Works Cited McGuireE1Bib.pdf Web Appendix E1 to: James W. McGuire Wealth, Health, and Democracy in East and Latin America New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010 The published book cites 979 works in abbreviated form. Below are expanded-form citations of these 979 works, as well as of 165 additional works cited in an earlier version of the manuscript.

Abrantes Pêgo, Raquel, and Célia Almeida (2002). Ámbito y papel de los especialistas en las reformas en los sistemas de salud: Los casos de Brasil y México." Kellogg Institute Working Paper No. 299, University of Notre Dame (September). Achmad, Januar (1999). Hollow Development: The Politics of Health in Soeharto's Indonesia. Canberra: The Australian National University. Acuña, Carlos, and Mariana Chudnovsky (2002). "Salud: Análisis de la dinámica político- institucional y organizacional del área materno infantil (con énfasis en el programa materno infantil y nutrición, PROMIN)." Documento 61 (March). Buenos Aires: Fundación Gobierno y Sociedad. Accessed March 9, 2004, at Acuña, Carlos, Gabriel Kessler, and Fabián Repetto (2002). "Evolución de la política social Argentina en la decada de los noventa: Cambios en su lógica, intencionalidad, y en el proceso de hacer la política social." Working Paper, Center for Latin American Social Policy (CLASPO), University of Texas at Austin (May). Accessed February 20, 2004, at Adams, Donald K., and Esther E. Gottlieb (1993). Education and Social Change in . New York, NY: Garland Publishing. Adams, F. Gerard, and IngerMarie Davis (1994). "The Role of Policy in Economic Development: Comparisons of the East and Southeast Asian and Latin American Experience." Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 8 No. 1 (May), 8-26. Adelman, Irma (1996?). "Social Development in Korea, 1953-1993." Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley. Accessed November 8, 2003, at Ahmad, Omar B., Alan D. Lopez, and Mie Inoue (2000). "The Decline in Child Mortality: A Reappraisal." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78 No. 10, 1175-1191. AHPSR [Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research] (2004). Strengthening Health Systems: The Role and Promise of Policy and Systems Research. Geneva: Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Accessed December 12, 2006, at http://www.alliance- Albritton, Robert B. (2006). "Thailand in 2005: The Struggle for Democratic Consolidation." Asian Survey 46 No. 1 (January/February), 140-147. 2

Alden, Dauril, and Joseph C. Miller (1987). "Out of Africa: The Slave Trade and the Transmission of Smallpox to Brazil, 1560-1831." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 18 No. 2 (Autumn), 195- 224. Alesina, Alberto, and Dani Rodrik (1994). "Distributive Politics and Economic Growth." Quarterly Journal of Economics 109 No. 2 (May), 465-485. Alesina, Alberto, and Roberto Perotti (1996), "Income Distribution, Political Instability, and Investment." European Economic Review 40 No. 6 (June), 1203-1228. Alesina, Alberto, Arnaud Devleeschauwer, William Easterly, Sergio Kurlat, and Romain Wacziarg (2003). "Fractionalization." Journal of Economic Growth 8 No. 2 (June 2003), 155-194. Associated dataset accessed March 15, 2008, at Alexander, Robert J. (1978). The Tragedy of Chile. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Allende Gossens, Salvador (1939). La realidad médico-social Chilena (sintesis). Santiago, Chile: Ministerio de Salubridad, Prevision y Asistencia Social. Altimir, Oscar (1986). "Estimaciones de la distribución del ingreso en la Argentina, 1953-1980." Desarrollo Económico 25 No. 100 (January-March), 521-566. Altimir, Oscar (2001). "Long-Term Trends of Poverty in Latin American Countries." Estudios de Economía 28 No. 1 (June), 115-155. Altimir, Oscar, and Luis Beccaría (2001). "El persistente deterioro de la distribución del ingreso en la Argentina." Desarrollo Económico 40 No. 160 (enero-marzo), 589-619. Alvarado, Betty M., and Monique Mrazek (2006). "Salud." Chapter 28 in Marcelo M. Giugale, Vicente Fretes-Cibils, and John L. Newman, eds., Perú. La oportunidad de un país diferente: próspero, equitativo y gobernable. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 663-688. Alvarez, Leonel (1968). "Algunas consideraciones sobre los cambios de la mortalidad en Costa Rica, 1950-1963." In Costa Rica, Dirección Nacional de Estadistica y Censos, ed., Cuarto seminario nacional de demografía. San José, Costa Rica: Asociación Demográfica Costarricense. Alvarez, R. Michael, Geoffrey Garrett, and Peter Lange (1991). "Government Partisanship, Labor Organization, and Macroeconomic Performance." American Political Science Review 85 No. 2 (June), 539-556. Alves, Denisard, and Walter Belluzzo (2004). "Infant Mortality and Child Health in Brazil." Economics and Human Biology 2 No. 3 (December), 391-410. Ameringer, Charles D. (1978). Don Pepe: A Political Biography of José Figueres of Costa Rica. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. Anderson, Benedict. (1983). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. London, UK: Verso. Anderson, Benedict. (1990). "Old State, New Society: Indonesia's New Order in Comparative Perspective." In Benedict Anderson, Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia. Ithaca, NY and London, UK: Cornell University Press. First published in the Journal of Asian Studies 42 (May 1983), 477-96.

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Anderton, Douglas L., and Richard E. Barrett (1990). "Demographic Seasonality and Development: The Effects of Agricultural Colonialism in Taiwan, 1906-1942." Demography, 27 No. 3 (August), 397-411. Annett, Anthony (2001). "Social Fractionalization, Political Instability, and the Size of Government." IMF Staff Papers 48, No. 3. Accessed September 20, 2002, at Aongsomwang, Saree (2005). "The Impact of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements on the National Health Coverage Scheme." In FTA Watch, ed., Impact of Thai FTAs. July, 1-9. Bangkok: FTA Watch. Accessed December 15, 2006, at Aquino, Rosana, and Mauricio L. Barreto (2008). "Programa Saúde da Família: acerca da adequação do uso do seu indicador de cobertura." Cadernos Saúde Pública 24 No. 4 (April), 905- 914. Aráoz Alfaro, Gregorio (1936). Por nuestros niños y por las madres: Protección, higiene y asistencia social. Buenos Aires: Libreria del Colegio. Araújo, José Luiz A. C. Jr. (1997). "Attempts to Decentralize in Recent Brazilian Health Policy: Issues and Problems, 1988-1994." International Journal of Health Services 27 No. 1, 109-124. Arce, Hugo, Jorge Katz, and Alberto Muñoz (1993). "Morfología y comportamiento del sector de salud de la República Argentina." In Jorge Katz, ed., El sector salud en la República Argentina: su estructura y comportamiento. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica de Buenos Aires, 331- 362. Arellano, José-Pablo (1985a). "Social Policies in Chile: An Historical Review." Journal of Latin American Studies 17 Part 2 (May), 397-418. Arellano, José-Pablo (1985b). Políticas sociales y desarrollo: Chile 1924-1984. Santiago, Chile: CIEPLAN [Corporación de Investigaciones Económicas para Latinoamérica]. Arellano, José-Pablo (2005). "Políticas sociales para el crecimiento con equidad en Chile, 1990- 2002." El trimestre económico 72 No. 286 (April-June), 409-449. Argentina. DGE [Dirección General de Estadística] (1947). Sintesis estadística mensual de la República Argentina. Año 1, No. 4. Abril de 1947. Buenos Aires: Dirección Nacional de Investigaciones, Estadística y Censos. Argentina. INDEC [Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos] (2004). Recursos Hospitalarios. Accessed February 28, 2004, at Argentina. INDEC [Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos] (2006). "Evolución de las tasas de mortalidad infantil por 1.000 nacidos vivos, según provincia de residencia de la madre. Total del país. Años 1980 - 2004." Accessed June 7, 2006, at Argentina. INDEC [Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos] (2008a). "Incidencia de la pobreza y la indigencia en el total de aglomerados urbanos y regiones estadísticas. Semestre de octubre de 2007 a marzo de 2008." Accessed July 20, 2008, at Argentina. INDEC [Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos] (2008b). "Síntesis de coyuntura." Accessed July 20, 2008, at

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