1933-09-01 Pm

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1933-09-01 Pm NEWSPAPER THE PLYMOUTH MAIL * VOL. 47, No. 42 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1933 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Former Publisher ’7« a Common Determination1 aeaks Here JUDGE PLEADS Plymouth Visitor TEACHERS ARE [ DRIVE FDR THE i H. J. Baker, for many years pub- I lisher of The Plymouth Mail, ac­ companied by Mrs. Baker, were | guests of old friends in Plymouth SELECTED FOD 1 last week. Mr. Baker siuce leaving 6LDE EAGLE IS Plymouth in 1900 has been asso­ ciated with The State Journal of* Lansing, one of the biggest news­ OF NBA DRIVE papers in Michigan. He is at pres­ IL YEAR ent foreign advertising manager of MAKING GAINS the Journal. During the. time Mr. Prominent Jurist Declares Baker was in business in Plymouth, Additional Work Neces- Movement To Aid Busi- America’s Future De­ Miles Gray was associated with . sary Owing To A Cut him. Mr. Gray has been clerk of "ness Sweeps Country pends Upon Outcome the "house of representatives in In Staff and Time Lansing for a number of years. Says Reports Here Citizens of Plymouth and the He lived through the recent Demo­ Supt. George Smith of the Plym­ entire United States must unite in cratic sliakc-up because the Demo­ outh public schools lias announced With the Blue Eagle drive daily one great effort to make the NBA crats had no one that felt competent , the teaching staff for tlie new gaining momentum iu every part campaign to provide additional to take the job Mr. Gray has filled ! school year which will opeu Mun­ of tin* country, there is mount ing employment and to aid business a so well. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have day. September 18. This is the latest evidence that the nation soon will success or face a future of despair l>een in the east preceding their j in the fall that the Plymouth be enlisted 100 jier cent lieliiud tills and chaos. This is what Hon. stop on the return to their Lansing 1 schools have ever started. It is due new American bird. Reports reach­ Joseph A. Moynihan, one of Mich­ home. 1 entirely to an effort on the part ing Plymouth from Washington igan's best known jurists and chair­ of the school board and Mr. Smith gave a stirring picture of a cam­ man of the state NRA speaker's to reduce exitenses as much as paign for reemployment that is bureau told members of the Plym­ possible. The high school faculty will con­ REV. H. H. SAVAGE ■ nni<)ue In the annals of this or any outh Rotary and Kiwanls club and other country. According to these the local NRA committee last Fri­ sist of George Smith as superinten­ WELFARE MEN dent : Claude J. Dykhouse, priu- Rev. II. II. Savage, pastor of the . reports approximately 0.000 com- day noon. munities are .now organized wifli The visit of Judge Moynihan to cipal: Edna M. Allen. Gertrude First Baptist (-hureh of Pontiac Fiegel. James Latture, Alita Hearn. siieaks at the Plymouth Baptist a militant crew of volunteer work­ Plymouth was brought about by ers who are going the limit of thefr Charles A. Bennett of the Daisy Ixiwis Evans, (,’arvel Bentley, Hel­ church tonight at 8:00 p. in. The en Wells. Vivian Smith, Alma public is invited. Also on tlie pro­ , ability to make jHissilde the ob­ Manufacturing company who is in­ jectives of President Roosevelt ami tensely interested in the success of ID BEAUTIFY ' Graf, Ursula Cary. Hawley Cobb, gram with Rev. Savage is the Chi­ National Recovery Administrator the campaign. So busy is Judge Minnie Tratit. Clara Tyler. Marian cago luale quartette, popular radio Johnson, which is 5.000,000 more Moynihan that he can accept but Perkins. Sarah Lickly. Wiunlfred singers who are touring Michigan Ford. Neva Lovewell. Delight Berg. at the present time. mpii and women on the luiyrulls of very few of the hundreds of in-1 tlie nation by lailior Day. And to vitations pouring in upon him but I Hilda llauf. Christina Gray. Inge- , ibis volunteer army, thousands of because of the insistence on the! LOCAL CREEK borg Lundin. Evelyn Fry, Mar­ guerite Henry, Theodore Carr.! , recruits are benig added daily as part of Mr. Bennett that the I i new communities by tlie hnudreds judge come personally to Plymouth Work Will Start Soon On Kenneth Matheson and l.iidla Ma<*: take up the work. and due too to his many old friend-1 Kim'S. In the grades Nellie E. Bird in WELFARE FARM Due of the marvels of the cam ships here he decided to come Local Project—Employ additiuii to being engaged as prin­ paign. so it is pointed out. rather than semi someone from, -Im-imI with which thest the NRA speaker’s bureau of whichj 36 Plymouth Men cipal at the Central grade school, j will also teach third grade. Other mighty strides have been attained be has charge. I Less than 3 days ago. Genera “This is no Democratic or Re-1 The Wayne County Drain Ci; Opel ■members of tlie Central grade EARLY COPY' school faculty are Marian Wurster. ; John-on sent out a message to tin publican matter. It is an affair of missioner has been authorized by TAX COLLEC heads of commercial organization, ail the jieople and we have got to the Wayne County Board of Audit- Monday Feature At Alice I’rannell, Elizabeth DeWale, In observance of Labor Day. Wanita Frantz, Marion Went her- Crops To Be Used By in all parts of the country askim act as oue great unit to make it a J ors to use welfare labor in the work Symphony Gardens Monday. September 4 the office them to take the initiative in form success," stated the judge who is of cleaning out and maintaining head, Dorothy Sly, Carol Field. Welfare Dept. This of the Plymouth Mail will lie PERCENTAG Nellie Holliday, Florence Holt. Dor­ ing militant I Hue Eagle organiza one of the state's leading Republic- county drains. This labor will be lions in their respective eomnnitii ans. ' ' used nnder the same plan as worked The Detroit Symphony Orchestra closed all day. People having othy Erxleben anil Eunice Fenner. Winter nt Westwood Symphony Gardens news items aud advertisements Jewell Sparling will be the prin­ ties. Tills was the beginning of tin "This meeting is the most ini-, out with the County Road Cum- • ampaign. In less than 24 hour: jtortant. one you have to face. It is 1 mission. The men will be given the will devote most of its Monday for the next publication who can THAN THA cipal at the Starkweather school Work of harvesting crops planted night program to operatic music. have them in this office Satur-; and other lnenibers of the faculty by the welfare department on the thereafter, wires, phone calls, am a meeting that has something to number of days work each month letters began a bombardment ilia do witli a ,-tlew law—a new social according to their estimated re- Dirk Van Emmerik. why will direct day of this week should do so. to that school will lie Dorothy city-owned property lyiug east of this concert selected the numbers Your cooiwration will enable the; i The percentage or taxes collect- Cavanaugh. Margaret Stukey. Flor­ the cemetery was started Wednes­ has never censed. It has been ; justice. quirements. employees of the Mail to enjoy i i ed by the city treasurer up to Aug­ bombardment of enlistment "This nation lias always found: The city of Plymouth has asslgn- from operas by Glinka. Offen­ ence St.-nh-r. Hazel l’armnlee, Erma day morning. Approximately sev- bach, < Ion nod. Rimsky-Korsakoff. the day to the fullest extent. ! ust 10th. the date on which the pen­ einy-five bushels of rijie tomatoes Through all the thousands of mess it possible to overcome any obstacle ed thirty-six men to this work for alty was added was approximately Hunt.aud Helen I-'arrand. ages that have been pouring inn it confronted bnt seejuingly for four , the month of September. These, *homns omas autand’ l-^OD^mllo.Leo: ' The solo- I fourteen points less than the per- were picked and taken to the Washington, this has |MX.n u„ years we have been unable to get men will be used in cleaning up and I ist, Thelma Ballou, soprano, will epntage at the same time last House of Correction where they | sing the Aria of Micaela from i Death Takes Former will be canned for the city of theme of all : "We're ready to go out of the plight we are in. , beautifying Tonquisb Creek and Walton E. Richwine year. On August 10. 1932. 05.2 per Tell tis what to do." "We are today at the cross-roads [ its branches inside the city limits, j Bizet's •'Carmen.’\fTuesday. Sym­ cent of the city taxes -had been Plymouth. There will be several phony night. Mr.’Kolar will per­ Plymouth Resident hundred bushels of tomatoes p;-i All America has enlisted Iwhim of our national existence. Oue road This is a very much needed irn- Marries Redford Girl paid, while on the same date this i lie Blue Eagle. Every motion pie leads to desjiair «nd.despond. The' provemeut and will aid the appear- form the Symphony in G Minor by year only 51.3 per cent were paid. ducetl on this trai t of laud and a other points to progress and human; mice of the property immediately I Kalllnikow. - and tlie Preludes io sufficient amount will be canned to lure theatre is coojM'rating and ul | "Lohengrin," and “Die Meister- The wedding of Miss Mary By the end of August this year a News of the sudden death of the stars of Hollywood are geltim happiness, This whole program is abutting u]wn the creek, total of 55.4 per cent had been re- Robert C.
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    IW16 16mm SOUND UHFILM WALTER O. CUTLOHN, Inc. 35 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Gentlemen: et The filo Ti^ to a i ,aS shown stu< faculty and I tcust com hold in getting i* It is a very a. tionally and able From the bave teen collection n V m li East reinger v Jjibrary Dear Mrs. I intone Please fi B ;ictur;7which cc the special on June 5. best t of the e in genetic poychology. school systen San Francisco, California sour an having a, grateful for having set-i fine film. of this 2006 preview this Gratefully/yours, BOARD OF EDUCATION COLLEGE BUFFALO 1940 February 3, cooper- your kind to would like il program. i our "^Jir^^assrtsation with &3S*3~*:3 -sr-sss* teaching S n.r.. ^tending In the*. - ..... falconer, INTRODUCTION The subjects listed in this catalogue were selected because of their excellence from the standpoint of subject matter, photography, sound quality and intelligent presentation. They are composed of feature productions with well-known actors, and short subjects which consist of musicals, cartoons, sports, comedies, travels and miscellaneous films. A number of these are in color. We have particularly stressed pictures suitable for schools, churches and general audiences, but in addition have added a number of programs which will appeal more to mature groups. Pictures marked (*) have been approved by THE NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW and/or THE LEGION OF DECENCY as partic- ularly suited for Family, Church or School presentation. Feature pictures marked have been approved by a selected committee of experienced reviewers as suitable for general audiences.
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