St. Innocent Orthodox Church Z 50th Anniversary:1967-2017 Z Moscow Patriarchal Parishes Z 23300 W. Chicago _ Redford, MI 48239 _ 313-538-1142 _ Fax: 313-538-8126 Church Website: _ E-Mail:
[email protected] St. Innocent Monastic Community: 9452 Hazelton, Redford, MI 48239 _ 313-535-9080 PASTOR: Rt. Rev. Mitered Archpriest ROMAN STAR _ Cell: 313-319-0590 Dean, Central States Deanery, Patriarchal Parishes JULY 2, 2017 ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. DANEIL SHIRAK _ 313-295-3073 Rev. Dr. JOSHUA GENIG EPISTLE: Romans 6:18 - 23 (#93) DEACON: Dn. Michael Comerford, Attached GOSPEL: Matthew 8:5 - 13 (#25) ATTACHED: Sister Ioanna TONE: 3 CHOIR DIRECTOR: Elizabeth Star Hatfield Grand Duchess St. Elizabeth Romanova, READERS: George Hanoian; William Davis Feastday, Wednesday, July 5th Z 4th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Z COMMEMORATED TODAY: The Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Most-holy Theotokos at Blachernæ (5th c.). St. Photius, Metropolitan of Kiev (1431). St. Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem (ca. 458). St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai & San Francisco FOR THE REPOSE OF: Estelle & Joseph Star; Anna & John Witkowski; Michael Sr. & Margaret Rusko; Mary, Andrew, Daniel, Michael & Lottie Yakuber; Ross & Margaret Falsetti; Helen, John & Carole Andrayko; Peter & Theresa Harvilla; Betty Martell; Frances, Todd & John Smoly; Peter Glover; Irene Adams; Ethel Elizabeth & Wayne Joshua deVyver, David Horka; Michael Rusko; Anna Lichagina, Yelena & Zinaïda Korniyevskaya; Joseph Nossal; Michelle Tucker; Todd Comerford, John Manier, Jr. MEMORY Patricia Comerford Suttleman (newly departed, Monday, 29 May), by brother, Deacon Michael Comerford ETERNAL! John Witkowski, whose anniversary of his repose is Wednesday, 5 July, by daughter Mat.