By Discipline for Tavris and Aaronson's Mistakes Were Made
Index by discipline for Tavris and Aaronson’s Mistakes Were Made American Government, Political Science, and History Abramoff, Jack, 45 Bush, George W. Iraq War, 2-3, 235 Cheney, Dick, 40 Clinton, Bill, adultery, 5 Dean, John; Nixon, Watergate, 6-7 DeLay, Tom; congressman, 45 Gingrich, Newt, adultery 5 Haldeman, Bob; Watergate, Nixon Administration, 34-35 Johnson, Lyndon; Vietnam War, 3, 7 Iranian hostage crisis, 187-188, 190-191 Kissinger, Henry; Nixon Administration, 1, 3 Liddy, G. Gordon; Watergate, Nixon Administration, 35 Magruder, Jeb Stuart; Watergate, Nixon Administration, 34-36 Mitchell, John; Watergate, Nixon Administration, 35 Party bias, 43 Scalia, Antonin; Supreme Court Justice, 40 Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi,, 187-188 Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 209-212 Criminal Justice and Law False confessions, 127-157 Wrongful convictions, 127-157 Ethics/Bioethics Adultery: Clinton, Bill, 5; Gingrich, Newt, 5 Biotechnological research, 47-51 Cheating, 32-33 Euthanasia, Schiavo, Terri, 186-187, 190 False confessions, 127-157 Industrial solvents and brain damage, 41 The virtuous circle of benevolence and compassion, 28-29 Marino, Gordon, 5 Pharmacological testing, 45-51 Reciprocity, 51-55 Torture, abuse, 197-208 Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 209-212 Wrongful convictions, 127-157 Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology Alien abduction stories, 88-96 Catharsis theory false, 25-27 Confirmation bias, 18-20, 174 Dissonance theory’s challenge
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