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■peat Christmas ^ T>BrO TBtf TO TB B IJVTEKBSTS OF CIIA TS WOK TB AJY'D riC /JV/TT. g vacattou with • > 1 ] *11, o f C hicago, VOLUME XIV. CHATS WORTH. ILLINOIS, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7, 1887. NUMBER 12. lives here. i Moore and Anna m Wednesday, T if Gardner, spent laou, Mrs. W.'a tSbatmitii flaiudcakr. JAH. A.SMITH, Proprietor. illy, of Cnllom, B. I. PUMPULLY. Local Editor. ■. a n d Mrs. A 1,. CLOAKS subscription r a t e s . X «vVt ■ , If pa'd In 3 mouths II 60; otherwise |2 00 p e r a n n n m . ADVERTISING RATES. a guest of Miss Local business nollces ten cents per line; ral»s for standing ads furnished on applies tlpn ALL advertisements unaccompanied AT COST. AT COST. AT COST. now visiting her by directions restricting them, will be kepi ru to Normal to In nntll ordered out. and charged according­ ly G O l ^ E , n tow n la s t H u n t Communications of a proper character n alter his cousin, Bolialted and Information of looal news n s a s , a n d Is a t- gladly received stall limes EX AMITSTE, ir, la visiting her T H S N B U X . will remain in Trains Leave Ctatsworth as Follows: sand Mrs. Fore­ I ■ ign lo visit their T. P A W Going Enst. I Going West. shurch were good, P a s s e n g e r.....12 52 pm Passenger 12 62 pm med well pleased, P a s s e n g e r 9 55 pm I Passenger 6 20 am leu up by mem- W a y F re ig h t 3 10 pm Way Freight lo 36 am c ® i € ® rw es. and they are Question and demand—not answer illow ln f w e e k . Merely—but the proof without a flaw; Silk M ufflers and Handkerchiefs, Think ofslsier. wlfe.und mother, I. And apply this ilghteous law. a horses dropped Evil hearts, like poison marshes, -DEALER Breed miasma In the air. nan, Ills.,W ednes- Do not listen to their m outhlngs— BLANKETS, lilo n s. Yon have loved ones—so beware! n. of Gibson City, There are those who strike In darkness e ibis week, Blows which pierce ihe pure heart through; Stop the month ol black-faced scandal ilcago, sunda.ved By demanding, is It true? TR UN ICS, &c„ i-law, Mrs. Mc- ______—Ma y M yrtle. —GROCERIES!— wlth bis cornet School Examinations. . . . .H i to for the dance ' The names of those sonolara who passed a —— successful term exam Inal loo in the respec­ day for Charlston, tive departtueuts. together with their aver­ urge of a section age In all •■{ ihe siudles which have been p u rs u e d by th e m are g iv e n b>-low The e x ­ Cathollo chnrch amination covered all Work gone over dur­ ie altar Miss Mary ing the term. The names of all nltidenls i f were united In falling below 75 per cent, are until led, as . P. Owens The they must reach this average in order to A sk to See tiis Sensible Shoe. estimable young pass: Mr J o h n P n re le y , | HIGH SCHOOL. Pnrlle lleald ...... 93 n lo all ns "Uncle Prof. C E -chlabach, Oih G rade. (ldusIrloUH farm er, P rin c ip a l. L "e M e-s’e r ...... 97 Boots and Shoes! All the above to be found at the Dry leniber of "llaohe- 3 r. C lass Delia Brown ...... 84 e will be greatly Phebe Hpelcber..... 95 Oille Cooper ...... 95 11in and his bride a O ra S m ith ...... 98 les-de D ennlger ..... 80 Goods Store of ns life. Lena Itleas ...... 95 Junes Dennlger... 87 A n n a E l f r l n k ...... 96 Emma Itnnlliile .... *97 Middle Class. Mary Donlli He...... 08 n . C-ias. Speer...... 91 Charlie Fraebe ...... Ill w a l : j PAPER ity Tuesday, B ird H a lt...... 9d Henry Klover...... 8i affle his pony to- Tedle M sriIn ...... 07 Mary .Henke ...... 89 H . R osenthal. Bt rile Brown...... 8? Barry Turner ...... 88 H a rv e y S p e e r...... 7w Delia Wheaton ...... 9o int to Chicago last Jack Bullard...... 83 Frank Moore ...... 82 ETC., ETC., ETC. I. ROSENTHAL, Manager. M->ry E l f r l n k ...... 91 SECOND I’RIM A KY & ?by were In Cliata- Lizzie Taggert...... 94 Miss El zsbelli Cmnp- Til He W rede ...... 94 beil. Teacher. Emma Brobst...... 89 (lac, was In our 41 h (I rad e. . J r Class. Add e Elfrlnk ...... 62 GEM TEAL, D R EG STORE/ Maria Mahood ...... 92 \quila Eniwistle... On 111 m ake It hot for Eddie Gunther ...... 80 \ mella lleppe ...... 04 Charlie C urtis ...... 93 Mary H arry ...... 96 to Peoria Sunday Herman Rless ...... 92 Mary J-.tiea ...... TOf H . B A N G S , Minnie Desmond.. 87 iliotoe M esaler...... 8*r M. K ite Struckraeyer.. 9" Wllile Held ...... 94 ng man, was In Mudle Blghain ...... 89 I.liens hir e ...... 83 -Dealer In- Jennie Klrle ...... 86 lennle sleetli...... 8i the cards, and are E tt a I’a r k e r ...... 91 Bertha slcetli...... 9 > ol. Grace Watson ...... 9i F in n y a e m s ...... 93 - s * T H Z ^ s - ’ertb boys attended A g u es T r u e ...... 91 Jim m ie s m I th ...... 91 AiiHtlna llopperl... 81 Maitle Taggert...... 94 W CD dug. H Special Students. I h a v e a g lo rio u s Wallle W aisou ...... 88 MEST LIME OF + + Alice Stanford...*.... 93 H al B a n g s ...... 88 DRUGS! m ite r ." John Puffer ...... 8l Si I G rad e, fid! inn and daughter, Nettle Watson ...... 84 Nora Brown ...... 90 C ook's. GRAM D EPT Dick Turner ...... 9o and family spent Miss Manervn Doug­ A alter I rank ...... 10 per C ity . lass,' Teacher. C h a rlie Ri w e ...... 94 01 O, ased Mr. K. D. 8lli Grade. Am'iS StaHo, d ...... 84 a 69 MEDICINES, isl Tuesday, Louie Taylor...... 90 lease Moore..—...... 83 Ira Carson ...... 75 Jim m ie I'li I Oil hi ... 89 & ^ siting with her sle­ Edith Calkins ...... 86 Johnny Carson ...... 75 wing, this week. B die Billings ...... 93 Charlie Itoisey ...... 114 e v a > eic-r in tPItafate iti* fo 0 o 0 Kankakee last Eddie W rede ...... 86 Ernest Brown ...... 88 t t . jv44tt3 a t I ® S S M HE ttlDg an Ice plane, Charlie Hearing ..... 86 Ella L'Stou ...... 95 nrla, nrrlved here Robbie Taggert...... 93 Mj m ie Hi n c k m e y - oe {irfi 1 a few weeks with Enoia Carson ...... 79 e r ...... 96 Jessie Watson ...... 03 P a u lin a U ie - s ...... 07 OILS; Joule Rearing ...... 93 Alice Kill wlsl le ...... 0J to Peoria Monday, Bessie Lamed ...... 02 Jennie Jones ...... ul le doctor's care for 7l h G ra d e Eir.ma Fallberg ...... 8> SL.//, m & Willie Meek...... 82 Fa n n y M i Her ...... he season was last Fred Itleas ...... 94 FIRST PRIMARY w 1 9 3 ’ Dys Stuffs, Soaps, Bier registering 24 Elmer Irwin ...... 87 Mme Minnie M.BrtrW —• 3< ia(ct itv Eddie Megquler...... 86 T e a c u e r ,hat Mr. Fleldcamp •John Waugh ...... 86 2d G rad e. II glide over life's G ay B a n g s ...... 95 W CIIe E le n b n r n ..... 88 j Pr Wi WHITE LEAD, \\ Clarence Bangs ..... 92 Mai ry Cowl I n g ...... 95 L n u le H a ll...... 82 ladl e lleald ...... 88 your olty Monday D on B lg h a m ...... 89 K Pza tv 1 noe ...... 8;2 - i n and ao John took a Creighton Birch ...... 86 Hobble Crumpton... 96 Jfbtu GLASS', PUTTY, !. Amelia Entwlslle.. 88 Louie Casile 88 Eve was a grand G e rtie T u rn e r...... 88 Han ie Dennlger..... 81 rubers sold. There Lulu Wheaton ...... 85 \ I viti Wrede ...... it at same place: Nellie K lrle ...... 93 Oliver Si afford....- net at the school Joe Dorsey ...... 81 Elfle Cooper ...... last and elected Joe Chi' turn ...... 91 John McCiity ...... ■ in d M aud Y a t e s ...... 91 Philip Wince ...... m meet again Thurs- IN T. DEPT. Grace Blackwell.... Miss Alice Hcnlabach, Zalla Br okley ...... go yon one better,” T each er. J ty rlle It ro ll...... DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES. -gone where the 6th G rad e. 1st G rade. the thistle nods it* M ary A s h ...... 88 Dexter Piimpelly... f)8 Guy Calkins ...... 03| vugnsi. .*chaff ‘i od. and weather Sidney Cooper...... 9 6 A n to n ia Z ieger il.ti.. r the young folks Bertie Martin ...... 9<>jMyrtle st ■ nf >id...... ie Free Methodist Charlie Mercer...... 611 Sidney Brown ...... 95 Sweeping Redi'ctiens on Clothing t v illag e. K e m p to n . Ceorge Moore...... 85Cora I'rloe ...... 91 nk, Nebraska,arrlv- . S te lla Ite m s b n rg .....92 I,ei Hlrie ...... 93 ------)AT(------was soon shaking J u b a R ow o...... 91 Delia lleald ...... 9d Billy Is looking Ttllle Bless ...... 95 John Megquler...... 8 6 ot married yet, but Lottie Speloher..... 94 Berth a W 1 eile...... 87 ..Carl Wrede ...... 9.3 R ay T u rn e r ...... 6 6 PORT Lizzie Heppe ...... 96 Qiiie speioher ...... 06 JNO. W A LTER ’S i township, for the Watched, Clocks ■ginning Nov. 22nd, Sclmn! Ite|»nrt Number of days OfDlst. No. fl Chnlsworth township, for the inpils enrolled, 20. month of December. ol day attendance, Number of pupils enrolled. 33; average dal­ and Spectacles. 1112, d a n c e , 18. ly attendance. 29. Names of pupilH whose absent daring the deportm ent grade Is above 90: 12 suits, worth $12 00, for $ 6 50 g; Ivy and Nora J la 1 lin e ...... 99 - d Nellie Bate, E th e l S h e p h e r d ...... 09 cent petition. 14 suitfl, worth 7 50. for 4 O'i 12 suits, worth 15 00, for 8 00 anthly examination EHa.McMullen ...... 90 \l Stary Shepherd..a..—...... or 21 suits, worth 8 50, for 4 50 16 suits, worth 17 00, for 8 50 ...... — ...... W I! He Cltne ...... 09 ...... 88 A d d le M cM ullen ••••••••«••• >•••■••• •••jifiit •••• 4 suits, worth 10 00, for 5 50 12 suits, worth 18 00, for 9 50 ...... 88 Jl (jlln0.MII. . MM «••••• III Ml m Mt ••• •!••!• Mt ••* « I ...... 93 G eo rg e M cM ullen •...... •.««• •#*«•••••' 9 suits, woYth 11 00, for G 00 18 suits•*«•••»••«•• •••••*». for fO 60 ...... C...... 9T W allet* M a ln e s ... •<•••■•••• (••!•••••■• ••»•••••« ••••••#«*•• 1 I have also about 50 piirs of Punts, all quali t f f a . at the same redt ...... 91 Eugene Cline ...... • •»« M / B Wamesof pupils who have been neill Remember, I h ive the goods to show up ftjf the Above pri< ►••••••••*••*•••• • « »•• w nbsent nor tardy daring the ntonlht Id* • •••••a. 85 ‘ C'lne. Frank Cline, Judaon Maine*, WSlfir f : they must go. Call and get bargains. Voiroors truly, • ••tea •••••••••••••••.86 , ; M Jneo, Kale Ollne. Johno h n OCline llne. • ...••*•»*••• •••••• M 09 Louisaf nn l.o Stillwell, At III wm. Teacher. *•••• im •►»•»•.# a# •• #••••• 78 i Herner, Teacher. Bm A-’ m ;• i f ' i ■ ; /ASm f m m B r the collision of trains on the 31*t ult. 1st re a ch ed 640,000. W. P . N ixon had ENTOMBED. near Ban Antonio, Tex., fifteen persons placed in her hands 66,500 contributed in J Ghatjuiorth f taindfaU t T h e I m m Im of dtiw nl Logan e»sn>srs* Jf ’+?v;' >--* _ -y • ■ - — - - - were killed and several others were in­ Chicago. riiy Laid Away—Impressive Funqral Nnr- j 1 | | s ju re d . J ohn S. N f.w h e r r y , an ex-Congressman IT s~a JA 8, A. SMITH. PROPBWTOa- Ic m In tha tiaaatfS Chamber. i l f f s I n th e y e a r 1886 th e re w e re 373 p erso n s and a millionaire, died at his home in De­ Urn... lllljf.. W a shin gton, Dee. 8L—T he sloot-atcrin of 2 "8 5 5 "6 7 8 3 4 1 killed in tornadoes, 216 by boiler and other troit, Mich., on the 3d, in his sixty-first 9 10 18 14 16 10 12. CHATSWORTH. - : s ILLINOIS. Thursday night, which thickly *ns‘flOlwl 10 } \ l Ol 1 a explosions, 430 in fires, 174 in mining disas­ year. the pavements, gave place this Morn­ i' 17 w -1 22 17 In S olem n and impressive funeral sorvlces 23 24 ■2627 28 29 24 25 26 28 ters, 887 by floods and drowning, 71 by ing to a heavy fog, almost a raln-fali Tho over the remains of Benatop Logan wers 30 31 ••• 31 lightning, 40 by snow-slides, 39 by falling two inohea of thawing snow and ice which r.b„. 2 8 4 "6 2 Is 0 hold in the Senate chamber at Washington 1 * . "i buildings and 36 by earthquake. The num­ covered the ground made marching adl all 6 "7 ■ 9 10 11 12 '7 8 9 121s ber killed in railroad accidents was 855, on the 31st ult. There was a great throng 18 U n. 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 1920 NEWS OFTHE WEEK of people present Rev. Dr. Newman out-door exercise a thing to ho dnoded. 20 21 23 24 ■25 26 21 22 ■20 25 2627 a g a in s t W7 th e p rev io u s y e a r, an d 2,748 lost 29 30 preached the funeral sermon. The Presi­ However, I great crowds made their 27 28 28 & ‘ BY TELEGRAPH AND MAIL, their lives in ocean and lake disasters, way from early morning town# the Inch 1 2 8 4 "6 8*-- ...... r 9 dent was not able to attend, bujMrs. Cleve­ 8 9 10 11 12 "4 6 6 a g a in st 2,397 in 1885. C apitol to the remains "4 "7 land was present as well ^s Ch6 m em bers v ie w IS 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 T h e Governor of Ohio on the 1s t p a r­ statesman, and the 22 23 24 '26 26 18 19 20 ! DOMESTIC. of the Cabinet and their wives. All the dead 20 21 doned from the penitentiary its oldest In­ th e lying in state was too short 27 28 29 30 81 • •• 25 26 27 C harlbs H. R aymond, dealer in hard­ branches of tho Government were repre­ 1 Oct... mate, Priestly Buckmaster, who was sent to give an o p p o rtu n ity fo r aty to .pnm. -by IpriL. 2 ware supplies at , failed on the sented. The remains were placed in a 8 4 "5 6 "7 8 9 2 3 "4 from Coshocton County twenty-six years A t 12:10 he pall-bearers took their ylnoes 29th fo r *600.000. vault in Rock Creek Cemetery. An offer 10 11 12 IS 14 16 16 9 10 11 12 IS 14 ago for the murder of his wife. His son and convened the casket to the Hanato 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 16 17 18111) S a d ib Big elow and Lizzie Hart, aged of a permanent burial-pla

Bm/the-Joughnes, for example, forgot his lav A “HAPPY NEW YEAS." solution not to leave cards, and I saw him tugging away at the door-bell of a F. 0. BECKMAN, Lexington avenue mansion, oblivious of How the Holiday la Observed In the fact that there was a eard-basket just the Metropolia under his hand. He objeoted - to New } Practical Machinist! V ------■ Year’s calling because it made him so 0 h o cu ff E I T W L E i R O M , W j- tired tho next day, lu t I’ll wager that ho AGENT FOR M. HICKUAN, ------— ,— . . r T h e Old Style of C alling Which Is Going felt worse the next morning than if he 13 U ISli Out, and the New Style Which la bad made the annual rounds. Ho had a wai Now Coming In — Rlegant 25 “great time with the boys,” and I’m sure DEALER IN THE CONTRACTORS L unches at H otels. if he was satisfied 1 have no cause to 00m- 12 Blacksmithing A N D BUILDERS. [Special New York Correspondence.] 020 $ -AND- 21 20 It is 1887. This may seem to many people 29 a bit of superfluous information, but I will wager that fully two-thirds of my readers Finest Liquors, OH will go on for a week or two yet dating WE ARE PREPARED TO 15H10(17 23 24 their letters 1886 and wasting note paper and temper in that way which might be H orseshoing. MAKE ESTIMATES ON better reserved for other uses. I don’t know of any thing more fatal to IMS I have Wood and Iron Turning ALL KINDS OF the resolution, which most good men make Lathes, and make at this time of the year, to preserve an , WORK. 31 t AND for.. even temper, than to read over a nicely 19 10 written letter and iind it dated just a year 10 17 1819 back; yet we all do it, and the lino of de- PLANS AND SPECIFICA-4 23 21 26 28 markatiou between the old and the new MACHINE WORK 27 arso CHOICE CIGARS! Dm.. 2 "8 year is getting so indistinct that the mis­ TIONS DRAWN AND 910 take seems still more liable to occur. -A. SPEC IA LTY . 12 18 18,17 My friend, De Smythe-Joughnes, who To the farmers of this section 1 18 10 20 23124 FURNISHED ON 25|20|27 3081 is a dude and koeps me posted on the Latest offer special inducements as SATISFACTION society wrinkles, strolled into my office the A P P L I CA­ other day, and, after meditatively sucking to quality and price of liq­ GUARANTEED! L F L I G H T . 'VJ the knob of his cane for about half an hour, uors in any quantity. Call and I will use my best efforts to TION. arvelous Trip from d ra w le d : please you. sw Jersey . “Ye know, old chappie, I shawnt go out x.) News.] New Years. IDs doosnl bad fawm. Nobody plain. But the fact remains as he asserted F. R. BECKMAN. ace of that Inward receivos calls. It’s an awful bore, too— to mo. Calling has about gone out of A COMPLETE SET OF HOUSE­ omes to the surface gets a fellow so tired, don’t chewknow. I’ll fashion in the ultra-fashionable set. ring the somnambu- go with the boys.” And then he lapsed The old Knickerbocker stock still keep it BOTTLED GOODS! RAISING APPARATUSES. in the domain of in­ into his normal condition of reflective up. A fine old lady, the descendant of one to be active, is re- idiocy. of the oldest New York families, remarked OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS, J . W . O r r , 3. Daly, superintend- “Don’t anybody receive}" I asked. to me with some heat, on New Y ear’s Day: BOTH NATIVE AND IM­ livery in the Dallas “ N a w !” “ Wo have kept our house open on New ALL WORK WARRANTED! is a naturalist of no “Will they hang out baskets?” Year’s Day, and the women of our family PORTED, FOR FAM- extensive collection “Yaas;-but a feller isn’t such a bloomin have been ready to receive callers, and that 1 L Y USE. PAINTER abundantly testifies, aws as to toddlo round in the slush to jab old silver punch-bowl that came over from -AND- Shop South of T., P. A W.Depot. ion he secured from pasteboards into bawskets,” answered Do Holland has always stood filled on the side­ months ago a pair of Smythe-Joughnes, with some show of in­ board for seven generations. Do you sup­ ENTWISTLE & ROYAL.' French breed, such dig n atio n pose that I would give up a custom which g®*An orderly house at all times. lers from Paris when “I didn’t know,” I murmured, as I re­ has been honorably observed by our family -FOR- jht embrace of that turned to mv work. since 1650, becauso my butcher’s wife who Orders filled promptly“fg g DECORATOR. la, the German army, Now New Year’s has passed and a funny has no one to receive says that calling is nake sure of a supply old New Year’s it was, too. Along the fash­ not fashionable!" pt the New Jersey ionable streets and avenues, up town, the The old lady is more than half right, ntil they breed and houses were tightly closed, the curtains though, to bo sure, it is not the butcher’s FAFEH-HANHING PHILIP BESTS ady to fly. He then were drawn, and from tho bell pull was wives but the shoddy element in society airing and departed that has decreed that calling is not fash­ A SPECIALTY. ily duties. On his re- ionable. I shall uae my best en d eav o rs to please e young birds were Tho noveaux riche who complained a few M e a Y ^ m a r k e T arents were missing, years ago that they must send out cards so all parties entrusting me with their work, plausible theory by as to keep their callers select, but in reality and execute all contracts with neatneBS and MILWAUKEE : their absence, came to induce more to come, now find that they d isp a tc h they had been stolen. ire unable to secure callers even by the di­ Thanking my friends for their past I a le tte r fro m th e rect request of a card, so they exclaim with W, A, WALLRICHS, Proprietor, patronage, by a strict attention to business 1 New Jersey inform­ 1 very worthy lady friend of mine, who hope for a continuance of their patronage ant had arrived home, was explaining why she would not receive: J. W. ORR. t and under what cir- “Taint worth tho bother. Young men ALL KINDS OF ray. The fate of the won’t call nowadays, and if I can’t have a ved in doubt and ob- ,ot I don’t want none at all. Me and Har­ BEER, beon winged with a ry are going down to Lakewood to spend a F r e sh a n d S a lt ipi. But the question lay or two.” ;self to the inquiring Consequently there was one less hand- FITZMAURIGE carrier-pigeon, which jomo Madison avenue palace open. Young ,s in an express-car, men who would call were not permitted to WHHW , glimpse of the pass- gaze upon the expensive frescoing of tho le direction in which parlors, or the elaborate Parisian toilette —GO TO— from Dallas! To say of tho hostess, or enjoy the free and easy & D U F F Y , nee would be begging hospitality. For, despite her contempt for >st p la u sib le th e o ry is hung a dainty basket. A number of young Lindley Murray, she is a charming little DEA.LER8 IN TUE man beings under cir- men hurried along the streets running up woman and Harry is as rich as possible Constantly on hand. •eferred to, possessed the steps and depositing cards, and stop­ and as plebian as one can readily imagine. as independent of its ping between whiles in convenient bar­ The whole thing ciphers itself down to CHOICEST 4, in the longing for rooms. Here they braced up on hot drinks just this: The aristocracy receive calls y of its volition like a and partook of the fascinating New Year’s and will continue to do so. The plutoc­ l jre is more between lunch. The free lunch at the hotels on New racy don’t. Money is stronger than family LUNGHUS BUILDING. n can be dreamt of in Year’s Day is an institution of New York. or brains in New York; therefore New Roast turkey, duck, chicken, delicate sand­ Year’* colling is going out. More’s the wiches, pickled oysters, fruits and sweets l la n o r m a n FRESH LAKE FISH pity. A F . -THE- He also has a nice assortment of W illiam s, o f D ela- of all kinds are in abundance and the wholo NEW YEAR’S MORNING. lough Cure is^a great is presided over by a genial dignitary in On Tuesdays and Fridays. white cap and apron, armed with an im­ f i j k - hero recommend EL mense carving-knife with which he slices LIQUORS I itest pain-cure. off bits of fowl so thin that they melt in the mouth and only goad the appetite for more. -AND T H E - 7 any tiling but their Toward the end of tho day I observed the Highest cash prices paid for WIZSTIES effect of these lunches, or what was taken with them. One immaculately dressed CIGARS, ay do restored to gray youth grasped a convenient lamp-post and FAT CATTLE, FINEST CIGARS! lair Renewer. hailed me. BOTTLED GOODS, Iden colds. A y e r’s “ Shay, ol’ fell, this ish Mad’son avau SHEEP, nally effective in lung etc., etc., etc. isn’t it?” HOGS, Also a Full Line of “ This is Fifth avenue,” I replied. @“ An orderly house at all times. 1 frozen solid it is apt “ Shay, bow’d I get on Fifth avnu? 1 HIDES, Bouton Post. know lots a people on Madison avnu an I’ve TALLOW. BOTTX.2CD GOODS, been leavin’ cards at every house so’s I ne. Speedy, forcoughs wouldn’t make any mistake. Now here PATENTS irehound and Tar. I’ve been leavin’ ’em on Fifth avnu where I Consisting of ps Cure in one minute. don’ know' any body. Have to do it all over CHATS WORTH, ILL Obtained, and all other bneine»8 in the U, 8 Patent ►------Office attended to for MODERATE FKKS. again." Then, as if struck with a sudden Our office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and -that in the tails of inspiration: “Theso Fifth avnu folks ’ll we can obtain Patents tn less time than those re* Haven News. mote from WASHINGTON. know I’ve called anyhow.” Maiden—Are you making many calls to­ Wines, Champagne Cider, etc. The lines of calling and not calling Send MODEL OK DRAWING. We advise as to a n t fo r 50c. P iso ’s day? patentability free of charge: and wo make NO . Sold by druggists. seemed to be strongly marked. In the less Youth—Only one. Mother made mo CHARGE UNLES8 WE OBTAIN PATENT. fashionable streets, where the great lower promise to call here; because she used to C . HEPPE, An orderly house at all times. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Dlv„ and to officials of the U. 8. Patent will have his idyl middle class live, New Year’s jollity go to school with your mother. I cams Office. For circular, advice, terms, and refoienres '.t Press. reigned. Young men in hired dress coats early so as to have it over with.—Life. D EALER IN to actual clients in yonr own state or courty, ad­ hurried to and fro, and through the win­ Give us a call. dress IRKETS. dows we caught sight of maidens, w'ho, in Ills Business Card. C. A. SNOW & COM every-day life, answ’er to numbers in the FITZMAURICE & DUFFY. Two traveling salesmen, one a whisky Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. C. N ew Yo iik , Jan. 4. big fancy goods stores, clad in dresses cut drummer, the other dry-goods, occupied 8-2 60 5 60 very decollete, and having as good a time, I © the same section one night in a Mann bou­ Q> I © H 8 50 © 5 60 doubt not, as if they were worth millions 4 40 doir car. They played cards until morning, s 4 RO­ The swallow-tail may not set so snugly 8 10 © 5 SS during which time the dry-goods man had 4 75 or tho lace in tho bodice may be imitation © 5 15 adjusted himself outsido two-thirds of tho 95>l© 95 Vi. instead_of old point, but the gossip is just PEERLESS D°barreled B S . no SHOT- CUN 91 © wet-goods man’s samples, while the wet- GREATEST lVERY If ART WARRANT ML HAN1»-MAI)K 9 m as mariti 'the giggle as idiotic, the com­ 0nly$l6.50 fK«X BUTT TO MUZZLE. Among the resown-d 47%© 4#>i goods drummer had adjusted his pocket- g y m pliments as vapid and the salad as indigest­ feeler. of the world, no name atandi higher than \V. 32>/t© 88 book outside two-thirds of tho greenbacks LIGHT, RIfTHAKDS, of England. Up to 1886 Uiwe celebrated 52 © 59 ible as on the avenue. Even in the lower STRONG, lifacturer* h.ve in.de goo. .siting from 6ItOO to $400. 12 25 ©12 75 walks the New Year was celebrated. As advanced by tho dry-goods man’s firm for AND KKL1. 6 85 AilLL, 6 87!/, w e tu rn e d dow n a side traveling expenses. 12 18 In tho morning the dry-goods man com­ 30 © 88 street wo almost tum­ •.r 'i AGO. bled over a small girl menced looking up business before tho ef­ fects of his night’s potations had quite dis­ 15 10 a 5 20 struggling with a ■ M 4 65 4 80 large pitcher. “Hap­ appeared. Walking into a retail dry-goods THE BEST 4 s 16 4 80 py n’year,” gasped house, ho inquired for the proprietor, and, 8 (if) © 4 00 laying down what he supposed was his '< 1 8 00 8 65 tho infant. “Gi’ jne business card, ho said: 1 00 A 2 00 a co p p er.” better rood. Iholco... 4 00 3 5 00 “I represent this firm in this part of the aod lower price*, nd IImh Ii>- 8 00 5 15 Tho co p p er w as pro­ r.otor. b.r. tried for real to produce © duced and proved to country. I would bo pleased to have you r goni that would combine the eplruitld 13 8 80 come to the hotel and dino with me; alter a anil tie* of the high-priced ran* *°4 F...... 10 © 24 be a nicklo. cheap enough to meet jmpwlor Srmmd. 21 i 20 “ W h a t a re you do­ dinner I will show you a line of samples 8 75 © 4 00 ing with that pitch­ that will do your heart good to sec.” 8 50 © 4 00 “Well, sir,” said the proprietor, “I am 4 25 © 4 60 er?” I demanded, as -AND- ____ urlp. 77* 7 »i£ the mite bobbed a sorry to say that wo do nothing whatever forced lireeeh, andlng to Rtreugth and enabling you to ahoolAtary in that line of goods. Wo do nothing c h a r g e * without jarring the barrels. l)wi b t . t t ana most c o n v e n i e n t ■V, 'I 87«(g 87 V4 th a n k you. •hells. Centre Arts Many are prevented from tulag a breech­ ONE MILE SIGNAL WHISTLE 26'/,® 27 in general merchandise; wo are dry goods Tho l.wi**1■ u4 plerdigly ikitll — I 63 © “ Workin’ tho growl­ loader by the expen ne of the ammunition, but we are enabled to offer whl«U« ol tU rt.- .ovte «)*„ bo hoard •» MV4, strictly. You will find the tea store four A NO. ONE CIBARSI lUc. per kaa £______62 © 6214. er. Mammy’s got a akeila can be u*ed ever to one Ml The exaet site of a VL doors below.” 60 o«l lb re ^ R evem ae N ew Y e a r’s p a r ty ,” nnn». v V rknr* 3 © 5 was the reply, as tho y o u n g ste r tu rn e d „T oa?” * 8 © 5 “Why, yes; that’s what your house deals bullet, invaluable u a 214® 8 in tc 1* dark hall way. I keep constantly on hand the ___MTJJJ.fi!l l l f ______------atgnal for tea meter *, in, is it not?" for only $9U.?Gi Our Peerless Outfit (including Oun) ooastsu farmer*, npovtami 85 @ 48 And so it goes. I fancy that the poor b e s t b r a n d s a •*d all who with M 12 20 ©12 25 “Teal Thunderl Nol Dry goods!” of BEER. Also of 1 *T«eris e Ash,Ath| RnMs*jslate4Hi Cleaning Rod, w i t h csmyil o t a and those in moderate circumstances have instruments; 1 An •UcClMlng Crimper for Paper Shells; attract .Urnt4o* at 0 55 © 6 60 f u l l l i n e p a p e r a long dUtaac,. i** * ; a better time, taking it all together, than “O, oxcuso me, sir; I judgod from your of WINES and LIQ­ I Capper and___ IKosunper __ for Reloading _ or „ ______r shells; 0*11 j * m t u i c a rd .” 1 Powde' ’ and Skei Qaejre for accur+trtf e ; mitt thah fling.. 19 00 ©21 50 the rich. Of course, there is in New York UORS, which I will supply to 1 Shell Kxtmctori Complete InstnetlsM how'to load to K.V f m n *■• wh# 82 00 @34 00 The drummer looked at tho card, then • h o o t h a r d or to msk t h o t scatter—In all, everything needed for ••*• H waste It. I a certain aristocracy of well-to-do old farmers and families a t the lowest reloading aod cleaning this kaadneane jrnn (will seed this net * > * T . i 12 00 @18 00 families, who move on in the even tenor of went to the hotel to sober up. alone If ordered separately for dl.TS)| IS Heavy IX BrmM sr . 10 50 @18 50 He had laid down his Chinese laundry Shell*, can be easily reloaded 1(10 times, malting the amsenailOoo I 1 25 (a, 1 75 their way, untroubled by what the rest of rates. 1 70 © 2 40 1 the world may do or say, but to that great ticket. B. A. p y l have a side room where farmers UEHTY. t • class who look for happiness in following A yodng lady is driving a cab in Berlin. and their families can be served with a 81 80 © 5 tn the dictates of fashion, who join in the pat* hr only — went* I* Him. 4 25 © 4 59 She asks thrice the ordinary fare, because good lunch at any and all times. never-ending struggle, the ceaseless race 4 50 © 4 60 Bhe sits by the side of her employor while tyC alland yon will And me ready to 4 70 © 4 80 in whioh no one wins, and the only object Ha aplen 4 50 she driven him. serve you, c. a . d. © 0 00 of which is to keep up with the procession, represented. 2 50 © 3 00 O. H E P P E . Shanoe. MORE. life must be wearisome. Mv friend De M 75 © 4 87*. 8 25 4 00 5 60 5 6914 SL00 §4«T £r

.3G- * a l i i # •4’J. m mm* hud beeu-Csed balloting, resulted #a P . L . COOK. • ' i D. A. COOK. fitoatsmorth § laindealn. follows: Kate Blgltam. secretary; R h e u m a tism Carrie Stevens, assistant Secretary; JAB. A.HU1TU. Proprietor. Eftie Watson, treasurer; Kate Hall It U an ttablUkoi foot that Hood's Sar­ and Mary Stevens, corresponding saparilla has proven an Invaluable remedy HENRY W REDE in many severs cases of rheumatism, effect­ 0AHT8 WORTH, ILLINOIS secretaries. A committee ou consti­ tution and by laws was appointed to ing remarkable cures by Ua powerful action -H A S T H E - report at next meeting, which is to be in correcting the acidity of the blood, which held (lie last Saturday in January is the cause of the disease, and purifying and enriching the vital fluid. Adjourned K a t e B i o h a m . i/tfessr s t o c k It is certainly fair to assume that what The senior el«a« examinations do ______Beo'y p ro tem. Hood’s Sanafiai-tHa, has done for others it -o f ------them great oredit, especially their Don't Fall to Try ll. will do lor you. Therefore, if you suffer ■ uatheraatioa, and the questions were J. C Borrows. KalamiZoo. Mich., the pains and aches of rheumatism, give not easy ones by any inettus. tesiifiea: ‘ For moie thau five years a this potent remedy a fair trial » • member of mv family has been afflicted • A Positive Core. The middle olass take up Natural w ith H»y Fever, culmioa'ini! late id th e Philosophy and the seniors astronomy fall in a hanking cough. Every remedy I was troubled very much with rheuma­ and chemistry this term The experi­ proved futile. Not half a bottle of Pepil* tism in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I GROCERIES! ments In chemistry will be made Ion (ex'iacl of fl.x) Catarrh Cure had could hardly walk, and was confined to my Saturday afternoons. bei-u used before the cough entirely dis­ bed a good deal of the time. Being rec­ KKV- • • appeared, arid general relief followed. It ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I • is simply wonderful.” Large bottles only took four bottles and am perfectly well. The fender in Miss frow n’s room $1, for sale by H. M. Bangs. 1 cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla proves to be a g r e a t Huecess, using HE HATES SOCIALISTS. as one of the best blood purifiers in the HARDWARE! much less fuel and equalizing the world.” W. F. W ood, Bloomington, 111. heat in the room nicely. They will he put io the other rooms at once. Homlerljr Deinniiices the Blatherskites For Twenty Years * * la the Knights of L ab o r. * 1 have been afflicted with rheumatism. Before T IN W A R E t 1883 I found no relief, but grew worse. 1 then We will begin next week publish' A LRTTKR IN WHICH IIK SAYS TURKS IS NO began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and It did Ing sketches ou the fifty names from r o o m i n t h is c o u n t r y f o r a r i f l e - me more good than all the other medicine I standard Action upon which the TOO MUCH WHISKY IN TUB LARUE CITIB8 ever had.” H. T. Balcom , 8hlrley. Mass. prizes were awarded* The new list — BAD MEN IN THE ORDER WHO ADVO­ will be given sometime during the CATE TUB KNIFE I suffered from what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood’s Sar- month. The following teller written by General ----- AND------• • Maaler Workman I’nwderly to a prominent sajfkrllla and am entirely cured.” J. V. A. • Knight of Lab'ir lu Bro .klyo clearly ilettnea P r o u d f o o t , letter carrier, Chicago, 111. School begins for the winter term Ills position up.m ilie queailou of how tar ike We shall be glad to send, free of charge -IsTO TIO ISrS- order of which lie la the chief should go to with a alight decrease in the enroll' conciliate the socialists. to all who may desire, a book containing many meat, hut this will soon he made up. You have men In New York who would additional statements of cures by Tile scholars seemed anxious to get to move heaven and earth to resiore the old By Strict Attention to business, customs, unit m ake Ipe order again au oath- work, and the opportunity was not hound organ lEailon. I know them. You Hood’s Sarsaparilla Close prices and Fair and Honor­ long wanting have men in New York who have co-operat­ Sold by all druggists. 91; six for 9& Made • • REPAIRING able dealing, we hope to command * ed with men lu Philadelphia to break up only by C L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass- the order by going t-> a Catholic prelate of our full share of the trade. Give Prof Meeke is to give one of his eminence, and telling him that our old oath IOO Doses One Dollar. elocutionary entertainments at the Is still In force; lhat the word of honor Is but neatly and promptly done at Lowest us a trial, and we think you-will be a blind to make caispaws of the Catholic town ball Saturday evening January members, and that the general master work­ Possible Living Rates. convinced that it is to your interest 15th, 1887. Oue-balfof the proceeds man Is a parly to the Infamous transaction. to trade with us. will b e used for the benefit of the.Tnc ourse ot ihe Knights of Labor has come When in want of the Best Quali­ enbool library. The tickets wi from the promptness with which ac­ knowledged leaders of the socialistic ele- ty, at the Lowest Price, call on 25 cents, and no extra charge for|meut h ave put themse Ives forward at meet P . L. C O O K SON. reserved seats. Pupils in the public logs. and. while speaking, plainly hinted at J.F. echools, 15 cents. Beready with |'he an<1 Datong 8 UQ as th e re m e d y your quarter when the ticket com.] -‘Many of me men who advocate these has purchased the entire niittee calls on y o u , and by SO doing principles of socialism do not understand help along a good cause, and pu11 ,,^1.ern• u°rd > they care to understand them . business of E . G . 7 task and cati be found at his your-elf in the way of having an p re „sion that the only weapouH by w h ic h evening of fun and pleasure, listeuingilahorcatl hope to seoure the desired reforms old stand, w here he w ill to Prof. Meeke. Further notice will!”re ee this may Earkrejinme, Pumps jth Prize on lloket, silver fruit dish—No 52—won by ...... Miss Mary Donahue aend their addreea. and teat the bnslneae, we make You can purchase this medicine of any druggist gth Prise on ticket, barrel of Roller Process flour—No. 335—won by ...... Edward Dolton lhl« offer. To anch aa are not well aatiafled we will o r dealer ID uiedloinee. Buy It where you trade. If Bend one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. AND WOODENWARE! he hat not got It, ht will tend for ft at your request, D. B Eagan was proclaimed the most popular barber, and got the cap. Wm. A. and sell yon the genuine Ham's OIL OF QLADNK8S Wallrloba, the greatest hunter, won the rifle Little Willie Brady, the happy boy, won Pull partirnlara and outfit free. Addieaa 0K0K0E 8TIN80N A 00.. Portland Maine. A N D A L L at the maoafaotn'er'a lowest price at retell on ibe horse. L HAM, Proprietor Albany,N. Y. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. K IN D S OF P. Van Bchaack A Sons, Poller A Fuller, and Mor­ Pofltoffloe a n d fish p o n d ...... $ 7 86 ■ J |^ k |^ lffto be made. Cat thla ont and re- rison dt Plummer. Wholesale Agfa..Chicago III. Voting borse sod rifle ...... „ —...... 142 95 m iu IIU L V ">rn tn "’"i w* wl,) aend yon promptly done attbe lowest llvlngprlcee. Fancy table...... 25 49 * ' 11 1 1 I fr<'° ""Be,hlng ofgreat valueand M arried I ad lea' ta b le a n d v o tes on c a p ...... 80 06 I I I U I ll . I Importance to you. that wllE can lira at home and make more Turning table...—...... —...... 6 83 atari you In bnalneaa which will bring yon In mora jQ rl HAVE A BEAUTIFUL money at work for us. than at any IfllftSta....,* - m— ...».... *.« •»««»» »...... ••...... 16 36 money right away than anything else lu this world. LINE OF FIRST-CLASS thing else In this world. Capital not T ic k e ts sold ...... 244 00 Any one can do t’ Maine, to oar |tlnd Town Board for the uae of the ball. Father ▼. d. Hagen. dress TRUE A 00., Augusta, Mains. E . A. JACKSO N. m-

WufeliftoH Letter. ALL SORTS. Profe68ional and Business Card• ; From oar regular correspondent. > READ THIS CAREFULLY. ■-...... - 1,1 ...... W a s h in g t o n , D. 0 , Deo. 81, 1886. The population of the United States for lbOu Is calculated by a Smji- In order to lutroduoe eud Advertise our Tb« oily baa been more quiet duriutf ibe goods la all parts of lbs oounlry AT ONCE S T A P I present Congressional holiday vacmioa Frau cisco paper at 62,775,000. we are almost mm. e. t r u e . than is usual at euob limes. Quite a num­ New Haveu N ew t: The man who ber of Senators «ud Repreaenutives went thinks that the world owes him a Office Over borne to eat ibetr Cbrietuias dinners, (be living as a general rule never collects dealb of Ssuator Logan caused various the bill. H. M. BANOS' BEUG STOBZ proposed festivities lo be abandoned, and GIVING AW AY DRY I GOODS, rheumatism baa again kept the Piesideut There la on exhibition In London a -wing C h a t s w o r t h , I l l i n o i s . prisoner, so that be bas been compelled to giant baby. The cherub is but a few beautiful. Useful, Amusing and Miscellane­ months old aud weighs just 100 ous Umiga. Wu will send ltie Entire Collec forego ceriuin social entertainments given Li-• n p-otr nnid for only 18 cents. GROCERIES, In his honor. pounds. •Sr-Y-iU C.\N N or F a il t o b e m o r e Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured TH vN S A T IS F IE D : B p. ByiugtQm. To-day almost everybody of prominence 6 Beautiful Engravings, viz. The Morning in Washington attended the imposing thousands of cases of rheumatism. of l.lfe, v (.arhmd < f Miwt-ro. The Firsl l.ove Office First Door North of funeral ceremonies of the distinguished This is abundant reasou for belief that Letter. Ttie Faggoi Uatlierer, Indian Summer, dead, which were held in the Senate It will cure you. Try it. a n d The W aning Y ear 6" P o rtra its ol Fa Chamber. General Logan aud his wife moils Men, 26 Portraits of F,im-.ua and Beau­ E. A. BANGS' DRUG STORE. An estimate of the sugar-cane crop tiful Women, Xun Beleclious for Autograph -AND Were members of ihe Methodist church of Die world this year reports an in­ Albums, 41 Fancy Work Designs In Em­ CHATSWOKTH. ILLINOIS eud Rev. Dr. Newman, the Washington crease of 2,21-s,000 tons, aud of the broidery, Crochet, Berlin, Net and Lace pastor of Gen. Grant, officiated at the Work, Cross Slllcli. etc., iho Popular Hongs funeral, assisted by ibe Chaplain of (lie beet-sugar crop a decrease of 520,750 alI ihe favordes. 300 Punicles. Charades, Re Miscellaneous.:1 Merchandise tons buses Kiilgrams. Riddles, etc , too Valuable Senate, aud ihe Rev. Dr. Butler of the Money.m-iklug'-ecreta, some of which have © j © A., N 1 ch o I s , Lutheran church. The funeral procession Mrs George 8age, of Harlan, Iowa, sold lor 85 each. tf'J \uiU8liig Parlor Games. 83 go to the Ohl Reliable Store of ha- traveled 14,(MX) miles iu search of Tricks In Magic and Legerdemain 68 Chem­ from ihe Capitol to ihe ceuieiery. which ical aud mher Experiments, 33 Popular was lengthened by a number of civic ami her husband who rau away with the llecitailons, The Language of Flowers, I lie —PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,— military organizations, was in charge of hired girl last fall. Golden Wheel Fortune teller. A Dictionary Geu Sheridan of Dreams, A Guide to Flirtation. The Magic Office oyer JE. A ■ ‘Hangs* Manuel Barrieut and wife, of Mata- Age Tablet The Lovers’ Telegraph. The MagiO ‘Drug Store. This was the sixth funeral that has umras, Mexico celebrated the 80(h Square. The Morse Telegraph Vlptiabet, The taken place in ihe 8euale (.’hamher. The aunivetsury of their marriage a lew Heveu Wonders of the World, and a Map of CHA ‘/S )t Q7t I'll, - JLLIATO IS . first was lha' of Seualor Hicks of Mary­ llie United Slates. days ago. The husband is 102 years Remember—we will send you EVERY­ land, the next Senator Foote of Vermont, old, and the wife 96. THING named above for only 18cm. in p--si then Hou Charles Sumner, Vice-Prrsii Hg-- stamps Address UNION HUPP1.Y dent Wilson, and last March Senator Itc h , Prairie Afange, and Scratches AGENCY B--X 322, Philadelphia, Pa. My having no rent and no clerks to SAMUEL T. FOSDICK. Miller from California. of every kind cured in 30 miuu es by pay enables me t-> sell all goods Among all ttie tributes that are paid to W oolford x Sanitary Lotion Use no (duccesscrtoKoidiekA Wallace.’) the deceased Sena'or, the honesty of his oiher d’liis never fails. Sold by II. at close figures, and if legisla t e life was lost sigh; of. In au M . Baugs, Druggist, Chatsworib, 111. you wish to secure AND MUN2ELQR AT LAT, era when corruption was rife, and when Jake Fisherman, of Parker’s Land­ SAIFORD £ BROBST Bargains give m m many of the strongest men of both parties Chatsworth, Illinois. ing. Tex., having divorced two wives m e a c a l l . were broken down and blasted by public bas married another, the twoex-wive.s -HAVE Will practice m L viugMon aiitl adjoining coil lit lea exposure or denunciation, which was al­ All legal bunt ness i u trusted to my care w ill receive remaining in the service of the I am headquarters for (he purchase most as fatal, Logan escaped all those present mistress of tiie house. prompt atteutiou. long years untouched even by suspicion. of all kinds of Although his political friends accust d hint Pains in the back are frequently of being narrow in his prejudices some­ caused by a sudden wrenching of the New Furniture! TJaos, S. C urran, times, even Ihev acknowledged that lie spine A few applications of Salva­ was a firm, sincere friend, who never tion Oil will give permanent relief stooped 'o In pociicy Price twenty-five cents. For sale by P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e The re-nomination of Mr. Matthews, ull druggists. ELEGANT FURNITURE! f u ’ the colored lawyer from Albany, to be Francis Darnell and his 17 year-old AND Recorder of Deeds in t he District of sou visited Griffin. Ga., the oilier day, VERY HIGHEST PRICE!! Co umbia promises lobecome a celebrated and crowds followed them The TASTY FURNITURE! ! COLLECTING AGENT. case. The President holds that since tlie father is four feet four inches tall, Respectfully, Senate rejected him last summer much of and the son three feet one inch -ALL AT- Specialattentioi i aid to collecting Doles and the opposition lo Matthews' appointment W M . ALTMANN. accounts. has been removed by (he latter s manage­ An eminent Preshy terian divine ment of I lie office. The Democrats art- announced to his congregation that CHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS. indignant that I lie President should have he would lie obliged to take a vaca­ Prices Never Before eei-n til to send in the name of this ‘ car- tion on account of bronchitis, when the elders immediately raised his petbager from Albany,” mb i hey cad him made in Chatsworth. JOHN FEHRIAS, and the Republicans are watching wi'h salary and advised him to lake Dr B. I. PUMPELLY, interest to see how the Senate will treat Bull’s Cough Syrup and he cured. the case of the same nominee which it President Grevy, of the French t D E N T I S T . rejected last session, Republic, receives a salary of $240 000 Office over FT A . B angs'store. Iu re-nominating Mr. Matthews the a year, and is allowed $20,000 for heat­ 4 ' _ V is its President said to the senate: ‘I hnv<* ing and lighting his house, and his ventured in view of the demonstrated servants; $60,000 for his entertain ,K'l f e p i-'I fitness of this nominee, and witli the men Is, and $2-3 000 for the mainten­ M eat Market! Cullom 31 Wednesday of Each Month, understanding that the obj-'Ctiona hereto­ ance of his game preserves. fore urged against bis selection have to a i * r All W ork W arranted. greit ex eni subsided, aud confessing a H i t a n d s u f f e r , groan and grum desire to tender to our colored fellow hie, fret aud Hash, stew and stammer citizens just recognition and the utmost over your aching head, or face, or We shall keep on hand a complete good faith, lo again submit this nomina feet. You make everybody trouble, l i n e o f E. A. BANGS, lion to the Senate for confirmation, at tfie when t-y iuve-ting 25c in a bottle of same time disclaiming any intention to Hams On, ok Gladness,” you rid F R E S H F I S H yourself of pain ami others of anoy­ ques'iou its previous action in the premi­ EVERY FRIDAY. B A F K E R i ses ” The matter will cause a warm a n c e COFFINS, discussion soon, and it is probable that A merchant of Allegan, Mich, CHATSWORTH- ILL. Mr. Matthews will be rejected again keeps what he calls Ills “thief ac BURIAL - CASES HIGHEST PRICE Congress did a good deal of work in count.” In it lie records everything a n d d o a n Collections Made al Lowest R ates . the brief time that it convened before the missed, and the first person discovered in Cash paid for holidays, and it should not be severe!v stealing goods is required to pay the UNDERTAKER'S BUSINESS censuted if it were to do nothing more entire bill to escape prosecution. Re CA TTLE c& H ID ES. A General Banking Business Transacted. this session except to pass the regular cently a woman was caught stealing u in general. appropriation hills. Still much more iB 50 cent pair of leggins, and she was R epairing of A ll Kinds ------):«:(------proj-c-ed. For instance, Representative called on to square the account, which Springer says lie will do hII lie can to pass Don® N eatly &C Prom ptly. > his hill enabling tfie territories of Dakota, amounted to $5. For Young Cattle, not over four We respectfully request that the Montana, N- w Mexico and Washington Free Trade. years old, I will pay the Robert Rumbold: to enter the Union as Stales, aud he things public give us a call before purchas- Highest M arket Price. he may succeed. The reduction of interna) revenue and There are two propositions pending ihe taking off of revenue stumps from GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, befote Congress now relative to the suhj -ct Pioprietary Medicines, no doubt has SANFORD & BROBST. JOHN FERRIAS. of marriage and divorce, nnd whether or largely bcnefiied the consumers, as weli CHATSWORTH. lLia. not any action will tie taken on either of as relieving Hie burden of home manu­ them, the question involved is one of great facturers. E.-pecially is this ihe c.-.se importance and constantly increasing wiih Green's August Flower and Bos T am agent f*»r tlie HOME, of N. Y., IIAUTFORD chee's German Syrup, us ihe reduction of ('linn., CONTINENTAL, of N. Y. AVEKICAN in'ercst One of these measures proposes OKNTK \ Ij. «»f St. Louis, Mo., and t!«e WASHING­ a Constitutional amendment for the estab­ of thirty-six ceuis per dozen has been TON LIKE, ot N. Y. ('all on mo and T will v '•it# lishment of uniform laws throughout the added lo increase Hie size of the bodes you lip » policy at the lowest possible laiea. I jm containing these remedies, thereby giving L. J also agent for the old reliable iEtna Insurance Com­ United States regulating marriage and pany. divorce. one-fifih more medicine in tin- 75 cent The While House patient has been size. Tiie August Flower for Dyspepsia Purifier. refractory, and consequently be is not and Liver t ompiaini, and the German bo well as he otherwise might have Syrup for Dough and Lung troubles h a v e , been. The President’s physician warned perhaps, the largest sale of any medicine 9t is FJaturc’s Civn Remedy C . GUNTHER, him to keep still and not expose himself in the woil.1 The advantage of increased ©ring: made from Hoots gathered from the Forests to drafts, and both of these 'orders were size of the bottles will be ereally appre­ of Georgia. It is acknowledged to be the <* ealcst Dealer i n and M anufacturer of disobeyed. Then on Wednesday after­ ciated by ihe sick and > fflic.ti'd in every aud Uest lEomedy for AH All’ccLioiis ol the Lilood. noon the President drove out to his lowu and village in civiliz d countries. country place in an open Victoria, Simple bottles tor 10 cems remain the wearing a light overcoat, and caught same size. r some cold. ARNESS, SAD DLES, The President’s trouble is a rheumatic Meyerbeer, the composer, eotild i LV' : knee, and everything is being done to whistle "Yankee Doodle” when three Jto prevent llie disease from spreading, but, years old. said the doctor, no medical skill has ever A Merchant's Opinion. been able (o confine rheumatism to one Interesting Treatise oil lilomi anti Skin Diseases mailed Collars, Whips, Bridles & c. part of the body. In the case of Gen Mr. B. F. Nourse, General Western FULL to all who apply. It should be carefully Logan it was the special aim of the Agent Royal Baking Powder Co , wriles: read by everybody. Address physicians to keep it from the heart. “ I have never found so great results from REPAIRING PROMPT­ While they succeeded in doing litis, it physicians’ prescript ions and at'endance THE SW BFT SPEC IFIC CO ., A tlanta, C a. | attacked the brain. The President hopes, upon our children us I have after a few LY EXECUTED. however, to be equal to the ordeal of days’ use of Papiilon (extract ol flax) Skin the u°nal New Year’s day reception at Cure. I cannot describe to you medically 1 the White HrtTise. Even if lie cannot what it has done for us, hut can say ihat \Lf.W OItK W A Rll ANTED TOBF, OF TUB endure the entire two hours’ task, he years of treatment have not accomplished VERY B K ST M A 1 Kill A L OR NO Cl A I GK proposes to receive until compelled by whal Papiilon has done after a few appli­ ■ fatigue to retire cations ” Large bottles on ly ft. at H. M BOOKS, TH R EE CENTS EAC Bangs’ drug store. Them. fo’lowingr- ibooks . are published 11 -.1 1 £ in neat pamphlet 1 — . Fr,form, ^. _ ...many . of .. C 41.them a r», Knhandsomely n.l £./, m /lT / iHiT'*1 »“G” ‘ -11 1. Eland 11 all are printednt»d fromI rom gg> m-1 t\ po uponipon goodtrout I i i < r. 1’leaso ex urn: ik* t e I s t h ml sue n yon c * » 11 • • c fi i • -1 t) i«• n • • n < 1 1 •1 t you t y Come and see mrandsave money. Official Proceedings oT the Board of would like to possess. In cloth bound li rm these books vvr or “ D w* T»n*rn«».,t Y VIRTUE of an order nnd decree of the published—s -mil 1 I • iri eve* v I. • * -1 - -•! i. / ,’t n-trated. Out «ft.o iKidh-. A ■ I. !•* I »' ’ S Turner, Reising, Took, and Gunther. County Court of l.ivlngntnn County, till l*oein«, by I loner tV. I.ongit'lltuv. Noouo can a fiord to rl"ie Ruimiiii it* Ad \ cniurci ol' n Mil..maid. A Nov»L B Ry I .iomas II a ItDY, After reading the minutes of the previous moIn made on I he pel illon of l lie undersign­ bo with.ml l .is fiuts c-dlei I f.-. T'loIIilrl I A...IA V—• ' 1 :i - 111 lu v -nn. tate of Thornns Donahue, deceased, for lenve Pnrlor Amu-*'*ineu(•*. A l.u-?.* coHeeti,»i» of Ar-iin - C'>i- )IIm or Mnuf A s-.-.-l. la w ,. -< «. / " 3 bills were presented, approved, and the to sell the lent estate of Mild deceased,at the i’url'ir l>i i in . s .» li**v rantunlme*. (Sum--**, In * r.\ •*, Marc lllltc r tlian Ocaitli. A Navt-l. By tao tar ol A ‘ clerk ordered to make vouchers for their .... for f<>< ial gii n-i in. s. pMidlr and private untei taiunients -‘H i Tl..... | December Term, A. I)., 18*6, of said Court, fti . even ill lit ImiUTo. liiast, uteil. 4 lirrl-l.ii,-* OIO. A Vav.-l. IIv Hi-nll C-i',vin I nr nl I kin Is m I’m N-r-.llewoi k. A qnct-n AmonffMt IVomcn. A NovpI. By iho author ol Real Estate described us follows, to-wit: A rt 1-: I- l.mlu oidei v. f.aco Work, Knitting, Tut ting, Crochet nnd “ Dm a 1 II ■; H". " J W Rons for hauling 2 load sun­ Net Work. /Btutt'afrit. The I'ul I ^Inrrlaee. A Nov*d. Hr ^fi«s M. R. Rradoox. BARBER SHOP dries, acc’t streets and alleys . 50 The northeast one-quarter (\£) of Seel loo Primoti* 1) *t *-dive Stories. A oollretfon fhrMVng: nar­ A Title «I‘S .. A Novel. Ry M S. It .it V -o. sixteen (16). Township twenty-seven (27) rative* or ©elective experience, many of tiuuii written by Actual A ISrldjceOl’l -ovc, A N *vH. Ih ir: r«.r 1> » -----FOR A—- Jno M. Birt for cleaning snow off norlh of Range eight (8), east of Die Third memliors of t!n* profession. A Passive C'rllittV a Novel. Rv l k I' i •*.” Principal Meridian, In Livingston''County. Yntikoe Wit nn l IInmor. A roller I h»n of humorous Iiifflfden II oils''. A Novel. Ry ant - of *■ D"i i r*o*i of sidewalks, acc’t streets and ■ torii-*. sketrlies, po«*ms aii 1 p ir.»--rap m, by t!i« leading funny The KiiighMuidgo Mjutery. A Novoi. uy Ciu-. ki a lle y s ...... 2 50 Illinois, on the following terms, to-wll: The Oien nl't'ie American press. //’ n.*( •■ate.d. Rku i>.tge 61 column illustrated lit ’ra v p-'n’r. for n**o yo-ir ,\ \\ or lci f 11 I > v rnt nn iivil. - - __ Admtnlalrntor of the estate of Thomas .f ■•.* l’s all loiters: F. 11. L U P T O X , l*ubll«th- r . No. a P a r k P la c e , fc e v r CHATSWORTH , l l IL L IN O IS . f foi* murder. Donahue, deceased. . : ; ^ p 'l m ' ysliPdr

■ . : \ ■ v , ■ ■ Hil ‘.-v 1 4 - June SI—Work of empanneling s Jurv in Chl- M ar. 8,—f b e ______er repo June 96—Nailers’ strike at Pittsburgh; which Oot. 8—United States Senator Austin F. P ik e , CHRONOLOGICAL. sgo Anarchists’ oases, Is the criminal oourt Dominion Parliament that the publlo d e b t of listed a year, sallied by cqwpromtse. dropjgddesd fromjbpsrbd,se*»o on his farm,] (Judge Gary), begun. A. R. parsons, who had C anada w as #208,600,000. July 8—Executive Hoard of the Knights of mV*• peen In hiding, appeared for trioL Jury ob­ Mar. o— Uurinay permanently annexed to the Labor report following to have been the cost of Oot 19—Three prominent men, George W.l Some of the More Im portant Hap­ tained on July 15, trial commenced the next day, British possessions. strik e on W ab ash s y s te m ; $100,00) to th e b o a rd ; Adam*, president of B ventng « a r Company, ex- March 16—Joseph Chamberlain and Mr. Tre­ #1,000,000 to th e strik e rs an d #W 0 QJXJO to th e ScuavorYulee, of Florida, and Judge Thomas I penings of 1 8 8 0 . velyan tendered Mr. Gladstone their resigna­ railroad company. Sunderland, buried at Washington.,..Major tions as members of his Cabinet. Sept. 88—National Council of the United John R. Hotallng, General Logan'a chief-oM sentenced to be hanged December 3. Oscar March Hi—The anniversary of Emperor Will­ Order of American Mechanics met at Baltimore. staff, died at Huron, D. T. I Th« Great Labor Btrtlua—Death* of Noted Nee be sentenced to fifteen years’ Imprisonment iam’s eightv-third birthday, observed with great O ct 8—Chicago packers decided to return to Oot. 16—Ex-Oongres*man Ben Willis, dlsd in , Men—8torma and Karthqnakee— Motion for a new trial overruled by Judge Gary ceremony throughout the Empire the ten-hour system, und the employes struck. . " _ October 7. Judge Scott, of the State Supreme Mar, 81—Slavery abolished In the Kingdom of The strike ended on the 18th, but was renewed Oot. 90—John McCulloch, oldest member of; Political and 8oclal Events, Both Court granted a writ of error November 85__ Corea, where half the poople were formerly on the 0th of November, by order of the Knights, Grand Army of Republic, died at Dayton, O. Foreign and Uoiueitlu New England Institute Fair, Boston, burned by slaves. and the Chicago militia was called out. On Oot 86—Rev. Robert w est editor of Chicago discharged employes. Many lives lost and prop­ Apr. 5— Rlght-Hon. William E. Forster, Chief November 0 most of the men returned to work Advance, died suddenly at the age of forty-one. AGRICULTURE. erty worth #360,0U) destroyed. Secretary to Irelaud, died in London. on packers' terms, and on the 13th the strike ....Death of Cornelia M. Stewart wife of the F ebruary 14—Ten per cent, of stock In Oct. 4—William J. Gallagher, notorious in Apr. 8—Mr. Gladstone unfolded his scheme was ordered off by Mr. Powderly. On the 20th late A. T. Stewart, in New York City.... Hon. i Arkansas Valley destroyed by cold weather connection with Chicago election frauds, for Irish home-rule. the militia loft tho yards und two days later the Mason M. Toppan, Attorney-General for New) d u rin g w inter. arrested for forging county treasurer's name to Apr. 18—The Earl of Shaftesbury committed deputy sheriffs were released, Hampshire, died at Bradford. Apr. 82—A million acres of fine cotton land special assessment receipt. suicide at London. Oct. 13— Mr. Powderly rOtelected General Nov. 8— Mrs. Nellie Jones, oldest member o t flooded by breaking of a levoo on the Missis­ Oct. 25—An express car on San Franolsoo Apr. 18—Great lire at Honolulu, spread over Master Workman, Knights of Ljtbor, at Rich- the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, sippi river, sixteen miles below Helena. Ark. road robbed of $50,000, near Pacific, Mo., sixty acres, ren d ered 8,000 people hom eless, and moud, Va. died at Smyrna. Del. June 11—W heat sold in Chicago for 7814 cents the messenger, Fotheringhum, being subse­ cau sed a loss of $1,500,000. Oct. 18—Third annual convention of tho Na­ Nov 9—Theodore T. Gurney, for seven years per bushel, the lowest in twenty-five years. quently arrested for the crime. He was found Apr. 25— In the fire at Stry, Austria, 128 lives tional Brotherhood of Railway Brakemen, com­ comptroller of Chicago, died in his sixty seventh June 88 — Unprecedentedly largo crops of bound and gagged, and claimed that be bad were lost, and over #2,000,000 worth of property menced at San Antonio, Tex. year. wheat and fruit in . been robbed by "Jim Cummings," the last of destroyed. Oct. 20—Twenty-third convention of Brother­ Nov. 12—Cordon E. Fuller, well-known July 12—Loss in spring and winter wheat dur­ the Jesse James gang. May 14—Reports hood oi Locomotive Engineers, convened at throughout the Northwest died ut Des Moines,, ing Ju n e ll.Odi',000 b u __ California wheat crop Nov. 4— Dr. W. H. Palmer, of the Jackson cently occurring in Madrid killed thirty-two New York. Iu. , largest ever harvested. (Miss.) penitentiary, dismissed, being charged persons, and Injured over six hundred. Oct. 21—Executive Board of the National Fed­ Nov. 15—Judge Alfred Shaw, who ranked high Aug. 11—An improved condition of spring with assisting convicts to secure pardon. May 17—A son born to Queen Christine, of eration of Miners and Mino Laborers, at Pitts­ in many secret societies iu this country, died at wheat in Iowa and a retrogression in Dakota; Dec. 9—Gang of four men und two women, Spain. burgh, denounced the Knights of Labor as fire­ New Orleans. a heavy decline generally. co u n terfeiters of nickels, a rrested a t Cairo,111. . May 80—Seventy lives lost by sinking of tho brands calculated to create mischief. Nov. 18—Ex-President Chester Alan Arthur Sept. 8—American Horticultural Socloty Union Club of New York discovered that it had steamer Lydermon, from Melbourne to Sidney. Deo. 7—Meeting of Federation of Organized died at his residence in N. Y. City. elected Pnr.ser Earle, of Cobden, 111., president, been robbed of $100,000 annually by a combina­ May 24—Queen Victoria s sixty-seventh birth­ Trades and Labor Unions of Unitod States and Nov. 20—John Arnot, Jr., Congressman from a t Cleveland, O. tion of servants with tradesmen.... Arrost of day celebrated in London. Canada at Columbus, O. tho Eighteenth New York distriet died at El­ Sept 10—W heat crop over 80,000,000 bushels Trenton (N. J.) aldermen, on charges of bribery. June 7—Home-Rule bill defeaflid in House of Dec. 15—Strike in Chicago of Lake Shore & m ira __ John 8. Phelps, ex-Governor of Mis­ greater tliau last year. Dec. 10—Three men arrested ut Findlay, O., Commons, by 841 to 811. Michigan Southern switchmen officially de­ souri, dtod at St. Louis ...Charles Francis Oct 6—>lr. J. Juvene presented one bale each charged with plotting to burn und plunder the June 10—Physicians report King Ludwig, of clared off; began in June last. Adams, Sr., son or John Quincy Adams, und ex- of ramie and jute, the first of theso products city; one made confession to that effect. Bavaria, insane. Mtntster to Great Britain, died at his home in ever raised in the United States, to the Cotton Dec. 11—William Reed, formerly treasurer of June 18—King Ludwig, deposed, committed METKOItOLOGICAL. Boston, Mass. Exchange at New Orleans. South Boston Horse-railroad, pleaded guilty to suicide by drowning himself in Starnberg Luke. Nov. 23.—Herbert M. Hoxie, manager of the Nov. 8—American Fat Stock, Dairy and Horse em bezzling tlOO.UK). June 19—Death of Hobart Pasha, Marshal of Jan. 6—The temperature at El Paso had boon Gould railway system, died at New York. Show opened at Exposition building in Chi­ Dec. 20—A. J. McQuade, a New York “boodle" the Turkish Empire __ Forty-ninth anniversary below zero for a week, previously an unheard Nov. 24—Francis Palms, the richest man in cago. alderman, convicted on his second trial, lined of Queen Victoria’s reign observed iu London. of occurrence. Michigan, and a lumber merchant, died in De­ Nov. 10—National Grange Patrons of Hus­ <6,000 and sentenced to seven years' imprison­ June 25—Parliament formally prorogued by Jnn. 7—Intense cold and high winds prevailed troit, leaving an estate of #30,000,000. bandry commenced its annual session at Phila­ m ent. Queen Victoria. in the West, Northwest and South. In Louisi­ Nov. 25—Death of Erastus Brooks, a promi­ delphia. June 28—Prince Luitpold made Regent of ana it had not been so cold for years, tho ther­ nent journalist, in New YorkCity. Nov. 12—At the closing session of National FIRES. Bavaria, during the insane King Otto’s reign. mometer at New Orleans registering nineteen Nov. 29—Dr. Gray, famous in cases of insani­ Farmers' Alliance, A. J. Streeter, of IUfnois, Jan. 1—The seed house of D. M. Ferry & Co., July 19—Popular vote in English Parliament­ below. ty, died at Utica, N. Y. re-eleoted president__ At a meeting in Chicago, ary elections resulted in a Unionist majority of Jan. 9—Cold wave extended south to the Dec. 3—B. F. Perry, provisional Governor of White's Grand Theater, aud Wesson Block, Gulf, and at Galveston one man was frozen to of National Uutter, Cheese and Egg Asso­ at Detroit, Mich., destroyed; loss $1,500,000. 272,082. South Carolina in 1865. died at Greenville. ciation, H. H. Gurler, of Illinois, elected presi­ Jan. 3—The Southern Hotel, New Orleans, July 20—Gladstone and his Cabinet resigned. death. Great dumage done to orange crop. Dec. 6—Death of William T. Price, member dent. July 30—Death of Franz Liszt, the great Jan. 11—Cold weather continues in South; at Congress from Eighth Wisconsin district at totally destroyed, aud u number of men killed Chattanooga nine below zero, tho coldest ever Nov. 16—National Cattlo-G rowers and National or injured. pianist, at Bayrouth. Black River Falls, W is....E. Price Greenleaf, Swine-Breeders’ Association met in annual ses­ Aug. 3—Crown Prince of Germany opened known there. of Boston, died, leaving $500,000 to Harvard Uni­ Jan. 10—Great woolen mills burned at Phila­ Feb. 3—Snow in the vicinity of the City of sion at Chicago. delphia; loss $1,000,000. celebration of five hundredth anniversary of versity. Dec. 9—Governor of Michigan issued proc­ founding of Heidelberg University. Mexico, for tho first time in thirty years. Dec. 7—Death at Baltimore of John E. Owens, Jan. 29—The Reading road lost nearly $1,000,- May 2—Heavy rains in Southwestern Texas, lamation quarantining cattle from Cook Coun- 000 by the burning of the engine house at Ma­ Aug. 5—England’s nqw Parliament met, with the veteran comedian... .Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, ty, 111. ^ Arthur W. Peel as Speaker. covering a section of grazing country that had ox-Congressman from Fourth Now York dis­ honey Plane, Pa ... Building and stock of the not been watered for eighteen months. Ryan drug house at St. Paul, Minn., burned; Aug. 23—Editor Cutting released from Mexi­ trict und formerly pastor of Eighth Congrega­ CASUALTIES. can jail, and removed to American soil. Aug. 5—Upper Yellowstono valley visited by tional Church of Brooklyn, died in latter city. loss, $250,000. a violent storm. Feb. 21—At Wilmington, N. C., flames origi­ Aug. 27—House of Commons rejected Mr. Par­ ... Joseph W. Harper, of New York, American Jan. 4—Great havoc by storms and floods In nell's amendment, by vote of 301 to 181. Nov. 30—Thormometer fell 22 below at Win­ Consul at Munich, died in that city, portions of Pennsylvania. nating on a cotton steamer swept along Water nipeg, Man., and 14 below in Northern Minne­ street for three blocks, consuming $1,000,000 Sept. 3—Cholera broke out in Italy. Dec. 9—Isaac Lea, LL. D., distinguished nat­ Jafl. 9—Terrible accident on Wilmington & Sept. 17—Cholera inAustro-Hungary. sota. uralist, died in Philadelphia. Northern railroad at Wilmington, Del.; throe worth of property. Dec. 6—Traffic badly Impeded by snow in Feb. 28—The dry goods house of Mannheimer Sept. 21—ParneH’sroill for suspension of evic­ Doc. 10—Abraham Dowdney, Congressman bodies burned and several men injured. N o rth w e st__ Heavy snow-storm in North Caro­ from tho Twelfth (N. Y.) district, died in New Jan. 10—Great storm on the Atlantic coast of Brps., at St. Paul damaged to tho extent of tions in Ireland, defeated by 297 to 202 $150,000. Nov. 8—Fred. Archer, aged thirty years, lina and Virginia; most severe in latter State Y ork City. the Eastern States; several wrecks and loss of famous jockey, killed himself with a revolver for thirty years. Dec. 13—Death at Adrian, Mich., of Charles life. Feb. 24.—Depot and sheds of the Cypress Hill Dec. 8—Severe shock of earthquake at Colum* street railway in Brooklyn destroyed. Loss at Newmarket, Eug., while in delirium of fever. M. Croswcll, Governor of the State iu 1876 and Jan. 13—Twelve men buried by caving-in of an Nov. 9—Inauguration of Alderman Hanson hi a, S. C. 1878. ore-mino at Alburtis, Pa. over $100,000. Dec. 9—Wonderful magnetic disturbance Mar. 6—At Akron, O., the extensive mills as Lord Mayor of London caused terrible out­ Dec. 16—Marshall P. Wilder, one of the fore­ Jan. 23—Jackson (Mich.) poor-house burned noted at Rochester, N. Y. most pomologists of the United States, died at to ground; live lives lost. of F. Sehumacker, and the railway station ad­ break of Socialists and unemployed poor. joining, burned, Loss. $1,0X1,000. Nov. 12—The King of Denmark refused to al­ Roxbury, Mass. Feb. 10—One hundred thousand head of cat­ Dec. 17—James D. Warren, publisher of Buf­ tle and one hundred persons frozen to death Mar. 7—A fire on the pier of the Monarch low his son, Prince Waldcmar, to accept the of­ NECROLOGY. Steam8hii) line, at Jersey City, N. J., caused a fered throne of Bulgaria. falo Commercial Advertiser and a State leader ot within a radius of one hundred miles of Dodge Jan. 5—J. B. Lippincott, the well-known pub­ the Republican party, died in that city. City, Kan., during the winter. loss of $500,<»K). Nov. 16—Report that Garcia Cordena, candt lisher, died at Philadelphia. Mar. 19—Burning of city hall at .y?Jl River, date for the Presidency of Mexico, was assassi­ Dec. 18—Death of Frederic W. Pitkin, ex- Feb. 16—Owing to floods in Boston and vicin­ Jan. 10—Hon.Benjamin Conley.ex-Governor of Governor of Colorado, at Pueblo. ity more Ilian ten thousand people were home­ Mass., and all municipal records. Loss, $250,000. nated, confirmed __ Prince Nicholas of Min- Georgia, died at his home in Atlanta, Ga. Mar. 21— A lire at Helena, Ark., destroyed grelia, selected by Russia for the throne of Dec. 25—John Moffat, noted temperance less; damage to property, $6,000,000. Jun. 22—James T. Farley, ex-United States worker, died at St. Louis, aged fifty-eight years. Mar. 14—The steamer Oregon, with eight hun­ thiee valuable blocks, including opera house B ulgaria. Senator, died at Jackson, Cal. and ix>st-oitlce. Loss, $200,000. Nov. 23—Princess Beatrice, youngest daugh­ Dec. 26—Frank Weigman, oldest man In Ohio, dred passengers on board, wrecked by colliding Ja n . 24—Joseph C. R ankin, m em ber of Con­ died at Cincinnati, aged one hundred and five with a schooner, twenty-five miles from New Mar. 28—Great railway shops of Northern ter of Queen Victoria, gave birth to a son. gress from tho Fifth Wisconsin district, died at Pacific at Brninerd, Minn., destroyed. Loss, Dec. 3.—French Ministers tendered resigna­ y ears. York. All on board saved. Vessel valued at Washington. Doc. 26—General John A. Logan, U. S. Sena­ $1,230,000. $200,000. tion to President Grevy. Jan. 26—Death of ex-U. S. Senator David R. Mar. 30—A fire which broke out in the Car­ Dec. 10—Mr. Gladstone disapproved of anti- tor from Illinois, died at Washington, D. (i, May li—Cyclone at Kansas City, Mo., by Atchison at Clinton County, Mo. aged sixty-one years. which twenty-nine lives were lost, twenty per­ los Theater, Key Wost, Fla., burned the greater rent campaign in Ireland. Jan. 89—Neill S. Brown, Governor of Tennes­ sons injured, and thousands of dollars worth of portion of the city. Loss, $1,500,000. Dec. 16—Arrest of William O'Brien, editor of see in 1848, and Minister to Russia in 1850, died property, including the court-house, destroyed. Apr. 6—A tiro which commenced in John United Ireland, and John Dillon, Matthew Har­ in Nashville. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL. May 12—A cyclone devastated Williamsport Paul's mill, at La Crosse, Wis., spread rapidly ris and David Dillon, members of Parliament, Jan 31—Benjamin R. Hitchcock, founder of and caused the destruction of much property. charged with conspiracy to defraud, for their Governors were inaugurated as follows: Ja n . and Atticp, Inch, a bridge at the latter place be­ th e Palladium and tho Courier and Journal, died I, Hill, of New York and Fitzhugh Lee, of Vir­ ing destroyed, and several persons killed. Also Many families rendered homeless. Loss esti­ participation in the anti-rent campaign. at New Haven, Conn.; said to be the oldest m a te d a t $l,u00,000. Dec. 20.—A family of eight persons asphyx­ ginia; Jan. 7, Robinson, of Massachusetts; Jan. the villages of Vicy Springs and Green Ridge, printer in tho United States. II, Foraker, of Ohio; Jan. 14, Larrubce, of Mo,, and Dayton and Zenia, O., suffered serious­ — Apr. 7—Gem City Flouring-mills at Quincy, iated in County Tipperary, Ireland __ T h irteen Feb. 2—General David Hunter, U. S. A. (re­ 111., burned. Loss, $200,000. persons killed and thirty others injured in a Iowa, and Lowry, of Mississippi. ly. At Xenia nearly one hundred houses swept railway collision at Charkow, Russia... .Steam­ tired), died suddenly in Washington. United States Senators elected: Jan. 13, away and thirty-four lives lost. Apr. 12—Boston Block at Minneapolis. Minn., Feb. 9—Major-General W. S. Hancock died at in which were the post-office und business ship Llanelly foundered at Holyhead; twelve John Sherman, of Ohio; Jan. 19, A. P. Gorman, Juno 7—A train fell through a trestle at St. persons drowned __ Mauroyeni Bey appointed Governor’s Island. N. Y. of Mary'and, and Jan 21, E. C. Walthall and J. Steiihcns Station, S. C.; six persons killed, firms, burned; also library of the Bar As­ F eb . Id—Jo h n (1. T hom pson, no ted D em o­ sociation. Loss, #225 000. Turkish Minister to Washington. F. George, of Mississippi. and many others fatally wounded. cratic politician died at Seattle, W. T. Jan. 21—Heury Lloyd elected Governor ot Aug. 13—A dozen men lost their lives while Apr. 27—Freight and passenger depots of the Dec. 22.—Owing to heavy snow-storms rail­ Feb. 12—Horatio Seymour, ex-Governor of Cincinnati, Wabash & Michigan road at Wa­ way truffle completely suspended throughout Ma ylund, vice Governor MoLane, appointed tearing down main building of New Orleans New York, died at the residence of his sister, Minister to France. Exposition. bash, Ind., struck by lightning and destroyed; Central Germany. Mrs. Roscoe Conkling, at Utica __ George C. loss heavy. Dec. 23—Messrs. Dillon, Sheehy, Harris and Jan. 22—Dorman B. Eaton, Civil Service Com­ Aug. 24—Fifty lives lost during the recent O’Brien, charged with conspiracy to defraud, Bute ft, a lawyer known from New York to Sun missioner, resigned. storms in Texds. Apr. 30—Establishment of S. W. Floss & Co., Francisco, died at Denver, Coi. notions, of B altim ore, g u tted ; loss $600,000__ discharged by a magistrate at Loughrea, Ire­ Feb. 17—National W oman's Suffrage Associa­ Aug. 29—The powder-magazine of Laflin & Feb. 18—John B. Gough, for forty years tho tion met in eighteenth annual couvention at Rand, near Brighton Park, 111., was struck by The furniture store of L. & E. Emanuel and land, the evidence not deomod sufficient to war­ leading orator on temperance in the world, died publishing house of A. L. Bancroft & Co., at rant prosecution __ The resignation of Lord Washington. lightning and exploded; one man killed and six Randolph Churchill from the British Cabinet at Frankfort, near Philadelphia, of paralysis. Feb. 18—Fitz-John Porter bill passed by tho others fatally injured. San Francisco, burned; loss $750,000. Feb. 25—.Judge James L. Mitchell dropped May 3—Business x>ortion of Fairvlew, Pa., de­ causes great excitement in London political H ouse. Aug. 31—Severe earthquake shocks along the dead while addressing a convention of ex-mem­ Feb. 22—Thomas R. Hudd succeeded tho lato Atlantic coast, to the Mississippi; most severe stroyed. circles bers of the Iowa Legislature at Des Moines. . May 26—Publishing house of Belford, Clarke Dec. 84—Steamer Ville de Victoria sunk in Joseph Rankin in Congress. at Charleston, S. C., a large portion of which M ar. 8—S e n a to r Jo h n F- M iller, of C alifornia, Feb. 24.—A liquor bill, similar to the old Scott was destroyed and great suffering and destitu­ & Co.. Chicago, burned; loss $1,000,000. the river Tagus, forty of her passengers and died at Washington __ C. B. M eeker, for m any June 7—Grand Theater at Louisville de­ crew perishing ___ Jo h n L ew is & Co.’s im m ense law. passed by the Ohio Legislature. tion existed among xieopie. Ninety deaths re­ years general passenger agent of the New York Feb. 25—Marriage of Thomas A. Edison, at. sulted. stroyed; also Kentucky School of Medicine toy establishment at Liverpool burned; loss, $2,000*000 ^ Central road, died at Schenectady, N. Y. Akron, O., to Miss Mini Miller. Sept. 4—Four men killed and seventeen badly dam aged. Loss. $100,000. Mar. 9—Jerome B. Chaffee, first UnitedStates June 25—A lire originating in an oil-house at Pe­ Mar. 10—The President sent his first veto to Injured while touring down a building ut Indian­ Senator from Colorado, died at Purdy's Station, the Senate, concerning the restoration of Lieu­ apolis, Ind. oria, III., destroyed freight depot of Pekin road, INDUSTRIAL. near New York. and thirty cars. Loss, $250,000. Feb- 26—Coke-drawers and miners of the Con- tenant Callis McBluir to the retired list of the Sept. 14—An excursion train collided with a Mar. 15—Michael nahn. Congressman from arm y. freight, on the Nickel Plato road, near Silver July 5-^-By accidental explosion of fire works nellsville (Pa.) region resumed work. the Second district of Louisiana, and its first Creek, N. Y.; twelvo persons killed and four­ at Harlem, N. Y., three stores burned. Loss, Mar. 6—About nino thousand Knights of Governor after the war, died at W ashington __ Mar. 11—The President vetoed the bill for. teen injured. & 15,IKK). Labor, employed on the Gould roads in the William Irwin, formerly Governor of California, the relief of settlers on the Des Moines river Oct. 5—Thirty persons killed and many wound­ July 11—Most disastrous forest fires which Southwest stopped work on account of tho dis­ died at San Francisco. lands, in Iowa. ed by boiler explosion on the steamer La Mas- had ever visited Northwestern Wisconsin oc­ charge of the foreman at Marshall, Tex. Mar. 17—General Deveronux. president of Mar. 16—Major-General Popo was retired cotte, near Cape Girardeau curred at this time. Mar. 5—Strike on the New York street cars Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis from the War Department__ The President Oct. 14—Floods swept away the town of Sa­ July 18—Fire in Knapp, Stout & Co.’s lumber amicably arranged. railway, died at Cleveland, of cancer. nominated W. N. Trenholm, of South Carolina, bine Pass and other towns in Texas, and over yard, St. Louis, destroyed $50J,000 worth of Mar. 18—Strikers on the New Orleans divis­ Mar. 23—Ansel N. Kellogg, president of tho as Comptroller of this Currency; and John H. two hundred persons were drowned. proi>erty. ion of the Texas & Pacific road resumed work, A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company and founder Oberly, of Illinois, and Charles Lymun, of Con­ Oct. 28—1The limited express train on the St. Aug. 8—Spencer, Wis., almost entirely de­ on an agreement to submit the case to the of auxiliary printing, died at Thomasville, Ga. necticut, as Civil Service Commissioners; ap­ P a u l railro a d ran into an oi>en sw itch n e a r Rio, stroyed by forest fires. One thousand persons United States Court for arbitration. A jfir. 1—Thomas A. Thacher, professor of proved by the Senate April 6. Wis., and thirty persons killed. Brakeman were homeless. Loss, #200,000. Mar. 22—The Knights of Labor refused H. M. Latin and Literature at Yalo College, found Mar. 17—The Government decided to bring Wells held responsible and arrested. Aug. 11—Forest fires still raging in the north­ Hoxie's offer for the Missouri road. dead in his bed. suit against the Bell Telephone Compuny. Nov. 19—The schooners Menekaunee and Mar­ ern i)art of the country, doing great damage. Mar. 21—An attem pt to run a freight train out Apr. 12—-Thaddeus Fairbanks, the Vermont Mar. 18—General Alfred H. Terry eleoted inette wrecked off Frankfort, Mich., and seven­ Aug. 15—Forest fires in Wisconsin "extin­ of the Missouri Pacific yards ut St. Louis, scale inventor, died at St. Johnsbury, ia his Major-General, vice Winfield Soott Hancock, teen lives lost. The steamer Lucerne lost in guished by heavy rains. caused trouble between tho police aud strikers. ninetieth year. deceased. Lake Huron, her crew of nine men perishing. Aug. 17—Business portion of Tulare, Cal., de­ Several persons injured and the militia hud to Apr. 13—Dr. J. H. Arnett, superintendent of Mar. 23—Governor Stoneman, of California, T otal loss by gale, $723,000. stroyed by incendiary tiro. Loss, $250,000. be called out. the American Express Company, died at appointed George Hearst, as United States Sen­ Dec 6—Foundering of schooner E d ith off Aug. 18—Sandusky, O., steel works entirely Mar. 26—Switchmen on Wabash rood in St. Niagara Falls... .John H, Noyes, founder of the ator, in place of John Miller. .-south coast New Foundland, by which the crew consumed by incendiary lire. Loss, $200,0(K). Louis, struck. Oneida community, near Utica, N. Y., died at Mar. 24—2,451,200 acres of land in C alifornia (thirteen persons) perished. Aug. 21—At San Francisco nearly #2,(XX),000 Mar. 28—.lay Gould consented to arbitration, Niagara Falls. taken from the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Dec. 9—Locomotive explosion at Jersey Shoro, worth of property burned, consisting: of busi­ and Grand Master Powderly ordered Knights to Apr. 24—Death of the widow of Wendell Phil­ Company, by decision of the Secretary of tho Pa., killed four men. ness blocks and residences. resume work. lips at Boston. Interior. Dec. 1 j—Burning at Point Coupe, La., of J. Aug. 29—Large passenger steamer, Daniel Mar. 31)—Every one of the seventjr-fivc trade May 1—Bishop Charles Franklin Rooertson, Drew, entirely destroyed by tire, off Kingston Mar. 25—Tho Postmaster-General informed M. White, finest boat on Mississippi river. or labor unions in Chicago declared for eight- of the Diocese of Missouri (Episcopal), died in the Senate that 8,645 fourth-class postmasters ■ Over forty lives lost. Loss, $180,000. P o in t, N. Y. Loss, $150,00.). hour system: Sept. 4—A loss of $200,000 was occasioned in S t. Louis. had been removed during the first year of th» Dec. 15—Burning of Calumet Hotel at Plpes- May 3—Attack of mob upon McCormick's May 10—Death of David Fisher, probably at Democratic Administration... .George Peabody “ton, Minn.; A. S. Orcutt, a Baptist clergyman, Eric yard at Jersey City, N. J., by a kerosene Reaper Company’s factory, Chicago. Several explosion. the time of his death, in Cincinnati, the oldest Whitmore renominated for Governor by the Re­ (killed by failing walls. of the men shot by the police, a number of Congressman living. publicans of Rhode Island. Dec. 17—Natural gas explosion at Kokomo, Sept. 10—The largest saw mill in the United whom were also badly injured __ E nd of tho States at Chippewa Falls, Wis., burned. Loss, May 20—Death oi Mrs. Alice Key-Pendleton, Apr. 5—Caleb W. West, of Kentucky, ap­ Ind., injured thirty-live persons, twelve of them strike on the Gould Railway system. wife of Hon. George II. Pendleton, United pointed as Governor of U tah by the President. serio u sly __ Whaling bark Atlantic wrecked off #200,000 / May 5—Collision between the strikers and Sept. 1S/-A tire at Council Grove, Kan., de­ States Minister to Germany, occurred by Apr. 12—Brigadier-General Miles succeeded coast of San Francisco and twenty-five of crew militia, at Bay View, near Milwaukee, Wis. being thrown from her carriage in Central Brigadier-General Crook, in Arizona. stroyed pro p erty valued a t $150,000__ An im ­ Five men killed and several wounded. lost. mense packing bouse built by Fowler Bros, at Park. New York. Apr. 19—Attorney-General Garland testified May 6—The doings of the Anarchists in Chi­ May 21—Dr. Dio Lewis, author and reformer, • before the Telephone Investigation Committee | C R IM E S . Atchison, Kan., struck bv lightning. Loss, #100,- 000. cago indignantly denounced by General Master died at Yonkers, N. Y. at Washington. Feb. 17—Mike O'Connell, the incendiary who Oct. 15—Every business house at Eastport Workman Powderly. May 28—John R. Bartlett, for many years May 8—The four Republicans from Hamilton -destroyed over $600,000 worth of property at Me., destroyed by tire. Loss, $500,000. May 7—End of the brakemen's strike on tho Secretary of State in Rhode Island, died at County wore sworn into the Ohio State Senate. -Great Barrington, Mass., last summer, capt­ Oct. 17—Fire at Salisbury, Md., swept over Union Pacific road ----Advices show that 325,IKK) Providence. May 19—Impeachment trial of Auditor Brown, ured. the entire village, causing a loss of over $1,000,- persons joined in the demand for an eight-hour June 1—John Kelly, the noted Tammany lead­ of Iowa, commenced at Des Moines. Found not Mar. 11—An aged inmate of the alms-house 000 worth of property ...... A fire, supposed day. er, died in New York; guilty of charges and reinstated. *ear Lebanon, Pa., threw paris green into a to bo incendiary, swept away ono-haLf of Stock- May 8—End of the freight-handlers’ strike in Juno 5—Rev. Pharccllus Church, one of the May 20—Bill permitting women to practice k e ttle at -voffee, poisoning one hundred inmates, ton, U tah. Chicago. most prominent Baptist clergymen, died at Tar- law in State courts signed by Governor Hill, of ten or more of them fatally. May T2—Bill providing for the Electric New rytown. N. Y. New York — N. S. Wallace succeeded Michael - Oct. 18—Six factories destroyed at New York. York Arcade railway, the cost of which will be June 17—Edwin P. Whipple, the well-known Mar. 12—Patrick Ford and John Murphy, New Loss, #200,000...... The greater portion of busi­ Hahn to tho Socond Louisiana Congressional Orleans politicians, convicted of the murder of $100,000,000, signed by G overnor Hill. literary critic, died at Boston. d istrict. ness parts of Oakland, 111., burned. Loss, May 12—East St. Louis evacuated by militia. June 21—L. A. Brunner. ex-Spoaher of the Captain A. H. Murphy, after having taken poi­ $3X1,000. May 27—O hio W om an’s Suffrage Convention, son to escape the gallows and being partially May 25—Twelve thousand miners in the Vir­ Ohio House, died at his deskin the Advertiser in session at Cleveland, elected Mrs. Frances Oct. 27—The Case School of Applied Sciences ginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania coal regipr.s. office a t Tiffin, O. revived, hanged in that city. a t C leveland, O., b u rn ed ; loss, #300,000...... Casement, of Painesville, president. Mar. 13—An express train on the Rock Island who had been on a strike, returned to work at June 28—Judge David Davis, ex-Associate Jus­ Juno 2—Wedding of President Cleveland and The two banks, opera-house and other buildings the old wages. tice of theUnitedStates Supreme Court,United road fell into the hands of masked robbers. An at Murfreesboro, Tenn., destroyed by fire; loss, Miss Frances Folsom took place at the Whito old express messenger named Kellogg Nichols, May 27—An association organized by forty- States Senator and virtually Vice-President of House. $100,000. seven Philadelphia hosiery manufacturers, em­ the United States, died at Bloomington, 111., of Chicago, was killed and his safe robbed of Nov. 4—Tho Lancaster (N. H.) court-house, June 23—Judge Stanley Matthews, of the $25,000. ploying twelve thousand men. for protection leaving an estate of $2,000,000. Mar. 17—George Q. Cannon, the polygamist, with all the papers, destroyed by lire. against unreasonable demands of employes. July 20—James F. Gordon, inventor of agri­ United States Supreme Court, married to Mrs. failed to appear when his case was called at Nov. 16—Business portion of Durham, N. C-, May 28—Master-masons of Chicago declared cultural and printing machinery, died at Mary Theaker, of Cleveland, O. Salt Lake, forfeiting $23,000 bail — A mob burned. Loss, $200,000. the eight-hour movement a failure __ E xecu­ Rochester, N. Y ___Captain H. C. Chester, res­ June 27—William E. Smith, Assistant Secre­ repaired to the court-house at Car­ Nov. 19—Tho wholesale clothing houses of tive committee of Knights of Labor changed cuer of the Hall Arctic Expedition, died at tary of tho Treasury, resigned, and Hugh S. rollton, Miss., where thirteen negroes were Mack. Stadler & Co., and Marcus Feehhcimor & from five to eleven members, with permanent Noank, Conn. Thompson was chosen his successor. being tried for murder. They shot ten prison­ Co., Cincinnati, destroyed by fire. Loss, $600,- headquarters at Philadelphia. July 23—Charles Hutchinson, over twenty July 21—S. P. Rounds, Government Printer, ers and mortally wounded the remaining three. 000. Several firemen were injured. Jiine 1—Illinois State Labor Association con­ years business agent for the American Board of purchased Omaha Jtcjntbliran. ...Opening or Mar. 18—Henry W. Jaehnc, a New York alder­ Nov. 28— Lockwood Manufacturing Company, vened at Decatur. Foreign Missions, killed by the cars at the Low­ Sfcngerfest at Milwaukee, Wis. man, arrested for bribery in connection with the burned at East Boston. Mass. Loss, $200,000. jJune 5—Robert Schilling, a Knight of Labor ell (Mass.) depot. July 27*-W. W. Porter confirmed as United Broadway railway franchise. His trial began Dec. 8—Opera-house at Brooton, Mass., de­ leader, indicted for conspiracy at Milwaukee. Ju ly 25—Jo h n M. B runsw ick, th e g re a t bill­ States Justice of Supreme Court of Arizona. May 10, and on the 20th he was sentenced to nino stroyed. Loss, #220,000. June 8—Hosiery weavers, to the number of iard-table manufacturer, died at Cincinnati. Aug. 2—J. II. Bowden, Joseph Barbour and years and ten months imprisonment at Sing Dec. 5—Herzog's Opera-liouso building at 10.000 in the Kensington district of Philadel- Aug. 4—Prof. W. P. Jones, formerly United J. Q. Ward elected Superior Judges for Ken­ Sing. James A. Richmond, president of the Washington, destroyed. Loss, $150,000. phio, went on a strike. States Minister to Amov, China, died at Fuller­ tucky .... President signod Oleomargarine bill. company, arrested April 9, was re-arrestod Oct. Dee. 10—Destruction of business portion of June 4—Strika of building trades in St. Louis ton, N e b __ Samuel J. Tildon, died suddenly at Aug. 3—A. P. Williams elected United States 19. Eleven aldermen were arrested April 13 A ttica, O. Loss, $150,000. declared over. Greystone, near Yonkers, N. Y., of perelysis of Senator from California. S t and eight in October. Alderman Duffy turned Dec. 11—Hardware storo of A. F. Shepley & June 7—Nearly twelve thousand tailors in th e h eart. H is w ill beq u eath ed $4.^00,000 for Aug. 9—President reappointed W: C. State'B evidence May 31 and Jake Sharp was Cantwell Company, of St. Louis, burned ; three Williamsburg. N. Y., and Newark, N. J., struck tho establishment of public Institutions. Matthews, colored, as recorder of deeds, Dis­ arrested Oct. 19 for the wholesale bribing of m en killed. Loss, $600,000__ Woolen mills at to help tho eight thousand Idle ones in New A ugust Id—Ex-Governor John W. Stephenson triet of Columbia. aldermen. James W. Foshay, ex-president of Clinton, Mich., burned. Loss. $180,(KK). Y ork City. died at Covington, Ky. Aug. 17—First extradition treaty between the Broadway road, was also arrested. Dec. 21—Twenty-eight residences and two Juno 8—At a meeting of tho International Ty­ August 11—Rev. Moses A. Hopkins, Minister United States and an oriental nation accepted Apr. 28—Johann Most, the New York Anarch­ business houses burned in Galveston, Tex. pographical Union, at Pittsburgh.W illiam Ami- Resident and Consul General from tho United by Japan. Promulgated by President Dec. 2. ist leader, indicted, and arrested in an house of Loss, $120,000__ Every business house in Vic­ son, of Nashville, Tenn., was elected president. States to Liberia, died at Sierra Leono. Aug. 27—Thomns E. Benedict appointed Pub­ 111 repute, May 11. On June 2 sontenccd to a one toria, Ark., destroyed by incendiary firos. Loss, June 8—Striking furnituro-workers in Chicago August 19—Death of John Dougall. founder lic Printer at Washington. rear's term in Sing Sing and to pay a line of $150,(KK). go book to the old plan. and editor of the New York Weekly Witness, a t Sept. 6—P. H. Hughes elected Governor of Ar­ Dec. 25—Plunkett's Sons’ warp mill at Adams, June 11—Master masons of Boston returned Flushing, L. I ...... Jumes F. Lewis, first Chief kansas. Apr. 80—Arrest in New York of Georgo Ed­ Mass., burned; loss, $150,000 — The Dean wool­ to the old system. Justice of Nevada, died at Fort Yuma. Sept. 7—Judge Thomas C. Manning, of Couis- wards, the noted forger. en mill' at Newark, Del., destroyed; loss, June 18--Dolegates to the telegraphers' con­ A ugusts—ProfessorC. E. Stowo, husband of u»na, appointedI to succeedsuccc - Unitod— - - States Minis-■ May 8—An old man of seventy-threo years $200,000. vention resolved to join the Knights of Labor. Harriet Beecher Stowe, died at Hartford, Conn. tor Jackson, to Mexico. named Shcdd murdered his wlfo, and thon June 19--After a six weeks’ trial of the eight- August 23—Amos Adama Lawrence, the phil­ „Sept. , . 17—Governor ------Bodwell (Rep.) elected killed himself near Fekonsha, Mich. FOREIGN. hour day, the St. Louis furniture-workers re­ anthropist and identified with the settlement Chiefof ExecutiveE of------Malno. May 4—Throwing of the dynamite bomb into Jan. 4—M. de Freyoinet accepted French turned to the old system. and development of Kansas, died at Nahant, Sept. 28—Sub-committee of Committee on the rankH of threo hundred Chicago policeman, Premiership and began to form new Cabinet. June 21—Eight-hour ordinance repealed by Mass. Foreign Relations of United States, com­ who had formed to suppress a socialistic gath­ Feb. 1—Gladstone formed a now Cabinet. Milwaukee’s Common Council. August 29—Judge Rufus P. Spaulding died at menced at Boston to Investigate the fishery ering at tho West Side Haymarket. Ono Feb. 2—Bismarck’s policy in expelling the June 22—National Association of Saddlery and his home, in Cleveland, O. quostion. policeman instantly killed ond forty-six Poles caused great excitement in Germany and Harness Manufacturers formed at Pittsburgh, August 30—Bishop A. I. Drysdale, Episcopal Oct. 0—Genornl Jonn B. Gordon elected Gov­ a grounded, seven fatally. Three Socialists killed A ustria. for protection against strikes __ After a four bishop-elect for Eastern Maryland, died at ernor of Georgia. and a large number wounded, by tho return Feb. 8—A great riot of mechanics and Social­ months' strike the stove molders returned to Waukesha, Wis. Oct. 11—Canadian vessels continue to molest 4xe. The following day August and Christ ists occurred at Trafalgar Square, London. work, at Troy, N. Y., on their employer’s terms. S ept. 1—William Baxter. ex-Un!tod States American crafts. The cruiser Tenor Obliged Spies, Michael Schwab and Samuel Fieldcn Fob. 18.—Mr. Gladstone pronounced against Five thousand collar-girls began again at the 8cnntor and Congressman, author of famous captain of tho schooner Marlon Grimes to haul were held for the murder of Policeman Dogan. coercion In Ireland. old w ages. Baxter Temperance law, died ut Richmond, I:ul. O^wc hor flug.

m 1—Thomaa 8e*y inaugurated Governor ILLINOIS STATE NEWS. Life in the Paris Sewers, ______„ ______t Issued proolamatloa pro­ ^JACOBS o n , la possible, for a short time to the robust Hood’s Sarsaparilla mulgating extradition treaty with Japan, State Treasurer’s Report. but the majority of refined persons would la a peculiar medicine. It la carefully prepared Deo. 8—Second session of Forty-ninth Con­ Tbo biennial report of State Treasurer refer immediate■ * death * •* toto' existence in from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake. Dock, gress called to order. President's message FOR PAINS AND ACHES. Gross for the fiscal years commencing reeking atmosphere. How much Plpalasewa, Juniper Borrles, and other well-known read. Senate adjourned out of respect to mean- evoltlng to be In one’s self a living and valuable vegetable re medic*, by a peculiar lory ot Senator Pike (N. H.) and Bouse for O cto b er 1, 1884, an d ended S e p te m b e r 80, Hut this is actually the case with Congressmen Beach and Arnot (N. Y.) and KAGtXCAL 0T7SSS. 1880, was made public a few days ago. It combination, proportion, and pro pas*, giving to those iu whom tho inactivity of the liver Hr < Sarsaparilla curative power net possaaaed iPrfoe (W Is.)....George Allen appointed U. 8. shows a balance In the treasury October 1 iDliArlot Attorney for W estern district Pennsyl­ Useless Arm Cured, drives tho refuse matter of the body to by other medicine*. 6 Newark 8t., Hoboken, H. J. la st of *8,451,711, being $450,799 less th a n th e escape through tho lungs, breath, the vania to succeed William A. Stone, suspended I wet taken with severe paint in my left for offensive partisanship. aboulder and right arm. I used everything balance at the same date two years ago. pores, kidneys and bladdor. It is astonish­ without Improving. My arm was becoming ing that life remains iu such a dwelling. Hood’s Sarsaparilla i Dec. 7—In House petition received from 463 The receipts for the two years wore *9,591,- I* the beat blood puriflor before the publte. It lergymen and 07,706 members of M. E. Church of no use to me. 1 finally tried 8t Jacobi Oil, 843, and th e d isb u rse m e n ts fo r th e sam e Dr. Pierce’s ‘* Golden Medical Discovery’’ f Ohio asking that laws be passed for protec­ and berore the tint bottle wat used I wa* re sto re s\ pormal purity to tho system and eradicates every impurity, and cures Borofnla, Balt relieved at If by magic. poriod *10,040,143, as follow s: G en eral re v ­ Rheum, Bolls, Pimples, all Humors, Dyspepsia, etion of Chinese__ Secretary of Treasury esti­ WILLIAM HKttBKK. ren e w s th o w hole b eing. m ates that appropriations amounting to *326,- en u e fund, *5,130,444; StUte school fund, *2,- Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion. General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver 1186,789 will be required for coming fiscal year Crazy with Toothache and Cured. 183,063; u n k n o w n and m inor h e irs’ fund, “Co n s id e r y o u rself e n g a g e d for this — Municipal elections throughout New Eu- Colllngswood, N. Y. $579; local bond fund, *3,779,038. complaints, overcomes that tired feeling, creates ' :land resulted in general victoictories for “no I wat nearly crazy with toothache, and tried set,” as tho ring said to the diamond. an appetite, and builds up the system. (cense." everything I thought would cure me, without Of the total balance *3,608,570 belongs to f relief. Bought a bottle of Bt. Jacobs Oil. “ Her f*ce no f*lr, as flesh It seemed not. ; Dee. IB— Mr. Morrison’s motion to take up saturate* a rag witb It, tied It to my face, and the general revenue fund. There is still, as But heavenly portrait of bright angel's hue. iTnrlff bill in House defeated by 164 to 148. In two hours the pain left me. tw o y e a rs ago *33,690 of th e bonded d e b t of Clear as the sky, without a blame or blot, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Deo. 21—Samuel E. Perkins sentenced at HENRY SAMUEL, JR. Through goodly mixture of complexions due, Has met peculiar and unparalleled success at jfndlanapolis to ninety days' Imprisonment for the State outstanding, and not drawing in­ And In her cheeks the vermeil . ed did show.” Pains In the Shoulder Cured. terest, having been called by proclamation home. Such has become its popularity in Lowell, contempt in refusing to testify In the election This is the poet’s description of a woman Mass., where It Is made, that wholo neighborhoods ifraud cases Canaloharle, N. Y. of the Governor for payment and never whoso physical system was in a perfectly Deo. 22.—Congress adjourned for the holidays I wag awakened at midnight with severe are taking It at tho same time. Lowell druggists pslns In iny left shoulder. I had left my office presented. The Illinois Central railroad sound ana healthy state, with every func­ sellmoroof Hood’s Sarsaparilla than of all other until January 4. with my bead turned to one side. 1 bought since the last Treasurer’s report has paid tion acting properly, and is tho enviable Dec. 23—South Carolina Legislature adjourned a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, and It worked like sarsaparlllus or blood purifiers. II; six for 85. Bold lline d ie__ Rear-Admiral Worden placed on the magic. In three hours all pain had ceased. its percentage on gross earnings in lieu of condition of its fair patrons produced by by druggists. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., retired Ust. W. F. COOH, Editor of Courier. ta x e s am o u n tin g to *715,207, m ak in g a littlo Dr. Pierce’s "Favorite Prescription.” Auy Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. d ru g g ist. THE CHARLE8 A.VOGELEH CO., Baltimore, Md. o v er *10,370,000 w hich th e S ta te has d eriv e d IOO Doses One Dollar RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL. from this source since March, 1885. T Feb. 2d— Commencement of Sam Jonos’ re­ M an was created first. Woman was a vival in Chicago. Illinois Items. sort of recreation .—Boston Transcript. , Apr. 6—Rev. James M. Taylor, a young Bap­ pSlMCQuWcUHE tist minister of Providence, It- I-, elected to James Tammany, a stone-mason, was The Cost of Ignorance. [presidency of Vussar College. FREE FROM OPIATES•IATES AND POISONPOISON. badly hurt at Springfield the other day by Absence of knowledge of tho fact that Apr. 21—Fifteenth annuaHSbnvention of Pres­ the fall of a four-ton stone from the portico physical and mental weakness, indigestion, byterian Women’s Board of Missions of the SAFE. of the Htffte House. impure blood, and sick headache cau bo Northwest commenced at Indianapolis, Ind. THE ONLY TRUE May 20—Prof. Dwight elected president of SURE. An old sexton at Rockford dropped dead averted by Dr. H arter’s Irou Tonic, costs :Yale College to succeed Noah Porter, resigned. a few days ago whilo digging a grave. millions of money annually for uncertain May 28—Graduation of “Henry Chang" from PROMPT.iAT PBUGGI8T82 AND DEALERS. m and unreliable decoctions. Columbia Law School, the first Chinaman to re­ THE CHARLES A.YlMlKLKHCO. llal tint ore,Bd. At Bloomington the other day occurred ceive an American diploma. the wedding of William McCambridge, for I t ’s quite natural that a boy should blub­ IRON July 15—William E. Sheldon, of Massachu­ ten years managing editor of the P a ita- ber when he is w h a le d . setts, elected president of National Educational graph, and Miss Della Williams, daughter Association, at Topeka, Kan. W IZ A R D O IL Throw Away Trusses Aug. 7—Jam es McMillan and ex-Congressman of a pioneer resident of Bloomington. Cohn Newberry each subscribed *100,000 toward ‘C o n c e r t s and employ our radical, new method, guar­ TONIC Shelbyville recently completed what anteed to permanently cure the worst cases Will purify the I founding a free homeopathlo hospital at De­ were said to bo the best water works pos­ the Liv e r and troit, Mich. of rupture. Send 10 cents in stamos for Rkrtore the HI Oct. 6—American Board of Commissions for sessed by any town of its size in the State, references, pamphlet and terms. World’s OR of YOUTH Dyspepsia,Went of(Appetite, i Indigestion,Lack ol Foreign Missions of Congregational Church and the insuranco companies had reduced Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Strength and Tired Feeling ab» held seventy-seventh annual meeting at Des their rates twenty per cent. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. •olutely cured: Bones, mas. Moines, la. clee and nerres receive new John Henneberry, having been dis­ force. Enlivens the mind Oct. 0—Triennial council of Episcopal Church E pita ph on a bad cook: “ Out of the fry­ opened In Chicago__ Fifty-sixth semi-annual missed from the Chicago police for drunk­ and supplies Brain Power, ing-pan into tho fire.”—Tid-BiU. ^Suffering from complaint* conference of Mormon Church convened at enness, shot himself through tho head at peculiar to their sex '‘d Coalville, Utah. Have been enjoyed by citizens of every town and his residence a few days ago. His wife LADIES______IfiDB. HARTEB'8 Oct. 18—National Council of Congregational city In the U. 8. Marvelous Cures have been wit­ T h e T iir o a t . — “ Broum's Bronchial TONTO a safe and speedy cure. Givesaclear, heal­ Church began Its session in Chicago. nessed by thousands of people, who can testify to claimed that the affair was an accident. thy complexion. Frequent attempts at connterleic- Troches" act directly on the organs of the lug only add to the popularity of the original. 1K» Oct. 19—National convention of Woman’s THB WONDERPUL HEALING POWER OF William Hunerwadel, of Monroe City, voice. They have an extraordinary effect Christian Board of Missions opened session at not experiment—set the ORIGINAL AND BEST, took his son to the woods tho other day to in the disorders of tho throat Price 25 cts. 'Kansas City, Mo. CureDcr0n.^?tToEn^,Sv.rL^ ? u f ’n,tL.Ln2 Sick) Oct. 21—National convention of Universallsts Hamlin’s Wizard Oil. teach him to chop down trees. The youth Headoohe. Sample Dose and Dream Boolcfl at Akron, O., decided to organize board of 8ore Throat, Catarrh, Croup, aimed a stroke at the trunk of a big oak, T h e men who marry most frequently for mailed on receipt of two cents In postage. J foreign missions. Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, but his axe came down on the top of his money are the m inisters.—Philadelphia Call. HE DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY, Oct. 22—National Woman’s Christian Tem- 8 t.L o u is. Mo. Serunoe Union commenced annual session at Frosted Feet, Stiff Joints, Sprains, father’s head, badly injuring lifm. “ O n e of the best friends to the Poultry linncapolls__ National Association for Ad­ Governor Oglesby has offered a reward yard is the very effective Bone Mill adver­ NINE IMPORTATIONS IN 1888. vancement of Women at Louisville, Ky., elected Rheum atism , of *200 for the arrest of tho unknown mur­ tised by Wilson Bros., Easton, Pa. The The best Dilaft H orses in the world are Julia W ard Howe president. Lame Back, Bruises, Burns, Cuts, one we have gives entire satisfaction. Oct. 80—The A m erican W om an’s Suffrage derers of George Bowera, at Newton, Jas­ CLYDESDALE and Association In session at Topeka, re-elected Wounds, Fever Sores, Ulcers, per County, on Decomber 13. Grind up the offals of bone and fill the egg- WilHam Dudley Foulke president. Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, and basket. It will pay. ” Nov. 8—President Cleveland and Cabinet During a quarrel a few days ago in Chi­ ENGLISH SHIRES. All Aches and Pains, cago an infuriated negro, the notorious Ike participated in celebrating 150th anniversary are qulokly relieved by this magical remedy. Try it We have the LARGEST of founding of Harvard College at Cambridge. once and you will never bo without it. For sale by Waters, bit off tho first joint of one of Al­ and BEST COLLECTION Nov. 16—An evangelical council, called Biblo Druggists. Price, SOc. [Our 8ono Book free to sIL derman Appleton’s thumbs, and then inserts In the United States, in­ and Prophetic conference, met In Chicago. cluding the winners of 81 Address W IZ A R D OIL C O M P A N Y , Chicago. ed his teeth in Appleton’s lower lip. premiums last fall. Prices moderate. Terms A report was recently made to the Sec­ SPORTING. Easy. Bend for Catalogue retary of State that W. Weston had sub­ No. 9. Jan. 81—Albert Schock, of Chicago, won the 72 hour bicycle race at Minneapolis, covering THIS NEW YEAR scribed for *8,000,(XX) of the capital stock of GALBRAITH BROS., 928 m ile s.__ The New York billiard tournament Finds us (as forty or more new years past have the Chicago W est Division Elevated rail­ Breeders and Importer^ resulted in a victory for Jacob Schaefer, who found us) still In the field and at the front of the road, and th a t *2,000,000 h ad b een ta k e n by txuscjKaiaasai J a n e sv il l e . W is. music publishing business. We offer some scored 8,000 points to V ignaux’ 2,838 points. other persons. Feb. 1—Ice carnival formally Inaugurated at irSEJfD FO R St. Paul, by the opening of the palace. A peat meadow has been burning for two Publications, with Map*, March 13—Schaeter won over Vignaux In the Choice Music Books, months within half a mile of Sibley, Ford describing MINNESOTA. ■D M $nNORTH o I DAKOTA, MONTA­ five days’ billnrd match, which commenced In among which aro to be found the following, which County. Many people visit the place every New York on this date ...... A six days’ bicycle teachers, amateurs and others will do well to ex­ NA, IDAHO, WASHINGTON and day. OREGON, the Free Government Lands race closed at Minneapolis; won by Schock, amine: and Low Price Railroad Land* In the who made 1.009 miles, thus giving him the Cfififf ftlacalfit By Knbln.teln, Gounod, The will of tho late Frederick A. Bryan, BITTERS oong G lassies. !.«.»* u, Jen.cn, Urb-g Northern Pacific Country. THE BE8T world’s championship, the best previous score Combining IRON with PURE YEGETABLE AGRICULTURAL. GRAZING and TIM­ being 1.007. and other*. Price 11.00. A splendid collection which was recently admitted to probate in of classic vocal music. A large book, sheet niuslo C hicago, leav es *800,000 to six children. TONICS, qnlckly and completely CLEANSES BER LANDS NOW OPEN TO SETTLERS. April 29—Opening of base-ball season of Na­ else, beautifully printed and bound, and containing and ENRICHES T IIE BLOOD. Quickens MAILED FREE. Address. tional League in Washington, St. Louis and about 60 carefully selected gems, suitable for all J. Krueger, a Galena jeweler, recently con­ CH A S. XI. XiAM BORN, New York. The Nationals. Detroits and New kinds of voices. Many of the songs are favorites on the action of the Liver and Kidneys. Clean the Land Com. N. I*. IL U., ST. PAUL, M INN. Yorks, playing in those cities, beat the Phlla- the programs of the best concerts. The music Is fessed ju d g m e n t fo r *3,000 in fav o r of his complexion, makes the skin smooth. It does not delphias, St. Louis and Bostons. not. difficult. wife, and then mado an assignment. On Injure the teeth, cause headache, or produce con- May 3—The champion trotting stallion of the Young People’s Illustrated History tho previous day he reported to the police atipatlon—ALL OTHER IRON MEDICINES DO. world, Maxey Cobb, died at Bolmont Driving that his safe hail boon well-nigh emptied of Park, Philadelphia. Physicians and Druggists everywhere recommend It. May 31—Courtney and Hosmer rowed a single of Music. cash and goods by burglars. B y J. C. Mncy. Price *1.00. Containing short Mbs. D. M. Hoyt, Morris, IU.. says: “I have used scull race at Albany, N. Y., resulting in a biographies of famous musicians, arid a condensed W. N. Sturges, known a few years ago Brown's Iron Bitters for Impure Blood with the best dead heat, and Teemer defeated Ross by a and Interesting history of music from the earli­ as the most wreckless of grain operators results, snd I cheerfully recommend it." Is the finest length at Oak Point, N. Y. est days to tho present time. All persons, young Mb. W m R elfrich, East St. Louis, III., says: "I toned snd most durable __ June 19—Samuel Holl ngsworth made 28114 or old, will onjoy the book. Portraits accompany in Chicago, died the other morning, in used Brown’s Iron Bitters to purify tho blood with In the world. Warranted to stand In any climate. A sk miles on a bicycle in twenty-four hours at Green­ tbo sketches. poor circumstances, after having accumu­ most satisfactory results.” Mb E bnest N. IlKNDEBSOV, Angus, Iowa, says: your nearest dealer for them. Illustrated catalogue, field, Ind., beating all records. f o r th e P la n o , lated *700,(XX). Ho w as b o rn a t S ara to g a , ” I used Brown’s Iron Bitters for Scrofula witli much mailed free by the manufacturers, , Juno 26—The ten-mile bicycle race for the Young People’s Classics Tr Very popu- benefit. Oan also recommend it as an excellent LYO N A H E A L Y .1 6 2 S tate S t. C hicago, III National championship at Detroit, won by H.N. iar collection of the best musle In easy e arrange­ N. Y., half a century ago. ments, tonic." V an Sicklen, of Chicago, in 85:37. 43amuel Patrick, a Democratic member- Mbs. O. D. Colxman, Jefferson. Iowa, says: ” I great favorite with good was troubled with scurvy. I used Brown’s Iron Bit­ June 26—The Inter-collegiate boat race be­ pis tween Columbia and Harvard at New London, Plano Classics pianists. Price *1. elect of the State Assembly, died in Wash­ ters with much benefit and can truthfully recom­ JONES Conn., won by Columbia; distance, four miles; By I,. O. Emerion. burn a few days ago. He was born iu Ver­ mend it ” UK The Royal Singer.• 00 cents. New binging Mr. Geo. C. VAHrxB, with Meeers. T. B Rayl A tim o, 21:30!4. School and Choir Book. mont August 9, 1830, and was a merchant Oo.. Detroit. Mich., says: “ I usad Brown's Iron Bit­ PAYSthe FREIGHT July 2—Yale won the four mile boat race over 5 Ton Wagin Scales, Send for our Catalogue of Music Books. at Washburn, Woodford County. He was ters for impure blood with the most effective results.” Iron Levers, Su-el Bearing*, Bras* Harvard, at New London, Conn.; time, 20:2114. a member of the House last session. Tare Beam and Ream Box for July 15—At Bay Ridge, Chesapeake Bay, W al­ LYON & MEALY, CHICAGO. Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed rod line* lace Ross won, the three-mile boat race over OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. The Christmas trade was, it was said, on wrapper. T n k e n o o th e r. Made only by Irerv fiieScale. For free prlee Ust John Teemer. "in the second race Courtney was greater than any previous time in Chicago. BROWN CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMORE. MD. mention this paper and address the victor over Lee and Hamm. Alt- -MA- *Mfr Alt- Aif. -VA- Merchants reported from thirty to fifty JONES OF IINOHAMTBN, ‘ Aug. 12—Edward Haulan rowed three miles ------T H E - BINGHAMTON. N. V* on Lake Quinslgamond, near W orcester, Mass., per cent, inefease in sales over any former !n nineteen minutes ana twenty-throe seconds, LYDIA L P I M M ’S year. beating all former records. DO ba^ h* ASTHMA? Aug. 25—American yacht race won by the Julius Jonas, of Chicago, made his annual POPHAM’S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Mayflower, which was therefore selected to con­ distribution of meats and poultry to tho gives prompiand nositivereliefintverycase Vesetable Qohpouhd and CURES all CURABLK Casea. Plcaasnr test the Amorlcan cup with the English cutter worthy poor on Christmas Day. Before ’and agreeable to use. Established TWENTY Galatea. Contest commenced on Sept. 7, at HAMMOND! YEARS,and sold by all.DruggisU. TK1AL Has stood the testof twenty years daylight thinly-clad women with babes in New York, the Mayflower winning the three as a Remedy for Female Disease., PACKAGEl AGE and Psmphlet FREK hr races. Entire cost of International races *140,- relieving periodical pains, pro- their arms gathered at the store, some of Mail. Bend for Free Package and TRY IT. 000. them walking in from the suburbs. Four T. POPHAM A CO. ’ moting a healthful regularity of PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sept. 1—Hanlan defeated Courtney In the race seasons and curing weakness, ladies visited tho county jail and gave at Rockaway Beach, N. Y __ Beach, of Austra­ bseV-aehe and consequent nervons distress. Christmas cards and letters to the prison­ lia, won the international sculling match, over tiriT* ptmrosx is Solvlt tor thx lzt.itikatz nxAbmo or John Teemer, United States; also defeated DISEASE AND THE EEI.IET OF PAIN. IT IS FROKPT IN ACT10II. ers. Gaudaur, of St. Louis, in the rage on the SEE WHAT 0KB W0M1HBAT9 OUTS BXHITS. “ Prof.” George Stella, a dancing mas­ c/i P IS O ’S CURE FOR Thames, for *1,000 and world’s championship. CURES WHERE ALL EEbt FAILS. Pittsburg. Pa.. Nov. 6th. 1683. Mrs. Lydia E. ter, disappeared from Bloomington a few Oct. 8—Duluth Base-Ball Club won the North­ Pinkham: "As is frequently the case with mothers Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use western League pennant. who have reared large families, I have been agrtat days ago, earryihg with him *4590 belong­ e. Bold by druggists. Oct. 9—St. Louis club won the American As­ sufferer for years from complaints Incident to mar­ ing to the widow with whom he boarded. ^ CONSUMPTION ^ sociation base-ball championship and the Chi­ ried life. I have tried tho skill of n number of cago that of the National League. physicians and the virtue of many medicines with­ The residence of Samuel S. Dewees, a Oct. 16—Beach, the champion Australian oars­ out relief, and as an experiment I concluded to try cattle-dealer and farmer, living near Alex­ man, retired to private life. ours, I can assure you that the benefits I have ander, Morgan County, was destroyed by U/EWANTYOUI or woman ^needin^ Oct. 23—St. Louis Browns won four of the erived from it came not because of any faith I YV profitable employment to represent us in every seven games begun on the 18th for the world’s fire tho other afternoon. Loss, *14,000; in­ county. RAlary $75 per month and expenses, or » Shad In It, for I had but slight hope of any perma­ large commission on sales If preferred. Goods staple* championship, over the Chicago league club. nent good. I am not a seeker after notoriety but su ran ce, *6,000. fcvery one buya Outfit and particular* F re e . Nov. 18—N. E. Young re-elected president of I want to tell you that 1 have been wonderfully R. J. Calladino, a stamper in the Chicago PRICE, tlOO.OO. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., BOSTON. MASSk the National Base-Ball League, at Chioago. benefited by your medicine. I am now using my post-office, was recently held in *2,000 for Nov. 25—International foot boll match be­ fourth bottle and it would take but littlo argument tween American and Canadian teams, won by to persuade ine that my health Is fu lly restored. stealing money letters sent from the coun­ the former at East Newark, N. J. The Hammond Type Writer Co., DETECTIVES I should like to widely circulate the fact of Its try to the larger dry-goods houses. Wnnted In every County to act as our Agent. Dec. 9—National Colored Base-Ball Leaguo wonderful curative powers.” M EBA C. POOP. John Earp pleaded guilty of burglary at Office, 77 Nassau St., New York. Experience not necessary. Bend stamp for full organized at Pittsburgh, Pa. D ll HBAREST DRUGGIST WILL SUPPLY TOU. PRICE f 1. 00. Information. DR ANNAN DETBCTIVK BU- Dec. 17—At second billiard match in Chicago Sullivan, Moultrie County, a few days ago, CHICA'0 AGENCY, 188 MONROE STREET. KEAV, 44 ARCADE, CINCINNATI, «. between Schaefer and Slosson, former won; 500 and was sentenced to two years in the peni­ to 480. Slosson won first match In St. Louis. Deo. 25—Schock won the great bioycle race at te n tia ry . AGENTS WANTED M ACHINE, and RUC4 Minneapolis, Minn., riding 1,400 miles in 142 Amelia Ludwig and Alvina Bloom, of UATTEHNS. for making Ruga D r. Wm. Hall’i Balsam for tho Longs Tidies,i - ______Hoods,______Mittens,. eta. hours, the fastest time on record. ♦ Chicago, went to Milwaukee a few days ...... t by mall for S I. CfRtCIRCD- cures coughs, colds, pneumonia, asthma, whooping- ItS FREE. K. BOSS ago, where they were to marry Chinamen. . TOLEDO, OHIO. MISCELLANEOUS. cough and all diseases of the T hroat, Chest and The Celestials backed out. and the jilted ‘ Jan. 17—The seven days’ typo setting contest Longs leading to Consomfetfon. Price, 25a, 60a R IID T IIR E relieved and cured by DR. J. A.Sb x d * in Chioago came to an end, Barnes, of New damsels were Liken homo by the police. I l U r I U n u m a n 's method. Those who can not and *1.00. Illuminated books furnished free. avail themselves of pers tl attendance can have York, being first, setting 89,22554 ems, and Mc­ Dwight L. Moody, tho evangelist, ar­ Homo treatment appllnn.- undcurui. o sent forflO' Cann 2,150 ems per hour, the lattor beating all J ohn F. H e n r y & Co., New York. • rived in Chicago a few days ago. A Berios only. Be..d eta^ip for circular. 294 Broadwuy, N. Y. previous records. Feb. 1—Edison’s patent system of telegraph­ of revival meetings would bo held, and his ing to and from moving trains to stations along stay would bo of some length. HIGHEST AWARDS OF MEDALS PIUMP1 HABITr0"™"™*Not a particle pain the road, successfully tested at Staten Island, Tho internal revenue collector at Atlan­ IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. or self-denial.se Pay when cured. Handsome book CLAIMS OFA,LKINI1B free.se. Du. C. J. WKATUKRBY. Kansas Clty.Mo. IN. Y. ta, Ga., recently seized ten packages of The neatest, quickest, safest and most powerful rem­ 0 • Mar. 27—The five-days’ type-setting contest at irosecuted without edy known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Neuralgia, Lum­ Philadelphia, won by Duguid, of the Cincinnati F,_ee unless success­ bogus butter shipped as the genuine article bago, Backache. Weakness, colds in tho chest and all U A U C STUDY. Book-keeping, Bt»ineM> PENSION ful. »» a ears’ aches and pains. Endorsed by 6,000 Physiol ana and Unia­ n U R IC Forms, Penmanship. Arithmetic, Short­ Enquirer, who became the world's champion. EXPERIENCE. Correspondence so licited by a Chicago firm. ststs of thothe highest repute. Benson’sBenson s Plasters piprompt- May 4—Iowa Soldiers’ Home located at Mar* roliove and cure where other plaster* and greasy hand, etCy thoroughly taught by mail. Circulars. “ Fort Logan” is proposed as a proper salves, liniments and lotions, are absolutely useloss. free. HUSINEBB COI.l.KGE, Buffalo. N. Y. iShalltown. MILO B. STEVENS & CO. eBeware of Imitations under similar sounding names, June 80—By the annual directory population name for the contemplated United States *ueh as ‘'Capslenm,” ” Capucln,” " Capslelnc/’os they IQCUTC W AITED for Marvelow, W ss» of Chicago indicated to be 750.000. C® k NDM?Cir M h lllo der. of tho Whole World, Jus*. Is­ military post at High wood, north of Ch- are utterly worthless and Intended to deceive. Ask roa sued. Bend for sample tinges and special terms to- July 2—Population of Now York, as indicated cago. Bxnson’h and takb no others. All druggists. iby Its last directory, 1,500,000. SEA BURY A JOHNSON. Proprietors, Now York. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., CHICAGO, ILL. 'July 14—The first tin ore ever mined on the A LIMITED OFFER. GREAT CHANGE! A memorial Christmas dinner was given ■■ ■ n i f l A on James River, Va.,tn Claremont- Western Hemisphere sent to New York from £ > C S A n n ie Pays for zclesr’i sub- to six hundred newsboys and newsgirls of r f l K R I N Colony. Illustrated Circular Free. t m Black Hills. O O V C lI I s scrlptlon to the Weekly Chicago, in the hall of the Chamber of COCKLE’S I M ilIV IO J. F. MANCHA, Claremont. Va. Aug. 8—Michael Davltt, Irish agitator, ar- American Kara! Home, Rochester. N. Y., irived at Nctr "ork. Commerce, by Mrs. Wallace, from funds TO as A DAT. Samples worth Aug. 1“—Irish National League commenced eft by her deceased son. ANTI-BILIOUS FKEK. Lines not under the horse's feet. Writ*' and Best Weekly In the World,” 8 pages, 48 to 6(1 BKBW8TKR SATIETY RKIg MOI.OIB CO.,Hally, Its session at Ch.ongo, Mrs. Parnell being en­ umns, 16 years old. For One D nllnr you have one $5 thusiastically welcomed. ...Thirty-Fifth annual Gay & Co., of Boston, who have been choice from over 160 different Cloth-Bound D ollar running ninety-nine-eent stores at Spring- PILLS, ■ ■ R m Wigs,BangssodWaveasentG. O. D. any- iconvention American Association for the Ad­ V olam cs, 800 to 909 pp., and paper one year, posh THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY M M I Iff where. Wholesalennd retail price-IIst/rs, vancem ent of Science, held at Buffalo. N. Y .... paid. Book postage, 15c. Bxtra, 6U.UU) books given field and other places in the State, failed M M I I I B. C. auehlACo- lTSTrabash-ar^Chlcaga ’Ninth annual session of Amerlcau Bur Associa­ away. Among them are: Law Without Lawyers: re c e n tly fo r *75,009. tion convened at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Faml) r Cyolopedia; Ffcrm Cyclopedia; Farm ers’ and T P L P A D A P I 4 V I E m in en t C it iz e n , M ust — Oveicoais, largest stock in the city, district, will preach at Piper City at whs uimed iu marriage to MissZoeE. sold at prices lower iban the lowest. Call Bloomington. E x pla in H is P o litica l A citv iTiks. 7 p m . Smith. The wedding was a large one, Misses Clara Bishop and Eva Thompson and see them at Jno. Waller’s — Master Robert Brown left Monday aud we are pleased to notice tbe higb -:o:- — Dr. C True is in Chicago, where he morning via. Chicago for Petkskill, N. compliment paid both bride and groom left Monday for Normal, where they Intend lo attend school. Tho most popular Catholic priest of will remain for some lime spplying him ■ Y. where he will attend school. It is by tin* /frontiersman. The bride w as a tlif1 country, the Rev. Eilwartl Mc(llynn, self lo specialties in medical science. the wish of liis many friends In Chats former resident of Charlotte, her parents Miss Lizzie McKinney and friend, Miss — Mrs. E J. Labounty of Gilman, worth that his fondest hopes for a pleasant having resided on Ibe B. M. Vail farm, Moss, returned Tuesday to Chicago, after 1 ) D , of' New York is in trouble. Mr. W. H. Nelson tbe groom, is a son Great caution is observed by church­ spent several days Ibis week'with and profitable school year may be fully spending a very pleasant vacation. her parents, Mr. utid Mrs. Jno Birt. realized. of Mrs. John Engerser, of Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gourley, of Chicago, men in speaking of the matter, but it township, aud both will be remembered Lost—By Mr. Isaac Lemna, be­ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs John Mc­ is certainly known that the reverend Ma r k e t s —N ew corn, ear, 30c.; by m a m of our readers as former resi­ gentleman has been summoned to shelled 29c.; oats mixed. 24c., tween I lie north corporation line of dent of this place and vicioity. They Kinney over Sunday, returning home Tues* Rome to explain certain political utter­ white. 26c.; hogs, $4.00 per 100 lbs Chatsworth and the O’Neil school enter wedded life with the very best wishes d a y . ances and acts of his, not approved by — If you want an Orgau or Sewing house, in Charlotte township, a red of their m-mv friends in this vicinity, the wooleu blanket The finder will do 8TRAWN. liis superiors. Hr. McGlynn stood up Machine call on McCarty It is not P l a in d e a l e k included. m., Letniia a special favor by leaving G W. Read returned from Newman, 111., “ How Cheap,” but "How Good?” -The sociable given last Thureday for the American school system when l nt the PLAINDEALEn office. F rid a y . — Mrs. Edward Brady and Mrs Jas. evening, Dec 8<>, at ttie residence of Mr it was assailed by adherents of his P. U. Fanlk went to Chicago on business church, lie has consistently doolim d Day and children returned from their LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. and Mr«. J.E. Brown was one of the visit iu Wyoming, III , Thursday most sccessful dime socials ever given in M onday to establish Catholic schoi Is in his 1 have a large amount of Chatsworth. A very pleasing program night. FARM money awaiting investment, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hannlgan, of Ottawa, are parish in opposition to the public was given by Mrs Brown's Sabbath-school visiting with tbe family of T. H. Aaron. schools. When, a few years ago, tha — A new line of Bools and Shoes. Be­ whicli I can loan at lower rates class, as lollows: Ro-e waltz, orchestra. Misses Houseworth and Lord, of Pontlao, Irish Laud League had few clerical fore buying, call and compare prices. than ever off-red before by Recita'ion, Fall of the Dinner Pot, Madie friends, lie was one of the few. Henry E A. Bangs. LOANS anyone in Livincston and Bin ham Dialogue. Marrying a Poetess. were the guests of Mrs. W. H. Oxley New George lias had iu him au earnest sup­ —Mrs. Mahood, John, Austin, and Ford counties Call at once Honn , Beautiful River. Reading, Bessie Y ears. porter, not only iu his canvass for tho Maria returned from a week’s visit C. A. It/LSO Ar, Chatstvorth, Jil. Brown Nosegay polka, orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Magill, teachers of our publlo mayoralty of New York, but in the wit it Esq John Leggate aud family — Misses Lizzie aud Kate Bigliam, Dialogue, Train to Morrow. Peek-a-boo, school, spent last week among friends In earnest advocacy of the Georgian land Monday. teachers, left for Pontiac Monday orchestra Rt citation, Queen of tbe Q rld le y . theory. The radical pritst i eloquent, —The remains of Mrs. Hickey were morning where Miss Lizzie assumes Russian Ride, Bird Hall. Song, Little The dance at the Town Hall New Years genial and gener ms. Re lias a host of deposited by the side of those of her her former duties, and Miss Kate One Rest Hong, Bringing iu theBheaves. E v e whs not largely attended on account of sympathizers, both of his own faith husband in the Catholic cemetery on Sat­ takes charge of the primary depart­ Tartar's Gallop, orchestra. The net re­ bad weather. ment, iu place of Miss Bigliam , whose ceipts were $10.50 and of Protostauts. While he remains urday last. Thos. Maplethorp and family retnrned from It is He r b —Choice Buckwheat Flour health would not permit of her re­ Thursday evening a party composed in New York, prior to leaving for Rome, turning. WlDg Tuesday, where they had beeo visit­ lie is partially if not absolutely sus­ from the celebrated BinghamptOD. New of Mr. and Mrs. E A . Bangs, Mr. and ing relatives. pended from tue performance of duty. York, mills. Fresh as a daisy at E. A —A bet was made in October between Mrs H M Hangs, Mr. and Mrs Jas. A. Bangs'. H. B. 8mith and John Muri-b, of Maroa, Smith, Prof. Schlabach aDd Miss Eva When Read's dray line team ran away Hr. McGlynn is in his fiftieth year. last week tbe echo through the park was —The Ice packing season is upon us, in reference to ihe shrinkage of a bushel Smith accepted tlie invitation and hospi­ Ho is a native of New York City, and of ear corn. It was decided on Tuesday, talities of Mr and Mrs. Win, H. Crump­ "let her go Gallageit" was instructed in one of its pubiio and Wm A Wailrichs, John Ferrlas and Conrad Heppe have, or are iu the act of nod found that eighty pouuds of ear coin ton for an evening at cribbage At seveD Dr. Salisbury, who was on the sick list last schools, prior to his attaining the age o’clock sharp all were comfortably en­ having, a store laid Id. put away in October had shrunk in weight w e e k . Ib now well and has returned to Rush of fourt :ea, when he became a student to sixty-five pouuds in two months.— sconced in a sleigh, with plenty of wraps Medical College, Chicago. -Misses Anna, Eliza and Master in the Coll ge of the Propaganda, in Gibson Courier. \ and robes, and with Mr. H M. Bangs Mr. W. D. Strawn, of Risk, has returned Fred Walter, of Bonfteld spent New holding the ribbons, behind one of Andy Rome. After remaining there several — The ladies of the Baptist mite society from spending New Years with relatives and Years with their grandparents, Mr, Madison's teams. Ten minu'es sufficed to years ho took an active part in the es­ will hold their next entertainment at the friends In Ottawa and vicinity. tablishment of the American College, aud Mrs Geo Walter place tbe par'y at the disposal of the residence qf L. Curtis mxi Tuesday after* Our station agent tells us that there has Rome, of which he was subsequently — Cerealine is the nutritious ele­ noon and eveniog. Oysters will be served worthy host and hos'ess, who greeted them Vice-Presiden . He was ordained priest ments of corn. It is delicious. Can be from 2 t6 4 and from 6 to 9 p. m. Con at the dour of their pleasant home with a been a decrease of f 1,396.07 in tbe earnings of and given hisdegro ■ when only twenty- piepared in various ways. Try it. For veyances will be in waidng at the art most hearty welcome. 15-2-4-6-8 and a tbe Wabash railroad at thia station during two an l a half years of age. His first sale at E. A. Bangs’. gallery for those who wish to attend double run of 8 16, etc., indefinitely was the year of 1880. — Mr. Max Traub donned his best on Come everybody. Com. heard. At 10:30 supper was announced Miss Canary, of Fairbury, who w rs th o pastoral woik was in New York. After when the guests proceeded to the dining having held several charges, including Monday and hied away to Lincoln, 111 , — We were glad to welcome Mr J. J. guest of Mrs. H. Itlngler’dnrlOg the holidays, where he enjoyed the pleasures of a visit room, where a magnificent collation returned home Monday, accompanied by that of the military chaplainship of tho Lantry , who is borne from Kansas for a awaited them . Af'er discussing tlie vi ■ Central Park Hospital of his native with his sister and friends. short stay with his family and friends. Miss Lizzie Rlngler. ands with avidity. all again took part in Is It cold? Well—yes, I should pull this ci:,y, he was made the pastor of St. — The January term of circuit court did Jesse looks well, is well pleased with bis cribbage or French euchre until the Icicle ofl of my mustache that it was; and Stephen’s, one of the most populous not convene at Pontiac Tuesday, aud the new position, but casually remarks that time indicator, never waiting, marked then he thawed ont a frosted nasal organ time has now been fixed for opening of "ibev have cold weather even in Kan­ 'welve, when the homeward journey was parish -s in New York, from the care of and an enlarged pair of listeners. court on Monday. January 17. sas;” 'oo cold in fact for railroad building, made like the outgoing with equal com­ which, rumor 6ays, he will be relieved. in which business be has been employed G o o d T imothy H ay F or S ale — fort and speed. The host and hostess FORREST. Several tons of good timothy hay for — Mr. Warren 8. Young, who has were at their best, aud nil pronounced it Business light on the Wabash. — 22° below zero to-day sale. Apply to Frank Hallam, three been in the employ of his uncleat one of the most pleasant evenings they —Sleighing never was belter. miles northwest of Chatsworth. Crescent City for the paHtyear. started had ever spent MIbs Lena Wallace recently returned from for California ou Monday last His D akota. —Girls’ Hats at cost at Ibe Wonder — Mr. John Birt has done effective work Important Notice. Store. upon 'he sidewalks and crossings with the arrival there will place the three Miss Clara Iluffbelns, of Bement, Is visiting old cream horse and his snow plow, and brothers and only sister together ou All those knowing themselves in Forrest relatives. —Mr D J. Stanford went to Ashkum ilebted to me will greatlv oblige by an Thursday nighi pedestrians appreciate his labors. the Pacific slope, where we hope their Misses Maud aDd Minnie Mutton are at­ efforts may be crowned with success. early settlement._____ E . A. Banos. —Sanford A Brobst's is the place to —Our stock is all new, and will be tending Eureka college. buy Furniture. sold at close margins. Give us a call — Several of the friends of Miss A Card of Tit a nk s. I)r 8. A. Dunham.of Kansas City, spent a Kate and Master Ben Levering en­ —Beach Bros, are busy this week taking before buying anything in the way of The undersigned wish to extend few days with Forrest friends. anford robst joyed tea with them New Year's Eve their annual invoice. Furniture, S & B their heartfelt thanks to nil those Mrs. A. E Carter, of Decatur, Is visiting her — Messis. J. E Brown, A. F. O.-born, and watched the new year In. Many who have been so kind during their — Mrs N. D Patton went to Piper resolutions and wishes for a prosper­ parents Itev. and Mrs. 8. 8. Gruber. City last Tuesday. W. O. Wisnand and J. A Hall did the siege of sickness and distress, and all town in the way of extending and re­ ous new year were given just as the may feel assured that the many kind Engineer Casey Jumped from his engine yesterday and fractured one of his legs. _New Vermont Maple Sirup of excel­ ceiving congratula'ione on New Years day. clock struck twelve, and Ben is quite ly aclB and substantial expressions in lent quality ai E A Bangs'. — Mr- A .O Anderson .from Capron, certain he saw ‘ Father Time” escort our hour of misfortune, lias left us Conductor Flannery was reoently married — Mr L Farrell went to Pontiac on III., visited hlB friend. Dr. F A the old year around the corner and out ever grateful to each aud all. to a Peoria lady. The boys all wish him Joy. business Thursday. Nichols, this week, and returned to of existence. Mr . and Mrs J oseph Guest. A majority of permanent guests of tbe — We understand Mr. Freeman Post —Try the New Breakfast Food, Wheat- tiis home Thursday morniug, via. I. To Whom it May Concern. Little Palace hotel clubbed together and iet. For sale at E A. Bangs’. C. Ry and family, of Pontiac, contemplate mov­ presented to Miss Emma Huffnelns a very ing to this place in Ibe near future, and The High way Commissioners wish — Mr Richard Dunn, of Piper City, — Cloaks! Cloaks!! Cloaks!!!-New fine and handsome guitar as a New Year’s with this in view, have rented the old to find out iu what condition the g ift. was upou our streets Tuesday. Marke'a and Short Wrnp9 in endless Chas. Weinland borne, west of the park. town’s finances are In order to do —For anything in the Furniture varieties. Ladies, don’t forget to call and E. E. Steele has been assigned to a more Mr. Post has visited his son, W. W. so, all parties holding road orders will satisfactory route-tbe Wabash from Chicago line call on Sauford & Brobst. see them and get prices, at Jno Walter’s. Post, proprietor of the Wonder store, present them at the Town Clerk’s — A company of friends met at the to Decatur. This will give him an oppor. — Mr. B E Robinson, of Fairbury, several times, and has been so favorably office in the village <»f Chatsworth ou tunlty to spend Sunday at his borne in was upon our streets Tuesday. residence of Mrs. W m Irwin last impressed with Chatsworth that be has Tuesday, March 1, 1887. Friday evening to welcome the New concluded to make it his home. F o rrest. F o r S a l b . -TheChatswojth mill at a Com. i Geo. H Maines Agent Scranton, In assisting to unload Year, and we think It was greeted by —The supper which was given in bargain Apply to J. J. Brickiey. of j Truman Brockway, some freight at the freight bouse Tuesday a merry crowd the Presbyterian church by the ladies — Mr. Wm. Harrigan shipped a car-load Highways ( W m H. Crum pton. forenoon, had the middle finger of bis left — Weekly arrivals of Coffee aDd Tea, of the M. E. church New Years Eve Attest: H M Bangs, Clerk Of caitle to Chicago Thursday night. was a perfect success. The tables band slightly Injured by a slab falling on IL and large sales keep our stock supplied Chatsworth, III., Dec. 28. 1886. Dr. Duckett dressed the Injured member, —8ave yourself money by renewing with a fresh, choice article at the lowest were laden with a very palatable your Farm Loan with C. A. Wilson. supper, and the ladles who waited on Charlotte Township Highway Commis­ and George Is doing as well us can he ex­ possible price. Call in and be convinced. p e c te d . — Messrs Will and Mike Bergao have E. A . Bangs. the guests saw that none were slight­ sioners’ Notice. DELAYED FROM LAST WEEK. bought the billiard ball and taken posses­ —The illustrated article on 3d page ed. Haviug enjoyed this repast, of The Highway Commissioners wish sion. course all were in a good humor, and to find out in w hat condition the Mrs. 8. J, Stlokuey and daughter spent from our special New York corres­ Christmas with Sibley relatives. — Don’t close your arrangements for a pondent will give our readers an in­ a jolly good time was had by the town's finances are. In order to do Farm Loan before seeing C. A. Wilson. many who attended. so, all parties holding road orders will Miss Mamie Brennen was presented by sight into New York city people’s her parents with a fine upright piano. —Mr. W. W. Post, of the Wonder manner of opening the new year. —A very plessant evening was spent by present them at the store ofP.L a number of young folks, principally from Cook A Son, In the village of Chats­ Mrs. Rombold and son Joseph, now of store, was in Pontiac on business —Mr Thomas Cooney, after a week Champaign, are visiting Forrest friends. Monday. very pleasantly spent with his broth­ town, at Miss Mary and Mr. George worth, ou or before Tuesday, March' Menke’s, 8 miles northeast of town, last Miss Della Pauly received as a Christmas — For all kinds of fresh groceries of the er, John Cooney, of Charlotte, and 1, 1887 Saturday night. The boys went prepar­ Lawrence Farrell, ) Com. girt from her parents a handsome upright best grades and lowest prices go to fi. A. the Messrs Lawlessand their families, ed. aud tbegirls went determined to have p ian o . Bangs'. left for bis home, Henry, 111., Tues­ J ab Bbhgan, >■ of oDe of those old-fashioned good times, J as. Keefe, ) Highways Mrs. Burgess, of Tonlca, III., Is spending tha -M rs. Wm. Hanna returned from the day and you just ask one of the party if ihey holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. — Mr. Samuel Carson has purchased Attest: J as. Moran, Clerk. Quincy medical institute last night. She didn’t succeed. At the opportune mo­ , Charlotte, III., Jan. J, 1887. W lncoop. is no better. the Crane homestead and contemplates ment oysters were announced, and a Mr. and Mrs. H. Button gave their daugh­ moving the barn on to the site of the — Mr L B Waugb is now agent splendid supper of those delicious bivalves C* L. H. C. ter, Miss Clara, as a Christmas present, an residence and altering it over into a house. was taken with a relish by the jolly ones for Cbas W. Stuart A Co.’s nursery, When complete be will occupy it as a The olrcle met Monday evening at elegant upright piano. • of New York. assembled. the home of Miss Carrie Hall. Roll- T b e w e d d in g of Mr. L. H P a u ly a n d M iss home —Upon the proprietors of the News, —Mr. John Meister, who resides near — All enjoyed themselveB at the call was responded to with quotations Julia Vandeaburg was celebrated last event Messrs. Baker Bros , opening their office from England's poet laureate, Tenny­ Ing at tbe home of the bride's parents, &*• . Strawn, was shaking hands with friends impromptu dance gotten up Monday at Fairbury last Friday morning, they i here Wednesday. evening at the hall, and the graceful found some miserable scoundrel or scound­ son. The artiole from the Chautau- and Mrs. Vandesburg, Rev. Crumbaker —Knit Gaps, neater than hoods and Jnst "catlllion.” Oil! that’s too old quadrill, rels bad broken into the office and , with quan on "Journalism,” was discussed officiating Only tbe immediate relatives • as comfortable. Yon can find them at was a source of pleasure to those par­ that meanness conceivable ouly In the in an informal way. The questions and friends of the high contracting parties .Jno. Walter's. ticipating. breast of a despicable man, bad perpetrat­ on the first part of Macaulay’s essay witnessed the ceremony, after which an —Mr. J. C. Mills, of Gilman, spent —The remains of the late General ed an act most foul by "pling” the forms on Warren Hastings were given by elegant lap-supper was served. The\ happy New Years with his mother-in-law, Logan were temporarily entombed and type. The Neves, In consequence, Miss Campbell, and those on Fisher’s couple weie tbe recipients of many band* Mrs. Wm Parker at Washington city on Friday last. did not make its usual neat and tidy Christian Religion by Miss Carrie some and useful presents. A reception will —A choice brand of the best Roller Mills An Interesting detailed account of the f ppearance, but came to band as a half Hall. The election of officers for the be tendered to them this boon at the home floor at bed rock prices constantly on band last solemn ceremonies will be found sheet, only. We hope they may succeed ensuing term resulted as follows: of tbe groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es •tB .A . Bangs’. on our 2d page. in finding the perpetrators, and that they i President, Miss Alice Schlabach; sec­ P auly.