Legislative Assembly Hansard 1974

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Legislative Assembly Hansard 1974 Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1974 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Land Tax Act Amendment Bill [29 OcTOBER 1974] Election of Speaker 1677 TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1974 THE CLERK OF THE PARLIAMENT (Mr. C. George) took the chair at 11 a.m. VACANCY IN OFFICE OF SPEAKER The Cl,erk: I have to inform the House that I have received the following letter from the Honourable the Speaker, the Honourable W. H. Lonergan, M.L.A.- "Brisbane, 28th October 1974. "The Clerk of the Parliament, "Parliament House, "Brisbane. "Dear Sir, "I hereby tender my resignation as Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland and as Member for the Electoral District of Flinders. Yours faithfully, W. H. Lonergan." In accordance with the provisiOns of Standing Order No. 9, I have to report that by reason of such resignation a vacancy now exists in the office of Speaker. ELECTION OF SPEAKER Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah -Premier) (11.1 a.m.): Mr. George, on behalf of all Government members, I move- "That Mr. James Edward Hiram Houghton do take the Chair of the House as Speaker." Mr. BromJey: I saw you shaking his hand on Friday. Opposition Members interjected. Mr. BJELKE-PETERSEN: I am sure that all honourable members on this side of the House support the motion. On behalf of all honourable members on this side of the House and, I am sure, the other side, I express very deep regret that Mr. Lonergan's condition of health is such that he felt impelled to tender his resignation. Hon. Sir GORDON CHALK (Lockyer­ Treasurer) (11.2 a.m.): Mr. George, I have much pleasure in seconding the motion moved by the Premier. I believe that Mr. Houghton, because of his years of experience in this House, will be able to discharge the duties and responsibilities of Speaker capably and without fear or favour. I regard the Speakership of this House as a position of very great importance. Mr. NEWTON (Belmont) (11.3 a.m.): Mr. George, I move- 'That Mr. Harold Dean do take the Chair of the House as Speaker." In the election of a member of Parliament to the very important and high office of Speaker, members should be given a choice. 1678 Election of Speaker [29 OCTOBER 1974] Election of Speaker We do not accept the demands that have Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) (11.7 been made in past weeks about this very a.m.): Point the finger of scorn at me, Mr. important position by the National Party in George. this Parliament. In Mr. Dean we have a This, of course, is a very solemn occasion man with almost 15 years' experience in this -or it should be-when the House in Parliament, a man who has occupied the deliberate assembly elects its Speaker, a man position of Temporary Chairman of Com­ required by tradition, law and the Standing mittees on a number of occasions, a man Orders made by the Parliament itself to con­ who has proved to this Parliament that, in duct the business of the House as it should be this position, he can control this Assembly conducted. with the dignity required of an honourable member in that important position. I knew the honourable member for Red­ cliffe during the war. He was a major in Mr. MARGINSON (Wolston) (11.4 a.m.): charge of an Army unit in Townsville. He Mr. George, it is with great pleasure that I rendered service to his country with honour second the motion moved by the honourable and distinction; I have no doubt many other member for Belmont that Mr. Harold Dean, members of this Chamber did the same. the honourable member for Sandgate, be I very much regret that my old mate, my elected Speaker of this Assembly. Before fellow westerner, Mr. Bill Lonergan, has proceeding further I express regret that the found it necessary to resign the Speakership former Speaker and member for Flinders and his seat in this House. Of course, Bill has found it necessary to retire from that Lonergan had one failing; he was much too office and Parliament. I recollect, as no much a gentleman to be the Speaker of this doubt do all honourable members, his elec­ Assembly. He allowed great latitude to the tion to the Speakership over two years ago members of the A.L.P. I know that in the when this Parliament approved what was past some of the children up in the public tantamount to a motion of no confidence in galleries-and the galleries are full of the other nominee for the position, that is, children now-have gone away absolutely Mr. Houghton, the honourable member for disgusted at the actions and the antics of Redcliffe. In fact, though it was a secret members of the A.L.P. Those members not ballot, I believe that a great majority of the only tried Bill Lonergan's patience but also Liberal Party members supported the tried our sense of decency more than once. member for Flinders at that time. Mr. D'Arcy interjected. Mr. Lane: How would you know? It wasn't in the Trades Hall. It was a secret Mr. AIKENS: You are one of the worst ballot. offenders. Stand up and let them have a look at you. Mr. MARGINSON: Now we have the shady part of the Liberal Party interrupting An Opposition Member: We elected him. the proceedings, which I hope will be con­ Mr. AIKENS: Of course you elected him. ducted with dignity and decorum. That, I You played a dirty, filthy game of party believe, would be assured by the election of politics to put Bill Lonergan in the chair. the honourable member for Sandgate to the Don't think for one moment that you tricked Speakership. Bill when you did it. I knew the honourable member for Sand­ We heard quite a lot from the member gate for many years before I came into the who just resumed his seat, the honourable House. He is one in whom I have the member for Wolston, about dignity and greatest confidence. He is one who, I believe, decorum. Being a great mate of Bill Loner­ will carry out the duties of Mr. Speaker as gan's-I knew him in the West-I doubt they should be carried out. I look for the whether anyone else would have got to support of all honoumble members for the where Bill Lonergan did after the hattle he election of the honourable member for Sand­ had to get there. I first knew him as a gate because I ,believe it would be for the young man at a place called Malbon, which good of the Assembly to have such a man, is a long way out in the West. who has had much experience as Temporary Chairman of Committees. I fully support his Mr. Davis interjected. nomination. Only a few weeks ago the Speakership Mr. AIKENS: Listen to the honourable was held out as a bribe by the National member for Brisbane, who never did a day's Party to the Liberal Party in return work in his life and who still hangs round the for its agreement to an early election. It S.P. shops in Spring Hill trying to pick up a proposed that the Government's present bit here and there on the side. Fancy him, nominee should be the Speaker as part of of all people, laughing at the suggestion that the deal for an early election. We Bill Lonergan did a decent day's work. He remember that quite distinctly. Doesn't that did more work in one day than the hon­ boil down to outside influence upon the ourable member for Brisbane has ever heard determination of whom the Speaker of this of. Assembly should be? I urge honourable Bill Lonergan came up the hard way. I members to support the nomination of the was one of those in the back country who honourable member for Sandgate. came up with him. I know that in recent Election of Speaker [29 OcTOBER 1974] Election of Speaker 1679 weeks Bill has suffered from a heart condition. did not mention the way the Labor Party in On one occasion I went to his quarters in Canberra has jacked up the interest rate so the Bellevue building. I know that nobody that young people cannot afford to buy will object to my mentioning that our very homes. Not a single word about the good manageress, Kath Thurbon, and the important issues that affect people today. honourable members for Port Curtis and All they were concerned about was going Mackay were there. Bill looked like going along with Senator Keeffe-and what a lovely over the Great Divide, and, very facetiously, number he is-and supporting him to the as I knew Bill had a sense of humour, I hilt when he put through his shocking gave him extreme unction. Afterwards, he motions. A.L.P. members were not even said, "That put me on my feet. If Tom game to come out and say that they would thought I was going to die, it was about legalise these filthy, disgusting practices; time I showed him I wouldn't." they coined a new word. They propose to "decriminalise" abortion, homosexuality, Fancy Opposition members talking about prostitution, and, what is worst of all, homo­ dignity and decorum. It's a wonder A.L.P. members don't choke on words like sexual prostitution. "dignity" and "decorum". As I put to the Leader of the Opposition Despite the fact that Bill Lonergan's the other day, if he has as much guts as heart was not as strong as it should have gab, let him and perhaps his Deputy Leader been-of course, if his heart had been as get down on the floor of the House and strong and as thick as the hide of some show us what homosexuality is so that if a A.L.P.
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