Statistics of Migrations, National Tables, Mexico, West Indies, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dutch Guiana, Venezuela
This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: International Migrations, Volume I: Statistics Volume Author/Editor: Walter F. Willcox Volume Publisher: NBER Volume ISBN: 0-87014-013-2 Volume URL: Publication Date: 1929 Chapter Title: Statistics of Migrations, National Tables, Mexico, West Indies, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dutch Guiana, Venezuela Chapter Author: Walter F. Willcox Chapter URL: Chapter pages in book: (p. 499 - 536) MEXICO 501 MEXICO These statistics were first collected in 1909.In that year they were published in a separate volume which contained particulars not col- lected or not published later.For instance, aliens were classified not only according to thei.r nationality, but also according to the country of their last permanent residence. The statistics relateto both the continental and intercontinental migrations of citizens and aliens.However, after 1910 the distinction between these two formsof migration cannot be exactly drawn.The majority of aliens arrivefrom or proceed to overseas countries, while the contrary is the case for citizens. TABLE 1.—DISTRIBUTION OFIMMIGRANTS (CITIZENS AND ALIENS DISTINGUISHED) BY SEX AND AGE, 1909-10. 1909 1910 Age Total Males Fcinalcs Total Males Females Up to 5 years 2,403 1,202 1,201 3,297 1,719 1,578 6 to 12" 2,486 1,340 1,146 - 2,806 1,531 1,365 13to 18" 3,420 2,203 1,217 4,705 3,213 1,492 19to 40" 35,974 27,027 8,947 56,612 44,880 11,732 41years and over 14,165 11,311 2,854 19,399 15,704 3,695 Total 58,448 43,083 15,365 86,909 67,047 19,862 Of which: repatriated citizens 16,069 11,792 4,277 37,227 29,436 7,791 alien immigrants 42.379 31,291 11,088 49,682 37,611 12,071 TABLE 11.—DISTRIBUTION OF IMMIGRANTS, BY OCCUPATION AND SEX, 1909.
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