Absence of Innocence" Story By Rob Jelley & Yehuda Katz & Hadrian Mckeggan Teleplay By Rob Jelley
STAR TREK: RENAISSANCE "Absence of Innocence" Story by Rob Jelley & Yehuda Katz & Hadrian McKeggan Teleplay by Rob Jelley This teleplay is originally from www.startrekrenaissance.com "Star Trek" and related names are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures, Inc. This original work of fiction is written solely for non-profit purposes. Copyright 2002 by The Renaissance Group All rights reserved RENAISSANCE: "Absence of Innocence" - TEASER 1. TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SPACE A close-in view of the Enterprise shuttlebay. One of the Enterprise shuttles is getting ready to leave the bay. INT. CORRIDOR CROSS and TALORA briskly walk down the corridor heading towards a turbolift. CROSS I still think that you should go instead of me. TALORA Nonsense. You are just as capable of taking part in this conference as I am. CROSS But you have a Romulan point of view of what's going on, on board the Enterprise; you'd be better suited for the job. INT. TURBOLIFT -- CONTINUOUS They enter the turbolift. CROSS (to computer) Captain's Yacht. TALORA My view would be biased, I am a Romulan on board a Starfleet ship, I don't believe in the way you do things and as a result, how they turn out. Cross looks at Talora, slightly worried that the woman he is leaving in charge of his ship doesn't agree with his way of doing things. TALORA (CONT'D) But of course, I'd never betray your trust, Captain. If Romulans excel at one of your human traits, it is loyalty. CROSS I'm glad to hear that, Commander.