Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, 2011
PPrraaccttiiccee aanndd TThheeoorryy iinn SSyysstteemmss ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn Pedagogical Journal of Association of Educational Sciences HU ISSN 1788-2591 (Online) HU ISSN 1788-2583 (Print) Volume 6 Number 4 2011 International Editorial Board ÁRPÁSI Zoltán GEORGIEVA KOSTOVA , Elisaveta Szent István University, Békéscsaba, Universidad Compluttense de Madrid, Hungary Madrid, Spain BÁBOSIK Zoltán, Ph.D. KONCSEK Andrea, Ph.D. International Peto Institute, Budapest, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary Hungary BARDÓCZ -TÓDOR András, dr. univ. KARLOVITZ János Tibor, Ph.D. Elementary School, Budakeszi, Hungary (Chief Editor) University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary BLANDUL , Valentin Cosmin, Ph.D. University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania KESZTHELYI András, Ph.D. Óbuda University , Budapest, Hungary CHANDLER , Nicholas International Business School, Budapest, MOLNÁR Diána Hungary Amité Franco-Hongorois Assosiation, Lyon, France CSAJBOK -TWEREFOU , Ildiko, Ph.D. University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, MOLNÁR Erzsébet, Ph.D. Ghana (Language Consultant) University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary FARKAS Károly, CS.C. Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary TAUSZIG Judit Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, GARAJ Erika, PH.D. Budapest, Hungary Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary TORGYIK Judit Emese, Ph.D. Kodolányi János College, Székesfehérvár, GENCOSMAN , Tuna Hungary Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey Copyright @ Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, 2011 Practice and Theory in Systems of Education is a copyrighted compilation, and all rights
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