
Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie – Journal of Reproductive and

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Pharmacology of Kuhl H J. Reproduktionsmed. Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Sonderheft 1), 157-177

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Indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica/Scopus Krause & Pachernegg GmbH, Verlag für Medizin und Wirtschaft, A-3003 Gablitz of Progestogens

Pharmacology of Progestogens * H. Kuhl

This review comprises the and of natural and synthetic progestogens used in contraception and therapy. The paper describes the historic development of progestogens, their mechanisms of action, the relation between structure and hormonal activity, differences in hormonal pattern and , peculiarities in the properties of certain compounds, -specific effects, and . The influence of the on pharmacokinetics, hormonal activity and metabolism is discussed. The various types of progestogens including , their interaction, hormonal pattern and the hormonal activity of certain are described in detail. The structural formula, serum , binding affinities to receptors and serum binding globulins, and the relative potencies of the available progestins are presented. The different pathways of of natural as compared to that of and tibolone are discussed. Differences in the tissue-specific effects of the various compounds and regimens and their potential implications with the risks and benefits of treatment are described. J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1): 157–76. Key words: progestogens, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics

 Introduction  The Physiological Role of gen-induced endometrial , Progestogens because a long-term unopposed The close association between pharma- action increases the risk of hyperplasia cokinetics and pharmacodynamics indi- Originally, progestogens which com- and of the . Con- cates the importance of pharmacological prise the natural and a se- trary to this, is knowledge for an appropriate use of sex ries of synthetic progestins, were de- essentially dependent on the presence of for contraception or therapy. fined as compounds that maintain preg- a progestin which not only suppresses However, even though there is a signifi- nancy. In the sixties, progestins were follicular activity and , but also cant correlation between the serum con- generally used to support early pregnan- changes cervical and impairs en- centrations of sex and, e.g., cies without any evidence of benefit. dometrial and tubal function. the frequency of postmenopausal hot Since many years it is known that in the flushes, the serum level of an individual human only progesterone is capable of  Historical Development of woman does not reflect the clinical ef- maintaining . fects [2]. Similarly, extensive measure- Progestogens ment of pharmacokinetics of contracep- Endogenous progesterone is essential From the very beginning of the research tive steroids during the use of estrogen/ for the function of the , , en- on hormonal contraception the interest progestin combinations did not reveal dometrium, tubes, the central nervous of scientists was focussed on the anti- any association with the occurrence of system, pituitary, and the . As ovulatory effects of ex- irregular or other complaints progesterone is rapidly metabolized in tracts. Consequently, great efforts were [3]. the intestinal tract, and other tis- made to isolate the active principle of sues, its effectiveness is dependent on this organ, and in 1934 four independent This casts considerable doubts on the the galenic preparation, and – if admin- groups of scientists succeeded in isolat- usefulness of regular measurements of istered orally or vaginally – on a high ing progesterone and detecting its levels for the prediction or con- dosage. Therefore, most preparations . Subsequent studies trol of therapeutic or adverse effects. contain a synthetic (proges- and clinical experiences clearly showed Another claim which turned out to be in- tin) which can be used at relatively low that the natural progestogen was hor- correct, was the story of an advantage of doses because its inactivation is slowed monally active only after administration constant hormone levels observed dur- down owing to structural peculiarities. per . Finally the need for orally ing parenteral treatment as compared to active progestogens resulted in the syn- the rapid rise and fall after oral adminis- Progestogens are clinically used for spe- thesis of the first useful progestin nor- tration. The striking effectiveness and cial therapeutic indications (e.g., bleed- by and his co- of intranasal ing disorders, benign breast , workers. Although orally active estro- therapy which is associated with ex- ), hormone replacement gens, e.g., (DES) and tremely high peak levels occurring therapy (HRT), and hormonal contra- (EE), have been avail- within a few minutes after administra- ception. In hormone replacement able more than a decade earlier, the first tion and a rapid fall thereafter, refuted therapy, the only indication for the use of clinical studies on hormonal contracep- this general opinion [4, 5]. progestogens is the prevention of estro- tion have been carried out using proges-

* Updated version, portions of this article from [1]. Reprinted with permission by Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Received and accepted: May 1, 2011 From the Department of and Gynecology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Correspondence: Herbert Kuhl, PhD, Professor of Experimental Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Goethe-University, D-60590 Frankfurt am Main, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7; e-mail: [email protected]

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 157 For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of Krause & Pachernegg GmbH. Pharmacology of Progestogens

In 1950, the group of Carl Djerassi syn- thesized a progesterone analog with an aromatic A-ring. Although this com- pound did neither exert estrogenic not progestogenic activities, it was an im- portant step on the way to the synthesis of norethisterone, because it lacks the 19- [13]. At that time, the chemical removal of the 19-methyl group was a very complicated process. It Figure 1. Transition from to norethisterone and the respective relative binding affinities to the was in 1950, when A. J. Birch published . the reduction of the aromatic A-Ring of tins. At that time, both DES and EE have to the progesterone receptor (Fig. 1). estradiol resulting in the formation of been clinically tested at extremely high In 1950, Arthur J. Birch reported on a 19-nortestosterone [15]. Using the Birch doses which caused various adverse ef- weaker androgenic potency of 19-nor- reduction, Carl Djerassi and his coworker fects, whereas the first progestins have testosterone as compared to testoster- Luis Miramontes succeeded 1951 in been demonstrated to be well tolerated. one, and today we know that there is also converting 3-methoxy-estradiol into a shift from androgenic to anabolic activ- 19-nortestosterone derivative that was However, the story of synthetic pro- ity. The introduction of the 17α-ethinyl subsequently transformed by means of gestogens is more complicated, as the group at C17α into the testosterone mol- several reactions into 17α-ethinyl-19- first orally active compound with pro- ecule leads to ethisterone that shows a nortestosterone (norethisterone) [13]. gestogenic activity was an . It more pronounced binding affinity to the The progestogenic activity of norethiste- was in 1938, when the Schering chem- progesterone receptor, and both rone was about 20-fold higher than that ists H.H. Inhoffen and W. Hohlweg syn- changes, i.e. the 19-nor structure and the of ethisterone. thesized an orally highly active estrogen, ethinylation at C17α, results in a highly 17α-ethinylestradiol, by the addition of active and well tolerated progestin, In the same year, und at the C17α-position of es- norethisterone (Fig. 1). Carl Djerassi also synthesized 19-nor- trone . Subsequently, the yield of progesterone using the Birch reduction, the reaction was largely increased using Animal experiments and clinical studies which was orally inactive, but a potent carbide in liquid ammonia [6]. revealed that 17α-ethinyltestosterone progestogen after parenteral administra- was indeed an orally potent hormone. tion [13]. It is, however, the basic com- Analogous to this, Hans H. Inhoffen and However, the androgenic effect was pound of a series of 19-nor progesterone Walter Hohlweg tried to develop an weaker than that of testosterone and, sur- derivatives that have been used in the past orally active androgen by means of the prisingly, it exerted a considerable pro- (e.g., ) or are used in same reaction. Still in 1938, they suc- gestogenic activity [6]. Therefore, it was new preparations for contraception and ceeded in synthesizing 17α-ethinyltes- marketed in 1939 as the first oral proges- (e.g., , tosterone by means of the reaction of the tin under the name “Proluton C®”. The acetate, nestorone) (Fig. 2). 17-keto group of an deriva- recommended indications were the pre- tive with sodium carbide in liquid am- vention of habitual and treat- In 1951, was syn- monia. The new hormone was named ment of at doses between thesized by Junkmann and Schenk at pregnen-in-one-3-ol-17 and became 10 and 60 mg daily [7, 8]. However, Schering, and norethynodrel by Frank known as “ethisterone” (Fig. 1) [6, 7]. In before norethisterone was available in D. Colton at Searle. that contrast to testosterone, it was indeed an 1957, ethisterone was the only orally was developed in 1957 in England, was a orally potent hormone. However, the an- active progestin and was used for the relatively weak progestogen and was used drogenic activity was not enhanced but prevention of abortion at daily doses of in the first sequential oral contraceptives. attenuated, and surprisingly the com- up to 250 mg during early pregnancy, Like other progestins used in oral con- pound showed considerable progestoge- and masculinization of female offsprings traceptives during the first years after the nic activity. This phenomenon is based was observed [9, 10]. introduction of the pill, dimethisterone on structural similarities of the progest- disappeared from the market (Fig. 3). erone receptor and the androgen recep- In 1944, Maximilian Ehrenstein synthe- tor resulting in a certain binding affinity sized a of stereoisomers of 19- and ethynodioltediacetat of androgens to the progesterone recep- norprogesterone that was demonstrated that are norethisterone- like tor, and of progestins to the androgen re- to exert potent progestogenic effects norethynodrel, and D,L- were ceptor. The latter may cause either an an- when administered parenterally [11, 12]. developed in the 1960s. drogen-agonistic or an androgen-an- tagonistic effect of the progestin. While Based on these findings M. Ehrenstein The first progesterone derivatives were testosterone has only a weak binding af- concluded that a removal of the angular 17α-acetoxyprogesterone (1954 by Karl finity to the progesterone receptor, the methyl group between the A-ring and the Junkmann at Schering), medroxypro- removal of the angular methyl group be- B-ring leads to an enhancement of the gesterone acetate (1957 at ), tween the A-ring and the B-ring causes hormonal activity of progestogens [13, acetate (1959 at Syntex), and a tenfold increase in the binding affinity 14]. acetate (1959 at Syntex)

158 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens

The various actions of progesterone and synthetic progestins are brought about by genomic interactions with the progester- one receptors (PRs) which exist in the two isoforms PRA and PRB, and by rapid non-genomic interactions with binding sites at the membrane that can activate, e.g., cross-talk mechanisms with other pathways. Moreover, according to their chemical structure, progestogens may bind to other members of the superfamily, e.g. , recep- tor, and receptor, and may act as or antagonists. There- fore, according to their structure the vari- ous progestogens may differ in their pat- tern of hormonal activities.

Binding of a progestogen to the receptor causes a specific conformational change which depends on the chemical structure of the steroid. The receptor-ste- roid complex dimerizes and, interfering with various other factors, interacts with promoters containing pro- gestogen responsive elements within hormone-regulated target . Irre- spective of the affinity, the binding of a progestogen to the receptor may either induce agonistic or antagonistic effects. This depends on the conformation of the steroid-receptor complex that facilitates Figure 2. Structural formulae of progesterone derivatives and 19-norprogesterone derivatives. an interaction with co-activators or co- repressors resulting in either an increase or a decrease of transcriptional activity.

In general, PRA may act as transcriptio- nal repressor and PRB as activator. PRA may repress not only the transcriptional activity of the PRB, but also that of the (ER), androgen recep- tor, the glucocorticoid and mineralocor- ticoid receptors [16].

In most tissues, the biological action of progestogens is dependent on the pres- ence of , as estrogens play a key role in the induction of PR. In the , binding of estradiol to Figure 3. Structural formulae of formerly used progestins. ERα causes an upregulation of PRA and PRB in the endometrial glandular epi- (Fig. 2). The deriva-  thelium, while in endometrial stroma the tive was synthesized in expression of PRB is higher than that of 1959 at Philips-Duphar, and The primary target organ of progesto- PRA. Both PRA and PRB are moderately acetate in 1961 by Rudolf Wiechert at gens is the endometrium, and the evalua- expressed in perivascular cells, whereas Schering (Fig. 2). tion and comparison of activities and in the vascular endothelium no expres- potencies of synthetic progestins mostly sion of both receptors occurs [17, 18]. was synthesized in 1972 at refer to clinical or tests with Organon, in 1978 by Hübner endometrial end-points. Both the progestogen-induced transcrip- and Ponsold at . tion and secretory differentiation in an

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 159 Pharmacology of Progestogens estrogen-primed endometrial as well as the proliferation and differen- tiation of stroma are mediated by PRB.

During the , progesterone suppresses the expression of epithelial and stromal ERα and ERβ in the endo- metrial functionalis, but not in the basa- lis. This reduction of the ER and the inhi- bition of the estrogen-dependent prolif- eration of the epithelium are mediated by the PRA [19, 20]. Similarly, the pro- gestogen-induced downregulation of PRA and PRB in the glandular epithe- lium, and the suppression of the andro- gen receptor in endometrial stroma are mediated by PRA [20].

As the progestogen-induced suppression of the PR occurs only in the endometrial glandular epithelium, but not in the stroma and myometrium, the progesto- genic effects in the endometrium during the luteal phase may be induced by stro- mal PR [18, 20].

In the breast of primates, progestogens may reduce the expression of the ERα and PR, but the estrogen-induced prolif- eration of the mammary epithelium is not inhibited, but enhanced by progesto- gens [21]. Epithelial cells of the breast containing PR do not proliferate.

The primary role of progestogens in HRT is the inhibition of estrogen-in- Figure 4. Structural formulae of 19-nortestosterone derivatives and of the derivative . duced proliferation of the endometrium. Moreover, they induce secretory changes in a proliferated endometrium. The anti- fore, endometriosis is characterized by a structural similarity of the respective estrogenic effect of progestogens in the pronounced estrogen-induced prolifera- receptors which belong to the nuclear endometrium is associated with a sup- tion because the inactivation of estradiol receptor superfamily. The various pro- pression of ER and the activation of the is defective [24]. gestogens may bind to one or more of 17β- dehydrogenase these receptors with low or high binding type 2 (17HSD2) which converts estra-  Structure, Activity and affinity, but there is not necessarily a cor- to , and of the estrone-sulfo- responding biologic response (Tab. 2). transferase which causes conjugation of Metabolism of Progesto- Binding to a receptor may be associated estrone. gens with an agonistic, antagonistic or no Besides the natural progesterone, four clinical effect (Tab. 1, 2). The activation of the 17HSD2 by pro- types of orally active, synthetic proges- gestogens is regulated by paracrine tins are available: the progesterone deri- The prerequisite of the progestogenic mechanisms. Binding of progestogens to vatives and 19-norprogesterone deriva- activity of a steroid is the existence of a PRB in endometrial stromal cells in- tives (Fig. 2), 19-nortestosterone deriva- 3-keto group and a double-bond be- duces the release of paracrine factors tives and the spirolactone derivative tween C4 and C5 in the A-ring (D4-3- that stimulate the synthesis of transcrip- drospirenone (Fig. 4). They all exert keto group). There are some nortestoste- tion factors SP1 and SP2 in endometrial progestogenic and – in some tissues – rone derivatives that lack this character- epithelial cells. Both activate the expres- antiestrogenic activities, but differ istic, e.g., norethynodrel, lynestrenol, sion of 17HSD2 in the endometrial epi- largely in their hormonal pattern. Ac- desogestrel, (NGM) or thelium [22, 23]. Owing to a deficiency cording to their chemical structure, they tibolone (TIB). They are prodrugs that of PRB in stromal cells progestogens may act as weak androgens or antiandro- after are rapidly con- cannot induce the expression of gens, or antimineralo- verted to an active progestin with a 17HSD2 in endometriotic cells. There- corticoids (Tab. 1). This is based on the Δ4-3-keto group (Fig. 5, 6).

160 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens

Besides their effect on the endometri- Table 1. Patterns of hormonal activities of progestogens [1]. um, synthetic progestins may act on the Progestogen A-E EST AND A-A GLU A-M as and reduce the maturation index. In the cer- Progesterone + – – (+) + + vix progestins reduce the amount and + – – + + – “” of the mucus, in the ovi- + – – + + – ducts they control and compo- acetate + – (+) – + – sition of fluid, and in the breast they en- + – – – ? – hance estrogen-induced proliferation of Dydrogesterone + – – – ? (+) mammary epithelium. Except dydro- Norethisterone + + + – – – gesterone, the progestogens may influ- + – + – – – ence CNS function and psyche, inhibit + – + – (+) + release, increase body (3-keto-desogestrel) + – + – (+) – temperature, and antagonize various Norgestimate + – + – ? ? central effects of estrogens. Progesto- Dienogest + – – + – – gens influence directly the function of Tibolone metabolites + + ++ – – – the vessel wall: in arteries they exert a Drospirenone + – – + – + constrictory effect and antagonize the dilatory action of estrogens, whereas in Trimegestone + – – (+) – (+) veins they enhance the dilatory effect of + – – – + – estrogens, and increase the vascular + – – + – – distensibility. Nestorone + – – – –

The data are mainly based on animal experiments and are compiled from the literature Progestins with antiandrogenic activity, [17, 25–34]. e.g., cyproterone acetate (CPA), dieno- The clinical effects of the progestogens are dependent on their tissue concentrations. gest (DNG), chlormadinone acetate A-E: antiestrogenic; EST: estrogenic; AND: androgenic; A-A: antiandrogenic; GLU: glucocor- ticoid; A-M: antimineralocorticoid activity; ++: strongly effective; +: effective; (+): weakly (CMA) or DRSP, may reduce the effects effective; –: not effective; ?: unknown of endogenous androgens, whereas those with androgenic properties, e.g., LNG, NET or TIB, may cause andro- Table 2. Relative binding affinities to steroid receptors and serum binding globulins genic effects on the and hair, and of progestogens [1]. may antagonize certain estrogen-depen- dent alterations in metabolism, he- Progestogen PR AR ER GR MR SHBG CBG mostasis and the synthesis of certain he- Progesterone 50 0 0 10 100 0 36 patic (e.g., SHBG, TBG, angio- Chlormadinone acetate 67 5 0 8 0 0 0 tensinogen). Progestogens with gluco- Cyproterone acetate 90 6 0 6 8 0 0 corticoid activity may reduce ACTH se- Medroxyprogesterone acetate 115 5 0 29 160 0 0 cretion at higher concentrations or exert Medrogestone glucocorticoid effects on the vessel wall Dydrogesterone 75 or at the usual concen- Norethisterone 75 15 0 0 0 16 0 trations. Some progestogens, e.g. pro- Levonorgestrel 150 45 0 1 75 50 0 gesterone and drospirenone, may act as an antagonist which is ac- Gestodene 90 85 0 27 290 40 0 companied by a compensatory rise in the Etonogestrel (3-keto-desogestrel) 150 20 0 14 0 15 0 aldosterone levels. Progestogens may Norgestimate 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 also impair tolerance and cause Dienogest 5 10 0 1 0 0 0 a slight hyperinsulinemia. Δ-4-Tibolone (7α-methyl-norethisterone) 90 35 1 0 2 1 0 Drospirenone 25 2 0 6 230 0 0 Due to their antiestrogenic effect, pro- Trimegestone 330 1 0 9 120 gestogens including progesterone may Promegestone 100 0 0 5 53 0 0 counteract the stimulatory and excita- Nomegestrol acetate 125 42 0 6 0 0 0 tory effects of estrogens on the . Nestorone 136 0 0 38 0 Beyond this, progesterone exerts a pro- nounced effect after conversion PR: progesterone receptor (promegestone, 100%); AR: androgenreceptor ( α β R1881, 100%); ER: estrogen receptor (estradiol-17β, 100%); GR: to 5 - and 5 - which bind (, 100%); MR: mineralocorticoid receptor (aldosterone, 100%); SHBG: sex to the GABAA-receptor. The receptor hormone-binding globulin (, 100%); CBG: corticsteroid-binding globulin binding affinity and hormonal activity of (, 100%). The values were compiled from the literature by cross-comparisons [29, 31, 35–38]. As the metabolites of some synthetic progestins results of the various in vitro-experiments are largely dependent on the incubation conditions have also been investigated. It is known and biological materials used, the values are inconsistent. They do not necessarily reflect that 3α-hydroxy-CMA and 15β-hy- the biological effectiveness. droxy-CPA exert a pronounced anti-

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 161 Pharmacology of Progestogens

– Inhibition of estrogen effect on cervi- cal mucus

The deposition is measured in vitro using cultured human endometrial tissue obtained from women in the folli- cular phase [39, 42]. The assay allows a good standardization and the evaluation of weak progestogens, but is not suitable for the investigation of prodrugs and cannot be extrapolated to the oral route Figure 5. Conversion of prodrugs of norethisterone to the active progestin norethisterone. of administration.

The delay of menses test is carried out in women with regular cycles who are treated daily with 50 µg EE and a con- stant dose of the progestogen for 20 days starting on Day 6 or 7 after the supposed ovulation. The test is positive if menses is postponed, and in subsequent trials the lowest effective dose of the progestin is determined (Tab. 3) [40, 43, 44].

The transformation dose (TFD) reflects the typical PR-mediated progestogenic effect in the endometrium. The TFD was evaluated in ovarectomized women who were treated orally with 50 µg EE per day for 14 days and thereafter with EE and a certain dose of a progestin for 10 days. The TFD of a progestogen was that daily dose which causes full secretory transformation of the proliferated en- dometrium [41]. As the inhibitory effect of progestogens in an endometrium un- der treatment with EE needs a higher dose than with estradiol, the results can- Figure 6. Conversion of the prodrugs desogestrel and norgestimate to the active progestins etonogestrel and levonorgestrel. not be extrapolated to hormone replace- ment therapy. androgenic effect. Some reduced meta- cycle control and side-effects. The most bolites of the nortestosterone derivatives frequently used method for expressing The high transformation dose of proges- show some antiandrogenic or andro- the progestogenic potency of a pill was terone reflects the low oral bioavailabil- genic effects, or even a slight estrogenic to multiply the total dose of a progesto- ity owing to a rapid inactivation. The activity [17]. gen component by its comparative pro- relatively high transformation dose of gestogenic activity evaluated in a suit- NET and NETA can be explained by the  Potency of Progestogens able assay [39]. aromatization of a small proportion of NET to EE which antagonizes the pro- During the early 1960s numerous nor- However, most of the methods used for gestogenic effect of NET in the endo- testosterone derivatives and progester- the determination of the activity of pro- metrium (Tab. 3) [25, 45]. one derivatives were available that dif- gestins related to the effect on the endo- fered not only in their hormonal pattern, metrium of women, and one assay, the The potency of the various progestogens but also in their potency. Therefore, the glycogen deposition test, was an in vitro is tissue-specific and, therefore, the data choice of an optimal dose for therapeutic assay [39–43]: cannot be generalized. Moreover, it must or contraceptive use was difficult. For – Delay of menses be emphasized that the results of various dose finding, animal experiments were – Transformation dose clinical trials differ largely. The clinical not very helpful, because the potency of – Induction of hormone withdrawal relevance of the various assays is rela- sex steroids is largely influenced by the bleeding tively low, as, e.g., the transformation metabolism after oral administration. – Glycogen deposition in endometrial doses do not correlate with the results of The aim of the various assays was to glands the delay of menses test or the glycogen compare the of the compounds – of karyopyknotic index in deposition assay (Tab. 3). The discrep- with respect to contraceptive action, the ancies between data determined in the

162 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens

The contraceptive reliability of a prepa- Table 3. Results of assays for comparison of potencies of progestogens [39–43]). ration can be estimated by comparing Progestogen Transformation Glycogen Delay the OID with the dose of the progestin dose deposition of menses contained in the pill (Tab. 4). (Dose) (Potency) (Potency)

Progesterone 100%  Progesterone Ethynodiol diacetate 10 mg 120% 2000% Levonorgestrel 12 mg 560% 4000% Progesterone is an important intermedi- Chlormadinone acetate 30 mg 200% ate in the ovarian and Medroxyprogesterone acetate 30 mg 810% 100% synthesis, but larger amounts are pro- Norethisterone acetate 50 mg 560% 270% duced only in the corpus luteum and the Norethisterone 120 mg 650% 130% . During the luteal phase, serum Lynestrenol 150 mg 270% concentrations of 25 ng/ml are reached which may increase during pregnancy up to 200 ng/ml. In the human, progester- Table 4. Hormonal potency of progestogens and daily doses contained in available one is the only progestogen which is able preparations [1, 25, 41, 49, 53]. to maintain pregnancy. In the endometri- um and cervix, it exerts strong progesto- Progestin TFD OID ODP (mg/Cycle) (mg/Day) (mg/Day) genic and antiestrogenic activities; it has a pronounced antimineralocorticoid ef- Progesterone 4200 300 fect which causes a compensatory rise in Medroxyprogesterone acetate 50 the aldosterone levels by 70%, and ex- 50 erts an “antiandrogenic” effect which is Chlormadinone acetate 25 1.7 2.0 not associated with binding to the andro- Cyproterone acetate 20 1.0 2.0 gen receptor, but a Dienogest 6 1.0 2.0–3.0 of the 5α-reductase activity in the skin. Tibolone 2.5 Norethisterone 120 0.4 0.5 About 17% of the circulating progester- Norethisterone acetate 50 0.5 0.6 one is bound with high affinity to CBG Norgestimate 7 0.2 0.25 and 80% with low affinity to . Levonorgestrel 5 0.06 0.1–0.15 Despite this, the half-lives are only 6 min

Desogestrel/3-keto-desogestrel 2 0.06 0.15 (t1/2α) and 42 min (t1/2β). Progesterone is Gestodene 3 0.04 0.06–0.075 rapidly metabolised, predominantly by Δ Drospirenone 50 2.0 3.0 reduction of the keto groups and the 4- , and the pattern of metabo- Nomegestrol acetate 100 1.25 2.5 lites depends largely on the route of ad- Promegestone 10 0.5 ministration. TFD: transformation dose in women; OID: ovulation-inhibiting dose in women (without additional estrogen); ODP: oral dose contained in available preparations The oral application of progesterone is associated with an extensive metabolism same target organ suggest that the value gestogens with ovarian functions. Syn- in the and the liver of the results is largely questionable if thetic progestogens may cause a direct which results in high, but individually they will be used as a measure for ovula- inhibition of the ovarian steroid biosyn- variable concentrations of circulating tion inhibition, the effect on breast tissue thesis which is more pronounced using metabolites. Consequently, the investi- or the hepatic metabolism. compounds with an ethinyl group. After gation of the pharmacokinetics of pro- oxidative activation of the 17α-ethinyl gesterone by means of RIA may be ham- The ovulation-inhibiting dose (OID) is group, nortestosterone derivatives may pered by falsely high progesterone levels evaluated in ovulatory women who are not only inhibit irreversibly CYP-depen- due to a relatively pronounced cross-re- treated daily with a certain dose of a pro- dent oxygenases which are involved in activity of progesterone metabolites. gestogen between cycle day 5 and 25. the hepatic inactivation of steroid hor- Therefore, either the GC/MS method or The lowest dose which inhibits ovula- mones, but may also inhibit ovarian CYP radioimmunoassay (RIA) after chroma- tion in all women, is the OID. It must be which play a role in the biosyn- tographic separation are suitable for the kept in mind that the data of most pro- thesis of endogenous steroids [46–52]. measurement of progesterone. This gestogens are evaluated in relatively few This may explain the discrepancy be- problem is less pronounced after vaginal subjects. The ovulation inhibition is tween DNG and LNG or gestodene administration of progesterone owing to brought about by a complex mechanism (GSD) regarding their potency. Similar the relatively low degree of metabolism including not only the disturbance of to LNG and GSD, DNG showed a high [54]. FSH and LH at the hypotha- endometrial efficacy as reflected by a lamic and pituitary level and the inhibi- low TFD, but has a relatively weak ovu- Oral Administration tion of the preovulatory LH peak, but lation-inhibiting potency due to the lack After oral administration, progesterone also by direct interactions of the pro- of a 17 α-ethinyl group (Tab. 4). can be metabolised to more than 30 me-

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therapy with estrogen plus progesterone ( 2.42; 95%-CI: 1.53–3.83). Contrary to this, synthetic progestogens reduced the estrogen-dependent risk sig- nificantly [57]. The lack of endometrial protection during oral progesterone therapy may be explained by the low progesterone serum levels measured with reliable methods. The same phe- nomenon may also explain the results of another cohort study that, in contrast to synthetic progestins, the addition of pro- gesterone to estrogen therapy did not in- crease the risk of [58, 59].

The finding of an elevated risk of endo- metrial cancer in postmenopausal women during treatment with estrogens and oral progesterone are in contradic- tion to various trials that did not find any increase in the rate of endometrial hy- perplasia in women treated with estro- gens and 200 mg sequential progester- one or 100 mg continuous progesterone Figure 7. Structural formulae of progesterone and some progesterone metabolites. [60–62]. However, the effect of oral treatment with progesterone on estro- genized postmenopausal endometria is tabolites, among which some exert spe- bolites [54]. There was a pronounced rise dose-dependent, and during the use of cific physiological activities. The most in the serum levels of 5α- and 5β-preg- 200 mg no full secretory transformation important pathway is the formation of nanolone up to a maximum of 14 ng/ml was observed, whereas the daily dose of 5α-pregnanolone and 5β-pregnanolone and 3.6 ng/ml after 2 h. The DOC levels 300 mg seems to be appropriate as an that exert considerable sedative effects rose from 120 pg/ml to 680 pg/ml after alternative to synthetic progestogens for after binding to the GABAA receptor. 2 h and decreased rapidly thereafter [56]. therapy [63]. Further metabolites were 20-dihydro- progesterone that has 25–50% of the The results cast some doubts on the reli- The PEPI trial revealed that the favour- progestogenic potency of progesterone, ability of progesterone determinations able effects of estrogens on lipid me- 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) that is a by RIA if metabolites are not separated tabolism are preserved when progester- potent mineralocorticoid, 17α-hydroxy- by means of chromatographically in ad- one is added orally [64]. Oral treatment progesterone, and the inactive end-pro- vance. with 100 to 300 mg progesterone led to a duct (Fig. 7). dose-dependent decrease in pres- After oral intake of 200 mg progesterone, sure [65]. Moreover, progesterone en-

There are large interindividual differ- the peak levels of progesterone as mea- hances the ventilatory response to CO2 ences in the pattern of metabolites circu- sured by RIA after 4 h were 12 ng/ml, in the luteal phase and during pregnancy. lating after oral administration [55]. The while 5α- and 5β-pregnanolone reached It has also been demonstrated that pro- low oral could be in- serum concentrations of 30 ng/ml and gesterone derivatives like chlormadinone creased by the use of micronized proges- 60 ng/ml [55]. Further metabolites were acetate may cause a reduction in arterial α terone suspended in oil and packaged in 20-, DOC, 17 -hy- CO2 tension [66]. a gelatine . droxyprogesterone, and pregnanediol (Fig. 7). The two A-Ring-reduced metabolites, Pharmacokinetics (5α-pregnanolone) and A single oral dose of 100 mg progester- Pharmacodynamics (5β-pregnanolone) may one contained in a gelatine capsule led The results of a large prospective study modulate GABAA-receptors and exert a to a rapid rise in serum progesterone as indicate that oral and treat- -dependent bimodal effect measured by liquid / ment with progesterone does not protect on the CNS. High concentrations of allo- to a peak level of from estrogen-induced endometrial can- pregnanolone have been shown to cause 1.5–2.2 ng/ml after 1–2 h. Thereafter the cer in postmenopausal women. Com- , sedative, anaesthetic and anti- levels decreased rapidly to baseline lev- pared with women treated with estrogen- epileptic effects, while low physiologi- els within 4–6 h [53, 55]. However, de- only preparations who showed an el- cal concentrations may act anxiogenic termination by means of RIA revealed a evated relative risk of 2.52 (95%-CI: [5]. The symptoms of the premenstrual mean peak level of 19.4 ng/ml suggesting 1.77–3.57), the risk of endometrial can- dysphoric disorder seem to be associated a high cross reaction of progesterone meta- cer did not differ significantly during with a change of receptor sensitivity to

164 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens

GABAA-modulators. There is also evi- [56]. A vaginal suppository containing The high efficacy supports the thesis of a dence that allopregnanolone may impair 400 mg progesterone resulted in mean direct transport to the uterus of vaginally learning and [67]. peak levels of 16 ng/ml progesterone af- applied progesterone. The most frequent ter 5 h [72]. side-effects were and weakness Using single oral doses between 300 and [71]. 1200 mg, a significant increase in fatigue A vaginal consisting of a water-in-oil and a decrease in vigour was recorded. emulsion with polycarbophil which con- An effective protection of the endo- With the highest dose, some women tains either 45 mg (4%) or 90 mg (8%) metrium in postmenopausal women showed a reduced information process- micronized progesterone, has bioadhe- treated wit transdermal estradiol was ing and verbal memory function [68]. sive properties and releases progester- brought about by vaginal rings releasing The oral use of 200 mg progesterone re- one in a sustained manner [73]. A single daily 5 mg or 10 mg progesterone [74]. sulted in a higher of drowsi- dose of 90 mg progesterone resulted in a ness and , although the rise of the progesterone level to a maxi- Intranasal Administration were taken at bedtime [62]. In a patient mum of 10 ng/ml after about 8 h. There- As progesterone is lipophilic, sufficient who ingested 400 mg micronized pro- after the levels declined to 3 ng/ml after doses can be applied using a gesterone, a state was induced 24 h [54]. of progesterone in almond oil with a bio- that lasted for 2 h. In this woman, very availability of 18%. After intranasal high levels of 5α- and 5β-pregnanolone In estrogen-treated postmenopausal spraying of 11.2 mg progesterone con- could be measured [55]. women, the progesterone levels may be tained in 0.55 ml almond oil, peak levels lower due to an enhanced metabolism in of serum progesterone of 3.75 ng/ml Vaginal Administration the estrogen-induced proliferated vagi- were reached within 1 h; after a transi- In contrast to the oral route of adminis- nal epithelium. In patients treated with tory decline a second peak of 2.7 ng/ml tration, the rate of metabolism and the 100 µg transdermal estradiol, the sequen- occurred after 4 h [77]. Intranasal treat- formation of are much tial vaginal treatment with a gel contain- ment with 11.2 mg progesterone three lower during vaginal treatment with pro- ing 45 mg, 90 mg or 180 mg progeste- times daily resulted in a progressive in- gesterone. Therefore, the risk of a seda- rone every other day resulted in peak crease in the progesterone serum levels tive effect of progesterone is lower than serum concentrations of progesterone up to 6 ng/ml. The endometrial histol- that observed during oral therapy. of approximately 4 ng/ml, 6 ng/ml and ogy revealed a suppressed or late secre- 7.5 ng/ml after 7 h [73]. tory pattern [77]. Pharmacokinetics Compared with the oral route, the vagi- The insertion of a releasing Similar to estradiol, a sufficient increase nal route of administration of progester- daily 10 mg progesterone into estrogen- in the of progesterone was one results in higher serum levels of pro- treated postmenopausal women resulted achieved using methylated gesterone which are maintained for a in maximal progesterone levels of about which is highly hydrophilic but can bind longer period of time than after oral 15 ng/ml after 24 h. Thereafter, serum steroids. In this way the bioavailability treatment. The slow elimination of progesterone decreased slowly during of intranasally administered progester- progesterone might be associated with a the following weeks reaching concentra- one was increased to 58%. The intrana- direct vagina-to-uterus transport by dif- tions of about 2 ng/ml after 12 weeks sal co-administration of 5 mg progester- fusion (uterine first pass) resulting in a [74]. During the first week of use of this one and 2 mg estradiol, solubilized by high storage of progesterone in the vaginal ring for contraception in lactat- complexing with methylated cyclodex- uterus and a subsequent delayed release ing women maximal serum concentra- trin caused maximal serum concentra- of the progestogen [69, 70]. Using an ex- tions of about 11 ng/ml were measured tions of progesterone between 3.9 and vivo uterine perfusion model, concentra- which declined to 8 ng/ml, 5 ng/ml and 6.7 ng/ml within 15–40 min [77]. tions of 185 ± 155 ng/100 mg endome- 3 ng/ml after 4, 9 and 16 weeks [75]. trial tissue and 254 ± 305 ng/100 mg Intramuscular Administration myometrial tissue were measured [69]. Pharmacodynamics A single of In postmenopausal women treated with 100 mg progesterone in an oily A single vaginal application of a gelatine 100 µg transdermal estradiol, the sequen- resulted in a rapid increase in the serum capsule with 100 mg or 200 mg proges- tial vaginal treatment with a gel contain- levels of progesterone up to a maximum terone led to a rapid rise in serum pro- ing 45 mg, 90 mg or 180 mg progester- between 40 and 80 ng/ml after 8 h. gesterone up to a maximum of about one every other day from day 15–27 in- Thereafter, the levels declined continu- 5 ng/ml after 6–12 h. Thereafter, the duced in all patients a full secretory ously to about 6 ng/ml after 48 h. The concentrations remained at this level for transformation of the endometrium [73]. maximal serum concentrations of 20-di- 24 h and were still above baseline levels Similarly, in postmenopausal women hydroprogesterone were between 4 and after 72 h [56, 71]. Among the metabo- treated continuously with 0.625 mg 16 ng/ml, and of 17α-hydroxyproges- lites, 5α-pregnanolone reached a peak CEE for 3 cycles, cyclic treatment with a terone between 0.8 and 2.7 ng/ml [78]. level of 3.5 ng/ml after 2 h, whereas vaginal gel containing 45 mg or 90 mg 5β-pregnanolone did not change. The progesterone between day 17 and 27 ev- Transdermal Administration DOC levels differed individually, and ery other day, caused a secretory or atro- There are several studies on the trans- a rise from 30 to 100 pg/ml was observed phic endometrium and prevented endo- dermal use of progesterone. As the se- after 4 h only in some of the women metrial hyperplasia in all women [76]. rum levels of progesterone achieved by

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 165 Pharmacology of Progestogens this route of administration were much Table 5. Relative binding affinity (RBA) to the glucocorticoid receptor of various lower than those measured in the luteal steroid hormones and their in vitro-effect on the expression of the thrombin receptor phase, a protective effect on the endo- in vascular cells [1, 28]. metrium must be called in question [79]. Upregulation of the RBA to gluco- thrombin receptor corticoid receptor The daily administration of a cream con- taining 30 to 40 mg progesterone on an Dexamethasone ++ 100% area of 100 cm2 of the forearm skin of Medroxyprogesterone acetate + 29% postmenopausal women resulted in a Gestodene + 27% small rise in the serum progesterone 3-Keto-desogestrel + 14% levels reaching about 1 ng/ml or less Progesterone + 10% after 6 or 48 weeks of treatment [80–84]. Levonorgestrel – 1% Norgestimate – 1% As progesterone is a lipophilic steroid, it Norethisterone – 0% has been suggested that it is taken up by Ethinylestradiol – 0% erythrocytes and transported by these –: no effect; +: pronounced effect; ++: strong effect vehicles in the circulation. However, no elevated concentrations of progesterone could be found in the red blood cells of postmenopausal women during treat- Medroxyprogesterone Acetate It was, however, demonstrated that MPA ment with progesterone cream [82]. (MPA) exerts considerable glucocorticoid ef- Pharmacokinetics fects mediated by binding to the gluco- Studies on the effect of progesterone MPA does not undergo a first-pass inac- corticoid receptor. At physiological con- cream on vasomotor symptoms revealed tivation after oral administration, and the centrations it caused an upregulation of contradictory results [84, 85]. A sup- bioavailability is 100%. Treatment of post- the thrombin receptor and stimulates the pression of estrogen-induced endome- menopausal women for 2 weeks with 1 mg procoagulatory activity in the vessel trial proliferation observed during treat- or 2 mg and 2.5 mg or wall (Tab. 5) [28]. Weekly intramuscular ment with progesterone cream remains 5 mg MPA per day resulted in a rapid injections of 1200 mg MPA significantly to be confirmed [86]. increase in the serum levels of MPA up reduced ACTH release and the plasma to maximum serum concentrations with- levels of cortisol by 75% [88]. Long-  Progesterone Derivatives in 1.5 and 2 h. Using 2.5 mg MPA, the term treatment of a patient with daily mean peak levels were 0.3 ng/ml in the 400 mg MPA led to the induction of the The introduction of into the age group < 60 years and 0.45 ng/ml in Cushing syndrome [89]. On the other steroid skeleton which sterically hinder women > 65 years, and using 5 mg MPA hand, in patients treated chroni- from the action of metabolising enzymes, 0.6 ng/ml and 0.9 ng/ml, respectively cally with 10–20 mg per resulted in a considerable slowing down [87]. During daily intake, a steady-state day, intramuscular injections of 200 mg of the inactivation rate and in an increase is reached after 3 days of treatment. MPA every 6 weeks reversed the pro- in the hormonal potency (Fig. 2). A gression of glucocorticoid-induced os- methyl group or chloro atom at C6 In the circulation, 88% of MPA is bound teoporosis by competitive antagonism at reduces or blocks the reduction of the to albumin, but not to SHBG or CBG. the glucocorticoid receptor level [90]. Δ4-3-keto group, and influences the in- MPA is to a certain extent stored in MPA might also be a candidate for the teraction with the androgen receptor. tissue. The half-lives are 2.2 h (t1/2α) and treatment of autoimmune/inflammatory β Whereas a chloro atom at C6 causes 33 h (t1/2β). The main metabolic steps are disease [91]. antiandrogenic properties of the proges- reactions, e.g., at C6β and tin, a methyl group at C6 leads to a weak C21, with the preservation of the Δ4-3- MPA has no antiandrogenic effect, but androgenic activity. An or a keto group, but there are also dihydro- weak androgenic properties. Although methyl group at C17α inhibits the reduc- derivatives and tetrahydro-derivatives of MPA does not antagonize the estrogen- tion of the 20-keto group of progester- MPA [17]. induced rise in and HDL- one. In contrast to the 17α-, 17α- CH, treatment with depot-MPA every hydroxy-progesterone has no hormonal Pharmacodynamics second week may reduce HDL [17]. At activity. MPA antagonizes the estrogen-induced doses of 10 mg daily, MPA causes an endometrial proliferation. In general, impairment of glucose tolerance without If no chromatographic separation is car- daily doses of 5–10 mg are sufficient for affecting [92]. In ried out, the measurement of the serum the prevention of endometrial hyperpla- women with contraindication for estro- levels of progesterone derivatives by sia in postmenopausal women during gens who suffer from vasomotor symp- means of RIA may lead to falsely high sequential or cyclic HRT, while 2.5 mg toms, daily treatment with 20 to 40 mg serum concentrations, owing to the pres- MPA have been shown to be protective MPA may improve the complaints. ence of metabolites which interact with during continuous combined HRT. De- the . Therefore, the use of the spite a binding affinity to the aldosterone Megestrol Acetate (MGA) GC/MS method revealed much lower receptor, MPA has no mineralocorticoid According to structural similarities, the levels than previously published. or antimineralocorticoid activity. hormonal pattern of MGA is similar to

166 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens that of MPA (Fig. 2, Tab. 1). Three h As 3α-hydroxy-CMA has 70% of the 15 ng/ml are reached. Similar to other after oral administration of 4 mg MGA a antiandrogenic activity, the enterohe- progesterone derivatives, the circulating maximal serum concentration of MGA patic circulation may be of clinical rel- MDG is largely bound to albumin (90%) of about 7 ng/ml was measured. The evance. and to a small degree to SHBG (2%) and bioavailability is 100% and the majority CBG (3%). of MGA in the circulation is bound to At doses of 2–4 mg, CMA has been ob- albumin, because it has no binding affin- served to increase body temperature by The half-lives of MDG are 4 h (t1/2α) and ity to SHBG or CBG. The main meta- 0.2–0.5 °C. Using doses of 15–20 mg, 36 h (t1/2β). The most important meta- bolic pathways are hydroxylation reac- CMA can improve hot flushes [98]. It bolic steps are hydroxylation reactions. tions at C-21, C2a, and C6. has been shown that treatment of normal As there is no information on the bind- men with daily 5 mg CMA caused a sig- ing affinities of MDG to the various ste-

Similar to MPA, MGA has been shown nificant reduction in arterial CO2 tension roid receptors, the hormonal pattern of to improve vasomotoric symptoms at and a stimulation of ventilation [66]. the compound can hardly be estimated. doses of 20–40 mg [93]. It also exerts The lack of effect of a sequential addi- considerable glucocorticoid activity, and Cyproterone Acetate (CPA) tion of 10 mg MDG on the estrogen-in- in cancer patients treated with high CPA is the progestin with the highest duced rise in TG and HDL-CH suggests doses of MGA, cases of Cushing syn- activity, as shown in ani- that MDG has no androgenic properties drome, new-onset or exacerba- mal experiments. This effect is brought [17]. tion of pre-existing diabetes, and adrenal about by competitive inhibition of the insufficiency have been reported [94]. binding of endogenous androgens to the  Retroprogesterones Continuous combined therapy of post- androgen receptor, and is, therefore, menopausal women with 2 mg estradiol dose-dependent. CPA has some gluco- The common structure of steroid hor- and 5 mg MGA resulted in a reduction corticoid properties, the clinical impor- mones is the arrangement of the four of HDL-CH and LDL-CH and no effect tance of which is not clarified (e.g. ves- rings in a plane which is achieved by the on triglycerides indicating a moderate sel wall, immune system). After oral ad- attachment of the rings in the trans-ori- androgenic activity of MGA [95]. ministration, the bioavailability of CPA entation. The hormonal activities are is nearly 100%. A single oral dose of largely determined by substituents that Chlormadinone Acetate (CMA) 2 mg CPA led to peak serum levels of are located either above (β-position) or In contrast to MPA and MGA, the pro- CPA of about 11 ng/ml. As it has no below the plane (α-position, indicated gesterone derivative CMA has some anti- binding affinity to SHBG and CBG, 93% by dotted lines). Retroprogesterones are androgenic activity which corresponds of the circulating CPA is bound to albu- characterized by a conspicuous change to 20–30% of that of CPA. Owing to the min. CPA accumulates in fat tissue, and in the configuration of the steroid mol- low first-pass metabolism, the bioavail- the half-lives are 2–8 h (t1/2αα) and 60 h ecule. Owing to the attachment of the B- ability after oral administration is about (t1/2β [17]. The accumulation of CPA in ring to the C-ring in the cis-conforma- 100%. Similar to other progesterone de- fat tissue during daily administration of tion, the plane of the A/B-rings is orien- rivatives, CMA accumulates in fat tissue higher doses of CPA results in a depot- tated in a 60% angle below the C/D- and is stored in the endometrium, myo- effect and may prevent withdrawal rings, and the angular C19 methyl group metrium, cervix and tubes. Therefore, bleeding after cessation of intake. The is in the a-position (Fig. 8) [1]. the is relatively low, and 7 major metabolic steps are hydroxylation days after application 74% of the dose is and deacetylation, while the D4-double Dydrogesterone (DYD) excreted [96]. Within 1–2 h after a single bond is preserved. The antiandrogenic DYD is a stereoisomer of progesterone oral administration of a combination of activity of 15β-hydroxy-CPA is similar with an additional double bond between 2 mg CMA and 30 µg EE, the serum to that of CPA, but the progestogenic C6 and C7 (Figs. 2, 8), and its hormonal concentration of CMA reached a maxi- efficacy is only 10% of that of CPA [17]. pattern and metabolism differ largely mum of 1.6 ng/ml. During daily intake from that of the natural progestogen [1]. the CMA levels increased to a steady- In addition to a CPA containing oral It is an orally active progestin that is state of 2 ng/ml within 2 weeks [97]. contraceptives, CPA can be used orally non-thermogenetic, non-sedative and CMA has no binding affinity to SHBG or intramuscularly at higher doses for does not inhibit gonadotropin release and CBG, and 97–99% of the circulating the treatment of severe or hirsut- and ovulation. It has weak antimineralo- CMA is bound to albumin. The half- ism. Oral treatment of postmenopausal corticoid effects, negligible androgenic lives are 2.4 h (t1/2α) and 38 h (t1/2β) [97, women with 5 mg CPA daily has no ef- and glucocorticoid activities, and no 98]. The main metabolic steps are the re- fect on the lipid metabolism [92]. antiandrogenic properties [99]. Oral duction of the 3-keto group with preser- treatment with 10–20 mg DYD daily vation of the Δ4-double bond, hydroxy- Medrogestone (MDG) caused a sufficient secretory transforma- lation, and deacetylation. Hydroxylation In contrast to MPA, CMA, and CPA, tion of a proliferated endometrium. The α α β reactions occur at C2 , C3 , C3 , and MDG is not an esterified derivative of half-life (t1/2β) is 5–7 h and 24 h after oral C15β and the resulting metabolites are 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, but has a administration, and within 24 h 85% of conjugated to and glucuronides. methyl group at C17α (Fig. 2). The bio- the dose are excreted. Due to the 9β,10α- The latter are excreted in the . The availability of MDG is 100%, and after retro structure of the , both conjugates excreted in the , are oral administration of a dose of 10 mg double bonds cannot be enzymatically hydrolysed in the colon and reabsorbed. maximal serum concentrations of 10– reduced. The most important metabolic

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 167 Pharmacology of Progestogens

serum levels of SHBG, angiotensinogen, women treated with estradiol implants, antithrombin or and lipoproteins the addition of 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2.5 mg [101]. NMA for 12 days per cycle caused secretory transformation of the en- Trimegestone (TMG) dometrium [107]. TMG is the most potent norpregnane de- rivative which causes a secretory trans- NMA shows a pronounced antiandro- formation of an estrogen-treated en- genic activity that is between that of dometrium at a daily dose of 0.1 mg. In CMA and CPA, but no glucocorticoid, cyclic HRT, TMG is used at doses of antimineralocorticoid or androgenic 0.25–0.5 mg daily. After a single oral activity. Treatment of premenopausal administration of 1 mg, a maximal se- women with 5 mg NMA daily did not rum concentration of TMG of 25 ng/ml affect the serum levels of SHBG, CBG, is reached within 0.5 h. The half-life was angiotensinogen, HDL-CH, LDL-CH, measured as 13.8 h [101]. In the circula- or plasminogen, but increased tion, 98% of TMG is bound to albumin. antithrombin and reduced triglycerides [108]. The addition of NMA to estrogen TMG has no glucocorticoid or andro- therapy did not counteract the estrogen- genic and a weak antimineralocortcoid induced changes in lipid metabolism and antiandrogenic activity [31, 34]. The [101, 108]. main metabolic steps are hydroxylation Figure 8. Schematic graph of the configuration of the reactions. The 1β- and 6β-hydroxy- Nestorone (NST) progesterone and retroprogesterone [1]. TMG-metabolites showed a considerable The oral administration of NST is asso- progestogenic potency with no binding ciated with a rapid metabolism and a steps are the reduction of the 20-keto affinity to the other steroid receptors. short half-life of 1–2 h, and the bioavail- group, and hydroxylation at C16α and ability is only 10%. After a single oral C21. The main is 20α-di- Treatment with daily 2 mg estradiol con- administration of a solution with 100 µg hydrodydrogesterone [1]. tinuously and 0.5 mg TMG on days 15– NST, the serum level of NST increased 28 for 13 cycles caused an inactive or rapidly to a maximum of 160 pg/ml The sequential therapy of postmenopau- secretory endometrium in 85% of the within 10 min. Thereafter, it decreased, sal women with either 1 mg estradiol and women. The rate of endometrial hyper- reaching a value of 80 pg/ml after 1 h. 5 or 10 mg DYD or 2 mg estradiol and plasia (without atypia) was 1.9%. The 10 or 20 mg DYD caused an atrophic or pattern of adverse effects and the cycle The binding affinity of NST to the secretory endometrium in most patients control were similar to that of 2 mg progesterone receptor is similar to that and prevented the development of endo- estradiol and 0.5 mg norgestrel or 1 mg of LNG. NST does not bind to the andro- metrial hyperplasia [100]. NETA, except a shorter duration of with- gen receptor and has, therefore, no an- drawal bleeding with TMG [102, 103]. drogenic or antiandrogenic activity. It  Norpregnane Derivatives TMG did not counteract the estrogen-in- shows some binding affinity to the glu- duced changes in the lipid metabolism. cocorticoid receptor, but exerts no glu- The 19-norpregnane derivatives are pro- cocorticoid effects only at high doses. In gesterone derivatives that have no angular Nomegestrol Acetate (NMA) the circulation, NST is not bound to 19-methyl group (Fig. 2). The hormonal NMA differs from MGA only by the SHBG, but to albumin and the circulat- pattern of this group of progestins is simi- lack of the angular C19-methyl group. ing free fraction is high [109]. After a lar to that of progesterone derivatives. After oral administration of 5 mg NMA, bolus injection, the half-lives of NST a peak serum level of NMA of 8 ng/ml is were found to be 3.5 and 83 min [109]. Promegestone (PMG) reached within 4 h. The bioavailability is

PMG is a potent progestin and anti- about 63%, the half-life (t1/2β) is 35–50 h, NST is a potent progestin when adminis- estrogen and is used in HRT at a daily and 98% of NMA is bound to albumin tered parenterally by means of sustained dose of 0.5 mg. It has weak glucocorti- [47, 101, 104, 105]. After a single oral release formulations. coid, but no antimineralocortcoid ef- dose of 3.75 mg NMA, a peak level of fects. It does not bind to the androgen 7.2 ng/ml is reached after 2–3 h. NMA is After subcutaneous application, it was receptor and has no androgenic or anti- inactivated by P450 enzymes over 100-fold more potent in rats than by androgenic activity. PMG is mainly (CYP3A3, CYP3A4, and CYP2A6) re- the oral route [29]. bound to albumin, but not to SHBG and sulting mainly in hydroxylated NMA only weakly to CBG. After oral adminis- metabolites. After 2 years of use of a subdermal im- tration, the serum maximum is reached plant releasing 100 µg NST daily, the after 1–2 h. The main steps of metabolism At a daily dose of 1.25 mg, NMA inhib- mean NST serum level was 20 pg/ml are hydroxylation at C21 and other posi- ited ovulation but not follicular growth, [110]. tions of the steroid [32]. The daily ad- whereas 2.5 mg and 5 mg per day sup- ministration of 0.5 mg PMG to post- pressed both follicular development and After a single transdermal application of menopausal women did not change the ovulation [106]. In postmenopausal a gel containing 2.3 mg NST to fertile

168 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens women, a continuous rise of the NST levels occurred reaching a value of 85 pg/ml after 24 h. During daily appli- cation of the gel, the levels increased up to 300 pg/ml on the fifth day of treat- ment. The results suggest a sustained re- lease of NST from the skin [111].

A metered dose transdermal system us- ing three 90 µl NST sprays per day caused serum NST levels of about 0,1 ng/ml that were sufficient to sup- press ovulation [112].

Treatment with vaginal rings releasing 50, 75 or 100 µg NST per day 98% caused an inhibition of ovulation in 98% of the cycles. For lactating women, an releasing NST has been devel- oped [109].

 Nortestosterone Derivatives The 19-nortestosterone derivatives are derived from the anabolic (19-nortestosterone) which has some affinity to the PR (22% of that of proges- terone (Fig. 1). The introduction of an ethinyl group at C17α caused a shift from the androgenic to the progestoge- Figure 9. Time course of the serum concentration of 7α-methyl-ethinylestradiol after oral treatment of fertile nic activity, and the resulting NET is an women with 2.5 mg tibolone, and time course of the serum concentration of ethinylestradiol after oral treatment of orally potent progestin with weak andro- postmenopausal women with 10 mg norethisterone acetate. Mod. from [1, 45, 119]. genic properties (Fig. 1). Further modi- fications of the steroid skeleton led to NET, and smaller particles cause higher estradiol resulted in a maximal NET various progestins which differ in their serum levels because of faster absorp- level of 8.5 ng/ml within 1 h [116]. potency and pattern of hormonal activi- tion and lower intestinal metabolism ties (Tabs. 1, 4). The substitution of the [113]. The concomitant intake of the tab- In blood, 36% of NET is bound to SHBG angular methyl group at C13 by an ethyl lets with a high-fat meal caused lower and 61% to albumin. The half-lives are group led to an increase in the progesto- peak levels but higher AUC of NET as 1.5 h (t1/2α) and 9.5 h (t1/2β) [115]. The genic potency, as exemplified by the compared with those after administra- main metabolic steps are the reduction higher potency of LNG as compared to tion during fasting [114]. of the Δ4-double bond to 5α- or 5β-di- NET (Tab. 4, Fig. 4). hydro-NET and subsequently the reduc- After a single oral administration of tion of the 3-keto group to the four iso- The older progestins norethynodrel, lyn- 0.5 mg NETA, a maximal serum concen- mers of 3,5-tetrahydro-NET. The 5α- estrenol, and ethynodiol diacetate are tration of NET of about 5 ng/ml on aver- dihydro-NET has a relatively high bind- prodrugs and rapidly transformed after age was reached within 1 h. After intake ing affinity to the androgen receptor and oral administration to the active proges- of 1 mg maximal serum levels of 5– may play a role in the androgenic activ- tin NET. 10 ng/ml were measured. When com- ity of NET. The ethinyl group is pre- bined with 1 mg estradiol, the pharma- served in 90% of all metabolites [117]. Norethisterone (NET) and cokinetics of NET was found to be simi- Despite the steric hindrance by the 17α- Norethisterone Acetate (NETA) lar with a maximum of 5–7 ng/ml [115, ethinyl group, conjugation of the 17β- Oral treatment 116]. Using a dose of 2 mg NET, a peak takes place to a certain After oral administration, NETA is rap- NET level of 12 ng/ml was reached. As extent which may undergo enterohepatic idly hydrolyzed to NET in the intestinal after 24 h the NET levels had not yet re- circulation. A small proportion of the tract and liver. Therefore, the pharmaco- turned to baseline, multiple administra- NET dose (0.35%) is aromatized to EE, kinetics and pharmacodynamics of NET tion of the estradiol/NET combination and the concentration-time curve of EE during treatment with both compounds resulted in NET levels which were sig- suggests that is formed in the liver [45, are similar. The bioavailability of orally nificantly higher by 38% (AUC) with 118]. Using a dose of 1 mg, the levels of administered NET or NETA is 40–80%. a mean peak level of 7.4 ng/ml after EE are low and, in the presence of a The particle size of the administered 30 min. A single oral administration of a natural estrogen, probably without clini- dose influences the pharmacokinetics of combination of 1 mg NETA and 2 mg cal relevance [118]. Using doses of 5 mg

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 169 Pharmacology of Progestogens or 10 mg, the EE peak levels are similar duction in efficacy was noted during the level of LNG of 6.2 ng/ml after 1 h which to those after ingestion of 30 or 60 µg EE combined phase for some symptoms declined thereafter with a terminal half- (Fig. 9) [45]. [120]. life of 32 h.

NET has no glucocorticoid or anti- Transdermal treatment with 50 µg estra- In the blood, 48% of LNG is bound to mineralocorticoid activity, but a weak diol continuously and in addition SHBG and 50% to albumin. The half- androgenic effect. 0.17 mg NETA or 0.35 mg NETA either lives are 1 h (t1/2α) and 24 h (t1/2β). Owing continuously or sequentially (day 15–28) to its androgenic activity, oral treatment Transdermal Treatment reduced vasomotor symptoms to a simi- with LNG alone may reduce the SHBG Treatment with a patch releasing daily lar degree (by > 90%) [126]. All regi- levels, whereas a combination with po- 0.25 mg NETA leads to serum concen- mens caused an effective endometrial tent estrogens may cause an increase in trations of 0.5–1 ng/ml which are reached protection, and no significant difference SHBG. This may influence the pharma- on the second day after application in the rate of bleeding was observed be- cokinetics of LNG. The main metabolic [120]. This is followed by a continuous tween the lower and the higher dose of pathways of LNG are the reduction of decrease to a value of 0.25–0.5 ng/ml NETA [113]. the Δ4-3-keto group and hydroxylation until the application of a new patch after reactions [49]. 3.5 days. The sequential transdermal treatment with 50 µg estradiol and 0.25 mg NETA Intrauterine treatment During transdermal treatment with daily caused regular bleeding in 80%, irregu- The T-shape LNG-releasing intrauterine 100 µg estradiol and 0.34 mg NETA lar bleeding in 11% and no bleeding in device (LNG-IUD) is approved for con- (two patches with 50 µg estradiol and 9% of the cycles. The rate of endometrial traception, but offers some advantages 0.17 mg NETA) NET serum levels of hyperplasia was 2% [127]. The sequen- if used for endometrial protection in 0.65 ng/ml were measured. tial therapy with patches releasing 50 µg perimenopausal and postmenopausal estradiol without and with 0.25 mg women. The vertical Silastic arm con- Continuous transdermal treatment of NETA caused a slight decrease in total tains 52 mg LNG which is released after postmenopausal women for 12 months CH, LDL-CH, HDL-CH and apolipo- insertion at a low rate for 5 years. During with 50 µg estradiol combined with proteins B and A1, and a pronounced re- the first year, it releases 20 µg LNG per 0.14 mg, 0.25 mg or 0.4 mg NETA, duction in total TG [120]. In contrast to day and in the fifth year 15 µg daily. A was prevented. the oral treatment with NETA, transder- small proportion of the daily dose ap- The incidence of uterine bleeding (no mal estradiol/NETA does not adversely pears in the circulation, and during the bleeding in 50% of the cycles) was low- affect metabolism [120]. use of the IUD releasing 20 µg daily, se- est in the group using estradiol and rum LNG levels of about 0.5 ng/ml were 0.14 mg NETA. The improvement of hot Levonorgestrel (LNG) and measured after 6 and 12 months [131]. A flushes was similar in all groups. Appli- Norgestrel (NG) smaller LNG-IUD releasing only 10 µg cation-site reactions, mostly erythema, The racemate D,L-norgestrel (NG) con- daily which was developed for post- were reported by 25% of the women sists in equal shares of the potent proges- menopausal women, caused LNG levels [121]. tin LNG and the hormonally inactive of 0.2 ng/ml after 6 and 12 months, re- dextronorgestrel. Therefore, the hor- spectively [131]. Continuous therapy for 1 year with a monal activity of 0.5 mg NG is identical patch releasing daily 25 µg estradiol to that of 0.25 mg LNG. LNG is a potent The frameless FibroPlant-LNG IUD is and 0.125 mg NETA prevented endo- progestin exerting some androgenic ac- a completely flexible device releasing metrial hyperplasia and caused a higher tivity, but no glucocorticoid or anti- 14 µg LNG daily. It caused a profound rate of (90%) than 50 µg mineralocorticoid properties (Tab. 1). endometrial suppression and amenor- estradiol and 0.25 mg NETA (65%) or rhea in 64% of perimenopausal women an oral therapy with 2 mg estradiol and Oral Treatment and 100% of postmenopausal patients. It 1 mg NETA (79%) [122, 123]. Continu- After oral administration, the two stereo- is suitable for the reduction of menstrual ous treatment with 25 µg estradiol and are metabolised in different bleeding in women with menorrhagia 0.125 mg NETA increased significantly ways. The bioavailability of LNG is [132]. density in postmenopausal about 95%. Within 1–2 h after a single women [124]. oral administration of 150 µg LNG to After insertion of the LNG-IUDs, the young women, a maximal serum level of progestin accumulates in the endomet- The sequential addition of transdermal 4.3 ng/ml was measured [128]. Within rium and myometrium and causes a pro- 0.14 mg, 0.25 mg or 0.40 mg NETA on 1 h after a single ingestion of 50 µg LNG found suppression of the endometrium. days 15–28 to the continuous therapy and 30 µg EE, the maximal serum level Therefore, after transitory spotting and with 50 µg estradiol daily reduced vaso- of LNG was 2.0 ng/ml, with 100 µg breakthrough bleeding which occur dur- motor symptoms significantly in all three LNG and 20 µg EE 2.4 ng/ml, and with ing the first year after insertion in some groups [125]. The sequential therapy 125 µg LNG and 30 µg EE a peak level women, the endometrium becomes atro- with patches releasing 50 µg estradiol of LNG of 4.3 ng/ml were measured phic [131]. In postmenopausal women, alone and those combined with NETA [129, 130]. The administration of 2 mg the insertion of a LNG-IUD was found 0.25 mg daily resulted in a similar symp- estradiol and 0.3 mg LNG to postmeno- to cause in approximately 50% and tom improvement, although a slight re- pausal women resulted in a peak serum may be difficult in one third of the pa-

170 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens tients. Therefore, cervical dilatation and/ cation-site reactions were observed in of free and albumin-bound LNG-3- or paracervical blockade may be neces- less than 10% of the women [135]. was 0.19 nmol/l and 6.5 nmol/l, whereas sary [133]. Treatment with the LNG- that of free and albumin-bound LNG was IUD combined with either 50 µg estra- After 1 year of sequential treatment of only 0.05 nmol/l and 0.58 nmol/l [140]. diol transdermally or 2 mg estradiol val- postmenopausal women with 7-day ma- The inactivation takes place through erate orally caused a profound suppres- trix patches releasing daily 50 µg estra- reduction and hydroxylation reactions sion of the endometrium for 5 years in diol and 10 µg LNG, 75 µg estradiol and resulting in the formation of LNG-me- all patients, and 64% of the patients were 15 µg LNG or 100 µg estradiol and 20 µg tabolites. totally amenorrheic [133]. LNG, the rate of endometrial hyperpla- sia was below 1% [136]. The frequency After a single oral administration of The results of various studies with the of cyclic bleeding and of intermittent 35 µg EE and 250 µg NGM, the level of 20 µg LNG-IUD demonstrate that the bleeding was lowest with the 50 µg es- LNG-3-oxime rose to 2.5 ng/ml after endometrial effects and the safety profile tradiol/10 µg LNG patch and increased 1.5 h and decreased thereafter rapidly, in postmenopausal women using estro- with the hormone dose [137]. Applica- whereas the LNG maximum of 0.5 ng/ gens for HRT, are similar to those ob- tion-site reactions were observed in 5% ml appeared later and was followed by a served in fertile women. Moreover, the of the women [136]. slow decline [141]. During daily intake, morphological changes in the endomet- the level of LNG-3-oxime increased up rium are similar to those occurring after Sequential transdermal treatment with to 3 ng/ml and the half-life (t1/2β) was oral use of progestins in HRT [134]. In daily 80 µg estradiol in the first 2 weeks 17 h [48]. After multiple oral adminis- the presence of potent estrogens, the sys- and 50 µg estradiol plus 20 µg LNG in tration of 1 mg estradiol continuously temic effects, e.g. on metabolic para- the following 2 weeks did not alter the and 180 µg NGM intermittently, a peak meters, of the low serum levels of LNG SHBG levels, but changed bone markers level of LNG-3-oxime of only 0.64 ng/ml are negligible. There are, however, no indicating a reduction of bone resorption was measured [142]. data on the effect on breast tissue and and reduced LDL-CH [138]. breast cancer risk. The regimen used for HRT is 1 mg estra- Continuous combined HRT with 7-day diol continuously and 90 µg NGM inter- In postmenopausal women, the use of a patches releasing daily 45 µg estradiol mittently (a 6-day repeating sequence smaller LNG-IUD releasing 10 µg LNG and 15 µg, 30 µg or 40 µg LNG improved with NGM for 3 days, followed by 3 daily was demonstrated to be easier and significantly climacteric symptoms and days without NGM) [142]. It caused a to cause less pain. During continuous prevented endometrial hyperplasia. Af- significant improvement in climacteric oral treatment with 2 mg estradiol valer- ter 9 months, amenorrhea was achieved symptoms and increased bone mineral ate, the use of this LNG-IUD caused a in one third of the patients. Application- density. The rate of adverse effects was strong endometrial suppression and pre- site reactions occurred in 30–44%, vagi- similar to other continuous combined vented endometrial hyperplasia. The nal hemorrhagia in 29–37% and mastal- therapies with 1 mg estradiol and a pro- bleeding pattern was similar to that us- gia in 16–23% of the women [139]. gestin. The bleeding pattern was not bet- ing the LNG-IUD releasing 20 µg LNG ter than that in women treated continu- per day [131]. When combined with Norgestimate (NGM) ously with a combination of 2 mg estra- 2 mg estradiol valerate orally, a signifi- NGM is a which after oral diol and 1 mg NETA. The data on the cant increase in HDL-CH and decrease administration is rapidly metabolised. risk of endometrial hyperplasia during in total CH, LDL-CH and lipoprotein (a) Therefore, using an oral dose of 250 µg treatment with the intermittent estradiol/ was measured 6 months after insertion NGM, only low serum levels of NGM NGM regimen are inconsistent [142]. of the 20 µg LNG-IUD and the 10 µg (70 pg/ml) can be measured. It is rapidly LNG-IUD. The favourable effect on transformed by a 2-step metabolism Dienogest (DNG) HDL-CH was maintained after 12 through LNG-3-oxime and LNG-17β- The structure and hormonal pattern of months with the lower dosed IUD, but acetate into LNG. The deacetylation of DNG differs from that of other nor- was reversed with the 20 µg LNG-IUD NGM to LNG-3-oxime occurs in the testosterone derivatives in so far as it [131]. The most frequent adverse effects intestinal mucosa and the liver, and the contains at C17α no ethinyl group but a during use of the LNG-IUDs were transformation of the LNG-3-oxime to cyanomethyl group (Fig. 4). The lack of bleeding, , , LNG mainly in the liver [49]. As only an ethinyl group is associated with a lack mastalgia and . small amounts of LNG-17β-acetate ap- of an irreversible inhibition of CYP en- pear in the circulation, it plays nearly no zymes which is caused by ethinylated Transdermal Treatment role in the mechanism of action, despite steroids through the oxidatively acti- Treatment of postmenopausal women a high binding affinity to the PR. Conse- vated ethinyl group [49]. As CYP en- with a 7-day sequential matrix patch quently, the hormonally active metabo- zymes are involved both in the ovarian realeasing 50 µg estradiol and 10 µg lites are LNG and LNG-3-oxime (norel- steroid synthesis and the inactivation of LNG per day resulted in estradiol levels gestromine, deacetylated NGM; Fig. 6) steroid hormones, ethinylated progestins of 30 pg/ml and LNG levels of 120 pg/ml which differ in their binding affinities to – as well as EE – may directly impair on average. This therapy improved cli- the PR (Tab. 2). In contrast to LNG, follicular activity and inhibit their own macteric symptoms significantly, but did NGM and its metabolites LNG-3-oxime degradation. This may explain the rela- not change the serum levels of lipids and and LNG-17β-acetate are not bound to tively low dose of the other nortestoste- lipoproteins. Moderate to severe appli- SHBG and CBG. Therefore, the amount rone derivatives as compared to DNG.

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 171 Pharmacology of Progestogens

DNG is the only nortestosterone deriva- tive which exerts no androgenic, but an antiandrogenic activity which is about 30% of that of CPA. Despite the rela- tively low binding affinity to the PR, DNG shows a strong progestogenic ef- fect on the endometrium. The transfor- mation dose of 6.3 mg per cycle is simi- lar to that of LNG. This is probably due to the high serum levels of DNG after administration and, hence, high intracel- lular concentrations, because the propor- tion of non-protein-bound DNG in the circulation is 10% due to the lacking binding affinity to SHBG or CBG. DNG has also no estrogenic, glucocorticoid or antimineralocorticoid activity, and does not antagonize the estrogen-induced al- terations of certain hepatic serum pro- teins [49].

Orally administered DNG is rapidly ab- sorbed and the bioavailability is about Figure 10. Structural formulae of the prodrugs norethynodrel and tibolone, and their hormonally active metabolites [1]. 95%, but the elimination half-life is rela- tively short (t1/2β, 9.1 h). After a single oral administration of 2 mg DNG and 30 µg DRSP has an oral bioavailability be- binations is similar to that of other HRT EE, a peak level of DNG of 53 ng/ml is tween 76% and 85%. It has no binding preparations containing estradiol and reached within 2 h. This is followed by a affinity to SHBG and CBG and the ma- progestins. rapid decline to 7 ng/ml after 24 h [49]. jority of the circulating compounds is The main metabolic steps are the reduc- bound to albumin; in the blood about 3–  Tibolone tion of the Δ4-3-keto group, hydroxyla- 5% are non-protein-bound, free DRSP. tion reactions and the elimination of the Pharmacokinetics cyano group. After a single administration of 3 mg Tibolone (TIB) is the 7α-methyl-deriva- DRSP a peak serum level of 35 ng/ml is tive of norethynodrel (NYD), which was  Spirolactone Derivatives reached within 1–2 h. Thereafter, the used as a progestin component in the levels decline, but after 24 h DRSP con- first oral contraceptives. Similar to NYD, Drospirenone (DRSP) centrations of 20–25 ng/ml can still be TIB is a prodrug and rapidly converted The chemical structure of DRSP that measured. Consequently, DRSP accu- after oral administration in the intestinal is a derivative of 17α-spirolactone, is mulates in blood during multiple dosing, tract and the liver to the progestin 7α- similar to that of the aldosterone and treatment with DRSP in combina- methyl-NET (D4-TIB) and some other antagonist (Fig. 4). It tion with a potent estrogen leads to a metabolites (Fig. 10). Following a single has a moderate binding affinity to the peak serum concentration of 60 ng/ml administration of 2.5 mg TIB into late PR, a high binding affinity to the miner- after 7–10 days. The half-lives are 1.6 h postmenopausal women, maximal se- alocorticoid receptor, but a low binding (t1/2α) and 27 h (t1/2β). The main metabolic rum levels of 1.6 ng/ml TIB, 0.8 ng/ml affinity to the androgen receptor pathways are the opening of the Δ4-TIB, 16.7 ng/ml 3α-hydroxy-TIB, (Tab. 2) [143]. The progestogenic ac- ring leading to an group, and the re- and 3.7 ng/ml 3β-hydroxy-TIB were tivity of DRSP in the endometrium cor- duction of the Δ4-double bond [145]. found after 1–2 h [147]. However, a responds to 10% of that of LNG. There- small proportion of TIB is rapidly con- fore, daily doses of 3 mg DRSP are used Continuous combined treatment of post- verted by intestinal and hepatic cyto- in HRT preparations. Owing to the menopausal women with 1 mg estradiol chrome P450 enzymes into the potent strong antimineralocorticoid effect of and 1, 2 or 3 mg DRSP was shown to estrogen 7α-methyl-ethinylestradiol DRSP, treatment of fertile women with protect efficiently the endometrium, to (MEE). Owing to the lack of the angular 2 mg alone during the follicular phase improve climacteric complaints and to C19-methyl group, 19-nortestosterone caused an increase in sodium , increase bone mineral density. The use derivatives are not aromatised by the but this was compensated for by a rise of these formulations caused amenor- classical CYP19 that initially in the plasma activity by 100% rhea in 80% of the patients within one attacks the methyl group between A-ring and the aldosterone serum levels by year [146]. Owing to the lack of andro- and B-ring of androgens. The transfor- 65% [144]. The antiandrogenic activity genic activity, the estrogen-induced mation into MEE is in all probability of DRSP is about 30% of that of CPA. It changes in lipid metabolism were not brought about by the oxidation of the A- has no estrogenic and no appreciable counteracted. The slight - ring catalyzed by CYP P450 mono- glucocorticoid activity [145]. lowering effect of estradiol/DRSP com- oxygenases (see below).

172 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) Pharmacology of Progestogens

TIB has only a weak binding affinity to the steroid receptors, while Δ4-TIB is bound to the PR and the androgen recep- tor with high affinity (Tab. 2). Animal experiments revealed that D4-TIB (7α- methyl-NET) is a relatively weak pro- gestin, but exerts a strong androgenic effectiveness which is comparable to that of testosterone [33, 148].

Pharmacodynamics Treatment with TIB led to a suppression of the endometrium which is probably caused by Δ4-TIB originating from the circulation and a local conversion of TIB [149]. In a minor part of the women, en- dometrial proliferation may occur under treatment with TIB [150]. In one third of Figure 11. Mechanism of action of the CYP19 aromatase as exemplified by the conversion of testosterone into estra- the patients treated for 3 years with TIB, diol-17β. The formation of a phenolic A-ring is mediated by several oxidation steps catalyzed by the CYP19 aromatase. endometrial polyps have been found The key reaction is the oxidative elimination of the angular methyl group located between the A-ring and the B-ring. [151]. This may be due to the weak pro- The final step is an enolization of the keto group at C3, resulting in the phenolic A-ring. Mod. from [162]. gestogenic activity of D4-TIB (7α-me- thyl-NET) that is only about 13% of that [156]. This reflects a strong estrogenic nylestradiol (MEE) of 125 pg/ml after of NET [33, 148]. This may also explain activity of a metabolite of TIB. 2 h (Fig. 9) [119]. This suggests that the the significantly elevated risk of endo- formation of the highly active estrogen metrial cancer by 100% to 200% during The estrogenic effects have been claimed MEE occurs during intestinal resorption treatment with TIB observed in large co- to be caused by the two metabolites 3α- and the first liver passage [160]. hort studies [57, 152]. and 3β-hydroxy-TIB which show only a weak binding affinity to the ER, but are It has been claimed that the hepatic aro- During the first months of treatment with circulating at high concentrations. matization of TIB is not possible be- TIB, the frequency of irregular bleeding cause the CYP aromatase encoded by was considerably less than with a combi- Aromatization of Tibolone and the CYP19 , is not expressed in the nation of 2 mg estradiol and 1 mg NETA, Norethisterone adult human liver. Moreover, using hu- but after 6 months of treatment, there After oral treatment of ovarectomized man recombinant CYP aromatase, nei- was no difference between both prepara- rats, TIB was found to be 50 times more ther TIB nor NET could be aromatized tions [153]. estrogenic than NET, and to be more es- in vitro. Accordingly, the authors con- trogenic than 3α - and 3β-hydroxy-TIB cluded that the formation of EE from The strong androgenic activity and the which were claimed to be responsible NET and of MEE from TIB must be arti- weak progestogenic effectiveness of TIB for the pronounced estrogenic activity of facts caused by heating during chro- may account for the reduced prolifera- TIB (Fig. 10). Moreover, the NET-pro- matography [161]. tion of the breast epithelium and for the NYD had previously been shown in reduction in the relative risk of breast the Allen-Doisy test to display an estro- The solution of the controversies about cancer by 68% observed in the LIFT genic efficacy 100 times that of NET the interpretation of the obviously con- study [154]. This might be regarded as [13]. As in postmenopausal women NET tradictory in vitro and findings is contradictory to the increased risk of was demonstrated to be rapidly aroma- relatively simple: It is known that aro- recurrencies in breast cancer patients in tized to EE after oral administration matisation of a ring system with double the LIBERATE Study [155]. (Fig. 9) [45, 118], it was probable that bonds is brought about by oxidation and the high estrogenic potency of NYD does not need the CYP19 aromatase The pronounced androgenic effective- after oral administration is caused by a [162]. However, the latter is es- ness of TIB may also explain the in- pronounced conversion to EE. Conse- sential to convert testosterone or andros- crease in some parameters of sexuality, quently, it was assumed that TIB is also tenedione into estradiol or estrone, be- for the less unfavourable changes in aromatized after oral administration. cause the fist step of this transformation haemostatic parameters as compared to This was investigated in a pharmacoki- is the oxidative removal of the angular estrogen/progestogen combinations, and netic trial with young women who were 19-methyl group (Fig. 11). Contrary to for the reduction of HDL-CH levels by treated during the luteal phase with this, in 19-nortestosterone (nandrolone) 30%, triglycerides by 20%, and SHBG 2.5 mg TIB. The analysis of the serum and 19-nortestosterone derivatives like by 50% [2, 156–159]. samples by means of the gas chromato- ethisterone or norethisterone this 19-me- graphy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) thyl group and, hence, the for TIB has been demonstrated to relieve hot method revealed that daily treatment the CYP19 aromatase is lacking [162]. flushes and atrophic urogenital com- with 2.5 mg TIB leads to a mean peak This explains why recombinant CYP plaints, and to inhibit bone resorption serum concentration of 7α-methyl-ethi- aromatase could not aromatise TIB or

J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1) 173 Pharmacology of Progestogens

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