Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 355, App. A
Environmental Protection Agency Pt. 355, App. A Release means any spilling, leaking, the facility is located. In the absence pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, of a SERC for a State or Indian Tribe, discharging, injecting, escaping, leach- the Governor or the chief executive of- ing, dumping, or disposing into the en- ficer of the tribe, respectively, shall be vironment (including the abandonment the SERC. Where there is a cooperative or discarding of barrels, containers, agreement between a State and a and other closed receptacles) of any Tribe, the SERC shall be the entity hazardous chemical, EHS, or CERCLA identified in the agreement. hazardous substance. Solution means any aqueous or or- Reportable quantity means, for any ganic solutions, slurries, viscous solu- CERCLA hazardous substance, the tions, suspensions, emulsions, or quantity established in Table 302.4 of 40 pastes. CFR 302.4, for such substance. For any State means any State of the United EHS, reportable quantity means the States, the District of Columbia, the quantity established in Appendices A Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and B of this part for such substance. American Samoa, the United States Unless and until superseded by regula- Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana tions establishing a reportable quan- Islands, any other territory or posses- tity for newly listed EHSs or CERCLA sion over which the United States has hazardous substances, a weight of 1 jurisdiction and Indian Country. pound shall be the reportable quantity. Threshold planning quantity means, SERC means the State Emergency for a substance listed in Appendices A Response Commission for the State in and B of this part, the quantity listed which the facility is located except in the column ‘‘threshold planning where the facility is located in Indian quantity’’ for that substance.
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