
( • t VOLUME XXVI HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUN AND, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1885. NUJIBER B __..Advertisements. New Advertisements. SUP.B.BllltE OOVRT OJ' JfEWFOtJHD.. Wbll• CllDdldly admiWotr lob- facta be tbie ~~~at&er. He belleftcl tbtJ wolllcl U.. LAlll). LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. fttlt he eltould be rtere.ot to hie dot~ rlld preveoted Jt bad tlaay po-.cl tbe po..,.. he allow Ulle opponualtt to pue witbou' to do 10 l they )tere u much coooanMct Queen n. llltidulel Coady and Otben. deol&ritlr .hit ecophado diappronl of &he aboa& • It u lobo .boo gentlem&a blmtolf. For the W~ul Drder of Willlam •DOilNII rDI'tUed by thelll i D e&rr)'iog OD the Tuann, Feb.t7. Ha q~ttt.e. lllfted that we ahonld .protlt bf' . French. ' worlt o coollruotion apoo Sooda)'l. He lobo uperinoa ol Ule ~Jiod iu allfa&are The bouae met at baJf.~t4. o'clock. • WU iaa~ "wltla &M OODYI~ &baa. ooakaoee be ..,..,.. to IUpota&e 411a1 tbe SlltiBS lion. M. A!OSIIO&. Ch, lrman of the So· auch opcu prolaoa&ioa or &he ab'-'b maal 'l'ho Add:osa to tho J'vy of tho So­ ubbat~ d.a.y mua~ be raapteted. He wu lect Co1nmiuee on the Addrea io reply to bavo a more delrimeaW effoot upoo the determinedly oppoaed to rnnu#.og of trt.1ua licitorGonoral, Jto:. Kr. Wintor H is Excellonc:y'e opening Speec:!l ; prceeu~· rllorala of tho community thu tho docIt it aod t.ll aerrile wo~k opoo tbo Lord'• day. ed " draft thoroof which wu, 'oo motioo, likely to beue8t lobem iu a materi&l eeoao. MOKDAT, Jao 19th. No ~tood wbateYer can como or auch a rocei ..od eod read : to be read & aeeood 'l'be Governmeot w ay or may n o& be opeo practice bat lolruite milcbief. (C6>!(/udtd.) time to-morrow. to coruntro in tbie Ulatter, perhaps they are Huo. U R. Ani io raplyl&id bo <lid not Nouce w1111 then ,;l,co by boo. Mo:r­ Tho po? plo of H"rbor Grace. of ali M. not; hot if they could not abaolutely pro· 1tat41 that tbe gonromeoL l.oolt oo nc».lco UOII for 1uapenaioo of the !15th Rule of tho c:II\I&Cia and creeds, had beeu liYiD!f togetbar not aaoh uooeoeaary and open Yiol•tioo of tho walter in que1tlou i bat bo bouse with reference tho Addrea. hadl!­ in tbo greateAt harmony aod upoo tho .. ory io of tho lllllotlly or tbe ubbatb it w11 at t.ended tbat It wu loboir bouuden du On mo~ion of boo. COLONIAL SCCRETABY, leaat lobeir bonodeo duty to han remoo­ _\V"y experiment wi~h unknown mixtu•·es -vithout ~Ju,racter or t·eputAt ion, when beat of terms, aocmlly, c:omm~rcially. poli· bave re~oo1trat.ed agt.ioat it lu the oa~ puraDI\IIt to notice. tho following geotlomeo atrat.ed apl01t it with all the weight &ad tically, aod in every other relation of life; oat poaatblo m&anor. - I tlu:~ . wud.J rcn<'wned Pal~- KlLLER, which h11111tood tho 1est of o\·cr 40 ye~~rs, wore appoinUtl aa a committee 011 printing t be wembera of the Society were oo cxc:cp· io8ueoco at their colllm&ad. There wall oo . lloo .•R. 'l'HOBIUIUf had boeo nuder Ute a m oo 11.-J lor tiJo uwo pnoe at any Drug Store in the Doooinion 1 aod oootiogeocies for tbo Seaion. uraeooy for &hat courao, 10 loog aa they tion to this rule ; t.Dd it baa not boca pro· 1mpreaa1ou tl!at thoro w11 a local atatute to ) Uonble1. Moura. Colonial Secretary, R. worhd eYery day aod oigbt if ooed be of :B.ltAD THE FOLLOWING. too Jed tbat tho exiateoce of tbe Society or prOY~DL doeecralioo of tbe aabbatb by pre• Thorburn, A. llo.rvoy, P. Cleary, &ad J. lobe alx lawful workiog day• of tho week · veunosr •~r vllo work upoo SIUidaya. He it& operatiooa, duriug all tho yeara aioco ita and it Ia mueb to be deplored that atran: .. 0TrAW\, Ont., !llarcb 2, \ 880. formatiou in Uubor Grace, bu ever beoo, ~mL - wu now tofwmeu by tho bon Colooit.l Tho hoaao tben o~.djou roed autil Thor•· cera &ad foreleoera are allowed to come 1 he wnter bft~ b~en aellinsr P~ny Duia' Pa;(, Killer now for the lllBt 2:! yeanr, or wa.a ever hk!b'to be. the opcuioo of a Sec:roA.ry that tbero i1 oot, &ad aooll beiug day u..ut. · amoo~t ua &ad purauo couraeA lhat mun tu ul ~ u eo~oll<lcu<ly rtconuueod it to 1hu public u 11 1nro remedy for Cholet a, Diarr­ tliaturbaoco of tbis cnnditioo of thiog.. the caao ao! mill ia t.t liberty, to opeu his matent.lly injure tbe moral and religioaa hrea. !Sore l1orn11t, C hronic (;onQhe. Uronchitia. llurna, l)cnhis. &c. ll..vo known it N..st wo han tbe fact tb11t at this ray it· 1hop for watance, aud carry on h11 uaual rUT ' TuunaoAT, Feb. 19. 11&tW1 or onr people. As chrialllllt it it tH cur .. " ::iy!'hilitic Sco re Thr ol\ ~ of two ye11ra' etl\tl•linJ!. wheo a ll tho u•ual rcme­ basroeaa ou Sauday a.a well aa ou t.Dy other c:.u.; ?( ~~:I f , of all the terTiblo acta wbich were com· T ho boullo met at half.pnat 4 o'clock. the duty of tho government aa well aa tho .IH·M f~1lco l. I he f~ &ll u nt rook half 11 tcn1.poo nful in wfltn threl' timeaa day, aud gargled milled, it haa not been elocrWn that a aiugle day of tl:e week. Suob a courao would On :notion of bon. M. llfO!IIIOZ, purauaot lcg.ialt.,wre to ackn.o•lodgo tho Supremo JN>R th~ lloruat tbr~c tun~-. a dt.y witt.. ouu t.eMpoouful in" wiueglau or wl\tcr. iojury of tho lligbtoa~ kind wu ' indicted oftor a groa ioault to tbe moral aeoae of to tho " Ordrr of tho Day," tho bouao ~lOg &nJ uphold lilA lawa; and beariog in Youu, II. F. AhcCAltTHY. upou aoy peraoa by a aioglc member of tbo the community, aud be did not tbinlt t.ny . wcnl ioto commit teo of the wbolo upon m•od tho aacred ioakuction "rigbtcoua· perao~ !o it would bo fo11od ao far wt.nling Society ! tho Addreas,-hon. Wbito io tao oat.iooa, "we should, eapecially . TA 1\ 1·: :'-1 I NTEH~ ALLY. it curea D1Aeo~ry. Chnlcm. Diarrhrea, Cramp aod Pl\io 1 have but a low worda moro t.o say and E. ~~~~ e_ul~tb io reltgtoua feclioe aod in reapect for Lbo RHEUMATISM, ·~ llu•. :::itoul&ch. Uo ..· d Comjll•int, l'aiotcra· Colic. Liver (.;outploiut Vy1prpaira or ln· Chair. · 10 legtalatlDi for tho carryiog out of l'ublio .fcel!oge of bia fellow citlzcoa to do eo. Ia I aball leave tbd caao in your banda. 1t lloui'Gigia, S•iatica, Lumbago, Aftir aomo delibtralioo aod tho· adop· Worft:a, keep t iJIU couoaol alwa)'l io Yiew J ·~~s ll on , S u.l.r,.., Cnlua. ::)oru Tbroa<a. Colfl!bl, &c. ' would be idle for 111 to try to cooceal from tho caae or the dock tbe c:o ntmet.ofl& by Backache, Soronou of tho Chest, tion of a fow paragrapb1, tiJo corumiU.eo aod be particular io seoiug tht.t tho laws of USED EXTEil:>IALLY i ~ c:n reft lloile. F..ton~. llru i~ea. ColA. Burns. SCIIIda. 0 1<1 Sore• ouraelvea tltA fact lbat tho ocourreoaea employing oporativea to work upoo it on Gout, QuiniJ, Soro Thi'Oa4 SwtJII· rose, reported p rogn:as aud ..,.kod huuo to God t.te duly resprcted. Ho thoURht that Rnd SprAin•. Swclliul!e of t hA ,Joints. TontJoacl:u. l'ain lu t!Jo FRee Ncurnl.,ia0 aud wbich aro under io•e1tigation in t bia c:ue­ Suudaya wero guilty or a Yiollttioa of tbe ing1 and Spi'Oins, 6urn1 411d llhcumatiau:, Cbapp<al llauda, Frost-bitten Feet.. &tt. ' bi\Yo ajtitatcd aotl are alii! agit&tiug the ait~~ .,d tho Governmoot exuciaod ita authority, aabbatb "hich bu aot tho justification of ;-no ootUo Uicn adjooroed uotlllo-mor· tho act complalnod of llll&bt hue boon pro· $cald1, Gsnoral Bodifr wbolo community ; that atroog p1rty aod ucccuiLy. Thoro wae oo urgent pret.a­ Sold by all dealcr4 1n Fnmily :\ledicioea tho wnrld around. raw. vented. He believed no boo. member of PaiRI, aec:tArian feelinsa hue lloeo aroused aod uro calling for it; there waa pleuty of Lime tbia honorable body could take t.uy other i'•·ico 20c•. 25c , unrl fi Oc. per uoulo people ba••o ranged t boa.Jelvea into oppoa· to <'Omplete tbo worlt wittlout roaortiog to Toof!J, Ear anti He•daohs, Frottod ) F RIDAT, Fob. than tbo Yicw bo bad npr-'d upon tbit Bowo.ro of CoWl~orfei~ et.od Im!t.at.ioos. l.•g parties, both a.a reguda tho facta 110d 20. Sunday labour. Ho tbouaht tho 1oooor Foot and Ear1, and all oilJer F,·lt. 7 The Uou10 met at half-put 4 o'clock. mat.ter, aod be waa CGostrainod to exprou legal mcllls be coacted to prevent t. ,..,_ Pains and Achos. olber roattora ariaiug out ol tho cue. lL ie b .t natural uudcr e.ch circuDISiaocea ORlft:Jt OF TilE DAY-OOllMITIEE hia at.rougest disapproval of t.
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