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YOSEF’S SHABBOS 4 D’var Malchus

TWO SHLUCHIM ACHIEVED WHAT 6 4,000 COULD NOT Terror in Bombay | Rabbi Naftali Estulin


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d’var malchus

prescription for Redemption applies even if the Jewish people observe Shabbos properly only YOSEFS once, being careful about the laws and its details just one time. Observance of Shabbos even once suffices to bring Moshiach immediately. SHABBOS We may well ask, why does Shabbos, of all the mitzvos in the , have such a special Translated and adapted by Dovid Yisroel Ber Kaufmann relationship with Moshiach? Why doesn’t observing any of the other commandments, such as keeping kosher or eating matzo or giving Shabbos is a foretaste of Moshiach. tz’deka, also result in an immediate While all the patriarchs kept Shabbos Redemption? True, every mitzva contributes to the coming of before the mitzva was given at Sinai, Moshiach, as the children’s song says, “with every mitzva we do, we Yosef’s observance was unique. His add a brick to the Third Temple.” Equally true, as Maimonides says, preparations invested Shabbos into the that our next thought, word or deed may be the act that tips the world. Similarly, we must prepare the scale to the side of merit and world for “the day that is all Shabbos,” ushers in the Redemption. Nevertheless, the only act the time of Redemption. guaranteed to bring Moshiach immediately and instantaneously is Shabbos is compared to the World to Come. Many a universal observance of Shabbos. prayers acknowledge that observance of Shabbos A Midrash – a rabbinic insight – on one of the gives us a foretaste of the era of Redemption. For verses of this week’s Torah reading, Mikeitz, alludes instance, in the Birkas HaMazon – the blessing after a to the unique nature of Shabbos. (As an aside, it may meal – the following sentence is added on Shabbos: be mentioned that even the name of the portion hints “May the Merciful One let us inherit that day which at the Redemption, for the word “mikeitz” means “at will be all Shabbos and rest for life everlasting.” The the end.” When a Jew hears the words “at the end,” Mincha, or afternoon prayer, of Shabbos describes he automatically things of the “end” of exile and the Shabbos in words used about the days of Moshiach: beginning of Redemption.) “a day of rest and holiness You have given your people In this week’s portion, Yosef, in anticipation of a . . . a rest of love and generosity, a rest of truth and meal with his brothers, tells his chief servant to faithfulness, a rest of peace, serenity and security, a slaughter an animal for the feast and to “prepare” it. perfect rest with which You find favor.” Finally, The particular word used for “prepare,” the Midrash perhaps the most famous Shabbos prayer, Lecha notes, is associated with Shabbos observance. One Dodi, sung Friday nights to welcome in the Shabbos, who “prepares” is preparing – during the six days of is a poem about the coming of Moshiach and the the week – for Shabbos. Use of specifically this word Redemption, containing verses such as, “To the right tells us, according to the Midrash, that Yosef observed and to the left you shall spread out, and the Lord you the Shabbos before it was given. shall extol. And we shall rejoice and exult through the Obviously this doesn’t mean that Yosef didn’t keep man who is a descendent of Peretz,” that is Moshiach. any of the other commandments, or that his brothers Indeed, so closely bound are Shabbos and didn’t even keep Shabbos. Commentaries agree that Moshiach that our sages declare, “If Israel were to all twelve sons of Jacob kept the mitzvos of the Torah, observe properly the Shabbos twice, they would in accordance with G-d’s statement about Avrohom immediately be redeemed.” Other sources say this that “I have known him, in order he should command

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his children and his household after him.” Rather, Although Yosef’s brothers, like Avrohom, Yitzchok since the specific allusion is only to Yosef’s and Yaakov, kept the mitzvos before the Torah was observance of Shabbos, it means there is something given, they couldn’t take the principle of Shabbos – distinctive about Yosef and about his Shabbos total awareness of G-dliness – and invest it into the observance. physical world. They could only act symbolically, But if the Midrash wants to tell us that Yosef’s because Shabbos, like the rest of Torah, had not yet Shabbos observance was unique, why does it do so been given. obliquely, deriving the insight from the use of the Yosef, on the other hand, did implant Shabbos into word “prepare”? Also, why does the Midrash the world, which is why his observance of – his emphasize that Yosef kept the Shabbos before it was preparation for – Shabbos is alluded to in the Torah. given? Such a conclusion seems obvious, since Yosef Yosef’s brothers were shepherds, leading a life of lived three generations before Moses. contemplation, isolated from the world. They were In order for something to be given, it must already aloof from and had no influence on the mundane. exist. “Giving” means taking something from one Yosef, on the other hand, lived in Egypt, the most place to another, transferring ownership or dissolute and materialistic of nations. Nor was Yosef possession from one person to the an ordinary citizen; he was the next. In our context, this means viceroy, second to the king, and as that already at the time of Yosef, a result deeply involved in all the Shabbos existed. It had just not yet Since, “G-d was affairs of state, with little time to been given to the Jewish people. devote to his personal spiritual Therefore, the Midrash with Yosef,” he growth. Nevertheless, since, as the emphasizes not only Yosef and was able to Torah states, “G-d was with Shabbos, but also that Yosef kept Yosef,” he was able to observe the Shabbos before it was given. observe Shabbos Shabbos as G-d wanted, even At the time of creation, before Sinai, in a manner of Shabbos was designated as a as G-d wanted, complete tranquility, spiritual as unique and holy day, as it says, well as physical. “G-d blessed the seventh day and even before Sinai, We can now explain why sanctified it, because on it He Yosef’s Shabbos observance is rested from all His work.” At the in a manner of alluded to with the word time of the Exodus, G-d gave complete “prepare.” Shabbos itself, on Shabbos to the Jews, commanding which an individual ceases all them to “remember and observe” tranquility, creative labor, changes the person. all its commandments. The rest transforms him, physically Shabbos, then, is different than spiritual as well as and spiritually. The actions we all the other mitzvos. The other take during the week to prepare for mitzvos came into existence at physical. Shabbos, on the other hand, affect Sinai, at the giving of the Torah. the world. The very act of When Avrohom, Isaac, Jacob and preparation transforms the world, his twelve sons kept the commandments before the elevating it to a connection with the holiness of Torah was given, they did so according to their own, Shabbos. And this effect, this elevation, is carried human, capacity. However, Shabbos as a day of over into Shabbos itself, for the Shabbos meals must Divine rest came into existence at the time of be prepared beforehand. creation. But implanting that level of spirituality into This brings us back to Shabbos and Moshiach. the world had to wait until the revelation at Sinai, Just as we must get ready for Shabbos by when Shabbos was given to the Jews. transforming the world, utilizing its resources to That G-d rested on Shabbos and then gave it to the prepare our Shabbos meals, so too we must get ready Jewish people at Sinai means that human beings, by for Moshiach by transforming the world, preparing it themselves, cannot create Shabbos. The principle of for the coming Redemption. Now that we stand after Shabbos – and all the details that give it substance Sinai, when the principle of Shabbos has penetrated and reality – belongs to G-d alone. At Sinai, G-d every Jew, we need only prepare the world to greet implanted Shabbos into the Jewish people. They Moshiach. became the mitzva, so to speak. (Based on 20, pp. 200-206)

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terror in bombay


By Rabbi Naftali Estulin, Shliach, Los Angeles, California Translated By Michoel Leib Dobry

Within the intense mourning incomprehensible event with House on the eve of Rosh and deep sorrow that has come another that is no less Chodesh Kislev. Nevertheless, we upon chassidim all over inexplicable. must learn from it whatever we the world after the frightful No one is trying to explain can. massacre of the ’s shluchim this horrible incident. There is no When I looked through the in the of Bombay, explanation that can justify what Rebbe’s sichos on the death of it is incumbent upon us to happened in the Bombay Chabad Aharon’s two sons, I noticed an contemplate what we can learn important point that can be from this terrible event. This is learned from Nadav and Avihu: what the Rebbe, Melech After Nadav and Avihu died, HaMoshiach, teaches us: to learn the Torah states: “And Aharon’s something in our Avodas Hashem sons, Nadav and Avihu, each took in everything that we see or hear his pan, put fire in them, and – and especially after something placed incense upon it, and they such as this. brought before G-d strange fire, During the funeral and the which He had not commanded subsequent week of “Shiva”, them. And fire went forth from many good people emphasized before G-d and consumed them, the Rebbe’s words that comparing and they died before G-d.” terrible tragedies to the death of When a five-year old child the two sons of Aharon HaKohen studying Chumash learns these is a foolish means of consolation, p’sukim, it’s sufficiently clear to as it is impossible to explain one him why Aharon’s sons died. The

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Omnipresent, but I thought it would be either Four thousand shluchim of through me or through you. Now I see that they the Rebbe, Melech [Nadav and Avihu] were greater than I or you!” Clearly, Moshe is not, ch”v, offering empty HaMoshiach, had yet to words of consolation to Aharon, rather Nadav and Avihu really were on a much higher level than succeed in bringing the Moshe and Aharon. How is this apparent to a five year old studying Chumash? Rebbe’s message to all people In his unique style, the Rebbe raises an important point that sheds a whole new light on the on the face of the earth, until entire story: there came a pair of Several p’sukim before we read about the death of Aharon’s two sons, the Torah relates how the shluchim, Rabbi Gavriel Mishkan was dedicated. During the period of the seven days of consecration, Moshe Rabbeinu Noach and Mrs. Rivka prepared the Mishkan in order that the Sh’china should dwell upon it, however, as Rashi writes in Holtzberg (may their blood his commentary: “Throughout all seven days of the investitures, when Moshe erected the Mishkan, be avenged), and through performed the service in it, and then dismantled it their death ‘al Kiddush daily, the Sh’china did not rest in it – and the Israelites were humiliated.” They were unable to Hashem,’ they instilled the draw down the G-dly light into this physical world. Only on the eighth day, after Aharon performed Rebbe and the message of his his service, and after Moshe and Aharon entered the Tent of Meeting together and then came out to bless shlichus in every corner of the people – only then did the Jewish People merit that the Sh’china dwelled within the Mishkan. the world. And with which words does the Torah describe this majestic and awesome sight? “And fire went pasuk states clearly that they offered strange fire – forth from before G-d (and consumed the burnt the fire came forth and killed them. Why, then, did offering and the fats upon the altar).” Rashi have to go to the trouble of looking for Now, when the five-year old child studying different explanations as to why Aharon’s two sons Chumash continues further, he reads about died? Aharon’s two sons, who succeeded in a few Rashi asks yet another question: After the death moments to attain that very result of rare G-dly of Aharon’s sons, Moshe says to Aharon, “This is revelation, which the Torah chose to describe with what G-d spoke, when He said, ‘I will be sanctified literally the same words: “And fire went forth from through those near to Me’”. Rashi comments: before G-d (and consumed them, and they died “Aharon, my brother! I knew that this House was to before G-d).” be sanctified through the beloved ones of the There are no word games in the Torah. If the

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Torah chooses to describe the years, the shluchim of the Rebbe, until two weeks ago. Even those results from the action of Nadav Melech HaMoshiach, have who had previously listened to the and Avihu in the same words that succeeded in reaching almost radio or read in the newspapers it used to describe the G-dly light every Jewish community on the about Chabad chassidim and the that Moshe and Aharon face of the earth, nevertheless, Lubavitcher Rebbe had merely succeeded in bringing to the there are still many who have heard about some ultra-Orthodox Mishkan after toiling for eight never heard about the Rebbe or movement, presented as an days, this tells us that Nadav and his message. extremist organization. Avihu were greater than Moshe The Rebbe has stated many Yet, in just one short week, and Aharon, since they managed times that we must reach not only everything changed. to draw down that same G-dly the entire Jewish People, but also The entire world literally light in a very short period of all the nations of the world. First visited the Chabad House for a time! and foremost, we must convey to whole week. Anyone who watched Therefore, when a five-year them the message of the Seven his television screen or listened to old child learns this parsha, he Noachide Laws. But we must also radio broadcasts was there in the completely identifies with Moshe convey to them the message of Bombay Chabad House, and they Rabbeinu’s words to Aharon heard the reporters explaining HaKohen – “they were greater about the great light that the than I or you”. Thus, specifically Rebbe sends to the whole world in light of this basic When we see what through his shluchim. understanding, the five-year old this pair of Again, this is neither realizes that Aharon’s sons didn’t justification nor explanation for die because of the avoda of shluchim managed this shocking event. However, incense in and of itself. He when we see what this pair of interprets the words “strange fire to achieve, we can shluchim managed to achieve, we that He had not commanded can say regarding them: There them” as a means of informing say regarding are those who fulfilled the entire the reader that the fire-offering objective of their shlichus – in was not by command, but them: There are one week! voluntary. He sees no sin in this, those who fulfilled What all the Rebbe’s shluchim and therefore, Rashi brings throughout the globe have failed several explanations in order that the entire objective to do over a period of decades – he can understand why Aharon’s Gaby and Rivki did in just a few sons had to die. of their shlichus – days! This is not merely expressed in THE REBBE HAS in one week! television broadcasts on in the REACHED EVERY pages of the newspapers. Many shluchim all over the world have CORNER OF THE the Redemption, and to prepare reported on a tremendous change WORLD them to greet Moshiach as well. in the approach towards the The frightful event in Bombay For when the Rebbe will be projects of the Rebbe, the took place shortly after the revealed, he will be the king of shluchim, and their activities. International Shluchim the entire world, including the My nephew, Rabbi Menachem Conference. We gathered together Gentile nations. Mendel Cohen, the Rebbe with the m’shaleiach, four Consider for a moment: How MH”M’s shliach in Sacramento, thousand shluchim from all over many Gentiles until now had California, has been confronting the globe. But all of us together never heard about the Rebbe, his the local Reform community for couldn’t place a check mark next shlichus, and his message to the the past several years, which has to our names and say that we world? made his life rather difficult. succeeded in bringing the It stands to reason that there Nevertheless, on that Friday, message to every corner of the are over a billion non-Jews (and when the entire world continued world. many Jews too) in the world who to hope against hope for good While it’s true that in recent had no idea who the Rebbe was news from the Bombay Chabad

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House, the Reform community Why couldn’t he have remained leaders called him, wanting to alive and continued at that same There are no know what they could do to assist wondrous level? word games in Chabad activities. Similarly, we find in our case. Yet, it is specifically this It is specifically because we know the Torah. Nadav eminent feature achieved by this the tremendous spiritual level that pair of shluchim that intensifies Gaby and Rivki attained, as they and Avihu were the feeling of pain and anguish, succeeded in bringing down the as we weep bitterly over their G-dly fire as expressed in the greater than tragic fate. Rebbe’s words and teachings, and The Gemara states that when spreading it to the entire world, Moshe and Eliezer ben Durdaya repented and that we cry for their lives that Aharon, as they placed his head between his were cut short in such a brutal knees, bursting into tears until fashion. managed to draw his soul departed, a Heavenly Each of us can imagine to voice called out: “Rabbi Eliezer himself what a tremendous down the same ben Durdaya is ready for the Kiddush Hashem there could World to Come.” The Gemara have been if after going through G-dly light in a adds: “Rabbi [Rabbi Yehuda that torturous experience, the HaNasi] cried and said, “There shluchim would have come out of very short period are those who acquire their world the Chabad House alive – of time! in several years, and there are achieving a hundred-fold those who acquire their world in sanctification of G-d’s Name a single moment.” when they would stand and conclude the great work that they My father, the chassid, R’ proclaim the Rebbe’s message all began – publicizing all over the Zalman Estulin, of blessed over the globe. world the prophecy of the Rebbe, memory, asked: Why did Rabbi However, we are limited Melech HaMoshiach, regarding Yehuda HaNasi cry – didn’t human beings, and we will never the imminent Redemption and his Rabbi Eliezer ben Durdaya reach understand neither the Creator call worldwide to prepare to greet the most wondrous heights that nor His means of reckoning. Moshiach Tzidkeinu in actual anyone could possibly reach? Now that the period of Shiva deed by increasing in acts of Indeed, it was specifically because has concluded, we are all left with goodness to hasten the he reached so phenomenal a level an enormous debt to Gaby and Redemption – immediately, that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi cried. Rivki: We must continue and mamash – NOW!

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By Nosson Avrohom

lawyers and simply on how to get Ronen Dvash tells of his harrowing around the congested city with its experience in an Indian jail and how labyrinth of streets. “My parents left and then the the Holtzbergs helped him materially shluchim returned to Eretz Yisroel for a brief period, but when they and spiritually. returned they visited me.” They remained in touch until Ronen managed to escape and avoid For two days, Ronen Dvash, miraculous escape back home to twenty years in a miserable Indian protagonist of the biography Israel. Several chapters are devoted jail. Escape from India by Avigail to his close connection with the “Two months after my parents Meizlik, was glued to the news out Rebbe’s shliach, Rabbi Gavriel left Bombay, Rabbi Holtzberg of India. Like countless other Jews, Holtzberg (may Hashem avenge his visited me and brought a fax from he was very concerned and hoped blood). Throughout Ronen’s prison my wife, who was in Israel. for a miracle. Tears came to his stay, R’ Holtzberg visited him on a Throughout my months in jail, the eyes when we interviewed him in regular basis. only connection I had with my wife his home in Yerushalayim, as he “At the time I was arrested in and children and the outside world found it so difficult to accept the Bombay, I knew only the bachurim was through Rabbi Holtzberg. terrible fate of the Holtzbergs. at the Chabad house in Delhi, and Every two weeks he would visit me “I keep thinking about Gabi,” I contacted them first.” himself or send someone from the he sighed. “Every time he visited He asked them to come and get Chabad house. He would leave me in jail, he gave me renewed his belongings and reported to money with the prison authorities hope as I teetered on the brink of them about his arrest. It was at just so that I could buy personal despair. A talmid chochom, a this time that Rabbi and Mrs. hygiene supplies.” devoted man with his eyes set on Holtzberg arrived in Bombay. In addition to looking after his goal, a caring and goodhearted When Ronen’s parents found out Ronen’s physical needs, Rabbi person, the likes of whom you about their son’s arrest, they Holtzberg took every opportunity hardly ever meet, was ripped away rushed to Bombay to try and get to instill spirituality into the life of from us.” him released. Their base was the the inmate. Before he had entered Yediot Acharonot published the newly founded Chabad house. The prison, Ronen had begun the story of Ronen’s life from when he Holtzbergs graciously hosted them t’shuva process that continued was incarcerated on drug and helped them. Rabbi Holtzberg within the prison walls. smuggling charges until his guided them in their meetings with “When six days of Sukkos went

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by and I hadn’t said the bracha on On this occasion and many the Dalet minim, I was very other visits, Rabbi Holtzberg I asked what dejected. I was taken to one of the endangered himself by giving motivated him to courthouses and there, Rabbi bribes to those in charge of the jail Holtzberg suddenly appeared with a so that Ronen and other Israelis in shower so much and esrog! He asked for that jail would enjoy certain permission to approach me and advantages. These included the warmth and love then handed me the minim and ability to do mitzvos and longer said, ‘Cry out “Ana Hashem hoshia visitations. on us, and I’ll na,” and Hashem will answer you.’ “On one of his visits, when I I did so. The goyim around us asked what motivated him to never forget his wondered what this was all about.” shower so much warmth and love answer: that the “That was only one holiday; on us, he said a line I’ll never Rabbi Holtzberg looked after me on forget. He said that the shlichus he shlichus he got each Yom Tov. For example, on got from the Lubavitcher Rebbe is , although he was busy and to treat every Jew in accordance from the had to read the Megilla and preside with the love that Hashem has for over the Purim meal with dozens of him. Many times he tried to obtain Lubavitcher Rebbe guests, he didn’t forget me. Another permission for us to eat kosher Israeli and I were suddenly food, and when that did not work is to treat every summoned by the warden, and to out he brought fruit and vegetables Jew in accordance our surprise and joy, There was every time he came. When I was Rabbi Holtzberg, in costume. He brought before the judge he would with the love that asked us to get ready for the come to show his support, and reading of the Megilla and bring sandwiches with him.” Hashem has for afterwards, he gave us two Ronen describes Rabbi and Mrs. mishlochei manos.” Holtzberg’s concern for him as him.

something beyond rational Ronen Dvash comprehension. “During my stay in jail, I was sick with various illnesses because of the terrible sanitary conditions, the mold and the rats. He would buy expensive medicine for me, on his account, which I would not have otherwise gotten in jail. “When I managed to escape, after a year and a half in prison, the first place I went to was the Chabad house (although R’ Gabi had asked me not to do so since it could jeopardize their work). Only his wife was there, and when she saw what condition I was in she let me in and gave me some of her husband’s warm clothes, money, food, and a water bottle.” Ronen found it hard to express his feelings about this unbearable tragedy. “Rav Gabi and his wife were angels. I am just one out of so many that he helped.”

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By Avrohom Reinitz

Decades later, this decision “The Lubavitch Library” brings to mind helped win the court case over the dozens of events and hundreds of s’farim. Even years before that, this move enabled the rescue of a large concepts from the rich history of portion of the library. When World War II broke out Chabad Chassidus, starting with the and the Rebbe Rayatz was en route to the United States, trying to collection of manuscripts belonging to escape the Nazi siege, he was extremely worried about the fate of the Alter Rebbe until “Didan Natzach” the library and manuscripts. The in the Seventh Generation * In honor of only way to save the library was to get the American government Hei Teives we present 22 entries, involved, and have them inform the consul in Warsaw to take the library according to the Alef-Beis, that give us under its protection. This could be done since the library was the a glimpse into the world of Chabad property of the Chabad movement in the United States. s’farim. As a result of the contacts made at that time, three boxes containing ALEF – AGUDAS Poland, including the initiation and most of the manuscripts were moved to the American embassy in Warsaw CHASSIDEI CHABAD expansion of the Lubavitch Library. In 5698 (1938), the idea was and left there for safekeeping. One of the main issues at the proposed to register all property of During the war it fell into Nazi heart of the court case over the the Chabad movement in Poland hands, and afterwards it was s’farim was whether the Lubavitch under the name “Agudas Chassidei recovered by the communist Polish Library was the personal property of Chabad in the United States,” since government. After much political the Rebbe Rayatz or the property of at that time European Jews and their and diplomatic effort, in Cheshvan, Agudas Chassidei Chabad. property were not secure. After some 5738 (1977), a large portion of the Agudas Chassidei Chabad in the efforts in this regard, “Agudas manuscripts were sent to the Rebbe United States was founded in 5684 Chassidei Chabad in the United in New York. In 5757, the remaining (1924), and since that time, it was States” acquired all the property of manuscripts were located by Rabbi the main support of all Chabad the Chabad movement in Poland. Sholom Yaakov Chazan and Rabbi activities in Russia, Riga, and Yochanan Berman in the Russian

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the winter of 5745, s’farim that were final “Didan Natzach.” The moment the valuable to Chassidus and Judaism Rebbe was told the in general, including rare DALET – DIDAN commentaries on works of Kabbala NOTZACH good news, his and on sifrei Tanach, disappeared from the shelves. On the morning of the 5th of face lit up with All attempts at finding out who Teives, the secretaries were informed had taken the s’farim were fruitless. by the court that the judge had joy. The T’mimim Finally, a hidden camera was signed on a ruling and they could installed. For a number of weeks the come and take the document. Within went out to dance film remained blank, until it caught a short time, the Rebbe was given and do B.G. entering the basement of the the final ruling – all forty pages of it. library late at night and leaving The conclusion was, “After hearing somersaults in the shortly thereafter carrying bags full testimony in the case and after of s’farim. examining the numerous appropriate courtyard of 770, When B.G. was asked to return documents that were presented by the s’farim, he refused, saying that both sides, I have come to the and someone got his mother gave him permission to conclusion that the library was not take whatever he liked from the the personal property of Rabbi Yosef hold of mashke. library. He insisted that the s’farim Yitzchok when he died. belonged to him and he planned on Accordingly, all arguments to the army archives. Since then, there has selling them for a hefty sum. He also contrary are null and void, since all been a legal battle to have them maintained that his aunt (Rebbetzin agree that outside of inheritance returned to the Lubavitch Library. Chaya Mushka) gave him rights the plaintiff has no legal rights permission to do this, but she denied to the library. We find in favor of BEIS – BAYIS MALEI this and it was found to be a lie. The Agudas Chassidei Chabad in its claim in demanding the return of the SEFARIM (HOUSE FULL locks were changed on the library and an alarm system was installed. books.” OF BOOKS) In the meantime, they discovered The moment the Rebbe was told Following the victory in the court that B.G. had sold 400 s’farim the good news, his face lit up with case over the s’farim, the Rebbe already. S’farim merchants in joy. The Rebbe instructed that the urged us to take advantage of this Europe, Israel and the United States lawyers should be called and auspicious day to increase our were very interested in these s’farim. thanked for their efforts and the learning and buy many new s’farim, A Hagada from the year 5517 Rebbetzin should be called and both for a “House Full of S’farim” (1757) was sold for $96,000 to a informed of the judge’s decision. and for public libraries, and of Swiss bookseller, who then sold it to It’s impossible to fully convey the course, for the main library of an antique dealer who was willing to scene in the small zal when the good Agudas Chassidei Chabad. pay $150,000. news first got out. The T’mimim In 5752, the Rebbe stated that Later on, Chabad Chassidim went out to dance and do everyone could do his share in learned that B.G. had approached a somersaults in the courtyard of 770, redeeming the s’farim that remained public auction house belonging to a and someone got hold of mashke. “in captivity” in Russia “by every church in Manhattan. Thank G-d, The news spread throughout the single person - men, women, and the staff suspected it was stolen mosdos of Crown Heights and children - bringing into his house, goods and turned him down in his talmidim began streaming en masse library or the like, new holy books in quest to sell the s’farim. towards 770. When residents of addition to the s’farim that are After B.G. repeatedly refused Crown Heights heard the happy already there in his “House Full of to return the s’farim, heedless of news, they joined them. S’farim.” his father’s requests and the The informal Chabad news friendly requests of Agudas network went to work overtime. GIMMEL – G’NEIVOS Chassidei Chabad, the matter was Within minutes, Chabad centers all over the world heard the news. The (THEFT) turned over to the court, which immediately placed a freeze on circle of people dancing on the The court case over the library all the stolen s’farim until the pavement outside 770 grew and began with theft of the s’farim. In money was raised to buy mashke

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(one wealthy Lubavitcher gave $1000 towards mashke, The story began in 5676 (1916). World War I was for starters). raging across Europe, leading the Rebbe Rashab to the Crown Heights rejoiced and mitzva tanks drove decision that they had to travel from Lubavitch and around the neighborhood playing “Didan Natzach” on bring the s’farim far from the frontlines. The s’farim their loudspeakers. The mashke flowed like water. From were transferred to the Kokorov warehouses, which were one corner of the action you could hear the Yom Tov owned by the wealthy Chassid, R’ Zalman Parsitz. Three kiddush. Everybody shared in the excitement. years later, in 5679, the storerooms, with thousands of The loudspeaker in front of 770 played Didan s’farim of the Lubavitch Library, were nationalized by Natzach continuously, and the Piamenta band and R’ Eli the government. Lipskar played nonstop until 7:30 at night. One of the The Rebbe Rayatz immediately began feverish men went up on the fence of 770 and everybody activity to retrieve the s’farim. Among other efforts, he answered the brachos he recited: HaTov V’HaMeitiv, petitioned the department of academic libraries, SheHechiyanu, and Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu “Narkompross,” which had jurisdiction over the V’Rabbeinu. collection, with a request for permission to have the 770 was ‘on wheels’ as inside too, upstairs and s’farim returned to him. After they received a similar downstairs, the dancing went on with cries of mazal tov request from the Committee of Jewish , and gut yom tov! Every tune the band played was sung permission was granted. by the crowd to the words Didan Natzach. The simcha Unfortunately, the permit wasn’t used immediately, was simply incredible. since there wasn’t a suitable place to store the s’farim. The secretaries announced that Mincha would take More than four years after they were nationalized, the place downstairs, and the bima (from Tishrei) was s’farim were moved to the Romiantzov Library (the quickly set up. At 3:15 the Rebbe came down for name was later changed to the Lenin Library and today Mincha, and the shul roared with Didan Natzach! The it has become the National Library of Moscow), where chazan began Ashrei with the tune used at children’s they remain to this day. rallies and everybody joined in. Kaddish was said with the holiday tune, as was the repetition of Shmoneh VAV – VEINER COLLECTION Esrei. After davening, the Rebbe recited a sicha for half The foundation of the Lubavitch Library was the an hour. acquisition of the library belonging to the collector and bibliographer, R’ Shmuel Veiner (author of Kehillas HEI – HAL’AMA (NATIONALIZATION) Moshe) in 5685 (1924). He wanted to leave Russia, but The Lubavitch collection in the national library in the government did not allow him to take his library with Moscow was nationalized by the Russians in 5679 him. He decided to offer it for sale to the Rebbe Rayatz (1919). The Russians claim it is their national treasure at a good price and on easy payment terms. and refuse to return the s’farim to their original owners. The Rebbe Rayatz was willing since at that time it became known that the Rebbe Rashab’s library, which had been stored away in Moscow, had been nationalized (see previous entry). In Cheshvan-Kislev of 5685 (1924), the library was purchased. This library was the start of a significant endeavor, since it contained bibliographical categories such as 400 editions of the Hagada, 140 Kinos and 140 Slichos, about 60 Siddurim in various nus’chaos, Machzorim, some booklets of Techinos in Yiddish, storybooks and, predominantly, books of science and literature.

ZAYIN – ZISLIN, ZALMAN AIDEL The last mention of the Rebbe Rayatz’s efforts to retrieve the s’farim from the Lenin Library is in a letter that he wrote in Teives, 1936, to the Chassid, R’ Zalman Aidel Zislin (who was one of the people who copied of the Rebbe Rashab and also served as The s’farim that were stolen from the table secretary to the Rebbe Rayatz in Rostov). He asked him in the Rebbe Rayatz’s yechidus room.

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Torah books – veltisher (worldly) was worth offering some personal When the Rebbe books, and even heretical books. incentives to those in charge, so that Rashab would This is because the Rebbe wanted they would allow the release of the his library to be open to all, not just s’farim. The following is an excerpt travel, he would for Lubavitchers or Chassidim and from that letter: Jews in general, but also for non- “Your mind should be at ease as take the Jews. Therefore, he tried to collect you put my mind at ease by this all sorts of books, not just Jewish happy news, and I firmly hope that manuscripts with books, but other books too. this is a good beginning to receive “Because of the library, which the rest of the notebooks and then him rather than attracted irreligious Jews and non- bring them here, too, as in the leaving them in Jews, who saw what Lubavitch is, conclusion of your letter. Surely it is they became close to Lubavitch and unnecessary to urge you to speak Lubavitch. While they saw that Lubavitch is involved once again with B.M. [Berel Mark] in spreading wisdom and knowledge about the importance of this matter, the wagon driver etc. This provided an opportunity to and surely you will find the talk with non-Jews about justice, appropriate words that suit his would load the morality and humanity, to civilize nature, for this is certainly the [the world] with the Seven Noachide simplest way to get them, that a boxes, the Rebbe Laws etc. And it was clearly seen number of reliable people each take would stand in the how this was beneficial.” a few notebooks from there. “Perhaps there is room to yard the entire TES – TOVAS HANA’A consider interesting B.M. in the fact (PERSONAL BENEFIT) that he will have a personal benefit time and or perhaps actual benefit, i.e. When the wide-ranging efforts to monetary payment, as we see that supervise. retrieve the lost manuscripts from when the animal soul also has Warsaw (see later, the entry for Tav) benefit, in addition to the benefit to to try to enter the Lenin Library as began, R’ Pinchas Altheus informed the G-dly soul, things get done more an employee, and in this guise to go the Rebbe that he had located the quickly and more completely… to the rooms where the collection archives and even received some Regarding the idea of purchasing the was held and report back to the manuscripts. The Rebbe wrote to aforementioned from the Rebbe. We do not know whether R’ him on 1 Elul, 5717 (1957), that it government, it is understood that Zislin managed to carry out this shlichus.

CHES – CHOKRIM (RESEARCHERS) When the Rebbe Rayatz began establishing the Lubavitch Library in the summer of 1928, he decided that it would be a public library for Chabad Chassidus that would be open to researchers the world over, like the British Museum which is open to researchers. In one of the Rebbe’s sichos regarding the s’farim, he explains, “Therefore the Rebbe’s library contains not only sifrei Chabad - even though the Rebbe’s inyan was entirely Chassidus - but also other Chassidic works, sifrei Nigleh, non- The great celebration in 770 in 5748.

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this raises the primary concern that folder. entering into such deliberations The Rebbe Rayatz also held the The court case turns it into an official matter, and manuscripts dear, but more than began on Yud-Tes as such, it would become impossible anything else he valued the box of to get hold of the manuscripts in the manuscripts of his father which he Kislev. Chassidim abovementioned manner and the always took with him, even when like, which is the most secure sent to exile in Kostrama and when saw this as approach.” he fled Warsaw. He finally arrived in America with this box. amazing Divine YUD – YIPUI KO’ACH Providence and (POWER OF ATTORNEY) LAMED – LEWIN, When the collection of NOSSON (AKA ‘NAT’), were convinced manuscripts was located in Warsaw THE LAWYER that they would be and a special delegation of Chabad The team of lawyers which Chassidim left for Warsaw to retrieve worked on retrieving the stolen victorious. The them, they took along a declaration s’farim was comprised of famous from the Rebbe Rayatz’s daughters, lawyers from New York, Washington other side, aware Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and her and Philadelphia. They were led by sister. This declaration stated that the lawyer Nat Lewin. Lewin was of the significance, they gave all rights to the former president Richard Nixon’s asked that the manuscripts and s’farim in Europe legal advisor, he has argued 27 cases to Merkos L’Inyanei Chinuch. in the Supreme Court (one of them date be changed, was about the legality of placing a KAF – KISVEI YAD Menorah on public property), and is but the judge (MANUSCRIPTS) considered one of the most successful constitutional lawyers in demurred. The diamond in the crown of the America. Lubavitch Library was always the Lewin’s partner, Jerry Schostak world’s foremost librarians in New manuscripts of the Rebbeim, which of Philadelphia, helped Aguch for York, dated Adar I, 1946. In this were preserved over the years and many years regarding retrieving the letter, the Rebbe wrote, “These were so very precious to them. It is manuscripts from Warsaw and the s’farim are the property of Agudas told that when the Rebbe Rashab Israel National Library in Chassidei Chabad… these would travel to his summer retreat, Yerushalayim. manuscripts and s’farim are great he would take the manuscripts with Although from the time Lewin spiritual treasures, the property of him rather than leaving them in was picked to head the team of the nation.” Lubavitch. While the wagon driver lawyers in the s’farim case he was In the end, when the judge would load the boxes of invited many times to the Rebbe’s issued his ruling, it turned out that manuscripts, the Rebbe would stand , and he became a big this letter was the deciding factor in in the yard the entire time and supporter of the Rebbe’s activities, favor of Aguch. supervise. he treated the case not as a Chassid, When he went to distant places but as a jurist. The Rebbe said at and was unable to take all the MEM – MISHPAT that time, to people associated with manuscripts with him, he would (JUDGMENT) the case, “Let the lawyer be a appoint his son, the Rebbe Rayatz, lawyer; don’t make him into a The court case began on Yud-Tes to guard the treasury of Chassid.” Kislev, and testimony began to be manuscripts. During the case, Lewin and heard the following day. Chabad In addition to the collection of Schostak met privately with the Chassidim saw this as amazing manuscripts from the Rebbeim who Rebbe several times. The Rebbe told Divine Providence and were preceded him, there were the Rebbe them to base the proof of Aguch’s convinced that they would be Rashab’s writings of his own ownership of the library on a letter victorious. The other side, aware of maamarim. This collection was the Rebbe Rayatz wrote to Professor the symbolic significance, asked that organized by year, with the Alexander Marcus, one of the the date be changed, but the judge maamarim of each year in a separate demurred.

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The hearing phase of the case position, but they also knew that this lasted 23 days. During this time, case was unprecedented. The judge Anash and the T’mimim recited the remained silent throughout the entire T’hillim every morning in proceedings, and one could not 770. The Rebbe went to the guess what he was thinking by nearly every day. Chassidim relate looking at his face. that they saw merirus (bitterness) and very serious conduct on the part NUN – N’SIAS of the Rebbe, throughout. From the HA’MISHLACHAS time of the court case and on, the Rebbe even stopped saying L’RUSSIA (THE maamarim with the usual tune. DELEGATION GOES TO Every day of the hearings, a bus RUSSIA) full of Anash and T’mimim left 770 One day in 5740, the Rebbe for the courthouse. Many Chassidim called in the director of Chabad filled the corridors of the mosdos in California, Rabbi Shlomo Dedication page of the Likkutei Sichos courthouse, davening and saying Cunin, and told him to discuss the for Parshas VaYigash 5747. T’hillim. Rebbe Rashab’s library, which Rebbe asked them to also look for A large portion of the testimony, remained in Russia, with Mr. Jerry his father’s writings. questioning, and the documents of Weintraub and Mr. Armand A day before the trip, on Shabbos the Rebbe Rayatz were in Yiddish Hammer a”h, for they had Parshas Shmos, the Rebbe spoke and Lashon HaKodesh. They connections with Soviet officials. about this mission in public, needed to be translated precisely. Mr. Hammer asked government although he did not provide any There was a perpetual argument figures to locate the collection and details. After the sicha, the Rebbe between the two sides over the exact return it to the Lubavitch movement. told the three men to say l’chaim meaning. Each side brought When he was told that they had no over a full cup, and the next day, witnesses to bolster its interpretation information about this collection, he when he gave out dollars for tz’daka, of the facts. The side of Lubavitch sent them a list of s’farim in the he gave them an extra dollar “for knew that it had an ironclad collection. This attempt also failed. It was suggested that the Soviet government allow members of the “I emphasize the Chabad delegation to look for the s’farim in the library. In the Tov’s meantime, several years went by and Siddur not because it was in Kislev, 5748, that they first received a response from Moscow – I want to claim Chabad experts could go to the Lenin Library and search the ownership of it. On collection. Within a few weeks, a group of the contrary, I am three men was organized: Rabbi Cunin, Rabbi , and afraid of the Baal Rabbi Sholom Ber Levin. Shem Tov’s Siddur! Preparations for the trip were conducted secretly, and no explicit - but to show the mention of the purpose of the trip was mentioned in official great nerve of this documents. It was called, “talks with the Ministry of Culture.” person, who In the month between the receipt The affidavit of the Rebbetzin and her of permission until the actual trip, sister in which they affirm the transfer devised schemes in the three men received detailed of ownership of the manuscripts to the library of Merkos L’Inyanei instructions from the Rebbe. The order to obtain it!” Chinuch in 1974

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The main mission of a Rebbe is to lead and encourage his flock of Chassidim and to be a role model to the point of actual mesirus nefesh.

T’mimim at the entrance to the national library in Moscow

increased alacrity.” and ‘ha’bitul’ have the same Hebrew letters - Ed]. Before the Rebbe went to the Ohel, the members of Moreover, even if he would have immersed in a mikva the delegation were called to the door of his room, first, he is forbidden to enter the domain of the Rebbe, where the Rebbe gave them tz’daka for the trip. The my father-in-law, on his own, and even to touch this Rebbe told them, “I do not thank you, since the greatest Siddur - all the more so to take it from the possession of thanks comes from the s’farim themselves.” the Rebbe, my father-in-law! In the evening, after Maariv, shortly before their “Why do I emphasize the point about the Baal Shem flight, they were called again to the Rebbe’s room, and Tov’s Siddur? Not because I want to claim ownership of the Rebbe said: “Today is the yahrtzait of the Rambam it; on the contrary, I am afraid of the Baal Shem Tov’s and the week of 24 Teives, the yahrtzait of the Alter Siddur!… Whatever the reason is, the reality is that I am Rebbe – both of them should work together with you.” afraid of the Baal Shem Tov’s Siddur, even to guard it as a deposit! The reason for speaking about the Baal Shem SAMECH – SIDDUR Tov’s Siddur is therefore, to show the great nerve of this HA’BAAL SHEM TOV person, who did not recoil from even considering such a possibility, and he devised ways and schemes in order to The most prized item in the Lubavitch Library is the obtain it! Siddur of the Baal Shem Tov. In the summer of 5745 “In any case, he should know that regarding the Baal (1985), the Rebbe referred to it, saying: Shem Tov’s Siddur the Rebbe, my father-in-law, “… In addition to what was said earlier regarding all the s’farim that belong to the Lubavitch Library of the Rebbe, my father-in-law – there is an extra emphasis regarding the valuable s’farim, including and especially the Siddur of the Baal Shem Tov. On this Siddur, too, they set their sights and plotted to find ways and means of removing it and taking it, heaven forbid, from the possession of the Rebbe, my father-in-law. “The Rebbe, my father-in-law, did not allow anyone to approach and touch this holy Siddur. Only on rare occasions did he allow people to approach and kiss the Siddur, and even this was only after the proper preparation, immersion in a mikva etc. “And still, there is someone who thinks of removing and taking this Siddur from the possession of the Rebbe, my father-in-law! “The one who has such a thought has no connection to the concept of immersion in a mikva, which is the inyan of purity and the letters of bittul [the words ‘t’vila’ Antique s’farim in the Lubavitch Library

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library had to be returned. On 2 Kislev, the s’farim were returned to their rightful place in the Library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad. When they were returned, the Rebbe said that Kehot should immediately print Derech Emuna, a kabalistic work by R’ Meir Ibn Gabbai, and sell it for $1!

PEI – POLIAKOV COLLECTION The delegation that traveled to Moscow in the winter of 5748 encountered major difficulties in their efforts to locate the Chabad s’farim within the Lenin Library. After pulling many strings through contacts in the Russian government, they met with the Cultural Minister of the Soviet Union, Mr. Zakarov. He seemed to be genuinely interested in looking into the possibility of returning the s’farim, but he, too, could not allow the delegation to freely walk around the library. They had to search for s’farim by comparing the Lenin Library catalog and their own catalog. The next day they met with the person in charge of the Jewish book department, who told them he had not located a collection by the name of Lubavitch. He had found the list of s’farim they had given him previously, but within another collection called the Poliakov collection. Upon looking into it briefly, they discovered that the Soviets changed the name to Poliakov. The members of the delegation explained to the librarian that the Poliakov collection was actually the Schneersohn collection, and they asked to see some of Hagados from the large collection in the Lubavitch Library the s’farim. Half an hour later he brought them the s’farim and there was no doubt whatsoever – this was preceded the malady with the cure. Apparently, the the collection they sought. Rebbe, my father-in-law, feared the possibility of theft and he told me to make photocopies of every page of the TZADDIK – TZILUMIM (PHOTOCOPIES) Siddur and to put them in a very safe place - in a safe in a bank - so that in the event that the Siddur was stolen A large portion of the sifrei maamarim of the Rebbe they could not even sell individual pages (with the Rashab were printed from photocopies that the Rebbe assumption that with individual pages there would be no made of the manuscripts in the Rebbe Rayatz’s archives. evidence where they were stolen from), since there is a Some of these manuscripts were lost during the war, copy of every single page!” and some of them were not in the possession of the library when the s’farim were edited, so the editors used the photocopies that the Rebbe had. AYIN – IR’UR (APPEAL) In a sicha of 20 Kislev, 5737, the Rebbe told how the After the Didan Natzach of Hei Teives, the plaintiffs entire Hemshech 5672 was preserved, unlike other appealed the verdict, first at the same federal courthouse maamarim which were lost during the war: and then, after the appeal was denied there, at the Court “When the Rebbe, my father-in-law, traveled from of Appeals of the State of New York. his home (apparently in 1929-1930 for America), he After lengthy deliberations in the summer of 1988, looked for someone he could rely on with whom he the unanimous verdict given by three judges at the Court could leave the manuscripts, so they would be returned of Appeals was to uphold the original verdict and deny intact. Apparently he had no choice but to give them to the appeal. This verdict was given on 25 Cheshvan, me …When I saw that among the manuscripts I was 5748, and three days later the final court order was given there was also Hemshech 5672, I immediately ran, given - that the s’farim which were taken from the before anyone could reconsider, and made a copy of the

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entire Hemshech. This photocopy is in my possession until today.” The Rebbe also photocopied a large portion of the manuscripts of the Rebbe Rashab. In the first years of his leadership, the Rebbe bound these copies. Later, most of the volumes of the Rebbe Rashab’s maamarim were printed from these photocopies.

KUF – KEHOT One of the main roles of the library is publicizing and disseminating the writings of Chassidus to Torah scholars. The process of producing the s’farim out of manuscripts and making them widely available is the job of Karnei Hod Torah, known by its acronym Kehot. When the s’farim were returned on 2 Kislev, the Rebbe went to the Ohel and the secretaries brought the Rebbe three s’farim. One of them was Derech Emuna of the kabbalist, Rabbi Meir Ibn Gabbai. When the Rebbe returned from the Ohel he instructed the editors of Kehot to print the book under the Kehot name.

REISH – ROSH BNEI YISROEL During the court case, the Rebbe had to define, in a way that even the gentile judge would understand, what a Rebbe is and what his role is. Obviously, the Rebbe would not say anything untruthful. In an unusual note that the Rebbe wrote at that time, he clearly defined the role of Admurei Chabad and established that the main mission of a Rebbe is to lead The Rebbe leaving the library and encourage his flock of Chassidim and to be a role model to the point of actual mesirus nefesh. The private The Rebbe concluded that since there were official life of a Rebbe is only secondary, and it is absolutely documents which stated that the library belonged to impossible for it to divert him from his main role. Aguch, one could not imagine that it was otherwise.

SHIN/SIN – S’REIFA (FIRE) The collections of manuscripts of the Rebbeim were greatly damaged by fires that broke out in Lubavitch over the years. The first fire in the history of Chabad was in the winter of 5570 (1810), when the Alter Rebbe traveled to the Vohlin district. His house and most of his s’farim were consumed. Today we know of only five s’farim that remained of the Alter Rebbe’s collection. The Alter Rebbe wrote his notes on these s’farim, and they are preserved in the collection of manuscripts of Chabad leaders. During World War II, these s’farim were taken from the collection of manuscripts. Even after the entire collection was returned to the Lubavitch Library (in 1978), these s’farim were not returned. At a certain point, one of the s’farim was purchased from a Polish goy by a Chabad Chassid and returned to the Lubavitch Lawyer Nat Lewin receiving a dollar from the Rebbe

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library. The whereabouts of the four Jewish Historical Institute in there. He was familiar with the other s’farim are unknown. We Warsaw. Among them were many handwriting of the Rebbeim, and know of their existence from the manuscripts that belonged to within a week he located the Responsa of the Tzemach Tzedek, Chabad. When Lubavitch collection of Chabad manuscripts. who mentions the notes of the Alter headquarters got word of this, they It took a year and a half until the Rebbe in these s’farim. immediately obtained copies of the collection was returned, in the “The Big Fire” in Lubavitch took microfilm and determined that these course of which emissaries were sent place around 5618 (1858). This fire manuscripts were from the collection on behalf of Chabad to verify the consumed a large portion of the that remained for safekeeping in the existence of the collection. In Tzemach Tzedek’s collection. American embassy in Warsaw and Cheshvan, 5738, the collection was Fortunately, many of the s’farim and was confiscated by the Germans finally returned to Lubavitch. manuscripts were on loan to his during the War. They immediately When the collection arrived, the Chassidim and thereby saved. Some made efforts to obtain permission to Rebbe was in his room in 770 under of the s’farim were rescued from the retrieve the collection. doctors’ care. The Rebbe remained Tzemach Tzedek’s house, thanks to Meetings that were held with there for over a month, and the first Chassidim who were moser nefesh senior American officials proved time he went out was to see the and went into the burning house and successful. The American Secretary collection of manuscripts that had removed them. of State, Henry Kissinger, presented been returned. Erev Rosh Chodesh In the summer of 5628 (1868), an official request to the government Kislev, the Rebbe went with his there was a fire which consumed all of Poland, asking for the return of secretaries to examine them. He the homes of the Rebbe Maharash, the s’farim on behalf of the spent two hours looking at volume but unlike in the earlier fires, this American embassy. At the same after volume, and when he finished time the s’farim were saved. time, high ranking church members he returned to 770 for Mincha. from the U.S. turned to Christian This undoubtedly gave the Rebbe TAV – TAV SHIN LAMED figures in Warsaw and requested the much pleasure. The very next day, CHES – 1978 release of the s’farim. on Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the Rebbe The answers from Warsaw were left for his home for the first time In 1972, the public library in that they could not locate the since his heart attack the night of Ottawa received microfilms of all the collection… However, within a short Shmini Atzeres. manuscripts in the library of the time, R’ Aharon Chitrik was sent

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rosh chsotodreisehs kislev ONE OF THE TEKIOS CHILDREN

Prepared for publication by Sholom Gurary

Rebbe would be entering the A compilation of stories told at a square. The “Ata Horeisa” verses Chassidishe with R’ Shabtai had already been said and the Rebbe would be called up to the Slavaticki, which took place on the eve hakafa momentarily. A Lubavitcher jumped into the of 27 Cheshvan in 770. square and stood next to one of the tables. Those who stood Sunday, 26 Cheshvan, 5768. in the morning, with all the around him yelled at him to get 770 was humming much more participants making good out, but the man didn’t budge. than usual with hundreds of resolutions, especially in carrying Two burly American guys went shluchim from around the world out the only remaining shlichus – in to the square. One took his sitting and farbrenging. A shliach kabbalas p’nei Moshiach right arm and the other his left, in from Italy sat next to a shliach Tzidkeinu b’poel mamash. an attempt to force him out. How from Argentina, and a shliach The following are some stories could the man dare to stand in the from Tel Aviv farbrenged with a that were related during that Rebbe’s area? But the man was shliach from Beer Sheva. It was a farbrengen. May these stories tough. He stubbornly hung on to wonderful feeling of achdus, boost our hiskashrus, inspire us to a pillar and waited for the Rebbe. seeing so many people with carry out our shlichus, and be Even when someone went so far various views sitting together. counted as publicizing miracles as to toss his yarmulke out of the The group around Rabbi which leads directly to Moshiach square, he did not move. He just Shabtai Slavaticki of Antwerp and Geula, as the Rebbe said in lifted his tallis over his head. stood out. R’ Shabtai is known as the sicha of Parshas VaYeishev The Rebbe came in and asked a wonderful speaker and his 5752. the man what he wanted. The farbrengens are renowned, so it man said, “There is a couple who wasn’t surprising to see hundreds have been married over ten years ONE WHO ASKS and do not have children. Please of shluchim, T’mimim, and Anash FOR HIS FRIEND... crowded around him. Rebbe, give them a bracha.” The discussion turned to The following story happened The Rebbe said, “besuros “kabbalas p’nei Moshiach one Simchas Torah afternoon. tovos.” Hearing that, the man Tzidkeinu.” What does it mean; Every year, in the center of 770, jumped onto one of the tables and what does the Rebbe want of us? tables are set up in the shape of a disappeared into the crowd. A fascinating dialogue ensued for square and connected to one The following year, the couple a few hours between R’ Shabtai another with chains. During the had a son, but that’s not the end and R’ Dudi Lieder, who runs a first and seventh hakafa, the of the story. The man who risked Chabad house for Israelis in Rebbe would enter the square and the wrath of the Chassidim to ask Melbourne. They shared their dance with his brother-in-law, for a bracha for his friend did not thoughts with the crowd. The Rashag. After 5749, the Rebbe have children either, but he had farbrengen concluded after seven danced alone, with a Torah scroll. not dared to ask for a bracha for It was minutes before the himself. However, Chazal tell us,

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“Whoever asks for mercy on his fellow...” He, too, had a child that Two burly American guys grabbed same year. his arms, in an attempt to force SOUND THE GREAT him out. How could the man dare SHOFAR to stand in the Rebbe’s area? But Part one of the following story, I heard from Rabbi Chazan of the man was tough. He stubbornly London. Part two, I heard from Rabbi Gurewitz of Migdal hung on to a pillar and waited for HaEmek. the Rebbe.

Kos shel bracha (a picture from our archives)

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It was Rosh HaShana 5731 or standing in front of the Rebbe Rebbe and he asked: “How is it 5732. As he did every year, the seemed to be asking for that among Chabad Chassidim Rebbe went up to the bima, something. The Rebbe responded there are so many different followed by the secretaries. They and the man looked blank, as opinions, with each one saying held brown paper bags full of the though he did not understand what something else?” panim of thousands of Jews from the Rebbe had said to him. The The Rebbe said: “There are around the world. The Rebbe Rebbe said a few more words, and seemingly two contradictory briefly covered the panim with his the man nodded. The Rebbe statements. One says, ‘As one man tallis and then began quietly poured some wine, blessed him, with one heart,’ and one says, reciting LaM’natzeiach. and the man continued on his way. ‘Their opinions are not the same.’ After the verses were recited, Chassidim descended upon How can we reconcile the two the Rebbe held one of the shofars him, curious as to what had statements? The answer is simple. that had belonged to the Rebbeim transpired between him and the Although the views are divergent, – the Tzemach Tzedek and the Rebbe. The man told them the and that is how Hashem created Rebbe Maharash – and blew it. following: people, the hearts are one. The The t’kios were fine - until the “You probably remember what point in common, the last t’kia, when the shofar did not happened on Rosh HaShana. You commonality of feeling, is the emit a sound. The Rebbe took recall that the Rebbe looked at same for all. another shofar, but couldn’t make some people. I was one of the a sound with it either. The third people the Rebbe looked at. Years DON’T SAY NO shofar was tried too, but not a have passed since I married and TO THE REBBE sound could be heard. we still do not have children. The The Rebbe moved his tallis moment the Rebbe looked at me I Rabbi Yosef Wineberg, author over the panim. The crowd was thought: If I have a child this of Lessons in , which was silent. A long minute passed. year, I will bring him to 770 next reviewed by the Rebbe, would Then another, and another. year so he, too, can hear the often travel to raise money and The Rebbe again took a shofar Rebbe’s t’kios. influence Jews to increase in but as before, he could not make “Now, when I saw the Rebbe, I Torah and mitzvos. a sound; the second and third asked him explicitly for his bracha One of his regular supporters were no different. Once again, the that I have a child this year. The in Brazil was a wealthy man who Rebbe covered the panim with his Rebbe asked me, ‘Will you keep lived in a mansion and owned tallis and then took the shofars, your promise?’ For a moment I much property. He always made one by one, and tried once again, didn’t understand, but then the generous donations. Whenever R’ but not a sound could be heard. Rebbe added, ‘What you promised Wineberg visited Brazil, this After the entire procedure was at the t’kios.’ I remembered and address was his first stop. The repeated a third time, the Rebbe nodded my agreement. The Rebbe man was happy to see him and looked up and gazed out into the poured some wine into my cup seemed to be waiting for the crowd as though searching for and blessed me with ‘besuros moment that he could write out someone. He focused on a few tovos.’” the check for tz’daka. people, then raised the shofar The following year the man Unfortunately, the man tried again. This time, the sound was kept his promise, though it wasn’t his hand at gambling. As it often clear and smooth as though easy. He brought his baby to hear goes with gambling, he won at nothing untoward had happened the t’kios and be blessed by the first and tried his luck again. One moments before. Rebbe. On Motzaei Simchas game followed another. In less The yomim tovim passed Torah, he passed by the Rebbe than a year he lost all his money quickly, and soon it was Motzaei once again, this time with the and was in debt. He moved from Simchas Torah. The Rebbe gave baby in his arms. The Rebbe his mansion to a small apartment out kos shel bracha to thousands poured wine into the two cups he on the fourth floor of a simple of Jews. Hundreds of Chassidim held and said: “He is one of the apartment building. stood on the side and watched to t’kios children.” R’ Wineberg was unaware of see whether anyone paused to say the man’s financial decline and he went to the mansion, as usual. To a few words to the Rebbe and to POINT IN COMMON hear what the Rebbe said. his surprise, a non-Jewish woman Someone who was not Then the line stopped. The man answered the door. When he Lubavitch had yechidus with the

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asked to see the wealthy man, she him to tell the Rebbe that he had partner. The Rebbe had given him said that he had lost his money changed his mind. He was ready one chance, and he had turned it and sold his mansion and he now to go into business again and down. You don’t get an offer from lived in a small apartment. She wanted the Rebbe to be his the Rebbe every day… provided R’ Wineberg with the partner. To this day, the man remains address. R’ Wineberg did as the man in the same situation. He never R’ Wineberg felt sorry for the asked. When he returned to New regained his wealth. He man, who had dropped so York he wrote to the Rebbe about remembers the Rebbe’s offer and precipitously from wealth to debt. what had happened and asked feels terrible that he rejected it. When he returned to New York he whether the Rebbe would agree to You just can’t say no to an offer asked the secretaries to allow him be the man’s partner. He did not from the Rebbe. to see the Rebbe. He told the receive a response. When a few Rebbe of the man’s plight and days went by and he did not THE POWER OF ONE how he had been his regular receive an answer, he wrote again SHIUR IN CHASSIDUS supporter. He asked the Rebbe for and asked for a bracha for the a bracha that the man should business and for a partnership The following story was told by regain his wealth. with the man. Once again, no Rabbi Dudu Lieder, shliach in The Rebbe took a twenty dollar Melbourne. bill out of his drawer and handed Ayal, an Israeli tourist, became it to R’ Wineberg. “Tell him that The Rebbe asked interested in Judaism through the this is for the start of our me, ‘Will you keep Chabad house. Ayal has a brother partnership,” said the Rebbe. The whose name is Ofer. Ofer is a Rebbe asked R’ Wineberg to your promise?’ businessman, an importer of suggest that the man begin his medicines from all over the world. business anew with the Rebbe as For a moment I He conducts his business affairs his partner, a partnership in both on several continents and often profits and losses. didn’t travels out of the country. That same day, R’ Wineberg At the time our story begins, flew back to Brazil and went to understand, but Ofer was married for several years the formerly wealthy man. He was then the Rebbe and had no children. Since he was excited to tell him that the Rebbe knowledgeable about medical had offered to be his business added, ‘What you matters, he had visited all the partner, but for some reason, the experts in the field. They all said man turned down the offer. promised at the that there was no chance for him R’ Wineberg understood that to have children. One of them after his fall, the man’s self image t’kios...’ even said that the odds of the had plummeted and he didn’t feel couple having a child was one in a confident to start up in business response from the Rebbe was billion. again. R’ Wineberg sadly left the forthcoming. Ayal called me and asked man’s house. When he told the R’ Wineberg returned to Brazil whether he could send his brother Rebbe that the man wasn’t without an answer. Embarrassed, to me to write a letter to the interested in the offer, the Rebbe he had decided not to visit his Rebbe through the Igros Kodesh. took the bill and put it back in his previously wealthy friend. I said he could come at a certain drawer. However, as he was leaving the time, since past that time I would Some time went by, and R’ airport he noticed the man be busy giving shiurim. Wineberg went back to Brazil. He standing and waiting for him. He On the day and time I had visited the man once again, had not heard back from Rabbi arranged, I waited for Ofer at the though not to ask him for a Wineberg, so he decided to meet Chabad house. By the time he donation. This time, it was to him at the airport. arrived, I had to leave for a shiur. have a talk with an old friend and R’ Wineberg tried to avoid I did not respond to his knock at see how he was doing. meeting his eyes, and the man the door, and when he called me, As they spoke, the man realized that the Rebbe was no I curtly said that it was too late surprised R’ Wineberg by asking longer interested in being his and I had to go. I suggested that he come another time.

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to him and perhaps he would Rabbi Sholom Dickstein gave for The Rebbe had understand what he needed to the local businessmen every given him one understand. Thursday, which they find very I began to read, “…and see deep and appealing. He stuck to chance, and he Torah Ohr Yisro, the words that his commitment and showed up begin with ‘the Avos are the the very next week for the shiur. had turned it chariot.’ And the Imrei Bina, From then on, he didn’t miss a , mitzvas single week. There were times down. You don’t t’fillin chapter 2. And what it says when he came directly from the in several places p’nimius abba airport. There were times that he get an offer from p’nimius atik – that is, that this is fell asleep during the shiur, but he the Rebbe every actually p’nimius atik … as we see always attended. from your letters and questions – Fourteen weeks later, my day… there ought to be, in my humble phone rang. It was Ofer, and he opinion, a regular study of excitedly told me, “This week is I could hear him leave the door Chassidus...” the fourteenth week since I began and walk to his car. I had second After I finished reading the attending the shiur, and I am thoughts about pushing him off. letter, I asked Ofer what he thrilled to tell you that my wife is He had waited for so many understood from the answer. To in the fourteenth week of years... I ran out after him and my surprise, he took what I had pregnancy!” apologized, and invited him into read literally. “The Rebbe says On 11 Shvat, 5768, nine the house. He sat down and wrote that through ‘p’nimius’ you months since he first attended a letter with the proper become ‘abba.’ So if I start that shiur, his wife gave birth to a seriousness. He included the learning Chassidus regularly, I baby boy. The bris took place with doctors’ opinions and asked for a will become a father.” great pomp on 18 Shvat, and the bracha for children. After saying We immediately arranged to baby was named Ilan Chai. At the “Yechi,” he put the letter into learn Chassidus together once a meal, which was attended by volume three. week, and he went on his way. distinguished members of the city He showed me the letters on For some reason, he wasn’t able as well as famous doctors, Ofer pages 88-89 and asked me to to work it into his schedule. He thanked all those who attended explain what the Rebbe wrote. I was extremely busy traveling and his simcha and he told the story could not see any connection wasn’t always in town at the time of how his miracle baby came to between his request for children of our shiur. be born. and the letter he had opened to. Some time went by and I got a “I named the baby Ilan Chai. The Rebbe’s letter dealt with phone call from him. He wanted Ilan because he was born close to topics of Kabbala and Chassidus. to come to the Chabad house the Fifteenth of Shvat – New Year However, since Chassidim believe again to ask the Rebbe for a for Trees. We added the name that when you write sincerely to bracha. Like the previous time, Chai because the bris took place the Rebbe, the response is in the answer was about learning on the 18th of the month, and so accordance with what you wrote, I Chassidus. that everybody will know that the decided to read the Rebbe’s letter This time, he was determined. Lubavitcher Rebbe is chai v’kayam He would attend the Tanya shiur and continues to do miracles.”

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terror in bombay

to go.” Many people in the diamond business will miss the Holtzbergs. The main topic of conversation A DIAMOND this past week focused on the tremendous chesed they did as they hosted everybody graciously. Avi Yachovov recalls the first time he met the Holtzbergs: “I AMONG have been working for three years for my brother-in-law’s father’s diamond polishing company. Three years ago, the owner of the company told me that he heard DIAMOND that more and more Israeli diamond merchants are flying to India and buying polished diamonds. He wanted to fly there and check it out for himself, and DEALERS asked me to join him. “I checked out which shluchim work in India and contacted By Nosson Avrohom Rabbi Holtzberg, who was happy to host us. The price he charged “You see Avi, we went to check out a was significantly less than a room in any hotel, and it was obviously new business option and instead, we not intended to make a profit. We stayed at the Chabad house for were taught what genuine shlichus two weeks. On the way home, while still at the airport, the boss is.” said to me, ‘You see Avi, we went to check out a new business option and instead, we were Bombay is a teeming mekuravim.” taught what genuine shlichus is.’ metropolis where diamond Sunday, when news of the “Rabbi Holtzberg was a dealing is conducted on a grand extent of the tragedy became shliach who gave his all to his scale. Hundreds of Jewish widely known, Yachovov was in guests. He did not have his own diamond merchants from Israel turmoil: “It was the talk of the life. He was just like Avrohom and worldwide who visited day within the corridors of Avinu. He constantly checked to Bombay made the Chabad house diamond companies. Wherever I ensure that nothing was lacking their ‘headquarters.’ Among them went, people who knew of my and that we were satisfied. One is a young Lubavitcher from close connection with Rabbi day, he told me that one of the Netanya by the name of Avi Holtzberg, and those who knew times he had to fly to Eretz Yachovov, who has been working him personally as well, asked me, Yisroel he found a bachur in for the Elazarov diamond why? Their pain was plainly Crown Heights who promised to company for three years now. evident. fill in for him in Bombay. He remembers his first visit to “Today” Avi told me on the However, the bachur did not the Chabad house: day of the funeral, “before leaving show up. “I couldn’t forget it even if I work, I saw that someone had “I asked Gabi how he handled wanted to, since the managers of organized transportation to the it. He said, ‘I sent my wife and the diamond companies with funeral and had written a notice remained in Bombay until I found whom I am in daily contact that whoever wanted to join a different bachur to replace me.’ remind me. They are all among should sign his name. I cried “I said, ‘But you had a ticket Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg’s circle of when I saw four full buses ready

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and had to fly! So the Chabad house would have been closed for a few days...’ He looked at me in surprise and said, ‘I couldn’t have a situation in which a Jew would come here wanting to eat kosher food and the place would be closed.’ I saw that he truly cared about every Jew. You saw this sort of giving mentality in him and his wife on a constant basis. “When they discovered that my boss follows the ruling of the Beis Yosef regarding bishul akum, that it’s not enough for a Jew to light the fire, as the Rema holds, he and his wife spent time in the kitchen helping with the cooking. The shlucha dropped her other Rabbi Holtzberg and Avi Yachovov playing chess on Nittel Nacht. tasks and instead of the cook he told me sadly about a religious “At the end of one of the frying and cooking, she did it family who had come to India for meals, when he saw that I was herself. I remember Rabbi an unspecified period of time in explaining the topic of emuna to Holzberg coming to the table and order to find themselves. ‘How some guests, he asked me, ‘Why announcing with a smile, ‘It’s could they enter places of idol don’t you go on shlichus? What good according to the Beis Yosef.’ worship?’ he wondered aloud, are you doing in diamonds? That’s an illustration of a devoted and I could see how hurt he was There are enough people to do shliach. by it.” that.’” “In one of our conversations Y.S. MOVING

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mirsahclliec hsutsory MIRACLES BROUGHT THEM CLOSE

By Nosson Avrohom Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry

only son amongst four girls, who Shlomo and Dina Solomon, residents was in third grade at the time, started to double over in pain. At of Ramat Yishai, experienced first, we thought that the pains would subside, but as time wonders and miracles from the passed, they became even more Rebbe, and have been connected to excruciating and his face contorted in agony. My wife him heart and soul ever since. Here, quickly made an appointment for him with our family physician at they tell their story. the local health clinic. After examining him, the doctor’s In a slightly concealed location joined to the Rebbe, Melech serious expression was a clear within their Ramat Yishai home, HaMoshiach, and the teachings sign that the news wasn’t good. Mr. Shlomo Solomon and his of chassidus ever since. Along the He gave his diagnosis: Our son wife, Dina, have a collection of way, they merited yet another had a hernia. holy letters that they have been miracle which saw its successful “The doctor gave us a referral privileged to receive over the conclusion only recently, and they to the Carmel Hospital in Haifa, years from the Rebbe. “When I attribute it to a bracha that they and urged us to go without delay, tell chassidim about the letters received from the Rebbe at because the situation can only get that I have from the Rebbe, they Sunday dollars distribution nearly worse. We quickly made our way are stunned beyond belief,” says twenty years ago. to the hospital’s emergency room, Shlomo with undisguised emotion They tell anyone who is willing as the swelling and the medical and pride. “Every time that we to listen about their longing to diagnosis didn’t leave us with asked the Rebbe for a bracha, see the Rebbe and their great love much opportunity to think about advice or guidance, we always for him, which has merely anything else. At the hospital, the merited to receive an appropriate intensified with the passage of doctors conducted various tests answer quickly. Chassidim who time. It convinced them to leave and took x-rays, and they came to hear about this explain to us that the shul where they had davened the same conclusions as our this is actually a tremendous for many years in favor of the family doctor, stating that he z’chus, as even great chassidim local Chabad shul. must have an operation as soon didn’t always merit that the as possible. Upon hearing this, Rebbe answered their questions.” we became quite alarmed. The “WHY ARE YOU boy is only nine years old. How But the Solomon couple’s COMING TO ME? connection with the Rebbe goes could this have happened? beyond words. It all began when ASK THE REBBE!” “We were beside ourselves they were privileged to witness an “The first story took place with worry, and we didn’t know amazing miracle with their very more than twenty years ago,” Mr. where to turn or what to do. eyes, and their souls have been Shlomo Solomon began. “My Finally, my wife decided to

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approach the local rav, Rabbi suggestion and immediately sat Yosef Yitzchak Wolosow, to ask down to write a letter about the At first, we for a blessing. Rabbi Wolosow is situation, describing our great thought that the a prominent and highly respected fear about the operation, rabbinical figure, loved by especially since he is our only pains would everyone. He displays warmth for son. Jews from every community and “When she left the rav’s eventually subside, all walks of life, religious and house, she felt a little better. We secular, and all of them find that waited to see how things would but as time he has a willingness to listen and develop. At the same time, we give assistance. My wife went to made the necessary mental passed, they speak with him and requested a preparations for the scheduled became even more bracha. operation. The boy’s swelling had “The rabbi smiled and gave not lessened and the pain excruciating and her an idea with proven success – continued to disturb his sleep at write to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. night. Some time later, we got a his face contorted This was before we knew about telephone call from Rabbi the greatness of the Rebbe. We Wolosow, who told us that we in agony. The had learned about great had received an answer from the tzaddikim and rabbanim of Rebbe. doctor’s serious generations past who could “We rushed to the rav’s house expression was a perform miracles, but we knew to get the answer personally. The nothing about the Rebbe. ‘If Rebbe advised that we consult clear sign that the there’s someone who can help with a doctor with whom we were you, it’s the Rebbe,’ he explained, acquainted, and added a blessing news wasn’t good. telling her about the Rebbe’s for success and a complete greatness. She accepted the recovery. We didn’t quite understand what the answer meant. Rabbi Wolosow explained to us that it would be appropriate that before bringing our son into the operating room, we should have him examined again by a doctor with whom we were familiar and on whose opinion we could rely. The only doctor that we knew personally was Dr. Chanoch, the family physician who gave us the referral to go to the Carmel Hospital. My wife made a second appointment with him and brought our son for another examination. “When he saw the boy, he didn’t understand what my wife wanted from him. Puzzled, he asked her, ‘Why did you come here? His operation has already been scheduled!’ He was surprised to hear that she was asking him to examine the boy again. She was a bit hesitant to tell him about the letter she had Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Wolosow written to the Rebbe and the

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answer that she had been Their second story is no less was only due to an actual miracle privileged to receive, concerned dramatic: that she came out of it – thanks that he would laugh at her. “Before the birth of our fourth to the Rebbe’s bracha.” Nevertheless, she remained daughter,” recalled Mr. Solomon, adamant that he should check the “my wife didn’t feel right about YOUR JUDGMENTS ARE boy a second time. After a few something, a feeling that she had [LIKE] THE VAST DEEP shrugs of the shoulder and never experienced in any of her without much eagerness, he previous pregnancies. As a result, Mrs. Dina Solomon concludes agreed to her request. we asked the Rebbe for a bracha. these two stories with another “After a few moments, he A few days later, at ten o’clock in interesting episode, through turned to my wife, bewildered. the evening, one of the Rebbe’s which they experienced the ‘How can this be?’ he asked with secretaries called our home to Rebbe’s ruach ha’kodesh: great astonishment. ‘Everything inform us that we had received an “We had been involved for has returned to normal – totally answer from the Rebbe. The several years in a conflict with fine. This is completely illogical; I Rebbe replied that there was neighbors, much against our will. have never seen anything like nothing to worry about and that Everything started years back this. What did you do?’ he asked when we bought a private home my wife. She, couldn’t believe her from a contractor. It was ears and needed a few moments stipulated in the purchase to calm down and digest the fact “I was shocked contract that until they paved the that a miracle beyond nature was and puzzled. I road at the foot of the mountain, transpiring before her very eyes. the neighbors living below could By this time, she felt more thought that pass through our garden comfortable telling the doctor courtyard, and after the road was about the Rebbe’s bracha. perhaps I hadn’t paved, they would no longer be “He refused to believe it. He permitted to pass through our simply couldn’t fathom how the understood the garden. We agreed to this blessing of a tzaddik could cause willingly, because we knew that such a medical wonder. ‘Look,’ Rebbe. Court the road would be paved sooner he told her, ‘I am going to ask cases? Why in the or later, and we would then be the hospital to cancel the free to plant and adorn our operation right now. As things plural? We only garden as we wished, and obtain stand at the present time, there is our justified privacy. absolutely no need to operate. had one court “To our great regret, even However, the moment the pain after the road paving had been returns, come back here right case!” completed, the neighbors away and I’ll arrange for an maintained their custom of immediate rescheduling of the walking through our garden. At operation.’ the birth would go well. We first, we tried to ask politely that “We who believed in the understood from the language of they should stop, reminding them tzaddik’s bracha did not stop the Rebbe’s answer that there that the approach road had thanking and praising the would likely be difficulties and already been paved and we Creator, Who placed tzaddikim, problems, but everything would wanted to begin the process of miracle workers possessing the turn out all right in the end. fencing off our garden. Yet the power to alter the laws of nature, “That’s exactly what neighbors refused to comply with in our times as well. happened. When we arrived at the our request. They claimed that “Today, thank G-d, our son is HaEmek Hospital in Afula, the they were already long already past thirty years of age. doctors told my wife that the accustomed to passing through Of course, the medical problem birth would not be natural and our courtyard, and were unwilling has never returned to this day. she would have to undergo an to change their routine. He is married now, and of operation. The person chosen to Furthermore, they had filed a course, the marriage ceremony perform the operation was an lawsuit against us in the civil was conducted by our beloved inexperienced intern, and my wife courts, and as is the case rav, Rabbi Wolosow…” was almost ch”v left paralyzed. It regarding such matters, it turned

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out that it would take several gave me a dollar and blessed me at home. I had a bad feeling years. with much success in the court about it, and I sat down and “During that period of time, at cases. began to cry bitterly. I prayed to the beginning of the decade of “I was shocked and puzzled. I G-d that He should help us win the Nunim (1990’s), I traveled thought that perhaps I hadn’t this case as well. After I had with my mother to the United understood the Rebbe. Court calmed down a little, I took a States to visit my sister, who lived cases? Why in the plural? We seifer T’hillim and opened it at in New Jersey. It went without only had one court case! random to recite a few chapters. saying that we would use the “Rabbi Wolosow was waiting Lo and behold, I had opened the opportunity to visit the Rebbe. for me outside, and I immediately seifer to Chapter 102, and the “Rabbi Wolosow was also asked him if he understood what first words that caught my eye visiting the Rebbe at the time, the Rebbe’s words meant. While were: “He has turned to the and before our turn came to he couldn’t give me an answer, he prayer of those who cried out, approach the Rebbe for dollars, assured me that every word that and He did not despise their he gave us guidance on what to passes the Rebbe’s holy lips is prayer”. For me, this was a sign ask and how to conduct ourselves absolutely precise, and the Rebbe from Heaven that G-d had heard when we are standing before the makes no mistakes. my prayers. Rebbe. This would be my first “As time passed, I understood “When my husband called to opportunity to see the Rebbe up exactly what the Rebbe meant. tell me that we had won the close. I was excited to meet him After winning the court case, the appeal, he didn’t understand why after the supernatural miracle plaintiffs didn’t give up and filed I wasn’t particularly excited. I with my son, and after having an appeal at a higher level. They told him that I had known even heard so many great and also found additional claims that before the judge had rendered his wonderful things about him. resulted in several court cases, decision. At this stage, after “When my turn came, I was but with G-d’s help and the winning the final judgment, we gripped by tremendous emotion Rebbe’s bracha, we prevailed in are happy that this entire matter, as I beheld his extraordinary all of them! which lasted several years and appearance and the light shining During the final appeal, caused us unbearable anguish, from his face. Before being something truly amazing has finally been closed.” pushed past the inner doorway, I happened. The case was brought Translated in honor of the author’s asked the Rebbe for a bracha for before the court in Natzrat Illit. engagement to Rivka Navon of Tzfas, success in the court case that had My husband appeared there as daughter of Rabbi Yosef and Mrs. been filed against us. The Rebbe the defendant, while I remained Nechama Navon. ADD IN ACTS OF GOODNESS & KINDNESS TO BRING MOSHIACH NOW!

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For the past nine years, the Communities in the Islands. India, and shared with the large European Moshiach Congress has Hundreds of Chassidim of gathering the events surrounding the taken place in London’s Beis various types, amongst them a large tragic loss of Rabbi Gavriel Noach Menachem, Beis Moshiach. This contingent from Satmar, Sanz Holzberg hy”d and his wife, Mrs year it continued its outstanding Klausenberg, Belz, Gur, Vishnitz, Rivkah Holzberg hy”d, Shluchim in success in attracting a very wide and Machnovka, Breslov and Bobov, Bombay, the closest city to Pune. varied audience of Chassidim from joined with Chabad Anash, young Rabbi Kupchik related the very close all parts of the world, who sat and old alike, in their active relationship he had enjoyed with the together and discussed ideas and participation in the stimulating young couple. solutions of how to bring Moshiach Congress programme. The farbrengen continued until in actuality according to the The Moshiach Congress dawn. Shabbos morning proceedings directives and instructions of the commenced on Erev Shabbos, commenced with a Chassidic Rebbe MH”M. Parshas VaYishlach, and Beis Maamer. The cold weather in This year’s Moshiach Congress Moshiach welcomed guests England did not deter the was graced by Shluchim from all representing Australia, Belgium, participants, who warmed the over the world, amongst them the France, Germany, India, Israel, and atmosphere with their learning of keynote speaker, the world USA. Following Maariv, the guests Chassidus and subsequent davening. renowned Rabbi Sholom Ber and local families were invited to After Musaf, the guests joined the Kalmanson, Head Shliach of the partake in the Seudas Shabbos, organisers in a seudas Shabbos and Rebbe MH”M in Cincinnati, Ohio; which soon developed into a very Chassidic farbrengen until Mincha, Rabbi Betzalel Kupchik, Shliach of lively Chassidic Farbrengen lasting followed by a Seder Niggunim and the Rebbe MH”M in Pune, India; for many hours. Special guest the recitation of a Maamer. and Rabbi Shneur Zalman Liberow, speaker at the Congress, Rabbi On Motzaei Shabbos, a number Shliach of the Rebbe MH”M in Kupchik, who re-organised his very of Anash from Golders Green Flatbush NY. They were joined by busy schedule to be present, was travelled to Stamford Hill to join in distinguished Shluchim in the UK ably joined by Rabbi Kalmanson and the festivities at a well-attended including Rabbi Hershel Gluck, Rabbi Liberow to make the event a Melaveh Malka at Beis Menachem / Shliach to the Rebbe MH”M in tremendous success. Beis Moshiach. Chaim Yitzchok Europe and Rabbi Dovid Partouche, Rabbi Kupchik told a wealth of Cohen, the center’s Menahel, Shliach of the Rebbe MH”M to the amazing stories of happenings in introduced Rabbi Zalman Liberow as the emcee. Rabbi Liberow, an experienced emcee and captivating speaker, began with Divrei Bracha and the recital of . He

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doubts in their minds. Everything was explained articulately and beautifully, to the complete satisfaction of all present. On Sunday evening at 8pm, the main Farbrengen and Closing Session began. Once again, Chaim Yitzchok Cohen introduced Rabbi Liberow as the emcee for the evening. With great enthusiasm, everyone spontaneously began singing Yechi. The proceedings began with Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Menachem Mendel Liberow leading the customary recital of the Rebbe MH”M’s Kapitel T’hillim. The evening’s event was in memory of the K’doshim. Our pain and anguish Rabbi Sholom Ber Kalmanson Rabbi Chaim Shmuel MM Liberow were palpable while the audience then called upon his revered father, viewed a special video presentation lateness of the hour, captivated the one of the Amudim of Beis about the Shluchim in India. crowd with his remarks and stories. Moshiach UK, Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Rabbi Hershel Gluck, a dynamic The formal part of the Congress Menachem Mendel Liberow, to and charismatic speaker, had no ended after Birkas HaMazon, with recite the Rebbe MH”M’s kapitel of difficulty captivating the guests with Chassidic niggunim masterfully T’hillim. He then introduced Rabbi his personal experiences on Shlichus played by the highly talented Rabbi Dovid Partouche, a respected and his meetings with high ranking Yisroel Cyprys. Everyone agreed that Shliach, who shared with the government officials and foreign they left the event with renewed assembled stories of mivtzaim and diplomats the world over. He related energy and inspiration to continue Hatzalas nefashos and how we see how everyone with whom he is in the shlichus within their own the guidance of the Meshaleiach in contact shares the thirst of wishing communities. This was indeed a everyday life. He was followed by to hear about Moshiach. special congress, and a special Yud Rabbi Kupchik, who spoke The keynote speaker, Rabbi Tes Kislev, Chag HaChagim, Rosh emotionally about his personal Sholom Ber Kalmanson, in his own Hashanah L’Chassidus, hachana to experiences of Hafatza of B’suros unique style, and in spite of the the Geula with Moshiach Now. HaGeula in the Ir HaNidachas. At around 2am, the informal Chassidic Farbrengen commenced and, as previously, continued until sunrise. Sunday was devoted to discussions on Moshiach V’Geula and the acceptance of good resolutions to help bring about the revelation of Moshiach. One of the decisions was to strengthen a shiur in “D’var Malchus”. Throughout the days of the Congress, everyone felt the well known maamer Chazal, “Lo taamu taam sheina”. The sizeable crowd was thoroughly attentive to every word, asking questions and receiving detailed, well-referenced answers, leaving no reason for arguments or Rabbi Zalman Liberow Rabbi Bezalel Kupchik

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R’ Chaim Yitzchok Cohen’s address to the 9th European Moshiach Congress which took place last week in London.

Sholom Aleichem to the many established by the Rebbe MH”M R’ Avramke Zhembiner was one distinguished visitors from all over (during the Shiva of the Rebbe of the famous mashpiim among the world who have gathered here Rayatz in 5710), chassidim do not Anash when Yeshivas Tomchei for the 9th (and the final) European give eulogies; they tell stories T’mimim – Lubavitch was first Moshiach Congress. The reason we instead. They are especially relevant established. He was also the teacher are assembled here is because, at this time as we find ourselves in and mentor of the of although we keep trying to open our an aura of “great preparation,” less Tomchei T’mimim, R’ Shmuel eyes, we still haven’t succeeded in than sixty days from Yud-Yud-Alef Gronem Esterman. seeing that Moshiach is here. Shvat, the day of the Rebbe’s Yeshiva students and T’mimim Many events on Moshiach have acceptance of leadership and of Lubavitch once ran to R’ been and continue to be held. Many malchus. Avrohom, who granted their request publications have been published. But as long as we fail to see the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach in his full glory, we must continue to sit and discuss - as the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach advised - how to bring about his revelation. Therefore we have arranged this congress. Let’s seize this opportunity of unity as we gather together, to make resolutions to bring back to our respective countries, in order to speed up the process of the revelation. And how we need it now more than ever! Someone who tries to focus on connecting and giving himself over entirely to the Rebbe MH”M, but thinks that this can be done without being involved in the shlichus of the hour – to bring Moshiach – misses the point! This is not hiskashrus! A few weeks ago we endured the tragic murder of the Shliach of the Rebbe MH”M in Bombay, Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holzberg, HY”D and his Rebbetzin, may they rest in peace. In the meantime we wait in anticipation for the immediate fulfillment of the verse, “Arise and sing, those who dwell in the dust.” According to Chabad custom, as

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to come to Lubavitch to farbreng. It Regarding children who don’t stand more willingly than the intellectual was agreed that the farbrengen out in special qualities, their and enlightened. While both were would continue until 2:00 a.m., at parents’ love of them is much “believers, sons of believers” for which time a horse-drawn carriage deeper. As our Sages indicate, whom the pintele Yid was the would be ready to take him “[Concerning] love that is source of their self-sacrifice, the immediately back to his home in dependent upon something, when way of the intellectuals was to filter Zhembin. that something becomes nullified, everything in accordance with their The students made certain to the love becomes nullified.” From acquired wisdom. But when the order a carriage as agreed upon, this it is proven that even before that common folk were faced with a and the farbrengen began. R’ something becomes nullified, the challenge to their faith, their pintele Avrohom spoke. The niggunim of love is not as deep and true as when Yid was aroused to action with yearning and longing flowed from it is not dependent upon something. neither vesture nor boundaries. those assembled and the atmosphere This is precisely because the true If love is dependent upon grew warmer. At 2:00 a.m., when love of a father for his children is a something, even something grand the carriage arrived, the farbrengen love not dependent upon anything. and inspiring, it is limited and was at its height, and no one In chassidus, this is called ahava conceals the infinite essential love. considered calling it a night. atzmis (essential love), because This is the reason why the Baal A few minutes went by, but no children are derived from the Shem Tov was so enthralled by one left the farbrengen. More time essence and being of the parents.” simple Jews. He even sent his own passed until finally, after more than However, this reason does not wondrous and righteous students to an hour of waiting had passed, the fully explain why love is greater learn from them. Here the essential driver became angry. He pounded when the children do not have connection to G-dliness was found on the window and began to shout exceptional qualities. Would the love in a greater and more revealed state. noisily, “Avramke, this is simply not be the same? But since there This was true also with baalei unacceptable! We set a time! I came exists both essential and dependent t’shuva, who neither learned nor in the middle of the night! I’ve love, the latter weakens and covers knew very much, and even failed in already been waiting a long time – the essential love. the past with improper conduct. Yet come immediately!” As an example of this kind of the fact that they were now R’ Avrohom saw that he had no revelation coming from a lower connected to G-dliness was proof choice, so he started getting ready state, during previous eras such as that the connection did not stem to leave. The bachurim groaned, those of the Crusades (may G-d from their knowledge or their great “Oy, just when the farbrengen was protect us!), it was specifically the qualities. Rather, it was an starting to go so well, it’s over!” simple laymen who sacrificed their attachment of the very essence, R’ Avrohom answered, “On the lives for their religion and faith independent of all else. As the contrary. Precisely because it’s over, mashpia R’ Mendel Futerfas was it’s going so well...” always known to say, to be a simple Much has been written on the “It’s one thing if Jew is not a simple thing at all. To concept of s’firas ha’malchus, the be “the simplest of the simple is primary trait of the Rebbe MH”M. you don’t hold of gahr gahr” (very difficult to When all the revelations have been achieve). finished and it appears as if it’s all ‘Yechi.’ That’s It was specifically this essential over, only then does the essence your privilege. point that the Baal Shem Tov become revealed. Essence is not instilled in even the most learned limited to a higher level of existence, But how is it and brilliant Torah scholars. As a where the vessels are fitting and continuation of this path, the Alter ready to receive it. It is specifically possible to Rebbe, in Tanya (the same letters as in the lowest state, malchus, where the word “eisan,” mighty), revealed the essential connection is revealed prevent and this point in all its might, and so openly. instilled it deeply into the revealed In the words of the Rebbe disturb others strengths – intellect and emotion. MH”M (Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 35, p. from singing and Afterwards, all the Rebbeim drew 336): this lower and lower “from heaven “We see clearly just the opposite. proclaiming it?!” to heaven.” In our generation, the

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seventh generation, s’firas “Because almost all baalei t’shuva ha’malchus, the matter has been already proclaim and sing “Yechi,” Someone who tries expressed in the strongest possible whereas all the tzaddikim don’t yet to focus on giving manner. As has been mentioned do so. Apparently, this is the job of many times, we are the lowest of all Moshiach – to make the tzaddikim himself over generations. Nevertheless, we go conduct themselves as the baalei out with the shlichus of the Rebbe t’shuva, so that they will also entirely to the MH”M, to conquer the world for proclaim…” Hashem, so that G-dliness will be Naturally, after such words, the Rebbe MH”M, but instilled within even the most crowd began singing “Yechi,” and materially and spiritually distant the atmosphere heated up. But some thinks that this places. in attendance didn’t approve, and a can be done All of this has increased in few tried to cause a disturbance. intensity specifically during the last R’ Mordechai couldn’t restrain without being few years when it appears, ch”v, himself. He stood on the steps near that it’s all over. Now, more than the Aron Kodesh and began to call involved in the ever, simple faith bursts forth and out from the depths of his heart. reveals itself with tremendous fervor “It’s one thing if you don’t hold of shlichus of the – not because we see, understand ‘Yechi.’ That’s your privilege. But and feel, but due to the simple how is it possible to prevent and hour – to bring common element connecting us that disturb others from singing and Moshiach – misses is independent of all else. proclaiming it?!” The revelation of this element is He continued, “If the Rebbe the point! This is expressed, above all else, by the Rashab said of the four cups we proclamation of “Yechi Adoneinu” drink at the Seudas Moshiach, “dos not hiskashrus! and everything it represents and iz Seudas Moshiach,” then without implies – to bring the hisgalus of question, the proclamation of whoever ate the Yud-Tes Kislev the Rebbe MH”M immediately with ‘Yechi’ – dos iz Seudas Moshiach; kasha, the Alter Rebbe’s kasha, the true and complete Redemption, this is the main purpose of Seudas would not pass away without doing at which point, the essence will be Moshiach!” t’shuva. fully and completely revealed. He was not content until he It is common knowledge that R’ Mordechai Kozliner once added, “It is known that everyone with one’s revealed strengths, it is asked, “Why do the tzaddikim need pushed to eat the Yud-Tes Kislev impossible to know if he is fitting or to do t’shuva?” He answered, kasha. For the saying went that not. As a result, the person tries with all his might to, at the very least, hold on to the kliamke (doorknob) of chassidus. The Rebbe’s kasha now,” R’ Mordechai called out, “is Yechi Adoneinu! Do everything possible to grab it and be attached to it!” As has been said, specifically this conduct – not to be affected by all the revelations and continue with the essence in full force – will bring us finally to the ultimate purpose, the complete revelation of the Rebbe MH”M with the true and complete Redemption, immediately Mamash NOW! Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu Rabbi Cohen v’Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach and Rabbi l’olam va’ed! Hershel Gluck

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