3.4 Biological Resources
3.4 Biological Resources 3.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 3.4.1 Introduction This section evaluates the potential for implementation of the Proposed Project to have impacts on biological resources, including sensitive plants, animals, and habitats. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) (Appendix A) identified the potential for impacts associated to candidate, sensitive, or special status species (as defined in Section 3.4.6 below), sensitive natural communities, jurisdictional waters of the United States, wildlife corridors or other significant migratory pathway, and a potential to conflict with local policies and ordinances protecting biological resources. Data used to prepare this section were taken from the Orange County General Plan, the City of Lake Forest General Plan, Lake Forest Municipal Code, field observations, and other sources, referenced within this section, for background information. Full bibliographic references are noted in Section 3.4.12 (References). No comments with respect to biological resources were received during the NOP comment period. The Proposed Project includes a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and zone change for development of Sites 1 to 6 and creation of public facilities overlay on Site 7. 3.4.2 Environmental Setting Regional Characteristics The City of Lake Forest, with a population of approximately 77,700 as of January 2004, is an area of 16.6 square miles located in the heart of South Orange County and Saddleback Valley, between the coastal floodplain and the Santa Ana Mountains (see Figure 2-1, Regional Location). The western portion of the City is near sea level, while the northeastern portion reaches elevations of up to 1,500 feet.
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