Depositions of Marina Oswald Porter
DEPOSITIONS OF MARINA OSWALD PORTER Staff Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations U.S. House of Representatives Ninety-fifth Congress Second Session March 1979 (317) 43-792 0 - 79 - 21 CONTENTS Page Introduction _____________________________________________________________ 319 Deposition of Marina Oswald Porter, Sept . 20, 1977____________________________ 319 Deposition of Marina Oswald Porter, Aug. 9, 1978_____________________________ 349 (318) INTRODUCTION During Marina Oswald Porter's public testimony before the com- mittee on September 13, 1978, Congressman Preyer stated the two depositions slie had previously given the committee's staff would be made part of the committee's final report. Those depositions are re- printed in their entirety in this appendix. DEPOSITION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1977 HOUSE OF REPREsENTATIvEs, SELECT COMMITTEE oN ASSASSINATIONS, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 :44 a.m., in room 16G28, Federal Building, Dallas, Tex. Present : Ken Klein, assistant deputy chief counsel, and Clifford Fenton, chief investigator. Mr. MULLOY. For the record, I am Patrick H. Mulloy, U.S. Magis- trate for the Northern District of Texas, here for the purpose of swearing in Marina Oswald Porter for a deposition this morning. Will you raise your right hand? Do you solemnly swear the testimony you will give on this deposi- tion will be the truth, so help you God? Mrs. PORTER. I do. Mr. MULLOY. Further, pursuant to the laws of the United States, I am authorized-I wish I had a copy of the Code--1 am authorized to take oaths. DIRECT EXAMINATION Mr. KLEIN. Good morning. My name is Kenneth Klein and I am the assistant deputy chief counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
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