Foreword by Welcome from Arabic Studies Vice-Chancellor Farewell by Legacy Society chair funded by visionary, Prof Mamokgethi Dr Max Price President Mr Hajee Sullaiman Phakeng Hugh Amoore Shahmahomed 2 4 6 7

Ms Emme The UCT Pretorius Experiences of UCT In thanks the HS Ray Kriger Katz, Then and Now Memoriam Dyer Trust BA LLB, 1950 9 10 12 14

Legacy Join the Legacy Bequest Events Society form 22 23 24 FOREWORD: VICE-CHANCELLOR PROF MAMOKGETHI PHAKENG


As you page through this latest Legacy Society newsletter, I encourage you to read these stories against the backdrop of a university that is building the academic project on three pillars: excellence, transformation and sustainability.

It has often been supposed – perhaps too hastily – that those first two pillars, excellence and transformation, are uneasy bedfellows. Certainly, the two cannot exist without each other.

For excellence at the southernmost tip of Africa means being able to respond to the unique issues that are bearing down on our continent. It means equipping our students to not just win a place in our academic programme, but to thrive, and to leave satisfied that they understand their socio- economic contexts more clearly than when they entered.

It means supporting researchers who will stop at nothing to find cures and vaccines


for dreaded diseases. It means recruiting Proof of a successful education, I think, will do better research, hire the best teachers, and retaining scientists whose mission is to be when UCT graduates from all corners of and improve the student experience so that ensure that the most impoverished South the globe kneel on the stage in Memorial Hall all who enter are given an equal chance to Africans have water in times of drought, determined to use the skills and experience flourish and succeed. and it means training economists who are they’ve acquired to solve the challenges committed to rooting out inequality. in their communities, and indeed at their I thank you deeply for supporting the alma mater. university as you have. The confidence you Of course, it also means that students, armed show in us will be repaid when we, in your with UCT degrees, are at an advantage in the For us, a decolonised university is one name, become a truly excellent institution job market and can support their families and that welcomes all scholars and offers that graduates students of the highest communities on the most basic level. them unyielding support, wise teachers calibre, who are equipped to understand and and lateral thinking such that they can fix the many problems this continent faces. Indeed, we, the University of Cape Town, apply their minds to critical issues, from exist for our students and because of our rescuing our ailing public health system to UCT has a special place in Cape Town, the students. We owe them the best education – unpacking what it means to be a young, province, the country, the continent and the tailored to their needs – so that each one that black, woman academic trying to push globe. It will need a special effort and will enters as a bright-eyed first-year student can through the glass ceiling. doubtless be a long road to fulfilling our walk away as a graduate with the world at potential and doing our duty to a society their feet. We are here to nurture critical thinkers who who looks to us for intellectual leadership. will challenge me and my colleagues when I am humbled and excited to be sharing this Our students from rural Limpopo who they perceive us to falter, and who have the journey with you speak little English, and our students from wisdom to debate vigorously and sincerely. Constantia who have never left the Southern We are here to reclaim the university as a Suburbs, and our students from elsewhere space for ideas, and we cannot do it without Sincerely in Africa and overseas who barely know your support. Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng Mowbray from Rondebosch, must all be Vice Chancellor given the best opportunity to grow as people Your generous bequests to the university UCT and to broaden their imaginations. allow us to continually up our game and



As I look back on my time at the University of Cape Town I feel an immense sense of pride that, as I hand over the baton to the new Vice-Chancellor, we have maintained our standing as the top-ranked university in Africa at the same time as we have improved access for disadvantaged students, improved pass rates, and grappled with a student revolution which, over a two year period, placed huge stress on the institution – both students and staff. Over the decade, UCT’s research has increased year on year, measured by publication counts, citations of our research, and by research grants raised.

UCT arguably, leads the way in contributing to a national discourse on critical issues facing higher education – including transformation, funding, the future skills and attributes required by the work our graduates will do in 10 and 20 years’ time, the importance of innovation, entrepreneurship and the digital economy, and ourresearchers lead the way in addressing the global challenges


from an African perspective – such as and she is already familiar with many of the Now more than ever, we call on our friends climate change, poverty and inequality, university’s stakeholders. and alumni to join us on this journey and the failings of the school system, future support our efforts. water, heart disease, brain science and UCT has a critical role to play in ensuring infectious diseases. the success of South Africa – some through The Legacy Society has shown itself to be its moral and political leadership; some of immense value as a group of committed We have experienced challenging times in through training professionals for SA and individuals who have enhanced UCT’s recent years but despite these challenges, the continent; some through advancing financial autonomy. Bequests left to UCT are UCT continues to advance to greater levels knowledge on national development issues; vitally important as they help us maintain of excellence. Today our partnerships and as a research-intensive university with our financial independence. span the globe, wanting to support the a strong weighting to postgraduate studies, leading educational institute on the African UCT is one of the most significant nurseries I thank you for your commitment and loyalty continent and associate with a brand that for PhDs and future academics for the to UCT and encourage other individuals to has proven time and again the ability to continent. A third of all PhD students are consider joining the Legacy Society. endure and maintain its value. from outside South Africa. To fulfil these roles well, requires far more resources than we It has been an honour serving UCT and I I am confident that that my successor can raise from government subsidy (which thank you for affording me this opportunity will continue to take UCT to even greater is the same for all universities) and from to make my contribution. heights. Prof Mamokgethi Phakeng is a fees (which are under severe pressure in the highly respected scholar, who has been #FreeEducation era). Our future success and Sincerely in senior executive positions for over 10 the value of your own degrees as judged by Dr. Max Price years and has been deputy vice-chancellor the reputation of your alma mater, depends UCT research and internationalisation at UCT for on our raising additional support from 18 months. So, the transition will be smooth our alumni.


It was with mixed emotions that I retired meanwhile, I urge you to consider your from UCT in 2015 after a 46 year long commitment to the future of research and career as a student and staff member, excellence in teaching and scholarship ending with Registrar for the past 29 years. at UCT, and consider support through a I was keen to stay involved in university bequest in your estate plans. life, and presently serve on a number of committees on behalf of USAf (Universities Deidre Adams is on hand to answer any of of South Africa). your bequest questions. Please feel free to give her a call or email her on 021 650 4142 It was also with pleasure that I accepted or [email protected] the role as President of the University of Cape Town’s Legacy Society. If you have already made provision for UCT in your estate plans, I thank you. If you feel I am strongly positive about the future of it appropriate, please let us know so that we UCT, and hope in my new role to spread can keep you up to date on UCT activities that optimism amongst my fellow alumni. and developments.

I plan to be an active President of With kind regards the Legacy Society, and look forward Hugh Amoore to engaging with our alumni. In the President | UCT Legacy Society


It was more than one hundred years ago that with preserving historical legacies, and a traveller, Hajee Sullaiman Shahmahomed, through a trust in his name, bought plots landed in South Africa after a trek across the of land in Macassar and Constantia where Indian Ocean from the subcontinent. kramats – mausoleums for Muslim saints – were built, and are to this day managed by He must have had access to resources, says the Shahmahomed Trusts. his great-grandson, Professor Faadiel Essop of Stellenbosch University, because unlike It fits in with his ethos, then, to have donated many who embarked on the voyage from the princely sum of one thousand pounds to India to South Africa, Shahmahomed paid his UCT nearly a century ago. This money was own fares instead of stowing away. endowed for a chair in Arabic and Islamic studies and the study of Eastern languages. Even among his peers, Shahmahomed was an Nothing much happened with the money “unusual personality for his time”, says Essop. until Essop and his father began exploring options during the last twenty years or so. By the time he reached South Africa, he’d already sailed around five continents for “Apartheid certainly played its role in extended periods years at a time and preventing funds being availed for the chair,” written a book about his travels. Those added Essop. travels shaped his ideas, and Shahmahomed became more of a thinker than a However, through the efforts of Essop and his businessman, Essop observes. late father, they successfully established UCT’s Arabic Department that is still solely funded Shahmahomed became deeply concerned by the Shahmahomed Academy Trust.

PAGE SEVEN “Now the issue is to see whether we can anti-apartheid activist, Imam Abdullah Haron, ensure sustainability for the department. was the resident imam until his assassination In other words, we would like to leverage in police custody. Essop indicated that additional funds from the community such Claremont’s Al-Jami’ah Masjid in particular, that we can now build on the foundation was established with its place as a centre of established e.g. appoint additional staff, education for the local community in mind. to bring to fruition the vision of my great- Professor Essop mentioned that ‘’exciting plans grandfather,” says Essop. are currently being put into place to revitalize the space at Al-Jami’ah mosque to ensure it Currently, Professor Yasin Dutton, who was becomes a focal point for religious activities and the first Chair in Arabic Studies at UCT, and educational programmes within South Africa’’. Dr Pasquale Macaluso, who is head of the The Trust’s other activities include funding Arabic Studies section in UCT’s School of the Islamic Peace University of South for Languages & Literatures, hold the fort in more than a decade, as well as hosting a the department. writing competition in national community newspaper the Muslim Views, which Slightly further afield from UCT, the Hajee Essop explains fits into the Trust’s mission Sullaiman Shahmahomed also established to promote critical thinking and literary two mosques, one in Wynberg and one in skills within especially the South African Stegmann Road, Claremont, where renowned Muslim community.


I am writing this as a notion of appreciation I am currently specialising in Photography for my scholarship from HS Dyer. A piece and New Media art practices. I mostly use of writing almost seems a futile attempt at these mediums as platforms thorugh which expressing my appreciation, but I will try my I can address issues concerning mental best to express my gratitude in this way. illness and the lack of care placed on the To me there was no other option but to study environment. Fine Art is, to me, a manner Fine Art, studying anything else would make I am Emme Pretorius and I am currently in of communication which transcends absolutely no sense to my soul. I believe in my second year of Fine Art, BA(FA), studies that of writing and speaking. It is a way art as a healing and empowering entity, at UCT. Studying here, at Michaelis, has been of conveying something that you would something which I want to explore further a dream of mine for many years and I feel not have been able to convey without in my professional life. I would love nothing absolutely blessed to have been granted this the visual. more than to, one day, be involved in art opportunity to study at such a prestigious empowerment, a practice which is aimed at art school. Studying at an institution as such, I am a hardworking individual who has uplifting communities and ensuring a more however, comes at a high price financially been dreaming about her professional life equal South Africa. and I am therefor extremely grateful for HS since I was a four year old girl. Accordingly Dyer’s contribution toward making this more I approached my academics at school, since I am truly grateful for HS Dyer’s donation, possible for me. I am paying my own studies, that age, with utmost seriousness in order to as it has brought me closer to reaching my as my parents are not in a financial state ensure that I will be able to do what I love dreams for both my and communities’ future. to afford education of such high expense. as my career. This hard work payed off at Furthermore it has given me the opportunity Accordingly, your donation toward my the end of matric where I achieved a 90% to fully embrace this facinating curriculum studies has ensured that I can approach my average with 100% for Visual Art. It was quite which has already taught me more than I academics with utmost focus, lessening the a challenge, as at the time of final exams I ever expected it to. I feel truly blessed and I time I am spending on working part-time in was diagnosed with severe depression largely have HS Dyer to thank for this. order to pay for my studies. It has helped me and anxiety, something which I have been a great deal and I will be ever grateful for it. fighting for a long time. Emme Pretorius

PAGE NINE My mother, Ray Kriger Katz, was one of the THE UCT EXPERIENCES OF RAY first women advocates admitted to the Bar in South Africa. She received her LLB degree KRIGER KATZ, BA LLB, 1950 from UCT in 1950 following a stellar career there. She excelled in her law studies and (COMPILED BY HER DAUGHTER, AMANDA KATZ JERMYN) received the class medal for constitutional history. She was also awarded the Bertram Gesundheit Scholarship for the most promising law student in the last two years of her degree. During her time at UCT she was elected to the Students Representative Council (SRC), became treasurer of the Law Society, and was elected Head Woman Student. Together with Zach de Beer she founded the Liberal Party at UCT and became its chairperson. She served on many committees, one of which was for a revision of the SRC constitution. She was the organizer of UCT Vacation Employment, Secretary of the inter-SRC Conference, and Secretary of the Common Rooms Committee. She was on the Executive of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) as publicity director. As part of her work with NUSAS she started the NUSAS Loan Fund Scheme, which was intended for poor black students unable to pay university fees but was open to all students in need. She was also responsible for the NUSAS Accommodation Bureau and was NUSAS Relief Organizer at CAFDA (Cape Flats Development Association). Of this time in her life she says, “Those were My mother passed away peacefully on 17 July 2018 Halcyon days.”

PAGE TEN The Cape Town newspapers frequently published articles about my mother’s university career and political activities, and she became well known on campus and in Cape Town in general. The publicity regarding her liberal views sometimes created problems for her. In 1949 an article appeared about her, accompanied by a photograph of her shaking hands with a black man at a NUSAS conference. This did not sit well with certain people, and shortly thereafter, she received a threatening anonymous letter and a warning by a member of the Nationalist Party to curb her political activities at UCT. These did not deter her. advocate, applied for her admission to the otherwise have borrowed. Before she began My parents got engaged during the final Bar. There were then only a few women her practice, the chief justice called her into year of my mother’s law studies, and advocates in South Africa and only one other, his office to tell her how to dress. Needless planned to marry immediately after her final Joan Tallo, practicing in Cape Town at that to say, male advocates did not receive this exams were over. At the time, the university time. My mother’s certificate of admission to demeaning “advice.” While she felt accepted principal called my mother into his office the Supreme Court of South Africa reflects by her male colleagues at the university, some and suggested that she perhaps wait a while this by assuming that the candidate is male: of them changed their attitude once she before getting married as the final exams On her certificate references to “him” and was admitted to the Bar and became their were tough and he was concerned she’d “his” have been crossed out and changed competitor in the practice of law. Attitudes have too much on her plate. However, she to “her.” My mother began her practice in towards women lawyers have since changed, went ahead with her plans and married my criminal law amidst much discrimination but at the time my mother was very much a late father, Robert Katz, on December 17th, against women. As there was no place in the pioneer in her field. Later she worked in the 1950, just a few days after her law exams court building for a woman advocate to put night schools that were eventually shut down were over. Professor Price, dean of the Law on her robes, she changed at her brother’s by the Nationalist government and helped Faculty, spoke at the wedding. chambers and had to walk through the my father in his construction company. My city to the court in her robe. Women were mother now lives in Connecticut, USA, and After my mother received her LLB at UCT also denied access to the court law library has served as an inspiring role model for her her brother Solly Kriger, who was also an so my mother had to buy books she could four children and ten grandchildren.





(Sheikh) B Burhanuddien Abbas (Mr) F Frederick Bartie (Mrs) DL Diana Louise Black (Assoc Prof) A Arnold Abramovitz (Mr) AK Adriaan Kotze Basson (Dr) MJA Michael James Andrew (Dr) DR Donald Ray Aeschliman (Mr) WGL William Glen Latrobe Bateman Blanckenberg (Dr) RAS Ronald Andrew Sinclair Aitken (The Lady) MM Mary Murray Bates (Mrs) S Shima Bledin (Mr) IR Ian Rosslyn Allan (Mr) GN Gordon Navarre Battaliou (Mr) M Michael Blersch (Dr) JA John Adrian Allan (Mr) HA Hector Amphion Battaliou (Mr) JH Jan Hendrik Blignaut (Mrs) JAE Joan Amy Enid Allderman (Mr) RNC Reginald Norman Charles Beattie (Dr) PB Paul Balleine Blignaut (Mr) HW Hendrik Willem Alting Mees (Mr) CA Charles Arthur Beck (Mrs) MU Margerite Una Bolland (Ms) J Joan Anderson (Dr) ECH Eugene Carl Henry Becker (Mr) N J Nico John Boonzaaier (Mr) JH John Hilton Andrews (Ms) GE Gisela Emilie Becker (Mrs) AS Ann Shirley Bosman (Mrs) D Doreen Anziska (Prof) WB Walter Bosman Becker (Mr) J Jacobus Bosman (Mr) JA John Adolf Arenhold (Mrs) MT Margaret Terry Beer (Dr) GSM Gideon Stephanus Muller Botha (Mr) BR Brian Rudolph Ashton (Prof) SJ Samuel Behrman (Dr) JL Jacobus Lodewicus Botha (Mr) N Norman Au (Mr) J Jacob Benatar (Dr) PJ Petrus Johannes Botha (Mr) SM Samuel Morris Averbuch (Dr) V Victor Benatar (Dr) JA John Albertus Bothma (Mrs) DL Deborah Linda Backhouse (Dr) DP Denis Paul Beningfield (Prof) TH Thomas Hamilton Bothwell (Dr) E Emil Badenhorst (Dr) F Fred Benjamin (Mr) SE Sydney Edwin Boult (Mr) PJ Petrus Johannes Badenhorst (Mrs) HP Helen Phyllis Benjamin (Mr) AE Anthony Edward Bourne (Mrs) E Esme Bank (Prof) M Manfred Berlowitz (Mr) BJ Bernard John Bowden (Dr) GB Geoffrey Brereton Barlow (Mr) JA Jacobus Arnoldus Bester (Mr) BA Brian Allan Bowley (Mrs) SM Sheila Maud Barlow (Mr) JJJ Jeremia Johannes Jesaja Bester (Mr) JN John Nicholas Boydell (Dr) MS Marius Stephanus Barnard (Mr) B Basil Bey (Mr) SH Stuart Hubert Bradley (Mr) EL Eric Lancelot Barnes (Mrs) IB Isobel Bisset Bilsland (Mr) G George Bramley (Mrs) G Gudrun Barrella (Mr) EFG Eric Fred George Binedell (Mr) WRG William Richard Grenville Branford


(Dr) B Basil Braude (Mrs) B Betty Clack (Mrs) F Freda Davis (Dr) LK Loedolff Kirsten Bredell (Mrs) A Anne-Marie Clarence (Mrs) ME Maureen Elizabeth De Beer (Mr) LJ Louis Johannes Bredell (Mr) JA John Alexander Clark (Dr) EC Eduard Christiaan Constantijn (Mr) S Sidney Breger (Mr) RA Reginald Abraham Clarke De Groot (Dr) PM Paul MacKenzie Bremer (Ms) ME Megan Eluned Cleaton-Jones (Mr) N Neville De Gruchy (Mr) PKA Patrick Kildare Andrew Brennan (Mr) RJ Roderick John Clinton (Mr) JA Johannes Adam De Kock (Dr) SJV Sybrand Jacobus Van der spuy (Dr) DC Daniel Cornelis Cloete (Dr) CG Charente Gerard De Villiers Brink (Mr) GS George Stephen Cloete (Mrs) G Geneza De Villiers (Mr) GL Grant Leo Brockman (Mr) BBJ Barend Bartholomeus Joubert (Mr) RP Rocco Pierre De Villiers (Dr) BD Brian David Brokensha Coetzee (Mrs) V Veronica De Villiers (Mr) TF Thomas Francis Bromley (Mr) BM Barry Munro Coetzee (Mr) L Louw De Wet (Mrs) RB Rita Beatrice Brook (Mrs) P Phyllis Coetzee (Mrs) L Laureen Dercksen (Mr) AA Anthony Ashley Brooker (Mr) P Pieter Coetzee (Mr) PH Patrick Holden Dowson (Mr) JLP John Lessey Pollard Brown (Dr) JS Julian Somerset Coller (Mr) F Francis Drew (Mr) LF Leslie Fleming Brown (Mr) RWW Robert William Werth Conibear (Dr) CJA Conrad Johannes Albertyn Dreyer (Mr) GD George Desmond Brunette (Mrs) MM Margaret Murray Corbett (Ms) J June (Dr)ummond (Dr) S Sam Bub (Mrs) SV Susan Vera Cowley (Mr) DJ David Johannes Du Plessis (Mr) DN Dudley Neville Bulgin (Mrs) JM Jennifer Maeve Cox (Mr) IP Ignatius Pieter Du Plessis (Mrs) HC Hendrina Christina Burger (Mr) HJ Herbert James Crankshaw (Mr) DJ Daniel Johannes Du Toit (Dr) ML Matthys Louis Burger (Rev) DL Douglas Low Crawford (Mr) JM Jacques Malan Du Toit (Mr) IA Ivanhoe August Burmeister (Mrs) C Cecilia de Lisle Crofts (Mr) P Pierre Du Toit (Mr) IM Ian Macadam Cairns (Mrs) PM Petronella Magritta Crouse (Dr) PFM Pierre Francois Muluihal Du Toit (Mr) RM Robin Mckellar Campbell (Mrs) SM Sheila Melville Cuckow (Mr) SD Stewart Douglas Duff (Mr) WR Wallace Russell Campbell (Mr) DA Dennis Alton Cuff (Dr) KR Keith Rodney Dumbell (Mrs) GL Gillian Louise Caradoc-Davies (Mr) WE William Edward (Bill) Curry (Dr) MH Marjorie Harriet Dyer (Dr) G Gillian Cardoc-Davies (Mr) GP Graham Prince Curtis (Mr) MK Mahomed Karim Ebrahim (Mrs) HU Hazel Unice Carter (Mrs) CH Carol Helen Da Silva (Mr) DH Dennis Harold Eckstein (Mr) MEN Michael Edward Newton Challis (Mr) EJ Edward Joseph Daniels (Mr) GE Gerald Edwin Edelson (Dr) AA Abraham Albertus Cilliers (Mr) BG Brian George Darroll (Prof) FA Frank Abercrombie Elliott (Mr) HS Hendrik Stephanus Cilliers (Dr) A Aaron Davidson (Mrs) J Julia Eppel (Dr) HJH Hermanus Johannes Hendrik (Dr) EH Edward Hart Davies (Dr) AR Alan Ronald Epstein Claassens (Mrs) JE Jane Elizabeth Davies (Mr) PJ Peter Erasmus


(Dr) DC Dennis Charles Evans (Mr) P Paul Gillis (Mrs) EFM Elizabeth Freda Myfanwy (Mr) JAD John Alan Derrek Eve (Mr) M Michael Ginsberg Hanratty (Mr) JH John Henry Exley (Mr) BH Bernard Hillel Goldberg (Mr) CR Claude Ronald Hardman (Mrs) MR Marian Rose Faiman (Mrs) P Pamela Golding (Prof) AH Aubrey Hooper Hare (Mr) RM Roy Michael Farrell (Mr) AD Arthur Douglas Gordon (Mr) MJ Michael Joseph Harney (Mr) AP Albert Pieter Faure (Mr) R Rael Gordon (Mrs) EL Elizabeth Le Pine Harper (Mr) A Aaron Feldman (Mr) EW Edgar William Goudia (Mr) BD Basil Dennis Harris (Dr) WMP William Michael Pitt Fennell (Mr) DF David Ferguson Gow (Dr) I Irene(Pat) Harrison (Dr) AJR Albertus Johannes Roux Ferreira (Dr) JD Johannes Devilliers Graaff (Mr) CG Christopher Goyen Hart (Dr) JT Johannes Theodorus Ferreira (Mr) NC Neville Charles Gracie (Ms) JE Jane Elizabeth Hart (Mrs) EC Elsa Christine Fick (Mr) MHR Michael Henry Robert Graham (Dr) PMG Peter Miles Goyen Hart (Mrs) RA Ruth Anne Fig (Mrs) CD Colleen Denise Grant (Mr) JPJ Joseph Peter Jackson Hartford (Mr) CH Cecil Henry Filies (Dr) JFC John Francis Cardross Grant (Mrs) GM Georgina Mary Harwood (Mr) WH Wellesley Henry Fischer (Dr) WSJ William Sidney James Grant (Dr) CM Charlotte Marina Haw (Dr) DL Donald Leonard Fisher-Jeffes (Mr) RN Robert Norman Gray (Mrs) LJ Lily Joan Helfrich (Dr) PL Patricia Louise Forbes (Mr) TR Terence Richard Green (Mrs) IS Irene Stewart Henkel (Mr) RF Richard Frean Forbes (Dr) SCF Susanna Cornelia Francina (Mr) FM Frank Maarten Henry (Mr) JAD John Arthur David Foubister Greyling (Dr) NG Neil Gordon Heselson (Prof) GW Gustav Wilhelmus Fouche (Mr) JM John Malcolm Griffin (Mr) FAH Friedrich August Hermann Hoberg (Mr) PI Pierre Ivor Fouche (Mr) TJ Timothy James Groom (Mr) MH Michael Hugh Hodgson (Dr) EB Eda Bertha Frankel (Ms) G Gloria Gross (Dr) F Francois Hoffman (Ms) AM Alice Marsephine Fullard (Mrs) PM Pauline Marguerite Groves (Mr) F Francois Hoffman (Dr) G Gerald Futeran (Mr) RF Ralph Felix Gruenbaum (Mr) AM Andrew Murray Hofmeyr (Dr) B Betty Gault (Mrs) EH Elise Henriette Gundelfinger (Dr) RA Robert Albert Holbrook (Mr) VH Victor Hermann Gebers (Mrs) JL June Louise Haarhoff (Rev) PN Peter Norman Holgate (Mr) DA Derrick Alfred Gell (Mr) CH Conrad Hofmeyer Hablutzel (Mrs) SE Sybil Elizabeth Hooper (Mr) PJ Peter James George (Mr) BR Bryan Roland Hadfield (Mr) HC Henry Christie Horn (Mr) MH Maurice Hyman Gerber (Ms) P Priscilla Hall (Mr) RN Robin Norman Horton (Mr) RE Ronald Elias Gerber (Dr) I Isadore Hammar (Mr) SC Sidney Charles Housdon (Ms) ACA Antonia Carolina Augustina Gey (Mr) HF Harry Frederick Hands (Mr) JH John Henry Hufkie van Pittius (Mr) RNM Richmond Norman Montagu (Mrs) CA Carol Anne Humphreys (Mrs) GE Gracelina Emma Giannelos Hanmer (Mr) CH Charles Henry Hutchinson


(Ms) TN Theodora Nicolena Hutchinson (Mr) AJ Andreas Jacobus Keyser (Mrs) ML Maisie Lilian Levitt (Dr) RI Ronald Ian Hutchison (Mrs) SWR Susanna Wilhelmina Rocherle (Dr) BR Bernard Reginald Levy (Mr) ES Elliot Samuel Isaacs Keyser (The Hon Mr Justice) HW Harold Walter (Mr) RE Robert Emmanuel Isaacson (Mr) J Joseph Kibel Levy (Mr) A Alliemia Ismail (Ms) AD Audrey Dorothea Kilgour (Mr) L Leon Lewis (Mr) A Aubrey Jackson (Mr) JA Joseph Alan King (Mr) S Samuel Lewis (Dr) GNP George Neville Paul Jackson (Mr) DB Donald Barry Kinross (Mr) S Simon Lewis (Mr) PBN Peter Brian Neville Jackson (Mr) G Gerald Kleinman (Mrs) RC Rosemary Coral Libby (Mr) KJ Klaus Jacobs (Mr) FW Frans Willem Kock (Dr) H Hans Liebeck (Dr) L Leslie Jacobson (Mr) FAJ Frederick Arnold Jan Kooy (Dr) SP Salomon Petrus Ligthelm (Mr) LA Leonard Arthur Jansen (Dr) II Isidore Ivor Kotzen (Mr) WG William Geoffrey Linder (Dr) HG Hadji Geejee Jardine (Dr) LE Louis Edmund Krige (Mr) ER Eric Royston Lipsett (Mr) RJ Robert John Jarvis (Mr) S Sydney Kriseman (Dr) PJ Philip Joseph Lipsitz (Mr) CK Charles Keir Johnman (Dr) JE Jacob Ernst Kruger (Mr) BL Barry Lawrence Lloyd (Mrs) MA Marian Ada Johnson (Prof) DP Daniel Pule Kunene (Mr) PB Pieter Botha Loedolff (Mr) RD Richard David Johnson (Mr) IB Israel Ben-Zion Kuperman (Mr) DJ Douglas John Louwrens (Mr) LA Leslie Arthur Jones (Mr) HAJ Herbert Archibald John Lamb (Mr) KAH Kai Arthur Hermann Lund (Mr) DG Denis George Jooste (Mr) CJ Chaim Joseph Lan (Dr) GM Gerald Moller Lurie (Mr) MG Michiel Gobregts Jordaan (Dr) M Myron Lange (Mr) JH James Harvey MacKenzie (Dr) GE George Erhardt Joubert (Mrs) MEM Maude Elizabeth Mary Langhout (Rev) IS Iain Stewart Maclean (Dr) JA Jacobus Andreas Joubert (Mr) WR William Ray Lankester (Dr) CR Colin Robertson Macpherson (Mr) JDB Johan David Beyers Joubert (Dr) HDG Henri de Guise Laurie (Dr) PH Petro Henriette Malherbe (Mr) LJG Lwazi Jeffrey Godfrey Jozana (Mr) DL David Lawrence Law (Mrs) I Irene Mallach (Mrs) FJE Felicity Jane Eccles Kaplan (Mr) MG Martin Geoffrey Lawson (Mrs) T Thelma Malyon (Dr) NT Nicolas Theodore Karnezos (Mrs) CM Cecilia Maud Le Barrow (Ms) KV Kholiswa Victoria Mamase (Mr) A Abraham Katz (Mr) APP Abraham Petrus Paulus Le Grange (Mr) DS David Stephanus Marais (Mr) A Aubrey Katz (Mrs) PM Penelope Mary Le May (Mr) HD Hendrik Dawid Marais (Mr) L Leslie Kawalsky (Dr) HF Hermanus Francois Le Roux (Mr) PB Petrus Bernardus Marais (Dr) AC Arthur Charles Keast (Prof) PLM Pieter Louis Marchand Le Roux (Mr) B Benjamin Margolis (Mr) BB Barend Bartholomeus Keet (Dr) RAJ Raymond Andre Joseph Leclezio (Ms) MC Marie Catherine Marion (Mr) JO Jochen Otto Kellermann (Mr) D Daniel Paul Leech (Dr) CW Charles William Marnewicke (Mr) SM Solomon Mendel Kessler (Mr) R Rodney Lemkus (Mr) DD Donald Daniel Martin


(Mrs) EMF Enid Mary Flower Martin (Mr) MN Mogamat Noor Moerat (Dr) OA Ockert Almero Oosthuizen (Ms) JW Joan Warren Martin (The Hon Mr Justice) CDM Charles Dube (Dr) BH Benjamin Harold Osler (Mr) R S Russell Sullivan Martin Manama Molapo (Mr) MG Matthys Gerhardus Otto (Mrs) MCK Makhosazana Cassilda Khosi (Mr) DG Donald Geoffrey Montgomery (Dr) RM Richard Markham Oxtoby Mashiyane (Mr) MH Michael Henry Moore (Dr) J Joseph Ozinsky (Ms) NPC Nerina Primrose Cecelia Mathie (Dr) JFC John Francis Croil Morgans (Mr) RS Reginald Stanley Page (Mr) RV Reginald Vincent Maurice (Mr) DM David Martin Morrell (Mr) RCH Robert Charles Halliburton Page (Dr) A Archibald Mc Gregor (Mr) JF John Frank Morris (Mr) RT Rodney Thomas Palmer (Dr) MK Mary Katharine Mc Gregor (Mr) RI Robert Ian Morton (Mr) EE Edward Edmund Papst (Ms) SE Susan Elise McNally (Mr) WOA Werner Otto Adolf Muller (Mrs) JS Joan Spence Pare (Mr) KS Kerry Sean McNamara (Dr) LAP Lourens Albertus Petrus Munnik (Mr) HC Howard Clifford Parker (Mr) CG Clarence George Meeser (Dr) B Basil Francis Roderick Munro (Ms) JE Judith Evelyn Paterson (Mr) GD Goldwyn Derrick Mehl (Mr) NA Nathan Abraham Myerson (Dr) PNB Peter Norman Bligh Peacock (Mrs) CJ Cynthia Joyce Meinert (Mrs) MH Madeleine Helen Naude (Mr) OE Oscar Edward Pearson (Mr) AH Andreas Hercules Meiring (Mr) SV Schalk Vorster Naude (Mr) B Barry Peck (Mr) CM Colin Morrison Melmed (Mr) WH William Hugh Neate (Mrs) ME Marie Elfriede Pedersen (Mr) RD Roy David Melnick (Dr) PGS Pieter Gysbert Steyn Neethling (Mr) SA Svend Aage Pedersen (Alderman) A Abraham (Abe) Menashe ED. (Mr) HR Henry Ronald Negus (Mrs) FD Flora Diana Pedler (Mr) M Michael Mendelsohn (Dr) DJ David Josephus Nel (Dr) A Apsley Pellatt (Mr) AMC Antonio Manuel Coutinho (Mr) P Peter Newton (Mr) WGP William Gordon Pearce Penberthy Mendonca (Mr) MD Mbuyazi Dmitri Ngobese (Ms) L Lynette Penning (Dr) CM Christa Maria Mentz (Mr) JR Nichols (Mrs) G Gretel Penny (Mr) JGB John Graeme Beauchamp Mercer (Mr) J Jack Norman (Mrs) JD Jane De vries Penny (Dr) PR Paul Ronald Mesham (Mrs) AJ Avril Janet Nunn (Ms) J Jeanine Pepler (Dr) LS Leslie Solomon Meyerovitz (Mr) RM Raymond Michael O’Brien (Mr) JR John Rees Perrott (Dr) MN Milton Neill Meyers (Mrs) DJ Diane Jean O’Connor (Mrs) SV Stella Virginia Petersen (Mr) VKM Victor Kay Mtutuzeli Mguqulwa (Mr) ID Ivor David Oblowitz (Mr) RG Richard Glanville Pettman (Mr) S Stuart Millar (Mr) A Alexander Oboler (Mr) CJ Christopher John Phillips (Mr) VS Victor Sydney Miller (Mrs) AD Annie Dorothy Oglethorpe (Mr) ALA Alwyn Leonard Arthur Pichanick (Mr) HB Harold Ball Mills (Mr) DK Donald Keith Oliver (Mr) FD Francois Daniel Pienaar (Mr) GL Girs Leb Milner (Mr) EW Edward Oliver (Mr) TTWN Theodorus Te water naude (Dr) D David Mirman (Dr) E Erich Olivier Pienaar


(Mr) WDJ Willem Daniel Johannes Pienaar (Mr) JAC Jac Albert Carl Reinecke (Mr) ER Erich Rene Rust (Mr) HD Hendrik Daniel Pieters (Dr) FW Francis William Reitz (Mr) JR James Robert Ruwers (Mr) E Elio Pikholz (Mr) HK Hermanus Kalis Reitz (Ms) AD Assumpta Devota Rwechungura (Mr) CRJ Cecil Richard John Pilcher (Mr) JD Jan Deneys Reitz (Mr) U Ulrich Sachse (Mr) NM Nadasen Madramoothu Pillay (Dr) EB Elliot Bernard Resnekov (Mr) B Berry Sacks (Mr) ASK Anthony Selwyn Kirkpatrick (Mr) HJ Hendrik Johannes Retief (Dr) J Joseph Salkinder Pitman (Mr) CM Charles Martin Reynolds (Ms) NM Noelle Marjorie Salmon (Mrs) OS Odile Sophia Pittman (Mr) ML Marius Lawrence Reynolds (Mr) SW Sylvester William Samson (Mr) LO Plank (Mr) CP Cornelius Philip Richards (Dr) S Solomon Sanders (Ms) HK Hannelore Kate Poiet (Rev) C Cynthia Richards (Mr) EG Edgar George Sandler (Mr) R Richard Shaw Pooler (Dr) EH Ernest Henry Rickard (Dr) RN Ralph Neville Sapsford (Mrs) SA Simonette Alida Poortman (Mrs) JM Jessica Margaret Ritchie (Mr) D Dennis Sargeant (Ms) JE Jean Elizabeth Porter (Mrs) AM Ann Mary Roberts (Prof) TL Theodore Leonard Sarkin (Mr) ES Ernest Starkey Powers (Ms) CH Catherine Helen Roberts (Mrs) LM Lesley Montagu Sauer (Mr) JM John Mackenzie Powis (Mr) ER Edgar Ross Roberts (Ms) AM Augustine Mathumela Saul (Dr) MA Magrieta Andries Pretorius (Mr) LT Leonard Thomas Roberts (Dr) EM Elizabeth Muriel Saunder (Mr) JCF Johannes Charl Francois Prins (Mr) FH Francis Henry Robertson (Mrs) AJ Anita Johanna Saunders (Mr) G Guido Prinz (Mrs) JK Joyce Kathleen Robertson (Dr) KC Kenneth Courtney Saunders (Mr) HA Harold Augustus Prodgers (Mr) LAN Leonard Alex Newton Robertson (Dr) JOT John Oliver Taylor Sawkins (Mrs) AS Agnes Scott Prout (Mr) FJW Francis John William Roodt (Mrs) W Wendy-Susan Schaffer (Mr) DG Daniel Gerhardus Raath (Dr) CJ Charles John Roper (Mr) BGA Brian George Allen Schaller (Mr) A Abraham Rabinowitz (Dr) B Barney Rosenberg (Dr) J Jonathan Scher (Dr) J Jerome Rabkin (Mrs) BH Bernice Hazel Rosendorff (Dr) HA Hendrik Arnold Schickerling (Dr) ER Edgar Raymond Raine (Mr) RK Robert Keith Ross (Mr) H Harry Schiff (Dr) C Christopher Robin Rainier-Pope (Mr) WJ William John Ross (Mrs) A Aleida Schneider (Dr) E Eleanor Rajpaul (Dr) GJ Gideon Jacobus Rossouw (Dr) SDP Stephanus Daniel Petrus (Mr) AE Arthur Elvey Ramage (Dr) WT William Thurlow Rothman Schoeman (Mr) RJ Richard James Ramsden (Mr) DW Dennis Walter Rothwell SC (Dr) PE Pieter Ernst Scholtz (Dr) JS John Stephen Rautenbach (Dr) JP Jakobus Petrus Roux (Mr) EN Esaias Nel Schonken (Ms) JLB Jessie Lennox Beaumont Rawbone (Mrs) AM Aletta Maria Rudman (Mr) HR Hartvig Reijk Schonken (Mr) HD Hendrik Derick Redelinghuys (Ms) EM Edna May Ruiters (Mr) DT David Trollip Schur (Mrs) LL Lesley Lawrie Reeler (Mr) CK Charles Knight Rumboll (Mr) AP Andrew Peter Sciocatti


(Mr) HLN Hugh Lancelot Norman Scoble (Dr) AA Andries Adriaan Smit (Dr) DJ Daniel Johannes Swart (Mr) GK Graham Killoh Scott (Mr) DJ Dirk Jacobus Smit (Mr) FM Frank Molesworth Swingler (Mr) IR Ian Ronald Scott (Mrs) HM Hester Maria Smit (Dr) JH John Howe Symington (Mrs) VCD Vourneen Chriseen Dilworth (Mr) AH Austin Harvey Smith (Mr) E Emeric Szendrei Scott (Dr) DS Darrol Stableford Smith (Mr) DJ Denis James Taylor (Prof) JN Joan Noelle Scragg (Dr) SA Samuel Alfred Smith (The Hon Mr Justice) P Patrick Henry (Mr) L Leon Seidel (Mr) WE Wilfred Edward Smith Tebbutt (Mr) H Hymie Seidle (Dr) OW Oloff William Smyth (Dr) J James Robin Tedder (Mr) JM John Martin Sellers (Mr) RA Ronald Albert Snoxall (Mr) SW Schalk Willem Theron (Dr) BL Benjamin Leon Shapiro (Mrs) LN Leslee Nicol Solomon (Mrs) MS Mary St clair Thomas (Mrs) NES Nancy Elisabeth St leger Sharples (Mrs) EJ Elspeth Jean Soltynski (Mr) JRW John Richard Wentworth (Mr) KW Kenneth William Shaw (Dr) St Leger Thompson (Mr) RJ Richard James Shaw (Dr) VJ Vivienne Jean Stacey (Dr) SH Sven Harald Thonell (Mr) JL Jeffery Lionel Shenker (Dr) LM Linda Margaret Stannard (Mr) GR Giuliano Riccardo Todeschini (Mr) QR Quentin Robert Shepherd (Mr) HCD Hereford Cecil Douglas Steel (Dr) CJ Cornelis Janse Tolmie (Dr) H Hyman Shrand (Mr) AJ Andries Johannes Steenkamp (Dr) JF John Fraser Tolmie (Dr) FE Florence Shulman (Dr) F Ferdinand Stern (Mr) GM Garth Maxwell Tomkinson (Dr) HA Henry Arnold Silberbauer (Dr) EJ Edward Joseph Stewart (Mrs) NM Nicolette Marguerite Tonin (Mr) P Percival Silbert (Mrs) SEM Serena Edith Maude Stewart (Mrs) ME Mary Elizabeth Topping (Mr) S Sam Silbert (The Hon Mr Justice) MT Marthinus Theunis (Mr) HB Herbert Brian Tratt (Mrs) F Freda Silke Steyn (Rev) GR George Rae Trew (Mr) R Robert Silverman (Mr) CCG Christopher Clement Gie Steytler (Dr) LCG Louis Charles Gordon Trichard (Mr) LGL Leslie Garry Locke Simpson (Mr) FJ Frederick Jacob Stiglingh (Dr) DT Desmond Tourelle Trotman-Pitt (Mr) C Cornelis Singels (Mr) BI Bruce Ian Stirling (Mrs) AM Anna Maria Tugwell (Dr) M Martin Singer (Dr) PE Peter Erik Strauss (Dr) PJ Peter James Turner (Mr) HKL Harris Keke Lizo Siyaya (Dr) RM Roger Minto Strover (Ms) NG Norma Gertrude Tweedie (Mrs) MS Margaret Strachan Skeat (Dr) JJS Johannes Jacobus Stephanes (Dr) LW Laurence William van Blerck (Mr) SE Samuel Edward Skinner Strydom (Mr) CV Christiaan van Wyk van Breda (Mr) AJ Adriaan Jacobus Slabber (Mr) KJ Kenneth John Stuart-Findlay (Mr) M Michael van Breda (Mr) WR William Robert Slingsby (Mrs) SY Sybil Yvonne Stuurman (Mr) JP Jacobus Petrus Van Den Berg (Mr) EL Etienne Layb Sloman (Mr) PC Peter Charlton Swallow (Mr) A Andries Van Den Bergh (Dr) JS Jack Solly Smiedt (Mr) JA James Anthony Swanson (Dr) IE Irenee Emil van den Ende


(Mr) CM Christiaan Mauritz Van Den Heever (Mr) BJ Bernard John Vaughan (Dr) PH Philippus Hendrik Wessels (Mr) J Josias Van Der Heyden (Mr) DJ Daniel Johannes Vaughan (Mr) HJ Hanns Juergen Wetzstein (Mr) HWD Henry William Daniel Van Der (Mr) H Hendrik Vermeulen (Mr) GSL Guy Spencer Lesrend Whittle Linde (Mr) VAI Victor Andre Ivanhoe Verster (Ms) CJ Claire Jenneth Wienburg (Mr) AA Archibald Arthur Van Der Merwe (Mr) HDJ Hercules Dawid Jakobus Viljoen (Mr) RG Ronald Garnet Wiggill (Mr) CWL Carel Wynand Le roux van der (Mr) VI Vernon Iver Viljoen (Mrs) MT Margaret Teresa Wilding Merwe (Mrs) PM Philippa Margaret Vintcent (Mr) TRM Trevor Robert Maddock Wilkins (Mr) C Christo Van Der Merwe (Mr) JHB Johannes Hermanus Boonzaaier (Dr) FC Frank Charles Wilkinson (Mr) L Lambertus Van Der Poel Visagie (Dr) PS Petrus Salmon Willers (Prof) RE Richard Ernest van der Ross (Mr) S Stephen Visagie (Mr) PDD Pieter Daniel De Wet Williams (Mr) E Eric van der Spuy (Mr) DV Dirk van Velden Visser (Mr) GM George Matthew Willis (Mrs) EC Eva Charlotte van der Spuy (Dr) PF Pieter Francois Visser (Mr) JJ Jeremy John Wilson (Dr) M Melt van der Spuy (Mr) CFG Carl Friedrich George Von (Mrs) JED Joan Elaine Danson Wilson (Mr) M Melt van der Spuy Hirschberg (Mrs) N Naomi Wolff (Mr) M Melville Van Der Spuy (Dr) FK Friedrich Kolbe Von Maltitz (Dr) I Isaac Wolfsohn (Mr) PHB Pieter Hendrik Barendse Van Der (Dr) GJ Gideon Johannes Vos (Mr) RA Robert Arthur Wood Vyver (Dr) LA Lodewyk Adrian Vosloo (Mrs) D Diana Vivian Woode (Dr) PJ Petrus Jacobus Van der Walt (Dr) JDM Jonathan Douglas Montgomery (Mr) CJ Charles Joseph Wulf (Mr) AF Abraham Francois Van Heerden Walker (Mr) JL Joy Lyons Wurwand (Ms) GT Gertruida Theodora Van Heerden (Mr) LCV Louis Charles Vivian Walker (Dr) RM Reuben Michael Yeller (Ms) HG Helene Gertrude Van Heerden (Ms) FM Frances Mary Wallace (Prof) RB Reginald Brandt Zaaiman (Mrs) MA Margaret Ann van Heerden (Mr) SH Samuel Hendrik Walters (Mr) CM Cannon Mzimkulu Zibi (Dr) FJ Frans Jacobus van Niekerk (Mr) JL John Lincoln Watson (Mrs) P Pamela Ziehl (Mrs) LT Lynette Tristram Van Niekerk (Mrs) HM Helen Myra Weich (Mr) J Jeffrey Zieper (Ms) M Margie Van Niekerk (Ms) GA Gerda Ann Weisbecker (Mrs) E Edith Zlotnick (Mr) MJ Marthinus Jacobus Van Niekerk (Dr) LG Laurence Gregory Wells (Mr) J Julius Zlotnick (Mr) CB Clive Berrange van Ryneveld (Mr) AG Arthur Gordon Wells-Blake (Mrs) R Ray Kriger Katz (Dr) A Apsey Van Schalkwyk (Mrs) M Miriam Wendrow (Emeritus Professor) David Beatty (Dr) MG Michael Gerhardus van Schalkwyk (Mrs) HL Hermine Le Roux Wengrowe (Dr) Rashid Domingo (Ds) HJC Hendrik Johan Christoffel Van Wyk (Dr) AJJ Albert Jan Jurie Wessels (Mr) DLW Donovan Louis Widdicombe (Mr) JA Johannes Albertus Wessels Varder (Ms) PO Petronell Olive Wessels


DR STUART JOHN SAUNDERS LECTURE UCT LEGACY SOCIETY FOCUSES ON CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH VISITS PORT ELIZABETH Named after the former vice-chancellor and professor of medicine at UCT, the first annual Dr Stuart John Saunders Lecture was held The University of Cape Town’s Legacy Society recently hosted an in the Kramer Law Building on the University of Cape Town’s alumni event at the Protea Hotel, Port Elizabeth. The event was well (UCT) middle campus on Wednesday, 9 May 2018. attended, with UCT Registrar Emeritus and President of the Legacy Society, Mr Hugh Amoore delivering a talk on the latest developments The lecture, titled “The epidemic of cardiovascular disease in at UCT and higher education in general. Chairperson of the PE UCT the developing world: global implications”, was presented by Alumni Association and Legacy Society, Mr Daryl Burman, spoke of Professor Bernard Gersh, a professor of medicine at the Mayo the importance of alumni staying engaged and supporting UCT by Clinic College of Medicine and Science in the United States. joining the Legacy Society and making bequests to UCT. Legacy Society Manager, Mr Fahim Docrat said, “We were very happy with This annual lecture was made possible by a bequest to UCT from the turnout and look forward to making many more visits to the the late Mrs Saunders. friendly city.” CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO


If you have not already joined the Legacy Society, please consider completing the bequest form and supporting your alma mater.

You can contact the Legacy Society Manager, Fahim Docrat on 0815713164 or [email protected] for more information and assistance.

PAGE TWENTY THREE FORM OF INTENT BEQUESTS • Should you want to make a once off donation please make contact with our office. Title Name • Donations and Bequests are tax deductable in terms of the Income Tax Laws of South Afica. For more information in this regard or any other queries please contact: Surname FOR UCT LEGACY SOCIETY: Address Fahim Docrat E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +27 (0) 21 650 4106 Postal Code Mobile: +27 (0) 81 571 3164

Year of Graduation and Degree For recognition purposes, may we recognise you publicly

• I intend to leave a bequest to the University of Cape Town or whether you wish to remain anonymous. when I next update my Will. Please send me further information. • I have already included the University of Cape Town in my Will, and wish to be included into the UCT Legacy Society. My bequest should be used for the following purposes: Signature

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