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June/July 2015 [PDF] News from Drexel University College of Medicine JUNE/JULY 2015 Vol. 3, No. 5 College’s Communication Skills Program to Find BIG Audience The digital communication-skills training and assessment program developed and used at the College of Medicine has been acquired by a leading provider of healthcare simulation-based learning technology. DecisionSim, Inc., will add CommSim™, as the program is now known, to its established decision-making simulation platform. Users of the DecisionSim platform include the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs — the largest integrated healthcare delivery system in the United States. 3 “It’s very rewarding to see this program evolve and merge with other technologies to drive advances in healthcare training and delivery,” says one of its creators, College New MD/PhD grad faculty member Christof Daetwyler, MD. “The collaboration is a prime example of Samuel Laurencin academia and industry joining on the importance forces to maximize the potential of mentors of healthcare simulation.” CommSim was created at the College and refined for over a decade by Daetwyler, associate professor of family, community and preventive medicine; Dennis Novack, MD, professor of medicine; and Gregory McGee, software developer. The program facilitates remote audiovisual encounters between trainees and Standardized Patients for the purpose of practicing and 8 assessing healthcare communica- Drexel Sports tion competencies. It was funded Medicine provides through a grant awarded by the care to athletes University City Science Center’s at national events Drs. Dennis Novack and Christof Daetwyler QED program — a multinational (l-r above) created the program with Gregory McGee. proof-of-concept program that supports academic researchers developing early life sciences and healthcare IT technologies with high commercial potential. “What it comes down to is that Drexel Med is expert at teaching doctors how to be good doctors,” notes Robert B. McGrath, PhD, senior associate vice provost and executive director of technology commercialization at Drexel. “These innovations that were developed to assist teaching our students have now been demonstrated to be broadly applicable to training all kinds of people in other clinical situations — outside the academic environment.” Research has shown that ineffective healthcare team communication is the root cause 14 of almost two-thirds of all medical errors, costing Americans hundreds of billions of dollars on missed prevention opportunities and unnecessary and inefficient services. “We WMC ‘42 alum continually look for ways to innovate and collaborate to provide the most comprehensive is the world’s oldest recipient • continued on page 4 of a doctorate Pulse_June_v03 crw2.indd 1 6/24/15 12:34 PM Contents How We Spend Communication Skills Program ..........1 Our Summer “Vacation” Destination Excellence ................3 Pill to Prevent HIV Transmission ..........5 The historical maritime usage of doldrums refers to a specific low-pres- Compliance & Privacy ................9 sure area where the prevailing winds are calm — not depressed! From one point of view, we are in the summer doldrums. We have said our Profile: Ingeborg Rapoport, WMC ’42 ...14 fond farewell to the Class of 2015 and eagerly await the arrival of new first-year graduate and medical students. I prefer the warm weather, but NEWS & EVENTS it is a bit lonely. Uganda outreach, “Top Docs” ....... 6-10 When I became Dean, I decided I should come down from my Center City tower at least once a week to better engage with the WHAT WE’RE DOING occupants and activities at our campus in East Falls. So in summer I Presentations, articles, awards ...... 11-13 continue to spend every Wednesday in my office at Queen Lane, but there are few people to have lunch — students absorbed in summer ALUMNI NOTES research projects or studying for Step I and some faculty. I think it Former students, residents, fellows ... 16-19 must be bad for the concession, but the salad bar offers an abundance Calendar .......................13 of my favorite things. In Memoriam ...................19 On the other hand, no sooner do we finish Commencement than we are planning the White Coat Ceremony for the incoming class. Faculty and administrators are hard at work preparing for the next academic year. I, personally, am preparing lectures, as formats and delivery must change to get with Pulse, a publication for students, faculty, the times. staff and alumni of Drexel University College Something truly exciting is also of Medicine, is published six times a year by the taking place: Drs. Valerie Weber Marketing & Communications Department and Donna Russo and the Curricu- 1601 Cherry Street, Suite 11484 lum Blueprint Workgroup have Philadelphia, PA 19102 completed the initial phase of the Daniel V. Schidlow, MD curriculum renewal process and Marsha Braverman are presenting their work — the Chief Marketing Officer proposed new medical education Jean Tracy program — at faculty “town halls” this month (June). We are all looking Editor forward to the discussions. Heidi Karl Also in late June, the rising third-year medical students officially Art Director, Hollister Creative transition to the clinical years, while the fourth-years have an early start on their first rotation block. July 1 is often the start date for new faculty Contributing writers: members, so before the students even arrive we will be greeting new Ed Federico, Adrienne Hovey, Catherine McCorkle, Rachel Quimby, Nancy West names and faces. Finally, on July 3rd, we will have a holiday in celebration of July 4th (ah, America!). And that’s the summer. Editorial Advisory Council: Leah Cianfrani, Danielle Kane, Michael Lombardo, Paul McGonigle, PhD, Michael Nonnemacher, PhD, Brent Simmons, MD Submissions may be mailed to Pulse c/o Daniel V. Schidlow, MD the Marketing & Communications Department, Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Dean emailed to [email protected], Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs or faxed to 215.255.7301. For questions, comments or additional copies of Pulse, call 215.255.7330 “ Something truly exciting is taking or email [email protected]. place … the Curriculum Blueprint drexelmed.edu Workgroup is presenting the proposed drexelmedicine.org new medical education program” Pulse_June_v03 crw1.indd 2 6/23/15 12:59 PM Destination Excellence From West Philly to MD/PhD “Congratulations, you’ve matched!” These were the phia were not afforded the same educational opportu- words I read from my laptop as I sat in solitude in a nities. I was lucky: lucky to be born into a family lecture room on campus. Overcome with emotion, I consisting of educators and physicians. For me to cried. I rarely cry. Being from the “rough part” of West not excel academically was tantamount to missing Philadelphia, public displays of anything that could be a wide-open layup in basketball. While many of my (wrongly) perceived as weakness were easy ways to peers were just as capable as I, it was my positive role attract unwanted attention, and that was ingrained models who made me believe, through their examples, early in my subconscious. But this was worth getting that I too could excel. High school career days often emotional over. I was not overcome with emotion just did little to convince many of my friends that they were because of what the future had in store but, rather, capable of excelling academically if there were no because of the past experiences that had brought me positive role models reinforcing the message when they to this point. For me, that email was the culmination went back to their neighborhoods. of 33 years at Drexel. Through college and medical school, the job of My mother is a Drexel graduate. Before I was born family role models was taken over by professional and I spent nine months, thanks to the human reproductive peer mentors. One of the best things about pursuing process, dining in the cafeteria and attending gospel higher levels of education is that you realize how much choir, all while managing to develop from an embryo you do not know. Consequently, the role of mentors to to a neonate. I grew up a short walk from Drexel. guide me through both academic and life challenges Spending time at the old Drexel arcade is one of the was instrumental to my success. Here too I was lucky. fondest memories of my youth. As a high school Lucky to be at a university that at each level of my student I became a Drexel research assistant — a training surrounded me with faculty and fellow students pretty cool title for a 10th grader. I assisted graduate who were genuinely interested in seeing me succeed. students in the laboratory run by my uncle, who was While sitting alone in the lecture room, I thought a faculty member in the departments of Chemical about all of the people at Drexel who had helped Engineering and Orthopaedic Surgery. In August me to grow from a kid in West Philly to an MD/PhD 2000, I enrolled as an undergraduate in chemical orthopedic surgeon. Fortunately, I had been in an engineering, with Drexel’s co-op program being a environment where mentors were available to me. primary factor prompting my enrollment. After Suddenly, one of the lecture room doors opened. A graduation, I transitioned to the MS program, studying custodian began stacking chairs. “You can stay in the biomaterials for musculoskeletal repair. Thanks to early room if you want,” he said. But I couldn’t. I had work healthcare and research experiences, my goal was to to do. Now it was time for me to start my career and be a physician-scientist, so I spent the last eight years be the positive role model and mentor to the next pursuing my medical degree and PhD in chemical generation of physician scientists. engineering. That makes 33 years in total. — Samuel J. Laurencin, MD, PhD Many of the friends I grew up with in West Philadel- Class of 2015 New alumnus Sam Laurencin credits his success to family and mentors.
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