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JSSE Journal of Social Science Education Journal of Social Science JSSE Education The Beutelsbach Consensus Sibylle Reinhardt “...not simply say that they are all Nazis.” Controversy in Discussions of Current Topics in German Civics Classes David Jahr, Christopher Hempel, Marcus Heinz Teaching for Transformative Experiences in History: Experiencing Controversial History Ideas Marc D. Alongi, Benjamin C. Heddy, Gale M. Sinatra Argument, Counterargument, and Integration? Patterns of Argument Reappraisal in Controversial Classroom Discussions Dorothee Gronostay Teachers’ Stories of Engaging Students in Controversial Action Projects on the Island of Ireland Majella McSharry, Mella Cusack Globalization as Continuing Colonialism – Critical Global Citizenship Education in an Unequal World Pia Mikander Turkish Social Studies Teachers’ Thoughts About the Teaching of Controversial Issues Ahmet Copur, Muammer Demirel Human Rights Education in Israel: Four Types of Good Citizenship Ayman Kamel Agbaria, Revital Katz-Pade Report on the Present Trainer Training Course of the Pestalozzi Programme (Council of Europe) “Evaluation of Transversal Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge” (Module A) Bernt Gebauer Journal of Social Science Education Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 2016 ISSN 1618–5293 Masthead Editors: Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology Ian Davies, Department of Educational Studies, University of York Andreas Fischer, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Faculty of Educational Science Isabel Menezes, University of Porto, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Birgit Weber, University of Cologne, Faculty of Human Sciences Editors of this Issue: Jennifer Bruen, Dublin City University, School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies Tilman Grammes, University of Hamburg, Faculty of Educational Science Editorial Assistant: Simon Niklas Hellmich Editorial Office: Journal of Social Science Education Bielefeld University Faculty of Sociology Postbox 100 131 33501 Bielefeld Germany E-Mail: [email protected] http://jsse.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/index.php/jsse/index Editorial Board: Helena Costa Araujo, Porto, Portugal; Mehmet Acikalin, Istanbul, Turkey; Gert Biesta, Luxembourg; Franziska Birke, Freiburg, Germany; Xavier Bonal, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Jennifer Bruen, Dublin, Ireland; Olga Bombardelli, Trento, Italy; Pepka Boyadjieva, Sofia, Bulgarian; Kenan Çayır, Istanbul, Turkey; Aviv Cohen, Jerusalem, Israel; Isolde De Groot, Utrecht, Netherlands; Pedro Daniel Ferreira, Porto, Portugal; Karl-Peter Fritzsche, Magdeburg, Germany; Márta Fülöp, Budapest, Hungary; Thomas Hellmuth, Wien, Austria; Margarita Jeliazkova, Enshede, Netherlands; Ireneusz Karolewski, Wrocław, Poland; Vjeran Katunarić, Zagreb, Croatia; Takahiro Kondo, Tokyo, Japan; Hiroyuki Kuno, Nagoya, Japan; Gitsa Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides, Athens, Greece; Mary Koutselini, Nicosia, Cyprus; Janez Krek, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenia; Bruno Losito, Rome, Italy; Tristan McCowan, London, Great Britain; Erich Mistrík, Bratislava, Slovakia; Concepción Naval, Pamplona, Spain; May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Kristiansand, Norway; Fritz Oser, Fribourg, Switzerland; Svitlana Poznyak, Kiev, Ucraine; Jean Simonneaux, Toulouse, France; Trond Solhaug, Trondheim, Norway; Vladimir Srb, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic; Anu Toots, Tallinn, Estonia; Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon, Arras & Villeneuve d'Ascq, France; Ruud Veldhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Arja Hellevi Virta, Turku, Finland; Irena Zaleskiene, Vilnius, Lithuania The Journal of Social Science Education is published quarterly by sowi-online e.V., a non-profit organisation and registered society at the Bielefeld Court of Record (Registergericht), Germany. Members of the JSSE team are the editors, the editorial assistant, the technical staff, and the editorial board. http://www.sowi-online.de Journal of Social Science Education Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 2016 ISSN 1618–5293 Contents Editorial Controversial Issues in the Political Classroom 2-10 Jennifer Bruen, Tilman Grammes Featured Topic The Beutelsbach Consensus 11-13 Sibylle Reinhardt “...not simply say that they are all Nazis.” Controversy in Discussions of Current 14-25 Topics in German Civics Classes David Jahr, Christopher Hempel, Marcus Heinz Teaching for Transformative Experiences in History: Experiencing Controversial 26-41 History Ideas Marc D Alongi, Benjamin C Heddy, Gale M Sinatra Argument, Counterargument, and Integration? Patterns of Argument 42-56 Reappraisal in Controversial Classroom Discussions Dorothee Gronostay Teachers’ Stories of Engaging Students in Controversial Action Projects on the 57-69 Island of Ireland Majella McSharry, Mella Cusack Globalization as Continuing Colonialism – Critical Global Citizenship Education in 70-79 an Unequal World Pia Mikander Turkish Social Studies Teachers’ Thoughts About the Teaching of Controversial 80-95 Issues Ahmet Copur, Muammer Demirel Human Rights Education in Israel: Four Types of Good Citizenship 96-107 Ayman Kamel Agbaria, Revital Katz-Pade Congress Report Report on the Present Trainer Training Course of the Pestalozzi Programme 108-111 (Council of Europe) “Evaluation of Transversal Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge” (Module A) Bernt Gebauer Review Two Perspectives on the Book: Reinhardt, Sibylle. 2015. Teaching Civics. A 112-116 Manual for Secondary Education Teachers, Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich Publishers John Lalor, Anders Stig Christensen Review of the Book: Diana Hess; Paula McAvoy. 2015, The Political Classroom. 117-120 Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education New York/London: Routledge Bernt Gebauer 1 Journal of Social Science Education Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 2016 DOI 10.4119/UNIBI/jsse-v15-i1-1541 Jennifer Bruen, Tilman Grammes Editorial: Controversial Issues in the Political Classroom Keywords unofficial translations in, for example, Danish, Italian, Beutelsbach Consensus (Beutelsbacher Konsens), contro- Russian, Polish, Turkish, Korean and Chinese. As a result, versial issues, Dewey, indoctrination, political action the Beutelsbach Consensus remains probably Germany’s most prominent contribution to date to international 1 Introduction: The Beutelsbach Consensus and its core discourse on citizenship education. It can be argued that principles its existence allays to some extent the concerns of aca- demics in the German tradition that their contributions „Was in Wissenschaft und Politik kontrovers ist, muss may at times be perceived by an international audience auch im Unterricht kontrovers erscheinen.“ as being somewhat individualistic, perhaps even overly “Ce qui dans les sciences et en politique fait l'objet de “cerebral”. controverses doit l'être au même titre dans l'ensei- The principle of respect for controversy underpins all gnement.” other principles elucidated in the Beutelsbach Consensus. Indeed, it is widely cherished as one of the “Lo que resulta controvertido en el mundo de las cien- fundamental values of democratic education (see Council cias y la política, tiene que aparecer asimismo como of Europe “Training Pack”, 2015). This notion that an tema controvertido en clase.” education system should not attempt to present issues “Matters which are controversial in intellectual and po- as being either “harmonious” or resolved when they are litical affairs must also be taught as controversial in ed- viewed by the wider public as controversial can be traced ucational instruction.” back to the ideological debates which took place during the era of the Weimar Republic in Germany. In the af- Website of Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden- termath of the First World War, this principle was used Württemberg (Federal Agency of Political Education to differentiate between political education (politische Baden-Württemberg) Bildung), on the one hand, and party political schooling www.lpb-bw.de/beutelsbacher-konsens.html (parteipolitische Schulung) on the other, or more broadly between education and the transfer of values between The above are official translations of one of the most successive generations (Erziehung) and indoctrinationi. famous extracts from the Beutelsbach Consensus The relationship between (prohibited) indoctrination (Beutelsbacher Konsens) which this year celebrates its and teaching in schools remains ambiguous, however. 40th anniversary. Originating from an informal set of While explicit, dogmatic indoctrination can be clearly minutes, documenting a meeting held in a small town in identified, for example in the educational dictatorship the South of Germany in 1976, the Consensus encap- that was Nazi Germany, more subtle means of influen- sulates core principles intended to underpin political cing students using persuasive strategies of omission and education in Germany and has become a central pillar of avoidance, for example, may be less apparent. Thus, the the education landscape in the German-speaking world ban in the Beutelsbach Consensus on the indoctrination (for ongoing debate see Bundeszentrale für politische of students, primarily by overwhelming them with infor- Bildung, 2016; Frech & Richter, 2016). mation giving only one side of an argument, is widely While many of the concepts, with which the Consensus recognized as an essential component of teachers’ pro- grapples, are universal, others are deeply rooted in fessional ethics both in Germany and further afield. It is German educational culture rendering the document it- argued that a student should instead be regularly con- self notoriously difficult to translate. Official translations
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