Warren Commission, Volume XXIII: CE 1830
.1o-. I" ... ,_,_,.I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION BS 105-10942 DETAILS : C.FT - At Northeast Harbo r, Maine : investigation was conducted by R.F ." a. The following Dm, SA DARREL B . CURRIE Or'"' Boston, Massachusetts SA RAYMOND G . ROSS on December 12 and 13, 1963 : 12/23/63 M . YOUNG, nee FORBES, FI.N Off' . Fu. n ARTHUR M . YOUNG and Mrs . ARTIPJR 0..,.N. FII . ° are not residents of Northeast Harbor, Maine, or regular summer 105-10942 105-126128 following : T.Ic 105-126129 visitors and are unknown to the RICHARD A . SMITH, Postmaster, Northeast Harbor, MI HAEfRM"AINE Maine as- Mrs . ESTHER S . BROWN, Part Owner, F . T . Brown Company, Main Street, Northeast Harbor, Maine INTERNAL SECURITY - R ST.-W. CARLO NINFI, Tax Collector and Treasurer, Northeast Harbor, Maine Mrs . ARTHUR M . YOUNG and family, 35 E . 75th The 1950 Directory and Handbook of Northeast Harbor, St ., New York the names of summer visitors discloses City, N .Y ., resided at Kimball House, a seasonal hotel, Maine, which contains New York Northeast Harbor, Maine, summer of 1950 . No record of M:s . ARTHUR M . YOMIG and family, 35 East 75th Street, City, N . Y ., Pesided at the Kimball House, a seasonal hotel, MICHAEL RALPH PAINE at this hotel . Hotel records show exact period of Mrs . STANLEY GOODWIN of New York and her daughter, JANE L . Northeast Harbor, during the summer of 1950, GOODWIN, also summer guests in 1950 . Credit and arrest residence not stated . checks at Northeast Harbor, Maine, were negative . Prof .
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