CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1141 HON
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June 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1141 Walk in Atlanta, Georgia. During this inspiring rights and legislative and budget autonomy outstanding educator from my district. Su- event, Mrs. Spears walked twenty-miles per that we are entitled to as American citizens, zanne Newlin, a teacher at Montrose High day for 3 days and represented women every- district residents are determined to make School in Montrose, Colorado, is the recipient where that are battling this terrible disease. every effort to achieve each and every other of this year’s high school teacher of the year Recently, in Atlanta, she walked in the Susan element of home rule. Amending the Home award from the National Association for Sport G. Kormen Race For the Cure; an event that Rule Act with a local D.A. provision would be and Physical Education. Suzanne is an inno- is celebrating its 20th Anniversary and is now a dramatic development toward our goal of vative teacher with an uncanny ability to moti- the largest series of 5K races in the world. achieving true self-government. I urge my col- vate her students, and I am honored to recog- Thanks to dedicated volunteers like Mrs. leagues to support this important measure. nize her commitment and dedication to edu- Spears, the Susan G. Kormen Breast Cancer f cation today. Foundation has raised over $250 million for Suzanne has made it her life’s work to get CONGRATULATING MISS UNIVERSE education, research, screening and treatment. her students hooked on physical activities that AMELIA VEGA On June 7, 2003, Mrs. Spears will walk again they can enjoy throughout their lives. Most in her quest to fight cancer, here in our Na- kids won’t take part in team sports as adults, tion’s Capital, in the National Race For the HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL so she introduces them to other activities such Cure. OF NEW YORK as bicycling, rock climbing and power walking. I am honored to recognize Mrs. Rebecca IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Suzanne not only participates with her stu- Sue Spears on this momentous occasion. She Wednesday, June 4, 2003 dents, but she teaches them how to get the is an inspiration to her husband, James E. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- most out of their workouts and individualize Spears, her two daughters, Kathryn and gratulate Ms. Amelia Vega of the Dominican the sessions by including heart-rate monitors. Karen, her two sons Jimmy and Steven, her Republic on being crowned Miss Universe in Suzanne does teach traditional team sports as six grandchildren, and countless others who ceremonies held in Panama City, Panama on well, though she does so by personally dem- are battling this disease. In her own words she June 3, 2003. She was selected for this honor onstrating skills and techniques to make the describes her relentless determination by say- in a competition that featured more than 70 of experience more meaningful. ing, ‘‘I walk and will continue to walk until a the most beautiful young women in the world. Mr. Speaker, Suzanne’s positive spirit, cre- cure is found with hopes and prayers that my It was also a good night for the women of ativity and innovation make her a true asset to daughters, grandchildren, other family mem- the Caribbean, who earned the pageant’s the students of Montrose High School, and it bers and friends, as well as millions of others, other honors. Miss Dominican Republic, in ad- is my pleasure to recognize her efforts here will never have to be told—‘you have can- dition to winning the big prize, was voted as today. She not only touches the lives of her cer.’ ’’ the best dressed contestant while Miss Puerto students, but she gives them the tools to suc- f Rico, Carla Tricoli, was awarded the title of ceed later in life. That is a precious gift, and INTRODUCING DISTRICT OF CO- Miss Photogenic and Miss Antigua and Bar- it is a great honor to speak of her inspirational LUMBIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY buda, Kai Davis, was honored as Miss Conge- accomplishments before this body. ESTABLISHMENT ACT OF 2003 niality. f Miss Vega, who is the first Dominican to win ´ the beauty pageant, won the crowd and the HONORING MARIA ELENA DURAZO HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON judges over with a humble confidence that ex- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA tended beyond her 18 years of age. She in- HON. HILDA L. SOLIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tends to spend the next year pursuing her OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, June 4, 2003 dreams of an entertainment career and lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing fundraising efforts on behalf of AIDS re- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 duce the District of Columbia District Attorney search and awareness. Establishment Act of 2003 continuing a series The Miss Universe title opens doors for both Ms. SOLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay of bills that I will introduce this session to en- its winner and her country of origin. As the na- tribute to Ms. Marı´a Elena Durazo who is re- sure a continuation of the process of transition tive country of the current Miss Universe, Pan- ceiving the 2003 Paul Wellstone Citizen Lead- to full democracy and self-government for the ama was able to host this year’s pageant, ership Award for her outstanding service to residents of the District of Columbia. helping to generate what government officials the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employ- This bill will establish an Office of District At- say could be as much as $60,000,000 in reve- ees Union of Los Angeles. torney for the District of Columbia, to be head- nues. Perhaps as important, it is also a source As President of the Hotel Employees and ed by a District Attorney elected by D.C. resi- of national pride and inspiration for all those Restaurant Employees Union (H.E.R.E.) Ms. dents. Accordingly, this bill would move the associated with the Dominican community, Durazo has helped the union emerge as a city a quantum leap toward full home rule for abroad and in the United States. As a rep- vital force in the life of Los Angeles residents, the District of Columbia and equality with other resentative of a district that contains the larg- representing over 250,000 workers in the hos- Americans. This bill effectuates a November est concentration of Dominicans outside of pitality industry in the U.S. In 1996, she also 2002 referendum where D.C. voters over- Quisqueya, I join the people of Washington became the first Latina to be elected to the whelmingly (82%) approved a locally elected Heights as they bask in the joy of seeing one national leadership of the H.E.R.E. Inter- D.A. of their own succeed on such a competitive national Union and has long served as a role This important legislation is designed to put world stage. model for other Latina leaders. the District of Columbia on par with every Miss Vega understands that alongside the Ms. Durazo has worked tirelessly to obtain other local jurisdiction in the country by allow- numerous ‘‘once in a lifetime opportunities,’’ justice for the mostly immigrant-based union in ing D.C. residents to elect an independent her fame will allow her to affect the image that Los Angeles, adopting a policy of bilingualism District Attorney to prosecute local criminal the world has of the Dominican people and its for its union meetings and newspaper. Fur- and civil matters now handled by the U.S. At- culture. Although potentially daunting, it is a thermore, she has empowered countless bilin- torney, a federal official. Instead the new Dis- responsibility that she is excited to accept. As gual employees to acquire positions and bene- trict Attorney would become the city’s chief she told the crowd last night, ‘‘I didn’t come fits they deserve. Under her leadership, the legal officer. here just for the crown, but also to make my union has been widely recognized as one of There is no issue of greater importance to country proud.’’ the most active rank and file unions in south- our citizens and no issue on which residents Undoubtedly, she is on her way. ern California, striving to build valuable coali- have less say here than the prosecution of f tions among community, church, academic, local crimes. A U.S. Attorney has no business TRIBUTE TO SUZANNE NEWLIN ethnic, and political organizations throughout in the local criminal affairs of local jurisdic- the local area. tions. No other citizens in the United States HON. SCOTT McINNIS Marı´a Elena has further advanced the Hotel are treated so unfairly on an issue of such Employees and Restaurant Employees Union OF COLORADO by securing and improving citywide hotel con- major importance. This bill would simply make IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the D.A. accountable to the people who elect tracts, increasing wages and benefits for thou- him or her as elsewhere in the country. Wednesday, June 4, 2003 sands of hotel workers in downtown Beverly In addition to issues of democracy and self Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it gives me Hills and the Westside. Marı´a Elena now government, such as congressional voting great pleasure to stand and pay tribute to an serves as National Director of the Immigrant VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:54 Jun 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04JN8.074 E05PT1.