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__..Advertisements. New Advertisements. SUP.B.BllltE OOVRT OJ' JfEWFOtJHD.. Wbll• CllDdldly admiWotr lob- facta be tbie ~~~at&er. He belleftcl tbtJ wolllcl U.. LAlll). LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. fttlt he eltould be rtere.ot to hie dot~ rlld preveoted Jt bad tlaay po-.cl tbe po..,.. he allow Ulle opponualtt to pue witbou' to do 10 l they )tere u much coooanMct Queen n. llltidulel Coady and Otben. deol&ritlr .hit ecophado diappronl of &he aboa& • It u lobo .boo gentlem&a blmtolf. For the W~ul Drder of Willlam •DOilNII rDI'tUed by thelll i D e&rr)'iog OD the Tuann, Feb.t7. Ha q~ttt.e. lllfted that we ahonld .protlt bf' . French. ' worlt o coollruotion apoo Sooda)'l. He lobo uperinoa ol Ule ~Jiod iu allfa&are The bouae met at baJf.~t4. o'clock. • WU iaa~ "wltla &M OODYI~ &baa. ooakaoee be ..,..,.. to IUpota&e 411a1 tbe SlltiBS lion. M. A!OSIIO&. Ch, lrman of the So· auch opcu prolaoa&ioa or &he ab'-'b maal 'l'ho Add:osa to tho J'vy of tho So­ ubbat~ d.a.y mua~ be raapteted. He wu lect Co1nmiuee on the Addrea io reply to bavo a more delrimeaW effoot upoo the determinedly oppoaed to rnnu#.og of trt.1ua licitorGonoral, Jto:. Kr. Wintor H is Excellonc:y'e opening Speec:!l ; prceeu~· rllorala of tho community thu tho docIt it aod t.ll aerrile wo~k opoo tbo Lord'• day. ed " draft thoroof which wu, 'oo motioo, likely to beue8t lobem iu a materi&l eeoao. MOKDAT, Jao 19th. No ~tood wbateYer can como or auch a rocei ..od eod read : to be read & aeeood 'l'be Governmeot w ay or may n o& be opeo practice bat lolruite milcbief. (C6>!(/udtd.) time to-morrow. to coruntro in tbie Ulatter, perhaps they are Huo. U R. Ani io raplyl&id bo

oewepapen, aod other lrfej~lllari~lot wblc:b followlolf are lh\ Olllc:e.. e1ta&td the of ...._ ~ Til• :Diatdo& poae' lha' ~•aol bot be slanDinr to ·~tea The ~tadb\ ba1 naeutod Met.eomeh b.t.'fe beta ol too frcqueau ooc:urre.ooe tn for the JUt l&!6 - - I meo 1111 ~tb lidct or &be A&lulio. ll't~:la&. 1 '-Uur-r Pcon+l-We ne wt~h Gl¥ttooc Jett.erd•T• dileblatng rorelan &be pu&. .r-.. ,.;.,._. p, l , 8(11~ MartJ,:i. 11185 loA _qualnlta In ba-.. M!.oN are Lilt P~,. ~baa prqcl•~~ "" pobhahod 1 ' eleo'-l/ IJ'"q rJJ. 1 1 ~ TIJI mrroa ~ : TU sr.,.• no) auanliao ot piiiOI\ aoJI order wbtD lert&t­ 1\'•in, lAid \1- ho~ O...lty ~~ m 1'uelda7'1 q~:e prona mato 1l'bat ainl me are be1d bJ tra: Eo8hmd'e ~ &o Q4Yil.%Ulll linla of )lie Tlltilpct ln 1878 re eleotid .T,:;:a.,•ru -f>ui'Sta- """ \: eat alJ1.h lu tho Electoral OtrleiOo ol on-de Grato' l"btre 11 110U>Iog eq_ua l to Mol.ber Gruee. If. do &cntarJ Asralo 1 reqa••' ~pace ID JOor p3por Ia gocltea, Ia a j!rtt.t trulb I blllno the •orld \ • _.7 and cootloutogtba opctralion tbl!reof for ~ Worm Extaraut~.~tor lor dce\I'Oyiuj: worm•' -'Q-;:j::'jjjffi;;;-;'"'~;'R(;f7.~;-R;~~'4.::S;;..r,.;~-J C le fb Co wblob to ropor~ pros:re• on pubHo matte .. Oar Raberlce are to be protecuud wt&b Tbo Frtncll't.i.aed Lb1 -BrfLiah a teamer 11 " " OL nr hero Although &ft'alq or tb11 aort ore furtbor portion of l.br.. 7l&r'l lA tbe DIYU tho naualiiCllrthtl Mou muat eat or d lo, G'I1&J'OV ne>~r Shangb'lli ion or Carboaear Holloway'• Coru Cure le tho mechctoe to •se Jooatb Ppao118, Wm. Bro"o Am now at a atago when perbape much com a C:lrcUDlltaoqe that Ia fi\YOrable to loa in- broee Nlob • Lampl II John Sparku. naot theroin• • onld be,rcmawre tho liemol'i.alaorncoa for General '" o( oroa Sbep Frodortck Martto reeeotlo•ouG- wlalca ba•e traoaptrod con mentation• can be ollapcaeed with ba' aot m \Voatm1nakr AbbeJ aod marty O.~be- -lWPOirTAMT FlSIWtT C.t!lll: -A cue of m ~ totrtblr dtbJOtnted oond!Lton to bo dral• yesterday Immefllltt au:ltenc:oa. 10mo uoportaoco to tbo lbhermon of tho llother GI'I\IICI Worm ulerml~alor bu llcfore coacludln~t •o would return our cerutng t.lult 10112owbal ctlobrated rc 1 thll oodlish Iho toute of fuhton do oo' tolcrntod only ,.. a htake-ah11\-threo oouot:ry wu latol1 tned blforo tbo no equt.l for d~rOJIDJ worma 1n childroo hearty tbaoke to Ala~lghty God for llta tlon" aptnlt tbo ROAd Uoard may be or reach him 'Ib~ Frcoo.:h Oovor11meDt arroated tl&rLtoe, not. one of them strong enough Suprcune CoarL l'be Judgmoot (pya and adulte. a,ro~a~ ~ood~•IP II!~ a Soole1.,7 dU{IDlf euftlcleot iuter"at to warrant a eb11rc Jo tl e l!otloo lifo ta hke tho hfo of tho wot;ld­ Ste1 bena und otltur Fttu•na, who wore tbo cou6rms tho rtow t hat to do •t thou~ tho other, or wtlli,llli) t&~ put JO&r Al&bouab Hlt band waa pubhcatioM .of tho day Ao nptrwtetd a mlnurc of aod .. "btken t ho frontier aod waroed not Mcrcvry) wt~~lt.b J>Cl ' ""Y virtu~ w to ualeae u uprea a,Teemont Ia eab Tboa. SabiD of EgtiogtoD AJI ' 1 able to ; om tho other There aeema to !Aid hl'nlly apuo aowt of our mecobera writer in tbe Rmtllfg Tcltqrolfl bu atated, and cruues. Ita po tota pf atudy aro u ou return IIOf men l1 tblt nclllatloJt writer or hla preacleotem u tno wheel II 111 ro>'olv~• tho fa hna of ex pct1lt0ne I tho Chamber of ~omwuroo to roy a.nd ruulted 10 a j•td:;~:meo t fo r d o IJI&CW UXc:tiO tho hYOr to llCitOn Dlld re Lbo pt-eac'* m ombore to VU" tho neeee­ Uo ptog that tho Society wtll conttouo to ployer {Mr ~aoO) th-' 1'0-.cuetlbdgrcAt 1steuc:e A ctty tnlc rtotoa the tmve lloo ~; make nd Pquute paoparahone for tho rc­ 1 feodaot Culleton J\lr Carty for phuoi:Uf ''pl.'~~ &be b.,:llt.by c.ooo aod ' agor of tho " '1 moncJ'bllls, and a g~pttliOllltt proeper, and that tbe Rouotilul Utnr wtll ect ltOCk of oool uopudooce h lteotl un part of tbe ulo bt!, wl otbcr fo( bulln••• ur ooptto n of l be Prtuco of W a loa Boyle, then lrtod a - oofore Jad •bOle pbJaloal meebaottm uon btll, g\\ 101; the Protcutant. m&JOrtLy 'eXIIoDd tbo Amo fuo .. to OUr IUCCCIIOTI lu IICCODntable tbllt thtte:r~etd (lentle maD Jleaabre ~ o etty or to wn h thoro 1s;hly 1111 Prowse wbo It! YO A judgment for platoua m tbrcouDtry tLctr ftur share of m11m offic:o u he ba.s lO ua, we beg to anbac:nbo abould not kno'll' that Doctor ftwnaon CtJlllpped t hat l ackscap~CI D •11\UON, &c•ttary a affiuc:tuot number of copiea or laUlD for 1 be olntly arn•ala of atrnns:cFS tn our Cit) tuum on tho now hnea. - rus ANMUAt. lt£1'on or m r: DoRc.u couflamod Jud.:e Prowae • deoi.lioo~.!. ard 1 Liulmeot aool awcel oil or crcmm lo uao Ia tho other parta of lbe U oatrict lhnt wbo r"'urt to tbo ho te l• t8 many hundreds Other ec:htonal matter mt.ended tor StlcttTY bu been receovod Jt "'II avpear I ""' WM an appeal Cllell from 11 o Ceo equal parte 1 e'uro ouro. f ..thug lO • btam the co o~muou of any fro m all parte of t"u world ( o t ra' ol aa In a aubatqoeol tw oo ,. thlll Ulllne 1a unuotdouly helU oYer ttll &!J Rokrtt ZTzll. Ftb 1885 leadtug wen o 1 tbOl'o aecttOilt 10 t he further to s:mtily A trtp nro uud tho wori.J 11 trill D aatncl Court ou a judtrmeot t bero for tho pl11tohll' who ball aned for tbo rll CllOm(-A phyatClln wntea 1 hue II ~X~ 'd maog ltlaoard • Liotwent on Ule cbett lo a late ouruber of tbo AdPOCale I ob­ merc:t.ol power of t Lo world 11 a truollor to r Geoetal 1u tllu l"te Rjyerhud - "P MACUoooell and hi• collt.boratora, wtth a Jt p:aod for a ~· tn tho S.S /lector I[ read oa brown paper a ~rfect cure to ecr.,. tbat a wnter wbo prof_. kl gt•e " l ou n u•• •l. •t be n t h o la p."~o r.l t •••• uu obo 1\- p•s• of to da7 • Jllll, r all _, a nd adriao ~~oil famthu to uao it truo &OC91JDL of tbo Day Roberld alfalr doterm1nallon no~ to be ou~oue unt lhOlllllnds of yeue aronud the a1uno cuclo from l,hlmou Hiler L'\brador to St for oro11p aod cold make11-diis alatemeot forth groupe of ~l1Ht'1l from thetr pohu 0 tr conttuont 110 I tho European "ere J obn • lut a.uoo bJ thu muter of t ho - I m: l',ORIIOII MAlt.!! porS 5 flucf uu"t/ d..!o:udant l'bo pr1ea11 ultodt.who •ere tho l\1 ~11 eel coutro (Harbor llllln) S tnday after Suu ouco •all t hctr cl •ngo IJcuog wroug bt by a fo ul were rec.aovod at SL Juba 1 at 110 <.0 I hero wore teo otbor ahMomen roturocJ If there Is a pti'IOD 111 t.b t~ <"'auty who dooe Irate• Ia charge (aI Uay Roborta) ? nao day 10 'f&nDIU dlr~-cuona, collecuo ll uamCll fo re.a from tn t8 ftrC f 1111 ~r pr03ccuuon or tho •o ys~: o ;/ btl bua iJ ll churob lu lbl) W ut Enol " d tL ts lVI ether fro n thuo dtfT,.roncea-orfro:n t Tho maoufacluron of SJJmdan 1 Caealrg c:oorcreallon Mou wake but to Roll wblll anotkr du trrrl 111 tchom co ofidcnce nugltt bt of ""Y duc: rlj>liOD/ but earned aoerely a m:anoo:d by tho bnu cat a on from e• er} n 1 hkclY that Coruu a m04Jow ncM Mo ~~ cJn huon of tbo lhbery tbl!rO would appt r owfuundlnuder MLt\ndl \\ oo Ia acl ool '"" be cboaeu fo r t bu to I no been If l!lutaal tle! tro:: fo r U p3rot1 n dor wtll effectually prue nt boll cholera ~~ as ttl coadtttoo warraota J::riD pollttce A I 1 bt.VO been II magiatrlD at lJI\y tlte namea of tboto who would bo pe reuad 111 tl o I tad Soouu of t hetr va..aela arc tu l ~ and all other dmuea In boge aad tbat baa latd aatde tta hie aud ooly by tho • otcu Roberta fo r n~:.r" quarter of ccotnry I ed to Jntn to tho e&t;ers l bo but hsiJ of thu l ea ftll tho -II e S S I o !!" 1r t <.:"pL t; lhwe ooo quarter ta eo.nc mo,e ment of buatnus } et It wu to myaelf to eu~ " fuw facie a nd c1rc uln tenal that they C311ted would be 'fllry ll(l eto rcbousca of the anofrch11 a t ~ llcrcl nnu 11 to c o~ of t hoao men to ::it J obo 1 he ma c1 .. took her lcp:lrtnre for the aeal hal cry o n tho ogrccmant fur a lu up lUlU nnJ "'•th u fun )etterdayto ue Mr '\ m to b member all\nces "}tiel must • 1>1< ' nle tbo w10d l'f propnate o n e11ch .l OCCI\Iaon 11 shorl limo no d hv~ "' huu re~ ltl cnl"<~r f •undl• nJcra 1~ lllr~c 111 ( louccstor Mad to 11 a dti<'AM declared tocorablo a nd wo aro tucceu may nltonrl not o nly tLll!lo but t ho 10 ~n d from the L.~bmtlo r btl II ... as cvo ouu> I~DCCI would adtotL llc wq cheered !lay Roberta unde r wbtcb tbc pnald 1\no.l were gneo to untlcr1tnnd II nl t be movo mccu mull\ltnl( •~ea lda f rom tlu t coo y 10 l!l•d I bat be uaed your Httkra.-"' lmd y "hulu of our acahng Occt. te tlu I tb:.t lhUJ w~~ o al ol tho orJan ary of Rocboeter N 1 -l.itu:a flua.d by btl former IIMOCiatea of tbe Go~ern men t t ho coojlrc~tauoo wbo hos to pus o ver uad ment m~a 1 r.-hof to them on n lnrr;o fi•h nj.: 1 1 roh hc loca lataea a. to b.a bmI and tho ~otral Uody 1111d by tho etrNJ~;rn '" b) tho tll~~;•l '\cho n street. o n tbear way to cbavel hAll to pou. scale Mr ~l ac I> • flO I ttCIII supporte rs of ( Hry h y 111 tho year I hey b" ' " no off -lilt: ll ot s~ Of ASSI:l!IILT dnran~t th~ I).'Uit IL to•I\D voya0 1l 111\ I lu l>o 1\IJ.o,. fbo f'Xtraordmary popul:mty of Ayer B 10 tbo llonao bol tho Oppo~ttlou tUaclf ol1d l'bo :STASO 1111> dtd not atop here but wont a lra3CI' typu u11drratoocl to a uro 11(!1\SO ns n "Inch IS cousuwod tbu <'1\fDtngs "cok o r le u day• baa beon o aoatly occulloecl oot •eem transported watb joy Tho bon on to IJ!lY that li lltc rhbJ ono o' fit~~oblll JOb for thC for o ~e r forty tbo of U:ay Robort.a, co dell\ o reJ bold OU I lO tbe r hosen l b~ t tbuy IL u ru • o re I that cnlonaal hahe nnr n cro mNnb< rs Ou yu to rd11y wr.c k tho I o n lel\daoe to hla ltcUI!Ion brougbt 'l~o mo tdeu ycare. ll butodltpat~>bly prnveo allelf the to bavu t ho Oaga remo~od but f111l itJttl) I l u ttc~ \ltll bo: lll>jJO•o I cou0 ha, and pulmo nary complaiJa~ S I ti•Lery Oo ln eto l~y ~lr \\ Into .. ttl peuuona to tbo Gofel'llmeat ho :ukcol to ha• e tho"""' romo• ed bat a.leo ft\lleJ h ts worth uolln!( that 10mo or ~ oo on 1f.c r fi ,h nu l o I u 1 I r liJa r 1<1 tro:2 ty drew 1 u n o tao n I.UIItle by btm n ahur t \tn e WbooplDg Cough - If your chtldreo • \\ bo aro tho Gore rnment ?" and ao aor\ ohm ~ ll1o ao :~.a ter of tho Umu~;e Lod ~;u Donne ll 1 tool a u ~.U 10 l hlf a>ovomeu 1 I htj Ottn01 a " od \ ta a ~; l\ltl &l l na ilom ol vub tr aty he oi l lr<~ 1 no lo:r " •t1y ch~• ~ r ~a u nut 0 IU S put by tho hoo II 0 Sp n. •r co11hhon :!ttr Goodnd~otc 11.\ld bo 11 ell\ nco of tbo ST\SDAIW ropor.&. 1 bavo IC'Ud to your llr u ,~:~:aa t 1\ Dd buv a bottle s he c:Jttrnvn ~~& ncc "' d o 11pr ~ too viJcn nf ' I coal !mona '"'1 oy<~• l hu w 'Y to n ""'" a~ t • " h•lll cr or not i~ WI\S ll • " 111 ol tl c hnlrloog hts o wn ao 11 tbo llc nornblo S tr of \tLt:KS I tso 8 \I..'> UI 11 ad rehcf we not tho p&'ler at hand IJut I belo< ~U tbo ter haY ing n lf "I p opr tAtllol tho "I eCtA l dtt:\1 an •ro 1 1 :u: cur ~u .:! o \\ th l u h:ru ' '"" ,1 lttJll,c t l ~ ~ tbu n OltOn 10 111 I b.. wal l lirawu \ nbroao :;bca b 1t the llonorllhlu Rar \\ tl subct..'\ nce correct I b '" abowa t hat t bc g rant IMt yur he comp cll ~d tl o~~e " hr c"JI:o n litl~n tly asaure yo a "111 Lo i ~ u edt pro10re4• as 'oeea •o• " ua.,a ty ~· I It \US o.l ctJo:d to tbe otlinu ~tl\ " va th Ito and aure. haw \\ bn ewav I remacr 11 lryar fJ to bold paptr wlticb reported tbo fact of tho lh ~ wnrlto > I 1h ooc 1 c jtl6 1 By Telegraph h• could not ratoc Ita ' ftnrl to l oa h~n I IJu t flrc tchod 1\Crou tho llonao tho Rornl\n tho ft [ro nl to t ho llag \t who$rt I an I "1 la te lt ol ~l r llacll s. IJunroiJ wlacl 'boogh tbree onoutl•8 hu cl:lpl<'d be ho.s it~ or ~!han l 11t on the Go,cr:Hnt-n t Ou ""-' upp01111t atdo t& C"1o r ~y of til~ m "'' u ortth lm Lo r l'l •p ~; oou cuun b foJ r th" wd ~ vcuJcut pa on rourtul to aoiAI; OIIIBta of the 1 rote-ttaou winch allaar " I uh J o .... not • IJJl v to W) pu.ala on 11 to tb~> I nuda of 'olr 'ofaclJur 'ndl .. Ia) nut bed. In o ne •ock I w:oa curcJ aud b:ave Pro t~•t:\ n ta d11 n o~ ap~ar u n m >~;aa lt!IIO of llay toberta au dlltm prej>a rcJ has IJieauon•l fo r tl c Go.ero outo 1 bad no trouiJiu 11oce 1 bchovu tt ti\Ved nay ~PO f hey IHO o.JO Tid~d lmODI(Jt 11111 aht:tl by tho rcru~ r ka of Ibis wntcr u the natul'l\1 outcomo of tb6 f ~~re s;<~ ·~ We t bc m~ h ea fo rmtnl( o n tho one aodo l'hAtu note that I have ab?wn tha. t :ua ro:t flr<>eeudtu>ea. lltll n ot~ monAI tnt<.~n ~ o 1 the lio.era meo t on t he o ther tho Or• g11t ratu / lt.lflf'(JIC /to be t hu first to nttem1 t '" lnog out tl o Rold U tAr I " "' llo;o t I lq posttaon ( ltl ,. • • uannc ural d" ,,._ tu prevv n~ t bo oiT ~ o cu 111 1\; o yr nber lrul tbc rt pr~IIC ntallf C• 1, c.kau~; t u rard tho ex - frxr II PIC r S ton' snL~sn lli 'T' 1 oou and o uo wbach wo uld grte ve the I call J Our 1\ Utlor uf no I lO tbo 11011 orm.:a It S t John 8 for Ull'.&nt 11 rc1aetttton of I be m :~ 1 a I llllotrau n ka o m h te nry llbaltty of tbu autho r •hu t..oTO o m~ a str l\to or polille ofTtccr nor 1\0) tho ll1Jitnct. In th~tr .Hteanral3 lll rocun IM., uatc", bu ~~ol ned 1\l oarr11ttnb lht n wo snoultl at oocc get tLo bc8l curu fo r al b:aucd Jt alouav or aoythlog el- w 4a ono on bciJru f of hill I.o rdaltp Utabop Mac structtou d o:JY k11vu not !wen ,ucc~M f •I l• l\ilon ~ oveuta io tho bostory of :So•• Congba. Colou n1r 1\nd 11 1 tbe MIDI ttme pro•e tut.ertal N o rthroP. & l:.ymao a E~n ulatoo of Cod d m do tbo Protoataota for only by aocb"" beard lri ttoublo betnll anhetpetod wu altbongh not blaug to tho Lute of the re tog 111 thou of maturer yura \\ btlo un Lher Oal and Uypopbo.phttc. of Lime and n e'>t can tbcy bold power ~~ bey aro uot ..bou t lAin o''ct~ oo Fnday olgbt, wboo 11 proeeot:llt'ftll. they could oo~ drc~ n tly re • ece•Pry del:ula bl\n been uotdcd no Soda. ~r J r Somb Drulllrat Uunu DOW l 01110g atgbt of tho IDIIUI tbtDC name ly party ukt>d tnfori.ii&tioll_{)n tbe mauer from tnao A ooordln ~:ly ltopA were tAken by t hE' en 1nt ol tmportance bu been paued over 'flllt wntea lL ~:uee goooral Mllafllctton tho po..eutoo of powor to tho out Go• suo ru ll magt1tr:110 I dia bol~o w that Board or W orka toward t ho expcoda uro of App11nded to Ol\Cb chapter arc not es nn I erameot. Ihey have already couat.Uatod and tellt epfcndtdly ~c ial con1tablee wero to bo aworo in till 11: 00 ( twel'fO hundred doJ1M'11) h~lf Of e:x!Jinul\ltooa tsy ane~~oos of ll ue ll e thu QIDifta .. aF.J'tY Rgbllog rortllemaelne t hia penon 1uformed 11111 that parttoe were trblob b~~od-beeo epcot beforehand by trre autho r at1111 11t adapltog t bo work to ba;(her WDO:O DRUGOIITS oo thla cootioeot and ag&IDH tho rrolCIIAUII. U they ID&aage ooulied to JO.ttend for tbo porpoao of betug 1po'belble 'p•ruu Ebe proceo'linga wen!\ clust'll to echoole and acedemtea aa welt u by making them.eel•ee [rieada Wtlb llall of tHti!y to the large and cooataolly toc reu aworn 10 Oa Seturday mo111log I learned pretty weJl to koepu.r- W'lth tb010 on former 10 l! ~ueral reader~. tho .Proteetaoll thtl.l to diride t bem the "'i Balta of lS o rtbrop & L7mao a Veg•lablo tba' penooa wue actually betog awo111 to occl\ltona vtz. thoappomtmeot of ~r Mac Adol auonal •'luo 11 it'fan to the bonk by battle ta fo ught and vtctory ta tbetra. ll Dleconry end Dya~phc Cure and re pcrt u apec:tal cooatabiH tb• Court Houao by nonllcll • ellppoey ag~nts to tU:o pre~ tho aonucd Chrooolo~r~cal s umwar) of Well 11 It t bl\t aa tbtnge arc gotog euch 1ta beoe6ctoL effec t• upon tbetr cuatomere tLo magtltrat,M of Day lloberta to lroop denoo of tho obotoo commltt~ea o r tbo the lll< mnrable oventa and porao n~ of tho troubled with Li•er Complatal Cooaupa a contan~eo oy11 berdly poteiblo. It Lt aome lbe 11caee the11en day pooplo thctr eagcrueu to got rod of tbu 1o n od f he phn tt must be o wnnd " uwea ea1d tblll Air Ooodndge tho leader I J)oalttnly et.ato tt.at oettber bi1 Lord d~11ltog aloo UJI~Jlfll ltn!JUrily Of tbe Blood and money In h o u' in ono lean to nil :\II on~; tn al ono :an I thoro c:au bo no doubt otber phyilc:al tnllrauuea, aud .u n female of tho Oppottllon wtll 1101 acltoowiC!dgo tbap Btabop .Macdonald boa pueata, my olatmaota ( lo fact aearclolni tor claimant~) WIIJ 1\II.JWOr the Cod ID 'flOW medtetoe 11 bu aceomptlabed remarkable Mr \\ bt~way nor 'll'ork uoder b1m 10 M Y brother maglatrataa baro Judge lleooou, leuiDg tloo ro.'l dealllute uoprlividec! for The bind tolr papur typo together wtth C:lll'- way Du~ wballl Mr \\ biteway, wba~ Ill lLo pohc:e nor aay 0011 dtroctly or tadtrecJ. agatn lo tbo our foture e~od n:cklou over thO tiiUIIfUIODI wlucb the WOrk CODI&JUI Mr Goodndae that. tbt~r pt'reonal toter ly made any apphcauoo to n.e aa a JUaUce dr.awe wtth uo prospect o r anr retam arc all that ooolltl be dottnld l 'bere ecta aboald l«

"- \ noll ~r m~n fron1 e'fery brtak Of wlolry weatber OxtrltODI Winter l\tr Goodndae or ~lr fd~~etlJ aa a~~a,od {o by otther party or luad my 10 Sf •I L:m o ncu C h~n ~ ~ hart :l vt r.r nar OM TIJI lltLI.S eboold be m11do by tbe aftltcted to reconr leader, but tltey are de~odool upoa.~b•­ do'ftdualtty 11 a mllf(lltrate 110~ boon 10 row o1capc " tulal It'll tn.,. 1n tho count r,y Nu~ tDostull , Feb 8 1 88~ -ADOR£SS 'tO IIER M \JESTl 'tit£ Qt t:r.s bet.ll.b befo1"6 aurtmltung cold aod trying ,.,ll. lha~ tb._y aball ba•e a aoh~ body of optnly aud tmp ro~rly 1guorod all round, II ~ "'"• WI\ liOn!( "I' Iby w n W'Tio 111 ·~ fret tnto t l u loroolt ~ aboupd• nuder fqr robes, alooa ft,lblodable CI) DQ~tulaliDjt Uer MaJetlT the Q tteo tloue or pll~co eeo r-.dUy be nmo•od hy t..an nor a Uonrpment man, but- l aau a ~ojnuctiou with tho ot btr mag111ratoa ba•o 1 u11tl " he N hu fonod l u •df nlmost up to drine Doe10n follta are aotlre ota loa& upon 1 .10 majority of I is Royal ll o~:L rubbiolf tbit fino denntlve Otntment t w1oo ProttatanL" With tl ••U our ID O~t o we uaed m• tnftuence to malot.elo 11 feeling of !La WIIU I 10 WAtOr \\ h'\t With lhl' 8 lOW or i9 qatet reeona l'h11 copr~ are coa•~t nca Pnoco Ed ward of \\ a lea ._, hu " • day npoa the cbnt and o~~ llollowaya r.tCOII'olat lbia fact, wlleb too 111 weU ro peace end rood will, amoalt all partioe and tD futoro to be called. l 'be ao.lo.Jro•• 'efllloll\lt d whaoa ho hi\ I bro n:rlat tlo wt 10 h h hi 1 1 1 c.:>goixed bJ tLo Kouw1 C.Utoltj:a~, th~t tho ed io t~ e lr elllbo,..te c.aos. J bo pcn~t and lreetront tt lllroor.ly rtcommendpcl wlw lia.u rnalolalned tbo mrjeaty ot tho law­ from tho Connell a~ eooourrea ce thNulO "" tlciiOtlul And tle ~uddca1 cl ::tD ~il fro1 1 u~~ elocllon will be oue bll~woeo Uqm,au tbe tbloker ~ry lo,na•r in ~tlr atudtea !.be • I•• or rhio~ DIDIWiate eue preunt­ " far fo rth u Olll' ability to compe1 o ~dt wu mo• od lu tho AMembl.y bytbo L'rem1cr light to dou knew be could for " t unu Catllollee and 1' roteata.oll tho c;luu knock out., bJ' •lrtue of a cold UIIt pJ'OIP'Cil•• danger, and elfectlog rer euc:e wilafd allow, tf enob e:xtteme woa a oooded by Mr Goodrt.lfol. and aupponod tnako o ut uotluog W h•u the 10 0 ' " c l ~or 1 maotn' relief Tbett all importaol eoda DJ::LIA. euf" bocallle oeoe.ary Ia pro~tiolt the eo~ a ~uonae~ _~>?tD~ for ~h11r people 111 away and h11 eye• btCJmo acclUito•m d to lefiOODI, tAe poftliCliD and, tbo OOOYif&alill by Mr Kent It waa u rollo•• - Otalmtnt ud l'llla aua IICCOlllplllb rivbl. of all ller Mejoety• eubJtctl w1tltin T o Hn cho gloom lao nottc.!ol t hat tho ico abb\ o .,II bang on to later Jloara a' ~be ohtb-rOOlplcloat '-•lo 1 of tbft att.al ouut uf hi• "'-' w. &1.11 dath lc.elf Ia Alanot~ prayed r,r Bay ltdb~ rta ]Qrio1 bt hl1 Royal Rlghll.. , l'riace Atb.rt wu on tbt1 •wCace •g•W.. and b&, 11g y Offi 2u~ -'That lh0110 lhr~e enCleuoorf'd to tnap aiYea •••f1bo a-ria •aet .1'\--~·- cem-.d lola'f'lal« admll'lllioo ..." ....aod .od"• wblcb ...... ~ ' llr. P~~ art, • la-th cue or oar ai..tl ,... wlleo tba& war •Ill be uerted U&rtington t....-c~Y .... I ...... pntetfcal •ay, lt -y..n ...... , ....,... to -•tat.. An •nufen' ootlolll ~Yalla 1111 ~o1laad ...... ,, jolaM ...~ Ia ... WbJ~ lila~~~~ U..t l'-' _,- t.. Ute UHl M"taltl Lilt Pftlbl.. Ia dllpa.. Tile lla~ tbu Cll\110 (or P""t. IUte*J lUll elaoniPfa« and herf to aome •~fetlt, ot dhidlng the A-.blt ,....., ...,,.., 111e •1r e:~u•tL 'l'be Czar .W .lA Tburtda1 ~~~- of bla f•\itn ~. - f"l •• lifO,-.,.ltlt jooroe1 or married lifo ieco fluoto *rift ot lu,.a DO lafablf 01' ...... -t&~ _ftalt~ ...,...... o~-.•w•' ... & _..,....,lit 9~-...... - ...... ,...... , ., (rthtiDc1'1 111Ch& th•• DODO bu& tbe wiJchM dMam• . If. u o ullA ~kiDtr 111d, M i' wtt\ at the end of Oleb )1,.,., •.1 w• ..., .... •••••.. •lllt.. JIIdlrtd...,_a II...._., t rt oould thiuk lha' be tJOil1cl deolate s-lor x..ber tf &a..lt avd pf •111111 ou fdeDII and aeicbboni ...... _.._,...,_..._,..olpv. ,., ~ & taod, k Uo•n loJO&btr Ui njoiot •lth 11.1 th•l - hate .. 8 ...... ol A.--w1 10 far -ped Ill ...... !' ...... Of...... t beao -tbrte atagea, tho 6nt ia tho I -" Ccatoi1S- Cunoll'!" wu tho eubjaoi abortut, beoanao tho f'OIIIl ~iDJ ro~bea~ of tbo i~OA aud: in~tlrq u\turo a~ Lbo be~inuiog'; tho pauoogenaulfor 10oro delift~ lu tile Muoulo Hall ou lu& .Moo­ from t~'t )"•ltiog. tocHo~I\U-&11·" (l>tf· thy ennin~;. Lt lobo R o•. R. LoE, M.A. • hn b'a'c- w-,,,mea, ~~"ld otlt&Arite 'l'hli,£d to do t hew hooor; eod thoJma· ao~c t a aubl'ect auitablc to ~be nriod' mer~ l'wilao Fuctory-Crttitou, ?>1 111111. of wbicb tbeao we ro uaado r& ry tutee' o his hearera. 'lfho trita to t ~riol ro"'&t\.1' ~ lfo Gilliug l'ueto cy - -Eall~ Huc.ldl\m Ct. •houlll ha1'tl ita ai~:u i llooutce, u \fell a.t tho pleAM evoryt.ody, geoeraUy •ncceecb ad­ 1 leus;tha of tile di!Terout atAJ;U.. At the mirably ln pltaalog nobody. 'fo blend in­ end or ~n Ybnl, coojus:al loYC, thon~:h atruction wllh tnterulumeo~ ahoold bo ole A'gents and Mnnofncturcrs of tho Gold :Mcllal Shepard & 1In1J ,;oOtl "'"ln~~eful iu ita •ay, coultl only bo lho greaL •im of tbe rnLllo apuker. lo Std-Mo,t/~zy; 'l:lrt/ .liard- R tADINqs .I.ND ·• l'l'httl to tlou hullllllutllfliCO!S. h wou not aelecting a~objecl he bad followed tbe hia M USIC. 1uoof •~:~lun cAr.:a, nor 1tr0ug enough to tnmplc of tbou pre,.chetll who cl.ooae for 4.tb Lccturo-Tt!Oday, 1.11 AprU-lb:v. 'f. resiat a tu.ck. aod if axpoitil Lco!J)ro-Mvndlly. 20th .'lpril-N.r. J. l o mn,Jo of .. tin." t:coeaia to lt ~ we!Ati " ue, auu OYUr the bru11d Tbo OhM~~ pion 1-'o!C llorn a ~ l.ltia Station, D .""Muss-Subject: - --- -FOR- ln :!5 yuar• it bu become moro brij!bt lid~ of theolol(ical lore, f rocu tbo dia. advorttHd beretorora aaaowldiul!lor peri­ nod hca•aiitul-no aelfllllo and obtti· ccaaiona or tho Jcrul.'lltuc Council dowu to ode o r fi\'e lltcooda, with int.unla or elluoca lon~:er A Boloction of V ocal and Inatru­ t.a.tl', Lu~ ia I':Uily mouhlcJ. ia ductiblc nud our own tlweL of thirty-fin ,acooda., buiug bu~ foood to mantal Muaic will be rondorod lmnlO· ttronj:. Hut 11111 it ia apt to larnith, and 'll•e world, Nllll rked tbo \ecLurer, Ia \fork irregulArly io l.t'yiug ~ lieep u t t.a~ G. 1l:iate\y before IUld nL tho cloeo ot eo.ch IK~ a .... ei~:bt.. l .c: t tho pruenta then bu lull ol curioua cuatotDL .\lcrci,Y to euumer- rate, •ill In fu~uro 1111 opontud 'lo eound Locturo. mado of" ail 'for." nco tbeu1 wouill tako m,ore uruo th:>.u bo ten aceooda witb iuterwala of ailoucc of Cotton ill now univorully in U FO in A:\II:;~IC!X WATEltS wiLh Mt.,r bO vura of "cdclcrl lifo. hMI :>.1 hi• dcaJtOIIAI t bia o.vcninj;. Jt rouat thirty. aoveu aocontle. ricl\11 thlumnun. Ocm parorl with H >!ua p, Cot 011tclc03 lis t., ruu Admiuion-10 ccnta. Dooro open al 7.30 .\. m.. (.(In mo rne iu mind that 'oot.to•u• aru ouri­ p.m. ly('a ot 3lllhM 1.1 lru.s, T he I ~'Cltur... r t h~n (in imt~gi u!\tion) Stcrtlory. by b~oa. On and 'afte r Mnrcb Ill~ tbe Order American Herring N eta. rcr lin::. V<•rm:u.~h t ? \\'br.t •• it t:OAt CMri t I hia !.enr ~r• to Analrftl!". ll.s ll""e 10 llnrbor Grace, Feb H . Kcepur will 1ouud It, bet" eeo tbc intl!n"lla Order Americ'in Cod Traps. c"mu ... nt.IJ itA form. uot it..s ~UuiJc,•. by a alwrt tlooocrlpuon of tho 1\buriJinee. 'kbo • ol liribg tho' Fog Gno, in r~pl,tn" \'caaul'a tiN ,;'..elf, MHI cowc• oul rdinc•l nJJd !''"'· hu u'W'rtcd h1\V~ not r~cri v~tl J Uotic~ "~ Order American Caplin Seines. S-AL-E-~ . - ~: u n or whistle. ,Dao firing o the &Un "ill filoll Let tl.e l• r•~~Cots tbeo ot ~U )""'~Ill""' · Aft~r tlw,•lliu~o: 11 1K1n their modes of oustom once in every ho~ r durlu11 dii,Yii~th t Order American Netting in the Web. lJ.l Ulatlo of l'uru 11old. huut•ot::. tl • h•u~: . cwltiug, and aocial babita, ·naat well-known, fut-u.it:ug Schooner, nt aucb timet u Capo S~Q.'lr may bo ob· wuJe u( warl•rt•, &c .. 1!1~ II•C.ilter bruugbt scored, --- ll•iA b' "'"'" to Jol)hu. ()f nil tbo heathen By ordel-, l.IOONTED OR U::\.'lh.H.i 1\Tt;D. Au iu!t',.,llinl( ob•en:mce of .cup. u d w.s J a!J&UCIC are the moat th~ oatcoll~. 1 t.~. " L I Z Z I E, " M. T. K~ICHT, tc m we-.!pe:tk of .•ook Jll"cu on I au- cc<~li:vcl ....1 iu11, nioua. 'l'b ~y IJave re­ l 'ro. &c. ·n. IV ,by CI'CUIU~ lm•t 111 t l11.1 of ouc nouur.,,JII,o Shiue." >O I n o"'d Worka' Office, l ri!.hrrll;cn wil fir.tl our s-oo· l ~ with the llumc :\[crch:mt. ,,f I lou oil:;~·· or thl' 1 'H"'"'· On tlou t:llneuau UtWIOn ..r:u. ll( f U r u l ur~ncc For pulicull\1'11 npply to .JILLARI>, B nn~ · S1. John'~· F yb. 7, 18&.. ~ Ol'lcrJ ,.,., dr.lly nml pNIII)Illy i:lll•1l.. t l~ l dt~y l>r. "'~'I )Iff. 'I rot.•· ld• reAct.~~ I """ ouholu to 1:a1 "'~ rr uJ:!' •'Ud•lln6, lhu & Co., ll ~ar t 's Coul\•111, vr llnrbor (;l"'lCO t hL.· t:t ·i u r l•-\.l tirl-t " ' ~ '" O l th.J J H oiiH'' ,J ••uk.tu~ I,;Uiit OmA, !!OCUli NHtUO tlO, gamca, Jli.LAIW, ilKOS. ,(: Co. ~r:J \,;a!t..•Lr:.h•t l tlh.•: r •• t1a,. "t.Jw:us,: 111 •1,'.;. .;:,, &:c. Unrbnr Urncu, J :\0, lt:!. THE l\"ERS W. ADA11S, PrcsiJ~:nt. I EDW.\HD L. Glll:EBI\ Tnas. •u)' ,•ullrdy ""rtloy u ~ ;b,, o'•l lr.l\ht!vt.•. C hittA wu t.,e n~:t plnr~ Yi ,lc•l. Tbe 1 '1 b., U'<' III•CII ~ I!all "" " """'"'1, .. I Lu•!h u { "'"''e" •~icl th<' 11r"'k1•r, i~ Jon : \V, ]:.',\ TlU3A.NK:'!, 0\'t'r :10 )'l'nr~ . ' 10 .. ,. o• ~. i'' ,,. : , .... 1 ft J!\lhf u f t'llllt r :a ts f\nd

0 ,.\ 1 •· • t • c ~a.: t • h•·' o •• • , : :11 uuta1 r.• ru•d uaar :o~hc.a:, · · SPECTACLES ~~ ·,, ,. ,,., ._ "' '"" • ·'..: '-' · ., , ... c '''' •I m• \•· ~· ,, ,, I :J,,,,_.,nc.t"u"' . n. lf1111l o( \Ir\11 ..."> for Xo11 Uc•u 11 h: t ri -.:L~J will hu State Fair of Pennsylvama b-llh Cullc:IIVC tlntl Conm. in Steel, G ol~ tr. .. ~ ' ...... '•· J u '""" • • - 1 ,l o " rq 1, .. r t , • \!•:.: ··Hums; :.. l l ' mftJo ut> aut! c.h~~tiJti. t cht• l by ovur· If you wan t to know what our 1\UO ~ilvor l'r:.m ~. t ·:/ • • ~: , , ...... r o ' • '• . , I • ~ ~ j ,~: t: ... . , ~ ~ , " ' .. 1 :J,.,, (", l.N'l3, htul route Ott \ \\~tlti\.: •-'-'Y· 7th A • I :!11111t llcld cu. Philadolphi11, eop~. 1884. :...... ,.."' 1 • o,, l ' , .,.,, ' -A ' : •• J \, .. ~· · " • , 1 , ,, 1 ,( , 1111 r,,hlJIW. aut! ,J Mu n-.ry ; h~.a !\ut) 1 ~~~~ 1\:l,ru \t.) : I :h .uui OIL fA _r & Ll\'0 Tli,O:\f, ~·· . . ! :·. .. .· "''· • ~ n 1 • , • ~ ,, 11 . ..• . "J,,.t .,r ~ l Mclt; latlWd 1:011. .\j•rcl , dvoa•ul! "~ 1 I'·••• A~t' ota lor :::\cwf<>u odllnd. • ,1 •I· r- ~ '• I II 1 ~ ... II,. •• . ..1. : ...• • ':,_ t ' t •,. o :•r- Nl ,-U •t,. pUUrtll lll'llh.. &U,f tl Ul, 8bf\l(l. t. J ohn't, Aug. 9(). " •' ,, ... ••• .• I ' ' ~ ' II·· I ·~··" • : , •• ..,., r an·l ...... cA I (.;)'"t' • tt"' ~I>On.ltnru ro•l

1 00 oil. : n:nr•;..ft t L..-m \4U d l.• r-• . IH, !" • \ :• 1 .•.• :' •• !·•!•nt\ • , • • ,,. 1 ~ t~ C' rtl.\.•lf . ~VI \.:ll 1Huu1y. !L3 lllla rui'J ~.u UUL Lu d u· g ,,,,,.. -.; if' t. Lt.n /ir.. u'• ~ 111 ''' '~ ··• :. 1 , 1 . ... f ' 'lJ · L '•0 m ol• ! (Mr:cd !ro . ;s please and wo will """'•1., 111 Tfi~ SU~~~fi~~f~ ! lik:. aends~dY~~ ~ddrcss !I "'" •''"" '"" •• 1. 1: ~ 'llou ,.,,.• .,.,, ,... ,. 1 , " !''· • •• " n .. tt . L .lo,.:.,crua•ll. I G~twral l'u•: OlficiJ, ) , ., .J i C'Ith t ~~ t" c-•1 in " J •!1 ~~· ~ • ''"' • .• r .\ I ~L J ·•lu."a. Jau :J,t('o)i.) ' 1 \rOnlc.l · ~prctf~lly IM!1; t tl infnrm their 1 _ p 13:0TOG-~JE-:I q ) ;Ji.~j t~ •i ~ 10 t !IO l..t>Ut't \, \ •t \ o }h•• .. ~ ••C.ol'o!"\' .: • •,,l .\t Wd I )U, t - ~ n uuacrous fnend• nntl p·• trons lbtlt IT. - , ' ' ' ,. tr .nnut 1 " i'h ,:, tto , ...... , lr.·· t ' , ' "' t t,' \(r ,·;,. 'llh• f-4 H • G Ct • D I hey h1t \·(' II'Cui I C· J ,.. j "''of , jw, ull ,,.,, lon•J ' " N • • loot ,, • ;· ' .:. , ; ,_,;:,: ,·,·~ ,.,.i nf tl;., \tab! aroor race 'lJ.ove epot ta 1 G? Send on application. 1 1H: fn·r 1 t r ,. t:r-· • .!@ .. i :!.. 4•·ru . l r~t rtllt'• I ._,.,I {'("Ulllh,tt•lc•l u ~ul n -A.~n- ~ · .-\. VEll.Y LAl:GE .AS:-30HT:IIEXT l uru,y. , rurdu~ t'f' \\tth ,.. "" t.""fl • ,..,1~ : \\ J .~· .. l'f'~tr11'\ll ntn<'l.! }frlcn.ll tnkH Of' nr noel c:" l! nrr:u , • . • ··• j;''"'. ··•.•. , . , , ·•I " '" , 1.,.• :., , r, •• a ply Glass, T io & R:udwnro E at11blisbmont. ~ •u•l th~ louUIHer 11"1~1 rc.Ct'l''eU l.. b •· 1··•:• 1 cli~· l "' II •• ,.,.IJ.k" ... , worJa of til Nfld .. Furniture & Moulding Co., •'• .. British Manufact'ed Goods of b••uor. Llracd.·t•. lt~ ovrh . urnt•1.•. 1. ,. :>1•-~•·1'''" , ~<-" 11 to :h,• 111 ! l'ctru· (1'" lht cost fl.{ .\lrs.cpartmeu\8 r ru full; :end O«in~ bow Room~. Duckworth St.; Factory, Forest Road, St. John'~. · I "" 1n11 bt,•ao ftl !I :10 .\t 1:! .10 ou pprr )I• """'"hnt •·•· ua IU) ,,..,,1, ,,.,. ""'"· • J.U • io... 10 t he I'Of! J~prCIICcl IIIIW Of bulliiiCII3 we C ,. • • · iii U y bnr~·. ru\' l' .. tnT . . ... UI Y "''vt lll~; ·~ Not\·cd, :\Ud of tl,aa It l't eu c acr.t t o A nd h,.re all~ •~ r .Ja , La ..uh t~· r Whlif'!.-.,r 4•re," llu111kful for pu~ fllt'Ora a-eoei,•etl from ero going to sh•o our cuatomcre tho nry aay 1 ba~ t!lo ca.terlnR "'"" Juoo loy tloo baa•. powbl.: v•lno for tltcir money. ,. \rd-r,.(Jm Mc:•ar•l of tltc 7'~ r ,f, •, ~tr l'o ( 'bri~thnrty ad.led thu lec:ln rtr, ., the pooplo of tlais town and out porLI, SPECIAL TELEGRAM. \'.':. •r~,., lo his UbUl\l hbtntl >lld cxci.'llcut mon owt~ h1•r l'reaent •oti3l po•itlon in ci· ishes to infoma his m~ ny lrienda and FOI-t THE L .A.DIES at} I e. vcltll ~Ll •llt he httt now in at.oclc a luge PAU.tklpJUo, &f'l. 18. 1884. PHC£NIX "' the concJn,ioo of the lceturo (of WO NVC •peCIAliT 'l'bt {oltowiug wa~ tho vurltJly of which 1he ahvvo •~ a mere <> uth<>e) camo Wnrrt StWI!(O Co., Oleyeland, 0 .: Plnln, nroc" l~rl. Slt>mperl :\DII M n ! ~l" "-•io Fire Assurance Company. BILL OP FAll& : It ho Ja.11 p. ....r...... 4(;6 n1111 ~le Agent Whlto Slitting i\hohioo Co. ror tban c~.: r L<:fort·. aucl very olhi"P· · ia largo atook o( tlao following orttoioa 1 'l'laia pOY.UI!I' M''~r \'1\ri~s. ,\ mnr••rl of Fn.\NCI:I n. M .\COOSALO,I Stcrttarit'l. ooo of the mott au~ctt lfal J•llrtira of tho f:l!; l'.,l)tol• ...... 1\'oll<•rt .. - ...... 11.\~ lltl.:t Nolffbondlt.od;' ' · • Hte~ll rn nt\(1 othor11 too numerou s t.o epocily linailJ rtri'D}; Ih 1\1111 \fho i ~~Oillt D CM, -- ~eaaon wu brouifbt to :. cloae. lly IV. .t Oo. 1 • Cor. Dookwortb Sl ·-od lUek'~ Covo, ~ ~ Tc rr~ ~;ttfe,. .... t"'•lnl'.,.Lhtr ... •UO BOO of all 'piri11 of · ~oro.' econom;c:~ l lhRn tl,c or• t•h~tl) .J IOI\II ~rw. • • •• I ' .~,.,Ill l'llla. c~plb\1 i and tbo proroptilndu II lid lilaeral­ 8 S \Votr... _ ...... Amh h ...~...... W 261 Zin~ W hite. Puuy, Whiting, Oebro. Gloe Alhn, 1\r.-tr~,... -boe ..reh_.tnd. l(out. 13.\Ki.o;ll l'o•~o~ : Co., lOG Wall-~l, lty "lth •rhlch cl•ims huo alwnye bceu A !ltD, )l : u-.-p!<-e-~a<. rl) II. l 'olor t't.tung Oo Cop3l Dud Furoitare Varnil&, Mucilage -TO- , i J~ t'DIJtOl;d, C•l·l.l-l'ftr-·doek T-"'b'o. b S Jan ~1 •7•• ... - ..• !Ja e tt.r~...... Sl8 IM Kcroatno Oil, Window UI~AII air.u . ~ . Y . J,,, ~ly roet. ero ,.ell-ltnowo aud aolroowlcdgoa. , r.-.•n. •h••-"'•wr-bolltr. ll1 A ,lJ.,..IrljO• .t fV.IL llarouA, Fornitnro an\1 Jlraaa Poli,lh HARBOR URACE. Good Family Re9.ding. Tbo i •f!~ortaoco ol t he tnuaacllone oC Qor~n WJ ... -ToJdy·l.lllll& Srtr. K•t• ...... _SatU••D...... 112 17 , IIruo•wlok Black, CbiLIC'll L iquid Gluo ~0 I Ooln,llr.-l'bolo'rotlt·lnmr. aollt'roJ along lbo f.e\161M, ftt"· N.-lu1&-ru.lttr. =--~---~---==--=~=~ Glyccriuo Leather Dr ~~~~tlui. i -.EJt.SONS ~~11'11, Jl,n. Selling M G n:aUy roduoed l'ricee. PRlENIX FIRE .OFFICE Shirl....,.,, .llr.-l'lpe.""r.., r way ~rraolc and elnwhcre would do ll•lio.Oa. »nr..-4 ..ak(o-loa\lbtr dlob. ~ "til to call a~ ,A.,\ ~ l'anaooa l-'UKN 1- llaJ.In-,lflu-!\u lllll'"·gn l•(a~.J hMIJ..poo!Jit - HARDWARE ' fi,J.RE STOltE! ~tnd inapect tbm ostopaiyo •d cwrd. Stpck before purohaliD,IJ efu,. btre. ption. 1hcm. ll.,_ lt. 8.-8~1 "' llnoeW1 t.DJ D...oV, oC every cleeori W o lteep' in atock • eury thing jo w1tb1Mnl',. .. t~o .Gli.DN b9UI!!·fornioblng line tbt,& would walto ~ lfocr.e, J.tr~-l'.,.t•~ lttt. Own! Rollere, - ON­ boloe • •, ).(nao, 11•-'J:wol\'til 1••1.)'-P&DI. Enlllnelled nor! Tinned "BoileN cbftlror~ble : • / lola"", .W..., ,N'~IloO..-v•r. t::ngllah & A mericao Rlrn and Mortlao Loch Qhl\iD!Jer .Suilea rrr:m 90flo UO , JlQor...,W-l'alr ol £,.~ Thursd a.y ne~t, 19thin.St Oodat6atla from 12 Gto 80} llorpu. lolr.-I!'Ttn<•>r:C Olmf-buk..t?fJ. Wlhdow Furnitore, &atr U.laoou 1 • at ~,. o'c~oo lr ' P.x~n,lon 'l'ablu rom 60 'to 70( ' ' / ltlo,- Jlt. D.-A. fl. (). flat.. 1 l.lm~~ J'.,le Erade. Braehtl and Wuge 1 1 Kitehen T a\)loa (fo lD l f-{ to HJG '- lf~J,Iwl.Uft"'"-T ...v~ ~ On Lho ~· J."~ JJ( J'ohu ~IIW\ Acoeriean Aua~ Haaobeta !LoY.ll,..-f'rAk I wax e>a.cd.-.br>x. ».dr~ul "i'abloa froro 6/G to 0/ N'"", & Co. Ha.rbor Crace, Eo~tllab . Uatch• · Q~latlo, »laa-Two Uo t....bt• "' rt..rrla. 1 \V«tt 'l'lbl9 troaa lOI tO 20{ Mcll\vl4id, •• ...,.u... ,.t.p.Aal1.d \)laua. rBE llBIG Am•dan -rt ..a ·r eupooaa !I'J'II aad ~ Cbal,. lt/6 to W{ eoatlltlon. Sll•cr ·l)latecl Teb!. aud JJ.wrt Forka Tbia V~ l wu balll ill P. 1:, Je1aac1 io Cllild reo'• Cota lirJd Cradt.. , ' ,t, 1872. · Cooet.H aad Sor..; J'oot Stool a. J. Length...... ~ •• oe a;1o tNt. OUTLEBY of all Kinds. Wh11t•Not1, Pftltl1'tt, Mok~ ta, 'j ) BN!Idth..,...... 83 8-10 1M\. l:.'l11oo St.ol)la and Oanlt-fbnrJt, D.JU... ..- ...... u Ceei. lolqoJdlll11,.. Vlctd r~~ fttmtd to ~~~ ' · · AJ.II0-- N.'B-Pfftf•li!Jftl It til town by mnrn· l~~jt and aftetoOOII ,,.ina, "bo art' du[rou• :;4:; Pe"" a-core• of .bMfaw tflelr pfetdrn talon CAo b• ao· btl-.lol co lbe lild V-L o:&• F• rllltllu ~....,.,eo Pti<.H'I)GRAPnrc lt90M~. oyer Funll· . , LT. D'Br&D.U.E, tnteStot't,-op~t• --~MotU• pr.cdt.ff . • A lldioa«r. or M....-. .JihMGa11·a 'et; Jlrilll. A• .& B. PARS~S THE •H.A.RBOR GRACE • . .

l the Pablio -'ooooote, b. ebotNd lW Ia eboakl the B'oue be eallecl apoa to ...... , On the qa.eedqa War paa ia to the~­ wiM policy panaed br*the prHtDi .Ad­ _ Advertisementa. A.dvertJ.semente. HOUSE OF ASSEft1BLY. 110me - w~cb bad oome uader bla no&ice the ptOOMCI1ap io the Stapr... ~ oepllallot of lb=if:" 8& .A. &lata •o•td mioLRnsioo ie DOl ooadaoiYe 10 abe prtteD& c.l1alu ltema. aoob u amoaDta paid 1o peolaJI1 nea ...... ,. Rill i*aCslDr ttlere, &Ma aM eaua ..otjoa o( ca.. AdclrMI aod ftUine eoaial, -ra1 ud oommuolal ' I flrT)'IIItll wblch bad DO' beta potecl bl Gel ~- .,..Ia fell or bUlolluPcl•l"• be ••paapd. awMioa ... pea\ eo4 well·btio.J ud ~ 01 &Ia• ooloa1 .S:OUBDOLD WORDS! l aYJI'OPSIS O:V PB00.8.BDIJI'08. the Act. bad been paid oat of lilt roacJ oapitt.l olttMte P L lllOh i prooMalq U. lop: oa dhillloo r- tocL-'nla& &tile ~-- il of opl•loo grau& IM .tbe dialrioL Hu nolhiast ooma -ooord willa Brideb judoe wlaJob eoahltft For-Boa, 8ir A. 811-. BolD. Beatlftl' that1h1JOHoy oC u.e •pr~~~~~' AdmiDiatrl-• }'acm.av, February 20. of all tbat whlob wu 110iog to be done ID '"ry 1111G luaootD' till pro'" raJIIJ t General, • lolr 8bot&, Dr, Dearia, M.... tioa baa Do' 1M ooDilctea. ao•l lllt •p· • ' (Co•liH~tl'd. J the wa7 of openla~r up new markete for our Tbe ~aeaabtcs oap' co be uhamtd of Pareo01, Can~ Wlai&e; 0a11aaaa, llaocloa· ,to.nl of lila ootal&iteoolea of tM hlaDcl, M,r. Pcnas ·could not underatand why Hat. ? Our 6ab wu goiug to be MD' all.. tbeiDIIl•• If &bey Old aoyll111 oo Ule Sa­ aell. 'foblra, Vehob, &Iii ·o .... ae. Srd.-Tba& aM banur til• -~ ial tbe t>ov.-rnnaeul d0111 no& aak l contracta to at.,.n~terll by one bon. lie Ul'lled tbe oecoaaity of eondio~r a man peth1 with crime anywhere. He did oo~ blm their Speall:er, be woald ootr tender trict of1S..y-de· Ve~ do. The petition era ut for all uld obj.tct to lbem bia reelgoation u Speater of the for a eum of 160 co ooable them to remoYe LlV.F.R, KIDNF:YS anti BOWEI..S. II "''"' laat aeuion tb.. c a pl'\:SIIurv wu tho IUII!Itltion, eugaged the aervicu of tbe tbe amendment, which be oorwdertd out A-mbl7, aad io doing eo be befged to tho atuoea •blch bue collected io what Ia hrou,:bt co bear to ~:iN tbe coo t ric~ for learned Dr. Skeltou for tbat parpoae,yet po reflection on aoybody, but merely re· eipreM hia apprecladoa of th'a grut court­ koowo aa Hudeoo'a Dock. In Con8f'ltion and Obatruotiona ot nery cu... ta l IWAIII to a llrarger. It wu con· wo hue beard oolbing about it aiace. If grotted Ule gollt7 partiea were not puoiab­ .., wbioh be bad ahra71 reoeiYod froa& the llr. GARLAND guo notice that be will on kind they quickly remoye tbe cauae,a.nd ' •""~ll l ba t the moat a1ul'lo accurity would tho bon. gentleman baa receind bia pay td. He would, therefore, 'ote (or Mr. HouM duriug bit tenore of u!Bc.. Al­ to-morrow aat lean to introdu.:e a Bill to in oonaLipe~ion and diaordered oo~ itiou Penuoy'a amendment. l•e furthcowiog; in b et, lbat be had mil. lor the l&lDe, each 1 cooteod ia oot a aufli· tbooah he realaaed the po.litioo, be iucrnae the l:topre4eut.alioo or tho Diltrlct of tho Bowe ls, they aot~a ~amg hou• at hit back. WhAt wu the faol ? cieot report for the lloaJC, aod we a!lould Mr. Gault& aald be would YCKe agaluat would tate bie aeat aa formerly among the oi Bay-da· Verde. aperient. 'l'l•a aeourlty to carry out thu co nlrac ~ baYo been illformed u to wbat waa doae ill the ameuddleot., 6rat bee& ate t~Je Addreae membera of lbe Houee. Mr HR.ADSilA w protonte d a petition from For DeiJilitated Oonsfi u tona nd all cnuhl not be ob~o~ioeJ . The loweat tender lbo n.atter. etated all that h wu o-ry te a&ate, •l..a.., He thou baadod bia written reaignation to William Heat!, and about thcrt7 or forty Fo m~~olo Oomplainla theao P illa are un.o otfcred by Mf'llrl. llatYOJ ,\ Co. waa t:IO,. Mr. NooNAN tboagbt tba.t the abon a~b · that an out.rag.t bad bee.n oommitted wbtcb the Clerk, etet:ing that tbo rulgoalioo olben, inbabitaota of Harbor Hull'et, Pla· IJ4/V n11dur bia. Yet., we were blamed for jed wu ooo woll worth7 of our earheat we all regre'- and tbu thete waa an ugly would tall:t elfoct immodi&tely after tho ad· oeotla S..y, upoo tile aabjeol of a road be· aurt>""''oJ-they oorre.:lalllaresu lw.ri t ie~~ 11oL aC<:tlptioll the contract, althnnj[b, u I atlentiAlo. He thought that a report ebould feelior on aocouot of It, (rhich I.!Je good jouromenL tweeo Harbor BuBot aod the 'l'iokleL and Weakneaa011 from "l&atefOr t:aUIIO lwforu i tated, tbtre Wl\1 A difTeteDCO Of bavo beoo laid oo tbe .table to eoabfe u. to eeue of the people o~tgbl to li•o dowo,. The Houe then adjourned until half put Wblle addreaein!( the Aoa.ae I Witt. tn ez.. ariaing. $ tu,tW b..twceu hia t.coder aud tho ooo by aacertain tomothiog about tbo beAitb aad Seoo_pd. beca111e h would be a nry thtoo to-morrow afteraoon. pre11 my 6rm allol!iance co tho Oppoaitioo r~~i . Tl>6 Allan Cumpaoy inn ructiuna receiYed Jrom tbe GoYemmeot 'fribuoal aucb u the l:loue wblcb may be aeooodod by tho Hou. llr. Doooelly, aod AVER'S slltnds unrivalled for the f .. ~tlity it da.. bad tbe honor of a a.. t In tbia Aaaeoobly. .. ~ aw•yod by perl.il.au feeling. He pointed ...... "·•~ a r i~o:ht to !;if c tho uotico referred to he bad pN>c~eded to lbo ~brador and per· noaoimoaelf paaeed, tbat J~ben Bond, W bilo ner thoro ie a dollar iu tbo cboa~ I CATHARTIC playa in relie ving, healing, and' t bor­ iu thu Speech fN>4 Oout, Rbeumetiam, and all Skin dis- tir e ... ouly giv10u thu otncr daJ, aod if we time, be bad oo doubt, that lbe reporl toe cooaidered It not rigbl to paaa lbo SuuaDAT, Fob. 28. gablo in adYocal iog tho claima of bia coo· .all DllloUl>llordera. , aa.eodmeot. U the jury ayatom bo defec­ 0&8el, it acta oe a charm. l~t• • l acto•l ur>On it we abould bo charged will be laid upon the cable. The Hoaee met at S.SO, p.m atituenta. I am bappy w bear tho bon. 8olll OYOI'J'Wben• .AJWaJ'I re11abJao. ~ with doic~r wl.at waa tbo proyince of tho Tbo seotioo of the vN>poacd addreu bu­ tiyo, lot propor atepa be takeo to rectill Blact Rod appeared at tbo Dar aad o1omber npreasio~t nia atrong attacboDeot Mat.u!actured'only at P rofeaeor HOLLO" l.e~tis laturlt . '1 bat would bavo been a J. ust iog refereoco to tbo Harbor Gra.ce l'ngod7 it. He waa deligbtod to know tho bon. eummoood U!o Uou.o to tbo Council to arty tbat ait OYer bore, althonl(h Till'S. lllt' MURDO & Co., WA T'a E:!tabli11hmeni, ch«Tge, an•l on" for wbiob we ahoul be "'"' thea rud. It., togotber with the aae011ber for Carbooear would Yote agaioat CbllDber. a hea1oii to it ia uoquettioood. We Wh<>leenlo Agent, :5L Jobo'a. 633, OXFORD STRE~'T, LONDON, h~ l t.l ,..ponaiblu. Aa co our coMI'li eer­ apeechea ml\du io relation thereto, by Mr. tbe Gonro11.1eot. Snob more tban couoler­ Hie Excellency tho Go•eroor wM pleated leo! quito oortaio tba' witb 'bia party and eold at h. 16cl., 211. 9d., ·h. 6., 1 b., t.alaocf'd the alar cut on the Supremo &o approYo of tbe aolecuoo or a Spoator vic.., we were in tho ume poeition. '\Vo Peooey. Mr. Tbompeoo, lloo. Sir A. . Shea bo w1ll alwaya be fo11od. lL ia pleaa­ :.12a., an d 33s, each Box and Pot, and in hKd to pro• i•l., lor a temporarJ aonice. Jf &Dd CapL Da•o appeared it:a tho oT.llfD.U.O Court by the amendment. He regretted made by the Bouae. iosr to too• t ba' tbie pan7 Ia on the GENER·AL Canada at 36 cont.a,.. 00 oent.a, and &UiO rho V.uoutive ht.d edopted any cour11e of of Feb. 28 . Thereafter, the ioaulta to Captain Dawe. The Houae reluroed So ita chamber, an right eide wl..ile tho other i, loh, and it cont.a, a nol t ho larger ai:ws iu p roportiou. act.ion in thia 1•articular wbicb would bind Upou motion of Mr. Royd lbo Committee llr. GuU.ND would be careful no~ to lo­ adjourood until 3.30 pin. on Mon.tay. certainly bu ~o • lofl' moet igoowini· the cnlouy for auy laugtb of time we ebould roac, reporwd progreaa aad aeked le&Yc jure by bia remarh tho foelinga of olbere. MOIIP.r.T, March 2. oualy. h Ia Yery pleuiog to know that 4ssuraace0ollpanJ &:;rOAUTION - I have no .&gent in ' certtl'uly hftrtl do~oe "roog. DApeci.AIIy iu tn eit again. llo dopreceted iatrodaoiog a wpirit of par· Shortly alter the llouae opeoetl tbe tbat parl7 ia •irt11ally oo more and that iu a tho U.n.it.ed Statee, nor a:re my Ked.ioinoe Yh'"' of tht• fiV't t hftl the lAII(i.tlaturo was io Tho report wu upoo motion received tiv.oahip. We buo a right, howner, he membera proceeded to GoYoromont llouae fery abon wbile il will be entirely """ ul. ao1d there. Purohuere anonld therefore " 'io bia party. Jlo conaidered lloo. tbo Pa.FIIII R-ll!ive notice that I fur RUopllnn, ~ f ile firwl part of tho proceed in~ or thie Oo motion lbo llou11e an hu ioa boeo proved A• S • faYoret.l biln io the put with <1) ~rr eM aud ultud leuo to lit as:aiu. T ho conshlcred t!lftt tloough tho ll ~o ,bad tbo jury ayetom. We baYc io lbit Aaaembly oecorrod to induce me to leave thew. I agaioat him au a prOfioua cxr.ulon in re· their ordcrw, aod would intima~ at the s... rel'llrl wt.l upon w otiuu rcc c1 vod aoo.l adopt· poy,•er to 'make laws in reforenM,_to the a luge number of lawyera wboae nery ban ai111ply ri141o w inform the Houao ·~'of wbiob be wat coodomoe•t to death· samu ti wo that be haa faoilitiea for perform· ::r c:•l. S r1 premo Court aod to aill.lr tho robd,.e or day pnctlce makot tbom acquainted with of my .ruignatloo, and to uaert that tboec Uordoa, either doubting tbe effect wbich ins: work ia hi.a line 'lrilb unequalled de­ J'he llo"se thea adjoutoed till Monday reaal.og Ia Wltquallod. Upon tho aecuoo referrinq to the erec- indictmeote ebould bno been preeeot.ed tory, aod I ban nnor beard any general OOmpetonc to p~pare a Budget or to man· all the world muat deplore. Do t bat u It tion of Li11ht Hoo-aeyenl werubera offer· ajlllinet both aideL Uo looked npoo lobe complaint aioce. I am pot ao eoUre be· ap iho Jloaaclal a!alra of tbe OOWI"'J. I JO&y, one fact Noma beyond doub'- tb11t oo Oh\UOh Work-l"onta, Alt.an, Tableta, t!d aomo obaervatic.o. ameodmool u a daagcroua !oooYatiOD. liner io tbo admioiatnl.iou of ja.a&ice by may eay tbat we ban been no puty to tho tbt 26lb of January be opeued tbo gatoa of &c.-&ap~ cia l i ty . jury. I belicYc that it baa DOt kept pace GoYeromo&Jt membera coming onr to tbia Mr. HIUDSIU.W aaid be would lik 11 to en. Dr. Sa:tLTOII fully apprond of Mr. Pen· lbe citJ to tho Mabdl'a troopa. I fo ~l