CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1140 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1140 HON E1140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2003 HONORING THE 75TH ANNIVER- Martinez. They used to rehearse at a house 40 hours a week’’. That is the true mark of SARY OF GOUGLERSVILLE FIRE on Tendal Street, on the way to Barrios dedication; a life lived purposefully and well. COMPANY Quebrada and Sierra Alta. Mr. Speaker, please join me and the residents During his musical career as part of the fa- of Lewiston in congratulating Toni Orestis on HON. JIM GERLACH mous Trio Los Panchos, with Alfredo Gil and her retirement and thanking her for all she has OF PENNSYLVANIA Chucho Navarro, Albino traveled around the done for her community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES world seven times and had the opportunity to f perform with luminaries such as Frank Sinatra, Wednesday, June 4, 2003 Sammy Davis Jr., Nat King Cole and Eydie TRIBUTE TO RYAN BECKER Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Gorme. He also shared the stage with world- honor the Gouglersville Fire Company of renowned figures like Xavier Cugat and John- HON. SCOTT McINNIS Gouglersville, PA during its 75th anniversary ny Carson. He has been one of Puerto Rico’s OF COLORADO celebration. most talented musical ambassadors. He has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Without a fire company of its own, the peo- been married for 43 years to Mrs. Maria Al- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 ple of Gouglersville, PA had to rely on compa- bino, who is also his manager. nies located in neighboring communities. On Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to March 8, 1928, citizens of Gouglersville at- in congratulating Johnny Albino, an accom- take this opportunity to pay tribute to a fire- tended a town meeting to discuss the forma- plished musician, for his achievements and for fighter who has gone out of his way to serve tion of their own company. Over the next few giving to the Hispanic community and to the his country. Ryan Becker, a firefighter from months, the Gouglersville Fire Company was world the gift of beautiful music. Vail, Colorado, left the comforts of home re- created. Members were recruited, officers f cently to assist in the search for wreckage of were elected and the company constitution the space shuttle Columbia. and by-laws were adopted. Finally, on Sep- CELEBRATING A LIFETIME OF Ryan’s experience and training fighting tember 4, 1928, the Berks County Court of ACHIEVEMENT AND THE LON- wildland fires gave him exactly the kind of ex- Common Pleas granted a charter to the Com- GEVITY OF A LEWISTON LAND- pertise NASA needed. So Ryan volunteered to pany. MARK help, and NASA supplied him and other mem- Over the next few years, the Company pur- bers of his 18-person team with a map and chased a firehouse and its first apparatus. As HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD put them to work in East Texas. The work time went on, the Company outgrew its origi- OF MAINE wasn’t always easy and at times was down- nal building and purchased a larger space to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES right dangerous. Ryan walked through briar batches that tore his clothes and scratched his accommodate its increased membership and Wednesday, June 4, 2003 growing number of vehicles. The charter and body, waded through muddy swamps and by-laws of the Company were amended on Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to creeks, and dodged poisonous water moc- August 3, 1950 to permit women to join. A share with you the wonderful story of Toni casins and copperhead snakes; all in an effort Junior Brigade was started in 1972. As time Orestis and her lifetime of achievement. to find a clue that might help investigators un- has passed and the Company has changed, Marois Restaurant, a Lewiston landmark since derstand this tragic accident. one thing that has not altered is the dedication 1919, is closing on May 31, 2003. Started by Yet despite the difficulties, Ryan and his of the firefighters to their duties. Antoinette Marois Orestis’ grandfather, carried teammates worked shifts up to 12-hours long, For the past 75 years, the citizens of onby her father Leon, and now run by Toni for walked about eight miles a day, and covered Gouglersville have been able to depend on more than 35 years, Marois is a first class res- many acres of territory. Their findings included the courageous men and women of taurant that has anchored the downtown area debris that ranged in size from a four feet by Gouglersville Fire Company. I encourage my of Lewiston for almost 85 years. six feet piece of the bulkhead to tiny chunks colleagues to join me in saluting Gouglersville Marois started as a lunch counter business of about a quarter inch. Fire Company on reaching this milestone. and expanded over the decades into the full Mr. Speaker, I am proud of Ryan’s contribu- service restaurant that it is today. During the f tions to our Space Shuttle program. This out- Second World War, the restaurant was open standing individual sacrificed in order to en- TRIBUTE TO MR. JOHNNY ALBINO 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, feeding the sure that a calamity like the Columbia disaster shipbuilders and other workers involved in will never happen again. I am honored to tell HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO supporting the war effort from home. When Ryan’s story before this body of Congress OF NEW YORK Lewiston and Maine had a need, Marois was today, and I wish him all the best in his future IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES always there to meet it. endeavors. Toni started working in the restaurant at the f Wednesday, June 4, 2003 age of thirteen. She and her three sisters Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased worked for their grandfather and father all TRIBUTE TO MRS. REBECCA SUE to pay tribute to Mr. Johnny Albino, who will through the years. In fact, no one knows the SPEARS be honored this weekend as Yaucano del An˜o restaurant business better than Toni. Through- 2003. Mr. Albino is a renowned singer and out the past 65 years she has performed HON. MAC COLLINS songwriter who has recorded more than 300 every role, from starting as a helper, to be- OF GEORGIA records. He has traveled around the world coming a server, then cook, and now owner IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sharing the gift of his music, in Latin America, and executive. Toni and Marois are an exam- the Caribbean, and Europe, as well as places ple of downtown Lewiston at its finest. Wednesday, June 4, 2003 as far away as Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Along with her remarkable work ethic and Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Egypt and Israel, among others. business acumen, Toni has also been there recognize a remarkable woman on the occa- Mr. Albino was born in Yauco, Puerto Rico, for so many people in the community. From sion of a very special anniversary. In 1993, on December 19, 1919. He was one of seven baptisms to bar mitzvahs, from weddings to Mrs. Rebecca Sue Spears, of Fayetteville, children. He went to school in Guayama, anniversaries, from office and retirement par- Georgia, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Puerto Rico, and planned to pursue law stud- ties to Christmas parties, and yes for funerals This year marks the tenth anniversary of Mrs. ies at the University of Puerto Rico, but in too, Toni is always there with wonderful food Spears being ‘‘cancer free.’’ 1940 he enlisted in the United States Armed and hospitality. So many people remember Today, a woman is diagnosed with breast Forces. He served in the Corps of Engineers fondly the food, the dessert cart, the French cancer approximately every 2 minutes. Thanks and studied to become a telegraph operator. and Greek menus, the formal and correct to the efforts of people like Mrs. Spears, we During his tenure in the military, he also found table service, but most of all, the genuine and are making great strides to eradicate this dev- a way to pursue his interest in music by form- generous personality that is Toni Marois astating disease. As a breast cancer survivor, ing a quartet and singing in U.S.O. sponsored Orestis. No one ever went away hungry and Mrs. Spears continues to raise money and events for servicemen. He served in the mili- everyone went away with a smile. awareness to fight breast cancer and is a true tary for seven years, retiring as a Lieutenant. Now Toni, at 78 years young, is finally retir- servant leader. When he returned to Yauco, he formed El ing. When asked if she wanted to keep work- In 2002, at the age of 59, Mrs. Spears par- Trio San Juan with Chago Alvarado and Ola ing, she said ‘‘Yes, but part time, maybe 35 or ticipated in the Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:54 Jun 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04JN8.071 E05PT1 June 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1141 Walk in Atlanta, Georgia. During this inspiring rights and legislative and budget autonomy outstanding educator from my district. Su- event, Mrs. Spears walked twenty-miles per that we are entitled to as American citizens, zanne Newlin, a teacher at Montrose High day for 3 days and represented women every- district residents are determined to make School in Montrose, Colorado, is the recipient where that are battling this terrible disease.
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