Axel springer annual report 2020 pdf

Continue This article is about a German digital house. For a German academic publisher see for an American academic publisher, see Springer Publishing. SETypeSocietas EuropaeaTraded asFWB: SPRISINDE0005501357 IndustryPublishingFounded1946; 74 years ago (1946) FounderAzel SpringerHwartersBerlin, GermanyThe peopleMatias Depfner (CEO and Chairman of the Board)Ralph Bechi (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)ProductsMagaz, , Internet portals, affiliate marketingRevenue 3.3 billion (2015) OwnerKKR (43.54%) - Number of employees15,023 (average, 2015) - European digital publishing house Axel Springer SE, the largest in Europe, with numerous multimedia news brands, In fiscal 2015, the company's total revenue was about 3.3 billion euros and EBITDA was 559 million euros. Headquartered in , , the company operates in more than 40 countries with subsidiaries, joint ventures and licensing. was started in 1946/1947 by journalist Axel Spiper. , mainly because its flagship tabloid is the most run in Europe with a daily readership of over 12 million. Newspapers, magazines, online offers Media offers Axel Springer SE are grouped in: current news, cars, sports, computers and consumer electronics, as well as lifestyle. View from the side of Axel Springer's headquarters in Berlin. The Axel Springer building in . Choosing the editions of , The Intellectual Flagship of Bild, the largest-selling tabloid in Europe, Auto Bild, the automotive magazine with the largest circulation in Europe Audio Video Photo Bild, a magazine for consumer electronics Computer Bild, published in nine countries, Is Europe's best-selling computer magazine Sport Bild, published in many countries, is Europe's largest sports magazine, the largest Czech online car portal, comprising, starting in Slovakia and Poland, as well as Fakt, poland's largest daily tabloid, the local newspaper Watchmi, a personalized television content detection system, is a monthly german edition of Musik Rolling Stone Transfermarkt magazine, football statistics website, BUSINESS news site, celebrities and TECHNOLOGY INSIDER, upDAY, the largest news app in Europe. In addition, the company is active in the online editorial and marketing business with its shares in, Awin and, owns several classified online advertising platforms, such as the career site StepStone, the marketing portal of real estate immonet, various coupon portals, including Germany and in France and the price comparison platform idealo. She is also an important investor in the American digital media company Group Nine Media. The story of this section is in the list format, but can read better as prose. You can help by converting this section if necessary. Edit help is available. (July 2014) 1946: Publisher Hinrich Springer (66) and his son Axel Springer (34) form a limited liability company Axel Springer Verlag GmbH. 1948: The launch of the evening newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt, the first daily newspaper created by Axel Springer. 1952: The launch of the popular daily newspaper Bild. The newspaper was founded by the British tabloid Daily Mirror, and peaked at 5 million in the 1980s. 1956: The company's headquarters were built in Hamburg. 1959: The company acquires a majority holding in Ullstein AG, including the Berliner Morgenpost and B.C. berlin newspapers and Ullstein's book publishing business. The Springer building in Berlin was built next to the of East Berlin by the berlin Wall, as seen from the Axel Springer Building 1966: The official opening of its headquarters in Berlin. Hamburg remains an important place. 1968: After the attack on student leader Rudy Dutschke on April 11, 1968, the APO (non-parliamentary opposition) begins acts of violence against the company. APO had a history of hostility toward the supposedly biased coverage of the Springer group's student movement. For example, after the shooting of Benno Ohnesorg by the police at a student demonstration against the Shah, one Newspaper Springer reported that what happened yesterday in Berlin has nothing to do with politics... It was criminally in the most disgusting way. In fact, Onesorg, who had never attended the demonstration before, was shot in the back while trying to leave the demonstration. 1972-1973: Construction of offset printing house in -Kettwig. 1984: The official opening of an offset printing house in Arensburg, near Hamburg. 1985: 49% of the company is offered for a public subscription. In the same year Axel Springer died. Control is passed on to his widow Frida Springer. [12] 1986: The first licensed edition of Auto Bild is released in Italy. Other licensed publications and publications on joint ventures will later appear in twenty European countries, Indonesia and Thailand. 1993: Official opening of offset print works in Berlin-Spandau. 2001: Axel Springer and T-Online form a joint subsidiary AG. 2002: Running Mathias Dopfner, former editor-in-chief of Die Welt, becomes CEO of Axel Springer AG. 2003: Name changed to Axel Springer AG. 2009: Axel Springer AG acquires affiliated marketers zanox and Digital Window, as well as StepStone ASA. In 2010, Axel's $635.7 million offer for a leading French real estate website operator led to a 32 percent increase in seloger shares since they went public. Within three days, Axel increased its offer by 15.6% to $735 million after seloger shareholders rejected the deal. In 2012, Axel Springer formed a joint venture (Axel Springer Digital Classified) with global investment company General Atlantic. The company buys TotalJobs in the UK from Reed Elsevier. 2013: Springer sells its regional newspapers, women's magazines and television magazines Funke Mediengruppe for 920 million pounds in 2013: The Edition of Grand Public, a French publishing house owned by Springer, sold to Reworld Media. 2015: Axel Springer AG buys Business Insider, a business news site, of celebrities and technology, in a deal that values Business Insider at $442 million in 2015: On December 8, Axel Springer increased its stake in Axel Springer Digital Classifieds GmbH from 70 to 85 percent, and was given a buy option to acquire the remaining 15 percent from General Atlantic. On December 9, Axel Springer took advantage of the option, acquiring an additional 15% from General Atlantic in exchange for shares of Axel Springer, leaving the company with an 8.3% stake in the company. 2020: transferred $1.5 billion of Axel Springer shares to CEO Mathias Dopfner, effectively making him the heir to the media group. Dopfner now controls 44% of the vote. Criticism of the accusation of censorship in Germany Axel Springer AG refused to publish advertising campaigns of the Left Party in 2005, as well as the socialist PDS in the previous elections. Accusations of editorial interference in Poland in 2017, Ringer Axel Springer Polska was accused of editorial interference when the head of the joint venture Mark Dean wrote a letter to Polish employees of the company in which he disparaged the head of the conservative political party , calling Polish politician Jaroslaw Kaczynski a loser for opposing the candidacy of for the presidency of the , stating that ... we should never forget about values that we represent ... Here is the moment when free media, such as ours, should Active. We're talking for ideas... Europe. In the letter, the Dean also expressed concern that European integration is least supported by the younger generation of Poles, and promised to take appropriate measures, suggesting to them: Let's tell them what to do to stay on the fast lane, not end in the parking lot. Bauer Media Group, , and Holtzbrinck are the main competitors in the German publishing market. Attacks in the 1960s and 1970s targeted a number of left-wing groups. He was condemned by the German-American writer Reinhard Lettau in an incendiary speech at the University of Berlin Frey; in 1968, their headquarters in Berlin were blocked by students; in 1972, the claimed responsibility for six bombs planted in the Hamburg building (only three exploded and 17 people were injured), and in 1975 a bomb exploded in their Paris office, claimed responsibility by the March 6 group (linked to the Red Army faction). Cm. also Media Concentration Protests 1968 Links - b d Axel Springer SE Annual Report 2015. Received on March 16, 2016. KKR becomes Axel Springer's largest shareholder. Archive from the original on July 18, 2011. Received on September 9, 2010. Hans Kleinsteiber in Kelly. M, Mazzoleri. Gee and McCail. D. eds. 2004 Smee in Europe. Euromedia Handbook. - watchmi - Pers'nliches Fernsehen von TV DIGITAL. - Digital publishers are teaming up as a group of Nine Media, drawing on $100 million from Discovery. October 13, 2016. Received on April 14, 2020. Sex, smut and shock: Bild Tseitung rules Germany. Spiegel Online. April 25, 2006. Received on July 14, 2014. Kirschbaum, Eric (June 23, 2012). The German daily is sent to all 41 million households. . Received on June 14, 2014. Jeremy Varon, Bringing War Home: The Weather Underground, the Red Army Faction, and the Revolutionary Violence of the Sixties and Seventies (Los Angeles: UCLA Press, 2004), p.39 - Gillian Becker, Hitler Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang (New York: JB Lippincott, 1977), p.39 Noam, Eli (1991). Television in Europe. Oxford University Press. page 90. ISBN 0195069420. Springer can shake up the advertising market with ProSieben1 Bid (Update1). Bloomberg. August 1, 2005. Archive from the original on July 15, 2014. Received on July 14, 2014. Boston, William (February 10, 2014). In Springer's Bid for Forbes, the German player leaves. Wall Street Journal. Received on July 14, 2014. A chronicle on the Archive from the original on July 18, 2011. Received on September 13, 2010. In Seloger.Com most ever as a shareholder issues Springer's offer. Bloomberg. September 13, 2010. Archive from the original on November 3, 2012. Extracted 2 2013. Axel Springer does not plan a higher offer September 16, 2010. Permanent Dead Link - General Atlantic in a joint venture worth 237 million euros with the German publisher Axel Springer. Altassits. March 6, 2012. Received on July 14, 2014. Axel Springer buys Reed Elsevier's Totaljobs website. MarketWatch. April 4, 2012. Received on July 14, 2014. Stephen Schultz; Steinmetz, Vanessa; Teevs, Christian (July 26, 2013). Sell-Off: Newspaper Giant turns back on journalism - via Spiegel Online. Editorial, Reuters. Axel Springer sheds some French report logs. German publishing powerhouse Axel Springer buys Business Insider for a whopping $442 million valuation. Axel Springer gives General Atlantic shares for classified share ads. Reuters. Received on December 18, 2015. Axel Springer acquires the remaining 15 percent from online classified advertising company Axel Springer Digital Classifieds. Archive from the original march 4, 2016. Received on December 18, 2015. Media Mogul gives $1.2 billion to ex-journalist Axel Springer. received on 25 September 2020. Springer Press boykottiert Linkspartei - Wikinews, die Freie Nachrichtenquelle. Tak delikatny segment jak prasa nie mo'e by w r'kach obcego kapita'u (in Polish). Received on November 23, 2018. Szef Ringier Axel Springer Media pisze pracownikom o wygranej Tuska z Kaczy'skim i radzi: podpowiedzmy czytelnikom, jak zosta' w UE. Received on April 19, 2020. - June 15, 2006 on the wayback machine External links Commons has media associated with Axel Springer AG. The official website is derived from

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