米糕、担仔面、土魠鱼羹、 烤肉之家、布袋名产蚵仔包、土耳其冰淇淋、墨西哥脆饼

TOP 7- (瑞丰夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features:  Last for 20 years, developed more than one thousand booth.  The must-visit place to visitors  The most popular night market to locals(KS people) c. popular foods: 万国牛排、橱窗卤味、石记臭豆腐、高月传说月亮虾饼、邵师父上海汤 包、日式麻辣黄金鱼蛋、冲绳酥炸大鱿鱼、火云邪神状元糕 TOP 6-Kenting Road Night Market( 垦丁大街夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features:  Scene of 《海角七号》(Movie Quotes)  Strip Show( 辣妹跳舞秀、猛男秀 )、Lady Boy Show( 人妖秀 )  All kinds of souvenir, handicrafts, soaps, accessories stalls, and other special shops such as tattoo shop and temporary tattoo stall.  Exotic restaurants including European, Italian, Thai, Korean, and Indian styles. c. popular foods: 烤生蚝、大蛤、窑烤披萨、香蕉煎饼 TOP 5-Miaokou Night Market (庙口夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features  Stalls surround a temple (奠济宫 ).  Stall’s locations are fixed, they are all numbered. Their signs are in the same format.  Stalls open from morning to night. c. popular foods: 百年吴家鼎边趖、泡泡冰、三明治、天一香肉焿顺、天妇罗、阿华炒面 TOP 4- Night Market ( 罗东夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features  Stalls surround Luodong Park, they’re called “Park Snacks” c. popular foods: 义丰葱油派、包心粉圆、马家田葱肉串、林记鲜肉汤包、阿灶伯当归羊 肉汤、肉羹番 TOP 3-Flower Night Market (花园夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features  It looks like a battlefield because of long flags.  Biggest night market in southern Taiwan, the parking lot is bigger than 6600 square meters. (which means it can accommodate…) c. popular foods: 二师兄卤味、臭豆腐、蚵仔煎、棺材板、碳烤德国脆皮猪脚、旗鱼黑轮、 红妃香肠大肠 TOP 2- (士林夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features  World-famous night market  Near Shilin Official Residence( 士林官邸 ), National Palace Museum(台北故宫 ) and Yangmingshan( 阳明山 ). c. popular foods: 鸡排、臭豆腐、香肠、葱油饼、凉面 TOP 1- (逢甲夜市) a. numbers of visitors per year b. features:  Scene of 《阵头》《爱的发声练习》(Movie Quotes)  Largest range of hinterland in Taiwan  The original place of Taiwanese snakes such as 可丽饼、胡椒饼、日船章鱼烧 c. popular foods: 官芝霖大肠包小肠、蛋饼、熊手包、一心臭豆腐、懒人虾


Night markets are everywhere in Taiwan. Whether they are large or small, they all have different features and stories. If you can, come to visit Taiwan, visit these night markets. You will absolutely fall in love with them.

REFERENCES: http://dailyview.tw/Daily/2015/06/20 http://www.mychinabusiness.com/magazine/1203/entertainment/entertainment_02.html http://iguang.tw/u/555479/article/310841.html http://www.7headlines.com/article/show/429245102 https://info.dingtaxi.com/zhcn/2016/03/taiwan_nightmarket_cn/