

J. R. Blair-West, … , J. R. Goding, R. D. Wright

J Clin Invest. 1963;42(4):484-496. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI104737.

Research Article

Find the latest version: https://jci.me/104737/pdf Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 42, No. 4, 1963 THE EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONE, CORTISOL, AND CORTICOS- TERONE UPON THE SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CONTENT OF SHEEP'S PAROTID SALIVA * By J. R. BLAIR-WEST, J. P. COGHLAN, D. A. DENTON, J. R. GODING, AND R. D. WRIGHT (From the Department of Physiology, University of Melbournze, Parkville, Australia) (Submitted for publication September 29, 1962; accepted December 12, 1962) Sodium depletion in the sheep results in a fall had adrenal transplants (10, 11) and two had inflatable in parotid salivary sodium/potassium concentra- cuffs placed on the thoracic inferior vena cava (12). tion ratio from a normal 25 to 40 Diet. The animals were allowed 0.4 kg oaten chaff (Na/K) (Na, and 0.4 kg lucerne chaff per day with a Na content of 170 to 185 and K, 4 to 6 mEq per L) to as low 0.3 approximately 100 mEq per day. All animals were housed (Na, 40 and K, 133 mEq per L) (1, 2). Earlier in cages, and had free access to water and work in this laboratory suggested that this recipro- sodium bicarbonate solution except during Na depletion cal alteration in the concentration of salivary so- (13). Voluntary Na intake and volumes of saliva and dium and potassium urine were recorded daily. was due predominantly to the Initial experimental conditions. The salivary response simultaneous operation of 1) a fall in the salivary to was examined in Na-replete normal and secretion rate and 2) an increase in the secretion of adrenalectomized animals and in adrenalectomized sheep electrolyte-active adrenal . If suitable al- with known Na deficit. lowance were made for the effects of variation in Normal sodium balance. In this instance, the animal's the voluntary Na intake was recorded daily for the 3 to 4 parotid salivary secretion rate and the latency days before the experiment (13); 3 to 4 hours before of the response, it was proposed that the salivary the experiment, 200 to 300 mEq NaHCO3 was given into Na/K ratio could be used as an index of the re- the rumen to ensure that the animal was Na-replete. In lease of electrolyte-active into the circula- the adrenalectomized animals, the daily maintenance dose tion (2-5). of 5 mg desoxycorticosterone and 25 mg ace- tate was last given 24 to 48 hours before the experiment. Cortisol (6), corticosterone (6), and aldosterone Sodium deficiency was produced by loss of parotid (7-9) have been identified in sheep adrenal ve- saliva when the daily supplement of NaHCO3 was with- nous blood. In order to obtain a basis for evalu- held. In order to obviate endogenous aldosterone secre- ating the contribution of each of these components tion, these animals were adrenalectomized. They were of the adrenal secretion to the fall in parotid sali- allowed to become adrenally insufficient as described above for Na-replete animals. vary Na/K ratio observed during different physi- Saliva collections. Saliva flow in the sheep is con- ological states, the effects of these steroids upon tinuous, and serial collections of saliva were made from a salivary Na and K were studied in a series of ex- stainless steel tray for 2 to 3 hours before the start of ster- periments in normal and adrenalectomized sheep. oid administration and were usually continued for 3 to 4 hours after the infusion ceased. Sodium and potassium METHODS concentrations were determined with a Beckman DU flame spectrophotometer. Animals. Eighteen crossbred Merino were wethers steroids used in this study. All had unilateral parotid fistulae Administration of (1) and carotid loops, and 11 were bilaterally adrenalec- All steroids for infusion were made up aseptically in tomized (5). Of the nonadrenalectomized sheep, two 0.9% NaCl at a concentration requiring injection at 0.2 to 0.8 ml per minute. When ethanol was required to * This work was supported by U. S. Public Health produce solution, a minimal amount was used. Service research grant H-6284 from the National Intravenous infusion. A polyethylene cannula was in- Institute and by the National Health and Medical Re- troduced into the jugular vein at least 2 hours before in- search Council of Australia, the Wool Research Trust fusion. A motor-driven continuous inj ector was used. Fund, the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria, and the Rural The steroids studied I were: dl-aldosterone from am- Credits Fund of the Reserve Bank. A preliminary re- 1 Aldosterone = 18-formyl-11,8,21-dihydroxy-4-pregnene- port was presented to the International Conference on 3,20-dione, cortisol = 17-hydroxycorticosterone, corticos- Salivary Glands and Their Secretions, University of terone = 4-pregnene-11,8,21-diol-3,20-dione, and desoxycor- Washington, Seattle, Wash., August 27-29, 1962. ticosterone = 21-hydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione. 484 EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONE ON SHEEP'S PAROTID SALIVA 485

TABLE I Paper partition chromatography of compounds*

Compound Chromatographic systems Marker Aldosterone Cyclohexane-dioxane-water 100:100:10 Cortisol Benzene-methanol-water 100:50:25 Aldosterone monacetate Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:100:100:40 Cyclohexane- dioxane-methanol-water 100:100:50:25 Aldosterone diacetate Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:50:100:25 Cyclohexane-dioxane-methanol-water 100:75:50:25 1 1-Keto-17a-OH- Aldosterone 11,18-lac- Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:75:100:30 11-Keto-17a-OH-progesterone tone-2 1-monoacetate Cortisol Cyclohexane-dioxane-water 100:100:25 Benzene-methanol-water 100:50:25 Cortisol acetate Cyclohexane- dioxane-methanol-water 100:100:50:25 Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:100:100:40 Corticosterone Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:100:100:40 Cyclohexane-dioxane-water 100:100:25 Corticosterone acetate Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:50:100:25 Cyclohexane-dioxane-methanol-water 100:75:50:25 [)esoxycorticosterone Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:25:100:15 Cyclohexane-methanol-water 100:100:10 Desoxycorticosterone Cyclohexane-benzene-methanol-water 100:25:100:15 acetate

* Whatman no. 1 paper was used. poules of 1 mg free racemic steroid in saline, batches 21-monoacetate (14), the tritium and C14 diacetates, and 32/744/1, 53/338/1, and 33/540/1,2 d-aldosterone as the by bioassay experiments, which also showed that the two free alcohol,) cortisol as the hemisuccinate3 and also as more polar compounds were inactive. the free alcohol; corticosterone as the free alcohol,4 and A single chromatography with cyclohexane-dioxane- desoxycorticosterone as the free alcohol. water 100: 100: 10 on paper freshly washed with ethanol Intra-arterial infusiont. dl-Aldosterone was also given was done routinely on 1- to 2-mg batches of the original by continuous infusion into the carotid artery supplying material. The concentration of the aldosterone after the parotid gland. elution with ethanol was determined by ultraviolet ab- sorption at 240 m~u (2: = 15,800) with a Beckman DK2 Chemical -methods automatic recording spectrophotometer against a paper Each form of aldosterone and the free alcohols of cor- blank. The crystalline d-aldosterone was chromatographed tisol, corticosterone, and desoxycorticosterone was sub- as above to remove traces of other material. With the jected to paper partition chromatography to determine dl-aldosterone, some initial experiments were carried out homogeneity (Table I). Ampoules of dl-aldosterone of after dilution of material directly from the original am- the batches listed above were found consistently to con- poules; doses were corrected subsequently on the basis of tain about 700 ,ug aldosterone. This was confirmed inde- a content of only 70% aldosterone. Some preliminary pendently by Dr. R. E. Peterson, who found, when us- reports from this laboratory of the relation between sali- ing the double-isotope technique of Kliman and Peterson vary Na/K and aldosterone (15, 16) require correction (14), that only 70% of the 1 mg of ultraviolet-absorbing on this basis. In this paper, the doses of aldosterone are material in an ampoule (batch 33/540/1) was aldosterone. recorded as micrograms per hour of the d-isomer, a prac- Two more polar compounds were found in amounts of tice justified by demonstration of the same effect with 200 and 100 Ag each. and there was a trace of a less polar the d-isomer as with equivalent doses, with respect to the component. That the major fraction was aldosterone was d-antipode, of the rechromatographed racemic mixture, confirmed by formation of the diacetate, the 11,18-lactone- which in turn was compared with dl-aldosterone directly from the ampoule. Ipsilateral intracarotid infusion of 2 Ciba, Basle, Switzerland. the 1-isomer 5 did not affect the salivary Na/K ratio. 3 Soluble Ef-Cortelan; Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., Green- ford, England. 5 Prepared by Dr. R. E. Peterson by incubation of the 4Upjohn, Kalamazoo, Mich. racemic mixture with homogenate. 486 BLAIR-WEST, COGHLAN, DENTON, GODING, AND WRIGHT

ZACHARY 6/2/61 Adrenally Insufficient 20. 180 m.equiv. Sodium Depleted (-250 m.equiv. Nat)

Parotid 10. .160 Parotid X...% ', Salivary Salivary 140 Sodium 4. Na*/K+ Concent. A 120 X--- Ratio 2. .100x 0-- O 1 ml./min.1 I Parotid Salivary Secretion ° Rate


RESULTS plasma of sheep with an adrenal transplant, i.e., 0.5 to MAg per hour as determined by double-iso- Effect of parotid salivary secretion rate on salivary 20 the composition during action of aldosterone tope dilution derivative assay (9. 18). Eighty-one experiments were made in this series. Figure 1 In the normal Na-replete animal, the parotid shows the reciprocal nature of the effects on the Na salivary secretion rate has little or no effect on and K concentrations of saliva when aldosterone salivary Na/K ratio. In the Na-deficient animal, was infused intravenously. In the Na-depleted, however, there is a linear relation between paro- adrenalectomized sheep Zachary (46 kg). the Na tid secretion rate and salivary Na/K ratio which concentration of saliva decreased and K increased increases with the secretion rate over a limited reciprocally approximately 100 minutes after aldos- range (3, 17). This effect is also observed in the terone infusion was l)egtun at 10 Mg per hour. The adrenalectomized animal during infusion of elec- resulting fall of salivary Na/K ratio is also shown. trolyte-active steroid. Large variations of parotid Reduction of the infusion rate to 1 jug per hour secretion rate due to reflex stimuli resulting from caused the ratio to rise towards normal 130 min- rumination or psychic influence may occur dur- utes later, indicating that this rate of infusion was ing the steroid infusion. Hence, in order to com- less than the threshold of parotid response in this pare the effects of different rates of steroid infu- animal. This steroid effect on ionic composition sion, enough saliva collections must be made at occurred without change of salivary secretion the plateau of salivary Na/K response to provide rate. The reciprocal effect on Nra and K concen- a number of samples of saliva at similar secretion trations without a significant modification of the rates. anion pattern of saliva (1) is similar to the find- ings in Na deficiency. In most of the subsequent Effect of intravenous infusion of inineralocorti- figures, the effect of infusion on coids salivary Na/K ratio only is recorded. Aldosterone. The rates of aldosterone infusion Na-replete sheep. Typical responses to in- used are within the range found in adrenal venous travenous infusion of d-aldosterone are shown for EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONTE ON SHEEP'S PAROTID SALIVA 487 the normal sheep Bede (35 kg) in Figure 2. The threshold of approximately 3 to 5 ,ug per hour and parotid response began after 70 minutes at the a maximal K concentration of 35 mEq per L at high dose and after 120 to 130 minutes at the aldosterone infusion of 20 ug per hour appear to threshold dose. The salivary Na/K rose 120 min- be limiting values for all Na-replete sheep tested. utes after the infusion ceased at the high dose and The general shape of the curve resembles the 80 minutes after cessation when doses close to usual sigmoid dose-response curve, but when the threshold were used. The rate of fall of salivary basal level of K and the threshold level of aldos- Na/K ratio was faster at the higher rates of in- terone are taken into consideration, it is not pos- fusion. sible to distinguish its shape from, for example, an The relation between dose and response at exponential shape. and it almost certainly is not plateau of response i.e., between rate of aldosterone hyperbolic. infusion and salivary K concentration, is shown Na-deficient sheep. A typical example of these in Figure 3, lower panel, for a series of samples at experiments on adrenalectomized sheep is shown similar secretion rates in three animals, Bede, TP in Figure 4 with the sheep Basil. The time of on- 12, and TP 9. In view of the variation of sali- set and decay of action is similar to that in the vary K concentration with secretion rate, saliva Na-replete sheep, but the maximal fall of Na/K collections at secretion rates outside the range of is much greater, to 0.8 as against approximately 4. 2 to 3 ml per minute were not employed in cal- With the sheep Watson (55 kg), adrenalectomized culations of mean K concentrations at plateau. A and depleted of approximately 700 mEq of Na, 7

BEDE Normal Sodium Balance

x 40 UI Ax & Parotid xx.*x 0-0O ^ Salivary * 00 0 20- 0 O A Q 0 Na/ Ki U. 10- 0 Ratio . 0 00140s*1 0


x x 1/12/60 lV Infusions of |1 E Ax - Aldosterone 9/12/60 _ %5Asg./hr n A A a__og/ro15/2/61 5_8 _g.2hr0 0 0------Is= ~~~20/1/61

200 m.equiv. 12 ug.Ihr 021/2/610 NaHC0O

I&S__ 06/1/61 0 By Rumen Tube ~M6/1/61

-200 -100 __ 4100 7 200 300 400 500 600 ug~hrM inutes FIG. 2. BEDE (NORMAL SHEEP, NA-REPLETE). EFFECT ON PAROTID SALIVARY NA/K CONCEN- TRATION RATIO (ORDINATE) OF INTRAVENOUS INFUSION OF d-ALDOSTERONE OVER THE INTERVALS SHOWN ON THE ABSCISSA, AT THE RATES DESIGNATED. The arrow indicates oral administration of NaHCO3 200 minutes before the infusion to ensure that Na deficiency did not develop dur- ing the course of the experiment. 488 BLAIR-WEST, COGHLAN, DENTON, GODING, AND WRIGHT Mug per hour caused the salivary Na//K to fall from tion in the Na-depleted condition is evident in 21 to 1 (K concentration = 97 mEq per L). With Figure 4. The nature of this relationship is shown the sheep Frazer, 14 Mg per hour reduced the sali- more fully with six sheep in Figure 3, upper panel. vary Na/K from 19 to 0.4. The thireshold of re- The Na deficits shown, 150 to 300 mEq and 450 sponse to aldosterone was lowered1 by Na defi- to 700 mEq, correspond to 1 and 2 days, respec- ciency. In the sheep Sigmund (Nsa-deficient 375 tively, of withholding the daily NaHCO3 supple- mEq), 2.8 ug per hour caused the s;alivary Na/K ment. The relationships are not inconsistent with ratio to fall to 5.8 (K concentratiion = 26 mEq a sigmoid curve. The regression lines over the per L). (In normal balance, 4.4,ugM per hour failed range drawn in Figure 3 for two levels of Na de- to produce any change in salivary Na/K ratio). ficiency are highly significant for linearity and the With 10.8 ,Mg per hour, the ratio wais 0.6 (K con- regression coefficients differ significantly (p < centration = 96 mEq per L). Writh the sheep 0.01). The effect of any suprathreshold dose of Ferdinand (Na-deficient about 45C) mEq), there aldosterone was always greater with the larger was a clear-cut parotid salivary res;ponse to 1 f&g Na deficit. This consistent difference is not due per hour of iv d-aldosterone. Witth this animal, to falling salivary secretion rate with increasing the plateau of salivary Na/K resporise at 4 ,ug per Na deficit. Practically all data included in Fig- hour was 2 and at 8 Mig per hour, 1. ure 3 were drawn from experiments with saliva An approximately linear relation between al- flows in the range 0.2 to 0.4 ml per minute. The dosterone infusion rate and salivary7 K concentra- points shown for aldosterone infusion rates above 15 Mxg per hour give an indication of the limit of 120w response; the large change in slope and maximum A between the two groups, and the uncertainty of 100 A estimation of Na depletion (about 150 mEq) did meq"V/1 A 450.700e eqUiv. Sod/um Deficit x not warrant an assessment of the relationship as Parotid P(0-01 hyperbolic orexponential. Comparison of the up- Salivary per and lower panels of Figure 3 shows that with A / Potossium XX Na depletion, the parotid gland of the sheep be- x 150-300 maqusiv comes more sensitive to aldosterone; in the Na- Concentn. Sodium Def it 40 P<0 001 depleted state, there is a reduced threshold, an increased effect upon K concentration for a given 20 dose of aldosterone, and an increased maximal K A concentration. 10 20 30 Potency ratio between intraveniouts aldosterone Ps/hr d. isomer IV Aldosterone bnulISIOtl and desoxycorticosterone. In a Na-depleted sheep, Sodium Replete * TP12 a dose-response curve was obtained for the ef- A Bede mequmv/l 35 * TP9 0 0 * fect of intravenous infusions of desoxycorticoster- Parotid one upon parotid salivary K concentration at the U Salivary 25- 0 A A A plateau of response. This was compared with a Potossium IC,. 0 3 dose-response curve for d-aldosterone. The rela- ~1 *..0 0 tive potency with reference to the effect on sali- vary K concentration at this level of Na depletion $ 10 15 20 25 30 (250 to 350 mEq) and over the common linear IV Aldosterone (d isome 3 uJq/hr range of response was aldosterone/desoxycorticos- FIG. 3. EFFECT ON PAROTID SALIVAR)Y K CONCENTRA- terone = 11.7. TION OF INTRAVENOUS INFUSION OF d-ALDOSTERONE AT THE RATES DESIGNATED ON THE ABSCISSA. Upper panel: A group of 6 adrenalectomized sheep at two different levels Effect of intravenous infusion of of Na deficit. Each point represents the mean K con- In the consciotls, undisturbed, Na-replete sheep centration at the plateau of parotid salivary response to a particular rate of infusion. with an adrenal transplant, the range of cortisol Lower panel: Na-replete sheep Bede, TP 9, and TP 12. output found in 37 specimens of adrenal venous EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONE ON SHEEP'S PAROTID SALIVA 489

BASIL adrenalectomized and No deficient 40- 1 7/5/59 Parotid 20

Salivary 10

Nd /K+ 4-

Ratio 21 ,/4 Salivary KWconcentration 1 , at plateau of response O ' x----A21 Y/hr-90 m.equiv/l. .- .01 0-010-5Y/hr-45 mncquiv/l. 04, A-A 5 Y/hr. -25 mcquiv/t. 21V OY hr. - 11 mequiv/l. 0-2 Li ---- -1 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 HOURS


blood was 30 to 480 Mug per hour with a mean of which the right adrenal had been removed 1 to 7 161 + 121 (SD). The range of corticosterone weeks previously, the mean outputs from the can- output in 47 samples was 2 to 23 Mug per hour nulated left of 14 animals were with a mean of 10.0 + 5.9 (SD). In several ex- 9.5 jug per hour aldosterone, 106 ug per hour cor- perimental conditions, including Na depletion, the ticosterone, and 1,300 ug per hour cortisol. Mean aldosterone output has been found to be as high blood flow was 9.5 ml per minute. It was con- as 7 to 18 Mig per hour when the cortisol output was sidered that 5,000 fAg per hour cortisol and 350 50 to 200 and the corticosterone 25 Mlg per hour. ,Mg per hour corticosterone could safely be re- Under the influence of large intravenous doses of garded as the maximal adrenal secretion rate, in- ACTH, for example, 12 IU per hour of 88 6 and cluding acute experimentation under anesthesia. ab,8 the output observed is 1,600 to 3,000 Mg per The effects of these glucocorticoids were exam- hour cortisol and 100 to 200 MAg per hour corticos- ined in Na-replete and Na-deficient animals un- terone (9). Secretion rates of the same order have der three conditions: a) infusion of either cortisol been recorded during a pyrogenic reaction in the or corticosterone, b) simultaneous infusion of cor- conscious animal. tisol and corticosterone in a ratio similar to that Under acute surgical conditions, secretion rates in adrenal venous blood, and c) infusion of either found from the left adrenal vein (right adrenal in cortisol or corticosterone concurrently with aldos- sitit) of six, Na-replete, anesthetized sheep were: terone to determine whether there is any syner- 1.6 Mg per hour aldosterone, 52 MAg per hour corti- gistic or antagonistic effect with respect to the ac- costerone, and 1,020 Mug per hour cortisol. Blood tion of aldosterone on the parotid. flow averaged 7.8 ml per minute. The total adrenal a) Cortisol. In two experiments, cortisol hemi- output in these animals may be double this figure. succinate was infused intravenously in Na-de- In Na-deficient, surgically traumatized sheep in pleted, adrenalectomized sheep after a large "load- ing" injection of 18 to 20 mg given during 2 to 3 6 Dr. P. H. Bell, Lederle Laboratories Division, Ameri- minutes. In both instances, the loading injection Y. can Cyanamid Co., Pearl River, N. caused the salivary Na/K ratio to fall. The ratio 7 Dr. C. H. Li. a 8 Armour Laboratories, Kankakee, Ill. was observed to rise again to normal despite 490 BLAIR-WEST, COGHLAN, DENTON, GODING, AND WRIGHT continuous infusion of 6 to 20 mg per hour. Cor- and Charon. There was no effect on salivary tisol was also infused into the sheep Zachary dur- Na/K ratio in TP 9 (Figure 5) with infusion at ing , first, when the animal was 2,200 Mag per hour cortisol and 135 Mjg per hour in normal Na balance and second, when the Na corticosterone and in TP 12 with infusion of cor- deficit was 400 to 600 mEq. In both instances, tisol-corticosterone at 5,000: 300 ug per hour. In the initial infusion at 4.7 mg per hour was without TP 9 with infusion of cortisol-corticosterone at effect after 4 hours, but when the infusion rate 4,400: 270 Mug per hour, salivary Na/K fell slightly, was increased to 9.0 mg per hour in the Na-re- with maximal salivary K concentration at 9 mEq plete animal, the Na/K ratio fell from 28 to 14 per L (Figure 5). The effect was comparable with a maximal K concentration of 12 mEq per L with that caused by aldosterone infusion at 4 jug (salivary secretion rate, 1.2 ml per minute). In per hour in this animal. In TP 19, cortisol-corti- the Na-depleted animal, the effect was more costerone infused at 9,000: 550 Mug per hour re- marked, with the ratio reduced from 10 to 6 with duced Na/K to 7.8, with a maximal K concentra- a maximal K concentration of 25 mEq per L. tion of 28 mEq/L. In Charon, cortisol-corticos- Intravenous infusion of corticosterone to TP 12 terone infusion at 5,500: 275 Mug per hour caused when Na-replete at rates of 175 to 350 Mug per salivary Na/K to fall to 11, with a maximal K hour for 10 hours was without effect on the sali- concentration at 15 mEq per L. In Sigmund, bi- vary Na/K ratio. Sigmund, when Na-replete, laterally adrenalectomized and Na-deficient, infu- showed no change in Na/K ratio with an infusion sion of cortisol-corticosterone at 750: 45 Mag and at 275 jug per hour. 2,750: 165 Mug per hour had no effect, and at 5,800: b) Simultaneous infusion of cortisol and corti- 345 Mug per hour salivary Na/K fell to 6.3, with a costerone. The cortisol/corticosterone ratio in maximal K concentration of 23 mEq per L. In adrenal venous blood of conscious, undisturbed this instance, plasma cortisol was measured by a animals is 20 to 100, and under maximal ACTH modification of the double-isotope dilution deriva- stimulation it is 10 to 20 (6). Experiments were tive method of Peterson (19). With infusion at made on three Na-replete sheep, TP 12, TP 9, 750 jug per hour, plasma cortisol concentration

100 ~ T P9 5/12/60 Normal Sodium Balance Parotid

Salivary 40 NOKt Ratio 20

ml./min. 3 Parotid 2


I120 m-equiv NOHCO, I100m.equiv. NoHCO, |into Rumen |into Rumen

Intravenous Infusion of 4 4mqF/hr t270"ugB/hr tIntrvenous Infusion of I -2wlh3515Ng.Bhr __


WATSON ' 22-23/5/59 Ipsilateral Arterial Infusion 40. Adrenally Insufficient- No Depleted 400 m.equiv. Parotid 20 Salivary + K 10 Ratio

mi./min 6 0 Parotid Salivary 40

Rate ,ug/hr. to Intracarotid Infusion 0-5 Aldosteron0. -4 6 4 8 12 16 20 HOURS

FIG. 6. WATSON (ADRENALLY INSUFFICIENT SHEEP WITH NA DEFICIT OF 400 AmEQ). EFFECT ON PAROTID SALIVARY NA/K CONCENTRATION RATIO OF IPSI- LATERAL INTRACAROTID INFUSION OF d-ALDOSTERONE AT 0.7, 0.18, AND 0.35 /AG PER HOUR. Salivary secretion rate is also shown. was 2.2 Mug per 100 ml; at 2,750 ILg per hour, 6.5 Ipsilateral carotid arterial infusions 11 Mug per 100 ml; and at 5,800 MAg per hour, /Ag per Aldosterone. A representative experiment is ml. 100 shown in Figure 6. With Watson, adrenally in- c) Effect of cortisol or corticosterone infusion sufficient and 400 mEq Na-deficient. aldosterone during aldosterone infusion. Two experiments was infused into the carotid artery supplying the were made on Sigmund when Na-replete. Corti- parotid gland. The initial infusion at a rate of costerone was infused at 275 ug per hour for 31%2 0.7 Mg per hour caused a fall in the salivary Na/K hours without effect; thereupon aldosterone was to 4.5 (Figure 6). The ratio was then allowed to infused at 4.3 Mjg per hour for 3 hours. In this return to normal, when infusions at 0.18 jag per sheep when Na-replete, the threshold of response hour for 4 hours and then at 0.34 Mug per hour for to aldosterone was 5.6 jMg per hour, and although 2 hours were made. This reduced the ratio to 12. of per hour was only 1.3 ug per the rate 4.3 Mug When infusions ceased, the ratio returned to base- hour below threshold, its combination with the line after the usual time interval. With Zachary was still without effect. high rate of corticosterone when Na-replete, intracarotid infusion at 2.9 Mg an at 8.6 per hour With infusion of aldosterone jag per hour reduced the salivary Na/K to 3.0 with in this same sheep, the salivary Na/K ratio fell maximal K concentration of 42 mEq per L. In after 41/, hours to 4.5. With inclusion of corti- these experiments, the earliest change of salivary costerone in the infusion at 275 ug per hour, there Na/K began 1 hour after intracarotid infusion was no further rise or fall in ratio. In experiments began. on the sheep Watson when Na-replete and when Infusion of steroids in blood. The steroids for 250 mEq Na-deficient, aldosterone was infused infusion were made up in blood drawn from a Na- for 4 hours at 16 Mug per hour, and then cortisol replete, adrenally insufficient sheep. This blood was included at 4,000 Mug per hour. In neither in- was then infused into the ipsilateral carotid artery stance did the salivary ratio change from the con- of the Na-depleted, adrenalectomized animal. An stant level held when aldosterone alone was being infusion of 1,000 Mig per hour of cortisol and 50 Mug infused. per hour corticosterone in blood was without ef- 492 BLAIR-WEST, COGHLAN, DENTON, GODING, AND WRIGHT fect. The same procedure with 4 jg per hour al- ministration. d) The commencement of change dosterone added to the infusion caused the Na/K shows a latent period of approximately 1 hour ratio to fall to 1.4 (Figure 7). even with ipsilateral carotid infusion, and the de- cay of the effect after stopping infusion shows a DISCUSSION similar latency. The extent of change in salivary K concentration for a given rate of aldosterone Intravascular infusion of aldosterone causes an infusion is affected by the rate of salivary secretion increase in K concentration of the saliva of the and is smaller for higher secretion rates. Aldos- sheep's parotid gland; there is a commensurate fall terone is 12 times as potent as desoxycorticoster- in the concentration of Na. These changes have one on the parotid gland and over 1,000 times as the following characteristics. a) There is a potent as cortisol. There was no response to the threshold rate of infusion to produce any change largest doses of corticosterone given, and these at all. b) The change of salivary K and Na con- were 100 times the threshold dose of aldosterone. centration in the Na-depleted sheep shows two phases of relation to an increasing rate of intra- There was no clear evidence of synergism or an- vascular infusion of aldosterone above threshold. tagonism between any of the three steroids acting There is first a linear relation of high slope up to on the parotid gland. The linked, inverse changes 10 to 20 /ug d-aldosterone per hour and then a of Na and K concentrations in the parotid saliva sharp bend to low slope. c) Associated with in- under the influence of aldosterone are reminiscent creasing Na depletion of the sheep, there is a de- of the responses of muscle (20) and the crease in the threshold dose and an increase in the (21). maximal K concentration under aldosterone ad- As Figure 3 shows, the saliva of adrenalecto-

Adrenalectomized Sodium -Depleted (approx.480 m.equiD) Parotid X/ Salivary

NA/K+ Ratio

Parotid Salivar Secreti Infusions of Blood from Adrenalectomizii Sodium Repleam Sheep into -X Zachary 2/8/61 Parotid Arter Plus lmg.F, 50,g-.B Blood Supply and 4,upd Aldosterone per 120ml. at 120mi./hr - 0 8 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Hours

FIG. 7. EFFECT ON PAROTID SALIVARY NA/K CONCENTRATION RATIO OF IPSILATERAL INTRACAROTID INFUSION OF BLOOD FROM AN ADRENALECTOMIZED NA-REPLETE SHEEP AT 120 ML PER HOUR. In the first experiment (Sigmund, 0-O), 1,000 ,ug cortisol and 50 ,tg corticosterone were added to 120 ml of blood. In the second experiment (Zachary, X X), 1,000 jug cortisol, 50 ,ug corticosterone, and 4 gg d-aldosterone were added to 120 ml. Both animals were adrenally insufficient and about 500 mEq Na-deficient. Parotid salivary secretion rate is also shown. EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONE ON SHEEP'S PAROTID SALIVA 493 mized sheep without desoxycorticosterone acetate aldosterone, or all of these; the maximal salivary or aldosterone has a higher K concentration when K concentration in proportion to the degree of the sheep are Na-depleted than when Na-replete. depletion makes likely some change in sensitivity. The maximal rise in salivary concentration in re- The latency of onset and decay of the aldosterone sponse to administered aldosterone is generally effect is similar to the latency for the renal effect higher in Na-depleted than in the Na-replete sheep (21, 20) and for the effect on toad's bladder (24), -in the cases represented, 120 mEq as against 40 where aldosterone is directly applied to the epi- mEq. The high level is also seen in the Na-de- thelium affected. The latency for the salivary pleted sheep with adrenals intact. The capacity effect is reduced little by intra-arterial infusion of of the parotid gland to secrete K at a high concen- aldosterone to the parotid gland, nor is it reduced tration is not due to long-continued action of high below 1 hour, when the salivary flow flushes the levels of aldosterone, since the adrenalectomized duct system of the gland in less than a minute. animals were given a supporting dose of de- There appears to be, therefore, a substantial delay soxycorticosterone acetate until 2 days before in onset of the effect, owing to slow penetration of these tests. Nor is it due to a changed concen- the cells, or to a slow reaction in the cells-perhaps tration of electrolytes in the plasma reaching the with a phosphatidic acid system-which precedes gland, since it occurred when the Na concentra- the effect on the ion transport, or to both. tion was prevented from falling by concurrent Na During intravenous infusion of aldosterone, the and water depletion (17, 22),. Hypophysectomy, rate of increase in peripheral concentration de- thyroidectomy, bilateral nephrectomy, pinealec- pends on the rate of infusion, the metabolic degra- tomy associated with removal of the commissural dation, and the distribution of the steroid through- body, or removal of the whole of the intracranial out the body; this rate will be lower for small contents does not reduce the high K concentra- doses than for large. The attainment of threshold tion in Na depletion. The secretory effect is not concentration will be slower for the smaller doses due to stimulus through the secretomotor nerve, and in general, the onset of salivary effect is later since similar maximal K concentration occurs dur- for smaller doses given intravenously. Similar ing Na depletion in basal saliva from parotid considerations apply to the longer period for ces- glands with nerves cut several weeks before. It sation of the effect with larger doses when the in- is possible that intracellular change in ionic com- fusion is stopped. position of the parotid cells modifies the secretory Cortisol and corticosterone intravenously in- mechanism. A second possibility that the aldos- fused alone or together were singularly inactive in terone effect on the gland is potentiated by al- terms of the parotid salivary Na/K ratio, and only dosterone-stimulating is under investiga- small responses were produced by infusions in the tion through tests on the effect of caval constric- range of the maximal outputs per hour that have tion in the adrenalectomized animal.9 been recorded from the surgically traumatized, Two other features of Figure 3 are the lower anesthetized animal, that is, outputs around 4,000 threshold in the Na-depleted sheep and the in- ,ug per hour cortisol and 300 ug per hour corti- crease in the slope of the relation between K and costerone. The changes were small compared with the aldosterone dose with increasing depletion. those produced by aldosterone under similar physi- ological conditions. The results of these intra- These phenomena might be contributed to by a venous infusions of glucocorticoids a reduced volume of distribution, a reduced rate of indicate po- tency ratio of aldosterone/cortisol greater than clearance of aldosterone from the circulation, or 1,000 and an aldosterone/corticosterone ratio some change in sensitivity of the parotid gland to greater than 150. Intra-arterial infusions of aldosterone, cortisol, 9 At the Twenty-second International Congress of and corticosterone would indicate that the potency Physiology held in Leiden, Netherlands, in 1962, Davis, ratio of aldosterone/cortisol is nearer 5,000 be- Holman, Carpenter, Urquhart, and Higgins reported evi- dence for a factor causing sodium retention in caval cause infusions of cortisol at 2 mg per hour had constricted dogs that were adrenalectomized. no effect on the parotid gland, but at 4 mg per 494 BLAIR-WEST, COGHLAN, DENTON, GODING, AND WRIGHT hour the ratio fell 2.5. The intracarotid infusion animal with a similar Na status. For example, of cortisol and corticosterone in whole blood at if a Na-deficient animal is given an intravenous levels 5 times the basal adrenal output was with- infusion of 250 to 350 mEq NaCl over 40 to 50 out effect. In considerations of effects of intra- minutes, the rise of salivary Na/K ratio that oc- arterial infusions, there are three additional fac- curs has been shown to be associated with a large tors to be allowed for: the uncertainty of mixing, fall of aldosterone secretion below parotid thresh- the rate of binding and extent of uptake of steroid old (8) ; but two factors, increased volume of dis- by in the plasma, and recirculation. tribution and increased hepatic blood flow, may The effect of binding is at present un- also contribute to the fall of peripheral aldosterone certain. The carotid-parotid circulation time is level. In acute experiments under anesthesia in- probably of the order of 1 second, and hence pro- volving extensive surgical ablation, the possibility tein binding is probably incomplete by the time the that volume of distribution and circulatory deteri- steroid reaches the parotid gland. The concentra- oration may influence the rapidity of aldosterone tion gradient of steroid from plasma to parotid degradation is clearly greater. Experiments (15) gland would then be much higher than for the have shown, however, that in the same apparent concentration of steroid if it were Na-deficient animal causes a rise of salivary con- largely bound. Hence, arterial infusions of ster- centration ratio towards normal within 120 to 180 oids with a high affinity for plasma-binding pro- minutes, and a large series of unpublished acute tein are likely to cause much greater effects than experiments using the double-isotope method have corresponding intravenous infusions. not shown instances of the salivary Na/K ratio The experimental results indicate that under remaining low when aldosterone secretion falls equilibrium conditions the salivary Na/K ratio below the parotid threshold in a Na-deficient ani- responds to changes in the rate of aldosterone in- mal. An evident limitation of the use of the Na/K fusion, and thus to the concentration of the hor- concentration ratio as an index of aldosterone se- mone in peripheral blood. Within the physiologi- cretion in a Na-deficient animal is that the dose- cal range of the secretion rate of the corticosteroids response curve reaches asymptote at an aldosterone studied, aldosterone is the only component that infusion rate of about 12 ug per hour, and thus a affects the salivary Na/K ratio, and there is a fall of the adrenal secretion rate from 20 to 12 jug threshold concentration for an effect, a maximal per hour would not be indicated. Practically, ad- level of effect, and a delay intrinsic to the parotid vantages of the use of the salivary Na/K concen- gland for full development of response. There are tration ratio are that the parotid secretion is con- also important influences modifying the propor- tinuous, virtually protein-free, and easily assayed tional relation between aldosterone infusion rate by flame photometry. An experimental procedure and the salivary Na/K ratio; the sensitivity of can be monitored as it proceeds, and this informa- the parotid gland to aldosterone increased in Na tion is often valuable in choosing the time of an deficiency, and in Na deficiency the rate of parotid adrenal venous blood record, since adrenal ve- secretion influences the salivary Na/K. nous blood collection, is, of necessity, episodic. Thus, decrease of salivary Na/K occurring The same animal may be used over and over again during physiological experimentation on animals for years as its own experimental control, and the with intact adrenals is attributable to variation in effects on saliva composition of a given procedure the aldosterone component of adrenal secretion. can be compared with intravenous infusion of pure In these circumstances, the rate of adrenal aldos- aldosterone, and also with adrenal venous assay terone secretion can be estimated approximately in the case of sheep with autotransplanted adrenals. from the salivary Na/K, with the reservations The parotid gland is less susceptible to hemody- mentioned above about the modifying influences. namic effects than renal excretion, and whereas In conditions of Na equilibrium, the correspond- renal Na excretion virtually ceases with a Na defi- ence between salivary Na/K and adrenal aldos- cit of 100 to 200 mEq, parotid salivary Na/K falls terone output is as close as with intravenous in- commensurately with Na balance to a Na deficit fusion of the steroid to an adrenally insufficient of 400 to 500 mEq (4). EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONE ON SHEEP'S PAROTID SALIVA 495 Finally, the demonstration here of influences 3. Goding, J. R., and D. A. Denton. The response to modifying the effect of aldosterone on the parotid Na' depletion in adrenalectomized sheep with parotid fistulae. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci. 1959, electrolyte transfer mechanism raises the question 37, 211. of whether its action on other tissues is similarly 4. Denton, D. A. The effect of variations in blood sup- modified. This important question in relation to ply on the secretion rate and composition of paro- target tissues is also highly pertinent to the re- tid saliva in Na'-depleted sheep. J. Physiol. sponse to stimuli of the adrenal itself. The (Lond.) 1957, 135, 227. changes of Na deficiency may modify its sensitivity 5. Goding, J. R., and D. A. Denton. The effects of adrenal insufficiency and overdosage with DOCA to a wide variety of humoral stimuli including on bilaterally adrenalectomized sheep. Aust. J. ACTH and, as discussed previously (9), angio- exp. Biol. med. Sci. 1957, 35, 301. tensin II. 6. Bush, I. E., and K. A. Ferguson. The secretion of the in the sheep. J. Endocr. 1953, SUMMARY 10, 1. 7. Reich, M. The quantitative estimation of plasma This paper records detailed observations on the corticosteroids by a modified chromatographic tech- effect of administered corticosteroids, particularly nique. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci. 1958, 36, 555. 8. Denton, D. A., in Mechanisms regulating the secre- aldosterone, on the Na and K content of the paro- tion and metabolism of aldosterone in experimental tid saliva of the sheep. A dose-response relation secondary , by J. 0. Davis. Re- between intravenous administration of physiologi- cent Progr. Hormone Res. 1961, 17, 293. cal amounts of aldosterone and the salivary Na/K 9. Blair-West, J. R., J. P. Coghlan, D. A. Denton, J. R. concentration ratio was demonstrated in Na-re- Goding, J. A. Munro, R. E. Peterson, and M. Wintour. Humoral stimulation of adrenal corti- plete, normal and in Na-deficient, adrenalectomized cal secretion. J. clin. Invest. 1962, 41, 1606. sheep. It has been shown that infused glucocorti- 10. Wright, R. D. The savour and the salt. Med. J. coids at levels similar to those maximally se- Aust. 1961, 1, 88. creted by the sheep's adrenals have little or no 11. McDonald, I. R., J. R. Goding, and R. D. Wright. effect on the concentration Transplantation of the adrenal gland of the sheep parotid salivary Na/K to provide access to its blood supply. Aust. J. ratio, but infused aldosterone has the equivalent exp. Biol. med. Sci. 1958, 36, 83. effect of endogenous aldosterone. A striking dif- 12. Blair-West, J. R., and J. R. Goding. Effect of tem- ference was shown between the sensitivity to al- porary thoracic caval constriction on aldosterone dosterone of the parotid gland in Na-replete and secretion in conscious and in anaesthetized sheep. 1962, 70, 822. in Na-deficient sheep. Experiments on intrave- 13. Denton, D. A., and J. R. Sabine. The selective ap- nous infusion of aldosterone show that the paro- petite for Na+ shown by Na+-deficient sheep. J. tid gland of a 30-kg, Na-depleted sheep may re- Physiol. (Lond.) 1961, 157, 97. spond to as little as 1 to 2 jug per hour. 14. Kliman, B., and R. E. Peterson. Double isotope derivative assay of aldosterone in biological ex- tracts. J. biol. Chem. 1960, 235, 1639. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 15. Denton, D. A., J. R. Goding, and R. D. Wright. The control of aldosterone secretion in Clinical We wish to thank Mr. Dyzenhaus and Mr. Rabl for Endocrinology, E. B. Astwood, Ed. New York, their unfailing help with the techniques and animals. Grune & Stratton, 1960, vol. 1, p. 373. We are also indebted to Ciba for desoxycorticosterone 16. Coghlan, J. P., D. A. Denton, J. R. Goding, and acetate and aldosterone, to Boots Pure Drug Co., Australia, R. D. Wright. The control of aldosterone se- for , and to Mr. David G. Bull for other supplies. cretion. Postgrad. med. J. 1960, 36, 76. 17. Denton, D. A. The effect of variation of the con- REFERENCES centration of individual extracellular electrolytes on the response of the sheep's parotid gland to 1. Denton, D. A. The study of sheep with permanent Na+ depletion. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 1958, 140, 129. unilateral parotid fistulae. Quart. J. exp. Physiol. 18. Wright, R. D. Control of secretion of aldosterone. 1957, 42, 72. Brit. med. Bull. 1962, 18, 159. 2. Denton, D. A., J. R. Goding, and R. D. Wright. 19. Peterson, R. E. The use of radio-isotopes in ster- Control of adrenal secretion of electrolyte-active oid methodology in and the Steroid Hor- steroids. Brit. med. J. 1959, 2, 447. mones in Clinical Medicine, F. W. Sunderman and 496 BLAIR-WEST, COGHLAN, DENTON, GODING, AND WRIGHT

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