About CROP CROP, The Comparative Research Programme on Poverty, is a response from the academic community to the problem of pov erty. The programme was initiated in 1992, and the CROP Secretariat was officially opened in June 1993 by the director- general of UNESCO, Dr Federico Mayor. In recent years, poverty alleviation, reduction or even eradi- cation and abolition of poverty has moved up the international agenda, and the CROP network is providing research-based in- formation to policy-makers and others responsible for poverty reduction. Researchers from more than 100 countries have joined the CROP network, with more than half coming from so-called developing countries and countries in transition. The major aim of CROP is to produce sound and reliable knowledge that can serve as a basis for poverty reduction. This is done by bringing together researchers for workshops, co-ordinat- ing research projects and publications, and offering educational courses for the international community of policy-makers. CROP is multi-disciplinary and works as an independent non-profit organization. For more information you may contact: CROP Secretariat Fosswinckelsgate 7 n-5007 Bergen NORWAY tel: +47-5558-9739, fax: +47-5558-9745 e-mail:
[email protected] CROP on the Internet: http://www.crop.org CROP is a programme under the International Social Science Council. CROP Publications Poverty: Research Projects, Institutes, Persons, Tinka Ewoldt-Leicher and Ar- naud F. Marks (eds), Tilburg: Bergen and Amsterdam, 1995, 248 pp. Urban Poverty: Characteristics, Causes and Consequences, David Satterthwaite (ed.), special issue of Environment and Urbanization, Volume 7, No. 1, April 1995, 283 pp.