Washington, Saturday, November 17, 1951
♦ VOLUME 16 ■ NUMBER 224 Washington, Saturday, November 17, 1951 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT (b) Share tenant and share cropper CONTENTS protection. Notwithstanding the estab EXECUTIVE ORDER 10305 lishment of a proportionate share for THE PRESIDENT each farm under paragraph (a) of this Revoking E xecutive O rder No. 102071 op section, eligibility of any producer of Executive Order , PaSe January 23, 1951, E stablishing the sugarcane for payment shall be subject Revocation of E. O. No. 10207 es President’s C om m ission on I nternal to the following conditions: tablishing President’s Commis Security and I ndividual R ights (1) That the number of share tenants sion on Internal Security and By virtue of the authority vested iif me or share croppers engaged in the produc Individual Rights____________ » 11667 as President of the United States, it is tion of sugarcane of the 1951-52 crop on EXECUTIVE AGENCIES ordered as follows: the farm shall not be reduced below the 1. Executive Order No. 10207 of Janu number so engaged with respect to the Agriculture Department ary 23, 1951, entitled “Establishing the previous crop, unless such reduction is See Production and Marketing President’s Commission on Internal Se approved by the Director of the Carib Administration. curity and Individual Rights’’, is hereby bean Area Office of the Production and Civil Aeronautics Administra revoked. Marketing Administration, San Juan, tion 2. The Department of the Treasury Puerto Rico; and Proposed rule making: shall liquidate the outstanding affairs of (2) That such producer shall not have Airworthiness certificates_____11697 the said Commission, and unexpended entered into any leasing or cropping Certification and operation rules funds of the Commission shall be avail agreement for the purpose of diverting to for scheduled air carriers op able for the purposes of such liquidation.
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