Life Science Journal 2015;12(7) Feasibility Study of Tourism Development Impacts on Stable Regional Development Dimensions: The Case Study Rahim Abdollah Fam1 and Parviz Kesavarz2 1 Department of Social Science, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran. 2 (Corresponding Author), Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran. E-mail:
[email protected]. Abstract: Without a doubt one of the most important challenges the region programmers are facing in many countries are issues related to sustainability and sustainable regional development. There are several factors that could have influenced the sustainable development in the region. One of these factors could be tourism and its consequences. Comprehensive study of the impact of tourism in the region requires a regional study in the context of sustainable development. District of Kandovan Tourism with over 850 years of being in the western foothills of the Sahand Mountains in the East Azerbaijan province has an influential impact in attracting Tourism and regional & national development by diverse and pristine nature and cultural and historical authenticity. The present study reviews the concepts of sustainable tourism, sustainable development implications of tourism on the region. This method is based on analytic methods for data collection and data archival and field methods have been used. Statistical Society is Tourism and tourists as well as residents and officials in the region that Cochran method is being used to determine the number of samples. Achieved sample size is 341 people from a random distribution of the questionnaire. Results gathered represent that despite positive economic impact on some aspects of the social and environmental aspects, results are often negative that help to regional instability.