JONELLE L. WALSH Department of Physics & Astronomy Texas A&M University 4242 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4242 E-Mail: [email protected]

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JONELLE L. WALSH Department of Physics & Astronomy Texas A&M University 4242 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4242 E-Mail: Walsh@Physics.Tamu.Edu JONELLE L. WALSH Department of Physics & Astronomy Texas A&M University 4242 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4242 E-mail: [email protected] RESEARCH INTERESTS Supermassive black holes in nearby galaxy nuclei • Black hole – galaxy relationships • Galaxy kinematics and dynamics • Reverberation mapping and AGN variability • Adaptive optics observations EDUCATION Ph.D., Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine June 2011 M.S., Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine Sept 2007 B.A., Physics with Honors, Economics Minor, Bowdoin College May 2005 POSITIONS HELD Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University 2017 – present Mitchell Postdoctoral Fellow in Astronomy, Texas A&M University 2014 – 2017 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas at Austin 2011 – 2014 Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Irvine 2006 – 2011 OBSERVING EXPERIENCE AWARDED TELESCOPE TIME AS PI/LEAD SCIENCE PI 1 Gemini Large and Long Program 2016 – 2019 253 hrs 3 ALMA proposals 2016 – 2018 9.9 hrs 1 HST (WFC3) proposal 2017 25 orbits 9 Keck (OSIRIS, LRIS) proposals† 2009 – 2014 9.5 nights 3 Gemini (NIFS) proposals 2012 – 2013 20.5 hrs 3 McDonald 2.7m (VIRUS-P, VIRUS-W) proposals 2013, 2018 13 nights AWARDED TELESCOPE TIME AS CO-I 9 HST (STIS, WFC3, ACS) proposals 2010 – 2014, 2016 – 2017 70 orbits 7 ALMA proposals 2014 – 2018 38.2 hrs 7 McDonald 2.7m (VIRUS-P, VIRUS-W) proposals 2015 – 2017 40 nights 6 HET (LRS, LRS2) proposals 2012 – 2017 132 hrs 5 Keck (OSIRIS, LRIS) proposals† 2009 – 2011, 2014, 2016 5 nights 1 Chandra + VLA proposal 2014 123 ksec + 21 hrs 2 VLT (SINFONI) proposals 2011 – 2012 19 hrs † time awarded through NOAO and UC 1 PUBLICATION SUMMARY 42 papers (8 first author) in peer-reviewed journals, including ApJ, ApJL, ApJS, AJ, MNRAS, and Nature. 1717 total citations and h-index of 23, according to SAO/NASA ADS. See attached publication list. GRANTS,HONORS, AND AWARDS NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Grant, PI $366,643 2018 – 2021 HST Cycle 25 GO-15323, PI $135,685 2017 TAMU CoS Strategic Transformative Research Program, Co-PI $40,352 2017 Mitchell Postdoctoral Fellowship 2014 – 2017 HST Cycle 24 GO-14669, Admin PI $97,487 2016 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship, PI $251,000 2011 – 2014 University of California Regents Fellowship $10,000 2005 – 2007 Outstanding Contributions to the Department, UC Irvine 2006 Sarah and James Bowdoin Scholar 2002 – 2004 PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS INVITED TALKS,COLLOQUIA, AND SEMINARS Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Texas A&M Commerce, Commerce, TX Oct 2018 Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City, MO Sept 2018 Adventures in Astrophysics, Monterey Bay, CA Aug 2018 Science and Evolution with Gemini Observatory, San Francisco, CA July 2018 Astrophysical Frontiers in the Next Decade and Beyond: Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes, June 2018 and the Transient Universe, Portland, OR Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, University of Texas, San Antonio, San Antonio, TX Mar 2018 Physics Colloquium, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX Feb 2018 High Energy and Astrophysics Seminar, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Oct 2017 Physics Colloquium, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Feb 2017 Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Feb 2017 Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angles, CA Dec 2016 Colloquium, The Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, CA Dec 2016 Computational and Data Sciences Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Oct 2016 Astronomy Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Oct 2016 Gemini Science Talk, Gemini Observatory, Hilo, HI Sept 2016 M87 Workshop, Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Taipei, Taiwan May 2016 FLASH Talk, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, AZ April 2016 Astronomy Seminar, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA April 2016 Building Astronomy in Texas, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Sept 2015 GalForm Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Sept 2015 Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Apr 2015 Galaxy Group, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Apr 2015 Supermassive Black Holes Workshop, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Mar 2015 2 Event Horizon Telescope 2014, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada Nov 2014 Galaxy Lunch, Yale University, New Haven, CT Nov 2014 Astronomy Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX May 2014 Astrophysics Seminar, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Apr 2014 Department of Physics & Astronomy Seminar, Clemson University, SC July 2012 Galaxy Coffee, Max-Planck Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany Nov 2010 CONTRIBUTED TALKS American Astronomical Society Meeting #229, Grapevine, TX Jan 2017 Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters, Aspen Winter 2015 Conference, Aspen, CO Jan 2015 American Astronomical Society Meeting #223, National Harbor, VA Jan 2014 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium, National Harbor, VA Jan 2014 Black Hole Fingerprints, SnowPAC 2013, Snowbird, UT Mar 2013 American Astronomical Society Meeting #221, Long Beach, CA Jan 2013 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium, Austin, TX Jan 2012 Single & Double Black Holes in Galaxies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Aug 2011 American Astronomical Society Meeting #217, Seattle, WA Jan 2011 American Astronomical Society Meeting #213, Long Beach, CA Jan 2009 MENTORING,TEACHING, AND OUTREACH EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Researchers Supervised: Benjamin Boizelle, Texas A&M Fall 2018 – present Graduate Students Supervised: Yaswant Devarakonda, Texas A&M Fall 2018 – present Sarah Cantu, Texas A&M Fall 2018 – present Jonathan Cohn, Texas A&M Spring 2018 – present Undergraduate Students Supervised: Elyse Harman, Texas A&M Fall 2018 – present Melissa Cashion, Texas A&M Spring 2018 – present Hugh Sharp, Texas A&M Spring 2018 – present Satya Butler, Texas A&M REU student Summer 2018 Mikayla Cleaver, Texas A&M REU student Summer 2017 Zuzana Calbo, Texas A&M REU student Summer 2016 Raina Muso, Texas A&M REU student Summer 2015 My Nguyen, UC Irvine undergraduate∗ 2010 – 2011 Shawn Thorman, UC Irvine undergraduate∗ 2009 – 2010 Adib Towfiq, UC Irvine undergraduate∗ 2009 – 2010 ∗ assisted in advising with Prof. Aaron Barth Courses Taught: Texas A&M ASTR 103: Intro to Stars and Exoplanets Fall 2018 Texas A&M ASTR 104: Intro to Galaxies and Cosmology Spring 2018 Texas A&M ASTR 103: Intro to Stars and Exoplanets Fall 2017 Guest Lecturer: Texas A&M ASTR 314: Survey of Astronomy 2016 – 2017 Texas A&M ASTR 101: Basic Astronomy 2016 3 Volunteered at the Physics and Engineering Festival April 2017 Interviewed for a piece in Texas A&M’s College of Science newsletter highlighting Feb 2017 women conducting innovative research Led a public tour of the 2.7m telescope at McDonald Observatory and discussed Dec 2016 black hole research Interviewed for the video series “Inside a Scientist’s Suitcase” Nov 2016 Interviewed for a piece on the Gemini Observatory Blog highlighting the work of Sept 2016 Gemini’s Large and Long Programs Video conferenced with 6th grade science classes at Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot Mar 2015 School in Boston, MA Designed materials for an interactive video conference distance learning program 2011 – 2014 on the colors of stars, McDonald Observatory Interviewed for an article on recent black hole research that was published on the May 2013 educational website “Science News for Kids” Public talk, “Hunting for the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe,” April 2013 Westminster Retirement Community, Austin, TX Public talk, “Exploring Supermassive Black Holes in Nearby Galaxies,” July 2012 Board of Visitors Summer Meeting, McDonald Observatory Teaching Assistant: UC Irvine Phys 3LB: Basic Physics Lab II Spring 2006 UC Irvine Phys 3B: Basic Physics II Winter 2005 UC Irvine Phys 7E: Classical Physics Fall 2005 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES Co-director for the Texas A&M Astronomy REU program 2017 – present Co-organizer of the Astronomy Seminar series, Texas A&M University 2014 – present Manuscript referee for ApJ, ApJS, MNRAS 2012 – present Reviewer for HST mid-cycle 25 proposals 2018 Co-author of the Giant Magellan Telescope Science Book 2017 External referee for Gran Telescopio de Canarias time allocation 2016 Co-organizer of the Texas A&M Astronomy Symposium 2015, 2016 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship review panel 2014 SOC member, Frank N. Bash Symposium, University of Texas at Austin 2013 Co-organizer of weekly discussions of astro-ph papers, University of California, Irvine 2010 – 2011 Lead organizer of weekly meetings for astronomy graduate students and postdocs to 2009 – 2011 present recent research results, University of California, Irvine 4 Jonelle L. Walsh Publication List 1 42 papers (8 first author) in peer-reviewed journals, including ApJ, ApJL, ApJS, AJ, MNRAS, and Nature. 1717 total citations and h-index of 23, according to SAO/NASA ADS. 1ST AND 2ND AUTHOR PAPERS 42. Walsh, J. L., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Gebhardt, K., Yıldırım, A., Gültekin, K., Husemann, B., Richstone, D. O., “A Black Hole Mass Determination for the Compact Galaxy Mrk 1216,” 2017, ApJ, 835, 208. 41. Walsh, J. L., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Gebhardt, K., Yıldırım, A., Richstone, D. O., Gültekin, K., 9 Husemann, B. “A 5 × 10 M⊙ Black Hole in NGC 1277 from Adaptive Optics Spectroscopy,” 2016, ApJ, 817, 2. 40. Walsh, J. L., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Gebhardt, K., Yıldırım, A., Gültekin, K., Husemann, B., & Richstone, D. O. “The Black Hole in the Compact, High-dispersion Galaxy NGC 1271,” 2015, ApJ, 808, 183. 39. Walsh, J. L., Barth, A. J., Ho, L. C., & Sarzi, M. “The M87 Black Hole Mass from Gas-dynamical Models of Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Observations,” 2013, ApJ, 770, 86. 38. Walsh, J. L., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Barth, A. J., & Sarzi, M. “A Stellar Dynamical Mass Mea- surement of the Black Hole in NGC 3998 from Keck Adaptive Optics Observations,” 2012, ApJ, 753, 79. 37. Walsh, J. L., Barth, A. J., & Sarzi, M. “The Supermassive Black Hole in M84 Revisited,” 2010, ApJ, 72, 762.
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