STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption" #40274-200 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT APRIL 8, 1991 STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/9/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption" CAST PICARD GOWRON RIKER K'TAL DATA KLINGON FIRST OFFICER BEVERLY KURN TROI LURSA GEORDI B'ETOR WORF TORAL GUINAN MYSTERIOUS WOMAN MOVAR KLINGON HELMSMAN Non-Speaking Non-Speaking TRANSPORTER TECHNICIAN GOWRON'S KLINGON AIDE SUPERNUMERARIES 8 KLINGON COUNCIL MEMBERS 2 KLINGON GUARDS 2 KLINGON BRIDGE CREW 2 KURN'S KLINGON AIDES ROMULAN CREWMEMBER STAR TREK: "Redemption" - REV. 4/9/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM KLINGON ATTACK CRUISER OBSERVATION LOUNGE CORRIDOR 2 KLINGON BIRDS OF PREY PHASER RANGE TRANSPORTER ROOM KLINGON HOME WORLD WORF'S QUARTERS KLINGON CITY (MATTE) KURN'S BIRD OF PREY KLINGON CRUISER BRIDGE READY ROOM KLINGON CITY GREAT HALL DURAS FAMILY HOME KLINGON BIRD OF PREY READY ROOM STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/9/91 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE CH pronounced as in chew or artichoke Bah BAH (gutteral "H") B'Etor be-TOR Bortas bor-TAS cha'DIch cha-DICH Doj hon do-zhan Duras DYUR-as Ghos GOZ g'now juk Hol pajhard ga-NOW JUK-hul pa-zhard hakt'em hock-TEM Hegh'ta heg-TA Khitomer KIT-to-mur K'Tal Ka-TAL Kurn KURN La woq yon ghir Klas qimha la-WAK yun-GIR Klas-KIM-ah Len'mat LIN-mat Lursa LUR-suh Mempa MEM-pah Mogh MOHG M'Rel ma-REL naDev ghoS na-DEV GOZ STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/9/91 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE CONTINUED: Qaja plu d'itch jung Kha-JAP loo deeCH JUNG Qapla' Khap-LA Suh SUH (gutteral "H") Toral To-ral Yintagh yen-TAHG STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/8/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 44995.3. We are en route to the Klingon Home World, where I will participate in the installation ceremony of Gowron, the next designated Leader of the High Council. 2 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS WORF is practicing a form of martial art in front of a large mirror. He is dressed in a workout gi and is practicing a graceful and fluid kata using his bat'telth sword... he's been at this for a while and is disheveled and sweaty. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) This visit should also provide an opportunity for one of my officers to correct... a grave injustice.. The door CHIMES. Worf finishes the routine before answering. WORF Enter. PICARD ENTERS and Worf is caught off-guard. He is immediately embarrassed at receiving his captain in this manner. PICARD Am I intruding? WORF No, sir. My apologies, Captain... I can be back in uniform--- Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/8/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: PICARD That won't be necessary. (beat) I'm not here as your captain. I'm here as the person that stood with you before the High Council... your cha'DIch. Worf reacts to the word... disturbing memories that have been on his mind recently. He sets the sword on a nearby table. After a beat... PICARD (continuing) We'll arrive at your Home World in less than a day. Picard lets that hang in the air for a moment. Worf understands the unspoken question... thinks for a beat... then turns back to Picard. WORF It is not yet time. Picard half-expected that answer. His attitude is intimate... personal... they're two men who stood shoulder to shoulder during a difficult time. PICARD That doesn't sound like the man who came to me a year ago... fiercely determined to return home and clear his father's name... or die trying. Worf doesn't answer... Picard goes on after a beat. PICARD You accepted this... dishonor from the Council in order to hold the Empire together. (beat) The Empire survives. Isn't it time to confront the Council... to regain your family name and let the truth be known? WORF I have been told... that patience is sometimes a more effective weapon than a sword. Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/8/91 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Picard smiles a little, recognizing one of his own lessons. PICARD Patience is a... human virtue, one which I am proud to see you've taken to heart. But this situation may require a more... Klingon response. Beat. PICARD (continuing, frank) Your discommendation is a facade intended to protect men less honorable than you. It is a lie... and lies must be challenged. Worf hears the words... he's struggling with the logic of Picard's argument. WORF I have grown... weary of bearing this dishonor... After a long beat... PICARD We will be in orbit around your planet for at least two days... it may be some time before we return again. I would be favorably disposed to grant a leave should you request one. Worf thinks about this... he's getting closer to doing just that. RIKER'S COM VOICE Bridge to Captain Picard. WORF (softly) Thank you, sir. PICARD (hits communicator) Go ahead, Number One. Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/8/91 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER'S COM VOICE We've been intercepted by the Klingon vessel Bortas. They claim to be our escort. Picard gives Worf a puzzled look. WORF No escort was scheduled. CUT TO: 3 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & KLINGON CRUISER (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and a Klingon attack cruiser running side by side on impulse power. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER and DATA at their positions. Picard ENTERS. RIKER (to Picard) The Bortas is standing by, Captain. PICARD On screen. 5 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) GOWRON appears on the viewscreen, sitting in his ready room. Picard and Riker are surprised. PICARD Gowron... this is an unexpected pleasure. Gowron's attitude is urgent... no time for pleasantries. GOWRON I must speak with you, Picard. We have to move quickly if we are to be successful. PICARD Successful? Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - 4/8/91 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: GOWRON Yes. (beat) In preventing a Klingon civil war. On Picard's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - REV. 4/9/91 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 6 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard is listening to Gowron. Gowron moves about the room... restless... a man being kept from what is rightfully his. GOWRON The family of Duras is massing support... they have many allies on the Council... PICARD But Duras died in disgrace. By Klingon tradition, his family should share in that disgrace. GOWRON Their corruption has poisoned the Empire. Honor will soon have no meaning. PICARD Who speaks for his family now? GOWRON Lursa and B'Etor... the sisters of Duras. PICARD And they would claim leadership of the Council? GOWRON (shakes his head) Women may not serve on the Council... PICARD Then how... ? GOWRON I don't know. But they are plotting something. They have secured the loyalty of at least three fleet commanders. (beat) Their followers do not care about Duras' crimes. Lursa and B'etor are feared... and fear is power. Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - REV. 4/10/91 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: PICARD I fail to see what I can do to assist... Gowron moves to Picard... GOWRON You were first chosen as arbiter of succession because no Klingon could be trusted. You accepted this duty... and you must see it through to the end. You must ensure my installation. PICARD I am prepared to report to the Council that only you have completed the rite of succession... GOWRON Not enough. Duras was a Romulan collaborator. You must declare his family ineligible to ever again sit on the ruling Council. PICARD That... is beyond my purview. GOWRON You will not support me? PICARD I will not step outside the traditional role of the arbiter. Gowron sighs, hopes dashed. GOWRON And if they attempt to block my installation? Picard stands and goes to him. PICARD I can only assure you that I will deal with any challenge according to Klingon law. GOWRON I fear that will not be enough. Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - REV. 4/9/91 - ACT ONE 7A. 6 CONTINUED: (2) Picard has made his position clear, has nothing more to offer. Gowron looks at him for a beat... gives a curt nod of understanding, then they both EXIT to... Converted to .pdf for pdfscreenplays.net STAR TREK: "Redemption" - REV. 4/9/91 - ACT ONE 8. 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Picard and Gowron ENTER from the observation lounge. Riker, Worf, and DATA at their positions. PICARD Mister Worf, please escort our guest to the transporter room. Gowron throws Worf a quick look of disgust, and they EXIT to the turbolift. Picard sits in command with a thoughtful look on his face. After a beat... PICARD Mister Data, begin monitoring Romulan activity along the Neutral Zone.
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