Throughout the World, Chai Lifeline Is There Forthe Children and Families Who Are Stricken with Serious Illnesses

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Throughout the World, Chai Lifeline Is There Forthe Children and Families Who Are Stricken with Serious Illnesses Throughout the world, Chai Lifeline is there forthe children and families who are stricken with serious illnesses. hen a child is sick with a ing. Serious illness has a complex effect serious illness the whole on every family member involved. Chai WJewish community feels the Lifeline offers advice, solutions and a pain. And Chai Lifeline gives every Jew whole lot more. In New York, Miami, the opportunity to care and actually The Midwest, London and Israel, Chai make a difference in the lives of these Lifeline reaches out and literally saves children and their families around the world. lives through its extensive programs of support. Through a variety of necessary, effective and creative Without Chai Lifeline, a Jewish child with a serious programs, Chai illness would be left alone to suffer. With Chai Lifeline holds the Lifeline that child and his family has the support of hands of thousands of the entire Jewish community. suffering children and their families and gives Help make the lives of thousands of suffering them the hope and children and their families a lot easier. Give to courage they need to Chai Lifeline and give each and every seriously survive. A hope that ill child the courage and the only the Jewish community can give. hope needed to survive. The children need tutors. The parents need advice and support. The siblings need understand- Programs-----------------------------·· Camp Simcha-in Memory of Dr. Samuel Abraham • Camp Simcha Israel • H.E.L.P-Homebound Educational Learning Program • Jacquelyn Wigs Fund • H.E.A.R.T.-Hebrew Enrichment & Remedial Tutoring • 6x Chai Volunteer Prag. • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention Center • Medical Search & Referral Service • Ohr Meir Disney Trip • Bernice Rimberg R' BIBS • Seminars • Insurance Support Service • Ann & Pinky Sohn Special Children's Fund • Publications • Weingarten Wishathon Fund • The Shimmy Golub "Grant a Wish" Fund • Shaindy Leffel Memorial Lending Library • Young Leadership Abraham and Esther Adler Scholarship Fund • Seymour Brier Scholarship Fund • Edith P. Fox Memorial Fund • Chanah Bracha Transportation Fund • Barbara Grossman Memorial Fund • Beatrice Rosenthal Memorial Fund • Tunick Memorial Fund • Honey Engel Toy Drive Fund • David Brody Memorial Fund • Annie Weisbrot Children's Fund PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Commercial Quality • INSTITUTIONAL & RESIDENTIAL • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Design and Layout •WOOD • STEEL • PLASTIC • SWINGS • SI.IDES • SCHOOL& CAMP EQUIPMENT • PICNIC TABLES • ESPt~KETBAl..LSYSTEMS • RUBBER FLOORING • ETC. PLAY STRUCTURES DESIGNED ANO INSTALLED ATERET TORAH CENTER WOMEN'S LEAGUE COMMUNITY HOME BETH JACOB OF BORO PARK BAIS ESTHER KLAUSENBERG BNOS BAIS YAAKOV OF FAR ROCKAWAY P.S. 51, QUEENS YESHIVA V'YOEL MOSHE D'SATMAR P.S. 4, N.Y.C. CAMP HATIKVAH, PUTNAM VALLEY BOULEVARD GARDENS UTA HEADSTART SOLOMON SCHECHTER SCHOOL BNOS WIZNITZ TORAH V'YIRAH BAIS BINYOMIN EARLY CHILDHOOD HOMELESS SITE #14 MISH KON. FACILITY BETH RIVKA SCHOOL OHOLEI TORAH INSTITUTIONS ADATH YEREIM SCHOOL YESHIVA DARCHEI TORAH YESHIVA CHAIM BERLIN WE DELIVER TO THE CATSKILLS! better 5302 New Utrecht Avenue - Brooklyn, NY 11219 health Phone: 718-436-4801 Now Dial-A-Daf lets you choose any Dafin Shas. So whether you're learning Daf-Yomi, Amud-Yomi or any Mesechta, you can call anytime and listen to some of the world's best Maggidei Shiur. •Yiddish currently not available in all Mesechtos For further information, a brochure or to register contact: TORAH COMMUNICATIONS NE ORK 1618 43rd St. I Brooklyn, New York 11204 I 718-436-4999 I Fax: 718-435-0191 MEMBERSHIP FEE: One-time $36 Registration charge, Cost per Program SS a month. Subscribe to 2 programs, the third program is FREE. With 2-year subscription the registration fee is waived. Visa & MasterCard accepted. Tammuz 5756 •June 1996 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021 ·6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid in New York, N.Y. Subscrlption $24.00 per year; two years, $44.00; three years, $60.00. Outside of the United States (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $12.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $3.50; foreign $4.50. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Observer, 84 WilU<lm Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: 212-797-9000, Fax: 212-269-2843. Printed in the U.S.A. 6 Back from the Brink: Israeli Elections 1996 RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR Rabbi Yonason Rosenblum EDITORIAL BOARD DR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER Chall'tT!.lln 13 RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS The Selling of Suicide - and Worse JOSEPH FRIEDENSON Rabbi Avi Shafran RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN MANAGEMEtft BOARD AVIFISHOF 18 NAFTOLJ HIRSCH An Appreciation of Rabbi Mordechai Pinchas Teitz ?":in ISAAC KIRZNER RABBI SHLOMO LESIN Rabbi Yaakov M. Dombroff NACHUM STEIN RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING 27 Business Manager Learning to Yearn: The Hidden Lesson of the Three Weeks Published by Rabbi Yaakov Feitman Agudath Israel of America RABBI MOSHE SHERER PRESIDENT 34 U.S. TI\ADE DISTRIBUTOR ISRAELI DISTRIBUTOR Dr. Isaac Breuer ?"lit: History and Destiny Feldheim Publishers Nechemia Rosenberg Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer 200 Airport Executive Park Kiryat Telshe Stone, 108A Spring Valley, N.Y. 10977 D.N. Harei Yehuda, !SRAEL EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR 44 M.T. Bibelman Gold's Book & Gitt Co. Grosvenor Works 36 William Street Letters to the Editor Mount Pleasant Hill Balaclava 3183, Vic .• London E5 9NE, ENGLAND AUSTRALIA THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service advertised in its pages ©Copyright 1996 JUNE 1996 VOLUME XX!XINO. 5 E L 9 THWARTED.PtOTS eagerness to share their plans for the reli­ gnash their teeth and point accusing fin­ gious community. "Now we'll take care gers at one another. This pattern of our zar Nikolai I once asked Reb of the chareidim;' proclaimed Housing enemies being lifted up prior to their Itzele ofVolozhin to explain the Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who had downfall is a recurring one in Jewish his­ Ctwo verses constituting Psalm alreaC:y ordered a freeze on all chareidi tory, as when Hashem raised Haman to 117: "Proclaim Hashem's praises all housing projects< .:-ve of elections. 1 the pinnacle of worldly power and nations; sing His praises all peoples. For Environment Min Yossi Sarid of dominion over the entire Jewish people I'Iis kindness has overcome us. !" If Or Meretz took the 1 }unitv to mock only to hang him from a gallows of his Hashem's kindness has preserved Israel the religious conurL n:tty, telling a own making. Similarly, the left-wing from all her enemies, the Czar noted) it reporter, "There is a G-d." politicians were allowed to taste victo­ is she who should sing Hashem's prais­ Fortunately, the elt>r•i"'n night drama ry and express their scorn for everything es, not her vanquished enemies. Reb had a second act. Those who went to bed religious as a prelude to being cast into ltzele answered that only the nations of at midnight in despair over the Left's vic­ the depths of despair.' the world know the full measure of tory awoke early the next morning to For the next four years, the Left can Hashem's chessed, for only they know find that the Right and religious parties plot as they will about drafting yeshiva how many evil plots they hatched had won.' Those who had been cele­ bachurim, cutting off the financial spig­ against the Jews that never came to brating the night before were left to ot to religious schools and institutions, fruition. Thus only they will be able to and passing a constitution enshrining praise Hashem for all His chessed to the 1 freedom from religion as it highest value, It is one of the remarkable aspects of the Israeli Jewish people. political system that government ministers could but with the religious parties holding 23 We will not have to wait until the end broadcast with such relish their intention of pun­ 'American Jews cannot possibly appreciate the sig­ ishing those who had voted against them, without of days, however, to learn what one nificance of the dramatic turnaround from the early even paying lip service to the concept of serving all projections to the final results. When they turned group of adversaries had in store for us. the citizens of the state. In the week prior to the elec­ on the l l :00 p.m. news before going to sleep, As exit polls projected Shimon Peres as tion, a number of Chassidic rebbes were subjected Binyamin Netanyahu's victory was already assured. to crude and explicit threats of loss of funding for the winner in the vote for Israel's prime For Jews living in Israel, however, the manner in their institutions in the event of a Peres victory if which the gloom of Wednesday night gave way to minister on election night, left-wing they did not order their followers to abstain in the the following morning's reprieve will not soon be politicians fell over one another in their race for prime minister. forgotten. Nor were the erroneous early projections 2 Many of us in that category saw in the swift turn­ of only emotional significance: Had they not felt sme Yonason Rosenblum, who lives in Jerusalem, is a reg+ around in the returns an aspect of Divine rebuke. of victory, left-wing politicians would never have ular contributor to JO, most recently with "Sunday, Only a few weeks earlier those same exit polls had expressed themselves so openly. Thus we witnessed Tragic Sunday" (April '96). He is the author and been wildly off in predicting the final results of the an instance of apparent Heavenly favor being shown translator of many works, including most recently Likud primaries, and yet here we were once again to evildoers, as a means of heightening their ulti­ They Called Him Mike, published by ArtScroll.
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    722_Beis Moshiach 14/12/2009 5:48 AM Page 3 contents AN END AND A BEGINNING 4 D’var Malchus THE POWER OF THE BOOK 6 Thought | Rabbi Zvi Homnick WRITING FOR PERPETUITY 10 Insight THE REBBE, OUR FATHER 15 Shlichus | Rabbi Yaakov Shmuelevitz CHASSIDISHE CHINUCH IN SOVIET 18 USA RUSSIA 744 Eastern Parkway Memoirs | Prepared for publication by Avrohom Rainitz Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409 Tel: (718) 778-8000 Fax: (718) 778-0800 IT’S ALL ABOUT LIGHT [email protected] 24 Chanuka | Dr. Aryeh Gotfryd EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: M.M. Hendel ENGLISH EDITOR: MOSHIACH: WHAT WE BELIEVE Boruch Merkur HEBREW EDITOR: 25 Moshiach & Geula | Rabbi Gershon Avtzon Rabbi Sholom Yaakov Chazan [email protected] THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK 28 Feature | Menachem Ziegelboim Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082- 0272 is published weekly, except Jewish holidays (only once in April and October) for $160.00 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and in all other places for $180.00 per year (45 BUILDING BRIDGES TO THE issues), by Beis Moshiach, 744 Eastern 36 REDEMPTION Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and Profile | Nosson Avrohom additional offices. Postmaster: send address changes to Beis Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Copyright 2009 by Beis Moshiach, Inc. Beis Moshiach is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. 722_Beis Moshiach 13/12/2009 9:15 PM Page 4 d’var malchus Mikeitz, which focuses on the release of Yosef from prison. AN END AND Yosef serves as an analogy for the entire Jewish people.
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