GCP/MOZ/079/BEL. Baseline Survey. November/December 2006 Baseline survey November/December 2006 GCP/MOZ/079/BEL Protecting and Improving Household Food security and Nutrition in HIV/AIDS affected areas of Manica and Sofala Province. FAO / Belgium Survival Fund Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Ministry of Healt, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Women and Social Action and the Ministry of Planning and Development. 4 year project. 2005-2008. Support for technical assistance on questionnaire development and data analysis was provided by the FAO Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division through the EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme, GCP/GLO/162/EC 1 GCP/MOZ/079/BEL. Baseline Survey. November/December 2006 Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the support given to the author of the report by Terri Ballard and Lorenza Mistura of the EC/FAO Programme who with unfailing good spirits continued to improve the analysis of the data from the baseline survey. I would also like to praise the enumerators who, despite difficult field conditions, produced a surprisingly clean set of questionnaires for analysis; giving us the confidence to draw conclusions from the information and hopefully take the discussion on how to develop a robust and practical measurement of food insecurity a step closer to conclusion. Kerry Selvester.
[email protected]. Maputo, Mozambique May 2007 2 GCP/MOZ/079/BEL. Baseline Survey. November/December 2006 Glossary and Abbreviations BMI Body Mass Index EC European Community FANTA Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation HFIAS Household Food Insecurity Access Scale HDDS Household Dietary Diversity Score IDDS Individual Dietary Diversity Score (IDDS) 3 GCP/MOZ/079/BEL.