President Victorious When Congress Quits
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i-*V“ T/u- TS>1 •r,'. ‘t ■ h-»-. AVKBAOT d a il y caSOCLATION • r 0 . • for the Mootta of H«y> 19St 5 , 2 5 1 r of the Aodlt 1 ftdr. ot Qroolotloiio. VOL.IH~NO.220. AdrertlitBg om P a g e U X MANCHESTER, CONN., FRTOAT, JUNE 16, 1933. SDKTEEN PACks PBICB THBBB CENTS CONFERENCE WAITS Roof Gone— But Roosevelts Smile ESTATES SHARE FOR A D PRESIDENT VICTORIOUS WASHINGTON WORD (frryOBLESS WHEN CONGRESS QUITS Econoniic Parley to M a A NATION’S BUSINESS More FedenI Fimds WiD Be hs Last Act Was Accepbmoe Time Over Week-End Un Receired u Bat 78 irf Think Bandit Planned KEEPS ADVANCING of O s Terms on ExpoiA- til U. S. Views on Cnrren- 169 Towns and To Liberate Dreger cy is Recmred m London. Trade Review Says There itures for Veteraas — Gave Neeessaiy Estimates \ Hartford, June 16*— (A P )—AAhIm Immediately as the New York S en te Blocked by Hoose, Are No Indications of gan gster. June 16*— (A P) — The New York gangster and ex-convlct H a rtfo rd . June 16.— ( A P ) — The Dreger was not In the car for he world econoinie conference after lin> Is being sought today for question Raaliy Ghres h — Reese- first portion of Connecticut’s share was not taken to the prison until portant meetinge of Ita monetary Seasonal Slackening. ing In an aUpged attempt to free yesterday to begin serving twdre In the 6350,000.000 F ed eral g ra n t and economic commlealone today Frank Dreger, 61-year-eld New to twenty years for ro bb^ while to states for reUef purpeoeo will be Tdt'Piraises Coegress in a decided wlrtuaUy to mark time on York convict, aa he was being armed. The- silv'r-baired burglar, N e w Y o rk , June 16.— ( A P ) — Con 6815,000 and t ^ t am ount Is e x- who has served more the" 26 of as the major problems over the week tranqwrted from the Bridgeport tinuing its forward movement, busi peeted to come into the state with 61 years In prison, confessed to Last lOm te Letter. end pemUng definite word regard county jail to the state prison In in a week or ten days, Newton C. looting Fairfield county homes of ing Waahingtrm'e attitude towards ness has so far given no indications Wethersfield. Brainard, chairman of tbe state re thousands of dollars worth of sil currency stabilization. of the usual seasonal slackening, The convict served a two to nine- verw are. The bloc of gold standard coun lief commission, dlsclooed today. Washington. June 16.— (AI^)— said the Dim A Bradstreet review year term in Wethersfield for a He was captured a week ago In tries it was said in French quarters, Mr. Brainanl returned from today. Hartford robbery, and authorities Darien by Lieutenant Amos Ander The Roosevelt Congress, carver o f do not Intend to budge until ap Washington last night with Jameo Reports received by the agency ars searching for him today. son, famous “Lone Wolfe of the a mighty legislative program for proval of a stabilization project has W . Hook of New Haven, a membef thin week “emphasized Increasing Sheriff Tbonuis F. Reilly, of Post Road” as he was trudging been received from the American of the commission. He cos^erred National recovery, ai^umed at employment and .advancing wages, Fairfield county, was enroute to along a country road witb a sack administration. with Harry L. HopUns, Federal re 1:21 a. m., sffter chalking up a with plans of summer dosing aban tbe prison Wednesday with three filled with silverware. The arrest French delegates and their fol lief administrator, and reports that final notable victory for the Presl- prisoners when he noticed he was lowers expressed keen disappoint doned, as orders make necessary a Oonnectieut’s application for 3815,- created a sensation, when Mrs. being trailed by a New York car diant ment over Becretaiy Woodln’s m - further widening of schedules.” 000, representing one-tblrd of the Lillian Collings, of Stamford, who Alts last act was ..cceptance nouncement in Washington that the Many industries are booked well in amount spent in public funds for with a lone occupant. In tbe center figured In tbe Penguin murder o t his terms on expenditures for vet United States government had not to early falL relief in this state, in January, of Meriden, when he was halted by case, at first thought be resembled agreed to any cum ly stabilization “The almost unbroken continuity February and March b> 78 dtles a traffic light, the New York car the elderly man who boarded her erans, thus safeguarding the Presi proposals, which at. understood to of the broadening of the advance and towns has been tentatively ap drove alon^de and tbe driver in yacht, murdered ber husband and dent's economy program which have been considered by French, p-*edudes the Influence of inflation proved. quired if the sheriff had Dreger in assaulted ber. Later, however, she lops off hundred of millions to the car. Sheriff Reilly recognixed aichieve balance of the ordinary American and British financial ary measures as the sole impetus, as Loeal ReUef retracted the identification. Fire which destroyed the roof of their summer cottage at Bye Beach, b u d g e t leaders. ^ . the rapid sequence of supporting The Federal grant will be turned The French indicated they had commercial developments has allow N. H., the day after they moved in, isn’t going to be allowed to spoil The Senate fought to the last the the summer for Mr. and Mrs. James Roosevelt. Here’s the President’s over to towns and cities to be thought the stabilization question ed no g l^ for retardat^ve factors to same flgh' which hsul held up ad- TCn and his wife on the cottage steps, quite cheerfully resigned to spent on local relief In a manner had been settled when they conceded exert their power,” the review con to be prescribet by the state com Joummen since last Sat «rday, but the chairmanship of the monetary their 65,000 loss. James branded sub “crazy” rum ors th at he haul SOVIET TIGHTENS PASTOR STECHHOLZ Mocked by the utter refusal of the tinued. mission. received threats that their 14-months-old daughter, S«u'a^ would be commission, to James M. Cox, sec Is Continuing The commission, Mr. Brainard House to accept an enlargement of kidnaped. ond In command of the United There has so far been no evidence said, will probably organize next q ^ d in g for ex-soldlem, It gave in, States group. tLat the business revival 1s to be week. GRIP ON FARMERS ARGUES FORREPEAL voted 46 to 36 to tTke the com American Statement temporary, it stated. The strongest Mr. Brainard was to confer Yrith promise offered by the administra It had been reported that plans element in the current situation is Governor Cross today before sea tion. passed the 6650,000.000 inde Were afoot to stabilize the Aineri- “the volume of forw a^ orders which ting a date for the first meeting of pendent offices bill and adjourned. ran doD ar a t between 64.04 to 64.07 has been accumulated by mills and YALE, HARVARD DIVIDE the commission, which has been Extends Its Control to AD Tbe House, which had lingered to the British pound. Manchester Minister Quotes idly through the nlgbt quit too, aft In a formal statement given out factories, this Insuring wider em empowered by the Legislature to ployment and constant additions to Impose standards of relief-giving er cheering and yeUlng approval at in Washington last night and re a last minute letter from tiie Presi ceived here this morning, the Amer consumer buying power." ‘‘Gains in that must be accepted by the com of the Collective Farms Bible in Support of. His employment during the last two HONORS IN A. M. RACES mittees before- they can share In d en t ican Secretary of the Treasury said that ‘the discussions in London weeks in some districts have been .the direct aid orogram. He pointed in the Nation. Preddenf ^ Letter (regarding stabilization) must be the heaviest <or any comparative out that the 6815,(i00 was a direct Stand— Foe of Dry Law. In it he thanked Senators and explorat(»y only, and any agree period in the last year and. a half, grant to Connecticut from the Fed Representatives “tor maMng possi Latter Wins hj Tkree-Qiiar- ment on this subject will be particularly in -.centers IdentMed a H A N Y REQUESTS eral government and was distinct ble, on the broad average, a more reached in Washington, not else with production cA textiles, leather from the aid that may come from Moacow, June IB— (A P ) — Ths An ardent foe of the laghteenth sincere and wholehearted co-opera where.” goods, shoes, glass contaimars, auto ters Lengtti in Jayroe Washington for public works. Communist Party tightened ita grip Amendment because he believes the tion between the legislative and eg- In the meaatime, British, French, mobiles, tires, eleiflri^f^vplieSi COUNIALEMnlffi Though the state applied fbr on SpYtet agrlcijiltiire today by de- prohibition law has defeated tbe ecuttoaJWi^es S f the U n itM and American bankers are meeting Mr« Brainard iMUoated SU tA jif^nHnent than has been refrigerators, radios, fionltarSf iron /efistng through Ita eentrai ■com cause it Was planned to effect. Rev. In London to atn4i the jsobU n h fis d o e s -w o t 'n e r a m a ^ rcfp- .and steel, and a|stoj pibducta; with Contest-r-fak Fredn^-.