Volume 13, Number 1 • Summer 2008 IN THIS ISSUE: NEAPICHAWS Turns 20 Update: HIV and STI Among 2009 marks APICHA’s 20th anniversary! Highlight- condominiums have put many community-based A&PIs ....................................2 ing the commemorative activities will be our gala organizations in great difficulty. APICHA had the benefit, “A Thousand and One Champions”, to be misfortune of being in a building that became part Client Navigation Project ...3 held on June 4, 2009 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. of the gentrification of communities as a result of You won’t want to miss this special dinner that the conversion boom. Keeping the Youth ‘Street will honor some of the many people who have been The benefit committee is now in formation. For Smart’ and Healthy .............3 good friends of APICHA, so SAVE THE DATE! information about becoming a committee mem- Executive Director Therese R. Rodriguez calls on ber, an event sponsor, or other information about Community PROMISE in the APICHA’s friends to join the effort to make this gala the event, you may call Vicki Shu Smolin at (646) a success. “In view of the increasing number of peo- 263-6044, or e-mail her at
[email protected]. Making..................................3 ple who are getting infected, APICHA must remain “We have come a long way since a small group strong. Our challenge now is to ensure that APICHA of volunteers launched APICHA in 1989,” notes Editorial: Navigating through will be here for the long haul in this pandemic that Suki Terada Ports, a founder and Chair of the De- an Economic Crisis ..............