A CLUES TRAIL - 2019 HOXTON & SHOREDITCH Briefing sheet for the Judges /Master File Date: Saturday 15th June2019 Entrance Fee: £6.00 per person (to cover cost of first drink, prizes & contribution to charity - Islington Giving). Pay in advance to
[email protected] Expect about 25 people. Team Size: 5 per team approx. Team Make Up: can be pre-set by a Group or individuals will be allocated to a team as they turn up on the day. Distance to walk: approx. 3 miles (5km). Duration: allow 2½ hours (longer if you are coming for lunch beforehand and staying for the marking/ prize giving at the end). The gathering location at the beginning (& where we will all return to) is: The James Family Project, 78 Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch London EC2A 3JL Tel: 02077391740 Drinks were expensive. Also issue re deposit & space provided. But it was difficult to find any other pub in the right spot for this trail. Lunch from 12.30. Organisers will be there from 12.00. Clues Trail instructions start at 13.30. Start Times: First batch leaves at 14.00 (3 teams). Second batch leaves at 14.15 (3 teams). Three different routes. Route can be done in 2½ hours. Therefore completion target time is 16.30 (1st Batch), 16.45 (2nd batch) On the day, on arrival: people get into their teams, decide on team name, log in on next sheet and get dispatch time. Read out the GUIDE carefully. Read out their Start & Finish instructions. LOG IN SHEET No. Team Name Start Points Points Total Time for Clues for Score (26 x 2) Photos (16 x 5) 1 14.00 2 14.00 3 14.00 14.15 14.15 14.15 Max 52 80 132 Walk Route – Summary & Clues The route is circular.