75 then of Wellington-terrace, Waterloo-road, , then Pursuant to the Acts for the Relief of Insolvent of Alfred-street, Bedford-square, and late of No. 48, Debtors in . Sidney-street, Fulham-road, all in Middlesex> Commission Agent, and Dealer in Ink, and Sauce. See Notice at the End. TAKE NOTICE. The following PRISONERS, whose Estates and 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Pri- Effects have been vested in the Provisional soner's discharge, notice of such intention must Assignee by Order of the Court for Relief of " be given, by entry thereof in the proper page and Insolvent Debtors, and whose Petitions and columns of the book kept for that purpose at the Schedules, duly filed, have been severally re- Office of the Court, between the hours of Eleven in ferred and transmitted to the County Courts the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon, two hereinafter mentioned, pursuant to the Statute clear days before the day of hearing above men- in that behalf, are ordered to be brought up tioned, exclusive of Sunday, and exclusive both of before the Judges of the said Courts respec- the day of entering such notice and of the said tively, as herein set forth, to be dealt with day of hearing; but in the case of a Prisoner, for according to Law: the removal of whom for hearing in the country an order has been obtained, but not carried into Before the Judge of the County Court of effect by the Creditors, notice of opposition will , holden at Lancaster, on Friday the be sufficient if given one clear day before the day 20th day of January, 1854, at Twelve o'Clock of hearing. at Noon precisely.' N. B. Entrance to the Office in Portugal-street. David Clegg, formerly of Primett-bridge, Colne, in the county of Lancaster, Sizor and Farmer, then of the same place, Farmer only, and late of the same place, out of 2. The petition and schedule, and all books, business. papers, and writings filed therewith, will be William Simpson, formerly a lodger in Bryden-street, Tip- produced by the proper Officer for inspection and ping-street, Ardwick, afterwards of No. 123, Grosvenor- street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, carrying on business examination until the last day for entering op- jointly with George Brockbank, as Pianoforte Dealers, position inclusive; and copies of the petition under the firm of William Simpson and Company, after- and schedule, or such part thereof as shall wards Pianoforte Maker, on his separate account, and late be required, will be provided by the proper a lodger at No. 46, Rosamond-street East, Chorlton-upon- Medlock aforesaid, all in Manchester, Journeyman Piano- Officer, according to the Act 1 and 2 Yict. forte Maker. c. 110, sec. 105. Robert Bradley, late of -road, Accrington, and having a workshop in Old Accrington, Lancashire, 3. Notice to produce at the hearing any books Joiner and Builder. or papers filed with the schedule must be given John Lomas, formerly of Patrick, and late of Saint Vincent- street, both in Glasgow, Pattern Designer, and Salesman, 50 the Officer having the custody thereof, within to Calico Printers. the hours above mentioned, on any day previous Holt Edmondson, formerly in lodgings at No. 23, Royle- to the day of hearing. street, Rusholme-road, then of No. 76, Higher Chatham- street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, and late of Wellsley- , street, Hulme, all in Manchester, formerly Commercial 4. Opposition at the hearing can only be Traveller, but latterly out of employment. made by the Creditor in person, or by Counsel Richard Airay, late of No. 43. China-lane, Lancaster, in the appearing for him. county of Lancaster, Letter Carrier and News Agent. James Mellor the youuger, late of Hollinwood, near Oldham, Lancashire, Grocer and Provision Dealer, (sued as James Mellor. William Johnson Wood, late of Rose Villa, Rush ford Park, County Court of Lancashire, holden at Lancaster. Levenshulme, and occupying a warehouse and premises No. 4, Brown-street, both in Manchester, Shirt and Stock ASSIGNEES have been appointed in the following Manufacturer, and lastly Commercial Traveller. John Bradbury, late of Heaton-lane, Heaton Norris, in the Cases. county of Lancaster, Hosier and Haberdasher. William Dawson, formerly of Blackley, near Manchester, Court, Friday, 2nd December, 1853. in the county of Lancaster, afterwards of Porter-street, John Leedam, late of Lower House, near Burnley, in the Manchester aforesaid, Grocer and Provision Dealer, and county of Lancaster, Tailor and Draper, Insolvent, No. late of the Commercial Inn Beerhouse, Lower Crunipsall, 77,295 ; William Me Gill, Assignee. near Manchester aforesaid, Grocer, Provision Dealer, and Richard Winder, late of Market-street, Blackpool, in the Beerseller. county of Lancaster, Boot and Shoe Maker, Insolvent, No. William Cross, formerly of Church Bank, Bolton-le-Moors, 77,286 ; Joseph Coulston, Assignee. in the county of Lancaster, Grocer and Provision Dealer, John Mather, late a lodger at No. 6, Sun-street, Liverpool, afterwards of the Wellington Inn, Garside-street, Bolton> in the county of Lancaster, out of business, Insolvent, No. le-Moors aforesaid, Licensed Victualler, and late in lodg- 77,314 ; James Calvin, Assignee. ings at the Grapes Beerhouse, Brown-street, Little Bolton, Bolton-le-Moors aforesaid, out of business. Court, Friday, 16th December, 1853. William Haynes, late of Droylsden,near Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Grocer and Provision Dealer, also Jane Wignall, late a lodger in Aughton-street, Southport' Lodge Keeper and Roller Coverer at a Cotton Manufac- in the county of Lancaster, Widow, Insolvent, No. 77,378» tory at the same Place. John Grice, Assignee. Thomas Billington, formerly of the Odd Fellows' Arms, John Jdgiagton, late a lodger in Duke-street, Everton, Adelplii-street, Preston, in the county of Lancaster, after- Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, Assistant to a wards of the Masons' Arms, Mason-street, Preston, afore- Galvanized and Corrugated Iron Manufacturer, Insolvent, said. Licensed Victualler, and late of Meadows-street, No. 77,316 ; William Watson, Assignee. Preston aforesaid, out of business. William Holden, late of Blacksuipe over Darwin, near John Meadow, formerly of Blague-gate, Laytham, near Blackburn, in the county of Lancaster, Blacksmith, (sued Ormskirk, in the county of Lancaster, Farmer, and late •with Richard Holden), Insolvent, No. 77,291; Edmuud of Scarth-hill, near Ormskirk aforesaid, Farm Labourer. Holden, Assignee. Richard Makin, formerly of Jersey-street, Great Ancoat- Richard Holden, late of Lime Hills over Darwin, near street, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Hat Blackburn, in the county of Lancaster, Quarryman, (sued Manufacturer, and Beer Seller, and late of Silk-street, with William Holden), Insolvent, No. 77,292; Edmund Oldham-road, Manchester aforesaid, formerly a Hat Holden. Assignee. Manufacturer on bis own account, and late Journeyman James Townley, late of No. 27, Clemsons-buildings, Great Hat Manufacturer. Horrocks, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Pro- Samuel Lees, formerly residing in Moor Hey, Oldham, in vision and Coal Dealer, and Dyer, Insolvent, No. 77,290; the county of Lancaster, at the same time occupying a Samuel Dewhurst, Assignee. portion of a Warehouse at Mount Pleasant, Oldham aforesaid, Cotton Waste Dealer, and afterwards occupying a Warehouse at Chat Moss, Oldham aforesaid, carrying