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Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies Nebraska Academy of Sciences


Some Aspects of Lithification In Chalk

Nagaraja Kirumakki University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Kirumakki, Nagaraja, "Some Aspects of Lithification In Chalk" (1977). Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies. 449. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/tnas/449

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Department of University of Nebraska-Lincoln 68588

Chalk is affected by different diagenetic processes in compari­ The best known and most widely distributed deposits of these son with other carbonate rocks. Commonly observed lithification seaways are chalks of the Cenomanian-Maastrichtian age. The processes are pressure-solution and reprecipitation and neomorphism. chalks of western are of particular interest here be­ The fIrst process is divisible into: (a) spot-welding or welding; (b) over­ growth; (c) stylolitization and cementation. Further, pressure-llolution cause of their economic importance and their contribution and reprecipitation is dependent on (a) geostatic pressure and (b) the to progress in chalk petrography. ratio of Mg/Ca in the pore fluid. Overgrowth of is con­ trolled by the size and shape of the biogenic . Neomorphism is Lithification includes all diagenetic processes which also important in . Neomorphic process dominates when pressure-llolution process is ineffective. Organic and insoluble residue serve to convert unconsolidated to coherent rock. content dictate neomorphism. In conclusion, pressure-llolution or The diagenetic alteration of chalk has long been a subject of neomorphism or a combination of both accounts for various modes of controversy in petrography. For example, the lithification of lithification observed in chalk. the Irish Chalk has been variously attributed to the presence of in the original sediment and to t t t by overlying basalts (Bathurst, 1975 :401408). Similarly, major hypotheses offered to explain radical differences in The initial reports of the deep sea drilling project hardness of chalk in Great Britain all appear (JOIDES) have yielded new data and new impetus to studies inadequate (Scholle, 1974:178). In this , an attempt is of pelagic and deep water carbonate . A further aid made to summarize the new data and examine the mechan­ to the understanding of depositional and diagenetic environ­ isms proposed by various authors to explain patterns of chalk ments of the pelagic sediments has been given by the recent diagenesis. discoveries of oil fields under the where the Creta­ ceous chalk is a major petroleum reservoir. Further, detailed Unlike most regions of shallow water carbonate deposi­ observations with the scanning electron microscope have tion where the major carbonate component is aragonite (e.g., disclosed different processes of lithification, such as dissolu­ the Arabian Gulf), the bulk of chalk mud is totally biogenic tion and precipitation. Application of these new ideas to the in origin, consisting mostly of stable, low-Mg calcite. Conse­ study of chalk has been an interesting revelation to many quently, the mechanisms of chalk diagenesis have to be ex­ petrographers. plained by processes other than simple compaction, leaching, solution (fresh-water influx), and cementation. Common and Chalk is a of biogenic origin. The Glos­ widely observed processes are pressure-solution and repreci­ sary of Geology (I 973 :117) defmes chalk as "soft, pure, pitation and neomorphism. The mechanism of pressure­ earthy, fine-textured, usually to light gray or buff ­ solution and reprecipitation is divisible into: (a) spot-welding stone of marine origin, consisting almost wholly (90-99%) or welding; (b) selective overgrowth on some calcite grains; of calcite, formed mainly by shallow-water accumulation of and (c) stylolitization and cementation. The process of repre­ tests of floating micro-organisms (chiefly fora­ cipitation is usually local and occurs as calcite cement. Solu­ minifers) and of comminuted remains of calcareous algae tion-precipitation is dependent on two factors: the depth of (such as and rhabdoliths) set in a structureless burial and pore-water chemistry. matrix of very finely crystalline calcite (some of which may have been chemically precipitated) and marked by a porous, Schlanger (1974) concludes that lithification generally somewhat friable, and unindurated or slightly coherent char­ increases with age and the depth of burial. The history of acter." compaction starts with dewatering and is followed by in­ creased packing, spot-welding, subsequently by dissolution­ At the present time, pelagic is virtually precipitation (selective overgrowth cement) and stylolitiza­ confined to ocean basins. In the Mesozoic era, on the other tion and extensive cementation. Interesting advances in hand, pelagic deposits, including chalk, were laid down on the theoretical understanding of pressure-solution have come continental basement. In time there were about with Neugebauer's (1974) analysis of the solution in widespread continental seaways, and practically every con­ the chalk. His main thesis is that chalk remains soft and unce­ tinent was affected by this world-wide marine transgression. mented because Mg-rich pore fluids, which are supersaturated

229 with respect to low-Mg calcite, inhibit pressure-solution and well cemented chalk in a sequence of porous, poorly ce­ reprecipitation until considerable overloads are reached. When mented, soft~halk strata; they are believed to be the rem­ this inhibiting factor (supersaturation) is removed, pressure­ nants of hardened sea floors. solution and cementation can proceed at an accelerated pace. During diagenesis, the Mg/Ca ratio of the pore-fluid gener­ Neomorphism plays a key role in hardening a loose, ally decreases considerably (Neugebauer, 1974: 156), which, noncoherent, carbonate mud to chalk wherein pressure­ along with the inevitable rise in geostatic pressure, leads to solution processes are subordinate. Neomorphism as used by extensive pressure-solution: and culminates in stylolitization Folk (1965 :20-21). includes all transformations between one and cementation. Neugebauer constructed a model, illus­ and its polymorph. The newly formed crystals can be trating the relationship among such factors as overburden, of differing sizes. The growth of carbonate mud to sparry dissolution of nannofossils and cement fabric, and the ratio calcite is controlled by insoluble residue and organic content. of MgfCa in the pore solution. His results compared well with The Upper Cretaceous Greenhorn.chalk is a good example of deep-sea drilling data, and he concluded that an overburden lithification by the growth of calcite grains (Kirumakki, 1976: of at least 20004000 m is required for the complete lithi­ 47; Hattin, 1976:83-86). fication of the chalk by pressure-solution. The conclusion is inescapable: Variations in the char­ It is very interesting to note where the precipitation of acter of chalks are related to different diagenetic histories. cement in chalks takes place. Cement in a typical chalk occurs The occurrence of spot-welding at point contacts of calcite as pore-fllling, sparry calcite and also as overgrowths on grains, the presence of extensive overgrowth cement, and the nannofossils. Neugebauer (1974: 168) observed that different abundance of stylolites all testify to the idea that pressure­ group of (coccoliths, , Inoceramus, etc.) solution is a possible mechanism of cementation. The various are coated with different amounts of overgrowth cement. He modes of lithification found in chalks can, to a large extent, noted that size and geometrical shape of the host grain control be attributed to: (1) cementation by pressure-solution, and the form of calcite overgrowths. Foraminifera acquire smaller (2) independent neomorphism, or (3) some combination of overgrowths than macrofossils but larger overgrowths than the above processes. coccoliths. Neugebauer (1974:172) points out further that coccolithic elements, unlike other biogenic crystals of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS same size, are somewhat protected from dissolution because of their stable form. Adelseck (1975 :969-970) demonstrates Professors P.R Krutak and D.G. Kersey gave many that dissolution is further dependent on the thickness of the helpful suggestions and comments for improvement. Profes­ plates and that within the forminifera, the individual sor R Smith critically reviewed the manuscript. My thanks species resistance is dependent on the pore size and pore to them for their help and time. density of the test. REFERENCES Wise and Kelt (1972) demonstrated the cementation of an Oligocene, South Atlantic chalk by calcite overgrowths on Adelseck, C.H., Jf. 1975. Test morphology and size. coccoliths and discoasters. Scholle (1974) attributed cementa­ Abs. Geol. 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