Beauty Queens

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Beauty Queens Most Intimidating Beauty Queens Beauty Queens are the most gorgeous, talented and sexy women on earth. They are also classified to the most elite in the society, and because of their social status, even the riches and powerful men in the metro are intimidated to their beauty, and because they are high maintenance. Men don’t have the guts getting closer to them because they think beauty queens are too beautiful for them. Here are the lists of the most intimidating beauty queen. I. Amelia Vega She is from Dominican Republic. She is the first Dominican woman who won the title of Miss Universe in 2003. Vega was a recording artists and a model before she engaged in joining beauty pageants. When she was crowned in 2003, she moved out to New York City, and lived in an apartment which was provided by Donald Trump, which is included on the prize package of winning the title. Since she got the title Ms. Vega has travelled to more than 30 countries all over the world, she is actively working with HIV/AIDS organization. Vega became a responsible celebrity spokesperson with international media to promote a better understanding and acceptance about HIV/AIDS. She is also helping to promote the prevention and awareness regarding HIV/AIDS. After 8 years of being on the spotlight, Vega finally got married to the NBA star Al Horford, they got married in December 24, 2011. II. Prianka Chopra She was a former model and actress before she joined and won the title of Miss World in 2000. Since then Priankas’s career raised up. She did a lot of films and won a lot of acting awards. She became the hottest Bollywood actress. Bollywood does not referring to Porn movies. It’s just a term or language that refers to the film industry in India. After engaging to films, Prianka shifted again to modeling, because her recent movies were flop, that’s what made her thought of going back to modeling where she was first discovered. She also did some album with a classical genre and up until now she is still involved with many charitable works. III. Riyo Mori Riyo was a professional dancer before she joined and won the Miss Universe back in 2007. She studied at Qunite Ballet School of Canada, Mori was asked by Elle magazine’s fashion director and Project Runway’s Judge Nina Garcia, asked her to tell the story of her life from childhood. Mori stated that her first love is really dancing, and she love being surrounded by her classmates and teachers while performing. She said since she was a child, she is a very happy person, patient and always thinks positive in her life. She also said that she wants to have a dancing school if she’ll have time. Mori was unexpectedly involved in a sex scandal, about having 3 some and her nude pictures were posted to the internet. Her sweet image became a Free XxX to the public. IV. Dayanara Torres Torres was a Puerto Rican actress, singer, writer and model. She was discovered at the age of 17 while walking in her hometown. She was invited to join the annual Miss Puerto Rico pageant, she won the pageant and after that she was sent to join the Miss Universe pageant in 1993. Torres won the title, but it was covered by many controversies because Torres is months before turning 18. Her victory was also questioned by many critics, because she did not top to any category to the whole competition like, Ms. Swim Suit, Ms. Photogenic etc. But she won the title. Probably because she got the best answer in the question and answer portion. After winning the competition, she became the ambassador for UNICEF, she travelled through Latin America and Asia. Torres created a foundation in Puerto Rico and the Philippines to help the poor children to study. Torres stayed in the Philippines and fell in love with the country, she stayed there for five years and she became one of the elite celebrities. She has done a lot of film together with Filipino actors and actresses. V. Taťána Taťána Kuchaŕová She is the first woman in Czech Republic to win the title of Miss World. She was crown in 2006. Kuchaŕová beat 103 women. She got the most votes from the judges and from the television viewers. Her tall heigh, blonde hair and sexy physic captured the heart of the mass. Afte winning the competiton, she focused on modeling and even created a foundation about modeling. Beauty queens have also the characteristic of a regular woman. They are just chosen to represent their countries and are involved to different charitable works around the world. .
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