i** Xn- ► -i" j I* AVMM>i> lUHiT itOTM W al*, fv .ik ^ llM rtk «t 4pHI» IMS > w 5,275 i y et tiM Aodft M m * :

.: ~ ^ ’ jT . (OasebUd AdvertislBg ob P ag* )t) |^C H l»m , (»NNn THU^ m s 1,1988. .yOL.UL,NO.207.

^ Pecora—In Four Morgan Hewing, Moods STATE REUEF BILL ------■ '■■■ . .------J BEFORE THE SENATE Eqiect Spiritcil Debite To- NO RESIGN ATIONS • * .C59 ' day Orer Measure— State BECAUSE OF PROBE Circus WUch Gum Coalt Be W s- Grange. Sohnits Petition Stir A t Morgan tribated u "A Retoni of A sk i^ BiH Be R^ected. Hen Named as on Morgan’s Caphd” — Wintney A r List See Nothing Illegal in Washington, June 1.—(AP)—J.^ He looked*! non-plusred b u t' si|b- Hartford, June l.— (AP)—Amend­ P. Morgan had the surprise of his .mltted gi^ously at. the start. life today. Soon his face became stern as pic­ hnowiedgM Finn CooM ments proposing a 116,000,000 bond Their Actions. All of a sudden, a little bit of tures were taken.. , Issue to^te retired Bdth the proceeds femininity, a circus midget, sat on Notified quickly tbe Incident, Hare Mule 122 MBBom from a ip er cent retail sales tax hia lap. the Senate. 'banking committee warned photographers ihat if tbe and striking otrtk^e receivership Washington, June 1.— (AP)— De­ Piloted by an enterprising press pictures were used, those taking if United Seenrities Had provision were offered today to the spite wide unfavorable reaction to agent dLiS Lya G raf gave a read them would be'barred from future House approved relief Pill . as the disclosure of official names among circus touch to the Senate Morgan bearings. ' .1' Senate brushed aside many other those given a chance for quick investigation scene when she bead­ Before Mine Graf spae placed on Been Sold in 1929. ' Important measures to devote itself profits by J. P. Morgan and the Here are four in character studies of Ferdinand Pecora, counsel tof the Senate committee in- ed through the crowd for the Mor- hie lap, Morgan chatted amiably to the problem of aiding municipali­ beneflclaries so far have uniformly vestlgating the Hepse of Morgan. Shrewd investigator, sharp questioner and, as bo proved in a clash gsm group while It waited for the with her. ties in distress. insUded there was no impropriety .■ with senator Glass, a fighter, Pecora is gaining wide repute in the Inquiry. ' beauing to begin, shook hands with “Where do you live?” he in­ severed and then walked to. the Washington, June 1— (AP) —Evi­ in their'actions. quired. dence was presented to Senate !n- m iJ. IN SENATE. Demands for ‘ resignations have dignified bead of the firm. "In a tent, sir," the replied. Hartford, Juno 1.—(A^)— The fallen on deaf •ears. Laughing, he rose, took her band He asked her age and she said vestlgatorp today that J. P. AAorgan. state relief bin provldLig William Woodin has caid merely DAlRyillENOFN.E. and sat down again. "20.” - A Company's utility stock holding guarantee of municipal bonds and that he Js not now resigning, but is AVOID FORMING CLANS Then unexpectedly the press He commented she didn't look it. concern—the United Corporation— creating a commission to supervise ready to if hie presence in the Cabi­ agent placed the midget on the Later Mies Graf t-VTS her age as used an accounting system under disbursement of Federal relief funM net becomes an obstacle to return banker's lap. 81. was taken up today by the. Senate of prosperity. B I D CONFERENCE which some of its gains could be under suspension of the rulesr Two Pennsylvania Judges whose R O O SE V ai TELLS NAVY distributed as "a return of capital" Shortly before the measure, ap­ resignations were demanded by Gov­ and not as "a taxable dividend.” proved by the House yesterday ^ e ernor Pinchot scoffed at the idea. Ferdinand Pecora, Boiate com- . ^ e n up, the Senate was urged to Both John W. Kephort and ‘William wooueyfachk R0ARDEUHNA1ES 1. Schaffer denied Pinchot’s charge Bdegates at Washingten mittee counsel, introduced a memor­ reject it in a petition submitted by andum explaining tbe Accounting they had “utterly disqualified them­ Prendent in Address to Louie O. Tolies, master of the Con­ NEWSTAPERS’ PART eystem used by United Corporation necticut Orange. _____ selves." .'Want to Re-e$tahiisb the CHARGE OF MDRDER C U n W G OF PRICE on its option warrants. The debate on the relief program Called “Ontrageons" Annapolis Gradnilet Ad­ was preceded by a tirlef «• Edgar Rickard — mining en WAIDDIGTflEV.S. Money received from exercise of change on a measure vetoed by Gov­ glneer—and often described as fl the warrants was credited to “paui ernor Croes providing for t«u re ot agent for former President vises Then to Cnitivate in surplus.” office for public school teadiers of Hoovar--lssued a statement show­ Deep Riyer Man Who KSIed Sfekte Orgauatiim Strikes George Whitney, Morgan partner, ing more concern for Mr. Hoover's was on the. stand at the time bn Stamford. The Senate, eoncurrlnf Washington. June 1.—(AP)—Re- with the House, passed the bill after name tHan bis own status. D rag­ Broader Friendships. Louis Fdey, Thnes OiTicial, earlier having acknowleged to ■wiawtUng It to provide that it ahall ging in Mr. Hoover's name in Senate establiebment of New England Hb Father is StiD in a Pecora that a potential profit et not become effective until 1986. committee testhnony, he said was Tdis What They Wd Dur- D ^ es, Inc., as the official market 8122,608,000 waa available to the The amendment waa approved 18- “outrageous." Annapolis, Md., June 1.— (AP)-*- ■ffency for New-England milk pro­ Morgan hoxiae if in 1929-11 ted aoM Senator Kean, New Jersey Re Critical Condition. Amoi(M3kMek. seeurltlea received 'by it in wnnirg 17, with one Demowt, Gniduates of the Navrl Academy ducers was advocated today at a V Cooney of Hartford voting with Re­ publican, volunteered that his firm the United Corporation. o g Present Crisis. conference of New England dairy­ publicans in fa^r ot it was on a Morgan list and said be were told today by President This phase of the inquiry into man and George N. Peek, adminis­ The amended bill waa then passed, bad “taken an iptaveat in Morgan Roosevelt to cultivate friendship Ml(ldletown, Jtme 1.— (A P)— Able Hartford, June 1.—(A P)—A blow operations ot the internfitiottal banx- offerings" ever since be was a trator of tbo recently enacted Farm Ing firm was reached After it had 18 to 16, with Senator Hagerty, New with their fellow man. to talk but Still In a critical condl- at price cutting competition #as young man. New York, June 1.— (AR)— The A^ustment Act. been decided on a 11 to 8 vote la Britain, not voting. Mr. Roosevelt oama here to band ti(m In the Middlesex hospital, Hen­ struck by the State Board of kUk Tha amended bill will go to the In the Bay State part that newspapers have played ‘The dairymen, representing Con­ cloeed leeiion of the committee to In Boston yesterday foriner Gov out commissions to the new class solidated Dairies, Inc., requested also ry WooUey, 29 years old, accused of Control in its first move hi carrying make public tbe M orgu partxet- governor as a new mMwre. I Coo­ of officers for the Navy at gradua- during the present crisis wfis out­ ney taplalned he voted for It in or­ anor Alvan T. Fuller, attacked appointment of a re^onai milk ad­ slaying his father, William WooUey, out the provisions Of the' mUk con­ •1^ agreement save for names of Q uj^ G. Bacon, Morgan cus­ tioh sssrdsss. lined today by Louis Wiley, business ministration to be ^ven sweeping der to determine wbetl^ in im 64,‘ at their Deep River homp will trol blU, today. the preeent partners and tbe per- amended form, the measure met the tomer, as an “ulfra conservative "1 ask you," the President said, of tha New York Times, in authority, and creation ot a The board announoefi that gener- cent^ee of their interests. governor's ot^ectioD to the legisla­ who stood for "special privilege. "to avoid an sxeluslvs relmonsblp an address before the Chamber of Doard of arbitration to consist of face a charge of murder if he re­ aUy estaMiehed and aeeepted prices CUvea Free Band . tion orlglnaUy proposed. ^ Bimoa replied it was bis family's es­ to your own clan, ^ youi elxn ot Commerce of the State ' at New ^S tyles Bridges of Concord, N. H., covers. Ueabla to each o£ the levea) FerdiBaBalBR -H e said'that liad-there beeti 'ho|l&d been brought, glatfi jpoUce from the and axsertiJif that it would frown xoifiaaitteeM IntredfilM .^ potent^ ngthy debate was expected on the o f you r profession In d ^ l t&a. * ven. Conn. Westbrook barraoltt said such action 6n any unfut competition, warned profit fiture in oeiteotibn wUh -the lengthy debate wa ))lorman Davis, American ambas­ newspapers tou-teil of the vkrlous relief measure, the senate reesMSd "Remember to cultivate th® The petltloD and plan of organizar „ ; a sequel to the shooting Memo­ dealers and producers that it has the United OoFporation deal. Whitney sador at large to economic and arms developimsuts In Washington during at 1:30 p. m. for 40 minutes to give friendship of people, not alone In the early weeks of the Rooievdt ad- tlon was presented to Peek and Sec rial Day only awaits the outcome of power to renise licenses to sell and said it waa oorrect. its members time for luncheon, n e your claae or profession—but the He direeted ridicule at the figure (Uonttnued en Page Tw o), mlniitration “we ebould have been retary Wallace ot the Department ut Woolley'i battle for life. recess was or^ed after Senator average of folks—the same, in chaos." Agriculture by a score of New Eng­ Blinds One Bye. (Continoed On Page Three) as a "lurmiae" of whit might have folks you would have known and Bergin had explained in detail the "The feeling of confidence and land dairymen, beaded by Dr. E. U Tbe shell be turned on himself been done but wasn’t. liked and affiliated with bad you not provisions of the measure and after courage which we happily have to­ Bancroft of Barre, Vt., president of after firing tbe first barrel of hie Whitney had tefitillM yesterday two amendments were offered by been cboien to enter and to grad­ Consolidated Dairies and bead of shotgun at bis father in the barn' that if the firm had sold the aeourl- uate from the highly specialised day—and Justifiably so, I believe, Senator David Goldstein, president INDUSTRIAL BILL would not be abroad in the land," he the now defimct New England Dair­ yard of their email farm, ripped a tiee it turned over to the Unftiea inetituUon of higher'education. FORMER DRY HEAD Corporation in formiag .that con­ pro tempore. • asserted. / ies. portion of hie face away and nllnded One of the amendmenta provides "Thii I ask of you, not only for cern it would have made a profit of “The loose talk of a dictator In Others in the group included Solon him in one eye. ' for a 816,000,000 state bond issue to •your own sakee, but for your coun­ 867,000,000. TO A D BUILDERS Washington," he continued, "re­ Gray of Derby, Vt, Wright Fay of Meanwhile hie mother and sieters be returned with the proceeds from try's sake. competed arrangements to bury tbe MILLS IS INDICTED In the committee’s executive sea- minds us bow different our eltuation Richmond, Vt., Dr. George R. Little a 1 per cent retail sales tax on Not Set Apart elder WooUey who police say died Sion before the hexring resumed oods selling for more than 26c. who become today officers is today from that of ojo actual dlc- of Schagbtiooke, N. Y., The*- Cthes- Bergin, who with the three other The exercises were held In the "Only a few weeks ago the great­ interests. ter P .‘Mills, former problbition di­ nmoiting a cigar slowly. Ha listened, legislative leaders drafted the plan, lease on hope as the result of the had been set for the Inquest into the famous Dahlgren Hall which was est publishing house in (Germany Dairy Situation sh ootin g.. rector in charge of, A^oroement In closely. .. termed it as one which was “frankly National Industry Recovery Act crowded by relatives and sweet- was taken from its owners and the The New Ekigland dairy situation a oompropiise measure." He said the ^ew'Ybrk area wqs nap)®d tp^ which will unleash some 83,300,p00,- outstanding liberal newspaper was was presented to Secretary Wallace “not one practical solution" of the day w lth 'ety^ t otheip m jn m a Fed­ ANOTHER n o 000 of Federal funds for construc­ (Continaed On Page Thrw) turned overnight into a aubservient and the admiinlstrators of the farm eral Uxildtm^t cpnzplraoy Washington, June 1.—(i relief problem had come with the tion purposes. adjustment act a week ago by the “storm of disapproval" raised administration organ. We are far to vidiKe. the prohlbttkm' laws. f WhUe another huge crowd gathered For thd first time during this away frQm the likelihood of such governors of Massachusetts, Ver ORGANIZING CAMPS 'Xm .in'dliitment which chargee in the hope of hew eeasationz. Sed­ agidnst the bill by municipal heads, period, reports also indicate, the practical solution, he explained, outliers. The abolition of the free­ mont, New Hampshire and Maine, "dft^ndon of industrial alcohol.” ate Investigatorii' of J. P. Monan heme owner feels Jiutified in adding dom of the press is the‘act of a and at that time the appointment of handed .tip to.’Judge Marcus Camp- and company in an executive sesnon that postponed sun porch or putting KILLS a CHILDREN, (Uonttooed (ta Page IWo) small-minded ruler fearful of the Thomas Nelson Perkins, former FOR H ^E WOMEN beU In Brookljm 'FM feral' C ourt today sought to decide a^ather to on a new roof. Repair smd moderni­ truth. The American people would chairman of the board of the Boston ' Mills' home is ip Falrteld. Cqnn- pyhfish tte bankers’ iM i| | ^ r8 hlp zation work in the nun-residential pot elect such a ruler and would not and Maine railroad, as regional milk 1^8, who is a West Point grad’ agreement. . ' , field id likewise showing incresised COMMITS SUICDE submit to such'acta of oppression if administrator, was recommended. uate ahd who retired.fR)m the army Ferdlnancl Pecora, committee smtivity. they were attempted. While the group (inferring with Two ExperimOiiai Stations in I9CO With , the rank of-m ajor, suc­ couns^, was prspareo at the. re­ FATHER ABANDONS During the first four months of He praised President Roosevelt Peek today did not ‘ discuss their ceeded, John A. Foster as prohibltibh sumption of the hearing a little T^tar 1983 coiutruction volume as measur­ for his miatlons with the press, as­ preference as to an admlnlstirator, admlnUManitor o t th eJfttw .Y orlr dis- to go further into ,the M o ir| ;te , ed by the valuation of contracts Wife of Prominent Lmnber serting that "almost as never be­ it was believed they favosed ap' trleti on March 1. - ewahft^g of its utility holding ,oom- to Be Set lip at Bear . Lehs thn a' year after he had YOUNG DAUGHTER awarded in the 37'states eu t of the fore the news, from Washington baa pointment of Reginald W. Bird of psny. United Corpbratioin,"wltb a taken over the offtm MiUe waa at­ Rocky mountains, was about 38 per been completed and accurate.” Boston, active for several months view to ahowing g26,000,ODO pro^t, tacked in a letter writteo by Repre­ cent imder the like period of 1932. Dealer Slashes Throats of Frank BelatioiM in the attempt of New Englanr Moontain, N .Y . in tbe operation. v Public works and utilities made the dairymen to reach a voluntary sentative FigureUo 'L a (?uardla to *Tt is in Lhe best 'in terest o f all of'the.Ti«aaury Anfirbw He w was ready,to jAlMe in,the BHngs Her to Hos|iital in U. best comparative showing of any Children as They Sleep. that these, relatioiui. continue Trank agreement between producers and reitoni a new list of selectad.clients division, showing a decline of 31 and inforznative,” he said. "One of distributors in the New England Washington, June 1.—(A P )r-' of the Morgan‘^firm; who got Uvon per cent This was attributed in the guarantees of a democratio gov­ milk shed. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt And the ground floor ta-purteasihg unite large meq^ure, however, to the un- LAGoainSa'c] s withbe- S. from Hondnnt and ernment is to perinlt the press to The representatives of Ck>nsoli' of Upited stock. UBi^y low level of activity in this Springfield, N. H., June 1.— (AP) Secretary FrancM Perldax, today ing InoompetantOpetent ft) d ae prehilii- tton adniilUUityator end, au®c®4 . ^ t Seats-were attemh a preezium In: class of building during the first —^Mre. Walter C. (^dner, wife of x (Oonttnoed On Page Blglit) (Continaed Dn Page Bight) Jointly the estabUshmMt Itiw-broaifhearing tedl that Senators Then Deserts Her. of two experlmeaW-camps!for un­ he.'M!kn?'^olated^ o l a t the;i^^y,'>e(f> h alf o t 1932. prominent lumber dealer, elasbed soMl^purchases of U q ^ Wtaiie -he MBMonaily eebortsd friends ' to 't h e Other Classes of Woric the throats of her three children as employed women in New York stata." has dlrectipff proMMtlom " Non-residential work made the Financed by the Federal fund for 'rteik p to'C ^ ’'tiiieAi*l^-.- v . - " ' ' ' they slept late last night and then , FlHt of tBe"Mqrgte^gW^to ar­ next best^ score, with value con­ emergency w e f, in <»6peratlon 'Hartford, June 1.—(AP)—The ot committed suicide. The bodies of fbn n er riv e ajnl^^wi[l|_<3e6tga^^^ story of a father who brought his tract awards registering a drop of Japanese Quit Fighting with the' State ot,^ew York, the hie ChargUe against MjU^ on tha fibor the children were discovered by the woman's esunp may prove an ex­ p eW d tet’ o f two years old daughter to the Unit­ 38 per cent. While residential build­ husband who found ' Mrs. Gardner WLttt cob M ^ in a home for incurables in New awards advancing 20 per cent over thaniel B, and- Walter, Jr., 10. Mrs. Only unmarricilpet more Ui m 6b,000 men and the iStoScSS[ten M. DoMti' pAeteM ^ cfetefi-'terAte,:-, The F. W. Dodge Ctorporatlon, phasized. No women are being take^ ed States Imm^fration Inspector the Carrie Wright hospital at New­ military leaders,' their sim- Japaneae 10,000. at Waaklqgteii^ Gerald Gaughan. The child was compiler of these statistics, points port. from their homes. of' PoihAza^N...... :^N. %T-VV®*, guinaiy five months offensive in taken from the home by relatives in out that the money value of the con­ Since the birth of their last child P B O n »T ABMISTiiCE .The project resulted from Mm take ofver M t^ .work ^JlateH tiei. W aterbury. tracts totaled 8268,000,000 for the Mrs. Gardner had suffered from North China ended with a tr)ice, Hong Kong, June 1.— (AP) -rA^* Roosevelt's eug|^on that aom*'. miextioh.. axteRg- Otild Deserted four month period this year, as nervous trouble and bad been tod4y considered employing their though poIltiifianB of the. J Canton form of camp Bfe'for women. etiS9> * ka; Mills - was awarda

  • aad meet praen^le i^an.fte inVAlHBnutem'> Qeorgo, tasks. tehn W. navlik white -halned (. Syrian, brought little Helen from But building authoritisfl look Wltii Her Parenta today that the military authorities However, the <^pe are entirely niAklfig the BIgbtaeAitK AmendnwAt The arxhlstiee, brief, simple, and eel for;tte Bouse r while the\two older dill- . Petttieal aafitets o< the Japanese York, was a peeae eoz^ C f*?A dren were in a room on the eeoond tions. Heretofore advances from the Re­ dzlva equai « the Great Wall and ence in tbS White-House. The A abort tliiM lata officials of St floor. V Chan Ciuil-tnng. Cantonese mUl- Rose's Home oommindcated wtth the construction Finance Corporation Shortty before midnight, Gfirdn®!' tbe toebty. Bigned yeetefdej at to ry ‘ is to be nearfay. ‘mbBtiVes and told them that the Ut- were limited by this qualification. ■aid, he wax xwxkenad to. find hty Taaghn h g which tbe invaden •nie ftfilayiici? itotam ait.-^ Ail. 8^n had been e u ^ at the can - Rothlass retrenchment tactics by .wife on the floor near the tatfaotia agreei M evapliate; sfi . area . m , _«t' given out to ncyseeperwomenr, aw* Thb vektitiveB took tha.chlld, ou t the public, epitomixed In the "doub- drib. Bdtfi o it M r thfdxteh£abe iM ^ C M a a about tha eixe ofiOqn* "Secratairy PanoM to.whom jM ^ gC pity for her, but are not Sbandab- S a g up" ef fxqaOlee and the moving xixtfied by a raaori Rudilia ■ neeiloBtR ides yenalneA for eonild- _ j» m t alpoL /Roosevelt hiA.cMWiad the to keip her nor sand bar td m m wg^tftxihallir quxners. are gfiaira ke diaeovarad tha older - eimtfiMk ;■ the lart ^ 4km to otter ,oiFiMHfinittee women in 1 ■S^ang, bagfitog coixpules ctate. 4 md dead fii^th^ beds. ' ^ ' 7be» eafiis- after nearty ic h d r o * 1 officials areaftailptn." Tlsff look for the admttHefaration's r.Qa UB returb^WP the ftaA fioerbe two yaari ot IfiteraaltUBt' itty iu v iaid that . Sjdto locate the father, and toxM ke hOBM mortfxgd bill to strengthen fiaie Mm. Gerdnir r I W l

    BOBFRAL MUBT BE Btoak tnah FOSSES F O U A W TRAIL FOB CBILB ONLTl frem't89-5 lOfT*. mOSEMTItOYES^ iU M O T T D W H He.QtttUaad;hilM and furriM hii la gta.a GW!’* (Jnlbiid alnea.at dedhdag:psieie, the OF FLH IN 6 CONVICTS .n ds announoamant .has been TO AVOID DiVIDENb TAX 1 ^ afile o< LTfiO In JammMVUWt A' daughter, Bnaiae HUdagaida, • I KAIKBBJUVIK bors May 39 at the Hartford heard of lata with moaotemous f e l a ^ 9 H . regularity at the Mancheetor Fadowa Teettnia to Mr. and Mrs. Harbart lUoedlunm4s Uaad as Despem^ 0 S A T H S H M B li-CItBIfiOWrtM ^ •, ■■■ Jr., of Burnaida Avenue, Memorial hoq^tal, to the sur­ ' Aa Peeraa wept'over Gm oA re­ does Crofls Four Sti|tM *^Be- peated flgune. Moftnn rfleted back atiowahJ Ffartl Beiy la Cbl* Ih M laartford. Mrs. Oldtag was prise—«nd probaMa diaai9 0 tat* to be mora men than wonao among lA a. Ohrial Fpuiariflfesw tha flwmar Mias Hildegardc Aadar- I lieved Headed for Osark meat in certain cases—vdMSe the listaners. in hie chair but followed riw teati- u m h ^ liika TM tm ty. A lm d jr Pkised by Senate, mony ctewety. soB of this town. M ou itain s. daddies vlalobad a fixture Rraal- Mocgaa.aleo talked to members ~ Mrs. MOgr U Ftedariokaat, wtfa dent, a gtidinm hero or a new of Peeora’s steff. Only three or four rapimlttee of Chrtqt Fradarichaon, dlad auly The bo4r o f G eoigi A. (HiSfaL memben were' cb hand, and th|y toismentqgatharhoaM, 888 Char­ Lewer Ghaiaber FaTtrs Manehastar Loyal. Oranga Lodge, McAlaster, OklSn June 1,—(A P ) editton of Babe Ruth. Nary a hoy Almost half aa hour past the time 67, of M9 WotterifiaM Avefhia, has'graced the basshieta ia the did not include Senntera jJoufihe ter Oag qtraet, after a y u r’s iUaaaa No. 99, win. hold its regular maat- —jHigitivfa from two atataa prliMnis tor the hearing to begin, the execu­ (H , Mich.) who baa taken a main with compMcationa. Mrs. Fradetlek- who iosI^Mb Ufa Toaei state FoAeaDan SSitto of Staf­ tioo of braach banka la Oeaaeoticut Daughters have arrangamasta groiqxi from tha Kaatagatata prison Something must be done about made in 1916 without tbo awNquent titude he hea taken during the m- Park Community dub» and w u ford Barracks after too locatkm ot eras autborisad by tba Bouae today racticallv completed for their at Lansing Tuaa^ag. Bloodhounds it if summer sets in and the girts ooUateral agreements. qutoy. sugnjMghly regarded by all who knew Sune dinner, tomorrow evening at sniffed at the heala of two convicted contlBuc to have the h o ^ ta l the body^bad been leaned by Bar- by a 142>54 vote. Already paaaed The thibe, Chairman Fletcher The crowd. Including licoree stand­ Mr- old demeon and John Barawnvaki by the Senate and approved by 6 o'clock. Mrs. William A. Knofla killers who. dashed away from the nursery aU to themselves in- said, B c a a ^ Couaene (R., Ifich.). ing around the wall liatoned in I ail daflaltely. She iMVM beddM her husband of thia plaoe, who did the, dlvlag baaklnf coauniaatoner, the blU waa ia genaral chairman, Mrs. Allan Oklahoma prison late yesterday. NoriMok (K.,‘' 8. D.), and Ooatlgaa live ddUghCbn and two soas. They Ooe will be in ehargs of the dining Tlfo Kansas convicts kldn^ed Maybe a plan to offer a door from a rowboat for u varat'. boon tanned an “ootopna'’ by ita oppon* (D., Colo.), voted to puhUeb eTer]^ "How many sets of mttuitoa of the a n Mlaa Chriatine Fnderiekean, In trying to Idoata tha, body* Bart>- cata durinf a abort debate. room and waitraaaea. Tha lattar KIric Prather, wardaUi two guards prlaa for the first boy to break tUag. / books of the Uaited OorpbiMion tba long^sustained aupramaey of Mrs. Fred Warnock,' Mrs. Leal ;nowakl, in one ^ h ie' d lvu down Leon B. McCarthy of win be junior "Gag's Daughters. and three women. The warden and Fletcher, n k l under the oomnflt' are kept?” Peqon asMed. Stevouwn; Mias AUce and M i Mrs. George F. Borst is p i^ d iB g the guards were freed near Welch, the girls would ba la order. Any­ Whitney whispered to Lecmard Into thirty feet of water came to waa the leader of tba oppoaitlon to toe's dedeloB the original agree Helen Frederlckson, all ot Maachee- toe surface and raportad tlwt he the -bill aaylnf that the ‘'centraliaa- .muaie. Thirty-elAt of the members OUa., the women near Pleasanton, how, tba staff la w altiaf for tha Kqree, Morgan oince manager, and tef. The sons are Frederick ones familiar announcamant, not meat wlU be placed in the record at had noticed aa objrtt at the bo^ tion of wealth and aaoaopoUatle con­ of Ever Reeidy Gbela win serve aa with tha names embodied la i t ■aid 'Tm told* only one complete Shelton, Conn., and Martin ot to il hostaasea, two \t tu b . table. heard for weeks: set tom of tba lake that looked like, a trol of aoney la the eauae of aU our Agunflgbt at SUoam Springs, A r­ Buhaaqnenf agreements irtMB town. Thera are nine graadcMldren. body. troublea." kansas between Bob LafoUette pad •W aa Boyl” partners were' added or drppped "What waa toe market value of Mias Marjorie C. Paton, daugh­ the aecuritiea turned over to tha The funeral will be bald Saturday He had been undbr water' ln Ms He aald that branch banking ia three auto thieves who abandoned a wUl not be made puMlc. aftarnoon at 3:80 at the home. riev. dive for some time and w u unable "an octopus which will ^leatroy ail ter of Mr. and Mrs. IL R, Paton of Kansas car and tha robbery of a T h e oommittoe thought they United on January 11, 19397” 76 McKee straat wfU gndnata Paoora aakad. - Watson Woodruff of the Canter to go down again until be had tak­ tne unit banka of the atate." couple near Seneca, Mo., bmra out ware not of the Stafford JarraOka, wbo w u troduead an amendment aakiog that wars gaining tba Osaric mountains. was oonflnad to the baste agree- tery. in a boat ntarfey lowered the giap- Annonla, Darby, Sbalton and Bay* Thursday, June 8. meat itself.'* o f United at 160,0003007” "Yaa." pilng book to t o : point indicated mour ba eonatdnred aa one town for BEFORE THE SENATE Have Bearing tba purpoaa of tha bill. The amand- Tba Connacticut C!ompaay haa at iU y "W hy?” Mrs. A. Wmto Bryne b,, BaraaowaU and ia so doLg toa anant waa defeated. Borne memben of the omnmittoe "WWtnay told him that tha “aim- ■ Mrs. Clara Ooe Bryne, wbo died book caught under the legs of the dUEarent parioda aceaptad Uda from ARBITRATION BOARD Eua and be w u brought to ahera. Raymond E. Baldwin, majority gasoUna compaaiaa for tha jwovid- (Ooatinoad flram Pago One) held it waa important to^pubUsh pit reason” was that tha prlbes at at her home on Linnmoore street in Ibader of tha Houaa and John Mark­ ing of gaaoUae to the diffarant buss­ tba agraemant baeauaa It mli which toe eeeurities to ba put on -ae Hartford yesterday, after an iUneaa The position in which the. man’s TO ACT ON WAGE CUT he meant a program that would have a baaring on tba Ineoma books ware daterndnad before Jomi- of six montba' duration, w u well body waa found did not indicate ham minority laader, favored paa- es. Aa a raralt of this operators of meat with tba approval of both aaga of the bill. queatkm. ary 11 and that toa.mariut price known to n number of Maaebeater that death w u due to Arowaing. tba busses used in Manehastar thia Houaaa. Hia legs were not limp and atretdi- n w Houaa faiiad to act on the morning started to gat their aupj^ Thay bald that If tba partnarahlp •Vaan’t taken Into account” and RockvUla people, through bar fwfpintmn wage bill whicb waa paaa- New Havsa, June l.~ (A P ) — The majority leader axpraasad tha waa aetuaUy a contract of employ- Peoora returned to thia point ability u a reader and dramatie ed out straight u Is the case where of gaaowM and oil from tba station inloB that US Mparttaan bill waa coach. A t one time ihe waa taaebar people are found that have been ad in tha Senata yaaterday. ^ e n managed by Ward Grant who owns Wags reduction by tha Oonnaetleut mant rather than co-partnarahlp, again and ia diffarant words, the tha UBfavoraWa eommlttac report Company for its trolley and Shop­ S a only one which bad a ebanea of It would prevent the mefobers of Morgan partner gave the same an- of dramatics in Rockville O gb I drowned nor were hla eyw opened. tba atatien adjacent to tha Midland raoaiving lagialatlva andoraameat school. For mors than a quarter af In the opinion o f the few who were was raoairad, J. Kenneth Bradley st ^ rtm a n tf. man which bad baas anneuncad by tba firm from making eartaia in- awar. W a a tp ^ Houaa chairman of tha J. K. Pundarford wUl ba a matter Mayor GsMgf A. Quiglay of New coma tax daduetloBa. FUeUag hla amber bolder ones in a century she waa known as toe it when the coipu w u labor eommittaa auecaaafully mo\ad Brltira, pmaldtnt of the Connaetl- Asked if the agraemant waa a while to drop asbaa from hla founder and proprietor ot tha Ooa It to toe shore and n w the Oibbona Aaaambly, Ladies of praaantad to a board of arbitratton Sebod of Oratory, and many young that It be printed in tha calendar. OB the refusal of the man to accept out Laagua of MunidpaUtiaa and raaUy a partnership, Flatebar said dgar, J. P. M o r ^ q^paarad at poaltioo ot the body ha w u striek- Cfdumbua, wlU .nMat Friday night at on$ e t tb$ ehiaf fees of tbb rallaf people from this saetion of tiw stats whlls la the boat and fd l ever Raquaalad appropriations of 9370,- • o’clock in tha XL of C. rooms in tha it, and Joaapb Bany of Hartford and •Hha artiolaB say it ia a partner* 000 to tha aUta w en t commiaaion plan before tba I^Mlalatura, was ■hip. X don't know what will arias Numbers of.!toa q^aetators, aaem- cams under bar inatruetion. backwards. Stats Tbaatar building. Judge P. B. O'SuUlvan of Oranga among those In tba simato obambar for rallaf work; 1300^)00 to r pur- w*U aanra, A third mabmar wtU m later.’* iagly bored with tedious question Mrs. Btyne w u a past praaidaat cbaM of land for a atota park at for tha debate. * With tba Morgan partner, and answer in oontraat to prior ganaral of tha National Society of Tba poUba start on their new ehoaan but bis name had not baan Before talUng up the relief bill, quick davalopmants, stirred rest- Naw England Women, a pronunant Savin Rock and 15,000 for purchaaa beats today. Thera are few changes given out up tUl noon today. George Whitney, again pn the BUSINESS IMPROVING ' of tha John Brows aatata is Tor- tba Banata e d ite d ia ooncurranoa stand, Pacora, rasumad the quea- mambar of Ruth WyUys Cteptor, D. mads. Harman Muaka, wbd'haa bean In 1936, a § laat time as arbitra­ araaolutloB naming Hugh Hearn' "A financial statomaot ot United A. R., and other patriotio woman's fMpiOSrisftos W9fVwarn ■SJWwww#rajactad. FTHFrasoia •. riding tha motereyda days is sue- tion board, waa Invoked, to agraa on tloBlag by referring to a statement Boston, June 1—(A P )—Tha Fad- M------«fia of“ VprrtsfteB* —■— —9ka•poko isfa favor daputy judga of tba Borough Court put into the record prevlouily by after this initial tiranaaetioB would organiutiou, also a member of the caadad 'on thia beat by Raymond a ooBtraet o f tba amployas with tha of Naugatuck. Xt rafarrad to tba have shown a profit ot $Ufi00,000 Emerson Collage, club. aral Raaarva Bank of Boston tod^^ of kurlBf tbo ifOWD form* urgisg company both Borry and CBulUvan Whitney ebowing "the value of raportad an IneraaM of mora tonn tiMt M T’ lUHeHe fpet b« pripraaervad Oriflfin.* judiciary committao another raaolu- eerteln .boldinge at acquisition and as a result of aatting up thaaa sa- Tba fuaara) will bo' held Batur served. Third mambar waa Cbarlaa tlon raming B. Btanlay Wallas depu­ ouritlM at a prloa m $50,000,000?” tbo usual aaaional amount ia toa for pootarity." Klainar of thia city, now oompanaa- at the high market ;*riea of 1989.” day aftarnoon at 3:80 at bar home. level of ganaral buainaaa activity U DsiavomMa Baparta. Topiorrow meraing the poatpeaed ty'judge of Nawington. Big Profits tha oouneal inquired. Rav. Dr. Rockwell Harmon Potter, golf matches batwaan wosmb plgy- tion oommlartonar. *nia bank eommittaa raportad "No,” Whitney ■ rmUM. He pro­ Naw Englaad during April. UsfavoraUa r a p ^ war# raoaivad "By theseI flfuraa,” Paoora said. former pastor of the Cantor Gbn- During tha first tour ihontos of OB tbraa bills for appnqpriatlotf to are of tha East Hartford club «id favorably a maaaura giving tba l .uadetytand that badId youryoi firm duced a statement of the oom pa^e gragationaJ ebureh of Hartford, will those of the Manehastar Country financial oondltfoB to tod Btooi Ex- 1988 tbara w u relativsly ‘ UtUa bHsf tha raaarva fund o f tha teach* makara of a mortfage not# the first not trmneffrred these uUllty eeeurl offloiato and burial will bo In tha change other than aaaaonal la tba era ratlrasMSt aystam up to data. club will ba run off at tha laat opportunity to buy me note if offer* ties to the Unttod Corporatton, but change la May, *089, to show that eamatary of her home town of sasMd links..Flaring win begin toe market value of the itoeki ware Maridaa. aggragato laval of buainaaa activity, Tha bina ware raiaatad. Xt waa atat- MARVELOUS ad for sals by tha raoalvar liquidat­ bad held them until the summer tba Fadaral Raaarva bank reported. ad that provialeBS have baas suda promptly at 9:15. 'niaro will ba both ing tba aaaata of a closed bank. This blgbe of 1989, you could have sold not added to. the $60,000,000. The 9 and ll*bcla arasta. A ll players are statement w u of the firm 'i oondi- The amount of raw wool coaeumed is tha bttdfat pfsalosa for taaahara maaaura la a companion to a MU them at jrtoee yielding a profit of la New Bagiead mille during April who ratira duriof tha sast two urged to astaf and to m at tba MANHATTAN authorialag banka to purebaaa such 157387,879.” tlcn at the end of April IB, 1998. oouraa as near 9:15 u posaibla. A FUNERALS w u eonaidirab^ larger than ia yaari. By W ILLIAM GAINES Botoa from ractlvcra providing the "That Is corraot,” Whitney ra- March or in April lu t yau. A bill grastiaf all poUtiaal partiaa apaolal ladiaa’ luaobaon will ba ifrv< purebaaa prloa does net axcaad fifty pUad. "You bad said wa could have ad. Mrs. Ot A. Norton, Tba daoliu & boot u d aboa pro ragiatarlaf a yeU of satf of osa par par cant of tba value of tha property sold our Uniteda optionopti warrants at ITALIAN d U B PLANS ductioD between March u d April east is m iM t alaatloB to have Naw Yerlb—The Mopella, a fbur- at tha time of tba deal. a 151300.000 p Tha funeral of Mrs. C. A. Norton j)roflt. of 185 Manehostav .Oraan avenue, w u amallar th u usual. Bmploy- plaaaa os tba voting liita is Briito) Albert Champaignai Harold Xa b * nmeted eoboooer belengiaf to Count Governor Cross tranamittad to tha "That waa aatlraly a auppoaitlon, BOB, Albert Borello and Franda wbo dlad at toa Hartford hospital mant and avaraga weakly aarnlaga waa paaaad under auapasaies of tba Felix Von Luckner, drowies in the Banata a raaolutlon adopted by tha X thought that wa would uea aoma DEPRESSION DINNER par parson amployad iaorauaid ba- rulaa. Koch nre the lour Manebefter yutarday, will bo bald tomerraw Hudeon at the foot of l6Ttb itreet California laglalatura mamorlauiiag euppoMtioos oursalvaa. Thoea flg< ■ftameon at 3:80 at the funeral twem March u d April la Naw Eng­ Frask J. Iparka, Moun chair- youtha aeleotad ly tha dlreetera of The World War raider purchaaed OongraiB to raqulra tha uaa of rub- urea a n anclrely euppositleBe just mas o f tha oitiaa asd borouj}^ com- the Manebastar Bmarfeney Wta^ley’ boms of Mark Rolmaa, 35 Wood- land ahof pluto. thie boat in Oarmany (it had been bar grown in the United Stataa or aa your quaetlona ragardlng peiiai' Mtmbtrf to M nt SundBy at bridge straat Rav. M. S. Stooklnf, mittaa, aaid that Oovarsor OroH had BMBt Aaeodation to o o i^ te toe made iB'Seattle and sent ever there) ita tarritoriaa in all govaramantal bio profits were luppoMtleas.'^ not yet l i f i ^ tha Bristol charter quota of foraetera to laava tomor­ Nornuin StrtBt Gulk— Fim l* putor of tbo North Mathodlat WEDDING ANNIVERSARY < and named it after the island where projaota. "You did seU 200,000 warrants ebureh will officiate u d burial wlU bUl aa it had baas dlacovarad that it row monUng for Fort Wright another boat of his went on the for 11,400,000 and wero left with llH Inrttod. Fiabar'a Xalaad. Flftoen boya j f m m Rafarrad to tba oommittaa on Fad- be ia toe Buol0aad oemetory. , Glutoabury, June 1.— (A P )-t would usistastiosally diaoBfrasahisa recke. aral ralatloas, tha raaolutlon also 1,514,000 warrante, didn't you?” tha foeialiat party. their preliminary axawmiatioii The fuaqral parlors will be-open Mora th u1 800 yaus of wadded, lift Wedneaday and ara new quartarad Von X4iokner and the eounteee aakac tha Conaaotlout Oaaaral As- asked Peoera. this evening from 7 to 9 for the oon- wu repreautod by four oouplu at A patitiOB waa raoaivad for the ‘Tea. Our profit eupposing we A dopneeioB banquet will be uraatfon of a commliaien to pur- OB Fiabara laland' for la two came from Germany aboard the eamMy to adopt a aimllar maaeura. veaieaee of friends of too family. tha foldu wadding aulvtrwry of waaka tralnlnf parted. ■chooner, and he ueed It when be A bill was raportad favorably bad sold at toe high would bo a held by the Italian Club on Nor­ Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Fiak at ohaaa land for a sita for a sew in- eimplo matter of arltbmetio.” ■titutios' for tha faabla sSodad, acbompamed William Beebe on one authorising tba itato oomptroUar to man ftreot Juu 4. A ll members boms 0 0 Naw London tumplka. Tba annual maeting of lha Eighth of his Bermudan trips. He also took raimbuna tba Fadaral govarnmant In answer to a long lerlei of ara requested.to be present at Tuesday aftaroora and evening. A measure sroviding for rafunJ auaatlona, Whltnoy add the high of the tax paid os gasMisa used for •chool and UtiUtlaa Dlatrlct win ba a grow of itudinte through the for all profits whiob m ^ aoorua la 18:80 p. m. Chef Urbana Oeano will CUT THROUGH WALL The thru oouplu, who were other purposes than to propel autos bald in the aerambly ball at tba West Indlee ahaflrd it, and had the Oonaaouout from tba radaral oon- for Uhlted Common etook "so n r oater. A promlBaBt speaker will ba fUMto at the event wars 7'j*. and Idea for many more such ancur- aarvatiOB program. Tha MU Umita as our raoords go” rae |68H in Mrs. Jamu B. Xlllam o f South os tha highways of tha state wu HoUlater street acbeel Monday eva- July, Xf89. present and will deliver an addreu TO RESCUE CfflLD passed. Bing, June 18, according to a notice stens. But atudente art net vaca- tba amount qf auoh paymanta to |6 at the dinner. Olutonbuiy wbo calabratad thalfl Tba only report of tha session laaued today. The reporta of the dlc- ttoning that way thaee days, and so an acre for tha area Improved. Peoora said "We have informa­ All nrimbere and iheir families golden wadding April 39, thia yu r; from tha Capitol fursitura asd triet offtcari wlU ba heanl, offioara the count, who li off leoturing just On ita resumption of Its aaaalon at tion that it aold at 176 on Beptem- ara iavltod to tha dlau r and tha u d Mr. u d Mrs. Jnmu Walker ot rounds eommittaa wm raoaivad to* wUl be elected and the meefing will BOW, hopes to sell the boat 3 p. m. tba Banata waa oonfrontad ber 35, 1989.” Ho added that toe daaoa which will follow la too aft- New Havens June 1.— (A P ) — Marldan, thaira in March, 1983, aqS Jly, whan Bamual Coogal of New be asked to levy a tax rate. Because Bnougb of a crew is aboard to with a oalandar oontatnlBg 86 option warrants sold over |40, arnoon and evantag. Puooi’s orebaa- Charlotte Robne, 3, w u reaouad Mr, u d Mrs. Lewis W. Allra ot Bntais fhvorabry reported a bill for of aoboola oonaoUdatieB only a rate hasp tha Mopella la perfect eondi maaauraa starred for action. Many •Vow if you sold too 1,800,000 tra will play for daneing and prlqaa from a urrow aruway in which ahe Windsor, thaira in Novamber, 19S1. araetloB of a flagstaff on tha new large enough to cover the utilities tton, and It ia a pratty sight of thaaa wars ooatrovaralal, aberae of common stock at |70, will bo awarded for tha bast booda became trapped today ^ firemen ■tats offiaa buildug. Tba nsaasura coats win ba lavlad. But tha most intareattnf thing you would bavo raeMvod IB4300,- pUyar. wbo out a hole through aa ll-laeh DIES FROM BURNS was adoptsd by a rising vote amid about tha boat to my way of think­ IN THE HOUSE 000, wouldn’t youT” Poeora asked. tha oommittoo la ehargs of toa brick wall at the rear of the corn- obaars asd laughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Orlowskl of 184 ing, is Busy, the dachshund, who Hartford, June 1—(A P )— Power " If you ara folng to aumdao on dlanar la John Rota, Pator Gior­ mission houM of Umberto Piooolo. Middletown, June 1.— (A P )— North Bohool street today ahnouno- has gve ntwjnipplaa. was granted tbs Board of Appor­ what would have ^pponod, yaa,” dano, Frank Faeetaatti, Vittorio The child, a daughter of Mr. and Jamu J. Griffin, 88, qippled vmr A t night Busy and bar aauaaga- tionment and Taxation to oontrol all Whltaay said. "But ttat wouldn’t Firpo, Joaapb Barto, Marie Mar- Mrs. George Robu, w u heard vataraa, died laat night in toa Mid- ad tha m a rrla fi'o f thair daughtar have boon our profit” LOCAL ntOUlVliEN Jannia to Otto Krupkat of Covantiy. ahapad young onas alaap in toa municipal ajmandituras in Bridge­ obaaotti, Albart ramboriai. ■creaming By aalghbon who found dlaaax hospltol from buna ahd Tba marriage took place on Beptem- ehait room, and in tha daj^m# thay port in a bUf paaaad in to# Houaa "No,” Ptoora agraod. "That’s tha bar between two narrow walla, un­ ■bock adfarad aarilar in tha day may ba seen exerdriiw on toe upper today by a 146-69 vote. Tba MU also groas.’ able to #et out the way she had en­ when bed clothing caught fire from ber 84,1988 but the couple hai kept “Now If you bad aold the 1,714,- ^ CHOOSE NEW RUNS It secret until today. . dew. Bometimee Susy feels the franta tha dty tba right to issue tered. a cigaratta spark. * need of a brief reoeaa fbom her ma­ 11,868,000 refunding bonds. 200 In option wnrranta at f40— A policeman summoned the fire­ Ha had suffered eevera burns ternal reeponribUitlef, and has no The BlU reached tha Houaa today they sold hlgtaar—,’ Pacora oon- men, who after a moment’s* survey about tha anna, lags nnd face. Ha SsTtrsl ChsBgM Msdfl in Those A t the auction this afteraopn con­ tlBuad, "you would have racaived ducted at the Cheney barifs some ua- diflloulty elttdiag her brood. on dlaagraaing action, after havina began destruction of tha wall. She laavu hla mother, -a widow u d Who Will Opmtc TroUeys Old sea-dog that she la, she can bean amended fa^ toe Banata after 166.565,000.” w u returned to her mother badly aaveral eiatara. He served overaeu tieually good baryalai"wera obtained "8110 Bnrmlalaf” and B u s m Here. in farm'.toots. A big crowd of B^otiate any ladder on the ship. paaaing the House. Xt was amend­ frightened, but uninjured. in a hospital trainlhg coflpa. ed today to give tha mayor the right "BtiU surmising on i ^ t would farmera from Manchester, Bolton have happened, yea.” Harry Bladen, wbo haa been tba •ad Olastonhuiy vras on hand to Good paint Jeb to veto actions of tba Iward cj^d day bua driver on tba Oroaa Tows make pur^asea. A two hone kar- Milt and Frank Britton, and tba providM for ovarrldlng of the veto "The total for the common stock FTMUOiCATrON on tba vote of five of tha seven and the option warrants' would lisa baa sdaetad- wbat la. to ba neaa brought 131,• « hay 'take sight others in their mad band, A naHT FOB HER CAREER Last Times TONITE! known u tba Manebdstar Oraan 110 and bobs, formerty ueed on Hoes want up to Hiutford racantly, to fill members of tba board. have bMB 1163,566,000?” the coun­ "BONDAGE” tripper run under tha change that sel asked. Oonmany No. !<• truck were acid a vaudeville angagamaat Chic The Banata amendment, which Herolu ia Novel By Vlokl Buum le with Dorothy JORDAN goes Into effect Sunday, It pro­ for 50 cants. Bom#' new akovala recommended toe elimination of the "You a n not Including toe pre­ York, working back to New York ferred itock in tola gueaslBg con­ like Ann Viohen Note: Positively Ne- Children vides for nine and a half hours a want for 76 cants each. > Oua Jones from Boston, stopped over for the aectlona of the Mil dealing with the Admlttedl i day working period, With no Sun­ of Habron waa tha auctioaaar. MU. ^ board of apportionment and taxa­ test” Whitney said. day work. Oua W altr will remain tion, waa not considered by the "No, but rm wilUhg to,” Pecora In "Helene,” Vicki Baum gives ua By way of a friendly greeting, tba said. a novel which might almoat be call­ a fixture as aa ^ ^ t o r of a bua In Britton outfit piled in to' CbiCa House. FBI. u d SAT. MaadMstar aa ha dm taka tha eroaa Previsions of BUI Whitney waa obviouily irritated ed a German varMon of ’’Ann ^^ck,* town run, changing from the Man* dreasiag room, told him thay didn’t at the questioaiag and some of hla 2 BIG FORMER GOV. FULLER bring any make-up and iaslated The biU provides that aU expendi­ ara.” chaster Oraan fine on Which ha is tures bg made from the bond issue answers were a Mt Shan. "Helene,” that la to aay. hke Sin­ I FEATURES now oparatiag a bus. James Mc­ upon ualag great gobs of him. “Now didn’t we pay $35 a share f* ••WeU,” drawled Chic, ‘1 don’t except on specific appropriations clair Lewis’ latest book, tr^to of Guire becomes the night bus driver ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY made by the board and gives the for the common stock?” he asked toe trials and trlDulatloaa of the Guaruteed on the cross tows line, a run which see why you fellowa can’t buy your Pecora. "Ia that what you want me own. But ru say this for you; when board 'the right to fix all aalariea, modem woman—the woman who an Entertainment ha now has and Thomas Tadford, except those of elective offlcera and to aay?” maku her own career and fl|hts her who baa bean a night bua operator Boston, June l. ~ (A P )—R^eroue- you get on my make-up you ought thoae directly created by the Gen­ *T want the facts,” the Counsel CBOCOO^ TEARS laavas Manohastar and goal to a run to be good.” ■ anawerad. own fight In.a way possible only in Biona of toe Senate banUag. iaquixy eral Assembly. the to^U eth centiu^. Broke Up This Homel la Hartford. **A1’' Gilman has se- were felt in Masaachuaetts political The harum-acaruffl Brlttoaa got It extends the terma of all the *TVe paid for it in blocks,” Whit­ A Mother-in-law Stoty laetad a day trolley run between through their act and the h5use Its heroine is a young woman who drclea today with toe annouBdement present members of the board to ney said. ‘7 aasuma the flrtu’e you studies advanced chemlatry in a That le NO'Jofeel Manchester and Hartford. Hartford by former Governor Ahrant T. Fuller shook with applause. And what hap- Dec. 31,1937. want for tha common ia At man who have opaistad days on the panedT Why, York, the droU feUow. that price 1,300,000 shares of com­ German university. She ia going to of his candidacy for governor, of toe In the amendment adopted today be « acientist and nothlng^ia to in- Hartford-South Maartiawar line atroUed out on tot stags and took a It ia provided that lalary reduc- mon would have been $80,000,000.” have made changes laavUy some of atate at toe^hext electioo. bowl terfera with that dealgn; but ihe ia Fuller ptated ha wcGM saek the tiona shaU not affect pension rights Whitney explained to Senator the runs open on tta . frrtlay line. Townaend (R., DeL), how the M or­ no mora aucoeaaful than w u Ann RepuhUean aoralnatiMi from Xleut- and that reductiai of persnmu be Vicken in keeping love from trip­ The Bight aaen who make their sa- Slaw liotloB Pletnraa based on terms of service. gan firm had raoelved bloeka of laetioBS this aftarneon, both from GoveriKv: Gaapar Bacon la 19U ping her up. when naked laat night for comment Oarenee D. Chambarlln, of Dad- It also provides that the mayor United aecuritiea in return for'cer- Hartford and Manehastar may se­ son, XOwa,\Iowa State college and taln utility securitlee It had turned Ih fut, the love affair in which lect soma oC ihaaa bids that are left jon testimony at the Morgau hearing return aU vetoed measures to me in WaahlngtoD invoMag toe Ueuten- Atlantio fil^ t fame, aeema one of board within ten d i ^ and that the over to'United, plus 410.700,000. Helene gets involved la a cataa- c^an on tha South Mksehestar-Hart- the ahyeat indlviduala to meet But trophio affair that would and avaiy* ford day apd night runs. aat-fdvesBor in Morgan financial acta may be repaaaed 1^ a vote of "W e immediate^ I'eaold 600,000 traaSactiiBBa. ~~ onee hla shield of retioenee ia pene­ five of the seven commlraionera. unite (a unit conalatlng of one thing for toa ordinary param. The IRENE T have always fait,” Fuller said, trated, he proves to be a fluent talk­ In the Senate a MU waa reported share o f preference atoc'* .md one young medical student with whom er with a good sense of humor. favorably authorising the d ty o of common) at |75 each and at no she ia In love oomulto auidde, SHrSOIEVStfE "toat Bacon waa a ‘weak stick’ and Helene la held In jail for aaveral wtNB I saw toe Btatomdht in toe Battling Max B. RoaenMoom aays enter into a garbage dlspoeal con­ profit to ua,” Whitney said. it‘e orange juice he drinks when be tract for a period not to exceed five "Thase figures ara all a specula- weeks while the Inquiry i n t o ^ DUNNE newqpapera which daflnitaty linked tion. It is a ease , of if we bad done a t John’s, IL F., June i^^CAPj—> him with toe special priritega group, trains for flrtits in the night elube. years. It waa tSMed for tha calen­ death fo u forward, than* aha la dla- With JOEL MeCRBA Twwa^threa aahermen' who abaa- Vi^lUam . Travels ■ Jerome, who dar and printing. none of the things wa did do, thia la mlaaad from tha. university—and, a to which I have-alwaya ben op- what we might have dooe.” FraaeuDu Briolialex doamd the sehooner Derathy Mdltn poaed, X dadded it vraa a good tone gave.Tammany auoh a thumping Uttla Uter, ah4 h u a baby. ■ftor die strueh an iceberg ware when he was diatriot attorney, la a 'Tou said toe p ^ t on the eeeurl- Pioattitt ud ftlootD tht hu .to Laara BepaCNwa to'annouaee my eaadidaey against ties turned over to the United would safe here today after rowing 140 him.” dexterous goldsmith. aiqiport haraalf and her . child, com­ mOeoin their dories. Ann Pennington Ic such- n toiy NO RESIGNATIONS at top prices have been over 167,- plete her education and \hm bnAo One o f the oraw, Gheeley Grandy, dancer one wondara how aha could 000.000.'^ Pecora said. niche In her ehoaan prafaaaloii. She of Bay Largent, waa in a hospital have auoh a Mg appetita that it BECAUSE OF PROBE " I want to riiow the other aide of Buooaada, too, althmigh the oourag^ auSeclBg from iBjurfea caueed whan PUBLIC RECORDS wouM taka her a eoupla o t hours'to the pieture--that if y w had aold oua way In v^ oh she eunaounto all SILVER CORE^ ha waa atrnek by the Budn topmaet, eat But actually she doesn't eat your Uhlted Beeuritles at prteee not o f thsM ■eemsA little toe Baud upon toa play by DDNET HOWARD u but the other 83 w an unharmed. muMi^juet slowly. (Oantonai Frem Page Ona) at toe peek, you would have made a good to bo true; and too etory of The Theater Gnul. profit of $m60|.000.” The echooner wae H ftlBf Along n « adventures. If X am not GO-FEATURE! coofaranoas at London and jOenaTa, "That oheMts with my flgurea,” smartly in a fineh hraeae ah o^ Georgs Bchatx and Margaret taken, la going/ to he one of toe Meet toe Tteite ted M u of toe Weetl bafbn dawn Sunday iasuad a statemant early In tlM haar- Whitney aaeanted. ^ i^rinf*e beet Mllera. Schiaidga to Robert Behatn of Man- axplalninf ooourt^tkm with Fletriiar naked when the 300,000 2 u e 6r«7*B STUART •ha Jdt the toaharr. Her foMn top-, ebaeter, land on ASh itra et HOSPITAL NOTES PubUehed by Doubleday, Doran- 10 aarvica waa tba rtaaon he ■hares of United ofUoa warranto * Co., "B fleU ^ aalla for $3. Buala Dtmko Sutoanrity to Jacob were sold. FBaoxoaiiBK^’!!^ 'For t m dayt the IVbwflaoadlaBd^ not paid o ff a loan raeelved -OJNDER THE SuchanShy, unrtvidad ena-hhlf in­ ff, Wladyskfw Bmolek o f 116 Oek fromtha dOffan oompany. "From Juty to Beptraiber, 1939,” fenmaaMdthepofl^hntrtmadOB* terest in Land on Bttttmaar a ln it street waa admlttad and Mbs. Paul Whitney nKU Sd i t o Tneeday m ooilaf when Cue-. Beaator Wullam CUbbaMoAdoo o t TO REOPEN MONDAY T O N T O W M * ' Darting and tafaat dauqkter o t 68 CaUfornla, ^TVaasuty haafi, dialad "DUhit you sen 994,000 oommoa M m W m a M u Banfldd flirt eertimi Suala Damko.Buchaaaky agatnat D M m ^ 'J tra a t; JohaJohnacn ot batxg a prw m ad ettant. to J. F. aharae?” Peoora asked. MtotpeBie, Vt. Ju m m vaqedw pald flounder. " August Kaartfl and othan, foraelDa- Wans atmjrt and Mrs. ArtonrPInaey Morgan and Oa. T re m that day to tkta we sold UWott toop grtSto toewAdtwrs uhe flC n mortis on land on o t Akdevfr were discharged yceter- ‘’KOOO eharae.” fas .toaJM toeller Eatriot vtoa have aeer straat 'llBMUm.tflbr dedamp- d?ty. Water would not boU at aa The wltneea' thereupon told heu tiKeteaiy a atrike of ttyn having expibad. titta of toe .A daughtyr was bora'yaaterday altituda ot 90 mllaa above aaa•a tovoL Fletcher the 1999 pricee for opthm waakff duaUoo aniwunoafl todm ^ II — in the taDdae Jg beenuse they BVbpwty heoemla ahaOiuto ia Bualf at toe hospital to Mr. and Mrs.' but that point bantf| M ireMhod.. warranto r a n g ^ jB w .a 4T. high to they would notuopen their riiedi to F-rtMPW lliM t Shea. Denalb‘ 8ucbaatoy« . ■ GtoCjiajBrimo of U l^ n io a iM a t by mankind. ^ i a 4Q tftfWt wule prloii reerived m toe aatiMi w dl nut MwfiiVk ' V t , ii AHfmagnm BVENIN6 HBKAU), MANOTastS^ 06 n N ,.'T H U ^

    apart as » dfoua artth.dlQterait la- ten par oant in draM want into st- AVOID FORHDIG CLANS, teiaats and (Bgarent ideas from sE U C iiilirfliM f set in the local mffla on Monday is tbnee of tha rest oC'tha country. b r u a h s i u n t believed to be the eanae ef the an- Ttaoaa of yon vriioara to enter etvi) ROCKVILLE iroved bnihieae and iaeroased Local StocksN. Y. Stocb R008EVELTTEUSNAVY Ufa are, in tha aama way. in n^ spendinff but the fact that the flrat naa a (fliqiM. * ■ V ■ pay eheeka under the tea per cent You have, and ahould rightly have, O R ^ P A Y M E N T Adams Exp ...... J % (Conti— ad fa— o Fege Oae) nerease have not been distributed (FmlslMd by Putnam B Oa.) pride in graduatkm from our splen­ Meeting This i^ternooii WItk A ir Reduo ...... io % makes many believe that consider­ Central Bow, Hartford, Ooan. did historical naval.academy. You Bank RqprepieBtnthre —36T- A ld h n Jun ...... 18% hearts o f the rtelte uiUformed PRESIDENT McCRACKEN able money had bean put away by A lleerlienir ...... inherit the tradition of. honor and of erallBsnes^F^ Board. 1 P. M. Stodis . . . . 8 efficioncy. You inherit au well the kmilies in fear of hard times strik­ ▲ IHtefI ...... 1 0 8 ^^^FVeri^t and Mrs. Roosevelt tradition ot service to the people of Cbuberiain Rcfoses to An- ing Rockville and vicinity. Am C a n ...... 92 A meeting (tf the Board et 8o- GRADUATION SPEAKER N ates Bank Stoeks motored here from Waahington. the united States. Bid Asked Am For P o w ...... 1$% The Preaidant qioke very briefly. lectmen may be caBed lota tUa aft- Notwithstanding the unpleasant You wyi, I am confident, think of 40 Am Rad Stand 8 ...... 1$% ernocm amen it Is expected a rep­ ; ninr Wiwn Asked If It weather the children at the Tolland Cap Nat B and T .... — His address fcrilows: those people not as an abstract, Head o f SUte CoDcge to Ad- Conn. River ...... 450 Am Sm elt ...... $8% ? am not going to talk to you of theoretical mass, but as one hundred resentative of the First National County Temporary Homs for Chil­ Itfd. Conn. Trust ... 45 Am Tel and T el ...... U 8 % Che many h^oic examples that have dress Student Body at Com* dren at Vernon Center were enter­ and twenty millions of men and Bank of Boston will :a U on his way W 1 Be Made. atfd. National B and T — Am Tob B ...... 86% been set by those who in past years women and (diildren in forty-eight mencement Exercises June tained yesteniay afternoon at the First National ...... 80 Am W at W k a ...... - 28% have received their comnilasiona on from Hartford to Boston and wUl Allen Brothers Wfld West, Circus states—on sea coast, on plain and 22. «ew Britain Trust ... — Anaam da ...... 17% occaslona such as this. diKniss with the Seleetmsn matters at the Rockville Fair Grounds. Ar­ A tchison ...... 67% among tee moimtains; in dty, in pertaining to the town's finanoea. Juna (AP) — The 1 West Hartford Trust.. — 1 am not going to give you a lec­ village and on farm; rich peoirte, rangement for the taking of the Auburn ...... 64 The bonds sold to Christewaan President C. C. McCracken of the lasuranoe Stoeks ture on tee unlquenees of your poai- people of moderate means, poor peo­ B o o m of Oommoos teflod tfain to* chUdren to the circus was made by Aviation Oorp ...... 12% and McKenna of Hartford are ex­ Connecticut State College at Storra Aetna Casualty ...... 44 tlon as tee first Une ot tee Nation’s ple; people employed, and people out to obtain from Chancollor of the members of Stanley Dobosz Aetna Life ...... 15>A Balt and O hio ...... 21 pected to be signed th | a w eek Ity has accepted the invitation of Prin­ defense against aggression o f Jobs. tha Ebcehatiuar Neville C!hamberlain Post, No. 14, American Legion. Aetna Fire ...... S3 Bendix ...... 16% tee Board of Sriectmen. Several cipal Philip M Howe to be -the Members of the post furnished Beth Steel ...... 27% 1 am not going to dilate on the You represent teem aD. They a'atatement of the Brltlab policy in Automobile ...... 17 duties and responsibUltios that fall have given you a glorious opportun­ matters pending for the past two to the $76,950,000 war debt speaker at the annual graduation transportation to the fair grounds. Conn. General ...... 25 Beth Steel, pfd ...... 66% months while the bond issue was upon you in war and in peace. ity. Make good. Keep the faith. iaitallment due tha United States Superintendent Albert S. McClain Borden ...... 88% being negotiated, including the exercises to be held in the audi­ Hartford Fire ...... 4 m These things you have learned (3owi luck to you in tee days to accompanied the children as did CMn P a c ...... 14% town insurance, C!heney utilities, June 16. torium of the George Sykes Me­ National F ire ...... 47 Coimty Commissioner Harry C. Hartford Steam Boiler 45 Case (J. L) ...... 74% from your own studies and from com e! Fredarick 8. Oocka, a Labor mem­ morial school on Thursday evening, your instructors who have partici­ the special town meeting for a vote Smith. Phoenix Fire ...... 62 C:;erro De P asco ...... 24 ber, aakad whether the government June 22. The evening's program is on tee appeal on the electric light Victory Assembly, Catholic La­ Travelers ...... 865 (tees and O hio ...... 87 pated in them. scheduler and “rate" structures, had reached any decision regarding now being arranged and will com­ You should, and 1 assume you do, dies of Columbus held their third PobHo Utilities Stocks Chrysler ...... 28% called by tee Taxpayers' Asaoda- pasrmant of the Installment, and Mr. mence promptly at 8:16 o’clock, know more about them than 1 can ORGANIZING CAMPS whist party in their spring series Conn. Elec Serv ...... 37 C oca Cola ...... $8% tion by petiti(»; the equalisation Chamberlain renliad: dayll^t time. The acceptance of know and are fully appreciative of yesterday aftenuxm in their rooms (>wn. Power ...... 40 Col Gas ...... 18% tax of tee sch(.ol districts and sev­ **|t would not be dsairable for me the invltaticm by President Mc­ their importance and tee grave con­ in the Prescott block. The proceeds Greenwich, WAG, pfd. 48 (tel Carbon ...... 55% eral minor matters will be taken JO make any statement in regard to Cracken to be the principal speak­ sequences with which the mann


    feeble till his last lOaeas a few tfCatirliM tn: Should Imve known at ths heginntng, that bffis sttadrtng the saotertruok montha ago. AND HIE BIG ONES GET AWAY industry had qpohsowd by Dan O’Leary was a rugged old WATKINS BROTHERS. £nntfng HnraUi tha Now York. New Haven and naan even at 92; with all hla wits ¥ POBLuimuu MS m io HartfWd Rallraad OornfMay would about him. Maybe there win be, HERALD PRiNTlNO COHPANT. INC. IS Blasall StTMt be at a disadvantage la tka Onmeo- some day, an automobne racer who Funeral Directors ICanebMtcr, Caaa. tieut Oaaeral Aseembly, tha leglsla- has lived to be 82; or an aviator; or ESTABUSHED 68 YEARS THOMAS B^OOSON 0«B«riu M ut(«r tiva lol^ylste for tha railroad appar­ an 280,000 a year baUplayer. How do we know? But it wouldn’t be CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. Fonndto OotoMT I, 1111 ently have taken a ntw track—very Published Bstry Idvesing Bxespt belatedly. The newest of the anti­ much of a thing to bet on. Suodays and Bolidajs. Batared at tna Robert K. Anderson Phone: Office 6171 Post Office at Uanohesta/. Conn., as truck measures makee its appear- Residence 7404 Second Class Mall Mattai F E B S m N G T B B *KM)AT.'* b'iinerm t Director SOBSC::rPTlON RATES anoe as a “oommlttoe” bm, being One Tear, by nail ...... ralced In the Motor Vtiildee Oraa- General Pershing was one of the Per Month, by mall ...... S >ft select list of dtiawia to whom the SInerle copies ...... I .vl mittee and groomed for springing j'eMvered. one year ...... ^...SB.dO on the Legislature during the burly Hoiue of Morgan extended the privi­ spent toe week-end with her par- lege of buying certain laeuee o t ae- MEMBBH OP THIS ASSOCIATED buidy of the eloelng days of the enU. Mr. and Mrs. Cbaries Finney. PROS' curities at prioae far below the flg- i'lie Associated Press .s exolusiyaly sessloa. BOLTON Mr. and Mrs. Floyd EogU and ^^eniltled to the ate ^or rernhileatlon The bill, thoudb not yet before uraa at adiicb thoee eeeurltlee were toelr-daughter, Patrlda, qent tbe or all news dispatches credited to It week-end wito her parents in Wal­ the General AsaemMy, according to selling in the open market On The Center echool presented toelt or not otherwise credited Ir this lingford. paper and also the I .cal news pnb* reports of its character may pos< the ffice of it that was a rather play Mcmday evening “Mid Summer , lished herein. Mr. and Mrs. Ctayton A. Hills, All rights of repnblleatlon ot sess considerable merit It la pro­ gradoiu act toward the hero of the Night’s Dream.” They also bad a Mr. and Mrs. Ciharles Plnney and : special dfapatchcs herein art also ra- posed to require Connecticut reg World War on the part of the late lale of their handwork. their daughter, Miss Dora, spent ' served. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Eaton Sunday at Mrs. Hills’ cottage at istratiem of a specific sort for any Dwight Morrow, then a partner in Pull aervies client ot N B A Ser- Msmmrial Day at Hudson, N. Point O’ Woods. vice. Inc. travel through this state ot a com­ the Morgan concern, since the great Mrs. A. W. Ellis spent Wednesday soldier bad confessed hla ignorance Puhlisher*a Representapve: The mercial vehicle carrying freight for Schools in town were closed in Hartford. Julius Mathews Soeci>’' Agency—NSW compensatiim, the cost of such reg' of business and bad asked Mr. Mor­ Memorial Day. Miss Amelia Palmer Mrs. Bertha Hubbard and bar son, fork. Chicago. Ustroit and Boston. spent toe day =t her home in North Richard, of New York City n ^ t row for advice as to hla investments. istratlon for out-of-state trucks be­ StoningtoB and Miss Jeanette the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. nsrt .M KM BEK AUDIT BUREAU OF However, it appears from the evi­ Cl RCUI-ATluNiJ. ing r^fulated by a eliding ^ scale. Heckler at her home in North B. Buell’s. The measure contemplates a red' dence given by Mr. Whitney, of the C oventry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gantar of i'he Heral' Printing Company, Ino.. MiM Amelia Palmer entertained Marlboro called on relatives here prodty arrangement whereby other Arm, at the Washington inquiry yes­ M aesumes no financial raaponalblUty some of her pupils at her home re­ Monday. for t.vpographicai errors appearing In terday, that the late Mr. Morrow' advertisements In the Manchester states could charge similar fees cently. m Im Palmer has done this Mr. FuUum of Amherst, Mass., Eveninc Herald. against Connecticut trucks operat­ may have been putting one over on on several occasions. was in this locality recently secur­ R. Kneeland Jones recently lost a ing within their borders. the generaL According to Mr. ing subscriptions to'Hoard’s Dairy­ THURSDAY. JUNE 1. valuable horse due to acute indiges­ Whitney, when the Morgan concern men’s. There is a good deal to be said for tion. Dr. Morin of Rockidlle at­ Mrs. Howard Tryon of Glaston­ SNAP OUT OF IT. the prindple underlying such a sys­ handed out those mllUona of dollars tended the horse. bury spent Memorial Day with her The Connecticut House of Repre­ tem. But legislators will be very worth of securities at cut-rate prices Neighbors’ Night was observed at parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W. BuMl. it wasn't performing any act of toe Grange recently. West Suffield, Hart E. Buell and Mias Florence sentatives displayed a regrettable chary of voting for any measure PlalnviUe and Lebanon were i benevolence at all; it was, on-the Jones called recently at Mr. and lack of appreciation of the problem affecting motortrucks without sub­ vlted. Mrs. Charles Canter’s in Marl­ of the cities and big towns when it jecting it to the dosest scrutiny quite opposite band, presenting each Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hlel of Am­ borough. sterdam, N. Y., were recent guests adopted, yesterday, the inadequate after their experience, this session, recipient with a hot poker. The Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Variey ol of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bentley. Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, with a l(mg array V f bins fostered cut-rate pimcbaser became, not the and utterly disappointing so-called Miss Eva Jones of Hartford spent spent a few days this week with her Relief Bill. It is sincerely to be by the New Haven, all of them cal­ benefleiary of a gift, but a “sharer toe week-end at toe heme of Mr. brother, Roy Hotricer, and attended culated to knock out the motortruck in the risk of underwriting.” and Mrs. R. K. Jones. toe' funeral of her father, Dwight hoped that the Senate will set aside Mary KUmartln, music su­ We confess to a little vagueness H ooker. the political considerations which so industry for the benefit of the road, pervisor, met at tbe hall one day as to Just what that risk involvss, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Buell attend­ manifestly dictated the drawing of and several of* them containing this week wito toe center and north ed toe funeral of Dwigjkt Hooker in school pupils to practice toe music 'the bill, and will reject it It is Jokers. bow great It is or precisely its na­ Middle Haddam, Wednesday. ture. But since Mr. Whitney calls for gradation. / Mrs. Alice Bartbefieoew and her inconceivable that the General At the beginning of the present Schools in town will close June daughter, Mary, were visitors Wed­ Assembly of 1933 will permit itself session this newspaper expressed the it a risk and allows it to be known children nsd adults. I doubt if thsy ISto and commencement exercises are as common as they used to be. nesday at Roy Hooker's. to lie down on its Job in any such opinion that there was obvious need that the Morgan firm was in some will be held at toe ball, June 16th. At one time almost every child re­ Behind the Scenes in R. KneMand Jones and town men Mr. end Mrs. E. W. Buell of Impartial legislation for the prop- way or other getting out from imder degree as to leave the cities and ceived a dose of worm medicine now ars oiling toe Bolton-Hebron town visitors in Manchester, Monday. large towns with no more aid in the sr regulation of motor transporta­ a part of its burden of responsUfllity and then. Just to be on the safe side. aid road. handling of their unemployment tion of freight qver the bighwasrs— for those stocks by distributing The rumor that some reducing Miss TCiim and Miss Jeanette Sum­ preparations contain tapeworm eggs ner spent Memorial Day at toe problem than is afforded by this that that highly important activity them to ite friends in the guiae of WASHINGTON u absurd under the present day su- home o t their parents Mr. and Mrs bad grown up in a wild and. weedy special opportunity, it does appear MARLBOROUGH shamefully feeble measure. pervlsloii of the pure food and drug been Charlie Sumner. that General Pershing was by way n e w DEFINITION OF “WAW’ 4>such talk haa comonanly Instead of being miscalled a rettef way and that It was high time it act. AIM OF ROOSEVELT------JVBLT’ greetedi by horse-laughs. A card party was held at toe ball Wednesday afternoon for toe Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Lord have bill the legislation adopted by the were taken in hand. But it also ex- ot being used as a goat. That la, it The usual treatment is to cleanse Behind Roosevelt's international benefit of tbe D. A. R. of Manches­ announced toe engagement of their preesed the view that for the New appears that way from Mr. Whit­ ths alimentary canal by means of a Aggression Without Fomml Deo- program Is a determination to or- House deserves better to be called fastiitf diet for a few days, using ter. daughter. Miss Lydia T. Lord to ney's testimony. laratlon Wotdd ’>e Ontlnwed g^ se that “world opinion” and an oppression bill. Haven road to undertake to write Early in the morning of make it function—partly by putting A garden party under toe aus­ Howard Hinckley, son of Mr. and It le impossible, however, to be­ pices of toe Tolland County Demo Mrs. Winiam B. Hinckley of Willi- the legislation, or to attempt to the fourth day the patient is ^vsn By RODNEY DUTCHER on toe spot any nation whlcn com­ For some inexplicable reason the cratie Association will be held at manipulate It in its own espedal in­ lieve that Dwight Morrow would In­ a substance repugnant to the worm The Evening Herald Washington mits toe clear-cut offense of m antlc. opponents of the current bill have which aasiste in causing it to re- stepping across a frontier with a “Noxid” Columbia, Saturday, June Graduation exercises for toe local terest, would surely result in the tentionally ating his doss personal Correepondeot 8, at 2 p.m . National speakers wU: seemed to take it for granted that Hwmrixh its bold. Pumpkin seeds Washington, June 1, — A re­ gun, partly by elimination of offen­ schools will be hel'! Monday night failure of any proper regulative ac­ friend and idol, Black Jack be present. A small admlssioD will the only practicable alternative to and extract of male fern are two definition of “war” was one of toe sive armaments and partly tw con- June 12 at toe church. tion. The indications are that this ParsUng, by selling him'S bargain substances commonly used. Then strongest objectives in President sultative and other agreemenite. be charged. Mrs. Ellsie Jones and this measure— ^wbicb m erely makes Mrs. Ethel Robertson of South The Dorcas society will hold their is predsely what will have trans­ counter stock that wee liable to turn an enema is taken a few hours later Roosevelt’s inind as be sent bis his- < Although toe president has. been azmual strawberry supper at the it possible for the munldp^ties to and the worm leaves the body. At torlc peace message to toe nations | considering toe issuance of some Coventry krill be in charge of toe pired by the time of adjournment lour and that the Morgana were refresbmente. Mrs. Fannie Dixon vestry of toe church Wednesday, pile up more indebtedness and Jto is important to make sure that the of toe worid. such clarion call alaee last Jamt- These are not the times when the anxious to get off their handa Mr. bsMl is passed, as, if tbs head re­ ary, be saved it, trumpeted It at a Welch of Columbia, Mrs. Helen June 7. invite the receiverships provided for The world renouncra. didn't at all times know all that was an acid fruit for five days. The child Mass., Saturday. This was In con­ only alternative. bill was for Mr. Pelley and his law­ i< allowed to use all the acid fruits dollar phrases to describe wbat that toe World Economic Confer­ Mra Annie L. Bissell of Manebes- going on within the Wall street ence woulo fail. nection wito their school work, as yers to appear In advocacy of it desired, using apples, cberriSk, they were up to under a prettier toey have been studying about anl ter spent Sunday wito her sister, The state of Connecticut is unique name. "Punitive expeditions,” "pro­ Win or lose, Roosevelt was In It may ba a sadly belated raallss- building that la too dignlfled and too grapes or oranges. Each day ot the nuus. Mrs. C. S. Bolles. among American commonwealths in fast an enema is taken. Very often tection of Ilfs and property,” "main­ S is•sitlon to re-estahUsh a com m and Miss Jean Thleaes entertained her tion of this that has lad to tha sur- majeatic to nead a sign. What odd g moral leadership for this ootm- A notice from toe unemployment having no bonded indebtedness. Five this is all that is needed to rid the tenance of sacred treaty rights,” Sunday school class at supper Wed­ try at a time when no other states­ association has been sent to R. K. raptitious appearance of this latest things wa art learning I child of the worm. Sometimes ebU- "self-defense operations” — those years ago that was a ganuina raaaon man of toe world bad a chance of Jones saying this town is eBtitled nesday night to celebrate her birth­ o f the m otor truck biUa, via the Mo­ drsn ars given pumpkin seeds at. a have been some of toe expressions to one man in toe government for pride. In the completely altered putting it over. day. tor Vehicles Committee. At all .worm remedy, using 3 oimcea of em ployed. camps for toe reforestation work. Ethel Johnson daughter of Mr. situation of today, when towns and the macerated seeds after a ‘i-day 'Tbe climax of these absurdities Tbe age limit is 46. Anyone wish and Mrs. Gustav Johnson entertain­ events It comes pratty late la the came wben Japan marched into OarefoDy Timed cities are groaning imder a burden fast. A few hours later an enema The dispatch to 64 foreign nations Ing toe Job please oommunieate with ed her Sunday school class on Sat­ day. If it had been presented at Health and Diet China in "self'^tfense” and kept on of debt too great for their shoulders Is glyen and this shoulu cause the started over tbe cables at 6 o’clock toe first selectman. The names urday afternoon at a birthday the proper time and bad been made expulsion of che worm. going. The Japanese were quick to In tbs morning. White House eor- must be in before June 7. party. and are still compelled to make ex­ compare their operations wito past the subject of proper bearings, there . Advice reapondents were called from their Memorial Day exercises wars held traordinary expeqdltures to feed QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS interventions of ours in Latin Amer­ is very little doubt that it or some > By Dr. Frank McCoy beds, told to come and get their at tbe cemetery Sunday aftemcon. their impoverished populations, the ica. copies so that toey nolgbf prepared There was speakiiig and the soldiers blU of similar purport could have* (Jaundice May B e Due to Several debt-free situation of the stats is a Causes) New Roosevelt demands that all their files for early forenoon re­ GILEAD graves were decorated with flags been passed. As it la, tha maasure THOROUGH COOKING OF MEAT Question: Miss Faith U. asks: nations "individually agree that lease. and flowers. source not of pride but of shame. toey will send no armed force is now open to the auspielon always p r o t e c t s a g a i n s t T A i.E "Will you kindly give me some m- This careful timing waa designed Several from here attended ths The state of Connecticut, in a of whatsoever nature across toelr Aunday evening toe monthly attaching to committee-raised Mils WORM formation about yellow Jaundice, its to catch toe afternoon newspapers Tri-County Christian Endsavor period of Immense distress, stands in fremtiers.” If be has his way there of Europe — spine 34 hobri ahead meeting of the Tii-County Christian Union meeting at Westchester, Sun­ sought to be enacted in the last days cause and cure, and bow long «t will be an end of those undeclared Endeavor Union was held in toe of the time to^ would be filled day. the position of a fat, alsek and lalf- A young lady writes m'e that-she lasts if taken care of immediately?” wars and he Is even willing to ad­ Westchester church and local folks o f a lon g session w ithout any ade*. has a tapeworm which she feels Answer: Jaundice may be cau:: i wito Chancellor Adolf Hitler'i complacent packer. It isn’t doing mit that his proposed treaty would speech to tbe Reichetag, wblcb attended toe service. quata opportunity for tha public to crawling up her throat. This last by a serious disease of the liver, its bit. It hasn't picked up its and bar tots country from landing ma­ many feared might explode a bomb­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newcomb laam what thay are all about statement shows that aha does not such as caocer or drrhoeis, but, rines in any small Latln-Americah of the log. Not only that, but it shell on toe continent PresideBt and bis mother, Mia. Mary New­ have a trua^ tapeworm h> the adult when It first appears, it usually is republic. comb of Somers were Sunday visi­ WAPPING caused by catarrhal inflamation of Roosevelt moved toe first of his is manifesting, toward its constitu­ form of this worm la found in the weekly press conferences a day tors at Mr. and Mrs. Asa W. Ellis’. ent municipalities, a peculiarly ex­ DAN 0*LSAHY. intestine and would not be likely to the bile ducts or by the blls btlng Dwight Hooker of Middle Had- stopped through toe obstruction World Opinion ahead In order that tbe morning Mrs. Dorothy Ward is spsndiag Without any expectation of being be near the throat. In this country and abrooid Hunt ded suddenly ht the home of asperating attitude of saactiflsd su­ caused by gaU stones. The treat­ For years tbere has been much press her two weeks vacation at tte homo The tapeworm belongs to that earnest, solemn talk about the ef­ m ight follow up toe impact of his his son, Roy Hooker, Sundiy morn­ periority. The incorporation of the believed by a single Maacbestor boy ment wblcb I would suggest Would, of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur tribe which does not earn its own fectiveness of “world opinion” in powerful message to Congreu and ing. Funeral servicec were held in wo will nevertheless make the direct Van Slcklln of Wapplng. receivership threat in the same law living; while in the intestine of man of course, depend upon toe cause toe nations. toe Middle Haddam church Wednes­ deterring aggressive nations. Lately Miss Miriam Welles of Avery that would force the big towns and itotement that flfty years ago Dan it secures food by soaking dp liquid found through an examination: but day. Burial services were conduct­ O'Leary, long dlstanca walker, was nourishment. It has no mouth but on general principles, a fruit fast ed by Daskam Lodge of Masons, at street and her friend, Mias Florsnes cities to assume new debts and car­ would be effective in stimulating Pinney of TalcottvUle, left last Sun­ takes up food through its entire tle King in build, with a merry tece toe Gilead cemetery. rying charges is a flagrant and a bigger man in the esteem of the toe flow of bile and removing toe day morning for an automobile trip surface. It is usually made up of wreathed in smiles most of toe time. Mrs. Rosalie Waldo of Hebron is gratuitous Insult aulded to the injury boys of America than Babe Ruth is many small pieces or segments, Jaundice at least temporarily. IN NEW YORK spending this week with her daugh­ to California and will return through Chicago and take -in the Worid’s done by the bllL todi^r. which are amalleat toward the bead ter Mrs. Asa W. Ellis. Mrs. Emma (Fsorlaels, Louis Fischer, Moscow correspond­ Dan O’Leary became the world’s and largest toward the other end. Deming of WUUmantic who made Fair, on toelr way home. They ex­ The bond carrying capacity of this A tapeworm may reach the extra­ QuesBon: Tomlinson B. writes:— New York, June 1.—This is tbe ent of toe Nation, who has Just re­ pect to be gone aiwut seven or Mgbt turned from a three-month lecture her home with Mrs. Waldo was state is enormous. Connecticut has greatest personage, in the opinion ordinary length of 15 to 20 feet The “I have been troubled wito psortacis time of year when love-smitten cou­ tour across toe United States, was stricken wito a heart attack while w e ^ . • a taxing power practically unlimited of the boys of half a century ago, part nearest the neck forms new for a number of years, and have ples, wandering along the slopes taWng an automobile ride with Mrs. Mra. Alice (Loomis) Barber of tried electric treatments, salves, above toe Hudson around Grant’s asked to describe hiji most vivid Im­ in its scope. It could raise suffi­ by walking five hundred and twenty segments so. that the length ot thj pression of 'America today. and died soon after being re­ Brooklyn, N. Y., has bean staying at worm increases. The segments at ointments, lotions, etc., which have Tomb, come unexpectedly upon a moved from toe automobile. ^ the Loomis Homestead fqr the past cient funds for all the unemploy­ miles in six days. Walking, not lop­ done no good. Even several skin “The tremendous pimularity of the end away from the head con­ little grave wito a charming tomb­ President Roosevelt,” Fischer an­ Mrs. Emily ElUs and her daugh­ week. Her daughter, Mias Angle ment relief demanded by the situa­ ing nor Jog trotting nor running, but tains ripe eggs and after these seg­ spedaUste failed to help me.” stone. It reads: ‘To toe memory ter, Miss Clara Motored to Ludlow, Barber also spent toe week end Answer: Your trouble can be en­ swered. T have never seen its tion for the next two years at a cost “heel and toe” welklnf, every foot ments break off they pass out of the of an amiable cUld.” equal, in all sections of toe country, Maas., Tuesdsy. They will pass toe there. tirely cured It you will follow toe far lower than that which will be of the flve-twenty. body. The whole worm is flat and Another little plot that always in­ among >all classes of people.” week wito their relatives Mr. and The Oakland Neighborhood Qub, probably the name tapeworm was correct dietetic regimen: Space does terests out-of-towners is the wee, Mrs. Merton Bennett, Miss Webster will bold their annual picnib at imposed on the communities, and It is very doubtful that, if Dan given it on account of ite appear­ not permit me to print the complete triangular cemetery on 11th West, and Hart Webster. Welles picnic ground on Avery never miss the carrying charges and O’Leary were a young man again ance. instructions, but, 11 you write Just behind the French Pastry shop Theodore Dreiser has a fondness Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Foote street thte afternoon. amortization if It provided for them and it he walked a thousand miles The tapeworm goes through sev­ to me' sgsin, sending your full n ^ e where Joyn Reed, Louise Bryant, for old felt bats. He wears them motored to Amherst, Maas., Sunday The Federated Sunday Sebo^ eral stoges before infesting man and and ad<&eas, and a large stanlped Max Ehuitman, Eldna St. Vincent in slouched manner, likes toe brims to visit toelr son Arnold and Board will hold their mmitbly busi- courageously. in six days instead of a little more a bit wide, and apparently never yet it requires an ywimAi to a c t as a envelope, I will be glad to forward Millay, Flody Dell and other villag­ family. They returned to their nesa meeting at the home of Mr. and And there isn’t a single valid rea­ than tiAif of it, you ootlld stir up, has thrown one away. He is likely “go-between.” The worm lives in such information to you. ers used to have breakfast Sunday home Monday. Mrs. Albert B. Stiles of FlaaaOat son why the state should not do among the boys or the sports follow­ the larval stage In the muscles f mornings—^wben they could afford to make a gift of one of his hate to The Misses Edith and Lena Ellis anybody whom he faaeiea, Clapping Valley this (Thursday) evening. something closely approaching this. ers ol this coimtry today, a half these Vnimwie and it has been (Good Health in Any OUmate) breakfast There are only a hand­ and friends of Hartford spent Me­ Tbe Wagikm GUrls dub will bxM proved that jrtgs, cattle, fish, wUd Question: J. O. asks: “Don’t you his hat-of-the-moment on the other We have a timorous and indecisive ounce of excitement over the man ful of graves in this tiny cemetery morial Day with Mr. and Mrs. Asa their meeting at toe home cd Miss bears and even dogs may be tape­ thinic a person can get in gcoo and you have to gaze at them person’s head and waving to him, in lordly manner, to keep it ... .Jer­ W . BUls. Dorothy Dewef this evening. governor who fears to suisert himself or the stimt worm carriers. After the animal is health in any climate whether be la through a grilled fence. But, com­ M r. an& M rs. C arroll W . H utchm - ry Blum, Chicago artist Just re­ in favor of breaking the "pay as you In fact It would be a very un­ eaten as food the larvae reach the by toe seashore or in toe mountains, ing upon tola peaceful spot in bust­ sen attended a meeting oLthe Past as long as he pays strict attention turned after five years In Franee, go” record established in good times usual boy, in these times, who didn't intestine and become adult worms. ling New York always makes Orange Masters’ Aasedatirn in For this reason bes* and pork may to diet and ekerdse?” strangers pause in wonder. still wears a black felt, sUgthly by his predecessors—and we have a sincerely -beliv^ that a man who green from age, that Dreiser put oa Vernon Wednesday evening. STRIKE UNSEiniD be the means of IntroduoiBg ths Ansvter: 1 strong'y beUeve that The dances at the Gilead Hall his head when toey were having group of politicians backing him up would walk five hundred and twenty tapeworm in the human Intestine. one can live so that toe climate does Edna St Vincent MUlay, who Is Saturday evenings, given by Jesse not adversely affect bis health. You practically as good a garaener as dinner together long years ago.... in his do-nothingness so that they miles in six months, let alone in a When present in bears and dogs Hllla and Norton W arner are well Watertown, Conn., Juno iii^(A P) near lakes, tbs eggs may reach the must understand your food rsquire- she is a poet hates to leave her HCndtik van Loon, author, is a bom can go to the little towns and tell week, must have something simple artist. He forever is akstrhlng. patronized. —Efforts to settle dlgbssBpip be­ lake water, then infest fish, and If mente wherever you live and bal­ farm in summer time. But she has Mr. and Mra. Earl Post and their them how they “soaked the cities.” the with the inside of bis with Ughtning speed; book plat^ tween 75 employes of a Watertown the fiidi are eaten by man, be may ance your diet aeoordlngly. been coaxed into two dates for SOB, Wallace, vlzlted his parents. Garment Company And the man­ They constitute the. reason for the head. Walk, tedeedi With cars to June. On the Oto, she wiU receive for friends, likenesses of their chil­ develop tapeworms. dren, dogs, cats or favorite spots. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Post. Monday agement continued todsai Attkough Thorough cooking of any meat (Cold Bath Invlgor. ug) toe d^n^e of Honormy Doctor of present proposal, and the only rea­ own, to borrow with or without At a tea recently after being pre­ The M erle Jo b m Post, American tbe initial niove to m n ttn te Dm used for food will protect the per­ Question: “Br-r-r-r aska: “Are Letters from the Russell Sage Legion with toe tclmol chfldren met son. leave, to thumb lifts fnmil What sented a fair Venetian woman who walkout failed. son who eats It from any possible Cold shower baths taken each FouB^tion College, and <« th^ at toe Gilead Hall, Tuesday morn­ T^e strlkera who- btAhft There should be rsalizatiaD a sap that old guy mtmt have been! morning good for a'person?’’ toe same degree m m the University admitted a nostalgia for her little danger. If you will remember this street in Venice, van Ixwn pulled O- ing and wito music by a dnra corps paid are too km, enough in the Senate, regarcHess of But Dan O’Leary won his fhme in rule and will thoroughly cook all Answer: Cold baths ars very of WisoonsiB. marched to toe cemetery and decor­ while more thin invlfomtiag and help to increase ettfd out of his pocket and hastily party, to kill this feeble, disaster- a day when boya walked three mUes meat, you will be sa.e from tape­ sketched a churto on her very ated toe soldiers’ graves. remained on the ob. worm . the blood’s drculatioB. Some Otto Sogiow, artist who draws ■Last week Thursday, Mrs. A. H. niillp Llnad^ >s( New ToiAt, breeding bill and insist rtsed and pleased at covers the eom^aint naxt boat for Faria, to ba gent Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Foate^i recsatiy wAikoiit Whs m s m i ANOTHER SLIDE-IN f high adieol freshmen in the United W ill, an alsivater hw tricks. B^ow is a short* xo- ser- pdrtlons «f ths vrifieh have etml D o n ■ n rtfo td m naisIR i' Having dlsbovered tk or States and dM become soft or b o u ito r la toBd lltUs fSDoWt not unUks Iris lit ­ itha. •' r • . .5, V*-* ’ • I. r * 1 . Jf - > ‘ » > v v*'

    t o NOHBgTER BVBHIWB HBKHttt.- jttNTHSSriBi/COWI* iHtJHSDAY. JUNB l, 198» ..ttioB 'lw iij 'I - -V .

    ikied 110 when two homing pigeons tkm againat tba offitoto wbo Sled a dnige against Lamaon. talea man­ MRS. DOROTHY JACKSON in bis possession, claimed by John TO CHARGE HUSBAND Deaths Lost Nitwit Hi' c o w BAS TEMPLE Queer TwisU Golata, were released by ditectives. Overnight ager for tba Stanford Unlvsnlto ‘nmy made a bee-line to Oolata’s Preas. WITH MURDERING WIFE Lamaon, to jail, danied be slew IS DEAD IN BOSTON home. Baltimore.' Hsaiy ^Harriaoa WU^ P. News bis w ife. ATCBKACOFAIR In Day’s News aoB, 61, dsaeandaat of ~ ^ His Stmy tA an biaanfi Prowler Harriaon, aignlr of tba Was the First Woman in Unit­ Boston — Police and 'Harvard EKTOBTIONI8T8’ PLOT at Independendo and anetoter ,of ed State to Be Named on H.LSTIMSON REENTERS medical school authorities anxious is DisMontid by Police in two American presblsnto, ■acpsitoy , Mich.—“Has the prisoner for return ot stolen guinea pig, thoy California.* gvncral at the Deaeaodtota of |ba Democratic National Com­ Bridgeport, June 1 — (AP) — Special BaD Provided for imythlng to wy before eeatence ■ THE DIPLOMATIC FIELD say, was inoculated with disease Signers ot the OadaratioD of Inde­ mittee. M sd?” Intoued the judge In per­ germs which might be transmitted San JoM, ewtf., Jun« L—(AP) Witb police at work on the attempt pendence. functory routine as the case ot by a bite. —Undersberiff Bari« HuoUtoo, dl- to dynamite the borne of Nicholas Boatoo—Mre. Dorothy & Jaebr Her Majestr— Thouands Boston. Mass.. June 1.—(AP)— Leroy Brown, • c

    ' t


    surprised gape tmoa her, knew what bis thought was: It would be easy for him to break down Daily Health DAB.Y RADIO D R i? L in G T o o l ^ her defenses on the trip homa j l . . . 1 0 l i N t b J Service THURSDAY, JUNE 1 (Geutral aoE Bsstsm Btsndard l'lm«) BEGIN BDEKE TODAY (^APTER XXJOX It was a long speech and IDas Oats OB Bow to Keep WSB h N ot»^ -^ prasnma to kar asd bMdo ctaa>iw cir MONNIE OTOABE, yooBf mud Sad; eceat to oeim (a to a) darij^Uoa iaeindas alfayanaDia atatloBa. , ■ . , Anstice was rather breathless at N IN G r ^ World IhoMd Authotlty liuiiiGfiil. maUs for Europe with the end ot it. She stripped off Charles Eustace, "tall, lean and Proarams aobjaet to ehanca. P. M. C#iito Bssts m a old friend, HISS ANSTICE elegant in his dinner clothes, A WHITE UHEN SPORTS (DayUght Time One Bemr Later) 4:1S— 8;1» Oatia Nataen'a Or.—to • her creamy gloves and smoothed 4 « > - “ - - CXIBEY. belleveo DAN thgTi^ t o g e ^ e r . lolled against the fireplace in' FROCK.TRIM AHO TAILORED.IS WORN • INDOOR WORK BEST NBC-WEAF NETWORK GABDIGAN, with whom abe ham “There’s your family, too,” she Sandra Lawrence’s Lome. UNDER A HIP-LENGTH JACKET 6F NAVY FOR PERSONS WITB BASIC — 'Kaatt aaat wlw wool wtlo 4i4S— »- 8i48—JMat Pfsln Ein - aaat oanr 8:00— Odip—CkarlM CariUop-tiso m loBg been In love, ham JUted her, ocmtiBued after a sUence: “Kay “I asked you to come in," San­ LINEN WITH SHORT LINEN s l e e v e s . RHEUMATIC TENDENCIES w lir wtas w « wUi wft>r wro wgy partly beoanae hla parcnta look WDOB wcaa wtam wwj waal; MIdwoat: 8t)8^ oils—EuOk Rasars 84»--aaat —think vdtat a brilliant m arrk.^ dra said softly, “because there wmaq wefl kad woo-wko wow wdaf 8 : 0 0 - e;80 — Jack DimgsM's Ownpeeire Qymr> Qymr- down Monnle who la poor. would do for her.” was something spedal I wanted Oocupations EatalUng Bzpoeure NORTHWEST a CANADIAN — wtiaj Tho Dovil Bird—cSdwast Dan’s parents want him to marry wlt>« kstp wabc wdajr kfirr cksw efet 8:45— 0H5 — Boaka Cartar — baale: ‘Tve thought of that,” Monnle to talk about. Sit down.” to Cold and Dampness lead 'o SOUTH wrva wptf wwno wia wjax Howard Ely at Iw Organ—weat fpealthy SANDBA lAWBBNCJB. said briefly. She " crumpled the The young man shot ber a More Serious Osaes of Inflama- wfla-wano wiod wan wmo wab wapi 8:08- 7d)0—Evan Evans, Ete.-«lao • Sandra, pretending to be Moanie’a ^ F T E R H O G N . wjdz wamb kvoo wky wtiui wbap kpre 8:80— 7:80—Kata Smtth.Jtonga — ba­ letter in her hands, looking t rapier glance out of keen dark tion of Joints. friend, does ber beat to win Dan, D U U GOLD-COLORED wool ktba ktka ste; VIneont i Boroy'o Oreh*—Dhdo the fire in the grate. eyes, then subsided into a deep LINEN,MADE VERY SIMPLY, HAS MOUNTAir------IN—ikoa kdyl keir kahl 0:48— 7:4|—Lyman Qreh^ra—^ e : even telUng blm Mmude la gotav “ChUd, child, you’re shiver­ EDITOR’S NOTE: This Is the Snt COAST-kte k fi. kxw komoBb:bq kpo Serayray Oreh.—Dixie; Bopga—wadt to ^ AltT^lPR E U S T A C E , chair. ’The girl, affecting a kfad k t a r l^ 7:00— m•dIO-Wayfarina Maw-aJWe cot ing!” the older woman said, ap­ LAClNSeOE BLACK CORDON pf two special srtloles on rheuma­ demureneas and shyness foreign Cant. Saat: 7:18— 1:18—Plano 8:18—Plano Toaiw Tea____ R ^taH -to • another admirer. ______pealed. “Gk> to bed. You 'mustn’t RAGLAN SLEEVES AND tism . 7:30— 0:30—CoL a Sudd -alao eoast ARTHUR MACKENZIE, rich to her, stared into the flamee. 8:1^ 8:18—Kathliaan Stawart, Plantat 0dX>— 9:08—Elaek River Oiant—o to e 'catch cold. We’ll talk ot this ‘ “You’re going to the party to­ A BLACK BELT. i:e e - S:30-Jano Piekona, Soprano 0:18— t:18—Windy Jity Roviow->-to e New Yoiker, salla —Thrao Scampa, Muaiciana 8:18—10:18—PhB '*ogaA. Toner—to o He abowera Monnle with atten­ Monnle escaped, ber bead In a tured In the awkward silence. 3 :1 ^ 4:18—Rfur Hoatbarton, Baritono 0:30—1040—Tod U w ta O r o M a ^ to « , whirl, the letter stiU clasped in Editor, Journal of the Amerloau 3:30— 4:30—Tha Trio Romantlauo 10:00—Ilioo-QIanIlan Cray‘ Orehaa.—o ' ------to a tions a ^ one nig^t In London “Oh. yes. That was it,” Sandra Medosl Assodatloa, and ot 3:40— 4:4S—Qanla Penarlova, tanga 10:31^.11:30—BItralght’s tra . Orohoa. -a to e ««it« her to marry him. Monde her hand. 4:00— SK)0—Mayor Davla Or.—alao cat 11dl0—i2d)0—Dance>anco Hour—wabe OBQr said. To caiarlee’ puszled stare Hygels, the Health Magasine 4:30— 8d0—John B. Konnady—to eat hesitates, promtslng to give her The clock struck one, struck she continued, “Someone told me 4:38— 8:38—To Ba Announeod NBC-WJZ NETWORK answer next morning. While she two. In the room beyond s' -i you were angry at me and 1 did 4 :4 ^ 3:48—Countaaa AlbanI, Sonoa BASIC — East: wls wbs«wbia wbal Physicians have long realized 5:00— 0:0l^-Meuntainaora—waaf only Is t^ing to decide what to do she could bear the faint snore of her so want to get things straightened wbam kdka wgar wjr wlw wayr wmal;, tnat employes In certain types 8:10— 8:18—Talk by Burton Hotmaa Midwest: wcky kyw ktkx wanr wls reoevies a letter from Dan. benefactress. Monnle knew that out before we met when there 5:30— 6:30—P. Sabin Or.—weaf only kwk kwer koil wren wnsaq kso NOW GO ON WITH THE STOET she herself would be a wreck to­ were people present. So awk­ ,ot work are more likely to suffer 8:48— 8:45—Tha Oeldbaroa, Skoteh NORTHWEST a CANADIAN — wtnJl morrow, look a perfect fright, 8:00— 7KIO—Rudy Valioa'a Hr.—« to e wlba kstp wabc wday kfyr ckgw cfci ward— ” ber voice trailed off. with rheumatic disorders involving 7;00— t:0(L-Tha Showboat Hr.—baale SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wls wjaxi she didn’t get some sleep. S c h a p t e r x x x v m Charles grinned. “Angry at ^u ? inflammation of the Joints and of S:00— 0:00—Baron Jack Poarl—o to a wfla*waan wiod warn wmo wab wapl j tosed and turned restlessly I thie muscles th u are other workers. 9:00—10:00—Sanaa by Jimmy Molten w]dx wamb kvoo wky wfaa 'wbap kpro; MoDiile turned the letter slowly But that’s absurd. Why should I 9:18—10:18—Sam Robbins Orchestra tween the crisp English sheets. Many investigators have found woai ktba ktba • in her hands. Dan’s familiar writ­ be? ” ^ 9:30—10:30—To Bo Announeod MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kxir kghi Yes. Miss Anstice was rignt that disability due to joint diseases 10:0(^11:00^ Ralph KIrbary, Baritono PACIFIC COAST — k g ^ f i kgw komol ing, black and bold, stared back it ‘.‘I don’t know!” Sandra gave 10HIS—14:08—Duko Blllnoten’s Band Reason triumphed over emotion is at a minimum where home and khq kpo kfad ktar her. Her heart turned over. How 10:30—11:30—Julian Woodworth's Orch. here. Her mind nad been almost him a fleeting glance from under jvprking .onditions are good, 11:00—12:00—Showboat—coast repeat CanL BasL odd—how very odd it was to re­ made up when the conyersatioo tong lashes. “It does sound whereas patients with rheumatic SKIO— 3:0l^Tht Thursday Spoeiai ceive a letter from him at this mo­ CB8-WABC NETWORK 2 d l^ 3:3I^Tho Seuthaastam Ravua had begun. Mias Anstice had silly, doesn’t it, when we know disorders rapidly become worse and, SdX>— 4:00—Plano and Violin RooiUl ment, when she was trying to make each other really so little. Only BASIC—East: wabc wicc wade woko crystalized- tier feeling. She indeed, increase in number under 3 :1 ^ 4:18—Dick Daring—oast only the most momentous decision ot her wcao Tvaab wnac war wkbw wkre whk 3:38— 4:30—Tho Singing Lady—oast would be a fool to throw away —well I fancied perhaps someone bad housing conditions. ckok wdre wcau wTp wJaa wean wfbl life! It was as if Dan himselt ni.d wapd wjsv; Midwest: wbbn wpa wfbm 3:48— 4:48—Orphan Annie—east only such a chance. She would ;.ay had talked about ne, prejudiced The person , with a tendancy to 4:00— 5:08—Bert Lewn'a Orchoatra reached across the many miles that kmbe wcco kraox wowo 4:18— S:1^D lok Daring—mldw. rpt . “yes” to Mackenzie on the mor­ you against me on account of arthritis or inflammation of the EAST AND CANADIAN — wpc whp separated them, saying, **Wait, 4:3(h- 8:30—Old Songs of tho Church row and go away with him as his your friendship for someone else.” Joints is better ott with a warm, wibw whac wlbi wfaa wore efrb ekao 4:48— 8:48 — Lewoir Thomas — oaat: Monnle! Don’t forget me. I’m stiU ’This was arrant nonsense and DIXIE — wxat wsfa wbro wqam wdod wife. ^ e would forget all Jie indoor occupatloo than with an wnox klra wrac wise wdsn wtoc krld Orphan Annie—midwest repeat h ere!” Charles said so. His agreeable SdIO— 9:00—Amos 'n> Andy—oast only old ardours ot young love. They outdoor occupation. Out ot 3000 wrr ktrb ktsa waco koma wdbo wodx 8:13— 9:15—Maud and Cousin Bill Ah, but he was the one who were silly, weren’t they? What voice seemed to soften the blow. wbt wdaa wbly whas wtar wdbj wwva 5:3(^ 8:80—Concert Footllaht^to a had forgotten, her sore heart re­ cases studied, men working out­ wmbgr wsjs wa that old song she had heard “What, precisely.” he inquired MIDWEST — wbcm wsbt wcah wmbd 8:48— 9:45—Floyd Oibbona, T a I k — minded her. He it was who had doors had from 3 to 5 times more basic somewhere? Oh, yes, “Oh, ho.’ amiably, “do you mean?” wtaq wkbh kfab wian kaej wtbw kfb written that other letter, the cruel rheumatic conditions than those wmt wnac wkbn wal 6:00— 7:00—Sterlaa of tha Sea—east 1 laugh when I think how 1 cried Sandra laid her cards on the 6:38— 7:30—Rin Tin Tin, Dm Drama one telling her thejTd better who worked indoors. MOUNTAIN—kvorkli koh kal 6:48— 7:48—Annia, J u ^ , Zaks. Pats about you.” ,taUe. 'You do like Monica O’Dare PACIFIC COAST — kbj kotn kfb kfre “hold up the plans” for the 7:00— 8:08—Death Valley Days, Play That was the right spirit, no awfully, don’t you?” kol kfpy kvi 7:30—---- 8:38-Wayna I King's Orohaatra January wedding. No, it was no Among the occupations partic­ doubt about it! Take love He stiffened. “Yes, I do. Does Cent. East. 3:00— 9dX>—Glad■«dya Bwartheut, Bongs* use depending on Dan. She’d ularly suited to persons with a 2:00— 3:00—U. S. Army Band—e to e 8:38— 9:S8-Te : Be I______Announced _ lightly! The trouble with her she come into this?” done that in the past and her tendency toward rheumatism, is 2:48— 0:48—Legion Trade Frog.—to c 9:0(^10.'08^Tho Sixalors' Trio—oaat; was that she had been too serious Sandra shrugged, a gest>e she 3K)0— 4:00—Qao. Hall Orch.—also cat Amoa 'n^ Andy—repeat for west pride, her love, her faith in him office work of various kinds unlc'rs about Dan, probably bad bored had perfected. “A blL You see, 3:18— 4:15—Hayden and Lang—to cat 9:15—10:15—Tho Painter of Bongo- had been wounded past bearing. ^ I G H T — the arms are affected. Among 3:30— 4:30 — Skippy, Sketch — east east; Floyd QIbbone—mldw rp f him by the very earnestness and she used to want Danny and he’s 9:30—10:3(^Phantom Oypay—e to e fipinnirt she open it? Should B l a c k l in e n w it h women, telephone operators, hbia- only; Botwoon tho Bookandt—west steadfastness of her devotion mine.” 8:45— 4:48—John Kelvin, Tenor—to c 10:00—11______dX>—Don ___ Boston___ Orehootra she make her deidsion first— and A STRAIGHT. RATHER NARROW rians, teachers, book binders and 4:08— 8d)0—H. V. Kaltonborn—also c 10:38-11:80—Dancing In Twin CHias That wasn’t what men wanted oi “Oh, yes?” Charles seemed faint­ office clerks are-occupatioiui which by this time she bad pretty well ly bored but any close observer SKIRT USES BACK PLEATS what they cared about. They are suitable to those with rheumatic decided what she would say to would have noted the sudden gleam FOR WIDTH. THE EXAGGERATED liked yoju to laugh, to be gay and tendencies. Particularly unsuit­ A rth u r Mf***^^**"^!** on the m orrow in his eyes. foolish and inconsequoitial. Mon- t CAPE eOLLAR,TYING AT THE BACK, able for men are such positions as __ and read Dan’s letter after­ “He always has been, really,' nie bad been all of that with Ar­ IS OF s ta r c h e d .WHITE EMBR(5IDERED those ol postman, police, miners ward? Had he atm the power .o said Sandra, wanning to'her topic. thur Mackenzie. BATISTE. and outdoor labor, also refrigerator sway her past reason, past be­ “A year or two ago he and Monnle WBZ-WBZA lief? DU she dare to see wbat workers, bath attendants and win­ Well, pirate or noi, she liked bad a Ut of a flirtation. He Dan had written her on the very dow and bottle washers. Springttel'’ — Boston him. A/ girl liked to be swept didn’t take It seriously but she day before she had saUed from Among those who suffer particu­ off her feet. The boldness, ci.e did. Poor girl, she hadn’t much New York to adventure and an- larly with rheumatic Inflammations swiftness and imexpectedness ot experience with beaux and Dan is ciher man’s devotion? She won­ working conditions, are seam­ Thursday, June 1, 19S3. the situation appealed to such a lamb be didn’t know she’d dered. Whfle she was pondering stresses, washwomen, blacksmiths, By Olive Roberts Barton ' Beyond the morrow she would not misunderstand.’ (Eastern Daylight Saving Time.) the matter, fiushed and disturbed, bricklayers and butchers, whose look. When his deep voice came C!barles stood up, not liking little Miss Anstice blew in. hands are frequently much used to her over the telephone she any of this. “Tm not at all P . M . “M y dear, I had no idea srou’d under damp conditions. would say: ‘Tm comiing with sure she did,” hs Interrupted 4:00— Thursday Special. Wbat price! civilization? Some­ be home so early!” Miss An­ laughter aoimded often. Her full- It is obvious, therefore, that cer­ you.” “My impression always has been 4:45— Agriciatural Markets. stice, Imposing ^in sUver cloth with skirted frock of yellow stuff, bil- tain working conditions tend to times I think it comes pretty ’There would be, naturally, no­ that the affair was about fifty- 5:00— Sunshine Discoverers’ CHub. a collar of gray fox, stared lowim. about ber, was the merest m o t a t t o n s — favor rheumatic disorders, and high— too high. tices in the newspapers. Macken­ fifty .' 5:15— Dick Daring. frankly at her traveling compan­ burlesque ot a milkmaid’s cos­ among these the leadin'^ place is The Eskimos are a happy and zie was too important for his “Aren’t you qiudnt?” trilled tume. A milkmaid from the Rue 5:30— Singing Lady. ion. ‘T thought 3Tou’d be out given to cold. The human being honest people— explorers love to marriage to go unnoticed. Peo­ Sandra. “It wasn’t at all. I know The cricket . . . is an intellectual 5:45— Little Orphan Annie. untU all hours. ‘Painting the De La Paix. is the most unprotected of all relate stories of their trust of each ple would say, “Who is she?. A them both so I have the straight of little fellow with certain attain­ 6:00— Time. town,’ as they say. Are you feel­ “Good lookin’ girl!” (Charles warm-blooded animals, and for other and lack of Jealousy. Their nobody!” and dismiss her. Ex­ It.” ments of refinement and an inde­ 6:02— Famous Saymgs. ing all right?” turned to fine Lance Waterman, ages man has fought a constant children are seldom if ever re­ cept in Belvedere. People there “But what,” demanded Charles fatigable musician par excellence. 6:04— Sports Review— Bill W ll- “Yes—no.” Monica stammered, one of his cousins, at his elbow. battle against cold. Man developed who had ignored her, turned with some impatience, “has all —Judge Nicholas M. Pettee, of licuns. proved and as a result are a mer­ not knowing how to exnlair.. CSiarles grunted. . thd' use of fire and of clothing in their faces the other way when this to do with m,e?” He looked Flushing, L. I., in deciding against 6:10— Weather, Temperature. ry little people indeed. Then on a sudden Impulse she order to protect himself against the they passed her on the street, rather ostentatiously at the watch “Hear they’re makln’ a go of tenant who complained crickets 6:15— Happy Landings — Mitzi Savages, what we know of them, blurtea out the truth. rigors of climate. would be anxious. now to say he had been fingering for a mo­ it.” Lance indicated Dan who bothered blm. Green. allow their small Topsies to grow “Mr. Mackenzie’s sailing unex­ they’d known her. It was silly- m en t was weaving In and out In the in- 6:30—EUliot Jaffee and hls Or­ up, pursuing almost the same pectedly for home tomorrow,” When rheumatic conditions oc­ methods as the Eskimos whom it was unworthy and Monnle knew “I thought Td like you to know tricaclea of the dance. Tve been through ’very depres­ chestra. she said. “He—^Miss Anstice, be cur among those working under they never heaid of. Savage chil­ it—to feel a thrill of'triumph at how matters stood,” the girl told “I believe they are.” sion since the one o f 1873. They 6:45—Today’s News - 2- Low ell wants -me to marry him and go extreme beat, the results are dren, we are informed, live a hap­ this thought but she w»s only him glibly. “I didn’t want you “Her father’s been helpin’ old ate all the same. Business always Thomas. w ith him.” probably to be associated with sud­ human and-could not suppress the to believe Td done my poaching. man Cardigan ever jince the mar­ comes up quicker than it goes py, carefree life “free from chid­ “Well, I declare.” Miss '*• den changes; for instance, bakers 7:00-7Am os Someone told me you’d said— ” ket took toat dip,” r'jserved Lance down. ing.” slice’s beautiful coiffure of sUvery feeling. who work in heat near the ovens 7ri5-^B ooth T arkin gton ’s ' M aud She could not sleep — at least ‘T never talk about women,’ disappointedly and Charles re­ — Samuel M. Vauclaln, chairman of I read recently of a certain Credan curls fairly quivered. all night tong, go home early in and Cousin Bill. until she read Dan’s letter. it Eustace said, a note of harshness flect^ that it was a disadvantage the board of Baldwin Locomotive half-civilized island in the Pacific She sat down abruptly. “Of the morning amidst the dampness 7:45— Bill Williams, commenta­ was burning a bole in the pillow coning into his voice. ‘T leave In many ways to live in a town W ork s. that had stubbornly shut out the course, I knew something like of the dew. tor; Harry Michaels and Benny Mc­ steamships and any encroachment imdemeatb which she had thrust that to their own sex. You must where every one else knew your this was in the air,” she began Metal workers, also on midnight Laughlin, piano-duo. of modem life, going about its excuse me now. Tm overdue at business. He had heard the gos­ If the children will not think for breathlessly, "but not so soon! it. shifts, become extremely heated 8:00— Captain Diamond’s Adven­ own business and continuing in Reluctantly Monnle drew it m y uncle’s. sip, too, and felt rather sorry for themselves, the motorist must do M y d e a r!” and go out into the damp which tures. the happy contentment that bad forth and, snapping on the rose- He was fuming as he took his Dan. even though be disliked him. their thinking for them. *T— I haven’t decided,” Monnle penetrates the clothing and pro­ 8:30— Rin-Tin-Tin Thriller. colored its drowsy life for a thou­ shaded lamp beside her bed, bat and coat from the maid at the The fellow tu^ charm of a sort. —State Highway Director Merrell confessed. ‘T don’t know what to duces a rapid loss of beat from the 9:00—Death Valley Days. sand years. Eventually ttie world front door The girl was a fool. He co*ild quite understand what o f Ohio. body. Such a combination of cold 9:30— Lady Esther Serenade. poked in. White men bought up She had steeled herself to cool- There were no two ways about It. Monnle saw in him. Dan was shall I say to him? If 1 had my way, about national and damp is a serious strain on the 10:00— N B C Players. broad acres and altruists started IQ ness, to indifference, but In spite What did she expect to gain by what most glris called “frightfully "If you're considering - m3 parks, I would create one without body of even a healthy man. 10:30— Fashionettes. sch(x>ls for the children. of herself her heart beat faster at talking about Monnle to him? handsome.” Yes, there was some­ this,"inis- criedcneu I . theLUC viuci older woman . A ^ a road in it 1 would have it im­ It is generally well established 10:45— News. And for the first time thfe large Was she really, as Kay believed, thing about him. But what a shrev^y. “please forget all alwut penetrable forever to automobiles, a that people with rheumatism do 11:00—Time, Weather, Tempera­ rattan thickets furnished more Darling Monnle,” (Dan such an enemy to Monnle that she bounder—to pass up a chance at a it I can get along splendidly place where man would not try to well ip hot, dry climates. ture. than shade. Hie mothers, siic- wrote) ‘T have been all sorts of vould deliberately try to under­ girl like Monnle because he wanted although I shall miss you, of improve upon God. 11:03— Sports Review:—Bill WU- cinnbing more quickly than the a fool and can you forgive me? mine her with Ciharles after hav­ money. Or waa ne Judging Dan un­ course. The truth is Sally Rich­ — Seeretaiy of Interior « Harold L. NEXT: Measures for the con- hams. men to the influence of modem You know Tm not very good at ing stolen Dan from under her fairly. You could never be sure. ardson Is dying to do Paris with Ickes. trol of rbenmatic disorders. 11:15— Cascades Orchestra. tactics, proceeded to whip their leter-writing — never was. I nose? Or was It a bit more com­ xne—^with us, I mean, and wants Charles was bored, wanting to 11:30— Phantom Gypsy. children upon any and every occa­ can’t say what I want on paper. plex—was Sandra such an egoist to go on to Switzerland after­ gi home, but too kind-hearted to 12:00— Lexington Orchestra. sion and fought with each other. But wiU you Just drop me a line that she wished everyone, even ward. So you see 1 sboiUdn’t be offend bis hostess by so doing. A . M . Now the answer is, who wants to say everytWng's all right? I Charles Etostace who knew her so alone. Do as your heart bids you, Eiverythlng palled on him now­ 12:30—Dancing in the T w Ie to be an Eskimo, or a Z u Iil or a wired you at the hotel but they casually, to think well of her? my dear! I never advise in mat­ adays — esp^ally these parties Cities. Bolander? said they coifidn’t deliver the However It was, she was a nasty ters of this sort. To risky. But vriiere there was a noli^ band and Evening Herald Pattern 1:00— Time. Their behavior to suddffl civili­ message because you’d already little cat and he sincerely disliked I will say this. Mr. Mackenzie’s everyone sheutlBg above It. Those zation reminds us of something, gone. 1 got home Just as you her. a splendid man and very fonc of plenlcs with Monnle and her fam­ does it not? The behavior of hap­ were leaving. Wasn’t that rotten you— anyone can see that.” He walked off into the autumn ily last siunmer-he bad enjoyed By HELEN WILLL^MS py, care-free children, too sudden­ luck( ru be waiting. All my night, frowning. 'Vhy hadn’t he those. He bad been reaUy happy Wbat a fascinating affair is this ly loaded Itb the demands of our love." “1—I don’t love him,” Monnle told her exactly what he thought then. Happier than he’d ever lovely dres^ In novelty dotted crepe social world as we like to call It. Monnle stared at It, turning the faltered. ‘Tm fond of him i like of ber, be asked himself. She been before. silk In bine and white. WDRC I think that “eondltloiilng’^ or thick sheet In her hands. It was him as a friend but—but—” hated Monnle — that much was It is cut along very simple youth­ a ratlona] preparation of the (dilld the longest letter she had ever re­ “He doesn’t make your heart plain. How had she dared to He coifid not have told when he ful lines. The sleeves are attractive. Hartford Conn. 1S50 for life, should be b^fun very ceived from Dan, the most ar­ stand still, eh?” Miss Anstice speak of her In that tone to him? noticed something was in the And don’t you think the paneled early. But I also believe there ticulate. AU his love! Why, she considered this, bright head on Charles acknowledged, with a air, something quite obviously skirt treatment smart? It will make had been a fool ever to .Jiink can be too much of It. Does that one side like a silver-plumaged pang, that Monica’s absence cost a p ^ from the party itself. There you appear tall and slender. Thursday, June 1, IMS. account for the short tempers of she’d lost it! When two people bird. "Well, my dear, I’ve seen blm a great deal. He was TniMly that. skin is fiery and itchy and eczema lumi, whlried by in the arms of ment wasn’t news?" Evening Herald, Ftftb Avenue one half'teaqpooaful of No explanations. N o excuses. tortures your body, Peterson's Oint­ one of the Payne boya and waved Charles whistled softly. He and 38rd Street, New York City. hot water .first thing ment is 'sure to give instant relief The wian xt the other end of to him. He saw Dan dandng hadn’t really thought it would Ba sura to fill In number of pat­ B^des toeing u ^ . __ _ the wire healtsted for a long mo­ end quickly heaL with Sandm and looked . come so soon. “Iptercetlng," he tern you dMire. you’ll gain In. befil^ aid There’s something in It that no ment Then, “Can 1 do anything There was no doubt about' drawled. *Tf true." Be.tlMt hath’plty attractivepi other ointment has— something that to make you change yow mind?" girl was attractive in a ^feUne^sort Geraldine tossed ber head. “Of FattOcu.No, apd acidity will causes rashes, pimples and ddn be asked, knaMfc unto tto 'L s H j:: eM tha^ o f wty. Dan, he ohserred, was course It’s true," al|s said with B e sure to ffn in the size of the you'll feel blemlsbes to go almost magically. Monnle, feeUng uterly ahjoet Pilee 15 Oeata. wkie^ he hath htan rather the worse fer wear. He bsid aeuM beat Rty brother and ' \ fqH of So why should any person tim e r and ashamed, no. But, she pattern. been stopphig at the punch bowl I think I ought to agqln^Frovex^ IfUt. ; .•V the tortures of eczema when a box added, 'Tm leaving pur N q w Y o rk ^ S 0 9 0 eeeeBBeeedeeodeeeeeeeeeB in the com tr-a ' too often apd Send itfnipe or coin (coin pre- Off this wonderful ointment is eeld today. If you don’t m ^ Pm triltoE hls step was shgbtty unsteady. f e r r ^ ) . a triRe fittM tor only 85 cents in every drug store, taking passage on your boi^’* Sandra esamed to be in her sis- A rich man wttbeint chjiU^ ManChaetar < Just ask for Peterson’s Olntmsnt. He gave a Joy^ Shout, trl- n u o t She ^Udn’t, C harlee t h o u fb t Daring a teB'year period, 5,000 rogue;' and perhepa It fMuM'be'im world . »giie GOLFER TO DEFEAT GOLFER’S L O Y E H THREE ESSENTIALS Waahlngton 12, New York 7, TIGHTEN PENNANT RACE (le t). New York S. Waahinjrton 7 (2nd) IN NATIONAL OPEN TO PUBUC COURSE! IN GRID TRAINING JUNE GRADUATION (Only games scheduled). f National League Yanks SpHt Even With l e a g u e Leaden Chicago 5, Pittsburgh 1. (Other games postponed.) Rain.. (By Associated Press) Mrs. 0 . S. HM, Kansas CH/s FootbaR Coach at HlaBiMoti Group of 97 Varsity Squad Hagen, Wood and Dntra Are Washington; Rnppert Ob- National—Same as yesterday ex­ STANDINGS cept: Given Best Chance to De­ Batting, Frederick, Dodgers, .864; International G dfer, StiB Drills Sqoad on Spool, Hen Who Leave West American League serves 10th Year as Martin, ^ r d s , .849. W. L. P.C. Stolen bases, Martin. Cards and New York ...... 25 13 .658 throne Champion; Hold Davis, Giants, 6. Hays Home Links at Mea­ Predskm and Unihig in Point Next Month Include Washington ...... 24 18 .571 Owner of New York Chb; .568 American—Same as yesterday ex­ Philadelphia ...... 21 16 cept: Outstanding Athletes. Cleveland ...... 22 19 .587 Tonmey Next Thnrsday. dow Lake. J$26 Fears Shotoot of His Rims, Gehrig, Yanks, 36. Chicago ...... 20 18 Triples, (jombs, Yanks, 7. Detroit ...... 16 23 .410 St. Louis ...... 16 25 .390 By PAUL MICHELSON Team; All Star Standing. Kansas City, Jan. 1.—'^AP)—- A MinaeapoUs, Juur 1.— (AP) — West Point, N. Y., June 1.— (AP) Boston ...... 13 25 .342 (Associated Press Sports Writer) interest of his partner. Colonel T. L. club merger effected as an economy Speed, prsdsion and timing arc I—While graduation annually takes National League Huston, June 1, I92i3. They are measure has given Mrs. O. S. Hill, three essentials in Bemie Biermaa’s Its toll of coUege athletes, author!- W. L. world champions now. Chicago, June 1.—(AP)—“Beat By ASSOCIATED PRESS Kansas City’s international golfer, a plans for Minnesota’s footbaU offen­ Ues at the U. S. Military Academy Pittsburgn ...... 24 15 Fears a Shutout Sarazen!” will be the rousing war With the improvement in the new home course, but she retains S t Louis ...... 25 16 cry resounding over the yawning form of their western rivals, the St. “I’m worried now for fear the sive next fail—and be has a picked declare that this June the iargest Yanks will get shut out some day allegiance to her first club, now a N ev' York ...... 21 16 traps and bunkers of the North Louis <3ards and Chicago Cubs, the squad in track suits running through number of outstanding stars ever this season and end another great fee course, where she took np golf 'Chicago ...... 22 20 Shore country club, June 8, when league leading Pirates have found record they have been piling up ever in quest of health after the age of maneuvers dally. to change their uniforms from ca­ Cincinnati ...... 20 21 the golfing great of America open the going considerably tougher in since August of 1931,” said Colonel Abandoning the moleskins follow­ det grey to the olive drab of the Brookljm ...... 16 20 their drive for the prized National the national leagi'e. 80. regular Army will leave West Ruppert. ’"That fellow Ferrell of ’The Meadow Lake country club ing the regular spring dtills, Bier- Boston ...... 17 24 Open championship. Pittsburgh could not do a thing Philadelphia ...... 14 27 Cleveland had me nervous last week membership, about 250 strong, join­ man has eliminated all semblamce of ■ Monarch of all competitive open with the pitching of Oiarley Root Included in the group of 97 var­ yesterday and Chicago handed the when he held our club runless, for ed the Blue Hills club aind threw its scrimmage and is stressing crisp sity squad men' are three members TODAY’S GAMES golf, with crowns of Great Britain seven innings, but we beat him in course open to the public. execution of playj, with apce<^ and and the United States perched on Pirates a 5 to 1 defeat, took the of “All-America” teams. They are series three games to two and left the eighth.” All members of the consolidated timing the keynote instead ofArute Milton Summerfelt, Benton Har­ American League his brow. Gene is the Bobby Jones The colonel’s eye may twinkle but Blue Hills organization have privi­ force. of the big show this year—the one the losers in a virtual tie with St. bor Mich., football and lacrosse; Chicago at Detroit (2). Louis for the league lead. The he does not conceal bis Interest and leges at both courses but Mrs. Hill To Cut Down Fumbling man to beat. pride in the Yanks. He knows Dick King, Georgetown, S. C., foot­ Cleveland at Jt. Louis. Cards weie idle yesterday after still plajrs at Meadow Lake regular­ But that doesn’t mean eliminating “ Beat bis 72-hole score and wrap other diubs must be built up. He is ball; and Charles Pottenger, Okla­ Boston at Washington. nmning their winning streak to six ly, partly for sentimental reasons power plays Bemie insists, as he up tile championship,” is the way willing to help them, as he has homa City, Okla., lacrosse. (Only games scheduled). straight. ’The triumph, the seventh but mostly because its -exceptional shouts at the squad for More speed. Another prominent athlete lln- the professiontd and amateur stars done with the Red Sox this spring, National League in the last eight games for the length offers a severe test that And those husky linemen, writb ishi g his' college career is Felix of the nation size it up. but is never satisfied unless the Brookljm at Boston. Cubs left them only a game and a keeps her game in top form. muscles bulging uuder their track Vidal, Madison, S. D., who led the New York at Philadelphia. It will be no small job for even a Yanks are on top. He sees no half behind the third place Giants. Mter returning from her swing trunks, loolr longingly but futilely attack of the Army football team St. Louis at Chicago. Sarazen to repeat his triumph of a more than 15 or 20 games a season Yanks Split Even around the southern spring tourna­ for something to Ut. (Only games scheduled). year ago, when he come from “no­ but he follows the club’s fortunes Taking a one-day vacation. At­ last season. The other two Natlopal league ment circuit, Mrs. Hill went back Bierman is running the squad end­ Fields’ Brilliant Record where” to win the big prize of games scheduled y^terday, Brook­ closely. torney General Homer Cum­ There is, be thinks, nothing quietly to the job of housewife, get­ mings is sbo'wn here as ha lessly through all variations of Kenneth Fields, Elkhart, Ind., Montretd at Toronto. American golf. Virtually the same lyn at New York and Boston at ting her spring housecleaning done who has won six major A’s in foot­ wrong with baseball nor any lack of golfed at 'White Sulphur plays, aiming to cut down fumbling, Baltimore at Newark. field, except for several additional PhUadelphla both werb halted by before the hot weather sets in, ball and baseball, together with the threats in sharpshooters from the popular interest but he is convinced Springs, W. Va. The attorney one of Minnesota’s worst foes last Jersey City at Albany. wet grounds. bringing its several tournaments. • highest military and scholastic fast-rising freshmen rai.ks, will op­ the day of $76,000 or $80,000 sal­ general wears his favorite sua year, and to put a finish on the exe­ Rochester at Buffalo. The leading American league She has been playing only about honors, also will leave the “Point.” pose him on one of the most aries for a player like Ruth is defin­ hat. cution of formations that will speed struggle, the N. Y. Yankees once a week to keep in trim for the Fields has worn the gold stars of treacherous courses in the game. against the second place Washing­ itely gone. up practice in the fall. a Distinguished Cadet, indicating More than that, only three play­ ton Senators remained imchanged Trans-Mississippi, Western and na­ On these warm spring days, the that his marks in every subject BASEBALL ers before Sarazen have been rble as they split a double header which LATEST STANDING tional events. head coach and his aides work out were '2 per cent or better since his to win tvro U. 8. Opens in succes­ concluded their series. Washlngrton (Chicago, June 7.— (A P )—Lou As member of Blue HiUs, the U .S . HAS LITTLE with the squad in a limbering up plebe year. He stood number one in sion. Bobby Jones did it, but not took the -penlng slug fest 12 to 7 Gehrig, Babe Ruth and Bill Dickey veteran woman golfer is a clubmate dri'' but the gproup is soon split up his class for the past two years. PIRATES PLAY TIE until be had failed three times, fi­ and the Yanks came back in the of the world champion Yanks, Joe of Mary Elizabeth Ford, the young into individual teams and the real Last June, Vidal was appointed nally realizing his dream with ti­ second clash tc win 8-7. Cronin, Washington’s young man­ city champion, and together they drill begina. ager, l^b Grove of the Athletics, arc an ipvinclble team. First Captain or Regimental Com­ The Pirates played a tie game tles in 1929 and '30. All the other American league CHANCE THIS YEAR Predslon Makes Power mander of the Corps of Cadets by Plenty Of “Threats” ,, clubs had an open date. and A1 Simmons of the Chicago Bemie does not expect to elimi­ Sunday with the Hartford Bever­ White Sox. apparently are certain of Major W. D. Connor, superintend­ age CTlub at the West Side field, At least a score of rivals have a Ruppeii Is Satisfied nate a powerful running game but ent of the Military Academy. big chance of ending Sarazen’s re­ New York, June 1.— (A P )— ’The places on the American league team insists on perfect execution to make 6-6. which will tackle National League Other outstanding athletes in­ baseball customer may now prefer KERR LEADS HTITERS the power effective. Next Sunday at the West Side gime. stars at Comlskey Park, July 6. So Says Bill Tilden in Speak­ clude Joe Remus, Shenandoah, Pa„ the Pirates will play the Franklin There’s Walter Hagen, the “old the' bleachers to the grand stand. “Those touchdovm runs are not captain of the boxing team and in­ Babe Ruth may be slowing up and Gehrig had a lead of 20,889 to 7,- A. C., ofi New Britain. maestro,” who is reported to be on 782 for Jimmy Foxx in the voting AT GOVERNOR DIMMER made by luck” , Bierman laid, “and tercollegiate heavyweight cham­ Pirates top of his game; Craig Wood, the nearing the end of his glamorous ing of Davis Cup Matches; every time a play is executed with pion in 1932; Maurice E. Kaiser, career, but all’s well so far as to select a first baseman. . AB R HPO A E leading money winner of the win­ Dickey led the catchers with a precision, it is a potential, touch­ Sacramento, Calif., captain of fenc­ Hunt, 2b ...... 4 2 2 4 2 0 ter tournament season and a golfer Colonel Jacob Ruppert is concerned, OtlA “Buddy” Kerr, who gradu­ down. We must have precision, ing and winner in 1932 of the in­ so long as the Yanks justify his total of 21.091 to 12,525 for Phila­ ated from Manchester 7Iigh and la His Opinion. Wogman, 3b --- 3 0 0 3 2 0 seldom caught in a slump; Tommy delphia’s Mickey Ck)chrane. Sim­ rhythm, and timing—o : else.” dividual intercollegiate sabre Bogglni, ss ...... 4 1 3 4 1 1 Armour, another former champ, $10,000,000 Investment, by remain­ now a student at Cover Dummer And he figures that this track idea championship; Bruce Scott, Bever­ ing the best club in the big leagues. mons paced the outfielders with 26,- Academy at South Byfield, Mass., PhUlips, If ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 who knows every blade of grass on 303. the largest total for any posi­ may do the trick. ly Hills, Calif., captain of polo and The fact that today marks the is leading the varsity football nine New York, June 1— (A P )— Sill Bycholsky, c ....5 0 1 6 0 I the North Shore layout; Denny tion with Ruth second with 24,236. member of the Army quartet win­ Shute, runner-up in the winter gold tenth anniversary of his acquisi­ in batting, with an'average of .593 Tilden doesn’t think Ellsworth Vines Nielsen, cf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 1 tion of sole ownership of the Yanks Grove had piled up 25,164 votes to ning the outdoor intercollegiate Sherman, rf .... 2 0 1 0 0 0 rush;.“Light Horse Harry” Cooper, for eight games played. Kerr, who and his mates have much chance of is merely incidental to the colonel. lead the Pitchers. Cronin’s 20,646 winning the Davis cup this year. polo championship in 1931. Harrison, lb .... 2 0 0 5 1 0 another great threat right at home gave him a wide lead over the rest la captain of the team, hit safely Hard To Replace at North Shore, and such noted They were world champions then, in all but one game. “As a matter of fact” Tilden said, PLAY OFF SYSTEM Fraser, p ...... 4 2 2 0 2 0 when he paid $1,250,000 for the half of the shortstops. Others in the list are David Loveland, rf .... 2 0 1 0 0 1 stars of the fairway as Bill Burke, Kerr has starred in practically "our team may be lucky to get past Wagstaff, Jr., Tuxedo Park, N. Y., Cargo, dP ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Leo Diegel, Willie Hunter. Mac­ every game played, both at bat and the inter zone finals, where they hockey captain; "^halmer K. Mc­ LaCoss, If ...... 2 1 1 3 0 0 Donald Smith, Toe Kirkwood, Olin in the field. In one game he execut­ probably wrill oppose Australia. Jack MAYBEAHEMPTED Clelland, Jr., Fayetteville, Ark., Kovis, lb, p ...... 2 0 0 2 1 0 Dutra, Horton Smiui, Bobby ed a brilliant play that end­ Crawford, the Australian champion, swimming captain; Alfred D. Star- Cruickshank, and the rising giant ed the visitors’ rally. Kerr made a Is capable of winning two singles bird, Burlington, Vt., crcc--country 37 6 12 27 8 4 of the north, John Revolta of Me­ MAX SCHMELING, LIKE spectacular catch of a Texas matches.' England also is strong. captain; Stephen O. Fuqua, Jr., Beverage Club nominee, Mich. leaguer, raced to second for a dou­ “When It comes to thj Challenge Chbs from Each Dhrisiob in Washington, D. C., baseball cap­ AB R HPO A E It’s a Treacherous Layout ble play and threw to third to nip round, 1 look for Henri Cochet to tain- William V. Thompson, Pearls- Sheppard, ss .. . . 4 0 0 2 1 0 The amateur field will have a a runner there. The team won four win both bis singles matches for burg, Va., wrestling captain; Win- J. Marksteln, 3b .2 2 1 0 3 1 smart representation, with a hope DEMPSEY, ONCE A BUM of the first eight games played this France, thereby leaving it up to International League in ton S. Graham, Big Stone Gap, Va., F. Marksteln, c .2 1 1 5 1 0 that a Jones may rise up to upset season. Jean Borotra to wrin one of his two track captain; Alden K. Sibley, assignments. Vines is our only real F. Kelly, l b ...... 4 0 1 13 1 0 the championship picture. Germany eight years ago that fired Reno, Nev., gymnastics captain; Sayard, cf ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 There are no water holes on the DID YOU KNOW THAT— hope.” Splendid Poations New. and Gerald L. Roberson, Fort Sam Max with the idea of coming to O’Leary, 2b ...... 5 2 2 2 2 1 North Shore battleground, but it is Parallel Between Fighters America. Max had been fighting Houston, Tex., captain of soccer. As usual the big shots of golf Gulnan, rf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 regarded by, stars and dfters alike here and there with some success SHIELDS ELIMINATED expect to have "trouble at every Dunn, If ...... 4 0 0. 0 0 1 8U3 one of the most treacherous lay­ though still a crude novice as a Auteull, France, June 1— (A P )— (By Aseoolateed Press) Wagner, p ...... 4 0 1 3 1 0 outs in golf. Up to within 100 yards Goes Beyond Facial Re­ hole” . . . at the North Shore It seems to have been put squarely ’The first experiment with the boxer. ^ Country Clubr, Glenview, m., 0) the green, the fairways are gen­ When Dempsey was Introduced to up to Helen Jacobs and Mrs. Doro­ playoff system devised by the Inter- where they’ll play it . . . but SUGGEST DEMPSEY 32 6 7 27 9 3 erous in width, but after that noth­ the young Schlager in Cologne, the thy Andrus Burke of Stamford, natisnsl League magnates last win­ semblance; Tells of Old there seems reason to believe Score by innings: ing but trouble lurks. Old Mauler exclaimed, “Why you Conn., to capture whatever honors ter still is a long way off—so far that par golf of 288 will '-vin it Beverage Club .... 000 210 003—6 The tricky greens are protected look enough like to me to be my in the French court tennis cham­ that most of the fans haven’t even Pirates ...... 200 000 202—6 by exceptionally narrow fairways, Days When He Left Home easily . . . since par has been pionships which are to go to the begun to think of it—but if the clubs AS BOUT REFEREE brOtherl” broken on this course only five Two base hits, Sherman. Bogglni, with plenty of traps and rough. Then Jack Invited Max to box United States this year. keep on going at their present pace times . . . in tournament play, With the elimination of Frank Fraser, Himt, F. Kelly, Wagner; The fininshin.^ holes, 17 sme 18, are with him that afternoon. After a It ought to make ari interesting to Conquer the World. that is. . . . Those who broke sacrifice hits, Wogman, J. Mark the easiest looking and the tough­ few short rounds. Jack advised: Shields yesterday only these two series. / * it are Abe and A1 Espinosa, Phil stein; stolen bases, Bycholsky, Kel est to conquer on the course. “I’ve got only one good tip for stars were left carrying the Ameri­ Two clubs from each division, Rival Camps of Schmeling ly, Wagner, J. Marksteln; double "I’m just going to squat down by Hesler, Bill ’Tinder and Francis can colors in the singles events. Newark, Toronto, Rochester and you. When you come out of your Gallett . . . making the layout plays. Hunt to Bogglni to Harri­ the seventeenth fairway and watch Editor’s Note: This is the fifth of comer come out fighting, prepared Neither Miss Jacobs nor Mrs. Burke Baltimore are filling the four first appear to be an Espinosa Spe­ were scheduled to play today. son; left on bases. Beverage Club 5, a lot of good golfers lose their tern' a series of six articles from the to end it quickly. And remember dlvls'on berths and the distance be­ and Baer Both Favor Pro­ cial . . . par is 72 . . . Abe Pirates 4; base on balls, off Fraser pers,” one member of the North training camps where Max Baer and tween first and fourth place is only that one good pimch is worth a half shot a 69 there . . . the others 4; hit by pitcher, Freieer, Shep­ Shore duffer brigade said with a Max Schmeling are training for dozen rounds of outpointing your a game and one half This alone pard; struck out, by Wagner 5, chuckle. “Those two holeb have battle June 8 at Yankee Stadium lor ranged from 70 to 71. . . . The moter as Third Han. man.” average championship score for would bring a prospect of a stiff Fraser 5; time, 1:45; luupires, An­ stopped most of them.” the right to naeet the heavyweight Max has followed the advice in a Yesterday*s Stars 18 holes in the Western Open battle for the pennant if the teams gelo, Snell. champion. ^ way. He comes out fighting, waits last year-was 80.3. were to start it now, but further in­ Atlantic C l^ , N. J., June T. — for an opening and shoots it over. It (By Associated Press) teresting light is thrown on the sub­ By Bn.T. BRAUCHER (AP)—Max Baer and his manager, Bob Hess of Cresco, la., Iowa WRESTLING is this waiting for an opening that ST. PAUL OPEN STARTS Bill Herman, Cubs, batted in three ject by a glance at the records. This NEA service Sports Editor has earned him the critical ap- runs against Pirates with double and reveals tba*^ the fourth place Balti­ Ancil Hoffman, are all in favor of State college wrestler, last season prEdsal in some quarters of being a single. more Orioles have by far the best the suggestion that Promoter Jack was i champion in each of five tour­ New York.—Dick Shikat, Phila­ Lake Swannanoa, N. J., June 1— St. Paul, June 1.— (AP) — The neys he entered—State College, Big delphia, threw Frank Judson, Mich­ studious fighter, one who feels out payoff on the drive, which will be Joe Sewell, Yanks, and Joe Cronin, record against the other first divi­ Dempsey be appointed to referee the The parallel between Max Schmel­ his opponent. Senators—Sewell hit triple, two sion clubs and none of tbe others Six, Midwest A. A. U., National col­ igan; Jow Malcewlcz, Utica, N. Y., ing and Jack Dempsey goes beyond definitely settled Sunday after­ Californian’s 15 round battle with Schmeling never plans a fight in doubles and three singles in double- have been able to break even against legiate, smd National A. A. U. threw Paul Boesch, New York. facial resemblance. Both have been noon, begins today with the third Max Schmeling at the Yankee advance. It is his idea to let the renewal of the St. Paul open. header; Cronin drove in five nms their strong rivals. Stadium, Jime 8, even though the bums. fighting take care of itself as it The long hitters of golfdom, in­ with homer, double and single. The Standing suggestion came from the rival Each has known what it was to goes along. cluding Leo Diegel and Walter The standing of the games played camp. deep in bams and cheap lodging Hagen are to start cracking three among tbe four fiist division dubs “It really makes no difference to Mrs. Whitney Tumbles Twice houses, and to fight for a bare liv­ The fight with Risko four years balls each down .the tenth fairway Last Night Fights goes like this: me who r^erees,” Hoffman said, ing. Each has been himgry, and has ago was characteristic of him. For at Keller Course to determine who s V,. L. PC. “for all he’ll have to be able to do known how it felt to pass mealtime seven roimds Risko was winning on will shoot in the finals of the na­ Baltimore ...... 15 7 .682 is to coimt up to ten.” with only a hitch of the belt. points, scoring repeatedly with that tional driving contest. Plttsburgk— Eddie (Kid) Wolfe. N ew ark ...... 9 10 .474 Baer was to resume hea-vy train­ Sitting on the porch at Lake long looping left Johnny knows so Memphis, outpointed 'Tracey Cox, ing today after a day of rest. R och ester...... 10 13 .485 Swannanoa lodge, with his elbows well how to throw. Greater Tokio has a population Indianapolis, 10; Pete Gullota, New T o ro n to ...... 10 14 .417 on bis knees, and a look of reflec­ But Schmeling did not break of 5,311,000 and is the third larg­ York, outpointed Leu Jallos, Pitts­ Lake Swannanoa, N. J., June 1.— Toronto and Rochester, in addi­ tion on that bronzed face, Schmel­ ound. He took it, and waited. est city in the world. burgh, 8. tion, have been carrying on a lively (AP)—Although he is confident of ing told me of the old days when he imment at the ringside was that winning. Max Schmeling has no S rivalry between themselves with sec­ left his mqtber’s home in Hemburg be lacked co.ifidence. He showed ond place in the standing at stake. place for a let up in his program of to go out and conquer the world nothing but a straight left and a training for bis 15 round bout with Winner of Historic English Derby They round up their latest series all Max Baer a week from today. with only a few pfennings in bis right cross. square with two victories apiece and He plans to continue boxing, with worn pockets. In the eighth the right croe- Toronto holding second by a bait a couple of rest days, right up to "I tramped from town to town, found its mark—a clean smash— game when tbe Leals came through Tuesday the day before breaking looking for any kind of work,” he and Risko went down. From then with a garrisoQ finish yesterday to camp to go to New York. Heavy said. “A farmer bad me build a until the finish in the ninth. Max win tbe final game 5-4. sessions are scheduled for today, stone fence on his farm. I rode gird­ rocked Risko from rope to rope with Toronto scored all its runs off ers with construction workers. 1 ^ X-.- i '' ' ' > Saturday, Sqnday and Tuesday. paralyzing rights. It was stopped Tony Kaufmann with one out in tbe worked in a coal mine. Once 1 sold —a technical kayo—the first time ' < y V. S ' . The former champion says be ninth. Ike Boone, Bill Lawrence and expects plenty of trouble from Baer canaries for a living. Risko ever had been knocked out. “At Duesseldorf I got a job with a A t one point the parallel between Murray Howell bit successive sin­ in the early round but that be will gles. ^ Brubaker drew a walk and come out ahead at the finish. strong man in a theater. He taught Schmeling and Dempsey does not ■ me bow to drive nails through run true. Dempsey was a blazing then Rob Smith crashed a double boards with my bare bands, bow to bundle of nervous energy as he tore that tied the score. Ervin Brame fol­ lift things with my teeth and bow from his comer to meet an oppon­ lowed with another two bagger, to CREEN AND PIRATES to let an automobile nm over me.” ent. win his own game after he had b M "Did they pay you well for that?” Schmeling is more on the Tunny nicked for 18 hits, including a homer “Nut much, but it was more than order—an Iceberg as far as nerves by Buster Mills. TO TANGLE TONIGHT I bad learned in all my life. 1 felt are concerned. And, not only does Tbe only other game yesterdxy rich, and sent money home to my be lack the kUler Instinct, but is ■aw the laet place BuffUo BIsoos mother with the good news about tender-hearted toward a naan be is add another to MontreaTa strinff of Manchester Green will play the my work.” defeating. defeats, wlhnlng 7 to 4 behind BiU Pirates tonight at Jarvis Grove. The He showed that in the Btribling Goold’e six hit pltoUng. Four game will start at 6:00. This is ex­ I Dempgey used to do things like fight when, with Stribling tottering gem by Fresco Thoapeon end O B e pected to be a very exciting game that. He rode on the rods from before h im . in that last round, Cam^e aided tbe Bbens, aleaf with neither team having much ad­ town to town, taking whatever kind Schmeling asked Referee Gteorge with &ree double pleje. I f f M v e r vantage. Last year when the Green of work be could get. Blake, “Must I bit him again?” and Benny Tate hit dreult Mown fbr and the Pirates played the series the And, like Dempsey, Schmeling the loeers. Green won three and lost two. Both knows what it is to be knocked out. NEXT: Ploldag a Winner The Beltunore-Newnrk and JeN teams seems to be equally matched Five years ago in Germany Gypsy sey Oi^AIhaao^ g m a w ke peat-, this year. Daniels clouted , him in the first i OIBLS 'TO PRACnCB Before a rokrlnf throng of 800,000 beaded Great Britain’s King pemed beeanM e( iNt The Green will also play tbs round. Hebron team this Sunday afternoon “I vassent looking,’’ M «x told me ’The Reo Girls’ baseball team will and Queen, Lord Derby's "Hyperion” .won the historic Bni^ish D srby .at at Jaryls. Grove. The new Green Mrs. John Hay Wbltnay,’ loelaty w w tn 'i comes right back for more with the first laugh I ever beard praelTce at the Charter Oak street Epiom Downs in essy fashion. Here’s the Joiner in a reoent trial. Hy­ Tbe Inlet to the H ipbdniR -after coming a-cropper twice at the Devon horse show, near Pblia- team hasn’t been able to beat from him. Usually be grins. field at 6 o’clock tonight. Any girls perion’s tiifis tot the mile end a half, 2 minutes and 34 ieconda, was a new foras tbe Btignaidait b l ^ ' 9 Hebron in the past two years but delpbla. Here is the noted horsewoman as she was thrown at a desirlnf to try out for the team are Btupol. Tudlayi ig kniwa at Ibt' Bill do their best this Sunday. Jupip. A secopd similar fall Kgilid to keep her out of the entries. Zt was a visit of Dsmpspy to asked to be OB band. record for the eourte.

    / I

    PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERAED, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1983. Read the dlcm ified Rental Propertii Listing on this Paq

    LOST AND POUND WANTED—AUTOS— APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES 78 NEW U. S. AMBASSADOR WESLEYAN PREPARING MOTORCYCLES 1 2 TENEMENTS 63 SraWOODKETDRie WILL THE PARTY who was seen at a court of probate held THEATERS xt Bast Windsor within and-for the ta ld o g a child’s tricycle from a WANIXD TO BUY for cash, from FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and District of Bast Windsor on the 1st PRESENTS CREDENTIALS AT THE STATE FOR ITS COMMENCEMENT home on ^w thom e street, return private party, light oar, any body four room furnished or unfurnished day of June, 1911. same at once and' avoid further Present CLAJEtA F. ALLBN, Judge.' WAS lo n e BUNTED ^rpe, late model preferred. Write apartments; also single and Duplex Estate of Waldo F. Grant late of "Bondage^’ trou ble? Box X , In care of Herald. house, Manchester Construction Co. South Windsor In said District, de­ Claude G. Bowers Meets Manchester adults will see “Bond­ Expects Between. 400 and 500 T^ephone 4181 or 4369. ceased. Spain’s President — -Brings age” with Dorothy Jordan for the Alumni at the Exercises WILL THE PERSON seen taking The Administrator having made the umbrella in State Theater yes­ written application to said Court, in Message from President last times tonight a t. the State June 16 to 19. FLORISTSt-NURSERIES 15 THE EASY WAY TO FIND a rent accordance with the statute, for an theater. On Friday and Saturday, Jimmy Walker’s MissiDg terday, please return it to the singles, flats, tenements, all sec­ Roosevelt. theater? No questions asked. order of sale of the whole or part of the giant aouble feature program Middletown, June 1.— (AP)— Be­ SPECIAL WEEK END SALE on tions. No charge to you. Everett the real estate described therein, it emsists ot Irene Dunne in “Tbe Sil­ McKinney, 829 Main. Dia. 8608- Is ordered that said application be Madrid, June 1.— (AP)— Claude tween 400 and 500 alumni are ex­ Secretary Demes Ifis De­ LOST—COnf PURSE, containing vegetable and annual flowering heard at the Probate Office in East ver Cord’’ a mother-in-law story money order and money. Finder plan.A, 3 doz. for 25c, tomatoes, 5230. Windsor on the 10th day of June, G. Bowers, the new American am­ that is said to be no Joke, wltb Joel pected to return to Wesleyan Uni­ Please call 3645. Reward. peppers, cabbage and lettuce. An­ 1933, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, bassador, presented his credentials McRea and Frances Dee and tbe co­ versity for the. institution’s lOlst posit Box Holds Fmids. SECOND FLOOR —FIVE, light and that notice thereof be given by to President Niceto Alcala Zamora feature will be Zane Grey’s “ Under commencement, events June 16 to nual flowering planu>, asters, snap­ publishing a copy of this order In LOST—SMALL GREEN and white dragons, zinnias, marigolds, clarkia, pleasant rooms. Screens add shades a newspaper having a circulation In today in a colorful ceremony. He tbe Ton to Rim’’ with Stuart Erwin 19...... purse, containing sum of money. furnished. Inquire 135 Middle Turn­ was escorted to the palace by tbe as tbe Blushing Tonto Bad Beginning Friday, June 16, with salpiglossis, calliopsis, and annual said District, and that return be New York, June 1.— (AP)—^Tho Finder please call 7573. larki^ur, strawflowers. McCkin- pike, W est made to this Court. presidential guard. Fred Kohler and Raymond Hatton. the annual meeting of tbe Ccumec- Attest, Mr. Bowers conveyed a message ticut Gamma Chaptei of Phi Beta New Yoric American says in- a vllle’s Greenhouse and Nursery, 21 CLARA F. ALLEN On Sunday tbe State wlU offer “Hell FOUND—THIS MORNING SUM of Windemere street, Manchester. Tel. FOR RENT—TWO 4 room tene­ Judge. of good will from President Roose- Below” i^th Robert Montgomery, Kappa, the progtw ends Monday, copyrighted article that Russell T. money in Herald Office. Owner 5947. ments at 11 Plano Place. Inquire H-6-1-83, velC saying that the “common dedi­ Walter Huston, Schnozzle Durante June 19 with 'he conferring of de­ Sherwood, long bunted 'm yatery may have same, by calling at office grees on 122 candidates. on premises. cation of both nations to the dem­ and Madge Elvans. man” of the James J. Walker case, and proving property. ASTER, CALENDULA, PHLOX, ocratic concept of tbe state implies President James E. McConaugby A . heart-throb story ot a bride’s has returned to deny that his now marigold, verbena, larkspur, straw- 3 OK 2 ROOM SUITS In new John- an identity of interest which the triumph over a conniving mother-in- will preach the baccalaureate ser­ flower and snapdragon plants, etc. woc Block, facing Main stre e t very 2,500 FRIGIDAIRES President hopes will mean coopera­ law abounds in dramatic thriiia for mon Sunday morning, June 18, while famous safe deposit box ever held AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Hardy plants and shrubs, plants desirable, modem improvemenL,. tion for the preservation of the every type of film fan who visits Saturday, June 17, will be alumni wealth belonging to Walker. from 10 cents up, for window boxes. 1 bone 3726 or lanltoi 763.5. peace of tbe world and the advance­ day at the school. Tbe program WB BUY, SELL and exchange used the State theater to see “The Silver Grown gray, Sherwood waa Our plants are transplanted at ARE SHIPPED D A aV ment and well-being of both peo­ Cord,” starring Irene Dunne. consists of the alumni parade to cars all makes and models. Armory the luncheon, the meeting of ther foimd living with his wife in a least twice and are grown from FOR RENT —AVAILABLE JUNE ples.” fashionable suburb of New York. Garage, 60 Wells street Telephone Thanking the ambassador. Presi­ Miss Dunne, enacting a .-modem alumni association, the annual btue- selected seeds. Bloom and fertilizer 1st at 360 Main street, near wife, contributes a splendid per- His exact whereabouts were not 6874. to make them grow, and Red Ar­ Haynes, 6 rooms, all improvements A total of 2,500 Frigidaires a day, dent Alcala Zamora expressed spe­ ball game with Amherst, tbe presi­ 75,000 a month, is the record being fomoance against a backgroimu ot dent’s reception and tbe alumni disclosed but there acre reports he row to kill the insects. Tomato, and garage. Apply '358 Main St cial pleasure at his knowledge of the hsu; been living in Nev7 Jersey, near set at Dayton, Ohio, and this briefly Spanish people and their contribu­ elaborate settings and splendio pno- sing. I>epper, celery, cabbage and egg Summit. FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT with tells how the New EYigidaire has tography. As Christina, she rises in The Paint and Powder dub will Want Ad InfonnatloB plants. Visit our greenhouses and tion to the Americas. goriige, 17 Walker street. Inquire been accepted throughout America. "Spanish-American relations at magnificent wrath against tbe in­ present “A Ehologue to King Lear” Sherwood denied be ever was make your own selection of quality Over 9,300 men are working twenty- sidious tactics employed by a selfish in Rich Hall, June 16, while fra­ Walker’s fiscal agent. He disap­ plants. Tel. 714, Rockville, Burke W. Manning, 15 Walker street present are closer than ever,” the Manchester four hours a day, seven days a week President said. mother who seeks to retain her ternity reimions will be held the peared, he said, because be feared The Florist FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement on to try and meet tbe demand for the son’s-love exclusively for berseit, same day. Investigator Samuel Seabury would Evening Herald Church street Inquire at 11 Church new E’rigidaires, and yet this gi­ imconcemed with their normal im­ pry into “my friend .Tim’s private stre e t gantic plant is 55,000 short on one FITZGERALD ARCADIANS pulses to live with mates of their affairs.” CLASSIFIER MOVING—TRUCKING- model ^one. More men are em­ own choice. STATE’S FEDERAL AH) Broke and Jobless ADVERTISEMENTS STORAGE . 20 FOR RENT—6 ROOM house, all ployed by EYigidaire today than With her husband David, Chris­ The ong missing .vitress said he modern improvements with garage. ever before, inclqding their peek AT RAIFS SATURDAY tina visits his mother's home where la now “broke ind jobless." News­ 60 Hemlock street OVER TWO MILUONS Count six sTsrscs words to a 11ns. SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the year of 1929. Thousands of homes the insanely selfish woman losea no papers said he is living in $200 s Initials,. numbers , and abbreviations are waiting for their new FTigidalre, time in launching her campaign to month apartment. each count as a word and compound accomnioOatlon ot tbeli large Ue- FOR KfilN T— I’H K E E five and sis ' Many, of the Crystal Lake dance words as two worda Minimum cost Is Luxe ous rot lodge, party ot team having shopped and found ^ at the wreck her son’s happiness, not one “For almost two years,” the room tenements, wltb all modem best value in electric refrigeration followers remember De Vito’s New York Received l^early 20 price of three lines. trips at special ratea Phone 3063. whit deterred by Christina’s forth­ American quoted him as sasdng, “I Line rates per day for transient improvements. Inquire at 147 HMst for 1933, is the same old reliable Arcadians who played several MiUions Durinsf the Last Fis­ have been away from home and as­ 8860. 8864. Center street or telephone '/8S4. coming baby. Mental cruelty la her adSe Frigidaire that has led the field for tiiues at Rau’s two years ago. Tbe first bturrage when she forces the cal Year. sociates, except for a brief period ECeettve March 17. 1827 Arcadians come from Waterbury, Cash Charse LUCAL AND LONG UlSTANCA nearly twenty years. pair to sleep in separate rooms. Cal­ in Mexico City where I was mar­ 6 Consecutive Days ..I 7 cts • cts moving, general trucking, livery The new E^gidaire has taken tbe Conn., and their rep tation is culating Ues, deceit and studiomfiy Washington, June 1.—(AP) —A ried, and except the period of our 3 Consecutive Days ..I * cts 11 cts BUSINESS LOCATIONS state-wide. This yeai the Arcadi­ service. Out affiliation with United country by storm, and a stupendous inhuman methods soon drive Chris­ total of $2,691,201 as the Federal honeymoon in that country I have 1 Day ...... I 11 cts 18 cts ans have had the good fortune to All orders for Irregular Insertions Vans Service means tower rates on FOR RENT 64 buying wave has rolled up new sales tina to a desperate move. government’s contribution to Fed­ been all the time in the United have Jack E’itzgerald come back to wiU be charged at the one time rate. fiu-nlture moving to distant points. records. This new Fri^daire that eral aid projects in Connecticut dur­ States. ' Special rates for long term every his home town in Waterbury and Zane Grey's “Under tbe Tonto Large modem trucks, experienced FOR REa^—OFFICE on Depot uses no more current than one or­ ing the fiscal year ending June 30, “A good deal of that time I went day advertising given upon request. take up the job of directing and Rim,” latest of his action-romances Ads ordered for three or six days men, prompt service, all goods in­ Square. Inquire Pagan! Bros., or dinary light bulb—and less than a 193p was listed in a .table intro­ openly under my own name. To 60-watt light bulb—is true economy coaching their orchestra. Mr. Fitz­ to be filmed, comes to tbe State and stopped before the third or fifth sured while In transit are features telephone 3820. duced in the house by Rep. Coch­ both my wife and mycelf it has day will be charged only for the ac­ which American housewives appre­ gerald is especially adapted for theater Friday and Saturday with offered at oo extra expense to you. ran, Democrat, Missouri during de­ been a terrible strain. She has been tual number of times the ad appear­ TO RENT—OFFICES AT 865 Main ciate and realize, and there is little this Job, having been leader of the Stuart Erwin, Fred Kohler, Ray­ ed, charging at the rate earned, but Dally trips to New York, oaggage bate on the public'works industrial the m ost l03ral person in tbe w orld. street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ekl- wonder why such sales records are Tleyer-Davis orchestra in the Le- mond Hatton and Verna Hillie in control bill. no allowance or refunds can be made delivered direct to steamstup piera leading roles. From the moment of our marriage, on six time ads stopped after the ward J. HoU. Tel. 4642 and 8025. being attained with the 1933 line. Paradis Night Club In Washington, New York with $19,992,830 re­ I have been ^ hunted man, with in- Pot further information call 8U63. The picture is the story of Erwin, fifth day. Kemp’s, Inc., local dealers have been D. C., for the past three years. ceived tbe largest Federal, sum. In v r-tlgators all over . the country No “tlU forbids” ; display lines sot 8860. 8864. Perrett & Gleiiney Inc unable to take care of the demand Ike Dervls, a sixteen-year-old ac­ a cowboy who Just can’t do anything the Nutmeg state, the lar^st sin­ sold. right. searching for me. . The Herald will not be responsible HOUSES FOR RENl 65 for the new EYigldaires and are fill­ cordion phenomenon will also be gle item was $1,126,049 for co­ “It Is no wonder that my hair for more than one incorrect insertion ing orders just as fast as they can with tbe Arcadians when they Finally convinced that he can’t operative construction of rural post FOR RENT—COLONIAL 6 room has turned gray and that I have of any advertisement ordered for COURSES AND CLASSES 27 secure the merchandise. It ia a come to Rau’s, Crystal Lake this make the grade, be follows tbe roads. more than one time. single with sim porch, linen closets, lost sixteen pounds. fact that those looking for the best coming Saturday night, Jime 3. advice of two wily cronies and in­ Other items in the Connecticut The inadvertent omission of Incor­ BEAUTY CULITJKE—Earn while steam heat and oU burner, gfarage. rect publication of advertising will be value in a truly economical electric The Arcadians under their new vests a little money he has in­ allotment included $90,000 for the teaming. Details free. Hartford Located 102 Hollister street Rent rectified only by cancellation of the refrigerator are buying these time leader made a big hit with the herited in a hog-raising enterprise. agricultural experiment station, The new Roosevelt forestry army charge made for the service rendered. Academy ot Hairdressing 693 Main $40. Everett T. McKinney, 829 tried and proven reliable Frigidaire. crowd at the famous Ritz Ballroom But the work disgusts him; be $91,000 for co-operative agricul­ of thousands of men armed with All advertisements must conform sc-eeL Hartford. Main street Tblepbone 8608-5230. In style, copy and typography with in Bridgeoort. On a return engage­ longs for tbe plains. His cronies, tural extension work, $443,414 for axes comes a little too late; we regulations enforced by the publish­ sensing something wrong, and con­ Federal aid highways, $731,456 for should have had it a couple of years FOR RENT—i ROOM FLAT, single ment they drew one of the largest ers and they reserve the right to crowds ever assembled at tbe -ffitz. vinced that be needs a woman to the. National Guard and $88,000 for ago when all those nutty "champion edit, revise or reject any copy con­ ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 bouse, with all improvements. 16 Io(flc'after him, inveigle him to a vocational education. tiuree sitters” were doing their stuff. sidered objectionable. Homestead street. Inquire Frank DAIRYMEN OF N. E. M essrs. ]IW<^Cormlck and B arry, CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to bonder-town saloon, and there, un­ FOR SALE—TWIN cylindei out­ Damato. Telephone 'i091. popular managers of tUe Ritz Ball-! be published same day must be re­ room, who have sent many fine : t- known to him, spread the report ceived by 18 o'clock noon: Saturdays board motor; also Nash sedan. Call HOLD CONFERENCE that he’s a notorious desperado. 10:80 a. m. 8041, after 5 p. m. Rosedale 78-4. FOR RENTS IN ALL PARTS of tractions to Rau’s, have endorsed the Arcadians.- This' iMTings women flocking TELEPHONE YOUR Manchester, singles, flats, apart­ around hini; sends men scurrying GOLF CLUBS, GENUINE Wales ments, tenements, without cl^ ge (Ceotlnoeff Prom P:ge One) WANT ADS. - matched professional set with wind away. But he is soon exposed, Ads are accepted over the telephone t ' you. Dial 8601. John F. Shannon, and the daughter of his former at the CHARGE RATE given above blown hickory shafts and chromium 79 Russell street dated Dairies said their organiza­ PARLEY IS DEADLOCKED plated irons. Regular 325.00 set. tion already controlled n ^ ly 75 bos?, who' had been deeply im­ as a convenience to advertisers, but pressed by his synthetic reputa­ tbs CASH RATES Will be accepted as Will sell complete with bag |5.75. TO REaJT-FIVE AND SIX room per cent of tbe New England milk tion, turns upon him in scorn. FULL PATMENT if paid at tbe busi­ I took 100 sets to settle bill and houses, single and d ruble, also mod­ supply and asserted that creation Geneva, June 1.— (AP)— The ness office on or before tbe seventh world disiarmament conference was day following tbe first Insertion of will ship C. O. D. subject your ap­ em apartments. Apply Ekiward J. of New Ehigland Dairies, this'time each ad otherwise the CHARGE proval. If not satisfied returfa with­ HoU. Tei. 4642 and 8025. under the authority of the Farm in recess today because of a dead­ RATE will be collected. No responsi­ in 3 days and I will accept C. O. Adjustment Act, would give the lock on several points, but its steer­ bility for errors in telephoned ads FOR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 6 DIVORCE IS REFUSED will bs assumed and their accuracy D. and pay postage. Set consists: central agency control of 95 per ing committee made plans for re­ cannot be guaranteed. one $5.00 dilveiv-inidiron, masbie, rooms, shades furnished, newly cent of tbe fluid milk entering the writing a proposed arms treaty on INDEX OF mashie niblick and putter, valued papered and painted, garage and Boston market tbe basis of a British proposal. TO BOTH CONTESTANTS from $3.00 to $4.50 cacb with regu­ large garden. Telephone 4078. Under the plan they substituted, President Arthur Henderson was CLASOTICATIONS the secretary of agriculture would authorized to convoke tbe delegates Births ...... A lar $4.50 bag. A. C. Emerson, 641 Engagements ...... • • B Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. refused to grant licenses to distrib­ June 27 by which time -t is hoped Judsfe Roles That Both Mr. and Marri.-.^cs ...... C FARMS AND LAND utors who declined to sign con­ negotiations will have ironed out dif­ Mrs. Jelke Were Gnilty of Deaths FOR SALE—SECOND HAND ice tracts with New England Dairies, ferences. Card of Tltanks FOR SALE 71 Extreme Cruelty. In Memoriam box in good condition. Cheap. Call and would suspend or revoke li­ The first of these 'inferences will censes of any distributor who vio­ Lost and Pound 5577. MANCHESTER—7 ACRES, fruit be in Paris Friday when the Ameri­ .Vnnouncements . pseoecogggpgggr lated tbe provisions of tbe contract can ambassador at large, Norman trees, poultry bouses for 1000 Newport, R. I., June 1.— (.AP) — Personals FOR SALEl—FLAT TOP mahogany after signing. H. Davis, will talk with Sir John AHtoBMbfles chickens, bams, 6 room bouse, Tbe question whether F. Frazier desk, swivel chair, bookcases, Consolidated Dairies comprises in Simon, British foreign secretary, Automobiles for Sale elMtricity. Ideal location, $4,000. Jelke and his young wife, balked in Automobiles for Exchargo enamel kitchen otble, 9 tube R. C. its membership the New Ehigland and Foreign Minister Joseph Paul their drive to divorce each other, Terms. Everett T. McKinney, 829 Auto Accessories—^Tlres...... A. radio. Dial 3162. Milk Producers Association, and Boncour of France. would seek decrees elsewhere, Auto Repairing—Painting Main street—8608-5230. Auto Schools ...... V-A the following Vermont Co-opera­ stirred interest in Newport today. Autos—Ship by Truck •00*00000 tives: Granite City Co-operative of Judge Charles A. Walsh ruled Autos—For Hire FOR SALE— CHESTNUT posts. Barre, Bethel Co-operative .Cream­ yesterday that both were guilty of Garages—Service—Storage . . . . . Id Telephone 6121. ~Not one person in 10,000 under­ PLANS LONG FUGHT Motorcycles ■ Bicycles ...... '.g. II ery of Bethel, Clyde Valley Co-op­ “extreme cruelty” toward each Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . . . . 12 stands money,” says an eminent erative of Derby, Tunbri^e Co­ other that therefore, under tbe Bnslness asd Professfenal Sstvicee economist. Probably it’s because HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 operative Creamery of Ttmbrldge. New York, June l.— (AP)—Rep­ laws, of Rhode Island, neither may Business Services Offered ...... 13 tbe/ve had so little experience 8t. Albans Co-operative Creamery resentatives of Roger Q. Williams, have a divorce. Household Services Offered .....1 8 'A with tbe subject in the past few Building—Contracting ...... H FOR SALE—2 WHITE'raAiDel beds of St. Albans, and Richmond Co­ who flew to Spain with Lewis A. The Judge cleared the 27-year-old years. , (BEAD I'HB STORY. THBN COLOR THR nCm iRR) Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 with springs, one gray enamel bed operative Creamery of Richmond. Yancey in 1929, announced today Mrs. Eugenia Woodward Jelke, for Funeral Directors ...... "Where is the eagle?” Scouty until the elf said, "It’s all rigbV couch; also six chairs. Telephone that he would annoimce plans for mer Alabama beUe, of charges of Heating—Plumbing-Roofing ,rm cried. "Pertiaps, if we all run and I have the eagle by the tail, so hs Insurance ...... 6558. another "major flight” late this infidelity preferred by her middle- Millinery-Dressmaking-...... afternoon. aged, millionaire husband during a hide, tbe bird will come down hare. can’t fly away. Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . 9x12 RUGS—WHITTALL Oriental NEWSPAPERS’ PART Two years ago he planned a two-weeks court flght. And yet, would that do any good? “You Tlnies come out, one b3| Painting—Papering ...... one. That will not scare him. reproduction, originally $100, now round-the-world flight but that There was no doubt, tbe Judge “It couldn’t say a single word, Professional Ssrvicss ...... a ’Twin be fun when he finds out Uepalring ...... 23 $32.50; Wbittall Anglo Persian project fell through at that time. said, that Jelke was Infatuated ’cause, after all. It’s Just a Mrd. Todays IN AIDING D .S . that you are ftriendly. Maybe hd Tailoring-Dyeing—Cleaning ... 2i worsted wilton, originally $100, Because of that plan, however, with bis wife, but be said be was Ob, please advise us, little d f. Toilet Goods snd Service ...... 3S there was some speculation today not cmivlneed that “she recipro­ We’ll do wbate’er we should. w ill ^ a y .” Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 $32.50; Mohawk Wilton, originally Wee Duncy ran out from a tree Eduratlsaal (Conthmed :rom Page One) as to whether be might not now in­ cated this affection.” The court ex­ "The main thing that we want $100, $29.50: WbittaU Palmer Wil­ and aaid, "Ob, be won’t p ta j w ith Courses and Classes ...... 27 ton. originaUy $69fl0, $19.50. AU tend to make a three-cornered race pressed tbe belief Mrs. Jelke mar* to find la where tbs girls are. We Private Instruction ...... 28 have access to the facts and to have out of this /ear's projected solo rled to obtain luxury, but be did not don’t mind wbst trouble we are me! Pd never trust that Mg, long Dancing ...... 98-A slightly used. Watkins Brothers. attacb^lame to her for this because, beak. Supposin’ he’d get mad? Musical-Dramatic ...... 29 REBUS newspapers eager to gather and flights around the world. Wiley put to. Can’t you think up aome Wanted-Instruction ...... 80 present the truth to the people.” Post and James Mattem have al­ be said, at her age "such things are fine plan?” "As sure aa fat^ 1 would M Plssseinl WANTED TO BUY 58 Tracing tbe start of-newspapers ready announced they would at­ to be expected, and she liked excite­ Tbe elf sat down and scratched pedxed. A t least, that la what Pd Bonds—Stocks—Mortgsgss . . . . . 81 back to tbe Middle Ages to tbe tempt such flights. Next to bis At­ ment, social affairs and a good bis head. The Tlnies waited till he expect PU bet when anybody Busintss Opportunitiss ...... 32 teases that bhrd, it’s too bad.” Money to fx>an ...... 88 HIGH PRICES PAID FOR junk, Fuggsrs of Augsburg who issued lantic flight which was made in the ■aid, "I told you I would help you, • e upholding Jelke’s charge of Help and SKaatlsss paper stock, rag> Stock—VshIdas ...... 42 tor light housekeeping, gas and his wife cursed him, bit him, tore ’round. However, If I am alone, Poultry and Supplies ...... 48 poration could afford to maintain THIRD SCHOLARSHIP bis shirt, humiliated him before his quite a thrill. "1 told you so,” said sink in every room, reasonable. 109 for its own use such an-internation­ New Britain, June 1.— (AP) — he’ll drop right down to ^ y .” Wantsd — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 friends, and nagged him. Scouty. "I new friend we all have Por fial»—-MlseelfsBesss Foster street—Orube. W W OllOBiff al news net work as that of tbe As- H ar» B. Slade, who was awarded "Don’t fret You can depend on m ade.” Arltciss for Sals ...... 41 tbe Hiltim scholarship at the Har­ us,” said Coppy. "W e wont start a Boats and Acesssorlts ...... 48 eoclated Press and the epdcial for­ OANDHl IMPBOVING Tbe elf then said, "Say, BaUyt vard University Sebool of Engineer­ fuss. We’ll hide behind eome trees Building Materials ...... 47 eign and domestie oorrespondente 1 am sure you’ve flown aCTM the AFAR'rMEN'lB—FLATS— WAITER OHM ing today, is tbs third brother to until you toll us to come out Diamonds—Watebss—Jewelry . . 41 of a great ~Nekr York newspaper, Poona, India, Jun 1.^— (AP) — sky with two smaU flila. TttQlra Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 49 pam through Harvard oo scholar- "If good old Baldy cornea, all TfSNEMENTS 63 WANTED newsgathering activltiee which cost Even though tbe three weeks’ fast missing. Pll bet you know W j|^ Fuel and Fsed ...... 49>A sblM, Benjamin Slade and John right grab bold of him and bang Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 miUione each year. be completed Monday brought bis FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat first Milton Slade being tbe others. They on tight Perh^^a, then, you can they are.” Household Goode ...... 61 "Tbe newipaper is tbe true solv­ weight down to 84 1-2 pounds, the Old Baldy pronqitly shook Ms Jfacblaery and T o o ls ...... i t floor, nice neighborhood, rent rea­ ent of all democracy. It ia tbe one are tbe sons of Louis P. Slade, prin­ tell him Just what thia Is all Mahatma Gandhi was said today to bsad. "Ah, you are right” Mualeal Instrumanta ...... 68 sonable. Cbas. J. Strickland. 168 cipal of New Britain high school. about.” - Office aad Store Equlpmast .... 14 article sure to go into every home of be recovering satisfactorily. Windy said. "Tha eagte Main. Phone 7374. Harry Slade, who win be graduated ^eelalaSpeelala at the Stores ...... M tbe wealtky> wmieb tbe workinjpnan Gandhi now is permitted to have I only hope the place la sot so wsarlag Apparsl—Purs ...... IT as an indispensable dally this month, will returb for a post Tha slf rtpUed, "You bet I can.” Tonrd* boUed vegetebles, fruit Juice, honey fa r.” Waatsd^-To Buy ...... II FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, habit, and which even tbe vagrant graduate course on the Hilton ’Then out of sight tha Tfalsa ran. WSS8SB Board- iMs«ala iRaosrta upstairs, 437 Center street. Inquire scholarship. and w ater. Thqy M ked and watdied tbe fun­ "Oh my, no dlfTrenoe wtQ that Restswaats on tbe bench in tbe park picks up. Another .trip tMt MM wiU ^oass Without Board ...... If downstairs. Tbe newspaper wields the commun­ n y e£ , wboee hands want to his take,” exclaimed tbe little elf. Bbsrdeis^Waatsd ...... II*A ity as does no other social agency.” fs o s . Cpmtrr^ard—Bssorta...... lo FOR RENT— TENBlfENT with ’TVho’e brave enough td go Slang?" In opening bis qjeeeb, Mr. Wiley "He’s whistling nor/,” said Dun- Hotslo^lUstgargats ...... ll latest Improvements, on Dspot *1 am,” cried Duncy. TwlU referred to the charge me

    uAMimmm h6r«ix THimsMt r t WW^. • . ; " ' • _ j r . ' ,,

    " 'f . i'* . OUBBOAJtoB^BCpSE eJUMMsptoisanaBStoatonaffn y . '. .V ■ J . d _ .

    * 4 *- I J • '•A " ♦ v*.v ^*1*^ ^ S E and N(M<$ENSE Kc erkucK cur Wrm b m m ew toteer I ' ■■ *» ...... ■ sthL-iH wi.^'wiwiue'''i,oof!T to tbifr wtv«o toebiff tba last taw or ibiaa ywea ticKcr vm lAmmCTd . / . Wcf9, tUw ftfM t etxs» toMj bft aian't fbeta, tba dlaguisa baa b m n to c £ m t b u t i t tikoo tbo perfect. IN IN* OAA ND*. gltf to ton them wlMKO to got off mm Mf,Mi8TiM4 mjmf Uofflftfo Moflto to bo •• biff A newmiaaer rsBOftai^s idea eC «<^AN HMietV OpIN* TMKTOmWRBeK ft fftsiM o badcft acoosdtog to one. cd tba u J t tbo I aertbsa is a Mac* wbi OOMftS WAU^lN* UF L ^ * ed speakers have to sit on « i d W got is iSid out of lovo ii at (SimJxm mmA UitiB tO vwm/^curTTN* :*m eueuT flUMb ft Bwotocy fti bow m o m sm a sneakers fOrsves.n w a ^ s v ^ ^ n # got to ftftdottt of dobt . . . If tlM NMD Nt^«-^DI|N AH ojroo aro tbo wtodoW of tbo aoul« Jed—xaMt it 'awfkl tbat Pate OOUUD^ «rr TVT CAiR tbo boy wbo moods bis oyoatafs Potter is gntag to get mairledf 'mrmmsb v d h am f* n lookliif into gtots* ojroft n m r bo Tim—W b5e awftil about t mtfy window shopptog . * . Ifotb- J e d ? ' h o u r / 'tag so fans as an teforiorlto oon« Jed—Wby Fete was sueb an easy Mss to a womaa wbo baa just cbftp to borrow money toomf eaugbt hor tbird bosbaad ... A pntw gill and naonsg aro botb ae> •undiV aehoei Teacher—Why oopM at tbolr faeo vatao . . . was H that David said be would Joyful Juno says: -A bigamist Is a rather be a doorkeeper to the bouse min wbo bcllovos tb it two eaa Uro of toe Lord? as cboaply as ono" . • • A boy's Bright B«R»< BAD WEATHER— Man—You say Hope T. Hookem J U S T NOW. GOrjtoOWN OPP OURCDURGE- has a wonderful wKe? AND WERE FORCED DOWN Neighbor—Has he? Say, she lets ?nrr A FEW MILES UPTNE him have two hooks in the closet, two drawers in his chiffonier, an for hlmseK, and even lets him have TED AND T ARE his own way—^if it doesn’t interfere PREE ENOUGH- w ith her. WHKT IS nr you WISH P "None of tu reaUy have much sense. But probably it would do vtry well, K we only properly exer­ cised what we have." lit One distressing thing about WASHINGTON TUBBS II By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Willinms these high taxes is that when you pay them you have so little money left to spend at the stores and so cm k help the business man get together the wherewithal to pay his taxes. Without waterproof ronge, some girls haven't the face .to go out to Cut governmental costa with an toe rain. axe, not w ith a nall-fUe*

    CITS' FT kt a•l4l -g lT K r AFTER EVERY iil^ECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WCLU IPW ftc m M * ___ SUPPER TIME./

    • to • • ^ t o

    - • * • • • < «7JtoNUIANiP• • * • BORM "rmn-TV near6 tdo soqm. SALESMAN SAM ______B y S m a ll '^VM^Ua^U ARB. 1 fbrgobh bAkbbI rk* i paid a a SBUXI" I. e m i / e i N v « j e g t ^ m w w o r m s C«M4in I t h v SUMPSi1 V -b


    2 ^ Ii GAS BUGGIES Money Talka 'By Frank geiek


    HUH! r.7/... j-,'* '*.. *■, ^ 7 V*'^ n ' li- <» V ' ■^;• ’. r T i” y>rmf: ■■ ■ f ‘ s . ft ' , f ^ P A G B 1 X N l^_ . ' •®. 'ftrT .; ■ ,' ■ » . . . .‘JLI’ !J . <*» ----- * . . ^ ^ K ------„ w k - * - • •'i* -tT* • y £ j| l^ ■ » i . i iikfij.™ -if Tha'KToman'a PorslgB Okapmas Oouet. O rd tr of A a ia - DANCE ■odatv will *inaat at tha tanth, will ba to Uw grind liukUc AFARTMENT Mrthodlst church tomorrow evsnlnf olBosni at a iuppw and neeptkm at qubrs asutt garmfialda*to '- OUVMhkmaad QoUterts w o n by the . B oN m Oenter Hall a t 7:30 . the Maaonio Tsm pla tMitBWOW eve­ Itto o a iM Itelik t aad Every Thoreday mght. ning. Viaiton are anaetad from INDICATE S O a iS S arranged *by Mrb. M iry Bio 'Sn- OWN Mwle by Band. - Sunset Rebekah-'and m ng David oourta all over tha state. Tlw grand Prompter. O. WlganovrakL Lodge, I O. O. F., have been Invited royal matron la M n . ' E . Baauty Nook, RubiBow BoUdliig. "A Jerfiiidah Mikgr Gfite PosiUon Cirek HoUfi Aiuiakl M oeC^ tt ootflura .afith bangs, anothar^ with Adndarioii SSo. to' attand the Sunday moraing ser­ White of Bartfbcd and tha 'grand Ik M Who Piid la N«w T «rk ^ Leaves Tfahi vice at the South Methodist church. royal patron W. Cheator of Home of < Bln* Q m M noh- Mveral;lafftta of r ln ^ t i Ugh la ^ iMt^kniisa^telltelacqnaravt n ^ MorMBf to U e Charge. Members are requested. to meet at waterbuzy. Mta.' lOna Olaon haadi mond Lflfft N igki opUEurp amimg the attractive Odd Fellows hall at 10 a m., in the large committee In ohazge of the arrengementa. Fee Are i^rrert^ OUisri Jern sU Kalito of 43 Chestnut order to leave in a bodj for the supper at 6:30, aad has addsd to her The CUasnstiF CIrda hskl Its an- , Rublnow’a “Around the Clook" Drtve,Henehestet Green has accept­ ABOUT TOWN church at 10:15. assietanta Mrs. Rachel McGonlgaL nusl msetlnf at tbs hoina ef Mza. fpahinM were started by Miss Cath­ B y Be Brootlit h . ^ ed a'puGtiDo as rssideBt manager of Past royal matrons and patrons will H afdd Richnaoed of >16' Bdgarton erine «Modean in a striped ’ tennis a iaxKO apartm ant faimiHiwy qq constitute the receptkm committee. A pajama dance will be held in Mrs. F. C Allen and Miss Edna ■treat laat night. Reporte by tha frock. As the Golf Girl, Mias Mar­ B rooktyn, N. Y., Turn Hall. 71 North street, Satur­ Christensen will be'in charge of the garet Haseett j^ipeued in a ,ed , left Uila mqrninf for the new sserqtary, Mrs. Isaac Cole, ahowad Four men and one woman ware day, June 3, given by the Polish Cradle Roll and Beginners party Francis Kelsey Burr, Rodney wUte and Uue sports ensemble. ja.ss poaltloaC M t a Maher will accom­ that It 'waa the moat stiocesaful summoned to police court .this Women’s Alliance, Group No. 553 Saturday afternoon’on the parson­ Baldwin Wilcox, CarroU Woodbrldge Atdlle Dion wore a tailored wi.-b- pany Mar -husband at toon as ar- year, financially, than any prevloua morning te >haWer to tha eharga of of Hartford. A prise will be award­ age lawn of the Second Congrq^ Wilscn - and Raymond Brewster able wUte crepe with a lacy point rafigsttMnte here can be completed. year. Tlxere have been tteee new keeping dnHcensed dogA TMy4.ware ed for the best looking pajama su^t. ticmal church. If the weather is Woodbridge all of this town arc members admitted during cbe year. c’Bsprit' Jacket. Mrs. Bllsabeth Mr.^'flind'M t a Haher have been stormy it will be held in the church. members of the graduating class of : terrett modelled a btue and wUte James Sheehan of 139 WethArall idoittfled with activities a t ih e The retiirlag bfficere Mrs. Artbur street, John Krinjak of ' 15 Pinnell Mothers of the Cradle Roll children Wesleyan University. Commence­ twin polka-dot In a heavy ahwr Spuilah-Amsrican W ar and* v T f . A daughter w a s bom M ay 14 a t B. , Gibson, prteldKxt, ^ and Mrs. With Woi^TriefiS I kbrlc, with A baum martin scarf. street, William MtUm o i 96 Spruce hare tor many years and will be the Hartford hospital to Mr. and will be guests. ment will be held June 16-19,' tha Isaac Cole, secretary'were accorded street, Clifford W . M a a ^ of > '299 misaed by their many friends. Tne flnid day to be set aside for the Com­ a rising vote uf thanks for their A graceful gray ensemble with i AdvaiiciB|^-«'A - Mrs. Elmo P. Mantelli. Mrs. Mantelli Fern street, and M t a J i^ D . M os- local vateran of the Spanlsh-Amerl- The W . B. A. Guard dub will meet mencement procesdon and exercises. efficient leadership. • Up length cape' was worn by Miss before htr inarriage was Miss Ruth ser.of 304 Autumn street. Massty can W» and the Boxer Rebellion is tomorrow evening with Mrs. Thomas The president in behalf of the Clara Jackmore. The cotton vogue You Cannot Alford v Wilson, daughter .nl Mr. and Mrs. was imable to ba in court this morn­ Cbaplafo of Anderaon-SheA Post, D. Smith of Doane street. Miss Vic. The annual 'party of the Cradle circle presented Mrs. Cole with a whs reprejsented by ■' Uilffon Oscar Wilson of Walnut street. Mr. ing and' his request for. a coqtinu- Veterana.of Foreign Wars s ^ Mrs. toria Vlncek and Mrs. Rose Steven­ Roll and little Light Bearers will beautiful synthetic am>phire pen­ organdie p ^ t dance frock with a Not'Jo Join Mantelli is a son of Frank Mantelli wUte organdie removable cape col­ ance to Saturday was granted. Maher Is Past Presidoxt 6 t M ary son will assist the hostess. take place Saturday aftemomi *at dant. o f Bolton. With the exception of BushaHl Cheney, U. S. W. V. 2:30 on the lawn at the South Mrs. Clarence Davis, chaimum of lar, worn by Miss Stella wander. the nominating committee, pre­ wiM Olander woire a gold metallic they allan j)leadedpi guilty. In Sheehan’s A u x iliary . The business meeting of the Mrs. George F. Borst and Mrs. Methodist church. M n. L. S. Burr sented the names of Mrs. Isabel acquer coiffure, arrange with a e of two dollaia and, costs Buckland Community club will be Warren Keith are attending the will have charge of, the Cradle Roll Hubbard of Chestnut Lodge' as bangs and ringietA was imposed. In each of the ’ other H a l e ’s 1933 held Monday evening at the Buck meeting of the executive board of department and Mrs. Robert Rich­ president and Mrs.'George Harris of ■ T ie costumes worn by the models cases judgment was. suspoided on The Moot limiting Two land school. The entertainment the Hartford Coxmty League of mond the Little light Bearen. 50 Oxford street as secretary, and are being displayed totey in Rub- payment of costA They all claimed Honre Yea'Have Ever committee has engaged “Joshua’s Women Voters today at the Ells­ they were unanimously accepted. iflow’s Main street windows. that they could .not afford to pty-a Spent! worth home, Windsor. Mr. and Mn. Fayette B. Clarke Hill.BilUes’’ to furnish the program. lA e Gleaners will entertain their dog Ucehse this year. They were alV of Porter street have returned ftom Robert MONTGOMERY W ool husbands at the cottage of Mr. and brought in on complaint of ^ IX^, visit with their daughten, Miss Schnnsale DURANTE illrs. Ekiward O’MfJley at C iys^ Warden Raymond RoUneon. f ______■ >• I Ehrelyn at Boston and Mias Lucile at . .Walter HUSTON Lake on the evening of June HISS CHENEY TO LEAD It is estimated by the dog warden In Bridgewater, Mass. IDss Shrelyn The committee is as follows that there are today about 200 un> Clark who is engaged in T. W . C. A. Refreshments, Mrs. Rldun licensed dogs roanUng about < the at PINEHURST! work will have the month of June Mrs. Gill, Mrs. Sslmonaon; games, FORUM DISCUSSION streets and over the gardens in' B la n k e t for her vocation, and on Saturday is Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Manchester. If teese,300 dog ow leaving with a party of friends for Davis; transportation, Mr. and Mrs. era do not secure a' license or get rid Fresh, Native the Chicago exposition. Moseley, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler. Former Local Representative of their dogs they will likely find A t the close of the business meet­ themselves before the local poUce SPINACH, peck „ .a.... The Past Chiefs club of Memorial to Debate at League Sessiim ing a social hour was enjoyed and court. Club Temple, Pythian Sisten, held on out­ in New London. GREEN BEANS, quart dainty refveHiments were served by Raymond Aronson of 616 Gardner ing at Hartford last evMlng. Sup­ the hostess. per at the Ear Bast Garden was fol­ street, was found guilty of reckless CwTnlilnlnXsS RADISHES, 4 bunches lowed by a theater party at the Pal­ The Oozmecticut League Of Wo­ driving and fined |25 and costA ’The accident that brought him ace, the performance b^ng “The men Voters in cooperation with the Due Early Friday— ^More Freshly Caught Connecticut Party’s Over” by the Thatcher Play­ CHOIR’S FROUC PLEASES, into court occurred at Biasell and ers. Twelve of the club attended, Connecticut College for Women, Spruce streets yesterday morning River SHAD from Dodge at Windsor. with the present presiding officer, New London and Leagues In New during the heavy rain. Aronsmx ad­ Fresh Butter Fish will be 19c pound. - M n. Helen Henry as a guest FASHION SHOW FEATURE Bngland, New York, Pennsylvania mitted that he 1 ^ foiled to observe and New Jersey will conduct an in­ the stop sign. Hla car smashed into Cod and Boston Blue are ^ood bujrs at 2 lbs. for 25c. a truck driven^ by Charles Rohan, Mary C. Keeney Ten^ Daughten stitute on constructive economy in 0 50c Down Jr., doing considerable tiamagA The You can have them in the piece or steaked. of Union Veterans of the Civil War, governm ent on June 13, 14, 15 and North Methodist Church Chor­ accident was investigate by Officer fTesh Salmon. Eastern White H A LIBUT. will hold Its r^fular meeting this 16 inclusive at the college. New . PC Weddbr evening at the State Armory. us Presents SukAM Joseph Lucrx has purchased from a wind-up of the season, and given ANota the large sine,. Baldwin’s Syrup. We have fresh Pancake Flour. Uw Syrup for the benefit of the church. 72x84 incheA sells for 34c aad 29c a bottle. the referee in bankruptcy the stock and fixtures of the store conducted Six attractive models dlsplsyed by Walter Moske at-No. 265 North "Vacation FasUons inspired oy the Blankets—Main Floor,'lefL- Lunch Tongue Main street He has added a new O ty NNineties’’ in i selected by William Lobster Crab Meat stock snd opened for business to- RubihOW represtotative of the most wearable styles, smart and be­ Can , Can day. I •S k ...... 1 5 c coming to the average type. Aq the models paraded in front of the can...... AiiJW cabaret tables arrangeo for the sec­ a 25c 24c TRQILEY,.BUSMENBID, ond act of the Frolic, Miss Margaret C. Shay, “Jean” of the Herald Shop­ Italian Spaghetti Dinner with Mushroom Sauce and Parme­ ping News column, pointed out toe san Cheese, 25c box. Tomato Paste, 10c. ON NEW SCHEDULE RUNS important style ..features, ot eaph A r e T o n costumA Miss Shay emphasised the GIDA fact U at during depression years, P re tie ls, Our Eastern White P r e s s e d 2 boxes 2 5 c Trolley and bus drivers employed style' designers have had to exert THAT* USES IVOlMORB CVRRl THAN ONE by the Connecticut Company last themselves to make clothes ss at­ F o r T i m e ? Beer Qiasers, Cheese Crackers HALIBUT night started bidding on nms that tractive as possible, with the result r/111 become effecave with the that styles are today far more is especially line quality. T ry ORDllTARY LAMP ILLB 2 ‘ “ ~ 2 5 c change in schedule on Sunday when Then— Broiled nr Baked Halibut. Manchester will go on a twenty min­ Toasted Cheese Thins, ute trolley service between South box ...... 1 0 c Dial 4151 Manchester and .lartfcrd and bus A N ID E A L Shop H ale's line runs on the Manchester Green Gradua­ and Cross town lines will also be F r i d a y changed. W e 'teseei ■:X There will be live fewer bus runs tion Gift and eight fewer trolley runs to be For HIM or For HE&— bid on. The bidding last night was A l t e m o o i i s done by the day men, who are the older in point of service, and are A P6rtable • All Saturday’s given first choice. The sight men Grocery and T h a n a w MAN! ^ Tha are bidding this afternoon on the Typewriter other regular runs and t6e spare Meatl^iedalfl Service Typewriter Co. 600DYEAR WHAT JIRE fiOODYEiiB runs. There are likely to be several changes among the m

    M ore people ride on Goodyear T iru tH a n on m yotherJdnd Home Made Potato Salad .. .1 1 ....'..«. .15c lb., 2 Htfc kife

    M ATT MERZ Homs Mads CmOtts ... I7c ^doinsn • 141 N o rth M ata S treet .T e L flT lg Homs Mads Codfish Gsksp' • .R ed O M L ...... ’S*'lNCfc SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, INC. TttMafaiStreet OM Center Strcet ' TeL CMt DUL5U1' ' V n .i **• ^

    .-rV.; ’ --A ^