Case3:15-cv-00612-SC Document1 Filed02/09/15 Page1 of 45 1 AMSTER, ROTHSTEIN & EBENSTEIN LLP ANTHONY F. LO CICERO, NY SBN1084698 2
[email protected] CHESTER ROTHSTEIN, NY SBN2382984 3
[email protected] MARC J. JASON, NY SBN2384832 4
[email protected] JESSICA CAPASSO, NY SBN4766283 5
[email protected] 90 Park Avenue 6 New York, NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 336-8000 7 Facsimile: (212) 336-8001 (Pro Hac Vice Applications Forthcoming) 8 HANSON BRIDGETT LLP 9 GARNER K. WENG, SBN191462
[email protected] 10 CHRISTOPHER S. WALTERS, SBN267262
[email protected] 11 425 Market Street, 26th Floor San Francisco, California 94105 12 Telephone: (415) 777-3200 Facsimile: (415) 541-9366 13 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 14 MACY'S, INC. and MACYS.COM, INC. 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 18 19 MACY'S, INC. and MACYS.COM, INC., Case No. 20 Plaintiffs, COMPLAINT FOR TRADEMARK 21 INFRINGEMENT, FALSE ADVERTISING, v. FALSE DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN, 22 DILUTION, AND UNFAIR COMPETITION STRATEGIC MARKS, LLC and ELLIA 23 KASSOFF, DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 24 Defendants. 25 26 27 28 -1- COMPLAINT Case3:15-cv-00612-SC Document1 Filed02/09/15 Page2 of 45 1 Plaintiffs Macy’s, Inc. and, Inc. (collectively and individually “Macy’s” or 2 “Plaintiffs”), by their attorneys, for their complaint against Defendants Strategic Marks, 3 LLC (“Strategic Marks”) and Ellia Kassoff (collectively “Defendants”) allege as follows: 4 INTRODUCTION 5 1. Macy’s is commencing this action on an emergent basis to prevent the 6 expansion of Defendants’ willful, intentional and flagrant misappropriation of Macy’s 7 famous trademarks.