"Best History Museums in "

Gecreëerd door : Cityseeker

4 Locaties in uw favorieten

Polish Military Museum (Muzeum Wojska Polskiego) "A thousand years of military history"

Opended in 1920, established by the statesman and military leader Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, it's Warsaw's second largest museum. The collection illustrates a thousand years of Polish military history -from the dark ages to the Second World War. While visiting pay attention to an by Shadowgate extremely rare gilded helmet from the 10th century, which is said to have belonged to a Polish chieftain. It's worth knowing that the Museum's collection of hussars' armour is one of a kind. In the Museum's park (admission free) you can wander amongst tanks and planes from the Second World War.

+48 22 629 5271 Aleje Jerozolimskie 3, Warschau

Museum of Independence "'s History"

The , located within the Przebendowski Palace, is dedicated to the history of Poland since the 18th-century division of the country between Russia, Prussia and Austria. The tenth pavilion itself was used as a prison under both the Imperial Russian authorities and the Nazis. The museum possesses a kibitka (prisoner's carriage) that the by Public Domain Russians used to haul Polish political prisoners to Siberia.

+48 22 826 9091 www.muzeum.zk.pl/ t.skoczek@muzeumniepodl Aleja Solidarnosci 62, eglosci.art.pl Warschau

Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego "Interactive History Lesson"

The Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego ( Museum) is one of the newest additions to the city's efforts to commemorate its vast history, sharing the unbelievable story dear to the hearts of Warsaw natives. The museum commemorates the 63 days of armed resistance by Public Domain that Warsaw residents undertook against the Germans in the final days of World War II. Starting on October 1, 1944, civilians of Warsaw joined to form the Polish Homeland Army (Armia Krajowa), which fought German Nazis with homemade weapons and an ironclad determination. The new museum features many actual documents, photographs, military equipment and uniforms from the period in a very interactive way.

+48 22 539 7906 www.1944.pl/ [email protected] Ulica Grzybowska 79, Warschau Historical "De Geschiedenis van Warschau in één Gebouw"

Probeer tijd vrij te maken voor dit indrukwekkende museum met maar liefst 60 kamers die de hele geschiedenis van Warschau documenteert in kaarten, historische documenten, foto's en schilderijen. Allen gepresenteerd in interieur passend bij de tijd. Voor velen is de film by Public Domain Warschau Zal Niet Vergeten het hoogtepunt. In de film wordt de destructieve vernietiging van de stad door de nazi's getoond, gevolgd door de nauwgezette reconstructie door haar burgers. De film wordt iedere weekdag om 12 uur vertoond in het Engels.

+48 22 635 1625 muzeumwarszawy.pl/ [email protected] Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42, Warschau

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