Hold You Tight 愈快樂愈墮落 After coming out cinematically, Stanley Kwan tackles queer issues in this fictional work about a closeted homosexual, a married couple, and a bisexual stud, whose stories intertwine luridly. Boasting a nonlinear narrative that moves freely from moment to moment, Hold You Tight is a melodrama that has fun with time, space and sexual orientation. In an explicit statement linking sexuality to the political turmoil in , the coupling of decadence and happiness feels like a melancholic irony. 青馬大橋上湧起密雲,伸手抱緊看命運降臨,害怕悲劇重演,這麼煩囂城中,沒理由相戀可以沒有 粵語 1998 | Cantonese 暗湧。邱淑貞是兩生花,機場擦肩而過,一個意外死了,一個在異地繼續生活。三個男人各懷心 35mm | Colour | 99min Cast: Chingmy Yau, Sunny Chan, Eric 事,唐先生(曾志偉)和小哲(柯宇綸)都看上了已婚的馮偉(陳錦鴻),而馮正經歷喪妻之痛。 Tsang, Lawrence Ko 錯綜複雜的五角關係,是生命無常更是流動不息的多元愛慾。身處九七前後的時代轉折,關錦鵬在 演員:邱淑貞、陳錦鴻、曾志偉、柯宇綸 創作裏坦然面對同志身份與慾望,手搖鏡頭捕捉人心浮動的歷史時刻。

The Island Tales 有時跳舞 Entering the 21st century, Stanley Kwan’s stylistic experimentation and thematic ambition grew more pronounced. He reunited with Hold You Tight screenwriter Jimmy Ngai for this quirky existential drama about strangers on an island during a pandemic. An all-star international cast play the isolated characters who struggle with quarantine, each other, and ultimately themselves. Gradually, they discover that, despite being separated by age, origin, language and even sexuality, they can still find a connection. 生有時,死有時,哀慟有時,跳舞有時。疑似病毒突襲小島,隔離令下,是共患難的一夜。日本記 2000 | Cantonese/Putonghua/English/ 者(大澤隆夫)正在島上休養;美國歸來的女強人(李嘉欣)竭力忘記過去,偕日籍好友(桃井 粵語/普通話/英語/日語 Japanese 薰)到此遊玩;愛撒謊的少女(舒淇)等待跟新男友約會;拍罷情慾片的男星(張智霖)來散心避 Digital Betacam | Colour | 103min Cast: Michelle Reis, Shu Qi, Osawa 靜……日本出資製作,捕捉世紀末憂鬱,刻意打亂時序,營造富舞台感的疏離效果。千禧之劫如夢 Takao, Momoi Kaori 一場,愛在瘟疫蔓延時,沒有人是孤島,然而每個人內心都是孤島。 演員:李嘉欣、舒淇、大澤隆夫、桃井薰

Lan Yu 藍宇 Meant merely as a diversion among his countless one-night stands, Handong’s sexual relationship with a sensitive college boy turns unexpectedly into something deeper – and even a life-changing initiation. Undeterred by Handong’s compulsive promiscuity and impulsive marriage, Lan Yu’s devotion cannot escape its unforgiving fate. Superbly acted by Hu Jun and Liu Ye, Stanley Kwan’s adaptation of an internet novel is a poignant portrait of a gay relationship filled with passion and deception, yearning and regret. 本來純粹肉體交易,商場兼情場老手捍東,遇上青澀大學生藍宇,一晌貪歡,過後始知遇上最愛。 普通話 2001 | Putonghua 十年間分分合合,終究是念念不忘。改編北京網絡小說,編劇魏紹恩去蕪存菁,張叔平大刀闊斧剪 DCP | Colour | 86min Cast: Hu Jun, Liu Ye, Su Jin 接,關錦鵬發揮圓熟技藝,拍出超越性別的深情,含蓄細緻,令人輾轉低迴。也側寫了京城變遷, 演員:胡軍、劉燁、蘇瑾 六四一夜是感情確認,貪腐之風蠶蝕人心,新時代大興土木已留不住美好時光。連綿的工地圍板, Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 配上一曲〈你怎麼捨得我難過〉,道盡無邊思念,教人黯然神傷。 只准18歲或以上人士 Everlasting Regret 長恨歌 Stanley Kwan returned to Shanghai for this gorgeous literary adaptation of ’s popular novel. transfigures herself into Wang Qiyao, a young woman in 1930s Shanghai who enters high society after nearly winning a beauty contest. However, as China’s turbulent post-war history unfolds, she begins a decades-spanning cycle of being used and abandoned by different men. Kwan transposes Wang Qiyao’s remarkable life and tragic death to strikingly reflect the evolution of the 20th century China. 改編王安憶原著,卻注滿個人情懷,開場已說得明白,上海只是繁華大都會的佈景,電影就把舊上 普通話 2005 | Putonghua 海原本獨擁的長恨歌,變成與香港互相映照的鏡子。王琦瑤生逢亂世,在錯誤年代,總是遇上錯誤 DCP | Colour | 109min Cast: Sammi Cheng, Tony Leung Ka-fai, 的人。掌軍政大權的李主任、風流倜儻的富家子、衝動莽撞的少年,幾段情事滄桑迷離。而默默守 Hu Jun, 候的程先生,見證女神誕生與毀滅,是為城市留下記憶的癡情人。情節跨越時代,敘事省略,鏡花 演員:鄭秀文、梁家輝、胡軍、吳彥祖 水月,虛中有實。有人遠走他方,也有人死守,與城市共存亡。

First Night Nerves 八個女人一台戲 Stanley Kwan assembles a powerhouse cast for his nostalgic and visually spectacular journey backstage at the venerable City Hall. Sammi Cheng and Gigi Leung play feuding actresses amidst the behind-the-scenes chaos of their soon-to-open stage production. For his long- awaited return, Kwan smartly explores the disparate cultures of show business and sisterhood, giving voice to marginalised communities, while commenting engagingly on the dismal state of art and film in Hong Kong. 一世人兩姊妹,句句夭心夭肺,不是冤家不聚頭,始終山水有相逢。蜚聲國際大導演炮製舞台劇, 2018 | Cantonese/Putonghua 兩大女主角交手,由台前鬥到幕後。首演前七日綵排,拉開錯綜複雜人際關係,逐步揭露八個女人 粵語/普通話 DCP | Colour | 100min 台上台下恩怨情仇。關錦鵬睽違多年,執起導筒再探女人心。除了鄭秀文、梁詠琪互鬥演技火花四 Cast: Sammi Cheng, Gigi Leung, 溢,其他演員亦大放異彩,白百何風流倜儻,甘國亮更以驚喜造型爭妍鬥麗。全程本地拍攝,笑盡 Bai Baihe, Angie Chiu 城中荒唐事,並特意以大會堂為舞台,拍出莫捨莫忘的香港情懷。 72 演員:鄭秀文、梁詠琪、白百何、趙雅芝