The Great Lakes Entomologist

Volume 52 Numbers 1 & 2 - Spring/Summer 2019 Numbers Article 6 1 & 2 - Spring/Summer 2019

September 2019

First Records of the Adventive nanum (Mocsáry) (: ) in Illinois and Minnesota, with Notes on its Identification and axT onomy

Zachary M. Portman University of Minnesota, [email protected]

Skyler J. Burrows Utah State University

Terry Griswold USDA-ARS Pollinating Research Unit

Mike Arduser Conservation Research Institute

Aaron J. Irber University of Minnesota

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Recommended Citation Portman, Zachary M.; Burrows, Skyler J.; Griswold, Terry; Arduser, Mike; Irber, Aaron J.; Tonietto, Rebecca K.; and Cariveau, Daniel P. 2019. "First Records of the Adventive Pseudoanthidium nanum (Mocsáry) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Illinois and Minnesota, with Notes on its Identification and axT onomy," The Great Lakes Entomologist, vol 52 (1) Available at:

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Authors Zachary M. Portman, Skyler J. Burrows, Terry Griswold, Mike Arduser, Aaron J. Irber, Rebecca K. Tonietto, and Daniel P. Cariveau

This peer-review article is available in The Great Lakes Entomologist: Portman et al.: Pseudoanthidium nanum in Illinois and Minnesota


First Records of the Adventive Pseudoanthidium nanum (Mocsáry) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Illinois and Minnesota, with Notes on its Identification and Zachary M. Portman1*, Skyler J. Burrows2, Terry Griswold3, Mike Arduser4, Aaron J. Irber1, Rebecca K. Tonietto5, Daniel P. Cariveau1 1 Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 2 Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 3 USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit, Logan, Utah 4 Conservation Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois 5 Department of Biology, University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, Michigan *Corresponding author: (email: [email protected])

Abstract We report the first records of Pseudoanthidium nanum (Mocsáry) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Illinois and Minnesota in 2016 and 2018, respectively. This represents a relatively rapid expansion since P. nanum was first detected in New Jersey in 2008. In order to help monitor the spread of this , we provide information on how to identify P. nanum and provide images of the general habitus, diagnostic features, and male genitalia. Finally, we confirm the taxonomic identity ofP. nanum in the United States and highlight potential impacts on native anthidiines. Keywords: , Anthophila, invasive species, Midwest, range expansion

The number of non-native in tial detection in New Jersey, P. nanum was North America continues to increase as new subsequently detected in New York in 2009 species are introduced and existing species (Matteson et al. 2013, Ascher et al. 2014) expand from the point of introduction (Cane and Maryland in 2010 (Droege and Shapiro 2003, Sheffield et al. 2011, Russo 2016). 2011). Finally, P. nanum was reported from Cavity-nesting bees, particularly those in the Cleveland, Ohio in 2016 (Spring 2017). family Megachilidae, make up an outsized The distribution of P. nanum in the United proportion of adventive bees due to the ease States appears to be restricted to urban and of inadvertent transport of their nests (Cane industrial areas (Droege and Shapiro 2011). 2003, Russo 2016). Megachilids that have The genus Pseudoanthidium contains recently been introduced or expanded their approximately 60 described species (and nu- ranges in North America include Anthidium merous undescribed species) divided among florentinum (Fabricius) (Normandin et al. 12 subgenera (Litman et al. 2016). They are 2017), A. manicatum (L.) (Gibbs and Shef- native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, with no field 2009),A. oblongatum (Illiger) (Miller et native species in the New World or Austra- al. 2002), sculpturalis Smith (Hi- lia (Michener 2007). The genus contains at nojosa-Díaz et al. 2005), and Osmia taurus least one additional species that has spread Smith (Giles and Ascher 2006). For many of outside its native range (Russo 2016). Pseu- these species, information about their spread doanthidium repetitum (Schulz), native to and current distribution is sparse or lacking, South Africa, was first detected in Australia hampering our understanding of their rate of in 2000, and has since spread rapidly and spread and potential effects on native bees become one of the most common bees in some and ecosystems. areas (Baumann et al. 2016). The invasion A species of Pseudoanthidium Friese, and rapid spread of P. repetitum has been identified asP. nanum (Mocsáry, 1881), was attributed to its affinity for nesting in a wide first detected in the United States in New range of man-made structures, especially Jersey in 2008 (Droege and Shapiro 2011, meter-boxes and window frames (Baumann Ascher et al. 2014). The native range of P. et al. 2016, Queensland Museum 2018). nanum encompasses Europe, western Asia, Here, we present the first records ofP. and the Middle East (Fateryga and Popov nanum in Illinois and Minnesota and confirm 2017, Kuhlmann et al. 2018). After its ini- its taxonomic identity. These new speci-

Published by ValpoScholar, 2019 1 The Great Lakes Entomologist, Vol. 52, No. 1 [2019], Art. 6


Table 1: Pseudoanthidium nanum specimens examined from the United States. Institution Specimen ID State Year Original Study AMNH AMNH_BEE00131649 New York 2009 Matteson et al. 2013 BBSL DRO167202 Maryland 2010 Droege and Shapiro 2011 BBSL DRO167193 Maryland 2010 Droege and Shapiro 2011 AMNH AMNH_BEE00231799 New Jersey 2011 Ascher et al. 2014 AMNH AMNH_BEE00231798 New Jersey 2011 Ascher et al. 2014 AMNH AMNH_BEE00076577 New Jersey 2011 Ascher et al. 2014 AMNH AMNH_BEE00290799 New Jersey 2011 Ascher et al. 2014 AMNH AMNH_BEE00290786 New Jersey 2011 Ascher et al. 2014 Tonietto Lab/ INHS 20162340 Illinois 2016 This study Tonietto Lab/ INHS 201610027 Illinois 2016 This study Cariveau Lab/ UMSP urb18-0723 Minnesota 2018 This study

mens match other specimens of P. nanum City, New York and the Pollinating Insects from the eastern United States, indicating Research Unit (BBSL) in Logan, Utah. a rapid spread across the country. We pro- Classification of Pseudoanthidium vide detailed images of the key identifying follows Litman et al. (2016). For the nomen- features of P. nanum in order to facilitate clature of P. nanum (Mocsáry, 1881) we use the identification and monitoring of this a description year of 1881. The years 1879 adventive species. Lastly, we highlight the and 1881 have both been used to refer to P. fact that P. nanum is a member of a poorly nanum, sometimes even in the same pub- understood species complex synonymized lication (e.g. Přidal 2004). We use the date under the unavailable name P. lituratum of 1881 because that is when the volume of (Panzer) by Warncke (1980) and frequent- the journal was completed (see Baker 1996). ly referenced by that name (Přidal 2004, The abbreviations S1…S8 and T1…T7 are Kuhlmann et al. 2018) and we confirm that used for sterna and terga, respectively. the specimens in the United States match Photographs were taken using two systems: P. nanum as it was originally described in an Olympus DP27 camera mounted on an Europe (Mocsáry 1881). Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope and a Keyence VHX-5000 microscope imaging sys- Methods and Materials tem with a VH-Z20R lens and a VHX-S550E stand. Images from the Olympus camera Specimens examined for this study were stacked using CombineZP software included novel collections from the mid- (Hadley 2010) and all photographic plates western United States, previously reported were compiled using Adobe Photoshop 2018 specimens from the eastern United States software (Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, CA). (Table 1), and specimens from the native range of P. nanum in Europe. The Minnesota Results and Discussion specimen was collected in 2018 as part of a broader survey of the pollinators of urban Details of the specimens from gardens. Resources used to initially identify Illinois and Minnesota. Two P. nanum the bees included the USDA Exotic Bee ID specimens, one male and one female, were Key (Burrows et al. 2018) and images from collected in Illinois in 2016. The male, Droege and Shapiro (2011). The Minnesota specimen number 20162340, was collected specimen currently resides in the Cariveau on 29 June 2016 in a pan trap by Elizabeth Lab collection (University of Minne- Kosson, Kristian Williams, and Nick Olson sota) and will be permanently deposited in at Windy City Harvest Legends Farm, Chi- the University of Minnesota Insect Collection cago, Cook County, Illinois (41.812, –87.628). (UMSP) in St. Paul, Minnesota. The two The female, specimen number 201610027, Illinois specimens were collected in 2016 was collected in a pan trap on 26 Aug 2016 as part of a broader study on urban garden by Elizabeth Kosson, Kristian Williams, pollinators. They are currently in the Toni- and Nick Olson at Windy City Harvest etto lab collection (University of Michigan, Rodeo Farm, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois Flint) and will be permanently deposited at (41.844, –97.691). the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) A single male P. nanum (Fig. 1), speci- in Urbana, Illinois. Additional material men number urb18-0723, was collected with was examined from the American Museum a hand net from Erigeron sp. on 13 June of Natural History (AMNH) in New York 2018 by Aaron Irber at Corcoran Communi- 2 Portman et al.: Pseudoanthidium nanum in Illinois and Minnesota


Figure 1: Pseudoanthidium nanum male: A) face B) body, lateral view C) conical-shaped base of fore-femur D) lamellate pronotal lobe E) body, dorsal view F) forewing. All scale bars = 1 mm, except 500 μm in D.

ty Garden, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, conical base (Fig. 3C), 5 mandibular teeth, Minnesota (44.9428, –93.2368). and the lack of arolia. These characters are Identification ofPseudoanthidium all shared by males, except males have 3 nanum in the United States. Male P. mandibular teeth. nanum can be distinguished from other US In addition to the diagnostic characters by a combination of the following listed above, the following characters can diagnostic characters: lamellate ridge on the help differentiate Pseudoanthidium from pronotal lobes (Fig. 1D), lateral combs on similar-looking species in the US: presence S5, and an apico-medial brush of long, wavy of scopal hairs on sterna in the female (Fig. hairs on S3 (Fig. 2). Female P. nanum (Fig. 3) 3B), presence of yellow maculations on the are more difficult to recognize, but they can body (Figs. 1B, 3B), forewing with darkened be diagnosed by the following combination marginal cell (Fig. 1F), anterior face of T1 of characters: lamellate ridge on the pro- smooth and divided from the posterior face notal lobes (as in Fig. 1D), fore-femur with by a small carina (Fig 1E), and a rounded

Published by ValpoScholar, 2019 3 The Great Lakes Entomologist, Vol. 52, No. 1 [2019], Art. 6


Figure 2: Pseudoanthidium nanum male apical sternites (S3–6) showing the diagnostic S3 hair brush and S5 lateral combs. All scale bars = 1 mm.

omaulus (surface between the lateral and lamellate pronotal lobe (Miller et al. 2002, anterior faces of the mesepisternum). In Gonzalez and Griswold 2013). Female P. addition, the females have a distinct pattern nanum can be definitively separated from of punctures on the clypeus, starting with A. oblongatum by the number of mandibular relatively large punctures basally, with the teeth: P. nanum only has 5 teeth, whereas punctures becoming gradually more minute A. oblongatum females have 9–12 teeth. and contiguous towards the apical margin Male P. nanum can be separated from A. (Fig. 3A). oblongatum (and all other North American In the United States, P. nanum is Megachilidae) by the pair of lateral combs on most likely to be confused with the genus S5 and hair brush on S3 (Fig. 2). In addition, Anthidium because the two genera look sim- male P. nanum have a conical projection ilar and share multiple characters. Indeed, on the fore-femur (Fig. 1C) and lack spines Pseudoanthidium keys out to Anthidium in or protrusions on their apical terga, except Mitchell (1962) due to the lack of pygidial for a minute medial nub on T7 (Fig. 4C). plate, extensive yellow maculations, and In contrast, A. oblongatum lacks a conical lack of arolia. Pseudoanthidium nanum can projection on the fore-femur and has lateral be separated from all native Anthidium by and medial spines on T6 and a broad medial the presence of a raised lamellate ridge on emargination on T7 (illustrated in Fig. 254 the pronotal lobes (Fig. 1D), however, it can of Gonzalez and Griswold 2013). Finally, P. be confused with a non-native Anthidium nanum can be distinguished from all Anthid- species, A. oblongatum, which also has a ium in eastern North America, both native 4 Portman et al.: Pseudoanthidium nanum in Illinois and Minnesota


Figure 3: Pseudoanthidium nanum female: A) face B) body, lateral view C) conical-shaped base of fore-femur D) body, dorsal view E) abdomen, dorsal view. All scale bars = 1 mm.

and exotic, by the small body size (5–7 mm the area between the penis valves appears body length). more rectangular in the dorsal view (Fig. 4A) The distinctive structure of the genita- because the endophallus is slightly everted; lia and hidden sterna of male P. nanum alone the more horseshoe-shaped area between the distinguishes it from all North American penis valves as seen in the ventral view is bees (Fig. 4). Features of the genitalia not closer to the “true” form (Fig. 4B). readily apparent from the figure include: 1) The taxonomic identity of Pseudo- the inner margins of the penis valves have anthidium nanum in the United States. fine hairs that extend along the entire inner Although the taxonomy of Pseudoanthidium length, except subapically where there are contains unresolved issues, we confirm the two stronger hairs on the left valve and one specimens in the US can be assigned to P. on the right valve; 2) the gonostyli have a nanum. In short, P. nanum is a member of dorsal carina that extends along their lateral species complex, generally referred to as the margin for nearly all their length; and 3) “lituratum group,” that contains multiple

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Figure 4: Pseudoanthidium nanum male A) genitalia, dorsal view, B) genitalia, ventral view, C) T7 D) S8 (right point of attachment broken off) E) S7. All scale bars = 500 μm.

closely-related species of unsettled taxo- P. nanum, though they are not old enough to nomic status (Přidal 2004, Kuhlmann et al. be a part of the original type series. 2018). Adding to the confusion, although P. Although the P. nanum in the US lituratum (Panzer) is not a valid name be- agree morphologically with the original cause it is a primary homonym (Přidal 2004, definition of P. nanum, the specimens of P. Aguib et al. 2010, Kuhlmann et al. 2018), it is still often used in the literature (e.g. nanum in our possession would not appear Přidal 2004, Bogusch et al. 2017, Gonzalez to match P. nanum as defined by Aguib et al. et al. 2017). However, based on examination (2010). Specifically, in the US specimens, the of specimens from the type locality of P. structure of the lateral combs on S5 differs nanum originally determined by Mocsáry, from that shown by Aguib et al. (2010) and we believe that the specimens in the United the penis valves are more widely separated States correspond with P. nanum as origi- and less tapering. Study of Aguib et al.’s nally defined (Mocsáry 1881). Specifically, (2010) image of the S5 comb suggests it was Terry Griswold has examined a series of P. taken at an oblique angle which could ac- nanum in the Hungarian National History count for the disparity in shape. More clarity Museum originally determined by Mocsáry. must await a broader taxonomic revision of Two permanently borrowed specimens from the lituratum species group. Towards this that series deposited in the BBSL collection end we provide images of the genitalia and were compared to US specimens; the locality apical sterna (Figs. 2 and 4), to illustrate our for these two Mocsáry specimens is “Hun- concept of Mocsáry’s species and to assist in gariae meridionalis comitatu Temesiensis,” future taxonomic evaluation of the lituratum which matches the original type locality of species group. 6 Portman et al.: Pseudoanthidium nanum in Illinois and Minnesota


Other invasive Anthidiini in the Conclusion North Central United States. In addition to P. nanum, there are already two other It is important to monitor P. nanum non-native anthidiine bees established in in North America to better understand and the North Central US: A. manicatum and predict its potential spread and impacts A. oblongatum. was on native bees. Its presence in Minnesota first detected in the US in New York State represents a rapid range expansion from in 1963 (Jaycox 1967), though it was not the initial area of introduction since it was found in the Midwest until it was detected first detected in New Jersey in 2008 (Droege in Ohio in 1997 (Miller et al. 2002). Its range and Shapiro 2011). This relatively rapid has increased rapidly since then, with new rate suggests that the bee will continue to records in Illinois, Wisconsin, Idaho, Califor- spread across North America, a hypothesis nia, and Colorado in 2006 and 2007 (Tonietto supported by two unconfirmed reports of P. and Ascher 2008, Gibbs and Sheffield 2009). nanum in Oregon in 2018 on BugGuide and The timing of the arrival of A. manicatum iNaturalist ( in MN is not clear, with the first recorded observations/14356133, specimens in the UMSP collection from 2013, node/view/1566202). However, we are reluc- though postings on place it tant to classify these unconfirmed reports as as early as 2008 ( P. nanum due to the difficulty of identifying view/199661). this species from photographs and because the West Coast distribution could possibly is also a recent represent a separate introduction event. It arrival to the North Central US. It was first is our hope that the resources provided here found in northeastern US in 1994 (Hoebeke will assist in the identification and monitor- and Wheeler 1999). It was collected in Ohio ing of P. nanum since it appears likely to in 2000, in Illinois in 2008, and in Michigan continue to expand its range. in 2010 (Miller et al. 2002, Tonietto and Ascher 2008, O’Brien et al. 2012). In Min- Finally, the unsettled taxonomy of nesota, the earliest collected specimens of Pseudoanthidium and previous uncertain- A. oblongatum in the UMSP collection are ty surrounding the species identity of P. from 2015, though there is a 2013 record of nanum in the United States highlights the the bee from (https://bugguide. importance of basic taxonomy and the need net/node/view/804727). for identification tools to monitor invasive species. As this species demonstrates, even Implications for native bees. It in areas of the world with well-known bee is unclear what effect P. nanum and other faunas and hundreds of years of taxonomic invasive anthidiines may have on the native history, there remains a substantial amount bee fauna of the North Central US. Of partic- of work to be done (Gonzalez et al. 2013). ular concern are native anthidiines that are In this case, it is important to confirm the already rare in the North Central US, such species identity in order to compile accurate as A. psoraleae Robertson and A. tenuiflorae information on the biology and native range Cockerell. Both species are largely western of P. nanum. in distribution and are rare in the North Cen- tral US (Grundel et al. 2011, O’Brien et al. Acknowledgments 2012, Gonzalez and Griswold 2013, Gibbs et al. 2017). However, given that P. nanum and We thank Chelsey Ritner for taking the two invasive Anthidium species appear photographs of female specimens, Kris- to be largely restricted to disturbed areas, tian Williams, Elizabeth Kosson and Nick their effects should be limited (Gibbs and Olsen for fieldwork assistance, and Paige Sheffield 2009, Droege and Shapiro 2011, Muñiz for identification assistance. We are Miller et al. 2002). In addition, P. nanum is grateful to Corcoran Community Garden in likely a specialist on the of Cynareae Minneapolis, MN for allowing sampling as (Müller 1996, Gonzalez et al. 2017), further well as Windy City Harvest in Chicago, IL reducing its potential impact. However, for permission to conduct research at Rodeo given that P. nanum nests in stems and a and Legends farms. We are grateful to the variety of other cavities such as galls and two anonymous peer reviewers for their snail shells (Litman 2012), it could poten- constructive comments. Funding to SJB tially compete with native bees for nest sites. was provided by USDA-APHIS under coop- Finally, P. nanum and other non-native bees erative agreements 16-8130-0736-CA and could be involved in spreading pests and dis- AP17PPQS&T00C053, all work in Chicago ease to native bees, a largely hidden factor was funded by a David H. Smith postdoctoral which is gaining increasing recognition as a research fellowship awarded to RKT, and major threat to native bee health (Colla et work in Minnesota was funded by grant to al. 2006, Murray et al. 2018). DPC through the Minnesota Environment

Published by ValpoScholar, 2019 7 The Great Lakes Entomologist, Vol. 52, No. 1 [2019], Art. 6


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