Published Weekly by The The Mills building has been found defect­ on January 17th, from the Germania Insur­ REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION ive by Superintendent Esterbrook's three ance Company, a house in Twenty-eighth inspectors. They have so far disrovered street for $33,000, and on the same day bor­ TERMS: that there exists a serious flaw in one of the rowed from the Union Dime Savings Institu­ ONE YEAR, in advance $6.00 columns that supports the building and sev­ tion $31,000 as a mortgage on the property. eral minor flaws in the basis of other The purchaser must have either made a very Communications should he addressed to columns. The building will have to be shored good bargain, or the institution lending have e. W. SWEET, 137 Broadway. up. Everything wiU of course be done to secured a doubtful asset. J. T. LINDSEY'Business Manager. make it perfectly secure by it owner. It is a noble pile and it would be a public disaster THAT FIRE. The great operators in the street have met if this fine structure could not be made per­ The burning of the old Wo7^ld building is with a disappointment. Everything was fectly secure. We judge the constructors a notable event. The ground is so valuable ready for a bull movement, when the news were in too much of a hurry in preparing that it will no doubt be immediately built came of the distm-bance on the Paris Bourse, the foundation and in building upon them upon, and a structure will take its place that which caused the firsr. shipment of gold of efore the ground settled. will vie with the several superb buildings in any large amount for nearly three years. In its neighborhood. As there are plenty of view of the probability of still further dis­ DOWN-TOWN VALUES. mere offices to be supplied by the Tribune turbances abroad, with our imports increas The great sales of last Tuesday developed Eugene Kelly and Vanderbilt structures, it ing and our exports decreasing, there is one fact which it would be well for i-eal is not unlikely Mr. O. B. Potter will cater every evidence that we will continue to shij) estate dealers to lay well to heart. Down­ for newspaper patronage. It is the natural gold from this time forth. In face of town property is in very active demand, and locale for newspaper publishing, and there adverse circumstances the market is very it is clear the shrewdest investors believethat are plenty of weekly papers that would pay well sustained, but the outfide speculative values of business property have a very large handsomely for proper apartments. We public would do well to leave the stock margin of profit. Such of our readers as have really think the office business has been market severely alone. This is no time for kept files of THE REAL ESTATE RECORD, by overdone down town. What is needed are the average operator to bet his money on looking back, will see that we have always suites of rooms to show samples of manu­ stocks, either on the long or short side. held that the construction of the elevated factured goods, or which can be used for Investors cannot do better than put their roads would not only put a stop to any up­ weekly and monthly publications and for money into real estate. People who have town movement, but would concentrate other business and light manufacturing pur­ plenty spare capital cannot do better than business down-town and immensely increase poses. purcliase down town business property, values in the more active business quarters. What a contrast is presented between the while those who have limited means would We have always held that two effects would complete destruction of the TForZcZ building do well to pick up vacant lots on this island. follow the establishment of the elevated and the mere singing of the party wall There is a larger margin in these two differ­ roads—one, a great advance in the price of which divided it from the Times building. ent kinds of property than in any other XDroperty in the old business locations, and What a lesson this fire ought to teach to descriiDtion of real estate. the other an equalizing of values in up-town capitalists,[architects, builders and insurance lots. In other words, the business tendency companies. To say nothing of the loss of The multiplication of huge buildings, and would be centripetal and the residence tend­ life, it is now seen that a fiimsily con- the packing of business population in the ency centrifugal. There will be no object in striTCted structure is a needless waste of lower part of the city and along the princi-j building stores up-town while the business capital, and that if a thing is worth doing pal business thoroughfares, has created a localities in the lower part of the city can at all, it is worth doing well. The Times demand for restaurants, v/hich is something be reached so easily, while at the same time company are fully justified in the greater unusual. Property holders have very gen­ t^ere will be no object in paying a high original cost of their building, in view of its erally overlooked the necessity for eating j)rice for a house and lot below the Central proved indestructibility. And here a dis­ places in tho densely populated parts of the Park when by going a couple of miles further tinction should be made which it would be city, and, as a consequence, down-town equally eligible property can be secured at well to bear in mind. A building may be in­ places of refreshment are rai-ely what they lower rates. combustible and yet not fireproof. Although should be. The eating places are crowded, We have repeatedly called attention to made of brick, stone and iron, the Florence incomodious, deficient in light and ventila­ the great possibilities of business property flat was the scene of a flre which destroyed tion, and, as a consequence, eating is per­ below the park. In no other spot on earth over $13,000 worth of property. Of course formed under circumstances which are un­ is there such certainty of an immense busi­ the conflagration was confined to the rooms comfortable and often unwholesome. It is ness being done as on the lower end of the in which it originated, but nevertheless distasteful for a person who has a clean and peninsula that jets out into dwellers in fireproof flats were a good deal roomy dining hall at home, to be forced to bay. In every other city there is a chance astonished on reading the accounts of this sit in a gas lit shop at a lunch table, where of growing in every direction, but business burning. he is packed so close that he really has no in New York is confined on three sides to a This fire emphasizes also the new danger elbow room. As the number of large busi­ certain quarter. Already this limited space which has come|from the multiplication of ness buildings is certain to increase, it is being filled with enormous buildings, and immense buildings. It' is often quite easy to would pay for some enterprising real estate wherever there are old edifices being torn confine a fire to a house situated on a 25x100 owner to construct proper dining apart­ down, they are sure to be replaced by im­ feet lot; but when the edifice covers several ments. One is badly needed in the neigh­ mense and many-storied structures. There lots, and sometimes half a block, the fire borhood of the Stock Exchange. The is no inheritance one can leave his children gets an immense sweep, and finds its way restaurants on Broad and New streets, so certain of a great increase as realty in up lo the draft of an elevator or along the where the brokers do their gorging (it can­ New York below the line of Chambers street. long corridors, in which there are inflam­ not be called eating), are all shabby and in­ It is there the great exchanges of the world mable material. As a matter of self-defence, convenient. Even Delmonico's, on the will eventually be located. we may be forced to prevent the erection of ground floor, is a constant scene of noise any large building which is at all combus­ and confusion. The rich men of that neigh­ As showing the different estimates placed tible. The great height of our new down­ borhood would very gladly pay a good price upon property by two institutions, THE town edifices makes them very dangerous in for a lunching place which was convenient, REAL ESTATE RECORD of last week should be case of a fire, owing to the impossibility of weU lighted and not overcrowded. consulted. Mr. James B. Hamilton purchased, any stream of water reaching the upper 96 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD February 4,188 stories. Fortunately, most of our very great Twenty-fourth Wards, which would be Barnum's Museum was situated on the site houses are really fireproof. There is no gradually transformed into beautiful resorts. of the present Herald building, it was danger of any such fire, for instance, in tlie There are bits of scenery worth preserving, thronged day and evening, although three Equitable, Western Union, Tribune build­ not only on the Hudson side, but inland and miles away from the residence portion of the ings or the new structure of the London, on the Long Island Sound shore. At least city, but it was accessible to all parts of the Liverpool and Globe : but there are other 5,000 acres might be advantageously set city by the street cars. And so with the edifices which are not'; incombustible, and apart for future pleasure grounds, the ex­ churches, clubs, opera houses and theatres the same is true of some of our new apart­ pense of keeping which need not be large, to be in the future erected. Attention must ment houses. while the laying out and embellishing would be paid to those locations most convenient be a work of time. As the publication under to the two elevated roads. The public in­ MORE PUBLIC PARKS. consideration points out, the city did well in stitutions, like the Lenox Library, the Mu­ An organization, calling itself the New laying out the . If the figures seum of Natural History and the like, which York Park Association, has issued a pamph­ are correct, the cost to date including land, have their buildings in the neighborhood of let in which are set forth cogent reasons why construction, maintenance and interest is the park, have shown a wise foresight, and New York should have more park room. something less than $44,000,000, while the their example should be followed by the Some of the matter in this interesting bro­ incrWaldo Hutchins, President, L. R. Marsh, the parks, and from this the City Treasury amusement and the most prominent locations Vice-President, W. W. Niles, Treasurer, would profit. The names of the gentlemen obtained for such structures. There is wisdom John Mullaly, Secretary, Chas, L, Tiffany, in this beyond that of adding to the beauty of who form the executive committee of this John E. Develin, H. B, Claflin, Major Gene­ the city. When the Academy of Music was lo­ association, are a guarantee that it will not ral Shaler, W. E. Conner, Henry L, Hoguet, cated in Irving place twenty-five years ago it be used to benefit any special interest in the David Dows, S, R, Filley, Wm, Cauldwell, was put there iu preference to Seventeenth street Chas. Crary, Gustav Schwab, Lewis G. Mor­ annexed district. We need a fine parade and Union square because some thought the latter too high up and some §20,000 was to bo ris, Franklin Edson, Geo. W. McT ean, Isaac ground, a place for our citizen soldiery to manoeuvre in large masses; also, grounds saved in the purchase of the land. AVas tliere Bell, Leonard Jerome, Augustus Schell, Jor" ever such supreme folly ? and have not the sev­ dan L. Mott, Egbert L. Viele, Joseph F. for athletic sports, for bicycles and for ball matches of all kinds. All who are interested enty-five subscribers made the same error—in­ Woods, J. M. Carnochan, M. D., John Fitch, stead of going to some of the open spaces about H. P. De Graaf, Lewis May, Chas. J. in real estate in New York would do well the Fifth avenue entrance to the Park 1 It seems Stephens. to second the efforts of the New York Park now as if the easterly boundary of the Pai'k was Association. to be without a single churcli spire to add to the The figures given in this publication are j^icturesque private buildings now going up to interesting, as showing how far behind New CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Eighty-sixth street. New York is capable of York is to other cities in park room. With The communication given below will be being not only one of the most delightful cities a population of nearly 1,500,000 we have but read with interest by real estate owners and in the world, but also the most beautiful; but not little over 1,000 acres of parks, while Chica­ operators, but it should be particularly unless some regard is given to the location of our go has 2,000 and Philadelphia 3,000. Yet, if brought to the attention of church trustees, public buildings. Why has not " Trinity," with its rich treasury, secured some corner for a this city had as much jpark room as other and the boards which have charge of the locations, it should have 4,000 acres more church or cathedral worthy of their wealthy lay property interests of our great public libra­ membership. We hear just now of aesthetics iu than Chicago, and 2,300 more than Philadel­ ries and similar institutions. Our corre­ costume and of reform in public tastes and man­ phia, London has over 11,000 acres of park, spondent is quite right. Our church trustees, ners. We beg leave to submit that there is room and Paris about 8,000 acres. If the forest of particularly, have been unwise in not secur­ in cultivating a correct taste aud judgment in Fontainebleau is included, Paris has 170,000 ing church sites where the architecture of public buildings for the wealthy aud fastidious. acres. Philadelphia is more amply i^rovided the buildings would show to advantage. A This city must do something to entitle it to the than any other city in this country, with church ought to be on a corner, as well as name of the metropolis, and every kind of amuse­ ment should have the patronage of the wealthy noble parks. upon a leading avenue; but so far as known, that is not demoralizing, and there is wisdom in But then it should be borne in mind that above Fifty-ninth street no important cor­ catering to the taste of the refined and make it a New Yorkers do not depend for their recre­ ners have been secured for the churches resort of the best of the 50,000,000 of every State ation upon the Central Park. We have the of the future. The Roman Catholic church in the Union. ocean at our doors, and in the season for out has been singularly wise in its real WILLIAM H. LEE, door enjoj^ment we have Coney Island, estate investments. In nearly every city 516 Fifth avenue. Rockaway, Long Beach, Long Branch, and in the Union they have secured property The following is the article alluded to in the scores of other places, where our citizens in the line of improvement. The cathedral in above, which appeared December 29, ISSO: and their families have ample "scope and Fifth avenue, the ample grounds of the RAPID TRANSIT AND ARCHITECTURE—HOW THE verge," without depending upon the city seminary, at Riverdale, and indeed all the FORMER AFFECTS CHURCHES AND PUBLIC pleasure grounds proper. London, Paris, holdings in New York and Brooklyn show BUILDINGS—THE NECESSITY FOR REGULATINU THE PROGRESS OF REMOVAL UP TOWN. Philadelphia, St. Louis, Chicago, and all in­ a wise forecast in the purchase of real Tlie migration up town, quickened and in­ land cities are without the superb natural estate. In the erection of churches within creased by the new means of transit, is leaving advantages |of New York in the way of the last ten years, the Protestant sects have the regiou below Thirty-fourth street to shops nearby seaside resorts. Our great lack is in and boarding-houses, and is having a most de­ not paid sufficient attention to the upward pressing effect upon the rental value of the pews what may be called cold weather resorts, movement of the population. Our corre­ in some of the large churches that have hitherto that is art galleries, zoological gardens, en­ been most prosperous. St. George's, in Stuyve­ spondent is quite right in saying that the site sant square, the Church of the Ascension in closed horticultural halls, and first-class of the new Opera House is an unwise one. lower Fifth avenue, Calvary Church in Fourth skating rinks. avenue, and the several churches of oth.er denom­ It should be in the neighborhood of Fifty- inations in that part of the city are all discussing But we would not discourage the forma­ ninth street and Fifth avenue, where the situation, and with some of them at least it a splendid building, overlooking the park, seems to involve the alternative of either removal tion of new parks on the northwest side or dissolution. It adds to the embarrassments of of the island, and in the Twenty-third and would be wisely placed, convenient for these oM and once rich congi-egations, that the Twenty-fourth Wards. It would, we think, what may be called our carriage population ground they would now select as the proper places to remove to is enhancing in value, where­ be wise economy for the Legislature now in and which would admit of the utilizing of as the pi'operty they now own, with some excep­ session to appoint a commission, with in­ both elevated roads, for that and other i^laces tions, is not in active demand and consequently of amusement, which wiU sometime be without a corresponding increased value. structions to designate certain places in the The traditional usages of some religious bodies, Twelfth Ward, and in the Twenty-third and located in the same neighborhood. When which forbids the use of church property fo^. February 4, 1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 97

secular purposes, has, no doubt, been the cause in MINING INFORMATION. §300,000, of which not more than 60 per cent, was part of the postponement of removal, but the de­ paid in. A little later, without calling for the 40 pression of business for seven years past has had The calling of unlisted securities does not after per cent, unpaid, the stock was increased -^180,000, more to do with tbis delay. Fifth avenue, from all seem to have added much to the business of given to the stockholders at par, and not more Washington square to the Park, is abundantly the Mining Board. The "cat" known as Boston, than GO per cent of this was paid in, or called. supplied with churches, and if it were not so Hartford & Erie, has been dealt in to a large ex­ This stock was selling in the neighborhood of there are but few pieces of property of sufficient .§1,700 a share. Now as more money is wanted, area on that avenue that can be had for church tent, but as yet there have been but slight deal­ it is said that the stock will be inci-eased 50 per purposes. The corners on both sides having ings in the secui-ites in which the operators in cent., given to stockholders at par, and 50 per southerly exposures, so desirable for large build­ cent, of this called in cash.—Stockholder. ings, are all preoccupied, and the congregations the open board room have heretofore" had the contemplating removal now have to look to monopoly. There has been some talk of these adjacent streets or parallel avenues or to places outside operators, of which there are a hundred, OUT AMONG TIIE BUILDERS. around Central Park. being taken into the opposition Mining Board. That churches and public buildings should oc­ The difficulty iu the way, however, is that this Samuel C. Fenwicli: proposes to erect a three-story cupy the most prominent architectural sites is the high stoop brown stone dwelling, lo.xSO, on the south general belief. It ser\-es the double purpose of would excite the hostility of the regular board of side of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street, 285 east giving them an undoubted claim upon the stock brokers, who would then do all they could of Seventh avenue, from plans by John Brandt, at a wealthy and cultivated classes, ahd add in-- to build up the business of their protege the New meusely to the beauty and attractiveness of every cost of SS,500. city. Some of the older and rural towns of New York board. The hou.se on the southeast corner of Eighty-fourth England have " village . improvement associa­ The principal business of the week has been in street and First avenue is to be altered into a flat, tions," having but one object in view, viz.—that Robinson, in which the transactions have been with a large extension, at a cost of about $3,.000. of giving direction to improvements that please the eye, and the question is frequently asked: very heavy and the fluctuations very wide. The Architect, John Brandt. The same architect is also " Is there anywhere so m>ich need of such an as­ mine will never be what it once was, but it may at work on the plans for altering tlie building on the sociation as in a city like New York, w-ith the again pay dividends. The uncertainty is what northwest corner of Hester and Ludlow streets into a never-ceasing changes that are going on in the store, ?5x42, with plate glass windows, the upper por­ makes Robinson in favor with the speculators. location of public buildings of all descriptions ?" tion of the buildings to be used for apartments. Cost The art that can properly lay out and constrnet Calaveras seems to be a purchase. It has inex­ f-2,000. a city studying the effects of prospective, mak­ haustible gold bearing gravel beds, and has com­ ing the parts all in harmony with the whole, Janies Stroud has prepared the plans for two six- requires a ve7-y different talent from that ordin­ pleted its reservoir. The rainy season has set in, story flat houses to be erected at Nos. 28 Laight and arily found in our City Councils, and it seems and if honestly managed the stockholders will No. 7 Vestry streets. They will be 27.-3x00 each, the high time the citizens of New York should unite get generous dividends. There was talk of a div­ lot running througli from street to street, a distance and interest themselves in what will add so much idend on this property within a month, but that of 175 feet. to the beauty of the new city that is to be built Mr. T. A. Howell, of Brooklyn, proposes to erect a ia the next ten to fifteen years. Paris, with the is absurd. There is no possibility of any divi­ Tuileries, its Arc de Triouiphe, the Corps Legis- dend for several months to come. Then this residence at Greenport, L. L, at a cost of about $18,000, latif, the Madeleine, the Graud Opera House, the company has the same uncertainty which at­ Comedio ITrancaise, and its scores of churches, A syndicate of New York capitalists have secured taches to all mining organizations. It may have impresses us very dift'ereutly from what it would an extensive beach front at the foot of South Carolina were these buildings occupying obscure streets inefficient or dishonest management. avenue, Atlantic City, and have nearly completed the instead of being objects of prominence, facing That very questionable enterprise, the South arrangements for erecting the most extensive iron broad and long avenues; and one cannot but feel that Tweed's crimes will be almost atoned by Pacific miiie, which bears all the ear marks of pier on the Atlantic coast. They also contemplate, it another generation when it is considered that he being gotten up to make money out of credulous is said, the erection of an extensive hotel, bazaars and pavilions. was the plaimer and constructor of New York's investors, is now out with another report by an boulevards. unknown milling expert, who is endorsed by the Miss Ellen Yeaman proposes to erect a five-story flat house, 25x78x93.9, at No. 312 East Thirty-fifth Those who have had experience know there is Seligmaiis. It is scandalous how heretofore nothing quite so difficult, in a city geographically street. Architect, Albert Wagner. reputable firms will permit their names to be outlined as New York is, to get any large body of Jacob Cohen proposes to erect a row of five five- men—where the subject of removal is btfort^tliem used to help along very doubtful enterprises. story brick tenements on Walker street, commencing —to agree upon what constitutes a good location. The late Joseph Seligmaii would not have per­ In the selection so recently made for the Union at the southeast corner of Baxter .street. They will League Club, there was a formidable opposition to mitted this use of his firm's name. be of various dimensions, ranging from 15x.95 to 28x40. going as high as Thirty-ninth street, whei-eas now A concern calling itself the Union Consolidated Architect, Julius iSoekel. tliere are many members that believe a site nearer of Bodie, is advertising very liberally just now. Horace Greeley Knapp is drawing the plans for a the Park entrance would have been infinitely row of six frame cottages, two and a half-stories high better. Individuals aud small committees ai-e Its officers names are not given, and it claims to have property located 1,500 feet north of the to be erected on the Ocean Parkway, Corey Island always in a condition to act more independently by Dr. J. G. Morey. The cottages will be 20x36, with than coninmnities, and where po-syer is delegated Standard of Bodie. If it has any such ground it kitchen extensions, and will be approached by a balus- also feel licensed to anticipate the growth of popu­ must be north of the Bechtel and Tioga, which lation—hence the city has from such sources: traded terrace, containing flowers, vases, etc. Cost Tiie American Museum of Art, the Museum of join the Standard. Neither of these mines have §10,000. It will be remembered that attention was Natural History, the Lenox Library, &c,, all in ever paid a dividend, although some of the called to the dearth of just such cottages as these, in advance of population, and all either in or around Standard veins run into them. In fact, the veins an article entitled "Matters at Coney Island," which Central Park. There are other institutions be­ sides churches—indeed, all that have their sup- in tha Bodie district, north of the Standard, are appeared in THE REAL ESTATE EECORD, of May SSth poi-t from the resident proper—which sooner or of too low grade to work profitably. Everything of last year. later will have to follow the course of popula­ about this Union Consolidated is suspicious. William Howe is preparing the plans for a frame tion. It is certain that favorable locations, suit­ Don't touch it. church, in the Gothic style, to be erected by the Union ed for public buildings, can iu tho near future be Avenue Baptist Church, in I'arerson, N. J., en Union only had for fabulous prices, and it behooves The local Georgia papers say that Findley may avenue, beyond the Falls. It will have a seating those having the means, and controlling public soon be in a position to make some return for its capacity of about 350, and cost $7,000. institutions, to move in the matter before it is too late, and not to blind themselves with the delu­ patient stockholders. The work is nearing the J. Morgan Slade is at work on the plans for a large sive fallacy that because sites are not already ex­ famous " chute " out of which so much gold was six-story iron front store building, to be erected on hausted tnere is still time to spare. taken years ago. The adjoining mine, the the southeast corner of Broadway and Bleecker To bring this subject to the comprehension of Georgia Consolidated, is paying handsomely, and street, hy Charles W. Codling, trustee. It will be every reader, we will enumerate some of the there must be somewhere in the great hill of the 25x200, extending through to Crosby street, and have all the modern improvements, including a passenger most prominent of the buildings down-town used Findley a good deal of pay ore. as public resorts, that will have this question elevator. Cost, SlOO.OOO. forced upon them within a very short period of Iron Silver is taking out its usual quantities of Mr. Slade is also preparing the plans for a six-story time: ore, and is undoubtedly a splendid mine. The iron front store, to be erected by Mr. E. N. Tailer on The Historical Society rooms, Second avenue. company contemplate erecting their own smelter. The Society Library, University place. Greene street, between Grand and Broome streets.' It The Academy of Music, Irving place. The grade of its ore is low, and the cost of smelt­ will be 25x100, and cost 830,000. The National Academy of Design, Twenty- ing is a serious item, but work of this kind will An extensive store building will be erected at Nos. third street. cost a great deal of money, and dividends will 384 and 386 Broadway, extending' through to Court- A Summer Garden, corresponding with the old have to be stopped for a while. land alley, but neither the plans nor the architect are Niblo's. as yet decided upon. The Century, Manhattan and Union Clubs. The Alta Montana is being manipulated after Public halls foi- lectures, concerts and exhibi­ the usual fashion. After its works were de­ IMPORTANT DECISION BY THE ASSESSMENT tions for uses corresponding with Steinway's and stroyed the price was kept up until they were COMMISSION. oojijLixi. Chickering's. The churches already mentioned, with others, rebuilt. The point was then given and a number The Assessment Commission, in the matter of John six to eight in all. of gudgeons paid the highest price for the stock, H. Sherwood and others as to the regulating and There are no means of ascertaining accurately whereupon it rapidly declined in the quotations. grading of Sixth and Seventh avenues, from One the dividing line of the city's population in equal It was the friends of the management, as usual, Hundred and Tenth street to the Hariem River, have parts, but the late registry of voters shows that rendered the following decision, Commissioners Kelly, there will shortly be as many persons living who were the worst " stuck." above Forty-second street as below. Twenty Campbell, Lord and Andrews concurring and Commis­ sioner Cooper dissenting, viz.: "These avenues were years ago Fourteenth street cut the population The auctioneer who predicted a good market of the city in two. In a very few years it will regulated, graded and paved during 1867 and 1868, in be Fifty-seventh street; In former days, with and high prices this spring in last week's REAL advance of the requirements of population or property the stages and tramways as the only public con­ ESTATE RECORD must have been particularly adjacent, not for the purpose of general traffic and veyances, there was au apparent gradual addi­ pleased with last Tuesday sales. They confirmed travel, from which they were excluded by the fact tion of block after block to the up-town streets, but the new mode of transit is changing all this, his view of the market. that no ingress or egress was available at either the and a simultaneous growth will spring up con­ northern or southern termini, being closed on the venient to all the stations to the termination of It is said that insiders in the Edison Electric south by Central Park and on the north by the banks the roads, and a percentage of increase must be Light Company have sold out at the extreme of the Harlem River. These improvements were be­ added year by year, exceeding (that of any high prices, and are engaged in depressing the gun and carried out as a continuation of the Park former period in the history of the city's growth. stock to buy it in again. At first the capital was system. The question to be determined by the Com- 98 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD February 4, 1882 mission was, What proportion of the cost of these im­ catalogue. High prices prevailed from flrst to last, provements shall be imposed upon ^the owners of about two years ago. A portion of the old front is still the down-town business property bringing notably standing. adjacent property? The Commission decide that the high prices. No. 102 West street, being the southeast S. M. Blakely has sold, for Amos Woodruff, the four- assessment for regulating and grading Sixth avenue corner of Liberty street, having an average width of shall be reduced 42.4 per cent., and theassessment for story brown stone house and lot, No. 12 West Forty- about twenty-two feet and an average depth of sixty fifth street, 18.8x100, to Frank C. Holiins, a member regulating and grading Seventh avenue shall be re­ feet, and on which is a four-story brick store renting duced 37.3 per cent. of the Stock Exchange, for $25,C00. for $5,000, brought no less than $73,000, while a similar Mr. John O'Rourke has purchased the Washington buildmg adjoining the above, 21.6x4:^.3, and known as Hall building on Main street. Orange, N. J., for about SPECIAL NOTICES. No. 144 Liberty street, brought $10,500, the rental $10,000. It is to be refitted throughout. Mr. John R. Piatt will continue the real estate busi­ being $1,200 per annum. The tenement property No. 48 Forsyth street ha's ness established by the late James M. Taylor at 265 The three-story brick store. No. 45 Vesey street, 25x Broadway. The assistants of Mr. Taylor will help baen sold to Mr. .''acobs for $23,000. 85, aud which it was rumored had been condemned, R. T. Edwards has sold his three lots on the south conduct the business of the new firm, including Mr. sold for $24,500. The other business property brought Fish. side of Eighty-first street, 275 west of Eighth avenue, prices equal to those mentioned, with the exception for $15,500. F. L. Tapscott has formed a partnership with BIr. of Nos. 312, 314, 310, 318 and :320 Canal street, three- Henry G. Cassidy has sold the five-story iron front Oscar Yenni at No. 60 Broadway, room 12. Tbis firm story brick stores, with a width of 82 feet and an aver­ double tenement No. 527 First avenue for $12,600, to will deal in investment, miscellaneous and mining age depth of about.g8 feet, which were sold foratotal Mrs. C. F. Reardon. stocks and securities. They will be found alert aud of $06,750, and which rented for $6,545 per annum. Mr. Janies R Waterlow has sold at private sale tlie trustworthy, and they will do anything to advance The five three-story brick houses, Nos. 107 to 115 Bed­ five-story brown stone building No. 883 Sixth avenue, the interests of THEIR customers. ford sti-eet, brought a total of $33,075 and rent for 21.10x55x62, for $25,000 cash; the lot witit frame house The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company pub­ $2,975 per annum. They were not a bargain, nor was on the rear No. 133 West Fifty-third street, 25x100.5, lish their thirty-seventh annual statement in our col­ asimilar house. No. 128 Christopher street, at .$8,700, for $7,500 cash; the four-story brick building on the umns. The figures show the institution is in an excel­ renting for $700 per annum. northwest corner of Sixth avenue and Forty-ninth lent position. Their premiums and interest during the The sale of the estate of John Sexton—a Surrogate street (No. 871), 25.4J4x80, for $45,000 cash, and the past year amounted to S'5,813,223.:33 and their total Court sale, an unusual occurrence—by D. M. Seaman, three-story brown stone house No. 108 West Fiftieth balance was $38,767,021.15. One of the inducements under the direction of William Kennelly, attracted street, 15x50x100.4, to Mr. Freeman for $9,500 cash. to insure in this company is that every pohcy is abso­ but little less interest than the one just described, the Messrs. Ogden & Clark have sold No. 32 West lutely non-forfeitable. crowd around Mr. Seaman's stand comprising many Seventeenth street, 21.6x92, for $25,000. wealthy dealers. The prices obtained for the various C. Batchelor have sold No. 167 West One Hundred The German-American Insurance Company makes parcels, which were scattered in all parts of the city, a very good showing iu its report published elsewhere. and Twenty-sixth street, 16.8x55x100, to a gentleman were excellent, although so shrewd a buyer as Amos In ten years its assets have nearly tripled, while with­ from Poughkeepsie, for $16,000. R. Eno purchased the four story store and office build­ in the same period its net surplus from something The rents for offices in the Astor property, Nos. 5, ing, Nos. 174 and 176 Pearl st, 31.7x102x27.10x100.9, for less than $-7,000 has increased to over $1,314,000. 7 and 9 Pine street, have all been raised, in some in'- $29,400. No. 356 West Fifty-second street, a five-story stances an advance equal to more than 100 per cent, Investors who are looking out for prime business brick house, with lot 25x100.5, brought the high figure is demanded. Owners of Pine street property would property would do well to examine the lot corner of $17,100, after quite an active cojnpetition. The three- do well to bear in mind, that there is a possibility of Spring and Crosby streets. Realty in this neighbor­ story brick house. No. 74 West One Hundred and driving away the real estate brokers now doing bus­ hood is in demand by dry-goods people, fur dealers, Twenty-fifth street, 18.9x100, sold for $8,500, a fair iness there, if they become too exhorbitant in their hatters and kindred businesses. It is for sale by H. figure. demands, Henriques, No. 62 Liberty street. On Wednesday the salesroom was again well at­ Mr. F. S. Gray has sold the three-story brick houses The new Tribune building will have some splendid tended, the partition sale by Louis Mesier, under the Nos. 218, 220 and 224 West Forty-seventh street, for oflices to rent at very reasonable rates. It should be direction of Philo T. Ruggles, Esq., referee, attracting $9,000, $11,000 and $10,000 respectively, and Nos 08 remembered that this building is absolutely fire-proof. the most attention. The three-story granite building and 70 East One Hundred and Thirty-flrst street, three- If every house in the neighborliood was in flames and lot. No. 735 Broadway, 27x100, created an active story brown stone dwellings, for $16,000. simuhaneonsly it would not have the slightest effect competition, and was finally secured hy M. A. J. upon this entirely incombustible edifice. Lynch for $60,.300, who was offered a handsome profit The Trustees of the Nineteenth Street Synagogue have sold, subject to existing leases and to the ap­ Money on real estate can be loaned from De Witt, on his purchase before leaving Exchange. The flve- story marble store, Nos. 45 and 47 Park place, 54.8x proval of their shareholders and the Supreme Court, Lockman & Kip at 5 per cent. See adveitisement tlieir property on Sixth avenue and Twentieth street! elsewhere. 90.2, and renting for nearly $7,000 per annum, brought $79,000. This property consists of the plot of ground on the Robert C. Martin becomes a member -rf the firm of southwest corner of Sixth avenue and Twenty-first J- S. Peck & Son, so well and favorablj' known among On Thursday Louis Mesier sold at executor's sale street, 120.8x75, under lease till July, 1887, at a ground the four-story brick building No. 81 Warren street, 25 builders and those who require building material, and rent of $2,250, taxes, etc., the buildings to be paid for x75, for $19,3.50, at which figure it was not dear, as the firm will hereafter be known as Peck, Martin & at the expiration of the lease, and the plot of ground the property now rents for $2,000 per annum; and the Co. on the north side of Twentieth street, 7.5 feet west of three story dwelling No. 16 West Nineteenth street, Sixth avenue, about 80x00, under lease until Novem­ Attention is called to the advertisement of the 21.5 1 7x02, for $24,000, its full value, as it rents for Morahan Ceramic Company. They manufacture sta­ only $1,.500. ber 1st, 189:3, at $1,400 per annum, and at the end of tionary washtubs out of solid crockery and have re­ which time, a new lease is to be given for twenty-one cently succeeded in introducing a sink made out of On Tuesday next, February 7, Richard V. Harnett years, at 5 per cent, of valuation of lot or buildings crockery, which is far superior to the old, well-known will sell forlj--nine unimproved lots on Seventy-first, paid for at the option of the owner. The purchaser and bad looking and smelling sink. Householders Ninety-fifth, Ninety-sixth, One Hundred and Thir­ of this property is Hugh O'Neil, the head of the well- and builders should give them a call and have their teenth, One Hundred aud Sixteenth and One Hundred known dry-goods house bearing his name, and who sinks and washtubs introduced, as they will materi­ and Thirty-fourth streets. The location of these lots was already the owner of the property on the north­ ally add to the value of the property, and are war­ are in interesting places, and the quotations will be west corner of Sixth avenue and Twentieth street, so ranted to wear a lifetime. looked for with much intei-est. On Fe bruary 8, Joseph that he is now the possessor of the entire front on aicGuire will sell six full lots running through from Sixth avenue, between Twentieth and Twenty-first Eighty-third to Eighty-fourth streets, and 98 feet east streets. The price to be paid for this valuable realtv MARKET REVIEW. '' of Avenue A. This is a court sale. Adrian H. Muller is $200,000. REAL ESTATE. will sell on February 9, at an executor's sale, valuable Mr. John N. Golding has leased Colonel V. K. Ste­ improved real and leasehold estates in Dey, Barclay, iag~ For liKt of lotM and lionsew for sale venson's new eight-story office building, Nos. 44 and Murray, Washington and Reade streets. Fifty per Seepao:e8ll vii and Tiil of adverilMcmentK. 46 Broadway and 45 and 47 New street, 4 ixl7i, for cent, can remain on bond and mortgage. There are three years with two years renewal, to the Standard Matters certainly look hopef-'l in the real estate many eager investors looking out for choice down Oil Company for $52,500 per annum. Colonel Steven­ market. There is not much doing in vacant lots, this town property, and this will be their chance. The son has every reason to be satisfied with the favorable is not the season for inspecting or canvassing the same auctioneer will also sell on the same day, four terms he has secured, as the rental yields a large merits of unimproved property; but it is very evident lots of land running through from West to Washing­ return on his investment. The floors in the building that there is new blood in the maj-ket. The investors ton streets. This property fronts on the Inman have not been divided into offices, as it is intended to have appeared in force, and they are eager bidders Steamship Company docks and the bulkhead and be let at so much per foot, so that the space can be for any property tiiat will return a fair rental upon water privileges, and all the riparion rights go with divided up into offices of any dimensions. the investment. People who have dealt in Wall street this properly. The sale will be positive to close an S. M. Blakely has sold for Mr. Hoyt, the three-story securities are clearly withdiawing from the "street" estate. Any river property has great possibilities, as brown stone house (leasehold). No. 329 West Forty and investing in property on this island. As yet, the all know who have interests along the water fronts. fifth street, 20x50x100, to Mr, Stillman, for $8,000. demand for up-town houses is light, but capitalists Morris Wilkens, on February 9, will sell a parcel of have clearly made up their mind that down-town prop, West Broadway property, which will sometime be of A lease has-been recorded of the Albemarle Hotel Broadway and Twenty-fourth street, by F. S. Kinney erty is a purchase. It is pretty generally agreed that very great value. It is situated on the corner of York et al., to Janvrin & Waiter, for ten years, at $47,500 the office business is being overdone, but the vast street, 60 feet fronts on the latter, and 40 on West per annum. growth of the trade of the city is certain, in the Broadway. This is a splendid parcel for a large opinion of all business men, to make property in the wholesale establishment. The Lynd Brothers have sold the four-story high First, Second, Third and Fifth Wards immensely valu­ stoop brown stone dwelling. No. 29 East Seventy- able in time. Gossip of tlie Week. second street, 22x66x102.2, to Mr. Jacob Campbell for $57,500 cash. Mr. Campbell intends to occupy the The Exchange Salesroom on Tuesday last was The plot of ground on the southwest corner of Fifth above described dwelling. thronged with persons interested in all kinds of realty avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-eighth street, as the numerous parcels to be offered afforded a 100x110, with the Gothic cottage thereon, has been sold An offer of $10,000 each has been refused for three chance to all classes of purchasers. A well known lots on Seventy-third street, between Ninth and Tenth for $57,500. This plot will probably be improved dur­ avenues. real estate broker remarked that he had never seen so ing the coming summer. great a number of persons at the Exchange since the The following are the sales at the Exchange Sale s Messrs. Riker & Co. have sold the plot of ground room for the week ending February 3: real estate excitement during the Tweed times. The formerly known as Nos. 384 and 386 Broadway, 40.9x " Indicates that theproperty described has been bid partition sale by R. V. Harnett, under direction of T. 175, and running through to Courtland alley, on tn for plaintiff's account: Beekman Westbrook, Esq., attracted the most atten­ which it has a front of forty-six feet, for $210,000 cash. .„ , „ K. V, HARNETT, tion. The property was largely made up of business This is the property formerly occupied by Messrs. Bedford st. No. 107. w s, 12.3x62.7, three-storv Bites, although there were some residences _in the Haaen,^Todd,& Co.^and which^ was destroyed by^fire brick house. Frank Wemheuner. (Rent ^^°> • $6,250 February 4,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORI) $9

Bedford st, No. 109, three-story brick house. J. L. WELLS, Peter J. Shults. (Rent $525) .. 6,425 Fiealed proposals will be received by the school Bedford st, No. Ill, 18.8x34.3, three-story brick •Rivington st, No. 140, n s, 23.1x100, two-story trustees of the Twelfth Ward, until Wednesday, Feb­ brick dwell'g. Farmers' & Drovers' Nat. dwell'g, O. B. McManus. (Bent $700).... 8,200 ruary 15th, 188J, until 9:30 A. M., for furniture for Bedford st, No. 11.3, 17.8x34.2, three-story brick Bank. (Lieus abt $7.600).... 7,900 dwell'g. Same. (Rent $600) 6,100 •Rivington st, No. 144, 22x75. two-story brick grammar school No. 72 Lexington avenue, corner of Bedford st. No. 115,17.8x22 2, three-story brick dwell'g. Farmers' & Drovers' Nat. Bank. One Hundred and Sixth street, and for steam heating dwell'g. Same. (Rent $800) 6,100 (Liens, &c., abt $7,100) 7,425 apparatus for said school. Bleecker st, No. 315, s e cor Grove st, 17.1x75x A. J. BLEECKER & SON. 13.8x75, three-story brick house. A. MitcheU pl, 49th st. No. 1, n e cor 1st av, 18x80 Schreinmuller. (Rent $960) 12,500 three-story stone front dwell'g. Michael Canal st, No. 312, s w s, 26x37.7x irreg., three- Coleran 10 75 0 BUILDING MATEBIAL MARKET. story brick store. L. Morris 18,000 10th av, Nos. 458 and 460, o s, 49.4x100, six-story BRICKS—Scarcely any change of a positive char­ Canal st, No.314, s w s, 15x37, irreg.. three-story brick building. John Davidson 29,700 acter has taken place in the situation of affairs on brick store. Thomas Gallagher. (Rent the market for Common Hards since our last, except $1,320) .. 13,000 J. T. BOYD. Canal st. No. 316, s w s, 15x.37, irreg.Vthree- •*33d st, No. 238 E., s s, 16.8x98.9, three-story possibly that the facilities for reaching supplies from story brick store. J. Mearns. (Rent brick dwell'g. Lucia D. Haubner. (Amt. the North river have been somewhat reduced by the $1.3.0) 13,250 due, abt $8,900) g oOO condition of the weather. About all the sailing ves - Canal st, Nos.318 and 320, s w s, 20x4i'.7x26x36 4, 1st av. n w cor 75th st, 75x100 ~ ' seJs have hauled off, and the receipts now come to three-story brick store. Fred. E. Fricke 83d st, 118 e Av A, 118.8x103.^ hand in large loads. The demand, however, has not (Rent $1,980) 23,500 83d st, s s, 206,6 e 1st av, 5 lots, each 25xlo'2.2. been such as to require a quantity greater than Centre st. No. 27, e s, 20x64, three-stoVy brick 85th st, n s, 100 w 1st av, 25x103.2 av.ilable. and buyers unwiUing to handle the large house, Mary Goodwin 18,000 86th st, 3 s, 100 w 1st av, 25x103.2 '...'..'. parcels could secure smader cargoes by taking Lone Centre st. No. 29, e s, 13.6x47x20x54x9, three- 86th st, s s, 325 e 2d av, 4 lots, each 25xl63.2.. Island at about the same rates as the holders o( story brick house. Same 19,000 85th st, n s, 335 e 2d av, 4 lots, each 25x103 3 V river stock were asking. Actual consumption has Chatham st. No. 65, e s, 16.4x98.2x23x83, two- 87th st, ss, 74 e Istav, 32x100.8 . "l been only fair and quite irregular, the snow-storm story brick store. Michael Burke. (Rent 1st av, e s, 25.7 n 86th st, 175.9x74 acting as quite a chectc to outdoor work, but the sell $1,200) 19,000 86th st, s s, 74 e 1st av, 22x100.8 1 ing interesD appears rath«r indifferent over any laose Christopher st. No. 128, s s, three-story brick Av A, w s, 35.8 s SSth st, 3 lots, each 25.2x75.9 m the demand at the moment, as ih^re is no likeU dwell'g. Thomas Bennett (Rent $700) 8,700 Av A, 40 n 86th st, 40x75 hood of any heavy accumulation of supplies, and the Frankhnst, s e cor West Broadway, 20x53.11, AvA, secor 89th st, 60x100 .'.J belief in a full spring consumption continues with no brick store. James S. Beams. (.Kent Assignee's sale. All right, title and in­ contradiction except the old theory that h gher cost $1,.535) _ 29,500 terest of Quayle W. Hawkes in above will ead to caution among buyers, even possiblv to Greenwich st, No. 394, n w cor Beach "st'25x: property. (Subject to all encumbrances the extent of leauing tnem to postpona work Both 79.10, four-story brick building. Wm. Gru- abt$680,000) . 5 views, however, are really nothing more thati opin- per. (Rent $1,500) 16,500 M. A. J. LYNCH. Greenwich st, No. 429, n e cor Laight st, 23 6 or '°''^u°{^^t 7"^^^' J""^^ ^''""' fo"" «hai; thev are 25x100.6x21.7x100.5. stable, &c. P. Lenane *29th St, No. 306 W., s w s, 18.9x98.9, leasehold, worth, the balance of influences for the time heioe & Bro. (Rent $1,000) 13,750 four-story stone front dweU'g. Benjamin keeping the market in a v^-y fairly sieauy uosiiiot. Houston st. No. 127, s e cor Sullivan' st, 25x95, Moore. (Amount due. abt $9,625; leased As matters stand, there is little use in divklinir uu four-story brick dwell'g and fratne dwell'g for 8 years at $337 per annum) 5 ooo quotations in tt.e orainnry form, and 11 general ranee in rear. Owen B. McManus. (Life lease). may be given at. say, 8H@9 per M, the latter only on 7,500 W. O. HOFFMAN. the best Haverstraws ana the inside about the low Liberty st. No. 144, s s. four-story brick store. *Hnisideav, centreline, intersectioncentrel esc, except now and then an odd offering of auite Owen B. McManus. (Rent $1,200).... 16,500 line Maxwell st, 205x267.6 to centre line ordinary quality, principally from Jersey There is Sullivan st, Nos. 155 to 159, e s, 74.9xl00x—x Barretto av | nothing aoing in Fronts in a wholesale wav and 120, frame house, brick stables, &c. Har­ Maple st, centre line at intersection e s of | va ues are nominai for the present. man Ridder 26,000 Meadow av, runs north along' Maple st, }- Thomiison st, Nos. 149 and 151, w s,' "49.'lVx86i 250 X west 833.6 to centre line of Coster HARDWARE.-The movement of supplies on do 50x8 '. Herman Ridder 17,500 av, X south 250 x east 832.6 to beginning. mestic accojnt is full and growing, and, with the Thompson st, No. 153, w s, —x75x25x75V brick Eastern Bay av, e s, 205 s Prospect st, 150x foreign call keeping up well, the market has quite an dweU'g. Herman Ridder 9,500 1,340.7x171.5x1,419.10 Vesey st. No. 45, s s, 25x85, three-story' brick active appearance throughout. Indeed, the position George M. Miller. (Amount due, abt seems to be realizing all the most hopeful anlicina- store. James Brown. (Rent $1,900).. . 24,500 West st, No. 102, e s, 22.5x63.10x21 7x57.8, four- $3,000) i2_5oo tions, and dealers, without exception: speak in a story brick store. Wm. Bostelman. (Rent cheerful, confident tone. Supplies are only fair the drafts made since the opening of the year ha'vine $5,000) 73,000 Total $927,815 *8th st (Clinton pl), No 92, s w's,'48."7"s'e'Mac­ already ctit do wn accumulations, and left many manu­ dougal st, 23 4x100, leasehold, three-story facturers laboring under difficulties in the effort to brick dwell'g and two-story brick stable BROOKLYN, N. Y. keep up with the call made upon them Prices ai-« in rear. Charles A. Deaii, exr. (Amount well sustaiued, and most of the new announcements due abt $6,350; lease for 16 years at $325 In the city of Brooklyn Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan, indicate an upward turn. The manufacturers have p-^rannum) 2,650 A, H. Midler & Son, J. Cole and Cole & Murphy have advanced the price of Terry's Patent Wrought Iron 23d st, No. 203 W., s s, 25x80, three-story 'brick made the following sales for the week ending Febru­ Barn Door Hangers to discount 40 per cent and dwell'g, Thomas Gallagher. (Rent $1,980) 24,800 Patent Wrought Iron Rail to 5 cents per foot net 55th st, No. 304 E., s s, 18x80, four-story stone ary 3: Bond st. No. 208, w s, 35x75. Bernard Mahon. $1,100 The Kidder Slide Door Hanger Co. have also ad- front apartment house. W, J. Merrett yanced their prices 5 per cent., and now quote to retail (Morts. $8,000) 9.40O Bridge st, No. 21, e s, 25x100. John J. Drake.. 3 450 55th st. No. :J06 E., 18.8x80, four-story' 's't'o'iie *Degraw st. s s, 120 e Hoyt st, 30x100. Anna trade at 50 and 5 per cent, discount, front apartment house. F. K. Keller W. Collins 2 200 LATH.—Just about the exact value ot lath is at (Morts. $8,000) 9,S00 Fulton st, n e s. 111.10 s e Navy st, 20x104 4x times '• one of those things no fellow can find out," 99th st, s s, 200 e 5th av, 25xld6.'ll. Vacant 24.1x90.11. W.H.West IICOO though the differtnce of views d es noi extend over John J. Clancy Fulton St. nes, 131.10 s e Navy st. runs south- ' 6,E03 east 30 x northeast 93.9 x east 23.9 to Ray­ a very wide range. We have been given qu tations 9th av. No. 74, es, 19.1x100, three-story "brick duringtho week at $1.9>i. and thence up 10 $•> K'ra store and dwell'g. O.B. McManus. (Rent mond St. X north 20 x west 33.4 x southwest S'OO) 1U4.4. W.H.West 11,100 2.15. and both extremes were named by buvers bnr 7,3C0 Fulton st, s w s, 108.3 s e Carlton av, 20x79 6, raking the majority of sellers through, and thev een sth av. No. 76, e s, 19.10xld(),' three-s't'ory' "bri'c'k eraliy centre upon S3 stUi as about the averae« dwell'g. John D. Flammer. (Rent $700).. 7,400 irreg. James M. Leavitt. (Morts. $5,000). 7,650 9th av. No. 78, 19.0x100x28.11x100. Thomas Robinson st, n s, 92.6 e Rogers st, 40x123.6. operating basis. A little more than the lasc-namefl Gallagher Wm. Kennedy rate was m some instances claimed, but with an ad 2,750 Robinson st, n s, adj, 20x122.6. John Kenny.'. mission that some additional expanses of deliverv n. M. SEAMAN. Robinson st, n s, adj, 100x133.6. H. C. Con­ were covered thereby, and it is asserted that anv­ Elizabeth st, Nos. 233 and 235, w s, 40x88,6, nolly 310 thing less was only accepted on stock below the four three-story brick dwell'g ahd several small Union st. No. 260, s B. 25x100, three-story stone foot standard. The consumption is very eood anH stables, &c, J, W. Dimick 8,450 front dweU'g. Henry Ginnell 8 690 not muca retarded by the weather. Macdougalst, No. 101, ws, 140 n Bleecker st, Winthrop st, s s, 93.6 e Rogers av, 60x133.6. J. 25x150.2 to Minetta st, several small brick J. Drake 315 LIME.-"Oh. just about the same," is the report and frame houses and stables. Joshua Winthrop st, s s, adj, 200x122.6. Mr. Gaynor. given in most instances on this market. The de­ Reynolds 12,000 Winthrop st, s s, 92.6 w Nostrand av, 160x132.0. 1,000 mand, all things oon.sidered, was fair, and some ar­ Pearl st, Nos. 174 and 176, w s, 31.'7xi62,' 'four- Wm. Kennedy rivals, together with cargoes afloat, received atten story brick store and office building Winthrop st, s s, adj, 120x322.6. James A. 680 tion on the basis of former cost, and prices remain Amos R. Eno 29,400 Townsend steaoy There wa^, however, no indication of anv S9th st, No. 121, n a, 250 w 6th'av,"l7x57.7^ Warren st, westerly cor Nevins st, 25xlobl 570 Aaron O'Donald tendencv to buoyancy, and for the pre.sent sellers three-story brick house and two-story ex­ appear content to hold the advantage as it stands tension. J.T.Jenny 7,108 *Grand av, w s, 115 s Atlantic av, 20x101. 2,150 53d st, No. 356. s s, 225 e 9th av, 25x100.5, 'five- Phebe R. Kissam 2.500 LUMBER.—The market continues in a generally story brick house. James Gillies 17,100 Nostrand av, s w cor Winthrop st, 23.6x93.6. favorable condition for the selling interest, and pretty 133d st, s s, 310 w 3d av, 85x100.11, vacant. W. William Kennedy 115 much all the reports are in a cheerful, hopeful strain. C.Lester 8,700 Nostraud av, w s, adj, 200x93.6, WiUiam Ken­ At this season of the year business is always liable tn 125th st. No. 74, s s, 103.9 e 6th av, I's.g'xio'o.'l'l', nedy 7.50 Nostrand av, n w cor Robinson st, 22.6x93.6. sudden and unexpected interruption of more or less three-story brick house. George Mooney. 8,500 duration, owing to the vagaries of the weather but it Lexington av. No. 733, e s, 80.5 n 58th st, 20x95, William Kennedy ' 95 Nostrand av, s e cor Winthrop st, 44.6x92.6. is considered that this has already been fullv n^n three-story stone front dwelling. H Sar- tralized by the unusually liberal distribution of the ner John Vealer '.,' 203 14,050 Rogers av, s e cor Winthrop st, 23.6x92.6. j. open winter and i-emaining stocks, or prospecUve 2d av, No. 1059, w s, 25.4 s 56th st, SSxiooj'foiir- additions for some httle time to come are good pron story brick house. P. Leamy J. Drake 14,850 Rogers av, e s, adj. 40x92.6. J. J. Drake erty but more especially of course the better aswt E. H. LUDLOW & CO. Rogers av, e s, 62.6 s Winthrop st, 160x93.6. ments of quality. The pro.spective supply of loescon tinues a matter of discussion, but we think thifc with 6th av, n w cor 137th st, 24.11x75, vacant. T, William Kennedy C30 Donovan Rogers av, n e cor Robinson st, 22.6x92.6. (jeo. the possible exception of a few sections at the east­ 4,960 B. Hardie 170 ward the chances have improved of late, and the run A, H. MULLER & SON. *Yates av, n s, 425.3 e Bedford av, 20x85' will be large enough to allay the fears of the croakers Indeed even without snow the logs would have been Jones st, No, 9, n s, 35x100, two three-story Albert C. Stebbins. (Morts. $3,500) 4,250 brick dwell'gs, and three-story brick stable banked firmly at the West in particulai^ wK they in rear. A. D. Weeks Total $60.1:35 have enterprise enough to take time by the forelock 9,400 and secures new methods for hauling logs the moment LOUIS MESIER. there is an indication of the failure of those means n Notice is given that application will be made to the use or f^epended upon. Quoting from a contemDorarv Broadway, No. 735, w s, 81 n Waverley pl, 27x supreme court on the 28th of February, 1883, for the 100, three-story granite building. M. A, J. It may also be added there is another eIemenMhn^^ Lynch. (Rent $73 per month) appointment of comnnssioners of estimate and 66,300 ^e^nrf'to^'r^«\"*"!:^'' '°*° f?« logging lusinilsThatwU Park pl, Nos. 45 and 47, n s, 125 e College pl, assessment relative to the opening of Lexington tend to make th.; results more certain There are 54.8x90.2, five-story marble building. Wil­ avenue, from Ninety-seventh to Ninety-eighth streets, liam Bryce. (Rent abt $7,000 per annum). fewer small operators in Ihe field than there havo 79,000 and from what was formerly the northerly line of been for years. The timber is owned bv fewer men Warren st. No. 81, s s. 25x75, four-storv brick than It ever was before, and the :n.en who own it are building. John A. C. Gray (Rent $2,000). 19,350 Ninety-ninth street to One Hundred and Second able to get out the logs if they"want them There 19th st. No. 16 W., s s, 21.5x9i, thrse-story street. Similar action will be taken in the matter of will m general be no such halt in operations as is stone front dweU'g. William Herbert, often experienced by men who engage in the work (Rent $1,500) Sedgwick avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, on and who m case ofhmdrances have not the means 10 March 1st, 1882. SimUar action will also be taken in carry,ton This is one of the reasons why logging 24,000 H. N. CAMP. the matter relative to the opening of One Hundred Bowery, No. 119, es, 35.1x103.2x25x103. two- r'il*ir*^^^-^^ever the winte5 r'^ i^s iinpropitiousmore success. f Idly conducted When­ story brick store and three-story brick ex­ and Twentieth street, from Eighth to Ninth avenue, on February 28th, 1882, Eastern Spruce has shown noderate irregularity tension. John Callahan but with the tendency mainly in sellers' favor, are all 28,100 100 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD February 4,1882 realli" good and attractive lots of stock. Consumers dition of the weather and roads. Travelers who have operations are being vigorously pushed, and all the and dealers both want supplies, and, while some ap­ been down through the State, and out in Missouri and doubts in regard to the log supply, whicn had arisen pear rather cautious about permitting their require­ Kansas, state that the roads are in a, deplorable con­ in the minds of the manufacturers, have been effect­ ments to become known, it is not easy to conceal a dition, the late freeze notlHStitig long enciigh so that ually dispelled. Everything, therefore, points ci- more or less anxious feeling regarding the earlier por­ they became smoothed with travel, and t hi; rain of rectly to au anticipated successful season's business tion of the coming season. Advices from the East­ this week restoring the previous condition of inter­ in 1SS3. ward somewhat positively reiterate the claim of a minable mire. Yet lumber is being called for and General quotations are : short crop of logs. Tlie English advices are encour- sent forward. It is considered wonderful hy dealers Shipping culls $ 7.f0^9f0 agin,?. and as many of the mills in the Provinces are that trade is so steadily niaintiiued, considering the (Common 14,[email protected] ill ready imder contract to cut deals for foreign orders, difSculty of movirg lumber to places of consump­ Three uppers [email protected] manufacturers naturally feeling confident, and our tion. One heavy dealer reports a shipment of 3Ui) local Iniyers curious to ascertain to what extent and cars more the present month than during the same THE EAST. at what cnst they are likely to come in. At the mo- period last year, alike incre.ise being proportionate­ iiieutrandomsaVe valued at about $16.50@18 per M, ly shared by others. - Prices are maintained to the Tho following is from the Bangor (Me.) Cominer- and from this the quotations range up to $19@20 for full, the day of concession seemiuglj' having passed ci(d: specials, according to cut. to the rear by a long distance, leaving hardly a mem­ Whiii; Pine still showing some little irregularity, but ory of the time when values hobbled with infirmity. Lumbermen one and all declare that they never had there is no evidences of a, gain for buyers on stock in For once, the Chicngo dealers seem to have every­ 60 hard a logging season in their woods experience, any way desirjible. Indeed, tlie accumulation here is. thing their own w^ay, atd the country ya'd man and they aay that only a moderate amount of lumber :i,s a rule, under .such eoiitro! that there is no likehhood don't any more enter the back office v.ith the air of will be cut on the Penobscot waters this season. of un^- direct pressure to realize, or important shading a man who owns the place. Holders of lumber are The hauling season in the Maine woods generally be­ on co.>;t, .'^o far as the home trade is concerned calm, confident, not; at all anxious about the fu­ gins abo't the 1st of December and ends in the latter at least. To secure foreign orders, however, it ture. Their lumberpiles are money atiu'erest. and partOL March or in Aprtl. Different depths of snow i.s .still intiiuiited that; " sellers will quietly when they sell a bill it is to accommodate trade are required in different localities duiing these four shade off a fraction, even those who have been more than to get rid of the lumber, for it months to make good hauling, but up to about; ten loudest and most; )25 do.: cherrj', $50@65 do ; winter, there have two steam barges arriced, the supplies except upon a basis of about former rates. whitewood, 14 and % inch, [email protected], and do. inch. Hilton and the Burroughs, bringing in this year's Tne supply is said to be only fair and not difficult to S;3,3@35 do.; hickory, $3.5.'gi45 do., for Western, and cut of cord wood from FruitpDrt, iJMich. The weather, carry. We quote at 19%@20c. cash for Lake. Manufac­ S65@75 for good near-by stock. at this writing, is again milder, and the river is open tured Copper is selling very well and retains a steady from the Lake street bridge to tho lake. market. We quote as follows: Brazier's Copper From among the lumber charters and engagements ordinary size, over 10 oz. per sq. foot, 30c. per lb.; do. recently reported, we select the following: LL'MBERMAN AND MAMJ'FACITURER, ( do. do., 16 oz. and over 12 oz. per sq. foot, 32c. per lb.: A Bi: barque. i:,39 tons, from St. ,Iohn, N. B., to Dub­ MlNNEAP0I.,IS, MiXX. i" do. do., 10 and 12 oz., per sq. foot, ::4c. per lb.; do. do., lin, deals. Ols ;Jd. option of Liverpool, Barrow or Bris­ Reports and advices from the principal lum'oer lighter than 10 oz. per sq. foot, 36c. per lb.; circles tol Channel, C3s 6d; a Br. barque, 975 tons, from St centres of the LTnited States, as well as the most im­ less than 84 inches in dian^eter, 33c. per lb.; do. 81 .John, N, B., to Liverpool or Bristol Channel, deals, portant manufacturing town?, show conclusively that inches in diameter and over, 36c. per lb ; segment and 60s: a barque, 545 tons, from Boston to Savannah, ice, lumber is rapidly disappearing, that the stocks on pattern sheets, 33c. per lb.; locomotive fire bos sheets, private terms, thence to Aspinwall. lumber, $12 50; a hand, both of lumber and manufactured goods are 30c. per lb.; Sheathing Copper, over 12 oz., per square schr.. ISU tons, from Bucksville to Point-a-Petre, lum­ very much less at the present time than they were foot, 27c. per lb., and Bolt Copper, 30c. per lb. IRO.N"— ber, $11; a schr , 1,")1 tons, from Wilmington, N. C, to Scotch Pig has been very quiet, and to a con.siderable Porto Rico, lumber, $12: a Br. schr., 83 tons, hence to last year at this season, notwithstanding the .signifl- extent nominal. Stocks here are rather moderate, at. John, N. B . oak plank. $3. and tar 25c: a barque, cent fact that the preductions of 1&81 were, greatly in and would probably be difficult to reach except at full O.JO tons, 000 M lumber, from Portland to Montevideo excess of those of 1880. foi'mer rates, but in view of depressed markets abroad or Buenos Ayres, 813.50 net; a barque, 506 tons, from Leaving the lumber yards to tafee care of them­ buyers take hold only under the pressure of the most Portland to Buenos Avres. lumber, $14; a schr., 394 selves, the chief iuteivst in this business now centres urgent necessity, and the investment in parcels to ar­ tons, from Portland to St. Kitts, St. Pierre, Mart., and around the cimps. The condition of logging opera­ rive has ceased. As near as can be given S24.50@38 ^Moule, Guad., lumber. $6, and shooks, 26c: a schr., tions in the great forests stretching from Maine to covers the general wholesale range, but small lots 4lJ0 tons, from Gun Point to Pensacola, ice, $900, and Manitoba, but chiefly centering in Michigan, Wiscon­ from store cost 50c. and $1 per ton additional. Amer­ back to Portland with lumber, $9.50; two schrs., 162 sin and Minnesota, is now the subject of most vital ican Pig presents little or no change of a positive char­ aud 196 tons, from Portland to New York, lumber, $3; importance—and this we may briefly sum up in one acter. Present demand continues moderate, but tho a schr., 17.1 M lumber, from Mobile to NewYork, $875; short sentence—it is encouraging. Good work is offering of supplies is correspondingly small, and generally being done in the three great pine lumber with producers reporting contracts in hand to keep sta.tes. them busy for weeks to come, there is little danger The weather of late has been more propitious, light that any necessity for shading on cost will arise. The , , , $8. ription of snows have fallen here and there, frequently, until position of the foreign article does not appear to be Baltimore, S7.G2}^: a schr., 180 M lumber, from Fer­ now nearly all locatities have a fair supply. con.sidered, except as an influence likely to check nandina to New York, $S; a schr., 374 tons, from WU- speculation. We quote at [email protected] per ton for No. mington, N. C, toNew York, lumber, at about $7.50; SAcaXAW V.iLLEY. 1 X foundry; $34..50@25 do. do. for No. 2 X 11 barque, 375 M lumber, from Pensacola to New York, Lt'MBEHMAN's GAZETTE, ( do. do. aud [email protected] do, for gray forge. Rails are y9—20 M per day; a .schr., 250 BI lumber, from Wil­ BAY CITY, Blich. f no higher, but apparently .steady and fairly active. mington, N. C, to New York, $7; a barque, 350 M lum­ As will be seen by the quotations below, prices re­ It is, however, somewhat difficult to ascertain the ber, from Darien to New York or New Haven, $7.75. main unchanged. The tone of the market remains true position of affairs, owing to the continued ten­ The exports of lumber from the port of New York firm, as at last report. A few sales are reported, the dency to secrecy among all classes of operators. Old during the month of January last were as follows: prices being at the outside figures for the stock dis­ Rails and Scrap iron have been moderately active on posed of. One lot of three-quarters of a million of most regular outlets, and carried quite a steady mar­ Feet. ordinary quality brought $7.5u, $15, and $35. Another ket in the majority of cases. We quote rails at $47® To West Indies 1,687,093 transaction of about five million feet is reported at 48 for iron, and $55@58 for steel, according to deliv­ To Sjouth America .'. 2'393'389 private terms, which we aie not at liberty to publish, ery. Old rails, $30®32 per ton; Scrap. $3l@32 50. To East Indies 1 083631 further than to say that good figures were realizsit. Manufactured iron continues in very good demand, To Europe ' og'^oOO Another sale was also effected a few days since of especially fini.shed stock, and the tone of the market Total feet 5,192,103 two million feet, straight measure, which could is strong at full former rates on all sizes, etc. We hardly be rated as common, ana for which an ad­ find some difference in the reports made regarding vance of $1 per thousand above the pric» at which it the future, but as a rule there is evidences of a great was offered previous to the close of navigation, was deal of work under contract, and few makers can be found willing to promise any very early GENERAL LCMBER NOTES. real zed. There is very little lumber on the docks at present unsold, and each sale of any importance is delivery. We quote Common Merchant Bar, ordi­ STATE. narrowing it down to a very small limit;. There is nary sizes, at [email protected]. from store, and Refined at some inquiry for good stock, but that remaining un­ 3.9j(i4 4c.; wrought beams at 3.9@4c. Fish plates The stock of lumber on hand .Tanuary 1st at Al- sold is not very easily obtainable, the holders appa­ quoted at [email protected]; track bolt and nuts, 3%@4c; rail­ any, for a series of years, is shown in the statement rently being undesirous of naming prices, preferring way siDikes, 334®35^c; tank, [email protected]: angle. 3 4c: • below, compUed by Sumntr & Hascy, of that city : evidently to await the course of events at the open­ best flange, Cc; and domestic sheet on the basis of Spruce and ing of the sprinc trade, with a general feeling of se­ [email protected] for common Nos. 10@10. Other descriptions Pine. Hardwoods. Hemlock. curity as to prices at that time. at corresponding prices, with 1-lOc less on large lots 1873 79.242.000 4,972.000 26,395.' 00 from cars. LEAD.—Domestic pig has undergone but 1874 9),!)96.(ino ,5,.594.000 16,i)92,fle0 All doubts as to securing a full stock of loss for little change, prices standing much the same as be­ 1875 ...... 07,704,000 16.875,000 next season's operations appear to have vanished, fore and fairly steady, but the demand without much 1876 67,8110.0011 6,6')2,000 8..336,000 the late cold weather and snow in the country north animation. We quote at about 5®5}^c. The manu­ 1877 7.5.589,000 5.495.C00 1C.321,0U0 of this loint having greatly facilitated operations factures of lead are steady and quoted: Bar, 6^c; 1S78 69,547.000 ^.645,000 22.432.000 at ithe camps, and logs are reaching the streams Pipe, 7^c. and Sheet 8c., less the usual discount~io 1=79 68.766.000 2,2.M.O0O 30.614,000 in very considerable quantities. Of course, so much the Trade; and Tin-lined pipe, 15c: block Tin Pipe. 1!:SD 7fi.4M,0r0 2.097.000 i5,415,0f0 of the winter months having passed before anything 25c. on same terms. Tin—Pig is not very plenty in 18S1 114.977.001) 3,68«,(I00 2,317,000 could be accomplished in logiiauling, there will be a the hands of either dealers or sp'-culators, and on a 18Sa 101,587,000 3,205,000 6,256,0C0 very material reduction from the anticipated cut, favorable construction of the foreign advices they but as there were about 300,000,000 feet lefr over in carry stocks with confldence, though the demand THE WEST. the Titcabawassee, most of which was in the boom rather lacks stimulating animation. All grades re­ limits, and over 100,000,000 in the other streams which main at about one value. We quote 24>^@24p4c. for Ihe Northwestern Lumberman as follows : are tributary to the Saginaw river, ic is safe to pre­ Australian, 24!,^@24'%c for Straits, nominal for Eng­ CmcACiO. dict that enough new logs will be banked to insure a lish Refined, 24}4@24}. for V. B. grade; $5 [email protected] for | 67. ' I Smith, widoAv. Feb. 1, 38,000 Yspitty graTde; Charcoal terne, .$5.373/^«5.62i-g for Allaway aud Dean grade 10x30; [email protected] for do John M. Oakford to Francis O. Wood­ Grand st, Nos. 368 and 370, n s, 25x75. 20x38; Coke terne, [email protected]' for Glais grade 14x20, ruff. Mort. i|5.000. Feb, 2, 6,500 See above. Caroline Smith. AvidoAv, to and $11.00^11.12}.^ for do 20x28—all in round lots. Broadway, w s, 64.8 n SOth st. 40x160.9x40 Edward W., Henry W.. Elizabetli E., Spelter less active, but still a fair amount moving, and with the supply of both foreign and domestic well in X171.6: No. 1237, three-story brick store Harriett E. and Isabella C. Smith. Feb. hand, holders i-etain enough advantage to keep mat­ and dwell'g ; No. 1239, three-story brick 1. 19,000 ters pretty steady. We quote at !^-)i®S%c. for domes­ store and dweU'g, and one-story brick Grand st, South Sth av. Party wall tic and foreign. Sheet Zinc selling very fairly aud keeping a steady market at 8}<^c fi-om store. theatre in rear. Charles A. Heave\', agreement. EUen O'Brien with iVIarkes Saratoga, to Edward F. James. C. a. G. Iievy. Jan. 30. nom NAILS.—Demand has been moderate from some Jan. 5, nom Greenwich st, Nos. 387, 389 and 391, e s, 25 quarters and very fair from others, the movement of n North Moore st, 75x100; No. 391, three- supplies in the aggregate proving pretty full. Ad­ Broadway, No. 861, w s, 53 n 17th st, runs vices from many dependent points also intim.ate that west 99 X north 5.8 to Burling lane, x story brick store and dweU'g, and three- stocks will be wanted with greater freedom as soon east 42.2 x again east 50.4 to Broadway, story brick shop in rear; 389, three- as transportation charges and difficulties can be mod­ X south 25, four-story brick store, Wil­ story frame (brick front) store and ified, and the feeling is in consequence firm and con­ liam H, Jackson to Ewen IMcIntyre, dwell'g, and three-story brick dweU'g fident. Mort. $25,000. Jan. 31. 90.000 in rear: 387, new two-story brick store­ We quote at lOd to 60d, common lence and sheath­ ing, per keg, $3.40a3.^.0; 8d and 9d, common do., Broadway, n e cor 43d st, 76.1x98.4x75x house projected, Augustus C. Bech- per keg, $3.75; Od and 7d, common do., per keg, $4.00; 85.6, vacant. Edwin A. Cruikshank to stein to William S. LiAdngston. Morts. 4da.nd5d, conimon do., per keg, $4.35; 3d, per keg, Robert and Ogden Goelet. Jan. 16. nom $24,000. Jan. 31. 40.000 $5.05; 3d, fine, per keg, $5.75; 3d, per keg, $5.75. Cut spikes, all sizes, $J.65: floor, casing and box, Bowery, No. 99, e s, 25x120, four-story Greenwich st, n w cor Hubert st, 28.6x ) [email protected]; finishing, [email protected]. brick store. Mitchell E. Wentworth to 81.2, No. 408 Greenwich st, two-story CLISCn 1>AILS. John R. Ackerman. Jan. 30. 35,000 frame store and dAvell'g, and No. 24 | 11..^ inch, $6.00; 1% inch, $5.75: 2 inch, $5.50; 2>^@2M Canal st. Party wall agreement. Chas. Hubert st, two-story frame (brick j iuclii $5.25; 3 inch and longer, $5.00. S. Friedlander with Esther Levy. Jan. front) dAvell'g. )• PAINTS AND OILS. — Business, while at times 11. 300 GreeuAvich st. No. 410, w s, 28.6 n Hu- | somewhat irregular, is in a general waj- gradually in­ Canal st, No. 191, n s, 50 AV Mott st, 25.2x bert st, 25x80, three-story frame store j creasing, and the market secures a corresponding 100.3x25x100,3, five-story stone front and dwell'g, and two-story brick stable | degree of firmness. So far only the regular aud stand­ store and tenem't. Henry Immen to in rear. J ard ruo of stock has been much souglit after, but the John W. Haaren and Henry Meinken to demand is extending and holders are unwilling to John Ochse. Mort. $10,000. Jan. 1. 38,250 negotiate except upon a basis of full former rates. Canal st. Permission to insert beams and WiUiam S. Livingston. Morts. $20,000. A full local consumption is considered certain this agreement as to joint liability for repairs, Jan. 30, 30,000 coming spring, and the mails bring documentary evi­ August Kittmann to Charles S, Fried- Henry st, No. 197, n s, 120.4 AV Clinton st, dences tliat the wants of the interior are liberal. Lin­ lander. Jan. 25. — 25x87.6, three-story brick dAveU'g. seed oil has a more or less irregular market, owing to some partially speculative infiuences at work, but as Catharine st, No. 51, e s, 27.3xl06.7x27.8x Catharine R. Lincoln to WilUam Walsh. a rule the tone is easy. We quote about 60.S)03c. for 104.7, three-story frame (brick front) Mort. $5,000. Jan. 10. 9,500 domestic and 6i(0>07e. for Calcutta from first hands. store a,nd dweU'g with one and tAvo-story Hudson st, n AV cor Christopher st, 26,7x brick extensions. Francis N. Shimmin, 72x13.3x17.3x31,8 to Christopher st, x PITCH.—A moderate trade demand continues, but Avidow, to Bridget Kane. Jan. 31. 10.000 east 56.10: No. 501 Hudson st, four-story beyond this there is not much of a movement reported Chatham st. No. 144, n AV S, 63.6 n e Bax­ brick store and tenem't; No. lol Chris­ and the market appears to lack general animation. ter st, 15.1x71.9x15x73.6, four-story topher, three-story brick store and Prices, however, about steady. AYe quote at $2.40® frame (brick front) store and dweU'g. tenem't, Philip H. and Mary E. Many 2..50 per bbl. for city delivered. William D. Foulke, Riclimond, Ind., to and Annie G. Wilcox to Manning F. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. — From consumers and Ann S. Dudley, Philadelphia. Q. <"!. LaAvson. Q. C. Jan. 25. nom retailers the demand is increasing somewhat and job­ Jefferson st, n s, 223 e Franklin av. Re­ bers in consequence are more interested in the whole­ Jan. 25. nom sale market, though not as yet creating much demand. Cedar st, No. 60, and part of No. 58, s .'^. lease mort. Ralph Burrows to Eliza In a wholesale waj' there is a great deal of the old bet Nassau and William sts, 19,11x76.4x ChaA'e, Avidow. Jan. 4. 300 speculative element and the market correspondingly 19.11x77, four-story brick store. Parti­ Lafayette pl, No. 20, e s, 28x150x27.2x150, uncertain, but the general tendency is toward quite a tion. George P. Smith to Sophia Brown. with court yard in rear and alley across showing of strength, buj'ers rarely gaining more than a fractional advantasre. As this report is closed the Jan. 28. SLOOQ same to Bowery, three-story brick quotations stand about 54i^®50c. per gallon, accord­ Charles st (No. 13 Van Nest pl), n s, 142.1 dAvell'g, and two-story brick stable in ing to quantity handled, e Bleeckerst, 20x95x20x95.1, three-story rear. Mary A,, Anna and Elizabeth F, Hadden to Lawson Valentine, Jan­ TAR.—Business has been moderately active and brick dAvell'g. James O'Neill, by Julia apparently without development of any really new B. Kerrigan, guard., to Isabella Van uary 31. 22,500 feature worthy of note. Stocks remain under fair Dolsen. Mort. $8,000. Jan. 26. 10,000 Leonard st, No. UO, s s, 131.8 AV Elm st, control and are held at about former rates in all cases. Same property. Release doAver, .Julia B. 24x74x23.11x75.4, three-story brick fac­ We quote $2.7'3@3 per bbl. for Newberne aud Wash­ Kerrigan, late widoAv of J. O'Neill, to tory build'g. Henry Heath, exr. ington and [email protected]}4 for Wilmington, according to same. Jan. 26. 50 Stephen Conover to J. Morgan Slade and the size of invoice. Clinton st, No. 50, e s, 175 s Stanton st, 25 George P. Slade. Mort. $11,000. Feb. xlOO, fiA^e-story brick store and tenem't, 1. 20,000 and four-story brick tenem't in rear, Maiden lane, No. 55, 23.llx92.8x23.llx Charles Drechsel to August Bergener. 100, fi\-e-story brick (stone front) store. Mort. $11,500, Jan. 31. " 18,250 George P. Smith to John G. V\7'endel. Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre­ East Broadway. No. 280, n s, 211 e Mont­ Jan. 31. 39,000 ceded by the name of the grantee Ihey mean ns follows: gomery st, 21,2x59,3x21,5x59.5, four- Mulberry st, No. 231, 25x100, five-story \st—Q.C.is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed in tvliich all the right, title and interest of story brick store and tenem't. Charles brick store and tenem't, and four-story the grantor is conveyed, oviltting all covenants orzcur- Schlang to Joseph S. Carreau. Morfc. brick tenem't in rear. Mary A. Sheri­ ranty, $7,000. January 30. 11,000 dan to Margaret C. Conner, in trust. •M—C. a. G. means a deed containing Coveiiant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he Eldridge st, No. 76, e s, 175 s Grand st, 25x Jan. 30. nom hath not dont any act luhereby the estate conveyed may 87.6, six-story brick store and tenem't. Norfolk st, No. 155, n AV S, 125 s AV Hous­ be impeached, charged or incumbered. J. B. and W. H. Allee, exrs. Susan A. ton st, 25x100, five-story brick store and Alln, to Hermann Levy. Jan. 18. 20,000 tenem't. Martin B. Ochs to Carl Fuhr- SEW lOBK CITY. Same property. Frank S. Allen, Eliza­ mann. Mort. $10,000. Jan. 81. 18,000 beth, N. J., to same. C. a. G. All title. Orchard st, No. 17, w s, 75.1 n Canal st, JANUARY 27, 28, -30, 31, FEBRUARY 1, 2. Jan. 25. nom 22x79x22x79.1, four story brick store Allen st, No. 182, e s, 65 from Stanton st, Eldridge st, No. 9, AV B, 224,9 s Canal st, 25.6 and tenement, and three-story frame 17.6x87.6, two-story brick dweU'g. Jo­ x75, five-story bi'ick store and tenem't. dweU'g in rear. August Berbert to seph Scheina to Maria Tliiele. Mort. William Dress to George Baust. Mort. Israel Weschanski. Feb. 1. 14,500 $3,000. Jan. 28. $6,000 $9,000. Jan. 24. 20,250 Pearl st, No. 134, and No. 100 Water sfc, AUen st, No, 82, e s, 87.6 s Broome st, runs Eldridge st, No. 187, AV S, 175.1 s Houston begins Pearl st, s s, 32.8x101.11 to Water east 87.6 x south 50 x west 20.10 x north st, 24.7x100x24.8x100, five-story brick st, x34.6xl05.11. Adrian B. Westervelt, 19,o X abt north 15.7 x west 53 to AUen store a,nd tenem't. Joseph Stephens to Brooklyn, Caroline S. Stalker and Har­ st, X north — to beginning, four-story Charles D. J. Noelke, Jersey City. N. J, riette M. Gooddy, Florence, Itlay, to brick store and tenem't and four-story Mort. $9,000. Jan 31. 14,000 Byam K. Stevens. Dec. 19. 86,250 brick tenem't in rear. Catharine Miller, Front st, No. 77, easterly cor Old Slip, 2Bx Pearl st, No. 96, s s, 19x70, four-story widow, and Henry E. Miller, Sophia 54, four-story brick store. Charles H. brick store. WiUiam, Henry and Ed­ wife of and George F. Droste, heirs S. Toddto William J. Todd. }. part. Mort. ward Oothout, heirs J. Oothout, to Sig­ Miller, to Simon Bmg, Jr. Morts. $6,500. $10,000. Jan. 31. 8,333 mund Oppenheimer. Jan. 18. 15,000 Jan. 28. 12,500 Grand st, No. 372, n w cor Norfolk st, 25x Piatt st. No. 23, s e cor Gold st, 21.2x76.4x Attorney st, No. 52, e s, 80 n Broome st. 75. See belOAV. Caroline Smith, Avidow, 31.2x74.1, four-story brick factory build­ 20x50, three-story brick store and to Edward W., Henry W., Elizabeth E,, ing. Mary M. Shields and ano., trustees tenem't. Bernhard and Moses Stern to Harriett E. and Isabella C. Smith. Feb. C. Shields, dec'd., to Walter A. Shields. Philip Muller and Maria Muller. Feb. 1. 19,000 1-7 part. Jan. 14. nom 2. 6,400 Grand st, No. 372, n w cor Norfolk st, 50x Same property. Walter A. Shields to Ada Baxter st, Nos. 3 and 5, n e s, 78,10 n w 75, three-story frame (brick front) store Chatham st, 36x76.9, two two-story and dwell'g; No. 41 Norfolk st, three- frame stores and dweU'gs. Ann S. Dud­ story brick shop and dweU'g; No. 43, A. Shethar. 1-7 part. Jan. 14. 2,850 ley to William D. Fo'ulke. Q. C. Jan­ I one brick store and dweU'g; Nos. 368 and Rivington st. No. 132, n e cor Norfolk st, uary 25. nom 17x78, three-story brick store and dweU'g 102 THEREAL ESTATE RECORD Febrnary4,1882

and two-story frame and brick shop. 17th st, No. 140, s 8, abt 117.11 w 3d av, 45th st, No. 235, n s, 225 w 2d av, 25x100.5, Partition. Nelson J. Waterbury to John 17.11x93.8, three-story brick dAveU'g. five-story brick store and tenem't. Maria Callahan. Feb. 1. -7,150 Elizabeth C. Ross to Albon P. Man. Re­ Blanke to Andreas Voss. Mort. $10,000. St. Mark's pl, No. 85, n e cor 1st av, 20x lease dower. Jan. 6. nom Jan. 31. 18,500 73.8, flve-story brick store and tenem't. Same property. Elizabeth J. Parkinson to 45th st. No. S, s s, 175 w Sth av, 17x100.5, Louis Schworer to George Hall. Morts. Albon P. Man. Morts. $9,333. Jan 12. four-story stone front dwell'g. Amos $16,000. Jan. 30. 36,000 12,500 Woodruff to WiUiam H. Morrison. Mort. Spring st. No. 193, n s, 46.3 e Sulhvan st, Slst st, No. 221, n s, 275 w 7th av, 25x $12,000. Feb. 1. 22,000 abt 19.8x75 x about 20.1x75, three-story 98.9, three-story brick dweU'g. Terence 46th st, No. 164, s s, 100 w 8d av, 40x100.5, brick store and tenem't. Robert Leon- J. Duffy to Peter Farley. Jan. 30. 12,500 five-story stone front flat. Bernard 3 ard, Jersey City, to Charles Fischer. 22d Bt, No. 55, n s, 141.6 e 6th av, 23.3x Spaulding to Alexander Do «vney. Mort. f" Mort. $5,000. Jan. 30. 12,000 98.9, four-story stone front dweU'g. $40,000. Jan. 28. 65,000 West st, No. 334, the building only. Eliza B. Hosack to EmUy H. Rodgers. 46th st, 8 s, 100 w 3d av. Release mort. James Fay to Anton Basting. BUI of Jan. 19. 15,000 The National Broadway Bank to Ber­ P^sale. Secures rent, &c. See Morts. 2,700 22d st. No. 336, s s, 350 e Gth av, 24.8x98.6, nard Spaulding. Jan. 20. 5,000 White st. No. 44, n s, 25x100, five-story three-story brick dweU'g; also lot ad­ 46th st, ss, 150 e Lexington av, 175x100.5. brick (stone front) store. Alphonso P. joining on rear of above and beginning George and Thomas B. Gilford with Ber­ Pettis to Frederick F. Ayer et al., trus­ 350 e 9th av, 25x25.8 The Bank for nard Spaulding. Modiflcation of cove­ tees J. C, Ayer, dec'd. Feb. 1. 75,000 Savings, City New York, to Albert H. nants as to apartment houses. Dec. 28. Wall st, No. no, e s, 76.5 s Front st, 19.11 WoodhuU. C. a. G. Jan 26. 15,000 nom x72.2x19x71.11. Frederick Lyman, 24th st. No. 11, n s, 150 e Madison av, 25x 46th st. Restriction as to use of party Orange, N. J., to James H. Jones, Pel­ 98.9, four-story stone front dweU'g. wall, &c. Bernard Spaulding to Alexan­ ham. N. Y. Conveyed to correct an en­ Caroline C. Bishop, widow, to Francis der Downey. Jan. 28. nom croachment on one side of lot. Jan. 21 H. Weeks. Jan. 81. 89,000 46th st, s s, 140 w 10th av, 20x100.5. nom 26th st, No. 238, s s, 120 w 2d av, 20x98.9, Sarah McDonald to Laura J. Post and Warren st. No. 36, n s, 25.3 w Church st, one-story frame stable. Francis F. Maria J. wife of John C. O'Connor. C. 25.2x101x25.3x100.9, five-story brick Robins to Peter T. O'Brien. Feb. 1. 5,500 a. G. Jan. 31. nom (stone front) store. 26th st, No. 455, n s, 175 e 10th av, 25x 50th st. No. 347. n s, 501.8 w Sth av, 19.2x to Joshua Jones. Mort. $25,000. Jan­ 98.9, three-story brick stable. Charles 100.5, three-story stone front dweU'g. uary 27. 43,500 Kuspert to John Trageser Steam Copper Francis H. Davies to Henry E. Davies. Istst, No. 116, ns, 100 w AvA, 18.9XL05.11, Works. Jan. 30. 6,000 C. a. G. April 17. 4,000 three story brick dAvell'g. Jacob Schoen, 29th st, No. 534, s s, 300 e llth av, 25x98.9, 50th st. No. 216, s s, 147.10 w Broadway, Sdgewater, N. Y., to John Schoen. two-story frame stable and two-story 20x100, three-story brick dweU'g. Mor­ Mort. $5,000. Aug. 2. 11,000 frame dwell'g in rear. Catharine, timer Smith, Tea Neck, N. J., to Mary 2d st. No. 243, s s, 197.2 AV AV C, 25.2X74.1 John J. and Rose Harkins, heirs B. McClure. Mort. $8,000. Jan. 30. 18,000 x25.2x72.2, five-story brick store and Harkins," to Mary ^Harkins, Avidow. Q. Slst st. No. 143, n s, abt 225 e 7th av, 25x tenem't. John, Martha and Jacob Yung C. Nov. 16, ^ nom 100, three-story brick stable. John A. by Sophie Yung, guard., to Elisabeth Slst st. No. 229, n s, 425 e 8th av, 25x Livingston to Thos. J. Shea. Jan. 28. 13,000 Schmitt }i part. %" of mort. $8,000. 98.9, three-story brick dweU'g and two- Slst st, No. 334, s s, 402 AV 8th av, 20.6x Jan. 31. 2,000 story brick stable in rear. Joseph Dum- 100.5, three-story brick dwell'g. Jos­ 4th st, No. 138, s s, 155 w Macdougal st, 22 pel to Maria E. Klein. Jan 81. 9,500 eph Mosenthal and Augusta, his wife, to xl09, three-story brick dwell'g. John Slst st. No. 312, s s, 137.6 w 8th av, 18.9x Mathilde Avife of Henry de Marsan. B. Stevens, exr. and trustee Alice de 98.9, three-story brick dvsfell'g. Robert Jan. 31. 11,500 Ferussac, to Sophia E. Meyer. Jan. 26. R. Hamilton to John I. House, Clarks- 52d st, No. 144, s s, 125 e Lexington av, 9,000 town, N. Y. Mort. $6,000. Feb. 1. 25x100.5, five-story brick flat. Samuel 7th st. No. 86, 8 s, 193.3 AV 2d av, 24.5x 10,000 T. Reed to Harriet Washburn, Brooklyn. 90.10. Phineas C. Lounsberry to Frank 32d st, No. 238, s s, 200 w 2d av, 16.8x98.9, Mort. $23,000. Feb. 1. 31,000 StoU, Q. C. Jan. 26. nom three - story brick dweU'g. Foreclos. 58d st, No. 182, s s, 421.6 w 6th av, 18x 9th st, No. 32, s s, 456.1 AV 5th av, 25.1x Edward R. De Grove to Lucia D. Haub­ 100,5, three-story stone front dwell'g. 93.11, three-story brick dweU'g. Annie ner, Jan. 31. 8,000 Walter J. Price to Emilie wife of Alex­ D. wife of Alexander Tunstall, Norfolk, 32d st, s s, 80 e 4th av. Release mort. ander F. Liantard. Mort. $7,000. Jan. Va.. to Howell W. Robert, Morristown, Gertrude I. Stevenson to Wm, H. Geb- 80. 13,500 N. J. Morts. $7,500. Feb. 2. 16,160 hard, exr. F. C. Gebhard, dec'd. Jan. 53d st, No. 217 E., n s, bet 2d and 3d avs. 10th st, No. 17 (new ^•o. 117), n s, 104.10 e 26. nom K part. GreeuAvich av, 19x60, three-story brick 33d st, No. 330, s s, 280 w 1st av, 20x98.9, Catharine slip, s w cor Cherry st, 20x20. store and dweU'g. Mathew M. Henry, four-story brick tenem't. Arthur J. 1-6 part. exr. Sarah M. Henry, to jacob C. Donnelly, exr. John M. Carroll, dec'd., Also all title in above or any other real i Wickes. Jan. 30. 8,000 to James Keenan. Mort. $4,000. Feb. or personal estate of which Mary J. j llth st, No. 630 E, s s, 283 w Av C, 26.2x 1. 7,600 Murphy died seized. J 94.9, three-story brick store and tenem't. 34th st, No. 54, s s, 225 e 6th av, 25x98.9, Matilda J. wife of Robert Burnett, Lon­ Jacob Becker and Bernard Schopp to four-story stone front dweU'g. Johanna don, Eng, to Sarali E. Regan. Jan. 12. 250 Hinrich Holfchusen. Jan. 27. 7,575 M. Reisig, widoAv, to Louise M. wife of SSth st. No. 71 W., n s, 117.6 e 6th av, 17.6 llth st. No. 510, s s, 149.5 e Av A, 21x John A. Kernochan. Morts. $30,000. xlOO.5, four-story stone front dweU'g. 74.10, four-story brick store and tenem't. Jan. 30. 50,000 Caroline wife of Theodore E. Studley to Joseph Hewlett, as trustee, to Peter 35fch st. No. 306, s s, 125 e 2d av, 25x98.9, James Baker. M. $5,000. Jan. 81. 25,000 Arens. C. a. G. Jan. 30. 7,225 four-story brick tenem't and two two- 56th st, Nos. 388-340, s s, 275 e Oth av, SOx 12th st, n s, 343 e Av B, 25x103.3. Release story brick stables in rear. Martin L. 100.5, six and seven-story brick flat, all of dower. Ann M. Knelles to Marga- Townsend to Lewis Z. Bach. Forclos. flxtures and personal pcoperty, except rethe Baier and ano., exrs., &c,, John Feb. 1. 8,000 furniture, &c. Charles H, Hallock, Baier, dec'd. Jan. 10. 300 36th st, No. 308, ss, 118.9 e 2d av, 18.9x98.9, Brooklyn, to Wm. R. Martin. Morts. 13th st, No. 241, n s, 241.8 eSth aA-, SO.lOx four-story brick store and tenem't. Eva $80,000. Jan. 30. 105,000 103.3, three-story brick dweU'g. James wife of Bernard Metzger to Henry J. W. and Margaretha V. Wight, Ocean Murphy and Ann his wife. See 80th Same property. Hermann Hoefer to Beach, N. J., and Edward M. Voorhees St. Jan. 30. 100 Charles H. Hallock, Brooklyn. Mort. to Thomas Mulry. Mort. $5,000. C. a. 39th Bt, Nos. 323 and325 W., n s, 300 w 1st $55,000. Jan. 30. 100,000 G. Jan. 30. 9,740 av, 50x98.9; No. 323, five-story brick SSth st. No. 353, n s, 80 w 1st av, 20x50, 16th st, No. 543, n s, 152.6 w Av B, 19x92, tenem't and one-story frame and tAvo- three-story frame dweU'g, and three- four-story brick store and tenem't. Ann story brick stable in rear; No. 325, five- story brick stable in rear. Richard Reilly, Avidow, to Michael J. Curran. story brick tenena't. Adam H. Ward to Dolan to Ann wife of Chas. Phillips. Jan. 81. 6,000 Asahel W."Humphreys. % part. Morts. Jan. 28. 4,100 16th st. No. 13 E. Assign't of rents for % of $18,000. Mar. 13, 1880. 3,000 60th st, n s, 145 w Lexington av, 20x100.5. six months. Henry B. KimbaU to Wil­ 89th st, n s, 225 e llth av, 25x98.9. George Margaretha Weber, widow, to Emma L. liam F. Kidder. J. Taylor to Bridget Taylor. Q. C. Mar. Braitsch. Jan. 26. 26.000 16th st, n s, 259 w 7th av, 28x92. James I. 22, 1880. nom 60th st, n e cor Lexington av. Release of McGuire, Chicago, III., to Mary A. Mc­ 39th st. No. 314, s s, 175 e 2d av, 25x75, dower. Mary C. Keteltas to Eugene M. Guire. Q. C. Jan. 25. nom five-story brick store and tenem't. Sam­ Keteltas and ano., exrs., &c., Wm. A. Same property. Francis McGuire to same. uel Blatt to Nicholas Schoen. M. $9,000. Keteltas. Feb. 2. 18,000 Q. C. Feb. 2. nom Jan. 27. 12,850 60th st. No. 48, s w cor 4th av, 20x100.5, 16th st. No. 832, s s, 204 e Livingston pl, 39th st. No. 153, n s, 186.3 w 3d av. 18.4x four-story stone front dweU'g. Felix A. 21x108.5, four-story brick dweU'g. Brid­ 98.9x15.1x3.2x98.2, four-story brick tene­ Schmidt to Bertha wife of Henry Vol­ get wife of John McEAvan to Mary R. ment. The Rutgers Fire Ins. Co. to kening. Jan. 27. nom McEwan. Omission. Feb. 6, 1876. gift William HaU. Jan. 30. 11,500 OOth st. No. 6, s s, 173.2 w Broadway, SOx 16th st, Nos. 449 and 451, n s, 152.5 e 10th 3§th st, No. 260, s s, 182 e Sth av, 20.6x 100.5, three-story frame dweU'g. John av, 52.5x92, two five-story brick tenem'ts. 98.9, three-story brick dwell'g. Samuel Roth to Denis J. Dwyer. Feb. 1. 10,000 John H. Bode to Henry HaU, Highland Baron to Annie wife of Joseph M. Dunn. 60th st, No. 4. s s, 153.2 w Boulevard, 20x MiUs, N.Y. Dec. 31. 27,000 Feb. 1. 12,250 100.5, three-story frame dweU'g. Eme­ 17th st, n e cor 2d av, 22.8x84, four- 40th st. No. 261, n s, 175 e Sth av, 25x98.9, line S. Ely to Denis J. Dwyer. Contract. story stone front dweU'g. Rosilla three-story frame dweU'g. John I. Dec. 27. 10,000 wife of Samuel E. SprouUs to Nicholas House, Clarkstown, N. Y., to Abraham 61st st. No. 313, n s, 199.6 e 2d av, 25x100.5. Fish. Jan. 30. 24,100 and Beldie Kramer. Jan. 23. 8,000 five-story brick tenem't. EUen Hosier February 4,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 103

to James GiUroy and Frank Reynolds, of SOth st, s s. Party wall agreement. Ja­ 115th st, s s, 270 e 1st av, 16.8x100.11, three- GiUroy & Reynolds. Mort. $10,500, also cob Campbell Avith CoUis P. Hunting­ story brick dwell'g. John B. Swasey, collateral mort. $6,000. Jan. 24. 17,500 ton. Jan. 80. nom Montclair, N. J., to John B. Swasey, Jr. 61st st. No. 60, s s, 229 e Madison av, 16x Slst st, No. S3, s s, 101 e Madison av, 16x Mort. $4,500. Dec. 28. 6,250 100.5, four-story stone front dwell'g. 102.2, four-story stone front dweU'g. 116th st. No. 133, n s, S35.8 w Sd av, 16.8x Foreclos. Charles M. Schieffelin to Mary M. wife of PdAvard S. Crank to Ab­ 100.11, three-story brick dweU'g. Con­ Charles H. Macy. Feb. 1. 20,875 ner Osborn. Mort. $9,000. Jan. 14. 20,000 tract. James H. Demarest to Joseph H. 63d st, n s, 95 w Madison av, 75x100.5, va­ Slst st, s s, 101 e Madison av. Release Tooker. Jan. 20. 8,000 cant. John D, Lyon to WiUiam H. De judgment. Eugene S. Lynch to Mary llSth st, s s, 218,6 w 3d aA', 16.8x100.11, Forest. Morts. $75,000. Jan. 27. nom M. Crank. Jan. 21. nom three-story brick dwell'g. John H. . 64th st, No. 20, s s, 120 w Madison av, 25x Slst st, Nos. 281-233, n s, 200 w 2d av, 54.2 Deane to Abraham Steers. jMort. $7,000. 100.5, four-story brick dAvell'g. Clara xlOO, two four-story stone front flats. Jan. 24. 13,500 E. wife of Henry Belden, Jr., to Emily Patrick McQuade to Theresa wife of S. Haines, widow. Morts. $40,000. 118th st, No. 844, s s, 125 w 1st av, 25x Isaac Rapp. Morts. $30,000. Feb. 2. 48,000 100.10, two-story frame dwell'g. Sig­ .AI^^- \. 80,000 Slst st. No. 231, n s, 227.1 w 2d av, 27.1x mund Bergmann to Stephen Toepfer, b4th st, No. 25, n s, 20 w Madison av, 17x 102.2, four-story stone front flat. Flor­ Jan. 28. 5,600 100.5. four-story stone front dwell'g. ence Avife of Isaac Rapj) to Joseph L. 118th st, n s, 100 w Sth av, 110x100.11. Margaret L, Barker to William R. Mar- and Alexander Graf. Morts. $15,000. Joseph Fransioli, Brooklyn, to Margaret tm. Mort, $23,000. Jan. 30. 45,000 Feb. 2. 21,500 P. wife of Augustus C. Fransioli, Brook­ 66th st, No. 7, n s, 184 e Sth av, 22x100,5, Slst st, No, 107 E., n s, 140 e 4th av, 20x lyn. May 2. nom four-story stone front dwell'g. Chester 102.2, three-story stone front dwell'g. 120th st, Nos. 216 to 222, s s, 200 e 3d av, BiUings to Charles Benner, Long Island Margaret Crawford to EUzabeth J. Jack­ 100x100.10, four two-story frame dwell'gs City. Mort. $32,000. Jan. 26. 100 son. Mort. $11,500. Feb. 1. 20,500 and one two-story frame (brick front) Same property. Charles Benner to Sarah S2d st, n s, 5 w Lexington av, 50x102.2, va­ store and dwell'g, and one two-story wife of Chester BiUings. Mort. $32,000. cant. Kauffman Mandell to Patrick frame stable. Ernst Ammon to John Jan. 26. 100 McQuade. Mort. $5,000. Jan, SO. 20,000 M. Pinkney. Mort. $3,000. Feb. 1. 14,Q0O 68th st, n s, 250 e Sth av, 50x100.5, vacant. 84th st, n s, 270.10 w 3d av, 41.8x100. Pat­ 121st st, s s, 160.2 w 1st av, 89.10x100, va­ Charlotte A. wife of Charles A. Pea­ rick McQuade to Kauffman MandeU. cant. Lambert Suvdam to Christian body, Jr., and Teresa Damon to Herry Morts. $20,000. Jan. 30. 84,000 Johnson. Mort. $8,000. Feb. 1. 18,000 G. Marquand. Feb. 1. . 73 000 SSth st, No. 350, s s, 100 AV 1st av, 20x102.2, ISSd st, s s, 340 e 4th av, 75x100.11, one- 70th st, s 8. 212 e 3d av, 112x100.4, vacant. tAvo-story frame stable. John G. Dautel story frame dweU'g. Joseph Blumen­ Max Danziger to John Frame and Rob­ to Theodore A. Cordler. Mort. $1,000. thal to Bernard S. Levy. Mort. $10,500. ert J. McGirr. Mort. $12,000, taxes Jan. 2. 6,000 Jan. 30. 14,000 1882. Feb. 1. 29,120 SSth st. No. 119 E., n s, 235.7 e4th av, 35.9 123d st, s s, 20 e 4th av. Release mort. 70th st. Party wall agreement. Max xl02.2, three-story brick dAvell'g. Bern- Caroline F. Reynolds, Orange, N. J., to Danziger with John Frame and Robert hard Hamburger and Rudolph Wyman Thomas Mackellar. Jan. 27. nom J. McGirr. nom to Rachel Young. Feb. 1. 9,500 124th st, s s, 315 e 4th av, 50x100.11. 71st st, No. 78, s s, 40 e 9th av, 20x50.5, SSth st, Nos. 411-413, n s, 144 e 1st av. SOx Margaret E. Adriance to Michael Gib- three-story stone front dwell'g. Chris­ 103.2, two four-story stone front flats. bin and Jeremiah C. Lyons. Q. C. tian BUnn, Jr., to Celia A. Farres. Jan. Leon Abbett, Jersey City, to Charles Jan. 28. nom „ 23. 10.500 Drechsel. Morts. $23,000. Feb. 1. 7,000 124th st, No. 56 E., s s, 197 w 4th av, 18x 72d st, s s, 216.8 AV 3d av, 16.8x102.2. S6th st, n e cor 4th av, 55x74.5. Moritz 100.11. three-story stone front dwell'g. Frances G. Plimpton to Wallace B. Bauer to Oswald Schultze. Morfc. $38,000, The Bank for Savings, City NOAV York, Fenn, NOAV Haven, '"onn. Feb. 1. nom and proportion of another $11,000. to Mary J. Avif e of Warren Rosevelt. C. 73d st, No. 178, s s, 150 w 3d av, 25x102.2,r| July 1. .. 65,000 a. G. Jan. 31. 12.000 Wiree-story brick dweU'g. Mary B. 91st st, n s, 210 w 4th av, 17.4x100.8. Re­ 126th St. s s, 225 e 7th av, 75x99.11. Emma CauldweU, widow, to Jacob Bookman. lease of dower. Elizabeth Vought, J. wife of John S. Johnston, Astoria, to Jan. 16. 8,200 widow, to Catharine A. Thompson. Jan­ Samuel C. Fenwick. All liens. Dec. 12. 74th st, No. 160 E., s s, 251.3 w 3d av, 18.9 uary 28. 25 nom xl02.2, three-story stone front dwell'g. 91st st, No. 57, n s, 244.1 Av4th av, 17x100.8, 127th st, No. 71, n s, 168.4 e 6th av, 16.8x Samuel K. Schwenk to Marianne Roth­ three-story brick dwell'g. Elizabeth 99.11, three-story frame dAvell'g. Cath­ kopf wife of Salomon. Jan. 20, 16,000 Vought, widow, to Marie E. Schreiber. arine M. Crawford, widow, to Julia A. 74th st, n 8, 100 e 10th av, ISOx—. Na­ Q. C. Jan. 28. 25 Price, widow. Mort. $3,000. Feb. 1. 8,500 93d st, Nos. 149-161, n s, 300 w 3d av, runs thaniel Mies, Madison, N. J., to Emme­ 127th st, Nos. 207-213, n s, 105 e 3d av, 64.5 line A. Wilder. Q. C. Jan. 27. nom west 100 X north 61 x east 66 x north 1,11 X east abt 34 x south 63, seven three- x99.11, four three-story brick dweU'gs. 75th st. No. 52, s s, 85 w 4th av, 15x102.2, story brick dweU'gs. John B. SAvasey, Lucy S. Adriancd, individ. and as tras- four-story stone front dwell'g. Hugh Jr., to Theodore C. Landmesser. Morts. tee, to James K. Van Brunt. Jan­ Blesson to Celia Blumenthal. Mort. $14,500. Dec, 1. uom uary 25. -80,000 $16,250. Jan. 26. 28,000 lOSd st, s s, 125 e Riverside Drive, 35x 127thst, No. 2C7, n s, 105 e 3d av, 14.Sx") 7Sth st, ns, 425 e 10th av, 3.8x102.7x14.4x 100.11, vacant. Sophia R. C. Furniss et 99.11, three-story brick dAvell'g. 102.2. Cliristian Blinn to Frederick K. al., trustees of William Furniss, to Wil­ 127th st, No. 209, n s, 119.5 e 3d av, KeUer. All title, Jan. 23. 500 liam A. Yoran. Dec. 15. 2,800 runs north 99.11 x east 14 x south 48.2 76th ?t, No. 312, s s, 180 e 8d aA-, 25x102,2. 104th st, No. 245, n s 100 w 2d av, 16.Sx X east 0.6 x south 51.9 to 127th st, x five-story stone front tenem't. Jacob 100.11, three-story stone front dwell'g. Avest 14.6. three-scory brick dweU'g. Cohen to Arthur Lewis. Mort. $10,000. Ann M. Avife of Jacob Jenny to Patrick 127th st, No. 211, n s. 133,11 e 3d av, |- Jan. 31. 14,750 McGowan. Mort. $5,500. Jan. IS. 8,000 runs north 51.9 x Avest 0.6 x north 48.3 X east 18.1 x south 99.11 to 127th | 76th st. No. 219, n s, 230 e 3d av, 25x102,2, 104th st, n s, 100 w 2d av. Release mort. John H. Deane to Ann M. Jenny. Jan­ st, X west 17.7, three-story brick four-story brick tenem't. John W. dAvell'g. j Warner to Simon M. Schulhofer. Jan­ uary 31. nom 107th st, Nos. 208 to 222, s s, 135 e 8d av, 127th st, No. 213, n s, 151.6 e 8d av, | uary 20. 17,500 17.11x99.11, three-storv brick dwell'g. j 76th st. No. 38, s s, 120 e Madison av, 20x 175x100.11, eight four-story brick flats, John H. Deane to August Baumgarten. James K. Van Brunt to Bernard S. 102.2, four-story stone front dweU'g. Levy. Jan. 31. 31,000 Mary A. wife of James E. MiUer to Wil­ AU liens. Jan. 24. 112,000 137th st, n s. 133,6 e 3d av. Release mort. liam Bishop, Jersey City. Morts. $30,000. 109th st, s s, 175 e 3d av. 50x100.11. George Rudd to Richard Dudgeon. Q. C. Cor­ Lucy S. Adriance to James K. Van Jan. 38. 36,500 Brunt. Jan. 35. nom 77th st, No, 125, n s, 30 AV Lexington av, rection deed. Jan. 30. , nom 109th st, n s, 155 e 4th av, 37.6x100.11. 129th st, 8 s, 262.6 e 7th av. 12.6x99.11, 25x102.2, tAvo-story frame dwell'g. An­ three-story stone front dAvell'g. Emma drew Riley, Newark, N. J., to Daniel D. Charlotte A. NicoU to James K. Van Brunt. Morts. $10,000. Jan. 28. nom F. wife of Charles Baxter to Adelbert S. Brinkerhoff. Mort. $5,500. Jan. 30. 7,750 Nichols. Mort. $6,000. Jan. 26. 9,000 7Sth st, s s, 314 e 4th av, 18x102.2. Guern­ 110th st, n w cor 4th av. Release mort. sey Sackett, Brooklyn, to Thomas Auld. John H. Deane to Thomas F. Treacy. 133d st, n s, 225 e Sth av. 100x99.11. six Jan. 28. nom Jan. 31. nom three-story stone front dAveU'gs. Mary J. aud Hiram Sigler. Jersey City, to 79th st, n s, 325 e 3d av, 25x102.2, vacant. 110th st. No. 87, n w cor 4th av, 20x100.11, Charles Siedler, Jersey City. Mort. Benjamin Bernard to Sarah T. McCool. four-story stone front store and flat. $48,000. Jan. 23. 60,000 Mort. $6,200. Nov. 7. 8,200 Thomas F. Treacy to Dietrich W. Weh- renberg. Mort. $10,000. Jan. 31. 13,750 133d st, No. 55, n s, 268.4 e 6th av, 16.8x 79th st. No. lis, s s, 175 e 4tli av, 18x102.2, 99.11. three-story brick dAvell'g. Ed­ four-story stone front dwell'g. James 110th st, n w cor 4th av. Release mort. gar L. Pierson, Brooklyn, to Thomas A. Frame to Samuel Jerkowski. Feb. 1. John H. Deane to Thomas F. Treacy. J. ElUson and Charles J. Todd. Mort. 26,500 Jan. 31. nom $7,000. Nov. 16. • 11,000 SOth st, n s, 281.6 e 1st av, 25x102.2, vacant. 114th st, No. 155, n s, 857.6 w 3d av, 18.9x 152d st, n s, 100 e 10th av, runs north ' Henry J. Murphy to Eva wife of Bei-- 100.11, three-story brick dweU'g. Louis 99.11 X east 75 x south to Croton Aque­ nard Metzger. See 36th st. Jan. 31. 4,000 Veitenheimer, ^ew RocheUe, to Mary duct, X southwest to 152d st. x west 21. 80th st, Nos. 929and 281, ns, 229.2 Av2d av, wife of Joseph Crocheron. Mort. $5,000. three-story brick stab'e, and two and 50.5x102.2; No. 231, four-story stone front Jan. 20. 8,000 one-story frame dwell'g. Michael H. flat; No. 229, thrf e-story brick dweU'g 115th st, No. 412, s s, 113.9 e Isfav, lS.9x Cashman to Robert and Jane Stewart. and three-storA frame dweU'g in rear. 100.10, four-story brick tenem't. James Jan. 26. 9^700 Peter Diehl to Harriet F. Strong. Mort. Riley to David W. Erskine. Morts. |5,S00. $12,500. Jan. 27. 33,000 16Sth st, n s, 200 e llth av, 25x99.11, two- Jan. 26. exch and 8,000 story frame dweU'g. Ann wife of Syl- 104 THE REAL ESTATE RECORDL February 4,1882

vanus V. Spencer to William A. Whee­ and three-story brick brewery, also lowing course of road — x soutliAvest to lock. Jan. 30. 3,200 one and two-story frame stables. Louis Inwood st, X southeast 108.9, Abraham Av A, s w cor 123d st, 25.11x100, four-story Schoolherr to Lyman G. and Joseph B. R. Van Nest to Dariixs G. Crosby. Q. C. brick tenem't. Randolph Guggenheimer Bloomingdale. Mort. $45,000. Febru­ Dec. 31. nom and Salomon Marx to John T. ary 1. 165,000 Same property. Frank G, A. Thompson Havanagh. Correction deed. Mort. 8d av, 115th st and Roosevelts lane, gore, and Cath. H. his Avifo to same. Q. C. $3,071. Jan 28. 6,500 bounded by the streets, also plot June 15, 1881. nom Av C, No. 199, w 8, 26 n 12th st, 25x70, bounded by L. Fisher's land; 3dav, llSth Same property, Thomas Thacher. referee, four - story brick store and tenem't. st and RooseA-elts lane, with the portion to same. Jan. 2. 1.80O Charles C."Baake and Gottlob Handte to of llSthst lying betAveen above plots, all Interior lot, 100 n 41st st and 155 w 4th av, Jacob Granat, Mort. $5,000, Jan. 28. interest in the lane. Gertrude R. wife runs Avest 50 x north 33.2 x east 50.10 x 8,250 of and Bethuel L. Dodd and Annie C. south 23.6. George V. Hecker and Jose­ Av C, No. 208, e s, 54 s 13th st, 25x62.3, Ward, Newark, N. J., heirs of Gertrude phine his wife to the Lincoln Safe De­ four-story brick (stone front) tenem't. E. Ward, to Darius G. Crosby. Sept. posit Co. 11,326 wife of William HartboAver, 23, 1874. 8.000 ISnSCELLASEOl'S. Alexandria. Va., to Bernhard J. Fry. 6th aA', No. 463, e s, 24.8 n 28th st, 24.8x40, AU title. Q. C. Jan. 28. 1,629 fiA-e-story brick store and tenem't. Mina, Ratification of assignment of mortgage. Lexington av, No. 807, e s, 36.6 n 62d st, widow, and William and Helen and Simon Baldwin et al., to Thomas Stalke. 17x70, four-story stone front dAveU'g. Augustus Lauterbach to EdAvard Lauter­ Re-recorded, 1870. nom John H. Montgomery, Flushing, L. I., bach. Q, C. Jan. 28. nom 23«1 and 24lh WiRDS. to Charles R. Parfitt. Mort, $8,000. Same property. Mina Lauterbach, extrx. Filch st, n e cor Washington aA', 50x64. Jan. 25. 18,000 S. Lauterbach, to Edward Lauterbach. Anton Hupfei, East Orange, N. J., to Same jjroperty. Charles H. Bliss to Charles Mort. $5,000. Jan. 28. 20,000 Sabina DcAves. Feb. 1. 4,500 R. Parfitt. " Q. C. Jan. 28. nom 6th av, No. 883, AV S, 23.4 s SOth st, 22x Gouverneur st, n s, 250 w Morris aA-, 25x Lexington av, No. 1196, w s, 51.2 n Slst st, 61.11, fiA'e-story stone front store and 100. Thomas Fitzpatrick to Henry A, 17x55. three-story stone front dAvell'g. tenem't. William P. Tompkins, exr. Deane. Feb. 1. ' 300 Edward T. Smith to WiUiam C. G. Wil­ Mary L. Tompsins, to Matilda W. White, 134th St. n s, 125 e WUlis av, 50x100. C. son. Jan. 31. 9,000 Lenox, Mass. Jan. 30. 25,000 Augusta Ambler wife of AndreAv S. to Lexington aA% n e cor 37th st, 98.9x100. Sthav, nw cor SOth st, 23.5x80. Francis Frederick W. Ehrsam. Mort. $3,800. Mary S. Avife of Henry Bradley to Chas. H. DaAnes to Cornelia S. DaA'ies. Nov. Feb. 1. 7,250 Buek. Q. C. Feb. 1. nom 29, 1876. gift 188th st. &p., opening of. ^ pRelease mort. Lexington av, u w cor 92d .st, 100,8x105. Same propertA'. Francis H. DaA'ies to Joseph M. De Veau to Charles O'Coii- vacant. Joseph Moore to Mary T. Avife Charles McNamee. C. a. G. Morfc, $5,000. '^ nor. Jan. 26. nom of Alexander Thain. Mort. $21,500. April 19. nom 140th st, s s. 160,6 w Alexander aA'. 35,6x Feb. 2. 35,000 Same property. Charles McNamee to 100. George Harrison, Troy. N, Y,, to Lexington av, No. 1601, e s, 150.11 s 102d Cornelia S. Davies. Mort. $5,000. April George A. Haggerty. May 20, 1881, 2,130 st, 25x80, four-story stone front dAveli'g. 19. noin 162d st, s AV s. 186 s e Courtlandt aA', 54x ]\tarv wife of Michael Duffy to Lewis C. Sth aA', n w cor 99th st, 45.11x100. Thomas 100, hs & Is. John King to WilUam Tufts. Mort. $10,000. Dec. 31. 18,000 Quinn, Brooklyn, to Emerson W. Perry. Stone. Jan. 30. 5,800 Madison av, n e cor llStli st, 75x95, A^a-) % part. % of all liens. Oct. 27. nom 163d st, s AV s, 540 s e Courtlandt av, 25x cant. [- Stii av, n e cor 132d st. 174.11x100, vacant. 100. Hugh McShain to Thomas S. 113th st, n s, 95 e Madison av, 25x100.11. ) Moritz Bauer to Oswald Schultze. Mort. Hoey. Dec. 13. 1,000 James M. ^lills to the Trustees Presby­ $30,000. July 1, 1881. 35,000 163d st, s w s, 565 s e Courtlandt av, 35x tery, New York. Jan. 37. 32,000 Same property. Oswald Schultze to Henry 100. Hugh McShain to James W. Hope, Pleasant av, n e cor 131st st. 17.7x64, two- WeU. Morts. $26,000. Jan. 31. 35,000 Dec. 13 1,000 storj'- stone front dwell'g. Isaac E. 9th aA', w s, 60.8 n 92d st, 40x100, one-story 165th st, n s, 33.8 AV Jackson av, 16.8x71. Wright to Herman Mischo. Mort. frame dAvell'g. John B. Stevens to John B. SAvasev, Jr.. to Harriet Aust. .$5,500. Feb. 1. 8,000 Ellen S. A.uchmuty, Lenox, Mass. Jan­ Jan. 7. " 2,500 Pleasant aA*, n e cor 131st st. Release mort. uary 31. 11,000 Courtlandt av, n e cor Milton st, 50x100, John Ross to Isaac E. Wright. Jan. 31. Oth av, n e cor 84th st, 49.4x58.6, portion Anna Rogge to Magdalena Siemon. nom of coal and wood yard, Eliza W. wife Jan. 25. 1,600 Ist av, No. 537, AV S, 34.7 s 31st st, 24.7x75, of Alexander Douglas to Thomas Stokes. Same property. Magdalena Knabeschuch fiA^e-story brick (iron front) store and Mort. $10,000. Jan. 26. 18,000 et al. to Anna Rogge. Q. C, &c. Jan. tenem't. Jacob Huber to Jacob Rosen­ 9th av, No. 939, w s, 75,2 n 62d st, 25x100, 16. nom stein. Mort. $9,000. Jan. 28. 11,500 .three-story frame store and dAveU'g. Leggett av. Inocencio CasanoA'a with 1st av, Nos. 1174 to 1178, e s, 25.5 s 64th Martin Neumann to Samuel J. and Ed- The Harlem River & Port Chester Rail­ sfc, 75x81, three flA^e-story brick stores Avard E. Ashlev. Mort. $5,000. Dec. 80. road Co. Agreement to build depot, nom and tenem'ts. Peter Diehl to Julia A. 7,750 Retreat av, northerly cor Rose st, 50x100. Gimpel, Brooklyn. Mort. $11,200. Jan. Oth av, n AV cor 126tli st. Release mort. Margaret Ehniss to Henry Schneider. Q. 20. 52,500 Amelia M. Mason, individ., and devisee C. Jan. 26. nom 2d av. No. 559, AV S, 20 s Slst st, 19.8x77. JohnL. Mason, dec'd, to The Trustees of St. Ann's av, AV S, extdg from 135th st ] four-story brick (stone front) dweU'g. The Presbytery, NOAV York. Jan. 23. nom to 136th st, 200x125. | .leanette Gerstle to Heyman Kahn. Jan. Same property. Release mort. Wm. P. 31. 12,000 135th 8t, n s, 125 e St. Ann's av, 200x200 f Cook to same. Jan. 27. nom to 136th St. J 2d av, Nos, 197 and 199, AV S, 61.3 n 12th st, Same property. Release mort. Matilda William PI. Waring, Brooklyn, to John 43x90, tAvo four-story stone front flats. C. BuU, individ. and extrx., to same. Y. Hallock. Re-recorded. Mort. $11,- •Jacob Schmitt to Frank Greenwood. Jan. 19. nom Morts. $20,000. Jan. 30. 53,500 000. May 80, 1871. nom Same property. Release mort. Coleman Taylor av, w s, lot 158 map Belmont vil­ 2d av, No. 436, e s, 24.9 s 25th st, 24.8x"l Benedict, exr., to same. Jan. 30. nom 100, fiA'e-story brick store aud tenem't. ( lage. Edgar S. Van Winkle and ano., 2d aA-, No. 453, AV S, 56.1 s 26th st, 18x60, | lOth av, w s, 257.S n Kingsbridge road exrs. J. C. Kayser, to Marv Barnes. Oct. three-story brick dweU'g. J junction, runs west 182.9 to east side 13. ' 260 George W. Brown to Thomas Brogan. Kingsbridge road, x north 44.10 x east Taylor av, AV S, 200 n Clay av, 75x100. C. a. G. June 30. 100 202,7 to 10th av, x south 39,11. WiUiam Mary Barnes to Philip Scheid, Lafayette, 2d av. No. 695, w s. 98.1 s SSth st, 16.8x80, J. Seabury to Francis H. Weeks. Nov. N. J., and William Glaesse. Jan. 21. 450 four-story brick tenem't. Cornelia T. 1. 9,500 Washington av, es, 42.10n 163d st, 25x100. Hoyt to Daniel A. Clarke. Jan. 7. 8.000 llthav, Nos. 857-859, w s, 50 n 59th st, 50 Joseph Messerschmidt to HedAvig Avife 2d av, Nos. 1410-1412, e s, 51.2 s 74th st, xlOO, two four-story stone front stores of Charles J. Rinnert. Jan. 2. 3,500 51x100, tv,-o five-story stone front ten­ and tenem'ts. Garnet Dreyer to John Dreyer. Mort. $19,983. Jan. 11. 35,000 Road or lane loading to estate of Peter ements. Lehne Ash to Israel L. and Bussing, adj. Bussing, Lorrdard and John Prager, joint tenants. i.> part. llth av. No. 504, e s, 69.5 s 40th st, 24.8x Robert, extdg to Bronx River, 44 9-10 Morts. $20,000. Jan. 21. ' 15,250 100, two and one-story frame stables. acres, ithe Berrian farm. Leonard W. 2d av, w s, 71.10 n 122d st. Release mort. Sarah Steele, Brooklyn, AvidoAv, to Pat­ Jerome to John D. Prince. All title. Jacob E. Wyckoff to Edgar L. Pierson. rick J. McNamara and ano., exrs., &c., Jan. 20. 6,952 •Jan. 81. nom Allan Steele. Release doAver. Decem­ ber 8. nom Tremont to Fordham road, ses, adj, John 8d av, No. 1841, e s, 82.9 s 77th st, 19.5x75 Same property. Patrick J. McNamara Ittner, 6 605-1,000 acres, su.biect to 10 ft xl9.7x75, four-story brick store and ten­ and ano., exrs., &c., A, Steele, to John right of way on south side. Aaron H. ement. Mary T. wife of Alexander Totten. Jan. 28. 3,500 Wellington to Peter W. Sheafer. Potts­ Thain to Joseph Moore. Mort. $7,000. ville, Pa, Morts. $5,800. Jan. 25. 12,940 Jan. 16. 17,000 12th av, s w cor 103d st, runs south 100.11 ] X west to bulkhead or exterior line, x | Lots 43, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70 and 128, 3d av, s AV cor 121st st, 26.6x75. George north 100.11 to 103d st, x east to I map S. Ryer homestead. Partition. T. H. Dean to David C. Carleton. Q. C. beginning, vacant. Beekman, Westbrook, ref., to Ann wife Nov. 11. exch 12th av, w s, 75.11 n 99th st, 25x— to of John Barnett. Jan. 30. 1,345 3d av, No. 2291, e s, 74,5 s 135th st, 36.6x bulkhead, vacant. Lots 184 and 135, damage map, relat.ive to 105, four-stor}'- iron front store. Isaac Sophia R. C. Furniss et al., trustees of opening 138th st, &c. Release mort. N. Hebberd to James Wood. August 3. WiUiam Furniss, to Clementina Fur­ Sarah E. Embury to the Mayor, &c,, 35,500 niss. Dec. 15. 4,950 NeAvYork. Jan." 7. nom 3d av, n w cor S9th st, 100.5x145; Nos. Inwood st, n w s, at point nearly opposite B Plot at Morris Dock of 5,000 square feet, 990 to 998, five four-story brick stores st, runs north to road leading uphill to with right of way; for railroad depot; said and tenem'ts; No. 163 East 59th st, two A, L, Beak and others, x northeast fol­ plot being exchanged for old depot plot, February 4,1.882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 105

the said depot having to be transferred. Decatur st, n s, 18.2 e Patchen av, 26.4x—x Richardson sfc. s s, 400 w Kingsland av, 25x75. Lewis G. Morris, Fordham to the Spuy­ 20.8x100. John D. Snedeker to David L. Henry P. Sammis, Huntington, L. I., to ten Duyvil & Port Morris R. R. Co, Eigenbrodt et al., exrs. Eliz. Bertram. 1879. Warren B. Sammis. 950 Nov. 21. nom 3,000 Ryerson st, e s, 80.9 n Park av, 2.5x100. .las. Eastern Parkway, n s. 58.7 o Plaza sfc, 2.5.9x J. Powers to John Peper, Hempstead. 4,000 Lots 211, 212, 44, 45, 46, 63, 67, 68, 69, 71 to 130.5x27.7xr25, probable error. The City of Sackett st, n s, 132 e Clinton st, 63x100, lis & ] 77, inclusive, and 129 to 183, inclusive, Brooklyn to Patrick Slonahan. 3,250 Is. I map Samuel Lyer Homestead. Parti­ Fulton st, e s, 360.9 s Concord st, 35x150. llx North Sth st, n e s, 150 s o 4th st, l!).8xl00. j tion. T. Beekman vVestbrook to EUen 31.10x148.11. Henry P. Morgan to Morgan 7th st, s s, 200 e 2d av, 23x100, b & 1. I Kirby. Jan. 30. 2,680 G-. Bulkeley. All title. nom Clara Cooper et al., exrn. M. Cooper, to Fulton st, s w s, 104.8 s e Hicks sfc, 23.9x68.11x Sarah Bach et al. nom LEASEHOLD COWVEYASCES. 25.8x78.9. Thomas T. Smith to Hermann Sands st, e s, 335 n Jay st, 25x100. John W. Lins. 16,000 Eginton to Louis M. Clark. 8,500 Broadway, Nos. 542 and 544. Assign, lease. Fort Greene pl, w s, 100.6 n Hanover pl, 20x85, Seigel st, n s, 150 w Graham av, 25x100, h&l. Leopold Sinsheimer to James McKaye. h & 1. Gertrude Parker, widow, to Maggie John Prenger to Anton Tinz. 1,1)50 40.000 W, Emanuel. Taxes 1881. 7,500 Seigel st late Marshall st, s s, 125 w Graham Broadway. No. 783. Assign lease. Anne Gold st, e s, 125 n Johnson st, 25.3x85. Henry av, 2.5x100. Peter Thomas, Hempstead, to F. Van Rensselaer, extrx. J. Van Rens­ Conloy to John G. Rappold.. 3,000 Herbert G. Rhodes. 4,000 selaer to William J. Demore.st. 13,150 Gi-and st, n s, 430 e Gardner av, runs north South Elliott pl, w s. 90 s Hanson pl, 20x100. Clinton pl, s s, 100.3 w BroadAvay, 25x 210 X southwest 400 to n s Grand st, x east Charles N. Peed to Mary wife of John Ma- 339.6. Charles H. Reynolds to Charles A. giUigan. * 2,100 102,2. Trustees-Sailors' Snug Harbor to Rappallo, New York. 6,000 South Elliotfc pl, ws, 90 s Hanson pl, 20x100. EdAvard A. Morrison. 21 years from Greene st, s s, 195 e Franklin st, 75x100. .Tohn Adelaide E. Wyckoff to Charles N. i'eed. C. May 1, 1873, per year. 600 Grinnon to Catharine wife of Lawrence a. G. 1.^50 Same propertA'. Assign, lease. EdAvard Grinnon. nom South Elliotfc pl, w s. Party wall agi'eemeut. A. Morrison"to George F. Of. 9,000 Hopkins st, u s, 250 e Marcy a.v, 25x100. Mary A. wife of John W. Wheelock with 4th st, n s, 87.11 e 1st av, 25x96.2. Assign. George Underbill to Nicolas Rohmer. Mort. Charles N. Peed. noin lease. Magdalena Thomas. Brooklyn, to §3,000. 4,000 Sumpter st, n s, 75 e Patchen av, 50x100. Fan­ ny M. Samuel, New York, to Richard Mars- George Schmidt. Mort. $5,000. 11,500 Hawthorne st, s s, abt 530 o Flatbush av, 20x 106, Flatbush, h & 1. .Jane G. Walker to land. 4,000 Sth st, n s, 325 w Av A, 12,5x106.9x56.llx Francis H. wife [of Robert Walker. Q. C. Spencer pl, w s, 110.4 s Hancock st, 16x100, h & 97.1. Assign, lease. Adam Kollner to Mort. §4,000. 5,000 1. Andrew Miller to Almeda M. wife of Henry Scliaper, Brooklyn. 5.000 Halsey st, n s, 33.4 e Sai-atoga av, 16.8x100, h Chester H. Pond. Mort. $1,500. 7,500 7th st, s s, bet 1st av and Av A, 25x90.10. & 1. Catharine L. wife of Edward H. Bab­ Same property. Elizabeth W. Aldrich to An­ Assign, lease. Michael Schachtel and cock to Sai'fth Demarest, widov/. Mort. drew Miller. Release mort. 5,0,0 ano., exrs. F. Feuerbach to Louise Avife .$1,250. 2,200 Smith sfc, s w cor Wyckoff sfc, 25x100. Simon Bretzfelder. New Haven, Conn., to Simon of John Ritter. 4,000 Hanson pl, s s, 20.3 w South EUiott pl, 19.11 ) x90. ' y Baum. Morts. $7,500. 12,o00 34th st, s s, 100 e 12th av, 25x100. George St. Johns pl, n s, 158,3 e Oth av, 10.8x100, h & 1. HoUister and Johu M. Chamberlain to South Elliott pl, w s, 00 s Hanson pl. 20x100. ) Miriam "Wyckoff, Auburn, N. Y., to Ade­ Thomas Green to .lohn wife of William Euphemia Sloane, Surrender of lease. laide E. Wyckoff. Release. nom Handy, Mort. .$4,500. 9,000 3d av. w s, 40.5 s G6th st, 20x65. Assign, Same property. Susan E. Warnei", Canaan. Bt. Johns pl, n s, 141.7 o Oth av, 16.8x100, h&l. lease. Roberfc J. Livingston to James S, Thomas Green to Ann M. wife of Jesse C. N. Y., to Adelaide E. Wyckoff. nom Woodhull. Mort. $4,.500. 9,000 McGovern, 7.000 Herkimer st. s e cor Rnssell pl, 49x98. Louis Stanhope st, ses, 150 n e Cenfcral av, 2.5x108.11 3d av, No. 1124. Consent to assignment. Hahn to Pauline Hahn, New York. I:', part. 50O x25x 109.3, Edwin M. Tyler to Samuel W. Ijouisa M. and Robert J. Livingston to Hoyt sfc, e s, 30.1 n 3d st, 20.1x86.2x20x84.4. Tliom;as CuUen to Margaret Condon. 1,000 Johnson. c25 R. J, Livingston. Stanhope st, ses, 125 n e Central av, 25xl09.3x Hicks sfc. s w s, cor Kackett sfc, 23x100, h&l, 2.5x109.7. Edwin M. Tyler to Johanna A. A. •John H. Kelly to James P. Kiernan. nom Steffens. • 525 Same property. J. F. Kiernan to Mary P. wife Thames st, s s, 125 e Bogert .st, 25x100. EUza­ KINGS COUNTY. of John H. Kelly. nom High sfc, No. 17. n s, 145.3 e Fulton st, 25x105. beth Lutz, widow, Wilhelmine Falfceumayer, JAN. 27, 28, SO, 31, FEB. 1. George, .Pauline, William and Catharine h&l. Benjamin Collins to Jeremiah J. Lutz, by G. M. Stevens, guard., to William Apollo st, s w cor Nassau av, 100x49x100. ox O'Connor, Elmira, N. Y. 12,000 Heilmann. 4-5 part. nom .56 3. Jefferson st, n w s, 3:'.) n e Broadway, 22x100. Thames st, n s, SOO e Bogart st, 20x100. Ame­ Nassau av, s e cor Apollo st, 2.5x100. JohJi F. Brush to George W. Schluer. Morfc. lia wife of William Heilmann to Anne and Nassau av, s s, 75 e Apollo st, 50x100. $6,000. nom Joseph Grossmann, New York. 1,200 Apollo st, e s, 100 n Nassau av, 25x100. Same propei'fcv. George W. Schluer to Hiram Thames st, s s, 125 e Bogart st, 25x100. Wil­ Nassau av, n e cor Apollo st, 25x100. W. Betts. Morfc. $6,000. 6,260 liam Heilmann to Conrad Sauer and Anna Nassau av, n e cor Vai'ick st, 25x100. Same pi'opert;/. John F. Brush to same. Q. C. his wife. Morfc. $800. 1,1.50 Varick sfc, w s, 200 n Nassau st, run-s wesfc 100 nom Union st, n s, 140.10 w Hicks .st, 20.5x100. X north 9S.3 x east — x 93.11 to Varick st, Jefferson st, Nos. 60 and 02, s s, 304 w Bedford JohnC. Kitsonto Richard M. Pyle. Mort. X south 100. J av, 43x100, hs & Is. Jacob M. Brown to .$2,000. 5.200 John J. Dooley, New York, to David Mat­ William H. Scott. Morfc. $13,000. 24,000 Wvckoff st, n s, 230 e Hoyt st, 20x100, h & 1. thews. §1,000 Jefferson sfc, s s, 3'20 w Bedford av, 4'2xin0, hs Adelphi st, w s, 236.10 s Park av, 25x100. [ & Is. Jacob M. Brown to William H. Scott, Peter Mason to Patrick Gill. 3,500 Hall st, e s, 304. n Myrtle av, 20x100. l NewYork. Mort. $13,000. 34,000 Washington st, e s, 7!).9nProspecfc st, 19.3.x:74.9. Ada Dunscomb, Now York, to Grace C. v/ife Livingston st, s w s, 175 s e Smith sfc, 28x100, h Partition. John H. Clayton to Edward S. of Johu Norton. Morts. §5,300. 10,300 & I. Theodore TLitou to Franklin Woodruff. Atwood. 3,125 Broadway, s w s, 120.5 n w Middleton st, 30x Mort. $7,500. 8,000 Walworth st, e s, 200 s Willoughby av, 25x100. 85, h & 1. Eva wife of and Casper Bottmann Foreclos. Thomas M. Riley to George E. to Bernhardt Roessler. Morfc. .$3,000. 7,800 Marion st, s s, 62.6 e Patchen av, 18.9x100. Post, Greenport, L. L Mort. $1,000. 300 Bridge st, e s, 50 s Plymouth st, 26x75. Cath­ Louis Hahn to Pauline Hahn, New York. 2,500 Istst, es, 60.5 s North Sth st, 20x71. UxlO.lOx arine wife of James McFeely to Enneas Far- Macon st, s s, 200 w Throo]:) av, 100.xS0. ] 71.11, h&l. Mary W. wife of Aron Wright ran, nom Iviacon st, s s, 100 w Throop av. 100x80, except | to Charles Finnigan. 2,200 Same property. Enneas FaiTan to James Mc­ as follows: Macon sfc, s s, 537 e Tompkins I 1st st, s e cor >Torth Sth .st, 20.4x71.1]x20.Sx Feely. nom av, 63x80. I 71.11, h&l. Same to Mary wife of Eugene Bergen st, s s, -^.oO e 3d av, 4.2x100. James W. Foreclos. Gerard M. Sfcevens to The Knick­ Doherty. 3,200 Dearing to The Trustees of the Sweedish erbocker Life Ins. Co. 4,135 2d st, No. 244, e s, 63.8 n South 1st st, 12.1x77.10 Evangel. Luth. Bethlehem Congregation. 300 Marshall st, s s, 50 a Hudson av, 25x50. Cath­ x22.6x77, h&l. Mary W. wife of Aron Carroll st, s w s, 220 s e 4th av, 20x63.7x arine wife of John Dorsey to The Brooklyn Wright to Catharine wife of Henij'- Bade. 3,500 20x63.8. Michael Quigg to Patrick Hanly. 500 Gas Light Co. 2,600 3d pl, s w cor Smith st, 75x133,5. The Farmer.s" CarroU st, s s, 135 w Clinton st, 37x100. Ellen McDonough st, n s, 425 e Tomplcins av, 28x200 Loan & Trust Co , as x-eeeiver, to Robert T. T. H. wife of Greorge Harvey to Elizabeth to Macon sfc, h & Is. The Knickerbocker Life Heath. 125 wife of William L. Stroud. Mort. §13,000. Ins. Co. to Harlan P. Halsey. 12,0CO 3d st, n s, 06.3 w 7th av, 22.2x90. Foreclos. 33,500 McDonough st, n s, 100 w Stuyvesant av, 120x Thomas M. Riiey to'James M. Smith, New Carroll st, No. 177, n s, 82.6 e Clinton st, 17.6x 100. Edgar W. CroweU to Robert Gasten. York. "• 8,000 49. Elizabeth B. Wyckoff, widow, New- Morfc. $7,500, 13,590 odst, No. 258, e s, 104 n North 1st sfc, 24.4x35.Sx York, t:. Osbom E. Bright. Mort. .$4,500. 2.5.3x36.10. Henrv Grasman to Elizabeth E. 5,.500 NeweU st, e s, 208.4 s Meserole st, 16.8x100, h & Kottman. Mort.$2,500. G,000 Carroll sfc, nes, 160 n w Columbia st, 20x100, 1. Foreclos. Thomas M. Riley to Alanson South 5th st, nes, abt 75 s e 8d st, 25x—, h & h&l. William Swanton to Eliza wife of S. Bedell, Hempstead, L. I. 1880. 1,000 1. Emily M. wife of Thonias J. P. Averill Thomas Herr. 3,875 Pacific st, s w s, 450 s e Hoyt st, 25x100, h & 1. to George W. Goodrich. Mort. $,2,.50O. 5,500 Degraw st, s s, 160 e Hoyt st, 20x100. Lewis William I. Hughes to Fannie L. A. Hughes. South 6th st,n e s, 1.50 n w r2th st, 25x100. R. Stegman to Edward P. Rushmore, North Morts. .$8,000. 12,000 .Martha Baird, widow, to Margaret B. wife of Hempstead. Foreclos. 4,000 Pacific sfc, s s, 76.5 e Henry sfc, 2.5x100, h&l, Robert Keenan. Morfc. $1,700. -!,000 Devoe st, s s, 46 w Lorimer'st, 18x55, h&l. Henrietta wife of Jo.seph Staples, Jr., New South 7th st, s e cor 2d sfc, 23.6x80. Foreclos. Anna S. wife of Charles S. Potts to James B. York, to Hemiefcta wife of William H. Short. James C. Gerard to Matthias Frank. ) .<" part. Walker. 2,950 Mort. §5,000. 7,500 Subject to }{ of morts. and liens $5,288, with interest, also taxes, &c. 3,500 Douglass st, n w s, 130 s w UnderhiU av, 100 PoAvers st, s s, 75 w Humboldt late Smith st, xl44.1x102.4x1.59.4. South 9th st, n ^v cor 2d st, 20x76, h & 1. Mary runs south 100 x west 45 x north 38 x east 19 A. wife of--John McCurdy to Hugh W. Clif­ Butler st, s s. 300 e Vanderbilt av, runs south X north 72 to Powers st, x east 26. Fred­ 43.0 X southeast 92.7 to Butler pl, x north­ ford. 6,100 erick Schaeffer to Dorothea wife of Christian nthst, ss, 120 o 8fch av. 160x100. James D. east 25 X northwest 75,8 x north 31,11 to Toft, i.f part. Morfc. $3,350. 2,500 Butler st, x west 25. Fish, recvr., to Heury Welsh. 3,980 Butler st, s s, 275 e Vanderbilt av, X'uns south Raymond st, w s, 50 n Bolivar st, 25x100. Fore­ Same property. Henry L. Clarke, New York, clos. Thomas M. Riley to John H. Doscher. 5i.lu X southeast 109.5 to Butler pl, x north­ to Hemy Welsh. Q.G. nom east 25 x northwest 92.7 x north 43.5 to 1,730 Butler st, x west 25. Raymond sfc, e s, 214.11 s Lafayette av, 20.1x 22d st, s s, 250 e Sth av, 25x100. George Schlitch- The City of Brooklyn to Thomas Darlington, 89.Sx20xUu.tt. Eliza W^hite, extrx. L. E. ting to Louis Schlitchting. Mort. $1,500. 2,500 Newark, N. J. 7,300 White, to Lucinda A. White. Contains re­ 2Sth st, n s, 200 w 4th av, 20x100. Daniel Fitz­ Decatur sfc, n s, 163 e Patchen av, 20x100. lease of dower by grantor as widow. 6,500 gerald to Anastatia wife of John O'Brien. 500 Foreclos. John D. Snedeker to David L. Red Hook lane, ses, 78.8 s w Fulton st, 25x65x Atlantic av, n s, 90 e Clinton st, 25x85. Sarah Eigenbrodt et al., exrs. Eliz. Bertram. 24x60, .Tames M. Seaman, Jr., to Willia,m L. wife of Garret W. Van Dolah and Ann M. 1879. 3,.000 Schwarzwaelder. 4,825 Beam to John J. Kieiman. 8.000 106 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD February 4,1882

Albany av, w s, 60 n Pacific st, 20x87, h&l. northeast 95.10 to St. Marks av, x northwest Barnes, Mary, to Mary E. Miller, NCAV Wind­ Mary wife of Kelly Girvin to Annie B, wife 20. David S, Downs to Jennie W, Hunt, sor, N. Y. 112th st, n s, 163.10 w Av A, 20.10 of Alexander M, Sutherland. Mort. §2,500. Grand Rapids, Mich. Morts. $6,800. 7,841 XlOO.ll. Jan. 27, due Jan. 28, 1885. 4,000 5,.500 Throop av. e s, 20 s Madison st, 40x100, Har­ Blasdell, Helen M., wife of James H., to Atlantic av, s fi, 16.8 e Utica av, 16,8x83.4. manus B. Hubbard and Merwin Rushmore to James Rogers. 125th st, n s, 400 e 8th av, 50 Atlantic av, s s, 66.8 e Utica av, 16.8x83.4. John P. Hudson. Mort, $1,000. 1,400 x99.ll; 126th st, s s, 400 e 8th av, 50x99.11, Atlantic av, s s, 83.4 e Utica av, 16.8x100. Washington av, w s, 123.10 n Park av, 25x100. Secures pay for building material. Jan. 26, Atlantic av, s s, 116.8 e Utica av, 33.4x100. Peter Alsgood to Lizzie Seton. 1,200 installs. 10,000 Atlantic av, s s, 166.8 e Utica av, 16.8x100. Washington av, w s, 148.10 n Park av, 25x100. Browning, William H., to Thomas Hagan. Utica av, e s, 84 s Atlantic av, runs east 83.4 John W. Ahrens and ano., exrs. R. Doscher, 65th st, s s, 196 e 3d av, 28x100, Jan. 25, 1 X south 16 X east 16.8 x south 100 to Pacific to Lizzie vvife of John Seton. 1,200 year. 2,000 st, x west 100 to Utica av, x north 116. 4th av. s e cor 9th st, 38x60. Foreclos. John Baker, James, to Caroline wife of Theodore E. Thomas Quinn to William H. Bush, Morts. B. Meyenborg to John Delmar. Morts. $8,000 Studley. 55th st. P. M. Jan. 31, 3 years, on each house and lot $1,500. 3'3,500 and arrears interest. 3,000 5 per cent. 5,000 Bushwick av, w s, .51.6 n Powers st, 2.5.9x93. lOx Sth av, s e cor Prospect av. Release Barbour, Mary A., widow, to Caroline M. and 2.5x100, h & 1. David Tense and ano., exrs.S. moi't. George H. Granniss to Clara B. Gran­ Joseph Wilde, exrs. J. S. Wilde. 45th st, s s, Lownds to Samuel Lownds. 3,000 niss, Newark. nom 309 w 5th av, 20x100.5. Jan. 30, 5 years, 5 Bedford av, w s, 525 n Park av, 18.9x90x17.7x 6th av, e s, 65 s Baltic st, 20x99.7. Edward A. per cent. 17,000 90, h & 1, Benjamin P. Rhodes to Henry Crouch, Branford, Conn., to Elizabeth A. Basting, Anton, to James Fay. West sfc. No. Grasman. Correction deed. nom Denike. Mort. $5,000. 8,000 334, the building only. Jan. 31, secures rent Bedford av, w s, 525 n Park av, 18.9x90x17.7x 6th av, e s, 18 s 1.5th st, 16x75. Foreclos. John for 5 years at $51 per month. 90, h&l. Henry Grasman to Elizabeth E. D. Snedeker to David L. Eigenbrodt et al., Boucheile, Mary E., wife ot William T., to Kottman, Mort. $2,500. 5,000 exrs. of Eliz Bertram. 1879. 1,000 Maria Lintz, widow. Lexington av, w s, Carlton av, e s, 303,10 s Mvrtle av, 14x100, h & 6th av, e s, 18 s 15th st, 16x75. 51.2 n 76th st, 17x72.10. Jan. 31, 3 years, b 1. Elizabeth Wieting, Fort Plain, N. Y., to Greene av, n s, 100 e Stuyvesant av. 25x—. per cent. 7,000 Philip A. Wieting, New York. Q. C. nom Decatur st, n s, 162 e Patchen av, 46.4x—x49.8 Baumgarten, August, Brooklyn, to John R, Same property. David Wieting, individ. and XlOO. " J Martinez Hernz, exr. and trustee of Ramon as assignee of Eliz. Wieting, to same, Q, C. Wm. S, Cogswell, exr. Eliz. Bertram, to Martinez Hernz. 107th st, s s, 178.9 e 3d av, nom Mary E. Johnson, Plainfield, N. J. nom 2L.10xlOL4. Feb. 1,3 years. 7,500 Same propertv. Philip A. Wieting to John S. 7th av, n w s. Party wall agreement. Mary Beeckman, Thomas H., with Sarah H. Powell. WiUiamson, Mort. $3,000. 4,100 wife of Henry BoAvers, Jr., with George A. Agreement as to priority of morts. nom Carlton av, e s. 87.3 n Myrtle nv, 25x100. Ma­ Powers. nom Boyd, Elizabeth, wife of Edward A., to Robert rietta CroweU, widow, to John Flynn. 3,600 Sth av, n e cor 12th st, 40x100. \ B. Minturn and ano., trustees John W. Min­ Central av, nes, 25 s e Magnolia st, 2.5x100. 12th st, n s, 100 e 8th av, 100x100. j turn, dec'd. 55th st, n s, 475 w Sth av, 25x Charles Mann to George Berk, New York. 450 JamesD. Fish, recvr., to Henry Welsh, NeAv •200.10 to 56th St. Feb. 2, 3 years, 4K per Clason av,w s, 2,5.6 s Park av, .50x2327x.":;0x York. 4,305 cent. 50,000 832.10. Grace C. wife of and George Norton 8th av, e s, 40 n 12th st, 60x100. Same to Buddensiek, Charles A., to William R. Bell. to Ada Dunscomb. Taxes and assmts, $560. same. 2,100 3d av, e s, 62 n 14th st, 18.6x100. Lease. Jan. 5,000 9th av, w 8, 73.8 s CarroU .st, 50x51.9x.50 8x43.10. 12, due Jan. 1, 1882. 1,918 Clason av, e s, 295.1 s De Kalb av, 50x100 I Margaret M. wife of Patrick M. Birckhead, Chase, George, to Charles H. Newton. 107th Clason av, e s, 270.1 s De Kalb av, 25x100. ) Fanny Davis, Bettie D. wife of Richard E. st, s w cor 1st uv, 250x100. Jan. 31, due Feb. Mary Anderson, widow, to George M. Eddv. Warfield, Baltimore, Md., to Fanny M. wife 1, 1890, 5)4 per cent. 8,000 Mort. 85,000. 8,100 of Douglass Robin on. Nov., 1881. 3,100 Cordler, Theodore A., to John G. Dantel. 85th Clason av, w s, 36 n Putnam av, 16x76 6, two- llthav, nw cor 17th st, 37.6x226.6x13.6x220. St. P. M. Jan. 2, due Jan. 1, 1887, 5 per cent. and-oue-half-story brown stone dwell'g. Geo. J. Cole to John J. Drake. 900 4,000 Robert Tomes, Jr., to Robert Tomes, Sr. Mt. 19th av, n w s, 113 n e Bath av. New Utrecht. Cornell, Charles G., to George F. Johnson. $3,500, 5,900 Release mort. Garret W. Van Cleaf to Isa­ 58th st, s s, 240 e Sth av, 20x100.5. Dec. 2, 3 Clinton av, w s, 128 n Lafayette av, 22x2C0 to bella D. wife of Frederick B. Furnell. nom years. 15,000 Vanderbilt av. Richard S. Roberts to So­ Highwater mark Sheepshead Bay, at intersec­ Clarke, Daniel A., to Catharine A. F. Casa­ phia wife of James E. Simpson. Mort. $13,- tion e s of C. Hunken's land, runs north, cross­ nova. 2d av, w s, 98.1 s 38th st, 16.8x80. 000. 30,000 ing highway 300 x east 25 x south 300 to Jan. 28, 3 years. 7,500 De Kalb nv, s s, 525 e Evergreen av, .50x100. highwater mark, x west 25. Carl Vogt, Cohn, Sophia, widow, to THE EMIGRANT Jane A wife of Charles J. De Bevoise, Jamai­ Christian Hunken, to Henry Grasman, INDUST. SAVINGS BANK, New York. Riv­ ca, L. I, to The Brooklyn City & Newtown Cori-ection deed. nom ington st, n s, 22.3 e Essex st, 22.2x80. Jan. R. R. Co. 1,700 Highwater mark Sheepshead Bay, at intersec­ 28, 1 year. 3,500 De Kalb av, n s, 268.9 w Stuyvesant av. 18.9x tion e s of C. Hunken's land, runs north cross­ Crosby, Darius G., Westchester, to The Cham­ lOD. John C. Smith and ano., exrs., &c., C. ing highway 300 x east '25 x south 300 to berlain of City New York. Road up hill to Brush, to Richard Marsland. C. a G. 3,350 highwater mark, x west 25, h&l. Henry Beaks, &c., In-A'ood. P.M. Jan. 2,5 yrs. 900 Franklin av, e s, 240 s Willoughby av, 2,5x110. Grasman to Elizabeth E. Kottman, Mort. Clark, Alexander, to Eliza A. Crawford, as Johu W. Sibell, exr. Sarah Sibell. to Henri­ $1,500. 4,000 guard, of Benjamin O., George H. and Wil­ etta H. wife of Joseph K. Sibell, New York. Plot 8 D. D. StillweU property, Gravesend, liam H. W. Crawford, minors. 126th st, n s, 4,700 on Snipe st. Bernard Doyle to John Y. Mc­ 200w7thav, 12.6x99.11. Jan, 28, Syears, S Port Hamilton av, w s, lying partly in 55ih st, Kane. 200 per cent. 3,500 92 4x86.3x47.7, New Utrecht. John L. Van Release of administrator, &c. Margaret St. Colton, Teresa A., widow, to Sarah Bell, wid­ Pelt to Bernard Larzelere. 100 George, widow, &c., to John F. Roach. 812 ow. 17th st, Nos. 421 and 423, n s, 250 w Oth Graham av, w s, 50 s Debevoise st, runs west av, 50x92. Feb. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. 5,000 102.1 to Broadway, x southeast 36 x east 78 6 Dassori, Frederick, to THE EMIGRANT INDUS­ to Graham av, x north 25. Dorothea Buch­ TRIAL SAVINGS BANK. Park st. No. 90, n s, man, by M. Buchman, guard, to Henry 16.9x60x16.8x60; Park st, No. 88, n s, 17x60. Ruthmann Infnnt's share 1,514 Jan. 30. 1 year. 8,000 Same property. Maria Buchman, widow, and NOTE.—The arrangement of this list is as folloios De Marsan, Mathilda, wife of Henry, to Jo­ the heirs of G. Buchman to same. 10,600 The first name is that of the mortgagor, the next that seph Mosenthal. Slst st, s s, 402 w 8th av, Graham av, s w cor Bavard st, 101.4x59.7xl00x of the mortgagee. The description of the property 20.6x100.5. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 6,000 76.7. T'oe Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York, then follows, then the date of the mortgage, the time Demorest, William J., to Anne F. Van Rens­ for which it was given, and the amount. The general selaer, extrx. J. Van Rensselaer. Broadway. to Joseph Wurzler. C. a. G. 3,500 dates used as headings are the dates when the mort­ Greene av, u s, 3io e Grand av, 2''xlC0. gage ivas handed into the Register's office to be re­ Leasehold. P. M. Feb. 1, 3 years. 7,000 Nicholas S. Williamson to John N. Smith. corded. Dewes, Sabina, to Anton Hupfei, East Orange, Mort. $300. 950 Wlienever the letters " P. M." occur, preceded by the N, J. Fitch st, n e cor Washington av, SOx Greene av, n w cor Throop av, ,50x100. Wil­ name of a street in these lists of mortgages, they mean 64. Feb. 1, 3 years. 1,500 liam Ziegler to Mary A. De Revere. 4,200 that it is a Purchase Money Mortgage, ana for fuller Drechsel, Charles, to Leon Abbett, .Jersey City. particulars see the list of transfers under the corres­ SSth st, n s, 144 e 1st av, 50x102.2. Feb. 1, Greene av, n s. 100 e Stuyvesant av, 25x abt ponding date. 125.6. JDhn D. Snedeker to David L. Eigen­ installs., 6 per cent. 6,000 brodt et al., exrs Eliz Bertram. Foreclos. Dwyer, Denis J., to John Roth. 72d st, n s, 1879. 2,000 81.8 w 1st av, runs north 22.6 x east 2.6 x . north 18.8 X west 2.6 x north 61 x west 28.4 x Lafayette av, n s, 262.6 w Sumner av, 18.9x100, JANUARY 27, 28, 30, 31, FEBRIJART 1, 2. south 102.2 to 72d st, x east 28.4. Feb. 1, 3 h&l. Charles J. De Bevoise to Harriet A. years, 5 per cent. 12,000 wife of Joseph C. Abeel. 3,800 Adler, Clara, wife of Michael, to Joseph Leois Dean, Lottie L., wife of Harvey N., to Edwin Lafayette av, n s, ISO w Stuyvesant av, 20x or Levis. Av B, w s, 24.3 n 5th st, 24.3x100. A. Bradley. 119th sfc, n s, 190 e 4th av, lOOx 100. Robert Hunter to Wm H. RUey, 2,600 Subject to mort. $8,000. Dec. 31, 1 year. $2,000 lOO.n. Jan. 7, 4 months. 4,050 Liberty av, s e cor Van Siclen av, runs east 150 Algie, Robert J., to Rebecca G. Eldredge, Devlin, Mary, widow, to THE MUTUAL, LIFE X south bO X west .50 X south 20.5 x west 100 Brooklyn. 114th st, s s, 100.1 w 2d av, 2Ix INS. Co., New York. Sth av, e s, extdg from to Van Siclen av, x north 100.5, New Lots. 100.11. Jan. 28, 3ye.

Edmunstone, Helena M., wife of William P., Holthusen, Hinrich, to John G. Kurz. llth st. McDougall, Caroline, et al., exrs. and trustees Brooklyn, to Thomas H. BeecKmau, Sth av, P. M. Jan. 27, due Feb. 1, 1885, 5 per ct. 4,000 of Henry McDougall, dec'd., and Caroline s w cor 12.5th st, 100.10x185 Subject to morts. Hallock, Charles H., Brooklyn, to Hermann McDougall, Avidow, to The Universalist Gen­ $77,500. Jan. 24, demand. 15,000 Hoefer. SOth st. P. M. Jan. 30, 2 years. eral Convention. Lexington av, e s, 60.5 s Ellison, Thomas J., and Charles J. Todd, to • 25,000 S3d st, 20x80. Jan. 30, 3 years. 7,000 William H. Hussey. 133d st, n s, 268.4 e 6th Hazard, Sarah L., wife of Rowland N,, to THE McGovern, James S., to Robert J. Livingston. av, 16.8x99.11. Nov. 17, 1 year. 3,000 MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., New York. Sth av, 3d av. No. 1:24, w s, 40.5 s 66th st, 20x65, P. Estricher, Mathilda, wife of Wolf, to Michael s w cor 71st st, 25.5x100. Jan. 27, due Mar. 1, M. Leasehold. Feb. 1, 4 years, installs. 4,000 Epstein. 7Sth st, s s, 230 e 2d av, 17.6x102.2. 1883. 11,500 McKaye, James, to Leopold Sinsheimer. Jan. 31, due Feb. 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 3,000 Havanagh, John T., to John H. Lyon. Av A, Broadway, Nos. 542 and 544, e s, abt 151.3 n Etling, Jacob, to Eliza Klingelhoeffer. 44th st, s w cor 123d st, 25.11x100. Subject to build­ Spring st, abt 40x100. Dec. 10, due Feb. 1, s s, 186 w Sth av, runs south 73 x east 36 x ing loan, Mort, $4,500. Jan, 30, due April 1902, 5 per cent. 60,000 south 27.4 X wesfc .50 X north 100.4 to 44th st, 24, 1882. 1,200 Moi-rell, John H., to William H, Gebhard, exr. X east 14. Feb. 1, due Jan. 1, 1883. 3,000 HoU, George, to Louis Schworer. St. Marks F. C. Gebhard. 32d st, s s, SO e 4th av, 40x Finck, Frederick, mortgagor, with Louisa pl. P. M. Jan. 30, due Feb. 1, 1884. 2,000 98.9. Jan. 23, due June 1, 1882. 40,000 Cambefort. Agreement extdg. mortgage. Harkins, Mary, widow, to THE EMIGRANT IN­ Morrison, William H., to Amos Woodruff. Fish, Nicholas, to Henry G. De Forest, trustee. DUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK. 29th st, s s, 300 45th st, s s, 175 w Sth av, 17x100.5, Feb. 1, 3 2d av, 17th st. P. M. Jan. 30, due Feb. 1, e llth av, 25x98.9. Jan. 27, 1 year. 1,000 years, 5 per cent. 4,000 1885, 5 per cent. 14,000 Hazard, Rowland N., to THE MUTUAL LIFE Mackellar, Thomas, to Rosalie Putzel. 123d st, Furniss, Clementina, to Sophia R C. e'urniss INS. CO., New York. 73d st, n s, 125 e llth s s, 20 e 4th av, 20x100.11. Jan. 26, due July et al., trustees W. Furniss. 12th av, 103d st. av, 75x.50.8x7S.6x27.6. Jan. 27, due March 1, 27, 1882. 6,000 P. M. Dec. 15, 3 years. 3,465 1883. 4,000 Same to same. 123d st, s s, 40 e 4th av, 20x Fielder, Abby J., wife of John M., to William Heintze, John J., to David G. Burton and Geo. 100.11, Jan, 26, due July 27, 1882. 7,000 M. Purdy. 131st st, s s, 392.10 e Sth av, 32.2 Watson. Robbins av, e s, 20 n Division av, Same to same. 123d st, s s, 60 e 4th av, 20x x99.ll, Jan. 27. due May 8, 188-2. 4,000 20x80. Jan. 26, 6 months. 535 100.11. Jan. 26, due July 27, 188.2, 7,000 Foerster, Katharina, wifri of Joseph, to Louis Same to same. Robbins av, n e cor Division McCabe, Catharine, wife of Daniel, to Hugh Benziger, exr. and trustee J. 2^. A. Benziger. av, 20x80. Jan. 26, 6 months. 535 King. Av C, Nos. 119 and 121, w s, 39.4 s 10th st. No 382 E , s s, bet Avs B and C, 25x Hoey, Thomas S., to Hugh McShain. 103d st. Sth st, 38.8x83. Jan. 21, 1 year. 5,000 92.3. Jan 30, 5 years, 5 per cent. 6,000 P. M. Dec. 13, 5 years. 900 McCuUagh, Isabella wife of John H., to THE Fenwick, Samuel C, Brooklyn, to Theodore Hope, James W., to Hugh McShain. 163d st. DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST. 49ih st, s s, 180 H. Benedict, exr., &c., James Benedict, P. M. Dec. 13, 5 years. 900 e 3d av, 21x100.5. Jan. 28, 1 5 ear, 5 per dec'd. 126th st,ss, 245 e 7th av, 20x99.11. Jenny, Ann M , wife of and Jacob, to Julia C. cent. 10,000 ."^Feb. 1, installs. 11,000 S. wife of Harry A, Grant, Jr,, Tarrvtowu, Moore, Thomas, and Bernard Wilson to Phebe Same to same. 126th st, s s, 265 e 7th av, 20x N. Y. 104th st, n s, 225 w 3d av, 2.5x100.10. PearsaU- 1st av, s w cor SOth .st, runs south ; 99.11. Feb. 1, instaUs. 3,000 Jan. 27, 1 year. 9,000 177.2 X west 100 x south 27.2 to 79th st, x Same to Juliet B. Morris. Same property. Johnson, Ketha E., wife of and George W., to west 272 X north 102.2 x east 272 x north 102.2 Feb. 1, installs. 8,000 John G. Payntar. 119th st, s s, 90 w 1st av, to SOth st, X east 100 to beginning. Jan. 27. Same to same. 126th st, s s, 285 e 7th av, ISx runs south 50.6 x west 10 x south 50.5 x west 1 year. , 10,000 99.11. Feb. 1, installs. 7,000 10 X norfch 100.11 to 119th st, x east 20. Jan. Mowbrav, Anthony, to Caroline F. Reynolds, Same to Eugene Elsworth, exr., &c., Wm. 28, 5 years, instals. 3,300 Orange, N. J. 69th st, n s, 127 w Madison av, Elsworth, dec'd. 126th st, s s, 225 e 7th av, Jerkowski, Samuel, to Matilda Rich and ano., 28x100.5. Jan. 28, demand. 3,2.50 20x99.11. Feb. 1. instals. 11,000 exrs. S. Rich. 79th st. P. M.- Feb. 1, 3 vrs, Same to same. 09fch sfc, n s, 95 w Madison av, Fenwick, Samuel C, and Sarah H. Wentworth 5 per cent. 10,000 32x100.5. Jan. 28, demanu. 3,7.50 with Eugene Elsworth, exr. and trustee, and Johnson, Christian, to Abraham C, Quacken­ McCool, Sarah T., wife of John, to Benjamin T. N. Benedict, exr, and trustee. Agreement bush. 121st st, s s, 160.2 w 1st av, 89.10x100. Bernard. 79th st. P. M. Nov. 7, 1 yr. 2,000 as to priority of mort nom Feb. 1, 1 year. 19,.500 McCool, Sarah T., wife of John, to Newman Frame, John, and Robert J. McGirr to Max Same to Lambert Suydam. 121st st. P. M. Cowen. 79th st, n s, 325 e' 3d av, 25x102.2. Danziger. 70fch sfc, s s, 212 e 3d av, 112x100.4. Feb. 1, lyear, ' 10,000 Feb. 2, due Oct. 31, 1882. 6,000 Buililing loan. Feb. 1, 6 months. 24,000 Juch, Wilhelmine, wife of Wm. A., to Catha­ McGuire, Mary A., to Amelia Robins. 16th Same to same. 70th st. P. M. Feb. 1. 6 rine Zimmerman. 2d av, w s, 25.11 n 106th st, n s, 259 AV 7th av, 28x92. . Feb. 2, 5 months. 17,120 st, 25x75. Feb. 1, demand. 1,025 years. 8,000 Fraser, Sarah E., wife of Charles, to Charles Jackson, Elizabeth J., wife of Louis A., to Metzger, Eva, wife of Bernard, to Sarah Davis. B. Granniss, exr. C. B. Granniss, dec'd. Margaret Crawford. Slst st. P. M. Feb. 1, SOth st, n s, 281.6 e 1st av, 25x102.2. Feb. 1, 116th st, n s, 202.8 e 3d av, 17.2x100.11. Feb, 1 year. 3,500 2 years. 1,.500 1, due Jan. 1, 1SS5, 5 per cent. 6,000 Jacobs, Levi, mortgagor, with Hannah wife Moore, Joseph, to THE MUTUAL LIFE INS, Co. Gault, James, to John R. Smith. 116th st, s s, of Harris Launn. Agreement extdg. mort. 3d av, No. 1341, e s, 82.8 s 77th sfc, 19.4x75. 355 w 1st av, 20x100.11. Jan. 23, 1 year. 2,000 nom Feb. 2, due March 1, 1883. 10,500 Gerding, Anna H., wife of Chai-les, to Sarah Jacobs, Levi, mortgagor, with Jacob J. Liss- Muller, Philip, to Bernhard and Moses Stern. J. Shaw. Prospect av, n e cor Morris st, 184 ner. Agreement extdg. mort. nom Attorney st. P. M. Feb. 2, due Feb. 1,1885, xl21.6x90 to Morris sfc, xl69. Jan. 12, 3 Same with same. Agreement extdg. mort. nom S per cent. 4,200 years. G,000 Jonas, Abraham H., to Alax Danziger. 73d st, Murray, Joseph, to William Whaley. 122d st, Goettler, Charles, to Theresa Dorner. 3d st, n n s, 100 w 2d av, 25x102.2. Jan, 31, due Aug. n s, 78 e 1st av, runs north SO.llxlOx north 20 s, 151 w Av B, 24x96.2. Lease. Jan. 20, due 1, 1882. 2,250 X east 50 x south 100.11 to 122d st, x west 60. Jan, 1, 188.5. 2.000 Same to same. 73d st, n s, 200 w 2d av, 25x Jan. 27, demand. • 1,246 Gussow, Paul W., to THE GERMAN SAVINGS 102.2, Jan. 31, due Aug. 1. 1882. 2,250 McCloskey, John, to THE EMIGRANT INDUST. BANK, New York. 42d st, s s, 230 w 2d av, Same to same. 73d st, n s, 150 w 2d av, 25x SAVINGS BANK, New York. 22d st, s s, 200 runs south 117.4 X northwest 41.6 x east 12 x 102.2. Jan. 31, du» Aug. 1, 1882. 2,250 e Oth av, 20.10x98.6. Jan. 28, 1 year. 4,000 north 98.9 to 42d st, x east 25. Jan, 27, 1 Same to same. 73d st, n s, 175 w 2d av, 2Sx Mclntyre, Ewen and Emily A. his wife, to vear. 5^000 102,2, Jan. 31, due Aug. 1, 1882. 2,250 THE GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. Broad­ Giblin, Michael, and Jeremiah C. Lyons to Same to same. 7Sd sfc, n s, 125 w 2d av, -SSx way, n e cor 18th st, runs north 24.1 x east THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, 102.2. Jan. 31, due Aug. 1, 1882. 8,2.50 77.5 X north 44.4 x east 22.7 x south 92 to New York. 124th st, s s, 348.4 e 4th av, Kent, Gabriel, William?pbrt, Pa., to William 18th st, X west 88.4. Jan. 25, due Feb. 1. 1887, 16.8x73. Jan. 31, 1 year. 6,.500 S. Dunn. 136th st, s s, 250 e 7th av, 50x99.11, 5 per cent. 90,000 Same to same. 124th st, s s, 331.8 e 4th av, 16.8 March 18, note. 4,911 McManus, Mai-y, wife of Patrick H., to Ann x73. Jan. 31, 1 year. 6,500 Ealleen, James, to Eliza McAdam. 80fch st, s s, Lamb, widow. 69fch st, n s, 200 e 2d av, 25x Same to same. i24th st, s s, 315 e 4th av, 16.8 247.1 w 2d av, 18.11x103.2. Feb. 2, 5 years. 5 100.4. Jan. 30, 1 year. 2,500 x73. Jan. 31, 1 year. 6,500 per cent, 2,500 McQuade, Patrick, to Charles A. Peabody, Jr. Greenwood, Frank, to Jacob Schmitt. 2d av. Keyes, Christopher, to Jacob M. Ne-wman. 83d st, n s, 185.6 e Park or 4th av, 25x102.2. P. M. Jan. 30, due Jan. 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 117th st, s s, 160 w 2d av, 2.5x100.11, Subject Jan. 30, 1 year, 5 per cent. 12,000 3,500 •to mort. $9,000. Jan. 26, 6 months. 1,600 Same to Kauffman Mandell. 82d st. P. M. Same to same. 2d av. P. M. Jan. 30, due Klein, Maria E,, wife of Peter, to Joseph Dum- Jan. 30, due Feb. 1, 1883. 5,000 July 1, 1SS3, 5 per cent. 10,000 pel. 31st st. P. M. Jan. 81, due Jan. 1, Martin, William R., to John Taylor, Bayside Gleason, WiUiam, Fordham, to Catharine 1887. 6,500 L. I, 56th st, s s, 275 e 9tb av, 50x100.5. P. O'Keefe. Arthur st, n e cor William st, 25x Kahn, Heyman, to Jeannette wife of Joseph M. Jan. .30, 3 years. 13,000 87.6. Jan. 30, 3 years. 200 Gerstte. 2dav. P. M. Jan. 30, instaUs, 5 Same to same. 64th st, n s, 20 w Madison a-7, per cent. 10,000 17x100.5. Jan. 30, 3 years. 12,000 Gerber, Moritz, to Louis Benziger, exr. and trustee J. N. A, Benziger. Columbia st. No. Lauterbach, Edward, to The Scotch Presby­ Nuraberger. Henry, to Joseph Sterne. 35th 87, w s, 175 s Stanton st, 27x100x27.2x100. terian Church, New York. 6th av, e s, 24.8 st, n s, 252,4 w 7th av, 21.4x98.9. 2d mort. Feb. 1, 6 years, 5 per cent. 6,500 n 28th st, 24.8x40. Jan. 23, 3 yrs, 5 p. c. 10,000 Jan. 2, due Jan. 1, 1883. 1 ooO Giblin, Michael, and Jeremiah C. Lyons to Levy, Hermann, to Aaron Cohn. Eldridge sfc. Newcomb, Mary A., to Charles A. Vermilye Edmund A. Stedman, Stamford, Conn. 124th P. M. Jan. 28, due Jan. 30, 188.5. 12,000 22d st. No. 167, n s. 60 e 7th av, 20x49.4. Feb. st, s w cor Lexington av, 40x73; Lexington av, Same to same. Eldridge st. P. M. Jan. 28, 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. s 000 w s, 73 s 124th st, 27.11x90. Jan. 30, demand. installs. 3,000 Same to Eliza A. Miller, widow. .T.eroy st 7,000 Landmesser, Theodore C,, to THE EXCELSIOR No. 107, n s, 80 w Hudson sfc, 20x75.6. Feb'. Gault, James, to Thomas H. Beeckman, Brook­ SAVINGS BANK, New York, 9.Sd st. P. M. 1, 3 years, 5 per cent. 4 000 lyn. Pleasant av, s w cor 118th sfc, runs 7 morts., each $4,750. Jan. 28, 1 year. 33,250 Newcomb, Mary A., to Charles P. Bucklev south 75.7 X west 177.4 x south 25.3 x west Le Mercier, Mury, to John A. James, Lon­ Tenafly, N. J. Leroy st, No. 107, n s, 80 w 66.8 X north 100.11 to 118th st, x east 244, don, Eng. 83d st, No. 24 E., s s, 105 w Ma­ Hudson st, 20x75.6. Feb. 1, 1 year. 1,266 Feb. 1, 1 month. 10,000 dison av, 20x102.2. Jan, 27, 3 years. 25,000 Ochse, John, to Dora Waldeck, widow. Mott Haggerty, George A., to George Harrison, Levy, Joseph, to THE DRY DOCK SAVINGS INST. st, AV s, 50 s Bayard, 2.5x50. Jan. 31, due Troy, N. Y. 140th st, s s, abt 143.1 w Alex­ 115th st, s s, 250 e 2d av, 25x100.10. Jan. 23, Jan. 1, iSSS, 5 per cent. 7 OQO ander av, 17..5x100; 140th st, s s, 160.6 w due Jan. 25, 1883, 5 per cent. 5,000 Alexander av, 35.6x100. Dee. 31, 1 year. 2,000 Same to Jacob Waldeck and Susanne his wife Lewis, Arthur, to THE CITIZEN'S SAVINGS Same property. Jan. 30, due Jan. 1, 1888 5 Hall, Edwards, to THE SEAMEN'S BANK FOR BANK. 17th st, n s, 244 e Ist av, 25x92. Jan. per cent. Q QOO SAVINGS, New York. 66th st, n s, 100 w 31, 1 year. 5,.500 Of, George T., to Maria H. Brush. Clinton pl Madison av, 20x100.5. Jan. 31, 5 years, 5 per Leverette, Josiah S., East Hampton, Mass., to P. M. Lease. Feb. 1, installs. 6,6oo cent. 20,000 Samuel Willets, exr., &c , Samuel Downing, Ochse, John, to Henry Immen. Canal st. P Hall, William, to THE RUTGERS FIRE INS, Co., 20th st, s s, 208.4 w 10th av, 16.8x91.11. Jan. M. Jan. 31, due Jan. 1, 1885. 10 60O New York. 39th st. P. M. Jan. 30, 5 yrs. 8,500 2, 5 years. 4,600 Oppenheimer, Emanuel, t(: EUza Guo-genheim- Herrick, Jane M., to THE GREENAVICE SAV­ Levy, Bertha, wife of Philip, to THE NEW er. 93d st, ss, 100 e 3d av, 20x100.8. Jan INGS BANK. 26th st, n s, 130.6 e Sth av, 27x YORK SAAajjGs BANK. Norfolk st. No. 87, w 28, 4 years, S iier cent. 4 ooo 98.9; 27th st, s s, 130.6 e Sth av, 27x98.9. Ja.n. s, 51.8 n Delancey st, 19x26.6. Feb. 2, due 25, due Feb. 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 15,000 Same to Salomon Marx. Same propertv Dec. 1, 1882. 4,500 Jan. 28, 1 year. ^ 000 103 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. February 4, 1882

Same to Hei-ry Oothout, Stamford, Conn. Strauss, Henry, to THE GERMANIA LIFE INS. Wright, Isaac E., to John Ross. 124th st, s s, Peai 1 st. No. 96. P. M. Jan. 18, due Feb. 1, Co., NewYork. Beekmanpl, ws,132.10 s SOth 80 e 2d av, 20x89. Jan. 27, 5 months. 2,000 1883, 5 per cent. 4,000 st, 19x80. Jan. 28, due Nov. SO, 1883. 8,000 Wehrenberg, Dietrich W., to Thomas F. Same to same and ano., as guards. Same Sturges, Sarahs. S., wife of Peter D., to Gi­ Treacy. 11 Oth st, n w cor 4th av, 20x100.11, propertv. P. M. Jan. 18, due Feb. 1, 1887, raud Fo.ster. Stone st, n s, 70.11 e Broad st, Feb. 1,6 months. 1,2,50 5 per cent. 8,000 23.4x78 to South William st, x 19x77. Jan. Weschanski, Israel, to August Bei'bert. Osborn, Abner, to THE BOAVERY SAA'INGS 27, due March 29, 1882. 4.000 Orchard st. P. M. Feb. 1, 5 years, in­ BANK. Slst st. P. M. Jan. 21, 1 vear, 5 Sutro, Emanuel S., and Matilda, and Bernard, stalls. 10,500 per cent. 10,000 and Emilie Newmark to THE GERMAN SA AG­ Woodruff, Amos, to THE UNION DIME SAA^- Same to same. 47th st. No. 20 W., s s, 290 w INGS BANK, New York. 2d aA-. w s, 76.8 s INGS INST. , New York. 45th st, s s. 175 w 5th av, 20x100.5. Jan. 21, 1 year,'5 p. c. 20,000 73d st, 25.6x100. Jan. 27, due Jan. 28, 1883. .5th av, 17.1xl00.,5. Jan. 31, due May 1, 188.3, Philli)is, Ann, wife of Charles, to Richard 10,000 5 per cent. r2,000 Dolan. .58th st. P. M. Jan. 28, due Nov, 1, Sachse, Frank, to Louisa Minturn, widow. Yoran, William A., to Sophia R. C. Furniss 1883. 1,000 41st st, s s. 179 w 2d a v. 26x98.9. Feb. 1, due et al., trustees W. P. Furniss. 103d st. P. Pangburn, Jeremiah, and Emmor K. Adams to Jan. 31, 1887, 5 per cent. 10,000 M. Dec. 15, 3 years. 2,000 Sarah Terpening. 27th st, n s, 160 w Oth av, Schmitt, fElizabeth, widow, to Sophia Yung, Young, Rachel, to Bernhard Hamburger and 20x08.9. Jan. 3, 3 years, 5 per cent. 5,500 guard. John, Martha and Jacob Yung. 2d Rudolph Wyman. SSth st. P. M. Feb. 1, Peters, Caroline, wife of Herman, to Marie st, No. 243. P. M. Jan. 31, due Aug. 29, 1 year, 5 per cent. 7,L00 Boehler. Stanton st, s s, 37.8 w Attorney st, 1885, 5 ner c«^nt. 1,286 18.6x63.4x16.5x0.10x2.6x62.6. Feb. 1, 5 yrs, Sickles, George G., to THE BRO AD AV AY SAA''- 5 i)er cent. 3,000 INGS INST. 13th st, No. 228 W., s s, 172.7 e KINGS COCNTT. Same to Phillipp Mueller. Same property. Greenwich av, 19.llx63.lx21x.56. Feb. 1, 1 Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 1,000 year, 5 per cent. 6,000 JAN. 27, 28, 30, 31, FEB. 1. Pflang, Christian W., mortgagor, with Emily Smith, Caroline, widow, to Horace Manuel Abeel, Hariet A., wifo of Joseph C, to Charles UnderhiU. Agreement extdg mort. and ano., exrs. Wm. Smith, Jr. Grand st. I. De Bevoise. Lafayette av. P. M. Sept. Pinkney, John M., to Ernst Ammon. 120th st. P. M. Feb. 1, due in ISSS, 5 per cent. 10,000 1, installs. $3,200 P. M. Feb. 1, 1 year. 6,000 Same to same. Grand st. P. M. Feb. 1, due Bade, Catharine, wife of Henry, to Henry Hy­ Price, Julia A., to Catharine M. Crawford, in 1885, 5 per cent. 10,000 man. 2d st, No. 244. See Conveys. Jan. 2. ATidow. 127th St. P. M. Feb. 1, due May Smith, John B., to Frederick Heerlein. 86th 3 years. 5>^ per cent. 2,00O 1, 18S4. 2,000 st, s s, 178,10 w .3d av, 51.1x102.2. Feb. 1, Bathje, Jacob P., to Lawrence Conzen. lOth Posnei-, Susannah, wife of Ephraim, to Isaac M, demand. 10,000 st, "n e s, 75 n w 2d av, 25x100. Jan. 26, S Dyckman, trustee. 31st st, s s. 118.9 w Sth Stevens, Byam K., to THE BANK FOR SAA^NGS, years. 400 av, 18.9x98.9. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5p. c. 7,000 NeAv York. Pearl st, Water st. P. M. Bedell, Richard, to Sarah J. Bedell. Bond st, Pfeiffer, Oscar, Brookljui, to the Trustees of the Dec. 19, 1 year, 5 per cent. 40,000 e s, 25 s Livingston st, 18.11x6.5x18.8x65; also Presbytery, New York. Oth av. P. M. Nov. Sullivan, John, to Simon Haberman. 92d st. propei-ty at Hempstead, Queens Co., L. I. 7, 2 years, 5 per cent. 12,500 s e cor 4th av, 20x80. Feb. 1, 4 months. 7l3 Jan. 26, 5 years. 2,000 Prentiss, George L., to Caroline L. Macy. (ilst Scheid, Philip, Lafayette, N. J., and William Brednich, John, to Carl Castelhun, Newbury- st, n s, 200 e M-adison av, 19x100.5. Feb. 2, 5 Glaeser, to Smith Ely, Jr. Taylor av. P. port, Mass. Carroll st, s s, 20.2 w Sd av, 20.1 years, 5 per cent. 18,000 M. Jan. 31, due Feb. 1, 1883. 300 x78.7x20x80.5. Jan. 26, 5 years. 2,400 Roese, John J., to THE CITIZENS' SAA'INGS Schwarzler, August, to THE NEAV YORK LIFE Ballard, Richard, to Deborah Smith. Lafa B^NK, New York. Monroe st. No. 89, n s, INS. CO. 7.5th st, s s, 138 e 1st av, 2.5xll6.11x yette av, s s, 250 w Reid av, 20x100. Nov. 11, I.'i5.7 e Pike st. 25x100. Feb. 2, 1 year. 8,000 25.4x113. Dec. 16, 3 years. 10,000 3 yeai's. 1,0,58 Rice, Susan T., Leverett, Mass., to THE QUEENS Same to same. 7,5th st, s s, SS e 1st av, 2.5x100 Beams, Hannah, wife of Edmund J., to Wil­ Co. SAA'INGS BANK. Coenties SUp, No. 31, x25.4xl05.1. Dec. 10, 3 3^ears. 10,000 liam Green. Skillman av, n s, 141.8 e Lori- w s, 36.6 n South st, 27.6x45. Jan. 26, 3 Same to same. 7.5th st, s s, 113 e 1st av, 25x 7ner st, 1(>. 8x100. Jan. 30, 8 years. 300 years, 5 per cent. 9,000 112.11x25.4x109. Dec. 16. 3 years. 10.000 Bliss, Archibald M., to Mary Rogers. Myrtle Ri"naldo, Marks, to Newman Cowen, 55th st, Simmons, Samuel, to Theodore P. Jenkins. av, s w cor Lewis av, 200x100; Vernon av, n n s, 100 e 2d av, 25x100.4. Jan. 30, 1882, due 79th st, s s, 102.2 e 2d av, 25x100. Jan. 30, 4 w cor Lewis av, 200x100. Jan. 28, due Feb. in 1882. 10,000 months. 4,.50O 1, 1885. 12,00c Rug6r, Peter, to Hugo L. M. Metz. East Stewart, Robert and Jane, to Charles Cash- Bush, William H., to Emerson W. Perry. Houston st, s s, 56.5 e Suft'olk st, 18.10x60.10. man. lS2d St. P. M. Jan. 26, due Jan. 28, Utica av. P. M. 7 morts., each'$750. Jan. Jan. 31, due Feb. 1, 1885, 5 per cent. 4,000 1885. 5,000 0, 1 year. ' ' 5,250 Reid, JaneU., wife of Alexander P., to THE Twigg, Charles R., to Charles Elmer. 119th Same to same. Atlantic av. P. M. 6 morts , UNION DIME SAA^INGS INST., New York. sfc, n s. 198 e Pleasant av, 25x100.10. Jan each $750. Jan. 9, 1 year. 4,500 47th st, s s, 531.3 e 7th av, IS.OxlCO.S. Jan. 20, 31, due Feb. 1, 188.5. li,000 Dunscomb, Ada, fco Maria L. Tweedy. Clason 3 j'cars, 5 per cent. 5,500 Tweddle, Thomas B., to Thomas L. Concklin. av. P. BI. Jan. 31, due July 1, 1882. 1,500 Riley, James, to Agnes Maver. 115th st, s s, 95 36th st, n s, 130 e 4th av, 25x98.0. Feb. 1, 1 Dutcher, Amanda S., wife of Charles H., to e l.st av, 18.9xlC0.10. Jan. 26, 2 months. 1,000 year, 5 per cent. 25,000 Joseph P. Fradley. Waverly av, e s, 23 s Samo to same. USth st, s s, 113.9 e 1st av, 18.9 The Trustees of the Presbytery, Kew York, to Gates av, 20x72. Jan. 30, due Jan. 1, 1887, .5 XlOO.lO. Jan. 26, 2 months. 1,000 James M. Mills. Madison av, 113th st. P. per cent. 3,000 Roper, Charles P., to William E. Chisolm, M, Jan. 27, due Jan. 30, 1884. 13,000 Darlington, Thomas, to City of Brooklyn. College Point. 14th st, s s, 125 e 7th av, 2.5x Toepfer, Stephen, to Sigmund Bergmann. Douglass st, Butler st. P. M. Nov. 17, 10 103.3. Jan. 27, 3 years, 8,.50O 118th St. P. M. Jan. 28, due Januarv 30, years, 5 per cent. 5,000 Rinaldo, Marks, to John J. Jones and ano,, 1887. 2,600 De Revere, Mary A., to William Ziegler. trustees D. Jones, dec'd, SSth st. No. 309 E., Tysen, Isaac P., Castleton, S. I., to Robert R. Greene av, n s, 16.8 w Throop av, 16.8x100. n s, 125 e 2d av, 25x100.5. Jan. 27, 5 years, 5 Crosby. Pine st. u s, 87 w William st, 23.7x Jan. 13, due Juno 1, 188.5. 4,000 per cent. 15,000 61.8x23.9x61.6. Jan. 30, due Feb. 1, 1885, 5 Same to same. Greene av, n s, 33.4 w Throop Samo to same. SSth st, No. 307 E., n s, 100 e per cent. 15,000 av, 16.8x100. Jan. 13, due June 1, 188.5. 4,000 2d av, 25x100.5. Jan, 27, 5 years, 5 per Same to Lillie wife of Edwin P, Fowler, Same to same. Greene av, n w cor Throop av, cent. ' 7,.500 Brooklyn. Same property. Jan. 30, due 16.8x100. Jan. 13. due June 1, 1885. 4,500 Rinnert, HedAvig, wife of Charles J., to Joseph Feb. 1, 1885, 5 per cent. 5,000 Dur5^ea, Henrietta V., wife of Andrew, to Cor­ Messerschmidt. Washington av. P, M. Van Brunt, James K., to THE NEAA' YORK nelius Bennett. Clinton st, e s, 133.5 n 1st Jan. 2, 3 years. 2,800 LIFE INS. Co. 127th sfc, n s, 119.5 e 3d av, pl, 20x90. Jan. 20. 1 year. 800 Rosevelt, Mary J., wife of Warren, to THE runs north 99.11 x east 14 x south 48.2 x Emanuel, Maggie W., to Gertrude Barker. BANK FOR SAA'^INGS, City New York. 124th east 0.6 x south 51.9 to 127th sfc, x west 14.6. Fort Greene pl. P. M. Jan. 17, due Jan. 20, st. P. M. Jan. 31, 1 year, 5 per cent. 6,000 Jan. 25, 3 years. 4,0CO 1SS4. 5,000 Schappert, Theresa, wife of John, to THE Same to same. 127th st, n s, 151.6 e 3d av, Finnigan, Charles, to Eugene Doherty. 1st st. EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK. 2d 17.11x99.11. Jan. 2.5, 3 years. 6,000 av, s e cor 105th st, 100.11x75, four lots. P. M. Jan. 27, due Feb. 1, 1889. 1,600 Same to same. 127th st, n s, 133.11 e 3d av, Frank, Matthias, to WiUiam and Henry Mort. on cor lot, $12,000, and each of others, runs north 51.9 x west 0.6 x north 48.2 x $10,000. Jan. 31, 1 year. 42,000 Schneider, of P. Schneider's Sons. South 7th east 18.1 X south 99.11 to 127th st, x west sfc and 2d st. P. M. Jan. 26, 5 years. 3,000 Same to same. 105th st, s s, 100 e 2d av, lOOx 17.7. Jan. 25, 3 years. 6,000 Gunning, Katie A. and Michael P., to Frank­ 100.11, four lots. Mort. on each, $9,000. Jan. Same to same. 127th st, n s, 105 e Sd av, 14.5x Un W. Taber, guard. C. S. Taber. llth st, n 31, 1 year. 36,000 99.11. Jan. 25, 3 years. 4,000 e s, S'35 n w 3d av, 25x100. Jan. 28, 1 yr. 2.50 Schulhofer, Simon M., to Samuel WeU. 76th Voss, Andreas, to Eliza wife of Randolph Green, Thomas, to Henry Knight. St. Johns .St. P. M. Jan. 20, due Jan. 31, 1885, 5 per Guggenheimer. 45th st, n s, 225 w 2d av, pl, n s, 158.3 e Oth av, 16.8x100. Dec. 1, due cent. 7,500 2.5x100.5. Jan. 31, 5 years, 5 per cent. 8,.500 Sept. 10, 1884, 5 per cent. 4,.500 Shea, Thomas J., to THE MUTUAL LIFE INS. Volkening, Bertha, wife of Henry L., to THE Halsey, Harlan P., to The Knickerbocker Life Co., NewYork. Slst st. P. M. Jan. 28, GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, New York. OOth Ins. Co. McDonough st. P. M. Jan. 28, dueMarchl. 1883. 11,000 st, 4th av. P. M. Jan. 27, 1 year. 16,000 installs. 8,500 Sickles, George G., to THE BROADAA^AY SAV­ Woodhull, Albert H., to John I. Jones and ano., Herr, Eliza, wife of Thomas, to Hugh Mc­ INGS INST. Bleecker st, n s, 114.3 e Thomp­ trustees D. Jones, dec'd. 22d st, s s, 350 e Oth Govern. Carroll st. P. M. Jan. 28, due son st, 28.6x100. Jan. 30. 1 year, 5 per av, 24.8x98.6; also lot adj on rear and 350 e Jan. 1, 1887. l,.500 cent. 10,000 9th av, 25x25.11. Jan. 27, 5 years, 5 p. c. 1.5,000 Hogan, Julia A., to WUliam Tuttle. Stock­ Sfceru, Johanna, widow, to Asch»r Meyer. Wright, Samuel O., to John Ross. 127th st, n holm st, s s, 283 4 w Evergreen av, 16.8x100. 76th sfc, n s, 413 e 1st av, 25x145.3x25x149. s, 375 w 7th av, 50x99.11. Jan. 27, 6 mos. 9,000 Jan. 31, due May 1, 1883. 1,300 Jan. 30, 1 year. 4,000 Wilbers, Herman H., to Wilhelmina Cahn, Hutchins, AnnaB., wife of Hiram, to The Ger­ Stewart, Helen Le R., Avidow, to Alexander widow. Lewis sfc, s e cor Houston st, 25x75. man Savings Bank, Brooklyn. Willoughby Elliott, Corona, L. I. Washington st. No. Jan. 31, 5 years, 5 per cent. 7,000 av, s s, 100 e Nostrand av, 20x100. Jan. 27, due June 1, 1883, 5 per cent. 4,000 36, w s, 25.11 s Morris st, 24.1x65.3x23.9x Same to Frederick Ring and Marie S. his wife, (iS.iO. Jan. 30, due Jan. 31, 1887. 5,500 Newtown, L. I. Same property. 2d mort! Hanlon, Ellen, wife of Thomas, tD James Schultz, Phoebe M , to Mary A, P*aymond. I Jan. 31, 5 j^ears. 1^500 llcchan, and ano., exrs. John H. Paff, dec'd. 103d st, s s, 130 e 3d av, 2.?x 100.9. Jan. 26, Kent av, e s, 133 n Flushing av, 25x75. Jan. ! Wilson, William C. G., to Thomas Moore, 25, 5 years. 1,000 due Jan. 31, 1887. 2,100 j Scranton, Pa. Lexington av. P. M. Jan.' Schwenk, Samuel K., to E. T. Deming. 74th 31, 5 years, 5}^ per cent. 6,000 Hyde, Margaretta M., wife of Emmett W., to Catharine Schoonmaker. Putnam av, s s, .•.t., s.':. 195 w3d av, 18.9x102.2. Dec. 2, due Washburn, Harriet, to Cordelia E. Boardman April 2, 1882. 1,000 SOw Irving pl, 23x100; interior lot, 125 w extrx. Gardner G. Yvelin, dec'd. 52d st, s s^ Nostrand av and 100 s Gates av, runs Avest Siiiith, Rosannah, wife of "Joseph, to Edward 125 e Lexington av, 25x100.5; 52d st, s s, 100 e 100 X south 20 X east 100 x north 20; Putnam Callan. 134th st, n s, 106.6 w Willis av, 16.8 Lexington av, 25x100.5, also property in av, s s, 51 w Irving pl, 29x100; Gates av, s s, xlOO. Jan. 3, due Jan, 1,1883, 5 per cent. 2,500 Brooklyn. Jan. 30, due Feb. 1, 1883. 8,000 175 w Nostrand av, 50x100. Jan, 19, 1 yr. 500 Stokes, Thomas, to Eliza W. wife of Alexan­ Weeks, Francis H., to James R. Roosevelt Horton, Edna A., to Joseph M. Mayer. Herki­ der Douglas. 9fch av, 34th st. P. M. Jan. Hyde Park, N. Y. 24th st. P, M. Jan. 3l' mer sfc, s s, 250 w Utica av, 25x185.6. Jan. 11, 1 year, 5 per cent. 3,500 due Feb. 1, 1885. 25.000 18, 1 year. 500 February 4, 1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 109

Same to George W. Lung. Same property. Salt, MatUda C, wife of Daniel I„ to Cath­ Ruggles, Philo T.. referee, to Thomas Jan. IS, 3 ye^rs. 1,000 arine Bellamy, widow. Tillary st, s e cor Weatherby, Sing Sing. ,310 Hughes, Mary A., to George Swanney, New Adams st, 24x56. Jan. 28, 3 years. 3,500 Stedman, Edmund A., Hartford, Conn., to York. Pacific st, s s, 235 w Bond st, 20x100. Scriven, William H., to James A. Hamblin. Siney, William R., fcrustee for Ann Bergen, Jan. 26. 600 Cxrant st, n s, 98.7 e Prospect st, 25x150.5x25 to John D. Crimmins. 2,500 Klein, Edward V., to Valentine Weisensee. xl.50.6. Jan. 1, due Jan. 2, 188,5. 1,000 Smith, Ann R.. to A. Slauson & Co. 1,327 Ainslie sfc, n s, 337 w Lorimer st, 20x100.3. Smith, James M., New York, to The Equitable John Elliott, tnLstee for E. H. Gillilan. 16,000 Jan. 19, 5 years. 1,500 Life Assur. Soc, U. S. od st. P. M. Jan. Taverner, Elizabeth, wife of Joseph E., Mt. Kane, Patrick C, to Edward Mitchell, guard. 7, due Dec. 1, 1883. 6.500 Vernon, N. Y., to William W. Brown­ of Eliza Mitchell. Fulton ,st, n s, 237.3 e Sturges, John G., to Elizabeth L. Purdy, New ing, trustee. :,500 Marion st. 40x62x41..-; per cent. 1,500 George W. Walsh. ,440 Linton, Edward F., to The Dime Savings Bank, The Yates Av. &' Flatbush R. R. Co. to Wil­ Brooklyn. Van Siclen av, Libei'ty av. P. liam Marshall and ano., trustees. AU prop­ M. Feb. 1. due Feb. 1, 1883. 4,300 ertv, rights and franchises of said Co. Dec. Lithgow, George W., to Alfred C. Cooper and 1, i.'^sues bonds. 100,000 KL\GS COISTY. ano., exi's., &c., Charles Cooper, dec'd. Tribcken, John P., to Henry Niemitz, Eliza­ Adams st, e s, 50 n Concord st, 25x97.9 to beth sfc, nes, lOo s e Conover st, 20x100. JAN. 27TH TO FEB. 2D—INCLUSIA'K. Alley. Jan. 31, 5 years. 6,000 Jan. 2, due Jan. 1, 1887, 5 per cent. 2,000 Bedell, Rosetta, wife of David, to Margaret Walsh, Anthony, to Janet Forbes, New Glas­ Lownds, Samuel, to George A. Hughes. A. BedeU. nom gow, Nova Scotia. Cari-oU st, n s, 255 w Bushwick av, w s, 51.6 n Powers st, 2.5.0x Castner, Parmenas, and JI no., exrs. Deborah Hicks St. 20x100. .Ian. 27, due May 1, '85. 1,500 03.10x2.5x100. Jan. 30, 5 yeans. 2,000 W. Mason, to Alanson Craft. -SOOO Watson, Alexander, to .Tames Browner. Wal- ]Marsland, Richard, to John C. Smith and ano., Cogswell, Wm. S., exr. Elizabeth Bertram, exrs. and trustees Co.nklin Bi'ush, dec'd. cot St, s s, 210 w Dwight st, 20x100. Jan. 10, Syears. I,0f0 dec'd, to Mary E. Johnson. nom De Kalb av. P. M. Sept. 23, due Jan. 1, Do Bevoise, Charles J., to Magdalene 1.S85, 5 per cent. 3,000 Walker, Andrew, to Josiah Davis. Palmetto Schenck 3,200 Same to Thomas Stephenson, Jamaica, L. I. St. P. M. Feb. 1. 400 Embury, Philip, to Helen Embury. nom Sumpter st, n s, 75 e Patchen av, 50x100. Walsh, Edward Sr., Alvin T., Edward, Jr., and Godfery, or Godfrev. Caroline, to Annio Jan. 26, 3 years. 1,500 Baxter E., to John Englis, Sr. Manhattan Haniley. "' ' 4,000 av. P.M. Jan. 31, Syears. 800 Miller, Andrew, to Elizabeth Vv'. Aldrich. Grennan, Mary, to Bernard and Bridget A. Spencer pl. w s, 110.4 s Hancock st, 16x100. Wood, Mary E., wife of William, to Beujamin Grennan and Mary E. wife of Bernard Jan. 31, 1 year. 1,,500 C. Downing, Flushing. 1.5th st, s w s, 122.9 s Mahoney. . 1,400 e Oth av, 24.i0xl00x24..5xl00. Jan. 28, due Monahan, Patrick, to City of Brooklyn. East­ Gribbie, Charles L., to John B. Pannes. nom Feb. 1, 1SS7. 2,000 ern parkway. P. M. Nov. 17, 10 years, 5 Morgan, Mary V.. wife of Abijah G., to yier cent. 2,275 Same to John Ordronaux, Roslyn. loth st, s Aai-on Chadwick. 2,.50(.' McDonald, Thomas, to Robert Haydock and w s, 97.10 s e Oth av, 24.10x100. Jan. 28, due Pannes, John B., to Emma Gribbie. nom Feb. 1, 1887. 2,000 ano., trustees Joshua Brookes, dec'd. De Ryberg, Randolph C , to Catharine Kronke. 402 Kalb av, n s, 101.6 e Ryerson st, 19.6x,58. Shaw, Sarah and Sarah J,, exrs. Robert L. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 percent. 2,600 Shaw, dec'd, to Benjamin Collins, trustee, Same to same. De Kalb av, n e cor Ptyerson MORTGAGES - ASSIGNMENTS &c. .' 8,05S st, 22x54. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 3,000 Shields, Mary M., and ano., trustees Chas. Same to same. De Kalb av, n s, 62 e Ryerson Shields, dec'd, to Annie A. Colgate. 5,500 sfc, 20x54. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. .2,600 NEW YdJUK CiTY. Stoothoff", Wyckoff, and ano.. exrs. Wm. Same to same. De Kalb av, n s, 22 e Ryerson C. Stoothoff', dec'd, to John li. Van Pelt. 1,200 st, 20x54. Feb 1 5 years, 5 jjer cent. 2,600 JANUARY 27Tfl TO FEBRUARY 2D — INCLUSIATE. The 'South Brooklyn Savings Inst, to Chas. Same to same. De Kalb av, n w cor Grand av, Pincke. ;,800 20x58. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 3,000 Amnion, Ernst, to James L. Jarvis & Son $6,000 Adriance, Lucy S., Williamstown, Mass., Van Nostrand, Phoebe S., guard., to Clar­ Same to same. De Kalb av, n s, 82 e Ryerson ence L. Burnet, guard. nom st, 19.6x.58. Feb. 1,5 years, 5 percent. 2,600 to Geoi'ge Chesterman, exr. J. Chester- man. 4,000 Van Wyck, Robert A., to Paul Cushnian. 255 Samo to same. Do Kalb av, n s, 121 e Ryerson Weeber, Adaline, to Martha Hendrickson. 2,000 st, 19.6x58. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 2,600 Beeckman, Thomas H,, Bi'ooklyn, to Sarah H. PoweU. . 10,000 Williams, Lewis, to Vaughan J. Yv aldroi::. 2,000 Same to same. De Kalb av, n s, 20 w Grand Wood, Frederic, trustee, to Anna W.Walsh. 4,500 av, 20x58. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 2,000 Browning, Orrin F , Metuchen, N. J., to J, Adriance Brush. nom Wharton, Joseph, et al., exrs. J. D. Thurs­ Same to same. De Kalb av, n s, 42 e Ryerson ton, dec'd, to Wm. R. Thurston. 4,000 Ht, 20x54. Feb. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent.. 2,000 Belknap, Robert L., admr. Amelia Y. Rachan, to William H. B. Posfc. nom Willis, Albert L., as guard. Florence Els- Same to same. De Kalbav, n s, 140.6 Ryerson A^ orth, to Florence Elsworth. nom ,SL, 19.6x58. Fob. 1, 5 years, 5 per cent. 2,600 Bernard, Benjamin, to Newman Cowen 2,0C0 Neal, Mary B., to Caroline E. Ditmars, guard., Bogert, Henry A. et al., exrs. J. L. Bogert, Ferdinand L. Wyckoff. Dean st, No. 292, s to Henry A. Bogert et al., trustees for w s, 120 n w 3d av, 20x100. Jan. 31, due Mav Mary L. Bogert et al. nom 1, 1885, 5 per cent. 2,000 Same fco W. H. and R. W. Tailer, trustees ATTELS, Emily A. Townsend. nom c O'Connor, Jeremiah J., .Elmira, N. Y., to NOTE.—The first name, cJphabetically arranged, is Benjamin Collins. High st. Jan. 27, 6 Bronson, Willett, to John Ross. 30,000 that of the Mortgagor, or party who gives the Mort­ jears. 6,000 Coates, Howard W., and ano., exrs. G. H. gage. The ''R" means Renezval Mortgage. Tarkinson, Robert. W., to Albon P. Man. Lee Peck, to Caroline C. Seeley, widow. 3,000 Constant, Samuel S., to John H. Deane. 5,729 av, Hewes st. P. M. Jan., due February 1, NEW YORR CITY. 1SS5. .2,333 Dean. Louisa, extrx., &c., T. Dean, to'Eliza A. Dean. 9,049 Perry, Margaret A., wife of James T., to JAN. 27TH TO FEB. 2D—INCLUSIA'E. James H. Smith, Oshkosh, Wis. Stuyvesant Deane, John H., to Samuel S. Constant. 5,7'i9 av, e s, 100 n Monroe st, 36x60. January 28, Deane, Johu H., to William Whaley 1,418 SALOON ITXTURES. Same to same. 1,6,50 installs. 500 Becker, J. 605 E. 13th Bernheimer & Parnson, Samuel, to Williani G. Oppenheim. Same to same. 1,000 Same to Samuel S. Constant. 1,000 Schmid. ^OO Madison st. P. M. Jan. 20. ,850 Bayer, Bertha. 148 Forsyth J. & L. R'>essler, Bernhardt, to Eva wife of Casper Same to same. 1,204 Same to same. 1,300 P. Kuntz. 100 Bottmann. Broadway. P. M. .Tan. 21, due Carney, J. 781 7th av J. Keresey & Co. July 1, 1884. 3,300 Dyckman, Isaac M., trustee I. Dj^ckman, Rosenguest, Henrietta, widow, to Silvanus D, "dec'd., to Jane Potter. 450 (R) Hoyt. South 3d st, n s, 75 e 8th. st, 2.5x.54. Farrington, Richard B., exr. J. J. LeA'i- Connolly, B. 440 W. 32d... .H. Henry. Jan. 20, 3 years. 1,025 ness, to Amelia Wright. 1,000 Connors, J. J. 431 Canal Elizabeth Felbel, Evlward, to Max D. Stern. 500 Duffv. 300 Pvich, Solomon, to David B. Cole. Church st, Fischer, Charles, to Robert Leonard and Carr & "^BuU. 844 3d av....H. Freund. n s, 178 w Smith rtt, 22x100. Jan. 2, due Jan. Mary, his wife. 7,000 Restaurant Fixtures. 166 1, 1885. 1,000 Freund, Ludwig A., Dresden, Germany, to Cunningham, J. J. 263 Hudson J. F. Rhodes, Herbert G., to John G. Moore. Seigel Maria Lintz, widow. 0,,500 Wichelns, exr. 4-:o s^ P. M. Jan. 3, 2 years. 2,200 Green, Charles F. and D. E., exrs. W. Dahl, G. 195 7th av....G. Marjenhoff. Rilev, William H., to Roberfc Hunter. Lafay­ Green, to Mary J. Pardessus. nom (R) 500 Erdmann, A. 36 Centre J. Eichler. 225 ette av. P.M. Feb. 1, instaUs. 2,000 Grinnell, Eliza A., wife of Thomas P., to John Duer, New Brighton. 2,000 Faulhaber, J. City J. M. Brunswick Rowan, John, to Patrick Rowan. Prospect st, Hamilton, Eleanor B., wife of J. K., to & Balke Co. Pool Table. 200 n s, 125.2 e Jay sfc, 25.2x73x25.1x75. Jan. 31. John Ott. 2,000 Feitz, G. 110 Rivington Brunswick & 3 years, 5 per cent. 350 Hicks, Charlotte B., to Henry R. Wm- Balke Co. Pool Table. 175 Eutbmann, Henry, to Heury A. Fox. Graham throp, trustee. 18,000 Fan-ell, J. 14.56 Av A D. Stevenson, Jr. 2,52 av, w s, 50 s Debevoise st,"2.5x78,6 to Broad­ Holl, George, to Louis Schnorer. 13,.500 Fay.W. P. lOtih aud Av C Long Island way, x36xl02.1. Jan 31, due Feb. :, 1884. .5,000 Jenkins, Theodore P., New RocheUe, N. Brewery. (R) Silsbe, John N., to Annie V. Lott, Flatbusli. Y., to Robei't Hamilton, exr., &c. 1,035 Finkenstein, J., and H. E. Schwarz. 2 Myrtle av. P. M, Jan. 27, due February 1, Leake, Frederick, to Ijucj S. Adriance. 15,000 Bleecker and 44() E. SOth J ulia Ken­ nedy. Bar Fixtures and Furniture. 100 1884. • 2,000 Manheimer, Maier, Adolph, Marx and Hanzi, N. 7i' E. Houston J. Raber. 100 Smith, Edward if'., to Hobby & Leeds. Throop Isaac, to Louis Stern. 2,400 av, e s, 100 n Halsey st, 16.8x90, Dec, 31, 1 Nelson, Susan B., to Thomas J. I. Ford, Hanzi, N. 70 East Houston Karoline 3'ear, 1,034 exr. 3,000 Gotze. 100 110 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD February 4, 1882

Hobbs, C. 41 Bowery.... P. & W. Ebling. Leganger, N. T, City....T. Peet. OU Hooper, G. L. Oth av and 30th .W, R, (R) 250 Paintings. 460 Smith. Drug Fixtures. 316 Huthmann, W. 334 E. 6th....J. & JM. Lent, Mary. 3-30 E, 116th.... J. Moriarty. 285 Harris, H. 1522 .3d av H. Louis, OU Haffen. 100 Lynch, E. 223 E. Slst.... Coogan Bros. 134 Tanks, Fixtures, &e. 218 Hofmeister, Emma I. 30 Thompson J. Murphy, Harriet. 67 Catherine E. D. Harris, H. W. Northwest cor 164 th st and Raber. 100 Farrell. 124 .3d av Mahnken & Moorhouse, Kaufman, Rosa L. 1644 and 1646 Broadway McCarthy, J. J. 29 Monroe....J. Mori­ Horses, Wagon, &c. 150 A. L. Louis. 400 arty. 276 Hatch, S. A., Mrs. 230E. 37th... .T. J, PeU. Kirchner, H. 97 Stanton H. Clausen & Manning, S. B. 2M Varick....Jordan & Laundry Fixtures. 57.3 Co. (R) 350 Moriarty. 158 Herrick, S. W. .329 Stanton... .S. P. Camp­ Kaufmann, C. 291 3d av....J. & L. F. MarshaU, Kate and J. T. 8 Centre Mar­ bell. Machinery, Dies, &c. 150 Kuntz. 300 ket.... H. S. Eisler. 149 Hunken, G. Southwest cor SOth and 10th av KeUer, J. 213 Sd av... .P. Keller. (R) 500 Mathews, Ellen. 386 Grand....P. O'Par­ Hunken & Bischoff. Grocery Fix­ Koster, E. H. 308 W. 44th....P. & W. reU. (Dated AprU 14, 1879.) 178 tures. (R) 1,500 EbUng. (R) 260 McDoneU, Lizzie, 76 King.... H. S. Eisler. 108 Henderickx, N. J. 381 Broome Cath­ Kriete, H. A. 80 Nassau I. H. Alpers. 350 Moore, Jennie E. 164 W. 4th....D. O'Far­ erine Berrangei-, nee Henderickx. Kunz, P. 36 Maiden lane H. Elvers. rell. 310 Embroidering Machines. 1,400 (R) 116 Nicholson, Edna E. 104 W. SOth.... Annie Kahrs, Margaretha. 253 Centre H. Lindsay, J. H. 2 Abingdon sq S. Rob- E. Benson. 2,600 Haas. Wagon. (Dated January 29, erson. (R) 1,284 O'Brien, J. 336 W, 31st,... J. McNiel. 450 1879.) 200 Mitchell, Hugh. 142 West.. .J. Hay. Owens, D., Mrs. 28 Bedford,... D. O'Far­ Karsten, A. 38 Goerck.. .. Holzman & (Dated Oct. 12, 1881.) 1,000 rell. 137 Wieber. Wagon. (Dated January SO MueUer, P. 509 2d av.... J. Ruppert, (R) 220 Paddock, Catharine C. 7 W. 2.5th st and 1881.) (id Maloney, M. 361 Madison—D. Jones. 1121 to 1125 Broadway... .Eustace W. Kennedy, J. 480 Sth av... .M. C. Belknap. Ale. 95 Fisher. (R) 3,000 Drug Fixtures. (R) 2,000 McDermott, W. 217 W. 19th....Brunswick Pehlemann, R. and Katie. 36 E. 12th Kneeskern, H. .574 Water Mary Dar­ & Balke Co. Pool Table. (R) 12 J. Wolfe. secures rent ling. Cooper's Fixtures, Horse, &c. 500 Pf affmann, A. 1287 Broadway.... G. Ring­ Pisonault, T. 17S E. 76th.... Coogan Bros. 112 Kerner, C. H. .50 to 62 Union pl .. J. A. ler & Co. 1,000 Randolph, Rosy. 104 Cherry Abrams Weekes. Clarendon Hotel Furniture Schernikow & Monohan. 3733^ Bowery... & Levy. 139 and Fixtures. (R) 6,10,5 W. H. Emmons and ano. " 1,000 Raesler, D. .540 Hudson....H. S. Eisler. 143 Kohsiek, Louise. 7.35 10th av J. Dolg- Salter, John N. and Christiana. 83 Essex Romer, C. 13 Bayard....H. S. Eisler. 119 ner. Grocery Fixfcures. 600 ....M. Kuntz. (R) 400 Rosenbaum, J. 46 Stanton H. S. Eisler. 112 Lincke, G. 124 Forsyth.... W. H. Dole Schadt, P. Northwest cor 136th and 3d av Siems, Katie. 56 Varick C. Petei-. 400 and T. B. Merrill. Brewery Fixtures, — M. Schneiderer. , 332 Smith, Jennie. 213 W. 22d....D. O'Par­ &c. 1,000 Schmedes, Barbara. 17, 19, 21 Hudson, 11 reU. 4S8 Lindauer, K. 2389 1st av H.Schmidt. College pl A. Kopke, Sr. Saloon Schief er, J. H. 324 Court st, Brooklyn.... Horses, Wagons, &c. 600 and Hotel Fixtures. (R) 2,500 Jordan & Moriarty. (R) 101 Labagh & Kemp acknowledge receipt of Schmid, E. T. .523 llth.... J. Raber. 75 Seeley, Jenny. 200 E. 73d ... Herschmann $820 on account of morfcgage of $2,100 Shlientz, J. 144 Essex Margaret Noth­ & Manges. 585 iven by Phillips' Presbyterian Chui-ch ing. 150 Smith, Jennie. 213 W. 22d....D. O'Par­ f uue 1, ISSL Slezak, H. G. 88 Columbia....G. Ehret. reU. 561 Leiter, I. H. 324 Delancey M. G. (R) 250 Sullivan, Agnes, 49 Oliver Jordan & Rosenblatt (Leiter Bros., by assign). Subsen, H., and H. Lane. 151 South Moriarty. 132 Looms and Machinery. (R) 1,500 P. W. Hoeft. 2,000 Thomson, A. L. 29 7th Coogan Bros. 171 Leiter, J. H. 324 Delancey M. G. Ros­ Warmbach, L. 52 Av D.... Hirsch & Her­ Werner. J. 660 E. 121st... .Abrams & enblatt. Machinery. " (R) 1,500 mann. (R) ISO Levy. 118 Lezprona, Rosario. 97 Maiden lane Wagner. L. 2,57 W. 35th.... J. Wittner. 5'0 Williams, Maria A. 129 Macdougal J. Manreza. Cigar Fixtures. security ZoUer, Katharine. 217 E. 29th....A. UU- Abrams & Levy. 105 Madsen, C. 300 E. 66th....C. McSorley. mann. 300 Walker, W. W. 67 W. 9th....C. O. Bige­ Grocery Fixtures. 100 HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBK. low. 175 Martin, A. 121 E. 4th....F. Keckeissen. Westendorf, P. 1685 3d av.... H. S. Eisler. 114 Horses, Harness, &c. 35S Adam, Jane. 3.50 E. 23d.... T. Stacom. 106 Zayas, S. J. 1.519 Broadway L. Bau­ May, R. .57th aud Oth av Theresa Gal- Barber, Wilhelmina. 127 Eldridge H. mann. 140 vin. Engine, Lathes, &c. oOd S. Eisler. (Dated Aug. 23,i 1881.) 144 McGinnis, C. W. 510 and 512 W. 24th.... Bierck, J. 6. 61 £. 41st.... J. A. Luddy. 446 MISC ELLA N.E0US T. L. Culver. Machinery, Tools, &c. 740 Brown, Gussie. 125 W. 3d....P. T. Hig­ BaUey, W. H. 107 E. 9th and 380 4th av Meth, G. 203 Bowery....J. Bohm. Ma­ gins. 245 .. . T. W. Moore. Horses, Harness. &c. 1,000 chines. KIT Boyden, J. S. Alexander av, near 141st st Beck, R. 522 and 524 W. 22d.... J. Cunning­ Macarthur, J. 74th and East River G. ....E. D. Farrell. 124 ham, Son & Co, Carriage. 527 A. Knott. Carriage. 300 Carraher, James and Josephine. 6 Lewis Becker, W. 73 Montgomery J. Doyle. Miller & Heining. 11 Baxter Fei-gu- S. Herman & Son. 100 Bakery Fixtures, Horse, &c. 400 son Bros. Machinery, Lathes, &c. 100 Cla-w^son, Ada. 441 Washington.... M. Brandt, C. 305 .5th .... Elizabeth Heck- Mundy. W. H. 176 Broadway Sophia Keenan. 1,000 mann,extrx. Sewing Machine Fixtures. S. Mundy. Office Furniture, Jewelry, Clendenning, Mrs. G. T. .50 W. 15th....J. &c. (R) 700 &c. (Dated May 10, 1880.) 2,000 Mullins. (Dated Sept. 17, 1879.) 266 Burns, S. A., & Co. 2 and 4 Howard Nelson, P. 92d st and 1 st av.... C. F. Val­ Clendenning, T. 230 E. 15th.... J. MuUins. G. M. Chapman. Tools, &c. 2,500 entine Horses, Truck, &c. '200 (Dated Aug. 17, 1880.1 175 Buse, H. P. 674 to 680 1st av... .P. Buse. Pfaff, H. 291 Rivington .... C. Beyl. Cliford, D. 521 W. 27th.... J. Lynch. 130 KindUng Wood Yard Fixtures, Ti-ucks, Bakery Fixtures. 32.i Clune, A. 147 East Houston.... H. S. Eis­ &c • (R) 2,266 Pike, D. 930 Broadway A. Boardman et ler, 111 Beidenfeld, Karoline. 3 2d av...,H, P. al., trustees. Machines, &c. (R) 4,000 CasseU, C. L. 2188 2d av.... J. Lindlau. 115 Schnabel. Drug Fixtures. 4,000 Reardon, T. J. 19 W. 26th....Hincks & Childs, E. E. 315 CUnton av, Brooklyn.... Boettcher, Augusta Walker, Tuthill & Johnson. Carriage. 412 Artlissa V. Gearon. 180 Bresnan. Press. 300 Ran. E. 42 Ann and 276 Water.. .H. Dittmar, L. 470 6th av Abrams & Brown, Emanuel. 4.5X Division....H. H. Buhler. Lathe, Machinery, &c. (Dated Levy. 250 Glass. JeAvelers' Fixtures. 100 Dec. 30, 1879.) ;;00 Diehl, A. R. 487 5th av.... D. O'Farrell. 252 Croker, Rachel A. 140 Chambers Trier Salmenovitz, W. 26 E. 12th....S. Hor- Dittenheimer, H. 1440 2d av....H. S. Eis­ & Wolff. Printing Fixtures. (R) 200 wich. Dyeing and Scouring Fixtures. 32,5 ler. 157 Christie, J. Domestic Building, Broadway Sanders, W. ,541 E. llth....J. Cunning­ Doane, Catharine R. and R. M. 1 North and 14th....T. C. Pinckney. Office ham, Son & Co. Carriage. (R) ol-i Washington sq.... J. Zittlosen. (R) 1,278 Fixtures. .500 Sharkey, M. 430 W. 37th.... J. Cunning­ Doane, Catharine R. and R. M. 1 North Clapp, Mary A. Northeast cor OOth st and ham, Son & Co. Carriage. 888 Washington sq J. Zittlosen. (R) 1,278 Sthav W. G. Wheelwright. Horses, Smith, M. 234 E. 24th.... J. Cunningham, Downs, Julia A. Bonlevai'd Hotel, 103d Carriages, &e. (R) 2,100 Son & Co. (R) 103 and Broadway.... W. H. Meeks, (R) 750 Cohen, B. 54 Hester J. Babjetzky. Samuels, M. 760 1st av S. Cohen. Eckle, A, 406 2d av....Cohen & Green­ Sewing Machines. 40 Butcher Fixtures, &c. Not dated. 500 stone. 243 Connolly, E. M. 509 and 511 W. .SSth... .T. Stolzenberger, J. 105 2d A. Stolzenber- Fox, M. 123 Eldridge... .H. S. Eisler. 107 Cody. Horses, Carts, &c. (R) 1,000 ger. Horse, Wagon, &c. 17,5 Fargis, Mary C, 779 Sth av.... S. Minnes. 450 Duffy, Mary. City....J. Mattern. Coach 225 Thomas, G. 207 W. 19th....P. Craig. Gee, Louisa P. 212 E. 65th... H. Spies. 199 Deis, M. 107 Rivington C. Kreig. Horses, Haz-ness, &c, 600 Goebell, E. 66 Gansevoort G. Beck. Button Factory Machinery and Fix Twogood, H. G. and Lucretia E J. H. (Dated Jan. 27. 1881.) 195 tures. 100 Whitson. Horses, Trucks, &c. 407 Graves, R. E. 76 W. 36th... .Herschmann Freudenberg, C. 2253 2d av E. Brose Umstatter, M., and J. Ruppert. 7th av. befc & Manges. (R) 110 mer. Fancy Goods Fixtures. 70 Harrison, NeUie. 114 W. 32d De Graaf Francis, G. W. 152 South Sth av.... A. V 53d and 54th J. Loehr. BuUder's & Taylor. 700 Gearon. Hat Blocking Machinery Scaffolds, Fixtures, &c. 175 Hartman, W. C. 74 E. 104th....Cohen & Lathes, &c. 98 Wadsworth, T. A, 68 W. 37th....J. F, Greenstone. 101 Fmdenthal, S. 96th st and ith av Mar­ Hughes. Dental Fixtures, &c. 300 HoUand, P. C, Mrs. 219 W, 53d,.. .L. Bau­ garet Ruppert. Shanty. 25 Weinstock, Sarah. 161 E. 70th... J, Cun­ mann. 14*^ GUes, J. R., J. P. Burrow. 21 and 23 Piatt ningham, Son & Co. Carriages, Lan­ Hoffmeister, A. and A, 55 St. Marks pl ....W. A. and C. G. Shields. Litho daus, &c. 3,008 Abrams & Levy. 486 graphic Presses, &c. 500 Wie^nd, J. L. 103 Walker....,L P. Hatch, Sarah A. 81 E. 56th....S. G. Gick, A. 336 Grand....E. Sutor. Fix­ Courtney. 1,000 tures. 150 Waring. Book Binding Fixtui-es. 500 Wohnlich, C. P. SOS 9th av... C. Krausche. Keller, Fanny. 23 Marion Abrams & Gross, T. 1.54th, near Elton av.... C. E. l-evj. 132 Drug Fixtures. 800 Devender. Horses, Wagon, Cow, &c. 40 Keegan, Eliza. 324 W. 42d... .D. O'ParreU. 100 Walsh. J. City.... P. Banfield. Carriage HaU & Twomey. 7 Frankfort....R. Hoe Kennan, J. 412 W. 56th.... J. Lynch. (R) 375 & Co. Press, Type, &c. 1,603 (Morfc. not signed.) 118 Werner, R. 108 Chambers C. Spielman Hars, A. .527)^ Broome C. Hutwelker. Ketcham, Catharme. 37 W. 24fch.... (A. J. Smith, recvr. and assignee). Butchers Fixtures. 200 Mary A. Lewis. 150 Trimming Factory Fixtures and Ma­ Hart, E. 165 E. SSth .. J. Cunningham, chinery. (R) 5,000 Lee. W. H. 2032 7th av... .D. W. Lee. (R) 1,115 Son & Co. Carriage. (R) 104 Young, G. H. 393 E. 4bh and 171 to 175 Levy, P. 70 B. 104fch.... H. S. Eisler. Iii Hatch, Sarah A. 230 E. 37th....B. Kis­ Lewis A. Simon. Piano Factory, Lyle, Mary. 542 W. 48th....D. O'ParreU. 100 sam. Laundry Fixtiures, Horses, &c. 4,000 Fixtures, &c. (B) 000 ]7ebrtiary 4,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORIX, 111

BILLS OP SALE. Lockwood, P. G. 451 Fulton st....J. Lock- 2 Bloom, Isaac—Hy. Lewis 567 02 Alf, J- 3d av, bet 149th and 150th sts wood. Fixtures, &c. 255 2 Butler, Cyrus—National Park Bank 'M. Von Gerichten. Wagon. Lindsay, Charles. Thomas Lawrie. Fur­ of N. Y .555 66 Boland, E. 383 7th av....G. W. Mahl- niture, 750 2 Billings, Oliver P. C, as recvr. of stedt. Grocery Fixtures. 1,450 Lundbeck, Chas. Peter Duff. Furniture. 418 the Marshall Packing Co., pltff.— Dolgner, J. 134 Allen E. Potthast, Levy, Moss. 432 Bedford av S. Levy. J. T. Hulm 176 43 Fixtures. Fixtures. (R) 300 2 Backmann, Mary—^Mary Lynch, Giese, Kate M. and Albert L. 953 6th av MacKenzie, Ann B. 241 Freeman st otherwise Cregan 34 25 .....D. W. Bishop. Purniture. 170 Mrs. B. C. McDonald. Piano. (R) 120 2 Byrnes, John P.—People of State Gilkyson, J. W. City E. Beyer. Maher, Thomas. 125 Furman st Phelan N. Y 100 00 Horse, Wagon, &c. 150 & Duval. Saloon Fixtures. 218 2 Bundy, Henry S.—Nathan Tibbals.. 766 82 Houchin & Pierce. 209 Centre....W. W. McEwan, Mrs. E. P. 4'36 Gold st....Al- 3 Boyle. John I.—James Devlin. 47 50 Houchin. Machinery, &c. 1,828 phonzo Smith. Piano. 100 3 Barmore, WiUiam H,—Hy. Hilton.. 2,082 97 Kane, P. 524 W. 45th....J. Bower. Gro­ McGrath, M. 453 Istst....M. Seitz. Saloon 3 BeU, Frank—G. W. Byles 43 51 cery Fixtures, &c. .500 Fixtures. 350 3 Barnes, Demas—J. E. Kelsey 500 00 Lincke, G. 124 Forsyth....W. H. Dole Meyer, Henry. Junction of Washington av 3 Barnes, Demas, as exr. of Mary H. and T. B. Merrill. White Beer Brew­ and Taylor st.... Charles Sussieck. Barnes the same 2,343 07 Saloon Fixtures. 2,500 ery Fixtures, &c. (R) 275 3 Buckbee, Nathaniel—Homan & Bon­ O'Rourke, Margaret.. .J. Farrier. Horse, MiUer, H. G. 431 Platbush av....James neU 372 94 Coal Carts, &c. 750 Downey. Carriage. 232 3 Bromley, Orin B.—J. M. BeU 505 68 O'Rourke, Margaret. 411 and 413 E. 42d Miller, Sophia. 128 Greene av Mary E. 28 Cox, Townsend, as Commr.—J. F. .. J. Walsh. Coal Yard Fixt., &c. 265 Henning. Furniture. 1,200 B. Maxwell costs 33 03 Priyor, M. 113 Mulberry M. Sweeny. Moore, W. B. 629 Warren st.... Catharuae 28 Carr, Austin—Mount Morris Bank.. 524 84 Bar Fixtures. Buncken. Furniture. 523 28 Comley, William J.—Georgie V. Roche, P. 121 East Broadway T. Roche. MuUady, J. 127 Columbia Heights.... W. Rowe 512 23 Saloon Fixtures. .500 B. Davis. Coupe. (R) aSO 30 Cornell, H. V.—L, E. Schoonmaker 318 49 Schernikow, O. P. B73)4 Bowery E. J. MitcheU, T. 198 Clermont av.... J. Hege­ 30 Cary, George W.—J. M. Valentine. 1,276 55 Monohan. Bar Fixtures. man & Co. Piano. 100 30 Colby, Stephen W.—G. L. Rose.... 404 56 Stern, H. 1450 2d av Amalia Hanan. Peckham, Frances A. and Chas. 'V. 11 31 Comstock, Joseph J.—W. 0. AUison 36 87 Butcher Fixtures. 200 2 CockburUjEdward H.—Chas. Banks. Harrison av D. Shook. Furniture. 100 (D) 2,640^13 Zima, F. 267 3d av L. Zima. Cigar Post, L, R. 239 Grand av... .F. P. Jaques. Store Fixtures, &c. .500 2 Carpenter, Isaiah V.—Geo. Whita­ Furniture. 116 ker...... 289 1'^ ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES, Parrevicino, Nicolo. 532 Clinton st 2 Cavanagh,'Joseph—0'Reiliy,'skeliy Bachmann, P., to David Mayer. (Mort­ Peter Duff. Furniture, 470 & Fogarty 259 50 gage made by E. Schwarfcz, March 27, Rand, C. A. 982 Dean st.... H. M. Peyser. 2 Corcoran, Hugh the same 81 70 1880.) Furniture. 150 2 Carney, John the same 176 89 Jones, J. I., as exr., to M. Baumel. (P. Reymers, Christine. 436 North 2d st 2 Cassion, Catherine the same 168 14 H. Martin, May 24, 1880.) Brunswick & Balke Co. Pool Table. 185 2 Cassion, Johana the same 258 50 Lull, W. B., to Griggs & Co, (P. S. Rob­ Riggs, W. P. 628 De Kalb av....James 2 Coffey. John the same 2.58 50 inson, Nov. 7, 1881.) Sweet, Saloon Fixtures, 500 2 CuUigan, Lizzie — Mai-y Lynch, Shields, W. A. and C. G., to Ada A. She­ Schmackenberg, H. D. 172 South Sth sfc otherwise Cregan 34 25 thar. (J. R. Giles and J. F. Burrow, John Pope. Fixtures, &c. 700 2 Cox, Edward—Obermeyer & Lieb­ Jan. 23, 1882.) 13,500 Schottler, P. 150 Broadway Frederick man 176 24 Schlad. Fixtures, &c. 100 2 Connors, William—Joshua Rosen- Sava.ge, L. W. 3.56 Sackett st....J. F. field 165 73 James. Furniture. 384 3 CampbeU, Felix—J. E. Kelsey 596 69 SulUvan Bros ., P. S. Van Horn & Co. 3 Cummins, Henry—J. H. Graham... 1,521 37 Carriage. 90 28 DonneUy, Terence—Eben Peek 173 91 RINGS COUNTY. Taintor, H. P. Newburgh, N. Y....T. & 28 Donnelly, Delia—J. M. Emanuel... 322 40 J. H. Weddle. Machinery, &c. 7,500 30 Deering, John J.—Andrew Enste... 70 5S Adams, C. A. 419 Hicks st....Wm. Westberg, Eleck. 273 Atlantic av.... J. P. 30 Draut. Richard—J. C. McCurdy.... 322 53 Grandeman. Fixtures. &c. S90 Helin. Tools, &c. 100 31 Dow, Edwin B.—A. B. Lovejoy 394 '.,7 Allen, Margaret. 24 Beekman st. New Walters, Melina. 128 St. Felix st.... J. E. 31 Davis, John H.—Chas. Schlesinger.. 158 50 York J. B. Phillips. Machineiy, Wells. Piano. 200 SI DeMariel, Henry—Anthony Crouter 183 31 &c. (R) 63 Weick, M. 132 Bushwick av....A. Kohl- 2 Duffy, James—O'ReUly, SkeUy & Alexander, J. W. 20 Franklin st....W. rieser. Wagon. 75 Fogarty 64.50 Frank Smith. Machinery. 300 2 Doan, Mary—-J. B. Bullock 252 50 Blume, Frederick. Verona st J. H. BILLS OP SALE. 3 Derby, Frank M. and James C—F. Blume. Horse and Wagon. 1.50 Foale, WUUam R. P., to William R Foale. A. Baker 684 46 Bradford, James. 2,383/o Nostrand ar Stock. Fixtures, &c., 39 Greenpoint av. nom 3 Dunning, WiUiam H.—J. E. Kelsey. 2,343 07 G. W. WUson. Fixtures. 50 Howell. William R., toE. & H. T. Anthonv 30 Ellison, Frederick—C. E. Burdiek.. 113 31 Browne, T. R. 304 and 306 Fulton st.... J. & Co. Fixtures, &c, " 185 3 Ellsworth, Roswell—S. H. Le Favor 477 48 J. EnrighS. Fixtures, &c. 3,256 Mussle, Protas, to Karl Schweizer. Horse 3 Eitel, John N.—Leopold Brandeis. Biehusen, J. Cor Butler av and Baltic av. and Wagon. 60 costs 86 90 New Lots H. Wischmann. Horse Schlichtaig, George, to Louis Schlichtaig. 27 Fernandez, Joseph—Knickerbocker and Wagon. 215 Horses, Wagons, &c., 260 22d st. 1,350 Ice Co 18175 Bennett. W. H. 323 Van Brunt st.... A. V. Sussieck, Charles, to Henry Meyer. Liquor 31 *Ford, Charles—Harriet J. Eaves... 352 06 W. Tandy. Drugs. 300 Saloon, junction of Washington av and 2 Ferguson, Orson J., pltff.—Chas. Boiles, C. E. 271 Fulton st....Richard Taylor st. 5,000 Horton , 67 73 Marsh. Photographic Gallery. 3,000 2 the same ^the same 1C4 87 Colly er, P. 70 Rapelyea st Vander­ 2 Fitzpatrick, Patrick — O'ReiUy, burgh, Wells & Co. Printing Press. Skelly & Fogarty... .34 50 (R) 84 2 Faas, John—Austin Stevens...costs 87 29 Capers, Ella E and W. W. 375 Macon st 3 Fish, George S.—W. H. Fish 2,451 89 .... Sophia M. Taylor. Purniture. (R) 450 3 Fuller, Waldo E. and John B.— Childs, E. F. 315 Clinton av Artlissa Union Theological Seminary, City V. Gearon. Furniture. ISO In these lists of judgments thenames alphabetically N. Y (D) 4,688 96 Cincotta, Antonina. 277 Grand st.. .George arranged, and which are first on each line, are thos* 3 Fairchild, David W., impld., &c.— cf the judgment debtor. Tlie letter (D) means judg­ Fresehi. Fixtures, &c. 400 ment for deficiency. * means not summoned. Judg­ J.O.Sherman 4,7.57 60 Cai-penter, Oramill C. 14 and 16 Lorimer ments entered during the week and satisfied befor* 28 Griffith, WUliam J.—R. S. Munson. 5,651 03 St....Henry Watei'man. Lathe, &c. day of publication do not appear in this column, but 30 Gault, James, pltff.—J. B. Taylor.. 367 51 (R) 250 in list of Satisfied Judgments. 30 Greithe, WiUiam—A. S. Herzog 232 15 Eggenbsrger, C. Cor Penn st and Wythe 30 Guest, Isaac B.—David Duncan 5,883 68 av Jacob Brandly. Machinery. 2,000 31 Goss, Hugo—J. H. C. VoUmers 89 30 Endris, J. 2(50 Court st John Roehsler. NEW YORR CITY. 1 Gemsenjager, Charles — Jeannette Fixtures. 500 Hirsch 318 99 Pefcfce, H. 595 3d av R. Lipsius. Saloon Jan. and Feb. 2 Golden, Michael—Hy. Clausen, Jr.. 69 87 Fixfcures. 300 28 All wood, James—H. K. Thurber... S604 57 2 Griffen Catherine the same 20 50 Furf ey, Michael, 85 Howard av Anna 28 Arnold, *Thomas E. and Maria T.— 2 Geary, Michael — Municipal Gas M. Irwin. Machinery, &c. 100 D. D. Acker 664 90 Light Co 29 42 Furfey, Cornelius. Howard ar John 28 Anderson, Stephen M.—Hy. Harri­ 2 Gerken, John H., admr. of John— Lowery, Machinery, &c, 75 son 71 54 Hermann Schwanecke 444 93 Flemming, Thomas. 31 Hudson av — 28 the same the same 485 73 2 the same Jos. Steinmetz 2.50 31 Hirsch, Child & Co. Saloon Fixt. 225 28 Allen, Phoebe B., as extrx. of Jon­ 2 the same Cook & Schreiber. 136 07 Halbert. J. 231 Smith st....J. Mullins. athan W.--A. J. Purgold 3,2.32 88 2 the same, admr. of John H. Furniture. ' ' 366 30 AUsohn, Joseph—Marks Levy 189 48 H. A. Hovftrm.'mn ...... 7'i.) 3-> Harris, J. C. 152 Henry st... .Peter Duff. 2 Ashman, William T.—Horace Web­ n Gowing, Danii 1 11. / .,, , ,, ,-,.„. .^ Purniture. (R) 423 ster 393 51 •^ Gere, R. Kelson )" i-'J--^i-u ... lo,636 80 Heisen, J, 509 Grand st Gustav Follmer. 2 Acheson, Eliza—J. B, Mackie, exr.. 2 Gillis, WiUiam M.—Nathan Tibbals 766 82 Saloon Fixtures. 300 costs 59 09 28 Hooke, Catharine M.—Sam. Rosen­ Ibert, G. 87 Bushwick av....J. Gerlich. 3 Adams, Russell W.—J. E. Kelsey.. 2,343 07 thal, as assignee 101 63 Bakery. 400 28 Blake, Margaret—Sam. Rosenthal, 38 Hess, Jacob, as Commr.—J. F. B. Jacobs, Hyman. M. Nason. Furniture, 205 as assignee 101 63 Maxw U costs 33 03 Kahn, L. 110 Greenpoint av M. Kahn. 28 Brennan, Thomas S., et al., as Com­ 28 HiU, WiUiam Gait—M. P. Murrav. 1 746 6'i Barber Shop. 110 missioners of PubUc Charities and 28 Hanks, Edwin P. — Elizabeth A., ' Kelly, Mrs. J. M. 151 Lawrence st.... J. E. Corrections—J. F. B. Maxwell extrx. of Isaac, Allen r.OC) 20 Murray & Co. Furniture. 305 costs 33 03 SO Hoffmiester, William—Chas. Bren- Kennedy, C. 251 Manhattan av Eliza 28 Bingham, Samuel D.—Leonard EUis 522 60 neman 46 70 E. Shear. Furniture. 70 28 Buchan, James, Thomas and Robert 30 Hutkoff, Nathan—National Blank C—Robert Simpson 3,903 66 Book Co costs 33 60 Kelly, Martin. 243 Court st....T. C. Ly­ 30 Boogenritter, Catharine —Dennis man & Co. Fixtures. ISO 30 Howard, David E.—C. V. Witbeck. 174 08 Hanigan 303 51 30 Harral, Francis—S. F. Howland.... 100 41 Knee, Jennie. 103 Lexington av Jacob 31 Barmore, WilUam H.—J. M. Shaw. Ill 59 30 Haber, Isaac—L. I., admrx. of Ellen, Epstein. Piano. 160 2 Briggemann, Frank—G. P. Lies.... 134 47 Haber (D) 10,091 06 112 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD February 4,1882

31 Hes.=;ler, Jacob—Ludwig Leiner 349 63 1 Parraga, C. H.—P. E. Bean 177 19 1 Weinbeer, Ignatius — Jeannette 31 Hoft'iuan, Simon—Simon Greene- 2 Pittman, Thomas W. — Knicker­ Hirsch ^ 73 75 bauni 190 85 bocker Ice Co 68 47 1 Wright, John J.—J. J, Blackman.. 0,330 44 1 Hitschei'ich, Fridolin—Jacob Rup- 2 PhiUips, Edward H.—Andrew Shu- 1 Way, David T.—Produce Bank of perfc 86 36 man 70 72 City N. Y 068 07 1 Hus.sev, Warren--C. M. Sellick ^ 905 39 o Porter, George A. / rn |- p 15,636 SS 1 Wallingford, Annie E.—G. L. Hoop­ 2 Hubbell, Charles H.—T. J. Pope.... 15,636 85 " =:pittman, George T. ) ^"^- -t^ope... er costs 118 93 :') Hoff'raan, Frank — Guerineau & 3 Price, Wm. M.—J. E. Kelsey 1,000 00 M'inn, Isaac W. "l Drake 91 38 3 PeU, Ogden P. the same 2,343 07 ;j Weaver Caleb j. L. S. Chase 2.53 00 3 Hatzel, Jacob—A. V., exr. of J.W., 3 Phelan, Peter—Wm. Gussow. .costs 27 1',) (aomg business as the | Meeks 432 00 3 Page, Enoch W. and '•'•- Lyman E.— Mh,fit Carpet Co.) I 3 Holden, Howard—G. W. Smith.... 567 S3 Vincent Mayer 120 97 2 Wctherauth, Barbara—August Stor- 3 Hunt, Hiram W.—J. E. Kelsey 500 00 28 Reed, John T.—H. K. Thurber 708 07 minger 9!) 10 ;> Hudders, Eugene R.—Marie A. Reay 132 58 28 Rillings, E. M.—Chas. Rehermann. 2 Whitney, Francis W.—H. F, Sim­ • '< Hamilton, John—H. B. Claflin 451 62 costs 2:1 03 mons 119 87 30 Johnson, Oscar W.—J. W. Sterling. 187 35 28 the same J. H. Doscher.costs 2-.} (;3 2 -Wright, John J.—Roberfc Colgate .. 2,067 03 2 Jaeobson, Joseph—Herman Mischv. 157 29 28 Ruperich, Charles—Dannat & Pell.. 882 64 2 Wiese, Edward—Geo. Rothman 2 Janneuianu, George H.—John Mc­ 30 Ryberg, Randolph E.—Carl Order- cosfcs 4'^ Oil Kesson 263 64 man cosfcs 67 31 3 Way, David T.—Produce Bank 374 73 3 Johnson, Thomas "W.—S. H. Le Fa­ 30 Rosenthal, Maurice—H. B. Claflhi.. 638 41 •3 Waiters, WUliam M.—CamiUa C. vor 477 48 31 Rahlff, Robert C. H.—S. H. Stern, Voorhees 844 38 28 Kaulold, Nicholas—Wm. Herron... 28 18 as assignee 364 50 3 Wier, Sarah^James Neil 82 02 ~8 Key, James Barton — George V. 1 Reed, John T.—J. J. Blackraan 6,330 44 3 Woodman, Cyrus—J. E. Kelsey 2,343 07 iCowe 512 23 1._...„ Rockw-ell, Fenton—Pete. _ . r „Herde . r 200 03 31 Krudop, Luder—Wm. Gamble 973 34 1 Roome, WiUiam P.—T. M. Riley... 77 82 1 Kaufman, Charles L.—Harris Bo­ 2 Reid, Alexander—L. S. Chase SO 00 gart 49 22 2 Reed, John T.—Robert Colgate.... 2,007 03 1 Konrad, Ferdinand, as President, 2 Ryan, Thomas—O'Reilly, Skelly & RINGS COUNTY. and others composing the Deutsch- Fogarty 2G() 50 Jan. and Feb. er Manner Kranken Unter- 2 Roche, Michael the same •A\ 00 30 Armbruster, Charles—A. Holley... .$247 03 stutzungs Verein in New York— 2 Riley, Patrick—Richard Thompson. 133 63 Allen, Joseph ) Ad. Luck, exr. of A. P. M. Bitter. 222 69 2 Ryan, James—People of State N. Y. 100 00 30 Alexander, Wil- '-J. A. Waller, Jr 1,853 94 2 Kenny, Patrick—O'Reilly, Skelly & 3 Rosenthal, Harris—Leopold Wise.. 28-] 58 liam V. ) Fogarty 1.57 00 3 RoUinson, Frederick 8. — W. R. 81 AUwood, James—H. K. Thurber, &c. 604 ,57 3 Kimble, John R.—Alvin Walker— 93 21 Wilder 51 OS 27 Brush, John P.—W.T. Whitmore,. '27 .''iS ;> *Kieck,_George—Ludwig Kissen 37 00 28 Sohn, Henry—Isaac Simon 30 10 28 Boothly, Samuel—J. Stutter 302 71 28 Lequin,'Adolph—Cyrille Guerin 320 92 28 Sturges, Daniel L.—Richard Roach. .56^ 28 28 Baker, Benjamin—B. G. Latimer... 44 o:; 28 Lissberger, Abraham S. — James 28 Sprague, Waldo—Mary A. Mainey. 79 39 Bell, Greorge | Dillon 42 50 28 Slocum, Joseph J.—J. F. Secor, Jr.. 308 05 Beers, Henry J. 30 Long, Michael-Mary H. Lester 561 82 30 Simpson, Naphtali — Ludwig Ban- .^f. Bruce, Langley ', J A. Waller, 30 Lewin, Rajihael-Jacob Wallfisch.. 70 50 man costs 23 56 "^ Beardsey, S. B. '• Jr : 1,853 91 30 Lancaster, DanicJ E.—R. B. Kelly.. 77 26 30 SadUer, WUliam C—J. C. McCurdy 322 53 Bulger, John H 30 Lockwood, George—Municipal Gas 31 Seheel, Abraham—Jos. Greenwood. 352 65 Brown. Lemuel I Lignt Co 29 19 31 Spaulding, Ellen—J. C. Hum 248 IU Connolly, Henry M. I o! Le Grain, Henry E.—R. J. Hoguet.. 602 14 31 Swanney, George—A. H. Smifch 171 81 r-f. Crocker, Stephen ! J. A. Waller, 31 the same Jacob New 210 77 1 Seagrist, Charles—G. H. Bosley 90 50 "^ Collender, Hugh Jr 1,853 04 31 Langfeld, Abraham J. — P. B. 1 Sheldon, George A.—Eliz. G. Wilson 32 17 Corlies, Joseph W. Spi'ing 852 59 2 Sachs, Philip—Abraham Hafer. costs Si) 56 1 Carmen, Robert J, not summoned 31 Lawson, CTeoigeB.-J. C. Hunt 145 88 2 Stein, Abraham—Henry Fera 981 29 —G. HoUister 04 21 1 Lafferty, John—Morris Livingston. 254 95 2 Sedgwick, George S.—W. A. Paton 1,769 81 1 Chamberlain, George Anna M. 2 Lee, Alice M., ns exti-x. of John—J. 2 Speed, John Gilmer—J. T. Vinofc... 102 OS Pierce 228 75 P.' Sunderland costs 101 09 2 Sickles, George G.—Ed. Wiley 49 38 1 Clarke, Latham H.—Knickerbocker 2 Loewenthal, Herman, pltff.—W. G. 3 *Schwartz, Charles—Guerineau & Ice Co 130 4S Langdon, exr. uf Rebecca Jones.. 237 50 Drake 91 38 •28 Dougty, Albert B.—Z. Dederick.,. 714 40 3 Lucas, Edward F.—N. J. Potter 409 39 3 Selzam, John H.—Fire Deparfcmenfc 28 the same W. Huschle & Son 728 75 3 London, Joseph—Leopold Wise 283 58 of CityN. Y 117 75 30 Draper, .Joshua, efc al.. assignees of 28 Mellingj Benjamin-Maria Schiiik- 3 Sachse, Loon—J. A. Van Saun 3.510 40 E. P. Wheeler-W. T. Wesfc enbei'ger 536 74 28 Smith, William—H. K. Thurber.... '168 44 Davidson, William 151 72 28 Munz, George—August Wolfc' 84 95 31 Smith, Thomas B.—J. M. PhiUips.. 2.022 45 De Camp, Albert L. I J. A. Wal- l'8 Martin, G. Robert—Hi^ Widmayer 1,205 03 28 Thacher. Thomas—J. P. Secor, Jr.. '308 05 30 Dayton, Isaac [- ler, Jr.. 28 Matthews, Virginia B.—-K. M. Mur- 30 Taylor, Walter A.—T. M. Moore... 582 45 Deimonico, Siro 1,8.53 94 chisou costs 1,080 60 30 Tubbs, Samuel W.—F. G. Smedley. 132 32 31 Downey, James W. -H.' Batjer 30 Mills, Emily D.—\\'. H. Malcolm.. 176 24 3 Taylor, Helen T.—AdeUaK. Broome 8,830 09 1 Doughty, Albert B. -J. Schofield... 016 !)7 iO *Mayher, John—T. M. Moore. .582 45 2 Tobler, Eugene—Andrew Trouttet.. 77 96 1 the same J. Ring ,862 00 30 Mann, WilUam W.—Hy. Watts.... 51 97 3 Toffler, Simon—W. H. Southard..,. 393 60 1 the same—S. Haigh (;H4 or, 30 Morgenroth, Henry—Benj. Strau.ss 17 28 3 Taber, Henry—J. E. Kelsey 1,000 00 31 Essig, William—George Bechtel 150 31 30 Moran, Charles, Jr.—Ed. Brown 1,060 50 27 The Empire City Ice Co. (limifced).— 31 EUiott, Peter—H. Batjer 208 21 31 Messmer, Fritz—A.. F. Cross 9.57 84 Mavor, Aldermen, &c 211 27 30 Foster, EmT'ia—R. Adlard 57 W 31 Meyenng, Albert — Wilhelmina 28 The Hannibal & Sfc. Joseph RaUroad 31 Finn, Archibald T.—J. A. Waller, Arnstaedt 591 58 Co.—Jolm Hurd ." 40,4()5 52 Jr 1,853 94 31 Michaelis, Samuel and Moritz— 28 The Palmetto Consolidated Mining 28 Goetz, Hyman—C. Simon 92 17 AVm. Eggert 2,025 83 & MUUng Co.—W. C. Martin 263 42 30 Grass, Andrew—S. P. Eiigs 115 OG 3! the same Antonio Gonzales.. 2,024 83 28 The Standard Tinware Co.—M. E. 30 Greene, George W.—J. A. Waller.. 1,853 04 2 Murphy, Edward—John Bennett... 248 77 Weed 367 60 25 Henry. Samuel—W. Currv 1,117 00 2 Murphy, Andrew-O'Reilly, Skelly 28 The Commercial League—D. D. 28 HiU, Thomas — Mary Dillon, by &Fogarty 191 00 Bloominardale 90 18 guard 302 54 2 Murphy, Jesse the same 180 25 30 The Plata Yerde Silver Mining Co. 30 Hulse, James B. and ano., assignees 2 Martin, George R.—Austin Stevens. —F. P. Dunpfel 3,25124 E. P. Wheeler—W. T. West 151 72 costs 87 29 30 The Fell Dynamic Motor Co.—T. M. Harbeck, John H.'] 3 Merritt, William H.—N. J. Potter.. 409 39 FeU 4,127 85 and Wm. H. | •28 McDoimeU, John—S. P.Ryan 227 79 31 Newark Stamping Co. — W. C. on Hone, John P. J. A. Waller. 1,8,53 04 28 McHugh, Patrick P. — Holyoke Dewey 992 47 ••'^ HaU, C. B. Glazed Papei- Works 115 32 31 The Mayor, Aldermen, &c.—Ste­ Hart, Benjamin •JO McGrath, Sarah and John, impld., phen O'Brien 695 and David L. &c.—E. P. Rushmore (D) 1,289 05 31 The Pond & Bradford Boiler Co.— 31 Hahn, OttUia—C , Deuss .56 00 30 the same John, exr. of R. H., 31 Taylor-Wheaton Mfg. Co., limited- 30 Isaacs, David T.--S. T. Willets.... 366 53 Bowne 267 37 Frank Wheaton 1.58 31 Johnson, John—S. Birdsall 5^5 G4 31 McMauus, EUen—H. C. F. Koch... 88 70 31 Taylor-Wheaton Mfg. Co., limited 26 Kelly, Thomas — Brooklyn Cross 31 McC;ml], JohnA.—Harriet J. Eaves 352 06 —Frank Wheaton 158 57 Town R. R 56 57 1 McA'itty, Janies—Jacob Ruppert.. 105 89 G. W. Remington ,296 33 28 Kidder, Williain P.—T. B. Underbill 135 5G 2 McHugh, Patrick P.—Hannah M. 1 The Metropolitan Gas Light Co.— 30 Kirkham, Augustus—J, A. Waller. 1,8.53 04 Faliey 1,078 10 Anna Meiers 758 GO 31 Koster, Elizabeth C, admrx. of 2 McLaughlin, James—Pat. Heenan.. 42 87 1 The Howe Machine Co.—Jane R. Henry P. Koster—J. H. Shults 69 77- :: McCaull, Johu A.—J. B. Pace 407 35 Stockwell costs 017 44 28 Laughlin, John P.—J. Stutter 302 71 3 McCcUiley, Thomas—J. E. Kelsey.. 2,000 00 1 the same Eliz. Stockwell 28 Lind-wall, L.—H. Sievers 397 17 30 Nassoit, "Henry—David Weissheim­ costs 647 44 30 Lasak, Edgar P.—J. A. Waller.... l,8-)3 '.<4 er costs 22 IS 1 Deutscher Manner Kranken Unter- 31 Leahy, Thomas—S. Birdsall 525 64 1 Nugent, Christopher and Jame.s— stutzungs Verein in N. Y.—Adolph 28 Mendon, Michael—H. A. Christian- Jesse Pickard 27,777 65 Luck, exr. of A. F. M. Bitter 222 69 son 58 64 2 Nugeuc, Christopher and James— 2 The Manneck Mfg. Co.—A. Tonney 28 McCormick, Andrew—J. Pt. Fergu­ Hy. Volckman 21,084 74 & Co costs 102 67 son 106 OS 2 the same J. M. Watson 16,.5.57 66 2 Horicon Iron Co.—National Park 28 Minor, Israel—T. Dederick 714 40 3 Newmann, P. A.—E. R. Goodrich.. 220 00 Bank of N.Y. 555 66 28 the same W. Huschle & Son 728 75 3 Niessen, Adolph—Ludwig Nissen... 37 00 2 The Duplex Fiber Co.—W. S. 30 McGrafch, Sarah and John—E. P. 31 Ottenheimer, Louis—Geo. SaaUrank 328 81 Archer 24,410 72 Rusmore, &c total ],.5,56 42 2 O'Brien, Timothy—O'ReUly, Skelly 2 the same the same 26,439 15 28 the same Anna W. Collins. 3,'241 .59 & Fogarty 248 12 3 Hektograph Co.—S. A. Ilsley 261 38 30 the same the same 3,107 71 2 O'Rourke, Patrick the same 135 24 1 Vickers, Thomas L.—T. M. Riley... 77 82 28 Pinckney, Eugene—E. H. Peck 251 76 28 Wright, John J.—H. K. Thurber... 708 (17 30 McKee. John—A. HoUy 247 03 30 Pease, Ahi—Mag ielena Swift 4131 28 Waterman, Moses W.—Louis Bock. 117 41 30 Murray, James—J. Laverty 183 00 30 Potthast, Edward—Julius Dolgner.. 400 00 30 Wallace, David—J, M. Valentine.. 1,276 55 Maples, Charles 1 1 PenneU, Richard A.—Annie A. Pen­ SO WUmott, John M.—Rosa CuU 133 58 Manning, Alfred | neU costs 95 59 30 Monheimer, A. 1- J, A. Waller, Jr 1,853 94 1 Plamatier, Henry W.—Amelia Pla- 30 Wolf, Henry—Benj. Strauss. 17 28 Millspaugh, An- | matier costs SO 33 31 Wanamaker, John H.—Max Doctor 274 14 drew J. J iPebruary 4, 1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORB. 113

1 Minor, Israel—J. Schofield 916 97 Central Park, North & East River R. R. Co. 1 the same—J. Ring 862 90 —J.D.Carney. (1882) 517 37 MECHANICS' LIENS. Duffy, Michael—Jos. Kopetzky. (187-^) 107 32 1 the same—S. Haigh 634 96 Doorley, Etty—R. H. Goff, exr. (1881) 1.53 05 1 McGonigle, Thomas—J. T. Finn.,.. 164 33 De Richmond, Albert—S. J. Redgate. ('81). 510 75 30 Neal, Albert A—W. Wallace.... 72 87 Empire State Brick Co.—Montauk Gas Coal NEW YORR CITY. 30 Norton, Robert—J. A. Waller, Jr.. 1,853 94 Co. a880) 839 23 Jan. and Feb. 28 Oakley, Franke W.—Z. Dederick. 714 46 Flanagan, Tliomas—Michael Judge. (1881). 36 67 28 the same W. Huschle & Sou 728 75 iFerguson, James F.—J. H. Dvckman. ('79). 4,266 10 30 Forty-sixth st. n s, 100 e Sth av, 75 ft front, 30 Osgood, E. M. B.—J. A. WaUer, Jr 1,853 94 Fallows, John—Ed. Willis. (1882) 524 04 Edwards & Co agt Manhattan Baths §250 00 Fowler, Jonathan O.—T. H. Walter, exr. 30 Fulton av, n e cor 169tli st. abt 75x250. Wm. 31 Osborn, Ed-vard M.—Eliza Osborn.. 1,634 69 (Lien suspended upon appeal.) (188j)... 2.847 60 L. Hauptman agt Fischer, Dunn 1 Oaklf.y, Frank W.—J. Schofield.... 916 97 liFoley, Thomas—E. C. Hazard. (1881) 103 50 and Fredeiick Finck 118 55 1 the same—J. Ring.. 862 90 Garabrant, David G. ) 30 Fir.st av, s e cor 70th st, 100.4x105. James 1 the same—S. Haigh 634 9G Galvano Faradic Mfg. >E. P. Bassett. (1881) McCarthy agt Andrew Kelly and John R. Post, Edwin 1 Co. ) O'Connor -i,-, c) Plume, Joseph \ Gaynor, Charlotte A.—S. H. Leszynsky, 3 First av, s w cor 70th st, 100.4x105. Jn.seph (1882).... 87 03 O'Connor agt John R. O'Connor and An­ 30 Pinckney, C. C. 1- J. A. Waller, Jr 1,853 94 Green, Julia A.—Ella L. Jones, by assign. drew Kelly & Son 18 00 Purser, (3^eorge (1877) 4,591 38 3 Same property. Bartholomew Carey agt H. I Howland, Edwin—Dwight Johnson, assig. same -^i ^}^) 1 PearsaU, Furman—G. Holiistei- 94 21 (1877) G6 14 28 Lexington av. No. 721, w s, 20 n 5Stli st. 20 27 Ryerson, Susan L.—W. Purdy.... 52 69 Same .James Brown. (1881) 118 44 ft front. Thomas Nolan .agt Mary Mc- Same same. (1880) Kl") .39 Kean 15 oo 28 Rickard, James—J. R. Allaben 28 46 28 One Hundred and Thirtieth st. s s, abt 70 w 30 Richardson, John R.—W. T. West. 93 18 Same samo. (1877) 883 61 *Holbrook, Edwin W.—J. A. Swezey. (1880) 150 28 6th av, abt 100ft front. Crichton & Rey­ Ruggles, Philo T.l Hennion, AVm. P.—C. J. Clements. (1880). 155 70 nolds agt Mr. Keenan and Samuel Weir.. 3,175 CO Roe, Alfred I Same——same. (1881) 171 43 30 One Hundrpd and Twelfth st, n s, 145 e 1st •30 ^^^f ^' ^^""^a- j_ ,^ ^^^uer, Jr 1.8.58 94 *Heiutz, Christian, William, Jacob and John av, 100 ft front. Johu G. Gent agt Caro­ —Leopold Lindenthal. (1882) 433 80 line L. M, K and Abraham Yost 167 50 Renshaw, James .31 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 70 w Oth HavmkS^lius L. [ ^^'^^^ ^'^^P^^'- (^881).. 933 88 av, 80 ft front, 5 building?. Collins & R. I Hailiday, Blitchell, exr. of Charles W. Naugle agt Samuel Weir and Thomas 31 Roome, WiUiam P.—T. M. Riley.. 77 82 Downs—Sophia J. Wray. (1881) 231 85 Keenan i,C80 27 1 Robertson, Lydia T., admrx. of C. Jones, S. M.—Ella L. Jones, by assign. ('77) 4,591 33 1 One Hundred and Twenty-sixth st, s s, nbt W. Smith—Johanna C. Davison.. 295 51 Koster, Charles same. (1877) 4,.591 38 half way, bet 7th and 8th avs. John Solly 1 the same J. A. Eston 268 45 Kreutzer, Richard—John Ebert. (1875) 642 10 agt John C. Hawkins and Squires 15 02 2 Ruppert, Edward—J. Schlitz 77 94 '•Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co.—J. F. Ogle. 3 One Hundred and Sixteenth st, s s. 200 e 2d 2 Reid, Alexander—L. S. Chase 80 00 (188'2) 953 98 av, abt 250x100. William Gerlach agt *Kimball, Fred. S. and Fred. J.—H. H. James Gault 280 40 37 Schluer, Herman W.—E. L. Ben­ Swift. (1882) ,5,.531 46 30 Ridge st, No 92. e s, 125 s Stanton st. John edict 117 85 Krummel, Henry—Hy. Wilkens. (1881).... 178 26 Kehoe agt Mother Superior Saraphima 28 Schoeneck. Charles C. and Frank— Levy, Bertha—Hy. Bokelmann. (1878) 31 95 Staimer, of the Dominican Sisters and B. D. Schmidt 72 25 ijcwis, Arthur—Ann Smith. (1874) 48 54 Rauth & Bro ;;57 50 28 Sharkey, William—H. A. Christian- McQuillan, John A,—Germania Life Ins. Co. 30 Same property. Adam Beckert agt same.. 350 00 son .58 04 (1878) 920 37 28 Seventieth st, s s, 100 w l.st av. 72 0 ft front, McCahill, James L.—Margaret G. Swift. Wm. Kenney agt Thomas H. AValker y5 00 St. Jago, J. B. I (1877) 138 89 80 Seventieth st, s s, abt 184 w 1st av, S4 ft Spicer, Charles B. | McVey, Patrick P.—A. S. Sullivan, public front, and known as " Saratoga." Lafa­ admr. (1878) 224 50 yette Elwell and Isaac Vansaan agt Thos. ^^ISSS''- i J. A. Waller, Jr. 1,S53 94 McDonald, Sarah — Catherine Mclntyre. and John A. Walker ijo oO Smith. Ellwocd | (1882) 206 31 8 Washington av, e s, abt 50 n 164th st. abt 50 Squires, Henry L. 1 *Martiu, Archer N.—H. H. Swift. (1882).... 5,531 46 ft. front. Wm. L. Hauptman agt Wil­ 1 Smith, Stephen H., admr. C. W. Mayer, Emanuel—John Leppert. (1881) 114 16 liam Roland ;io oo Same same. (1S81) oys 19 Smith—J. A. Exton 268 45 Parker. Charles T.—Dwight Johnson, assig. 1 the same Johanna C. Davison 295 51 (1877; 66 14 2 Smith, Frank L.—G. H. Atkinson.. 400 00 Same-—Jamea Hrowii. (I8S1) 118 44 KINGS COUNTY. 28 The Commercial League — D. D. Same same. (1880) 1.35 39 Bloomingdale 90 18 Same same. (1877) 883 61 Jan. "28 The Schoeneck Lith. Co.—Schmidt Peters. Joseph—Pat. Farley. (1881) 79 00 28 Elm pl, n e .s 1^22 s Fulton st, 14'.llx75.9x Same J. H Stoutenburgh. (1881) 218 .59 137.6X-, J. T. Stafford agt William Barry, &Co 72 25 Same David Levy. (1881) 59 50 Benj. Lewis, Hugt Fay and A. Thompson, 28 The FeU Dynamic Co.—T. M. Fell.. 4,127 85 Same Michael Judge. (18?1) 36 67 owner, &c jitsG 54 28 The John Delmar Assoc., Brooklyn *Palmer, Charles P.—Crescent Spring Co. 30 Second av, e s, 200 s Cedar lane. 250x300, —J. Delmar 2,136 GO (1878): 25,382 f3 Bay Ridge. Charles Heist agt Timothy 28 Tormey, Lawrence. J.—J. Schwarz­ Price, Edmund E.—J. P. Kentana. (1877)... 219 03 Donovan, owner, &e 90 50 schild ,5.58 64 *Post, Henry A. V.—H. H. Swift. (1882).... 5,,531 46 31 Third pl, e i=, 100 from Court st, 50x100. 30 The assignee of E. P. Wheeler—W. Richmond, Albert de—S. J. Redgate. (1881) 510 75 Adolf Klaber agt Edward H. Kellogg, 1,.531 25 owner, and the Kenebec Granite Co, W. West 151 72 "-Rank, David F.—-Ehrick Parmley, exr. ('77) t=ame same. (1877) 445 56 Helen M. and Jas. H. Blaisdell and \V. T. Strahan, ,Tohn H.—Sarah A. Robins. (1878). 1,026 23 Sq\iires 309 95 =^«?ow'nsend;^!homasJ. i^-A.Waller 1,853 94 Smith, Edward—Germania Life Ins. Co. •30 Atlantic av. s e cor Ut:ca av. 200x100. 31 Taylor, Helen P.—Adelia K. Broome 8,830 09 (1878) 926 37 James Gowdy aert Thomas Quinn, ownei-, 31 The admr. of H. F. Koster—J. H. Second Avenue R. R. Co.—Bertha Lesch, and P. Sullivan and W. Montgomery 158 30 Shults 69 77 admrx. (1882) 200 00 1 The admr. and admrx. of C. W. Stow, John E.—Chas. Northrop. (1882)... . 736 JS Schreyer, John. exr. of Anna M.—F. C. Smith—J. A. Exton 268 45 Bauernschmidt. (1881) 121 59 1 the same J. A. Davison 295 51 Same same. (1880) 45 40 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LlEiVS. 1 The John Dslmar Assoc—G. W. Sullivan, Roger and Benjamin—J. H. Wed­ Roderick 102 .50 dle. (1873) 215 37 Jan. NEW YORK CIT1-. 30 Valentine, AU'red A.—J. A. WaUer, Standard Oil Co.—N. Y. Central & Hudson Jr 1,8.53 94 River R.R. Co. (1878) 080 00 28 Seventy-sixth st. No. 431. n s, 175 w Av A, Thurber, Abner D.—Law Telegraph Co. 25 ft front. Charles Schoon agt Jo.seph 31 Vickers, Thomas L.—T. M. RUey... 77 82 (1882).. . 53 50 Peter.s and J. S. Briggs. (Lien filed July 1 Vogler, Eliza—H. S. Sfcewarfc 169 58 Tv.sen, Isaac F.—Rachel M. Smith. (1880)... 947 C6 1, 1881) $.75.50 28 Wilson, WiUiam—Julia Whifclock, iWhituey, Charles E.—H. K. Miller. (1870). 28 Seventy-sixth st, n s, 415 e 1st av, 25 ft admrx 284 88 "Webb. Alexander S.—H, A. Gouge & Co, 3,367 75 front. Frank M. Clemens agt Johanna 30 Wheeler, Elisha P.—W. T. Wesfc... 151 72 (188-2) 1,.336 03 Stern and Bernard Metzger. (Oct. 15, '81) 123 00 Webb, John B. ) Wille, Fritz—Hy, Wilkens. (1881) 178 26 28 Eightieth st, Nos. 233 and 2.3.5, n s, abt 151, Westchester Fire Ins. Co.—Mary Richard­ w 2d av, abt 50.10 ft front. De Graw it 30 WaU, Charles -J. A. Waller, Jr. 1,853 94 son. (1881) 135 81 West agt James H. Slocum. (Dec. 23 Wyse, William L. ) Same same. (1879) 3,333 92 1881) : 1-2000 31 Werner, Charles and John—N. Leh­ Forty-eighth st, n s, abt 100 tv Lexington) man 90 94 * Vacated by order of Court. + Secured on Appeal. ^;oQ av, abt 100 ft front | 1 Wiseman, J. P.—A. Behrens 2S3 66 i Released. § Reversed. I Satisfied by Execution. ~ Lexington av, w s, abt 25 n 4Sth st, 75 ft f 1 Werner, Charles and John—Barbaro **Discharged by going through bankruptcy. front J Curnen & Phelan agt The American Ex­ Mark 121 85 press Co. and Wm. C. Hanna 90 75 :'.0 Yelverfcon, Robert-J. A. Waller, Jr. 1,853 94 Feb. , 4 » » *2 Forty-sixth st, Nos. 146 to 162 E., s s, bet KIN(JS COUNTY. Lexington and 3d avs. Charles Boutclier SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Jan. 28th to Feb. 3d—inclusive. agt B. Spaulding and John D. Demarest. (Jan. 14, 1882) 70 ];3 NEW YOEK. Bhss, A. M.—A. C. Keener. (1881) $3,047 12 Bottmann, George—C. GlucV. (1877) 36 03 2 Forty-fourth st, n s, abt 230 e 3d av, 75 ft Jan. 28fch to peb. 3d—inclusive, Clark, Clarence H. I H. H. Swift. Vacated. front. Patrick Tooner agt Bernard Mul­ Brevoort, or Drevefc, Celine—G. A. Sabine. Colton, Samuel W. r (1882) 5,53146 doon. agent, and Henry C. Dwight (187n) $16-2 01 Doody, Daniel—J. B. Pryce. (1879) 218 00 (April 26, 1877) ...2,000 00 Braun, Wilhelm—N. H. Hopkins. (1877).... 2V2 51 Huggins, Harriett and James—S. M. Os- 3 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s -s, 70 w 6th *Browning.Wm. H.—Phinny Ayres. (1882). 245 35 trander. (1881) 3,38149 av, 80 feet front. Thomas J. Burke .agt Bixby, S. M., & Co.—H. E. Bowns. (1883)... 288 00 Keller, C. H. W.—F. Dhuy. (1876). Execu­ Thomas Keenan and Sam. Weir. (Oct *Brown. George W.—B. C. Dean. (1877).... 690 40 tion e53 33 ^2,1881) 22100 Balke, Edward—Hy. 'Wilkens. (18S1) ITS 26 Same ssme. (1876). Execution 90 00 *2 Eightieth sfc. Nos. 229 and 231. n s, 280 e Sd Baer, Isaac—John Leppert. (1881) 95 01 Kimball, Fred'k. S. and Fred'k. J.—H. H. av. George A. Beattie agt Minnie Braen­ Same same. (1878) 694 19 Swift. (1882). Vacated .5.531 46 der. (Oct. 31, 1881) 140 00 Same same. (1880) 08 07 Martin, Archer N.—H. H. Swift. (1882). Cohen, Israel M.—Municipal Gas Light Co. Vacated 5,531 46 *2 Same property. Henry F. Moore agt same (1832) 91 64 McCue, Alexander, and /r (-.^ „ (-.qon i nrs> o.^ (Nov. 1,1881) * 130(0 Carll, Jesse-J. E. Risiey. (1880) 618 35 Cullen, E. M , exrs.,&c. ( ^- ^'^®''- ^^^^^>- ^'"'^ "- *2 Eightieth sfc, Nos. 229 and 231, n s, 228 w 2d Same J. H Risiey. (1881) 108 05 Same same. (1881) 79 02 av. 50.10 ft front. Degraw & West age- Crawford, Edgar M.—J. E. Kelsey. (1882). 661 13 McVey, Patrick P.—A. S. Sullivan. (1878).. 224 50 Minnie Braender. (Nov. 21, 1881) 100 00 PanamaR R. Co.—J W. Elwell. (1881).. 26,273 64 CoKSmuerK-}H.H. Swift. (1882).... 5,53140 3 Madi.son av, n e cor 66th st, 67.2x100 Post, Henry A. V.—H. H. Swift. (1882) Charles Butts agt Trustees of Episcopal Cohen, Jacob—J. R. Klein. (1881) 52 48 Vacated S.S^l 46 Church of the Holy Spirit. (Nov. 4,1881). Ill 85 Carr, Alonzo—Mayor. &c., N. Y. (1878) 89 02 Price, William M.—J. E. Kelsey. (1881).... l.OCO 00 Same same. (1877) 11-24 Smith, Charles H. — Long Island Asphalt 3 Forty-fourth st. Nos. 331 to 344, s s. Jacob Clark. George-Chas. O'Brien. (1880) 69 50 Composite Co. C1870i 25105 Vix & Son agt Catherine Sclimuck and Campbell, Margaret J.—J. A. Russ, Jr. Sullivan, Roger and Benjamin—J. H. Wed­ Louis Wendell. (Nov. 20,1881) 755 01 (ISSO). f 1,872 43 dle. (1873) 215 37 3 Fifty-seventh st, No. 25 W., n s. Fred Courier Co.—E. D. Colvin. (1880) 996 05 Tompkins, Nathaniel A.—T. W. Kiley. Haas agt Frederick V. Loew. (Jan. 13,, Same E. O. Colvin. (1881) 108 03 (1881) 133 88 1882).... 654 95 114 THE REAL ESTATE RECORI) iFebniary 4/ 1882

3 One Hundred and Fourteenth st, s s, 100 w roof, iron cornice; cost, $20,000; owner, Thos. Plan 83~Burling slip. No. 37, wall opened and 2d av, abt 105x100.11. John W. Ball agt Gearty, 415 East S8d st; architect, P. C. Merr.y. girder inserted; cost, $1,000; owners. Sweet & Robert J. Algie. (.Ian. 20, 1882) 1,389 00 Plan 73—Grand st. No. 53, s e cor South Sth av, Son,4 Fulton st; architect, Jno. Mclntire: build­ •Discharged by depositing amount of lien with one five-story brick and lime stone, 20x66.10, tin er, R. Huson. County Clerk. roof, iron cornice; cost, $23,000; owner, Ellen Plan 84—Twenty-first st. No. 1 W., cor Sth av, O'Brien, 251 West Houston st; architect, Chas. trusses to strengthen centre span of beams, &c.; Mettam; buUders, B. Weekes and Jeans & Tay­ cost, $700; owner. Union Club, 1 West Slst st. lor. KINGS COUNTY. Plan 85—Warren st, Nos. 41 and 43, new sky­ Plan 74—Pearl st, s e cor Dover st, one seven- light; cost, $400; owner, T. Suffei-ns estate, 80 January 28 to February 3—inclusive. story brick publishing house, 27.10x94, tin roof, Pranklin st; builders, Hanlon & Hayman. brick and metal cornice ; cost, $60,000; owner, Plan 86—Pike st. No. 62, widen piazza, and at­ Concord st. s s, 84.2 w Bridge st. Hobbv & Richard K. Fox, WiUis av, 13.5th and 136th sts ; tic re-arranged; cost, abont $3,000; owner, Ed­ Leeds agt E. T. Backhouse, owner, and E. architect, J. Rogers; builder, J. O'Kane. F. Smith. (Dec. 2, 1981) $1,934 32 ward Knowlton, 24 Pike st; architect, E. Ken­ Same property. J. Burns and J. V. Johnson Plan 75—Beekman st. No. 61, cor Gold st, ex­ ny- agtsame. (Dec. 22, 1881) 47196 tends to Ann st, one live-story brick store, 96.2 Plan 87—Columbia st. No. 16, one-story brick Quincy st, n s, 375 e Lewis av. William H. and 103.1x23.9x23.4, tin roof, iron cornice ; cost, extension, 8x13, tin roof; cost, $400; owner, Bierds agt Alburtus G. Vandewater. $25,000 ; owner, William Sharp, 475 Pacific st, (Jan. 14,1882) 50 00 Jacob Kramer, on premises; architect, Charles Quincy st. n s, abt 375 e Yates av. R. G. Brooklyn ; architect, W. W. Smith; builder, W. Sturzkober; builders, Wall & Lockmann. W. Owens. Phelps agt same as last. (Dec. 20,1881).. 283 33 Plan 88—Second av. No. 1175, repair damage Gates av, s s, 100 w Lewis av, 180x—. R. Cum­ Plan 76—Sixth st, s s, 105 w 2d av, four five- mings & Sons agt George Nichols and J. by tire; cost, $6'25; owner. Miss Sarah Burr, 25 story Connecticut brown stone tenem'ts, 25x80, University pl; builder, E. Smith. E. Vandewater. (Jan. 2G, 1882) 1,303 00 tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each, .§20,000; owners, Quincy st, n s, 37!i e Yates av. Christian F. Plan 89-One Hundred and Thirtieth st, n s, 375 Hommel agt Albertus G. Vandewater. W. P. & A. M. Parsons, 184 East U4thst; archi­ tects, Thom & Wilson; builders, Parsons & Son. w Boulevard, brick extension, 24x25, felt roof, (Dec 23,1881) 54 45 sheathed w-ith iron; cost, $400; owner, Anna M. Remsen st, No. 35, s s. Michael Walsh agt Josiah O. Low. owner, and W. B. Martin, Harrison, 130th st, w Boulevard; architect and builder, A. J. Harrison. P. Lee and E. F. Smith. (Jan. 27,1883)... 386 00 KINGS COUNTY. Plan 90—Ninth st. No. 749 E., repair damage Plan 46—Manhattan av. No. 123, w s, 103 n 4th by fire; cost, $1,500; owner, Geo, S. Wright, 58 st, one one-story frame shop, 16x25, gravel roof; West 23d st; builder, Guy Culgin. owners, Ackerly & Gerard, 125 Manhattan av; Plan 91—Twenty-third st, No. 25 W., raised BUILDINGS PROJECTED. builder, S. W. Randall. two feet, one-story brick extension, 24.6x30, tin Plan 47—Prospect pl, n s, 100 w Albany av, five roof, tin cornice, internal alterations, entire front two-story frame dwell gs, 20x30, and two-story wall rebuilt; cost, $11,000; lessee, George Cant­ NEW YORR CITY. extensions, 12.6x13, gravel roof; cost, each, rell, 241 4th av; architect, Bart Walther. $1,300; owner, J. Herod, 13S9 Atlantic av; archi­ Plan 92—Dry Dock st. No. 1, rebuild bulging Plan SS—Fourth av, s e cor S3d st, one one story tect, A. HiU; builders, J. Ashfield & Son. glass store front store and dwell'g, gravel roof, gable wall; cost, $400; owner, Louis Beahlert, 97 Plan 48—Norman av. No. 141, n s, 251 e Oak­ Lewis st; builder, Wm. Wright. •wooden cornice; cost, S'3,000; owner, Alfred A. land st, one three-story frame tenem't, 25x41, tin Fraser, Sayville, L. I.; architect, A. B. Ogden. Plan 93—Broadway, n w cor Grand st, show roof; cost, $3,800; owner, Chas. P. Germann, 109 window; cost, $700; lessee, London & Liverpool Plan 59—Ninety-first st, s P, 96 e 4th av, two Norman av; architect, F. Weber; buUder, John Clothing Co.; architect, J. B. Franklin, five-story brick tenem'ts, 27 front, 2." rear x 90, Fallon. tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each, SIS,000; owner, Plan 94—Twenty-third st, No. 26 W., openings Plan 49—Second st. No. 429, w s, 25 n North Sth in walls, lintels, &c.; cost, $2,400; owner, W. P. Mary McManus, 244 East 79th st; architect, A. st, one four-story brick tenem't, 35x55, tin roof, B Ogden, Earle, 123 East 57th st; architect, M. N. Cutter; iron cornice; cost, $8,000; owner, John Wiegand, builder, not selected. Plan 60—Third av, w s, 75.S n 114th st, two five- 421 2d st; architect. A. Herbert; builders, Y. story brown stone flats, 32xS5, tin roof, iron cor­ Bruchhauser and J. Fallon. Plan 95—Vandewater st, Nos. 12 to 16, repair small damage by fire to roof; cost, $850; owner, nice; cost, eaf'h, §20,000; owner, Darius G. Cros­ Plan SO—Leonard st, s e cor Moore st, one two- by, 99 Nassau st; architects, D. & J. Jardine; Mary W. Wright, 73 Remsen st, Brooklyn; ar­ story frame stable and storage, 28 and 11x25, tin chitect, J. Jukes; builder, H. Wallace. builder, Edward Kilpatrick. roof; cost, $800; owner, William Hoffmann,Broad­ Plan 61—Broome st, No. 126, one five-story way, cor Walton st; architect, A, Herbert; Plan 96—Twentieth st. No, 434 E., west )4 bi'ick tenem't, 20xS7, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, builders, Wm. Rauth and G. Ross. fitted for stables; cost, $1,530; lessee, F. T. Wal­ ton, 13 West 58th st; builders, Mahoney Bro. Sl'2,000; owner, Henry Eisner, 322 East 14th st; Plan 51—Fifteenth st, s s, 97.10 e 6th av, two architect, J. Hoffmann. three-story frame tenem'ts, 24.8x45, tin roof; Plan 97—Broadway, No. 1101, wall opened, Plan 62—Morris st, n s, 150 e Railroad av, one cost, each, $3,000; owner, Mary E. Wood, 98 15th arch, &c.; cost, $1,60(1; owner, estate Mary C. three-story brick post office, 25x64, tin roof, iron st; architect, Thos. McCormick; buUder, W. Kenney; builder, D. Wilkie. cornice; cost, $9,000; owner, Guiding Star W^ood. Plan 98—Canal st, No. 332, repair damage by Lodge, Mott st, Tremont; architects, Kerby & Plan 52—Oakland st, e s, 150 n Calyer st, one fire to roof; cost, $530; owner, Robert Hayward, Archer. two-story frame mill, 8S and 102x50, gravel 162 Waverly pl; architect and builder, Henry- Plan 63—Av A. No. 200, bet 12th and 13th sts, roof; cost, $3,000; owner, Mr. Smith. Wallace. one five-story brick store and tenem't, 25.9x65, Plan 53—Lee av, w s, 25 s Rodney st, four Plan 99—Tenth av, e s, 76.8 n 73d st, raise one and store 9S, tin roof, ii^on cornice; cost, $16,000; three-story brown stone dweU'gs, 19x42, tin roof, story, built beneath, also one-story brick exten­ owner, Edward Kane, S President st, Brooklyn; wooden cornice; cost, total, $38,000;owner, Mary sion, 21x35, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $1,500; architect, Chas. Werner. C. Ferguson, 350 South Sth st; architect, A. Her­ owner, Mrs. Ann Owens, 10th av, e s, 78d st and Plan 64--Kingsbridge av, w s, 162 n of New bert; buUder, R. Ferguson. 74th st; architect, Fr. S. Barus; builder, not selected. York Central E,. R., one two-and-a-half story Plan 54—Schenck st, e s, 150 s Flushing av, one frame dwell'g, 28x22, slate and tin roof, wooden two-story brick stable, 15x30, tin roof, brick Plan 100—Jackson st, Nos. 23 and 25, waU re­ and tin cornice; cost, $4,000; owner, Edmund cornice; cost, $1,000; owner and builder, P. F, moved, iron lintels, &c.; cost, $1,000; owners, Coffin, Jr., 4 Pine st; architect and builder, S. Lenhart, Schenck st, near Flushing av; mason, Friedman & WeUbrock, 174 South 9th st, Brook­ L. Berrian. W. M. Gibson. lyn; architect, W. Jose. Plan 65—Kingsbridge av, w s, 287 n of New Plan 55—Verona pl, , 100 s e Marcy av, one Plan 101—Third av, Nos. 789 and 791, raised one York Central R. R.. one two-and-a-half-story two-story brick coach house and stable, 30x52, story, walls strengthened, front rebuilt, iron frame dwell'g, 28x22, slate and tin roof, wooden tin roof, wooden cornice; owner, Henry Pierce, work, &p.; cost, $6,000; owner, Isaac D. Nord- and tin cornice; cost, $4,000; owner. Albert 15. 39 Stockton st; builders, J. W, Campbell and linger, 100 Pearl st; architect, H. Kafka; build­ Putnam, No. 17 WaU st; architect and buUder, S. MiUs & Bush. er, Jas. Duffy. L. Berrian. Plan 56—Monroe st, n s, 425 w Bedford av, five Plan 102—Tenth av. No. 761, walls altered, &e.; Plan 66—Forty-seventh st, s s, 150 w Lexing­ three-story brown stone flats, 20x61, gravel roof, cost, $1,500; owner, Wm. MuUer, on premises; ton av, three five-stor.y brick and sandstone wooden and tin cornice; cost, each, $7,000; owner architect, A. H. Blankenstein. flats, 33.4 and 27xS1.'9, gravel roof, iron and buUder, J. M. Brown, 5'iS Quincy st. Plan 103—Jay st, Nos 16 and 18, smoke house cornice; cost, each, $20,000; owner, Michael J. Plan .57—Woodbine st. No. 65, bet Bushwick inside of old building; cost, $1,500; owners and O'ReiUy, 110 East 4.5th st; architect, C. O'ReUly; architects, Baker & Clarke, on premises; builder, builders, O'Reilly Bros. and Evergreen avs, one two-story frame dwell'g, 22x36, tin roof; cost, $3,300; owner, Stephen Kel­ J. T. Stevi'uson, Plan 67—One Hundred and Twenty-first st, s s, sey, 59 Woodbine st; architect and carpenter, F. Plan 104—Broadway, No. 375, iron truss rods 100 e Madison av, six three-story brown stone Marryatt; mason, J. Lambert. and timbers; cost, about, $150; owner, Thomas dwell'gs, lO.SxSO, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, Plan 58—Macon st, s s, 130 w Vernon pl, two Faye, 741 Sth av; architect, Wm. Howe; builder, each, $10,000; owner and builder, J. B. Davis, Wm. B. MitcheU. 1686 Lexington av; architects, J. H. Valentine & two-story brick dwell'gs, 20x40, tin roof, wooden Co. and tin coi-nice; cost, each, $5,000; owner and Plan 105—Fourteenth st. No. 18 W., remove builder, D, H, Fowler, 14 Verona pl; architect, basement partitions, wrought iron beams for Plan 68—One Hundred and Twenty-first st, s A, HiU, girder, new iron front, &c.; cost, $5,000; owner, s, 162 w 1st av, three four-story brick tenem'ts, W. J. Demorest, 21 East 57th st; architect, A. 30x67, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each, $15,000; Craig; builder, not selected. owner and mason, C. Johnson, 4th av, n e cor 119th st; architect. R. Rosenstock; carpenter, Plan 106—Greene st, Nos. 44 and 46, chimney not selected. ALTERATIONS NEW YORK CITY. flue for boiler, &c.; cost, $400; owner. Misses Appleton, 1 Bond st; architect, W. E. Mathew; Plan 69—Forty-third st, No. 435 W., one five- Plan 79—Fifty-ninth st. No, 333 E., front alter­ builders, W. McLoughUn and R. Boyers. story brick flat, 25 and 30x82, tin roof, iron cor­ ation and room enlarged; cost, $150; owner, nice; cost, $16,000; owner, PhiUp Donohue, 215 Dennis O'Brien, on premises; architect, A. B. West 53d st; architect, W. Graul. Ogoen. Plan 70—Eighty-third st. n s, 50 e Madison av, Plan 80—Broadway, No. 187, and Nos. 5 and 7 one four-story brown stone dweU'g, 18x56, ex­ Dey st, buildings connected, interior alterations, RINGS COUNTY. tension, 8.3x12, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, tank on roof; cost, $5,000; owner, Alfred Becar, Plan 27—Leonard st, s e cor Moore st, one-story $20,000; owner, Thomas Gearty, 415 East 83d st; 317 Clinton st; architect, W. A. Mundell; build­ frame extension, 25x35, tin roof, wooden cornice, architect, F. C. Merry. ers, R. P. Carr and J. B. Jacobs. front alteration; cost, $2,000; owner, Wm. Hoff­ Plan 71—Eighty-third st, n s, 68 e Madison avi Plan 81—^West st, n e cor Cortlandt st, flat tin mann, Broadway, cor Walton st, see Plan 50, one fo'U'-story;brown stone dwell'g, 17x56, andex" roof, columns removed, building altered for New Buildings; architect, A. Herbert; builders, tension, 8.3x12, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, offices; cost, $6,000; owner, J. W. Kaiser; archi­ W. Rauth and G. Ross. $20,000; owner and architect, same as last. tect, W. Jose. Plan 28—Nostrand av. No. 249, one-story brick Plan 72—Eighty-thiz-d st, n s, 85 e Madison av, Plan 82—Broadway, No. 370, repair damage by extension. 17x'-;;0, gravel roof; cost, $125; owner, one four-story browa stone dweU'g, 15x74 in fixe; cost, $4,677; owner, John Jay, 5 Washing­ J ohn P. Byrnes, on premises; architect and car­ basement, and 56 above, extension, 6.4x9, tin ton pl; builder, E. Smith. penter, M. McCarty; mason, M. Myers. February 4,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD 115

Plan 29—WiUoughby st, No. 11, front altera­ 43d st, both sides, from west curb Lexington av to east tion; cost, $400; owner, P. G. Foley, on premises; curb 4th av.t LIS PENDENS, NEW YORK CITY. builder, VV. Zang. 87th St. from west curb 10th av to east curb Boule­ MISCELLANEOUS SUITS. Plan 30—Grand St. No. .5.58, raised one story^ flat vard.* tin roof; cost, $134; owner, Wm. Robbins, on l'27th st, bet Sth and St. Nicholas avs.* Jan. r.28th st, bet 8th and St. Nicholas avs.* 93d st, n s, 90 e 3d av. 60x100.8. Catherine M. premises; builder, J. Monzani. 129th St. bet Sth and St. Nicholas avs.* Trimble agt Abraham Steers et al.; action to re­ Plan 31—Raymond st, No. 219, brick partition, 1.34th st, bet east curb Willis av and west curb Brook cover title; att'y, John H, Clayton 27 &c.; cost, $1,500; owner, Alex. McCue, on prem­ av.* 60t.h st, s s. 153,2 w Boulevard, 20x100.5. Denis J. ises; architect, F. Demott; builders, J. Demott & 143d st, bet east curb Willis av and west curb Brook av.* Dwyer agt Emeline S. Ely; action to fierce spe­ Son and J. Rome. cific performance of agreement; atfy, Matthew Plan 32—Schenck st, e s, 150 s Flushing av, two- PAVING Daly 28 story brick extension, 30x34.6, tin roof, iron cor­ 69th st, from west walk Sth av to Boulevard.!- Hawthorne st, n s, 200 n Vermillyea av, 146.5x 1 sad st, from west walk Sth av to Boulevard.!- 25 nice; cost, $3,000; owner and carpenter, P. P. Post av, n s. 200 e Emerson st. 20x100, irreg Lenhart, Clason av, near Flushing av; mason, 12.3d st, from west walk 1st av to east walk 2d av.t 128th st, from Oth to 7th av.-r Florence M. Todd agt Thonias C. Fields etal.; Wm. M. Gibson. 133d st,-from 4th to Gth av.* attachment; att'ys, Townsend, Dyett & Einstein 30 Av A, from line 10 ft s of 54th st to north side of 57th Cannon st, w s. 125 n Broome st, .'^0x100. Abraham B. Strang and Elizabeth his wife agt Margaret NOTES AND ITEMS. st.t Rudniski et al,; partition: att'y. Thos. Nelson 31 A new fire-escape has been invented by an Madison av, from 110th to 116th st.t Lot beginning 31 ft. south from n w cor of 12th st Italian. It is made in ten sections, and rents on and 4th av, runs west 50 x south 16 8 x east .50 x a car on which it can be transported. It can north 16 8. Susan Sturgres et al. agt Julia Morss be run up 160 feet, either perpendicularly or Fordham Landing road, from the Fordham Heights et al.; partition; ait'ys. Lewis & Beecher ... 31 obliquely and will carry six firemen, aud it is depot of N. Y. & Northern B. R. to Jerome av: 20th St. No. 147 W., n s. 2,34.2 e 7th av, 22x92. Jas. claimed it will be of great service in i-eaching the gas.* W. Barry, Jr., agt Henry B. and Harmon B. Southern Boulevard, from Berrian av to Tompkins Hart et al.; action to set aside deed and mort­ centre of a fire. st; gas.* gage ; att'ys, Lindsay &. Flammer 31 Mr. John A. Monsell is now at Jacksonville, Spring pl, bet Boston road and Franklin av; gas.t Feb. Florida. 87th st, from Sth to 10th av; Croton pipes.* 46th St. nes, bet 10th and llth avs, 2.5x100.4 103d st, from 1st to 2d av; Croton.t William Hackenfert agt Gerhardt Hackenfert 105th st, from 4th to Sth av; Croton pipes.* and ano,, exrs. of F C. Hackenferdt et al,; ac­ l--!4th st, from Willis av to Brown pl. ) tion to set aside and cancel a satisfaction of 136th st, from Willis av to point 200 e Willis -Croton t mortgage; att'y, Michael C. Gross 1 MISCELLANEOUS. West .st. No. 515, n w cor Horatio st, 2.5x100. Eli- av. \ hue B. Estes et al. agt WiUiam J. Griffith; at­ BUSINESS FAILURES. 135th st, f(om 4th to 8th avs; gas.t tachment ; att'y, Wm. P, Melvin 2 llSth st, from 3d to Courtland avs; Croton.* Av C. No 180. e s, 26 n llth st, 25.9x8:^. John J. Schedule of assets and liabilities filed by assignees 164th st, bet 3d and Washington avs; Croton.t McEntee individ., and as exr. of Bridget Mc­ cor the week ending Feb. 3d: 175th st, from Vanderbilt av to Worth av. 1 Entee, agt Catharine A. O. Mccntee et al.: ac­ Nominal Real Worth av, from 177th to point opposite Gas V gas.t tion to set aside and annul deeds; att'y, Samuel Liabilities. Assets. Assets. Works. ( J. Cohen 2 Atkins, Charles H... $5,049 $1,273 $9.50 1st av, bet 40th and 41st sts; gas.t Morse av, D e cor Oak av, 122.4x143 3. Patrick Burdiek, Lncinda S.. 5,944 ;i,738 1,893 6th av, w a, bet 124th and l'25th sts; Croton.* H. Murphy agt Stephen W. Dorsey; attach­ Hirshfield, Herman.. 2,414 1,181 843 CHANGE OF GRADE. ment; att'y, John S. Smith 3 Solomon, Edward, in­ divid. and as sur­ 40th st, bet 1st av and East River.* 22d st, n s. extdg from Broadway to 5th av, 901 viving partner of on 22d st x 70 on Broadway, x 66 on Sth av, x 58. | CROSS WALKS. Burling slip, Nos. 32 and 34, s s ! Jos. Solomon & Co. 6,678 6.891 4 824 Bonlevard, 1.50th st, Hudson River R. R. and \ Stein, Abraham 21,791 18,000 12*907 158th st, at Melrose, Courtland and Railroad avs.* 149th st, bounded by Taylor, Walter A.... 1,158 11,158 658 STREETS RENUMBERED. 10th av, n w cor 149th st, 199.11x45') J N. Y. iiSSIGNMENTS—BENEFIT CREDITORS. Hugh N, Camp agt Hickson W. Field; attach­ Jan. and Feb. 8th av, streets on w s of, bet 59th and 110th sts.t ment ; att'y, Randolph B. Martine 3 Butler, Albert H. 1 3 Hanks, Edwin P. [ t. r v. ^ ^^ ^^ (Butler. Bros. & Co., 110 ^ to John C. Mott. BROOKLYN BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Warren st) J FORECLOSURE SUITS. Ross, Leo. BROOKLYN, January 23, 1882. CROSSWALKS. Jan. 30 Simmonds, JuUus. Vto Charles Fulton 45th st, s s, 360 e Oth av, 20x100.5. Ella Sugden agt (Ross & Co.)... 3d av, s s 20th st. Henry S. Day and Mary his wife, et al.; att'y, 3d av, s s 13th St. Henry C. Bowers 27 KINGS COUNTY. CULVERTS. Thompson st, Nos. 91 and 9.3, w s, 125 n Spring st, Myrtle av, s e cor Elm st. 50x100. Wm. M Kingsland, as trustee of Daniel Feb. GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS. C. Kingsland, agt Elias Ponvert am: wife, et al.; 1 Thomas, Charles L., to D. S. Holmes. UNCAPPING L.iMPS. att'y, F. de P. Foster 27 Myrtle av, bet Stanhope and Hamburg sts. 14th st, s w s. 419 n e 1st av, 25x71.5x29, lOx.55.1. Myrtle av, bet Bushwick av and Blyrtle st. Frederick W. Von Stade agt Catharine Rey­ Flushing av, s s, bet Carlton av and .-Vdelphi st wood et al.; att'.y, Geo. B. Goldschmidt 27 STREET CONTRACTS. 3d av, ( s. 104 s 87th .st, 19.5x100. James Suydam The Commissioner of Public Works has entered agt Catharine Duffy et al.; att'y, Lambert S, Quackenbush 30 into contracts for the following work: 3d av, e s, 84,6 s 87th st, 19,6x100. Same agt same. 30 Sewer.—70th st, bet the Boulevard and 9th av; con­ ADVERTISED LEGAL SALES. 3a av, e s, 65 s 87th st, 19.6x100. Same agt same.. 30 tractor, George F. Woodwarrl. 127th stand 7l:h av; .3d av, e s, 45.6 s 87th st, 19.6x11 0. Same agt same 30 snretie-, Ed. C. Sheehy, 33 East 133d and T. M. ftEFEREES' SALES TO BE HELD AT THE EXCHANGE SALKS 89th st, s s, 1-37.0 e Av A, 18.9x100.8. Laura Haens- Bixby, 501 5th av. ROOM, NO. Ill BROADWAY gen agt Joseph Emrich and Clara his wife, et al; Paving.—Burling slip, bet Water and South sts; con­ att'y, John C. Clegg 30 tractor, Thomas Gearty, 415 East 83d st; sureties, Feb. Hnrlem Railroad, ses, part lot 164 on map of thel P. H. MeCullogh, 340 East 32d st and Patrick Sheehy, 98th st, n s, 175 e Oth av, 25x100.11, vacant, by U S village of Morrisania, 183.3x134 to Mill Brook. I 251 East 83d st. Loan Commissioners, at Court House . 7 X—xl73 [. Sth av, No. 72, e s, 46 s 14tn st, 22:i80, three-story V Also part of same lot, 25x173 to Mill Brook, x ( Flagging.—119ih st, from 4th to 6th av; contractor, brick store and dwell'^i irreg j Tiios. Gearty, 415 East 83d st; sureties, Thos. Began, Oth av, Nos. 180, 182, 1S4 and 186, e s. loi n 12th st" Paul Picaut, as exr. of Margaret F. Picant! agt 658 3d av and Patrick Sheehy, 251 East 83d st. 80x100, three four story brick stores and dwell­ Daniel R. Lyddy and wife, et al.: amended Regulating, etc—116th st, from 10th to Blorningside ings notice; att'ys, Coudert Bros , 30 av; contractor. Patrick Farley, 164 East 63d st; 14th st, No. 120. new No. 154, s w s, 71.6 s e 7th av Av A, w s, 25,2 n l-.;2d st, 75,7x100. George H. Rose sureties, Terrence and John F. Farley, 165 East 61si 28.6x103.3, four-story stone front dwell'g ' agt John Fitzeerald et al.; att'y, Wm. T. Graff. 31 .St. by Wm. Kennelly. (Amount due, abt $4,300) 7 Mott st, e s, 42.2 s Hester st, runs east. 45.6 x south Regulating, etc.—115th st, from 10th av to Morningside 83d st, n s, 98 e Av A, 75x102,2, vacant ) 80.7 X east 23.1 x north to Hester st, x east 66 x Drive; contractor, A. A. Irvine, 128 Chambers st; 84th st, s s, 98 e Av A, 75x1' 2.2, vacant f south 100 X west 1.33.11 to Mott st, x north 56 to sureties, John C. Wandell, 483 West22d st and L. by Jos. McGuire. (Partition sale) ' s beginning. Joseph Hillenbrand, exr. of Francis D. Ausquette, 335 West 31 st st. 27th st. No. 411, n s, 174 w 9ch av, 27.7x98.9, two- Hillenbrand, agt Herman B. Lanfer et al.; att'y, story frame dweU'g and one-.«tory frame stable Philip J. Joachimsen 31 Furnishing and laying Georgia pine flooring.—69th in rear, by R. V. Harnett. (Amount dne, abt 39th st, n s, 175 w 9th av. 25x98.9, Foreclosure of Regiment Armory; contractors, Jas. Cavanagh aud $4,600) g three morts. Nicholas F Palmer, exr. of Fran­ Denis McCarthy, 619 Hicks st, Brooklyn; sureties, 69th st, n s, 100 e 3d av, 430x100.4,' vacant, by L " J ces B HegemaT, agt Margaretha Pfeiffer, indi­ M. Duane, 29 City Hall pl, and E, L. Carey, 48 Pike &I Phillips. (Amt due, abt $63,000).... 9 vid., and as extrx. of Martin Pfeiffer et al.; St. 127th st, No. 145, ns, 366.3 w 3d av, 18.8x99.11 three- att'ys, Man & Parsons si Furnishing materials and building one swimming story stone front dwell'g, by L. J. Phillins Feb. bath; contractor, John C. Wilson, Jr., 984 Cth av; (Amt. due. abt $8,000) 9 69thst, ns, 3S0e2dav, 50x100.t ) sureties, Felix Campbell, 79 John st and C. H. Field, ,52d st, No. ,546, s s, 275 e llth av, 25x100.5, foiiV- 957 Madison av. 69th st, n w cor Istav, 99.6x100.4 \ story brick tenem't, by H. Henriques. (Amt Cordelia S. Steward agt John and William Noble Setting curb, flagging, etc.—122d st, from 6th to 7th due, abt $10,100) .... ^ 9 et al.; att'ys, Olin. Rives & Jlontgomery 1 av; contractor, Michael Finn, SSth st and Av A: West Farms road, lots 18 and 19 on map'of 119th st. No. 15, n s. 151.5 w 5th av, 14x73. William sureties, Tim. Donovan, 416 East 114th st and Mich­ estate of Wm. Crowther, at West Farms, 61 6x80 H. Aus'in agt Isabella V. and John Hogan et al.; ael Kane, li6 East 75th st. by J. M. Smith, ref., on premises ' 9 att'y, Francis M. Jencks j Regulating, etc.—137th st, from 5th to 7th av; con­ 119th st, No. 17, n s, adj, 14x76.10. Same agt sam'e 1 tractor. Michael Finn; sureties, Tim. Donovan and 119th st, No. 11 (•?), n 3, 137.5 w Sth av, 14x69.2. Michael Kane. KINGS COUNTY. George D. Smith, exr. Mortimer M. Houseworth, agt same j Regulating, etc—112th st, from 6th to 7th av; con­ Feb. 119th st, No. 11, n s, 123.5 w Sth av, 14x65.4. Same tractor, Michael Finn; sureties, Tim. Donovan, 416 Atlantic av, s s, 172 w 6th av, 50x109.3x51.2x120 2 | agt same j East 114th st and James Riley, 413 East 115th st. Bergen st, •< w s. 245.3 w Nevins st, 20x100 " ' j 119th st, n s 151.5 w Sth av, 14x73. Francis "M! Regulating, etc.—113th st, from 5th to Sthav; con­ by T A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st 6 Jencks agt same i tractor, James Slattery, 207 West 57th st; sureties, South 8th st, s e cor Oth st, 21.8x99.8, by A W Van 76th St. n s, 248 e Av A, 50x10-2.2, Julia D. Miller W. Hallihan, 347 West 53d st and H. Tone, 114th st Wink e, ref.. at Court House 6 agt Elbert D, Howes et al.; att'y, Robert B. aud 10th av. Fleet st, ws, 69.9 s Fleet pl, 20.6x65,10 / Thompson g Gates av, n s, 380 w Tompkins av, 20x100 f Slstst. No. 4-.;0, ss, SOfielOth av, 17x100 5."juii'a by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st 7 A. Caiidee and George M. Smith agt Eliza and North 5th st, n w cor 3d st, 100x100 James Smith et al.: att'y. Chauncey S. Truax 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN Ormond pl, w s, 250 s Putnam av, 01.8x145x48 3x West st, n e cor Charles st, 20.11x86 5. Anna Mo­ 145 7 neii and Mary M. Roome agt William Stock- AFFECTL\G REAL ESTATE. by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st .'.'.'."."'.'' 8 deick et al.; att'y, Ambrose Monell 2 Lexmgton av, Nos. 215 and 217, s e cor 33d st, SO.gx Av C, w s, ^22.9 s 16th St. 23x88. Elizabeth Kenney * Under the different headings indicates that a reso­ 95, three-story brick livery stable, by R. V. Har­ lution has been introduced and referred to the anpro- agt Mary Prior, as admrx. of Susan Sheridan et nett. (1st mort., amount due, abt ,$26,400). ... 8 al.; att'y, John Flanagan 3 priate committee, t Indicates that the resolution has State st, n s, 223 tl Clinton st, 21.1x108.7 "1 passed and been sent to the Mayor for approval. SOth st, s s, 140 e 4th av, 20x98 9. Daniel M. Gr'i'fl Myrtle av, s s, 250 w Marcy av, 25x100 . { fen agt Catharine M. Hawley et al.; att'vs S NEW YORK, January 31,1882. Bergen st, s s, 200 e Oth av, 2 brick dwell'gs, each ( W. &H.W. Gaines . 3 199x131 ; ' 1 REGULATING. GRADING. ETC. Mott av, e s, ?3,4 s 150th st. 16.8x101. Julia A by T. A. Kerrigan, at 35 Willoughby st 9 Murdock, as trustee for Catharine Browne agt 19th st, from a line 260 w Of 10th avto east curb 13th 49th st, s w s, 100 s e 3d av, 4 lots, each 15x100.2. by av.t Ellen Sharkey et al.; amended notice: att'y J. Cole, at 389 Fulton st 9 JohnA. Carney... 3 116 THE REAL ESTATE RECOR©. February 4,1882

LIS PENDENS. KINGS COUNTY. 1st av. No. 1070, store and floor above. Nicho­ Gainsley, Frederick, City—Cornelius Barhydt, Jan. las Betjeraan to Henry Wiener; 3 years, one clock, &c 112 from May 1 South 4th st, n s. '230 e Oth st, 20.\95. Danipl B. JUDGMENTS. Stearns agt Hannah L. Moit et ai.; at;."ys, Ru.-s 3d av. w s, 7.5 s USth st, store and back rooms. sell & Latting ~ Christian Ehman to A. & J. Bowes. 5 yrs, Bergh, Charles, et al—John Dickson et al 29 Withers st, n s, 17.o w Lorimer st, 2,"ixl00, Samuel from May 1, 1880 300 Dutcher, J B—Matthew Winne 1 Delaplaine agt George Thompson; atfy, C. L. Moore, Ransom, City—Abram Schell et al 28 Lvou Lots 51 to 56, inclusive, Coney Island Point. Rol)- ILSTER COUNTY. ert Fenry agt the Town of Grav«^seud: :itt'y, J. H. Bergen MORTGAGES. Henry st, n w s. 22.G n e (:-) Rapelyea st. 21,10x88.0. NOTE.—Tlie arrangement of the Conveyances, Mort­ Error, The Germania Soc, New Yoi-k, agt Lil­ gages and Judgments in these lists is as follows: the Burhaus, Emily—Ulster Co Sav Inst, Kingston. .Sl,O0O lie G. and H, C, Mackrell; att'ys, Kaufman & first name, in ihe Conveyance is the Grantor; in Dubois, Audries-Solomon Dubois, Glardiner 3,000 Wagner, SO Nassau st Mortgages, the Moi-tgagor; in Judgments, the Judg­ Dubois, Audries A—C H Lefever, by exr, Gardi­ Railroad av, e s, S.'M) n Union av, 50x-200. Eiehai-d ment debtor. ner 2,000 Field agt Mary O'Meara; att'.y. F. .Smyth Same——same 1,666 South 7th St. s e cor 2d st, 23.(3xKl, Partition. Hasbrouck, Anna and Mary-Ulster Co Sav Inst, Adeline Gilchrist agt j)latthias Frank et ai.: DlTCriESS COCiVTY. Woodstock 1,300 atfy, M. E, Sawyer Krom, Eliza J—.Tacob A Snyder, Rosendale 240 Myrtle av, s s. "••*. 4 w Pear! st. •C4..5x75 ) MORTGAGES. Keator, Thomas O—John H Davis, Rochester... 586 M.vrtle av. s s, 48.11 w Pear! st. 2! •5.K75 ;- Davis, Richard. Beekman-John Brill SSOO Northrop, Sophia E—S C Edson, Denning 150 Livingston av. s w cor Sackman av, -.JD.GxlOO— ) Palmer, Reuben—Wm H Houghtaling, Esopus.. 100 Hannah. .Tames. Eduam—I\lonfort J Van Kleeck. 235 Mnrearet E, Yoimg agt Catharine J. 31uiideil et Lake, Amelia—Jordan C Dobbs, New Paltz 400 al,; partition; atfy, .1, F. Baker Keane, Wm. Glenham—Matteawan Sav Bank... 1,500 Marshal], Henry B, Hyde Park—Frank Valen­ Wilkins. James M—Fannie Woolsey, Marl­ Washington av, w s, 409 G s to Lafayette av, rims tine. Sr 1,800 borough , 100 west 171.6 X scnith 60.6 to Oreetie .-iv, x <-ast 171,6 JUDGMENTS. X north 60.6, Georgianna H, Pctleiigillagt Ann Majoi-, i\rary P, and Elizabeth Pells. Hyde Park B, Thorp et al.; partition; atfy, J. M. Gi-een- —Mari.T. A Hasbrouck 2,400 Burlison, Cornelius—B Harvey Brodhead 108 •wood IMosher. .Tames H, Pawling—Mar.v Mosher 80 Dingman, Geo W—Jesse C Hausee 106 14 acres 2 roods and 15 perclies at New Utiecht. Tompkins, Lewis, Jlatteawan—James Mackin et Garrison, Anna C—Moses Hommel 651 adn Denyse & Stillwell. Emma Ba.insdaU act al. exrs 7,500 Gillespie, Abner H—Fred (5 Hubs et al 31 As'her D. Atkinson et al; atfys, Estes & Bar­ Spring, Raphael, Poughkeepsie City — Simon McMillan, Duncan C—Richard Deyo 34 nard 31 Enock 1,775 O'Reilly, CeliliaB—Dewitt Cunyes 292 Feb. Same, Poughk'-epsie City .Tohn F Sheafe.. 10,500 O'Keill.v, John—Daniel Dougherty 51 Koschisko st, s s, 275 w Marcv av, 12x100. Duncan CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Saunders, Uriah, by exr^S D Coykendall 3,5,55 E. Mackenzie agt Mary L. Edwards e-t al.; att'ys, Southard, Thomas G—Tenck & Burhaus 18 Carman, John L—Jas W Reynolds, buggies, &c. 598 .Strickland, Wm H—Francis C Sherwood 9S Root & Jlartin 2 Fast, James—Cyrus Swan, wagons, &c 308 Naw St. e s, 283 s Tillary st, 2.5x100. Henry W. Teichler. Gustave—Wm Hutton 200 Hay. John W—J M Bruus^vick & Balke Co, Weber, Franz—F C Hubs et al 61 Niemann, guard., agt Bernard Malone and M. R. billiard tables 175 Laurence: atf v:-. G. S. & J. H. Stilt 2 .3d av, n e cor 21st St.'25x7.1. Annie Handley agt .TTJDGMENTS. Caroline Godfery or Godfrey:atfy, J. H. Kemble 2 Darrrow, Samuel K, Jr, Poughkeepsie—John P Depew 69 Drescher, Otto. Poughkeepsie — Leonard A. EW JERSEY RECORDED LEASES. Ganonng and ano 103 XBW YORK. Per year. Depew. John P, Poughkeepsie—E Ludlow Cooke ESSEX COUNTY. and ano 72 Bowery, No. 272. Charles L. Stickney to Hogan, James—John M Fuchs and ano 81 CONVEYANCES. Adolph Tode .and Ferdinand Wolff; 5 Keele.y. James- James R Barlow 127 years, from Jlay 1. 1S82 S2,700 Vincent, Gideon R—Thonuis Jillard 72 Aschenbach, J G—E C Robertson, Mercer st nom Broome st. No. 5-20. cor Thompson st. Mar­ Taylor. Geo S, Poughkeepsie—Farmers' &. Man­ Baker. Peter—J Koller, Sayrs st Si.3.50 garet Downs: .5 vears, from Ma.y 1. iS^l — 2,000 ufacturers' Nat Bank 975 Bender, Jacob—G Hermann, Patterson st 1,350 Bleecker st, Nos 417 and 419, and No. 8-J Bank Brown, Matilda—C. M. Irving, East Orange '.i.'sOO st Denis Hogan to A. Bj-ron Ci'oss: 3 Coffin. W H—J B Dill, assignment of lease 400 years, from iMay 1. ISSl 2,000 ORlJi^GE COINTY. Dike, H A—L A Bowden, Montclair 6.000 Bowling Green. No 7. Harriette W. Berr.y- Dime Savings Institution—M Jubert, West st .. 2',.5.50 man to Henderson Bros: 5 .years, from May MORTGAGES. Dryft;ss. Ja'-ob—E Roller, Mulberry st 2,500 1, 1SS2 9,075 Duryee, G S—T N McCarter. South Orange av... 3^000 Broadwa.y, No. 4n:J. store and cellar. Saul ,T. Butler, Frederick—M A Leonard. Cornwall $900 Same Lewis Hnrst. Cornwall 3.50 Evans, Joseph—J E Evans, Webster st..'. nom and Anielia Levy to 'Morris Livingston & Evans, J E—M Evans, !^ame nom Co.; 3 years and 9 months, from Jan. 1, Blauvelt, Arminda B—C Macardell. Goshen 3,000 Clark, Jolm A—A K Boyce, New Wiud.sor 2,800 Gerry, 1) J—E H Canfield. East Orange 2,5.50 18S-2 :i;,250. 4,.5afl -and 5,000 Hambohn, Albert—S Seidler, Clinton '4.50 Broadwiiy. Nos. 542 and 544, four uppi-r stories. Dutiy, 3Iar.v—Richai-d 1 'arby. Newburtrh 400 Griga-s, Woolsey—Sophia LGonld, Newburgh.. 1.000 Headley, W O—B Atha, High st 11,437 James McKave to Leopold Sinsheinier; 10 Sanie——same nom years, from Feb. 1. 1SS2 8,000 Henderson, Elizabeth—C B Halstead, Newburgh 2,225 jMrC!oskej% John—Warwick i^.av Bank, Chester. 4,000 Hibernia Fire Ins. Co—L S Plant, Tichenor st... 2,050 Broadwav, n w cor 24th st. Albemarle Hotel. ,/ Kanouse, Ed ward—Merchants Nat Bank of New­ Francis S, Kinney et al. to Louis H. .ian- u Duzer, Lewis—Sarah E Van Duzer, Sugar ark, Fairmount av nom vriii and Henry Walter; 10 year.s, from Loaf 1,000 Kenyon, John—A Cullen, Belleville 400 May 1, 3SH2 47.500 7 JUDGMENTS. Lebknecher, J A—E S Rusher, Miller st 4,500 Duane st, No. 14. Simon Johnson to Alexander Bradley, John—Aaron M Herrod 130 Lichtenstein, Solomon—J Lichtenstein, Living­ Katienbach: 5year.=. fn-om May 1. ISse— 1,200 Kitchen, Stephen A, and Alexander McDowell— ston st 1,800 Division st. No. '25.' Catharine R. Lincoln to Lichtenstein, Jacob—A Lichtenstein, same 1,9.^0 Mary E. Cherry: 3 years, from May 1 SW John Noonan 2'23 Sige. Philo J—Maria Wilson, &c 1,531 McCarter, T N—W H F Fiedler, S Orange av 3 (iQO Forsyth st, No. 13. Henrv S, Valentine to Is­ Mills. S R—J M Grinnell, State st 2,540 rael Fisher; 3 5-12 years, from Dec. 1. 1881. 1,800 Shafei-, George A and George D—Homer Rams­ dell Transportation Co 102 Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co—J Weinsch, Jacob st ' 60 Frankfort st. No. 'i-\ first and second floors, Osborne, W D—J C Osborne, South st 500 and basement of No. lii'J William st, AVm. Palmer, M J—J B Dill, East Orange 11,500 MacKellar to Booth & Co.: 1 year, from SCHENECTADY. People's Insurance Co of Newark—E J Dore­ Mayl.ISSl 2,000 mus, Sherman av 5,500 Grand st. No, COS, all the upper portion above CONVEYANCES. Pierson, M A—C Gefflnger, Court st 3^000 store. Henry Both to John Maek«y; 1 Reed, Thomas-J Schmidt, Magazine st '870 year 900 Abell, Stephen C—Libbie Barlow. Duanesburgh. $100 Rielly, M A, admr—M E Brady, Uoble st... SOO Irving pl.n w cor IClb st. The Westminster Barlow, Libbie, et a,)—R W Carey, Duanesburgh 400 Bobert son, E C—C Crevling, Arch st 2.900 Hotel. Eliza A. Witt et al.. to William G. i Bohanon. ,1 S—J Bradt et al, Schenectady av, Sampson, E C, et al—W D Robinson, Grove st.. 9,250 Sehenek; 10 years, from Aug. 1, im 29,000 4th Ward 314 Schwerin, Isaac—M Raphael, Boyd st 2,000 Mercer sc. No 137 and No, 91 Prince st. being s ; Carson. Ann—Robert Fuller, Pi-ospect st, 4th Schmidt, John—A Schmidt, Lafayette st 2,500 w cor. Mary -i. ^lartin, Brooklyn, and Ward 1 Seidler, Siegfried—F Muller, Clinton 550 ano.. to N. Gerdes; t>34 vears, from'Feb 1, Coats, Charles—Henry Coats. Glenville 800 Smith. T J—C L Morris, Ferry st nom 1S82, 4.000 and 4,2.50 Coats. Henry—Roxanna Coat s. Glenville 1 f-^mith, C B—B D Drake, Jeffer.sonst 6,000 Mulberry st. No. 3.5. Henry S, Valentine to Crandeil, James C—Libbie Barlow, Duanes­ Smith, Edwin—U Keve, Garside st 1000 Israel Fisher: 3 5-12 years, from Dec' 1, burgh good consid Stockton, R F—E R Dulje, Nesbit st 3"57o 1881 1,200 Fuller, Robert—A Carson et al. Prospect st, 4th Thatcher, G T—J R Lawshe, Prospect st 3,5Q0 Pearl st. No. 2.59. Therc^sa JM. J. O'Donohue to Ward X Treiber, George—C F Treiber, Houston st nom Williani Schwarzwaelder & Co.; 1 year, Greenhalgh, Sarah—James Bloloney, State st, Van Rensselaer, S V C—Dime Savings Inst, from Mav 1. ISSl 2,000 Sth Ward 400 West st 2,000 3d St. n s, loi e Lewis st, 96x148. John F. Di- Greenhalgli, Sarah—Patrick aiurphy. State st, Ward, M L, Jr—M Leyenberger, Prospect st...'. 1,200 mon et al. attorne3S. &Q., to John Eheine- 5th Ward lOO MORTGAGES. f rank & Co,; 3 years 2,500 Hardin, Eugene, by guard—The B, H Tunnel & 4th st, No. 319. n e cor West 12th st, known also Western Railway Co, Glenville 333 Addeck, August—J Valentine et al, Montclair... 1,100 as No. 276 West 12th st. Gustav H. Gerdes, Hardin, Edward E, et al—The B, H Tunnel & Ahbe, Christian—A Kratz, Belleville av 1 500 admr. J. G. Peters, to John Schuback; 5 Western Railway Co, Glenville 668 Allen, Hempton—R N Drew, Valley st .. I'lOO years, from May 1, 1SS2 1,850 Lambert, Elizabeth, et al—John Gebharr, Al­ Allen, FB—I PCooley, McKenzie st s'oOO 20th st. No. 250 W., store and cellar. Freder­ bany and Schenectady Turnpike, Sth Ward. 125 Ballerson, Jacob—C Korn. Bergen st i,'aoo ick Gloch to William B. Sliute; 3 years, Silveruail. W H, ref, &c—C P Armstrong, Rot­ Bedford, David—F .loseph, Washington st . .. s'oOO from Mav 1. 1881 360 terdam 655 Bensi, Jeshnrin—S B Duryee, Washington st.... 10000 31st st, No. -201 E., store, also basement of 203 Murphy, Patrick—Frank Sharp, State st, oth Branigan. Teresa- C H Henry, Cheri-y st 150 East Slst. St. Edward Duffy to James Cav­ Ward 100 Burnton, Albert—J S Burnton, Astor st 4 00(1 anagh: 3 yrs and 3 mos, from Feb, 1. 18S2. 360 West';ott. Samuel—The New' York, West Shore Canfield, W A—Newark Fire Ins Co, E Orange, 800 33d st, n s, 6.'1,4 e llth av. foundry. Aug. B. & Buffalo Railway Co, Rotterdam 113 Cullen, Alexander—H Murray, Belleville 400 Wood, guard., to Hitchings & Co,; 2 yrs, Darwin, A G—M C Gallagher, Bloomfield '. SOO from May 1. lSf;2 1,000 MORTGAGES. Doremus, E J—People's Ins Co of Newark, Sher­ 38th st. No. 4lS. rear stable. Annie B. Mears Carson, Ann, et al—Matilda Fulton, Prospect st, man av 3 700 to .lames Sleven: 2 years, from Feb. 1.1S82 200 4th Ward ! 400 Dulje, E R—B Atha, Nesbit st 2 000 39th st, No. 31:3 E. Charles F. Holm toSaiiiuel Gebhardt. John—E Smith et al, Albany and Duyn, Klaas—H Koch, Ferry st ZhOO Josephs & Co.; 3 years, from Oet, 1, ISSl. ScheueetadJ' Turnpike, Sth Ward 200 Gwinnell, J M—B Atha, State st \ I'goo 3.000 fine Havana cigars and 1,.350 Haas, Conrad - S J Veeder, Albany and Sche- Hermann, George—J Bender, Patterson st...!.! '450 74th"st, No. 484 E. Henry S. Valentine to nectadj' Turnpike, Sth Ward 200 Irving, A F—I Gans, East Orange 700 Israel Fisher: 3 5-12 monihs, from Dec. 1, McGregor, Margaret—James Picket, East Lib­ Irving. A F—Merchants' Ins Co, Washington st. 1 600 1>;81 • 1,000 erty St. 4th Ward 150 Jubert, Margaret—Dime Savings Inst, West St.. 1,000 123d st, n s, 75 e 1st av, 51x101. Surrender Marcel'lus, Catharine, et al—R O Christler, (jien- Kemble, M L—Orange Savings Bank. S Orange. 900 lease. E. T. Blodgett et al., individ., and as ville 1.000 O'Rourke, Lawrence—Firemen's Ins Co of New­ trustees, to SVilliam Austin nora Quackenbush, P H—Robert Fuller, Hamilton st. ark, Bruce st 650 Same property. William Austin to .lohn B. Sth Ward 1,300 Roach, J P—Firemen's Ins Co of Newark, Chest­ Cornell; 414 years, from Feb. 1, 1SS2 200 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. nut st J 500 1st av, No. 31, s w cor 2d st. Elizabeth Fischer Richter, Henry—M Kullmer, 14th av 600 to August Schaefer; 3 years, from May 1, Barry, Michael—L A Skinner 300 Rollerous, Emanuel—Ballantine & Co, Mulberry 1832..: 1,500 IngersoU, L J—W J. McClure 411 st ;. 1200 1st av. No, 1050, store and rear rooms. John Skinner, L A—Maria Skinner 3.0 Romer, C W A—L Jost, Mulberry st 10 000 Kornarens to Henry Witt; 5 years, from CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Schmidt, Louis—A Freund, Livingston st '20O May 1,1882 433 Sharlock, R C—Firemen's Ins Co of Newark, 1st av. No. 31, store, &c. August Schaefer to Flynn, Daniel—Frederick Quant, Jr, )^ interest Warwick st 500 George Nuss; 3J4 years 840 in stock and matei'ials " 150 Soden, G W—W H Cherry, Napoleon ^i.'.'.'.W'.'.'. 500 February 4,1882 THE REAL ESTATE RECORD. 117

White, Edward—Half Dime Sav Bank, Orange. 1,000 Harney, Wm—Margarett A Ottraan, 2 years.... 2,500 FIRE BRICF- Williams, W H—C Smith, Montclair 400 Havens, A G—N Shaw et al, 1 year 3.000 CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Hobel, Charles—T W helan, 6 vears 600 Welsh ,.,.., 28 00 35 00 Isola, Stephen, Angelo, and G B, and Ambrose English ,„ 27 00 a^ 3a 00 Braun, Otto, 53 Ward st—Peter Hanck, pool (ft* Sahninni—A Grosette, Hobolcen, 5 years 4.400 Silica. Lee-Moor 30 09 (fh 40 00 table and fixtures McLmden, Frances—P Hauck, Harrison, instals. Silica, Dinas 50 00 65 00 Bunnell, J N, 581 Broad st—D H Barnett et al, 1,000 Bleier, Anna—j Craven, 1 year . .. 1.50 American, No. 1 ;:5 00 an(ff* 40 00 Jeweler's safe MuUi.gan. Patrick—J Duff, Harrison, 2 years ... American. No. 2 [ 27 50 35 00 Charlton, John, Sheffield st—J Charlton, Jr, 200 ta Pellens, John—J C Besson. Hoboken. 1 year 2,000 CEMENT. lathes, saws, presses 3, ReiUy, Catharine—The People's Building & Loan De Camp, Benjamin, Livingston—H C McBrair, Assoc of Harrison, instals 400 Rosendale .. ^ bbl, 81 25 1 40 4 horses, 3 stages Same same, instals ® Domestic Sewing Machine Co, High and Orange 1,300 Portland. Saylor's American 2 40 2 65 Seidler. Charles—Trustee of R %V Southmayd, 1 Portland (English) . 2 7.5 a 3 50 sts—W O Grover, W E Baker and O B Potter, year 1,250 r<4 trustees, machinery, fixtures, &c 2O0. Portland Lafarge .' 340 3 65 Same same, 1 year 1.250 Portland K. B. & S 2 90 m 3 on Eppinger, Gustav. 135 Howard st—H Marion, Same- Trustee J A Southmayd, 1 year'...... l.COO ® outcher store fixtures Portland Burham 2 70 (di 2 90 Same-—same, 1 year 1.000 Portland Dyckerhoff 2 75 3 15 Erb. A L, 92 William st—D B Dunham, coache.s. 1, Same same^ I year 2.000 Felty, A J, 210 Market st—I R Scudder, marble Lime of Teil 2 30 m® 2 50 Same .same, 2 morts, each Sl,756i'l"year ".'" 3, .500 LimeofTeU ^ to'ii 15 00 18 Oo monument Same Trustee R W Southmayd, 4 morts, Hamilton, E L. 35 Camp st—G W Baldwin.'f'urn'. Roman... # bbl. 2 75 wftf> 3 4,-) each S2,000. 1 year 8.000 Keene's & Martin's coarse 6 00 H So Kirchgessner, A, Clinton—M Stern. 6 cows. Same- Trustee J A Southmayd, 1 year."..... ® Mason, Robert, Hilton—J H Schenck. Scows.... 2.000 Keene's & Martin's fine 10 SO IU 75 Thomas, .Andrew-G Gift'ord, 3 years 2,i'ii)0 © Pott, Otto, 172 Elm st—M Schlichting, horse, Wood, Betsey—J Ward, Kearney. 1 year wagon, sewing machine 0(» DOORS. WINDOWS AND BLINDS Wood, G A—H Van Buskirk, 3 years l.SOO Reeve, Jr, John, East Orange—John Reeve, DOORS, RAISBD PANKLS, Two SIDXS. horse, wagon, sleigh, etc CHATTEL MORTGii.GES. 2.0x6.0 !34ifl. 51 04 Solomon, Louis, 75 Mulberry st—R Schmidt, Barry, Patrick, Hoboken—M Hannan, saloon. 100 •2.6x6.6 1-4 1 HH pool table and fixtures Clarke, J C—D B Day. furniture £50 •2.6x6.8 1J4 1 44 Storchnaster, Samuel, 30 North Canal st—A Dorhad, Annie and Michael-J Harrison, saloon 150 2.8x6.8 .. Wi 1 50 Cohen, 8 doz overcoats and 8 doz pants Haslett. George, aud Hnnry Foster—N Vreeland, DOORS, IVMOULDED . Tedey. J A, 22 Newark st—B F Waibel, furn stock and flxtures of business 2,000 Size. l^tin. l]fiia. 194in Woelfle, Urban, Orange—M Hoffmann, sizing Maslin. Jolm and W D—The Patent Water & Gas -:?.OxS.0 SI 70 kettles, boiler, steam pump Pipe Co. machinery 250 20x6.6 1 79 2 24 Wrigley, John, 164 McWorther st-W Crowther, McDevitt, Hugh—Patrick Giklea, horse, three 2 6 X 6.8 2 07 engines, boilers, pumps 1, 2 62 wagons 503 ^.6x6.10 2 U 2 68 JUDGJIENTS. McGregor, W D—W H Woodcock, printing busi­ 4;.6x7.0 2 27 2 71 ness 328 Blume, Henry—M Samuel •-'.8x6.8 2 16 2 75 3 84 3,473 Paulsen. Otten and Theresa, Hoboken-^'j" P •3.8x7.0 2 83 Charles Kilday—,T CroweU 382 3 99 Gunkel, furniture 75 2.10x6.10... , 2 23 2 92 Doty, VV B—W V Snyder '..'."" 1,017 Semmler, Anton, and Catharine his wife, Hobo­ 4 00 •3.0x7,0 3 09 4 :-:9 Breeding, F A—H D Rowe 274 ken—J Heaht, 19 cows, horses and v,-agons. 1,'2:32 2 54 Kridel, A J—J Gauch 380 Smith. Frederick, and T J Coriell—D Rehberger, GLAZEP WINDOWS. Newark Aqueduct Board—D W Crane et al. 7, 80 O i rn e n- horses, ice wagons, tongs, a.xes, &c 12 Lights. 8 Lights 4 Lights. Sauerbier, Henry—J Gauch 401 Donntag. Henry, Union—H G BuUins, silk man­ slons of ufactory 11,215 windows, mpl. Ii,4cc. IJ^cc. l^cc. IJ^cc. l^cc. 1J^31: Wakefield, Catharine-W H Simmons, furniture 3S5 •2.1x3.6.. :BI.04 1.10 _Z_ _!_ HUDSON COUNTY. Warren, S G—W M Fox, horse, wagon, &c 300 2,4x3.10. Wright, W G—J D Frazer, furniture 197 2.7x4.6.. CONVEYANCES. •i.7x4.10. BIL;.S OF SALE. Alexander, J A—1 M Jones, J City $125 2.7x5.2.. Alexander, J A—G F Gantz. J City uo Feiler, Helena, widow and exr of John—G Mid- Bonn, J H—H Herman. J City ],ijoo dendorf, saloon Bock, Angle L—E Sands, J City 7'oOO Lynch, Thomas—J Monaghan, furniture, stock, Booraem, Antoinette—E Sands, J City nom &c Britten. Hannah and B F, by sheriff—A Clerk, JUEGMENTS. J City ' J 500 Anness, John, and J C Hardy—J Van V Olcott.. Cadmus. Richard, by exr—H P Low, Bayonne. 400 273 cc. means counted checked-plowed and hori^n tot The Mayor and CouucU of the City of Hoboken weights. Cairns, Sophia C—Ellen McCarthy, J City 6 000 —S A Heifer Carrick, H E—Mary A W Edgar, J City eiouo 161 Hot Bed Sash Glazed 3.0x6.0... The Jersey Cil.y Heights Brewery Co - E H Lar­ Hot Bed sash Ungiazed Crevier, J C—H Gerken, Hoboken I'soo kin et al, partners 3.0x6.0.... Crevier. J C and C E—Charlotte Farr, Hoboken 5^500 307 Curtis, R C—E A Wittenberg, Hoboken 'soO OUTSIDK BLI^TDS. Edge. Louise. Ann E, J G and Mary, heirs of t Per lineal foo-i, up to 2.10 wide g iffi 'i 25 Lsaac—J G Edge, J City 13 000 PlSSiiC COUNTY. Per linea,l foot, up to 3.1 wide @ 27 30 Elliot, D G—W Caldwell, J City i ]'eoo Per lineal foot, up to .•^4 wide @ Frieknecht, C R, Frederick and A H—Christian ' MORTGAGES. Heine, J City $65 and other consid. Bronillier, Henry—Pat Mutual B & L Assoc, INSIDE BLINDS. Per lineal foot, 4 folds. Pine oj 60 Gantz, G F—The United New Jersey Railroad & Taylor st .fl,000 96 Canal Co, J City 6,.570 Conklin, Elizabeth—R G Moines, West Milford Per lineal foot, 4 folds. Ash or Chestnut @ 1 28 Per lin. ft., 4 folds, Cherry or Butternut a Gifford. George—A Thomas. J City [ 5,3Q0 T'P 800 1 3tj Gobisch, Charles et al. by sheriff—W S Curtis U>'vlin, Francis—PI Kelley, Mill st 300 Per lineal foot, 4 folds. Black Walnut... ^ J City 6.33 Eastwood, Benjamin—E Roche, Straight st . . 5 500 FOREIGN WOODS-Duty free. Griffin. Patrick—The Hudson City Savings Bank G reeley, Patrick—B McManus, Passaic st, Pas- ' CKDJ(R. J City ]^000 „ saic ifi0O Ciba and Mexican, small .^ supe/ ft 6 ® 7^ Gutekunst, Johanna—Adelina Heintze. J City.. 9,750 Harsehop, Peter—H H Kinsell. Christie av 2,000 Cuba and .aexican. medium Healy, John—The People's Building and Loan Lawback. Rachel—.Taue Greer, trustee. Pros­ Cuba and .\Je2ican, large » @ Assoc of Harrison, J City nom pect st 700 I'lcriria ^ cubic foot Hoboken Bank for Savings—I Henry, Hoboken. 1,535 Oldham, M A S—J Avison, Sheridan' av'...'... .'. 1 ono 10 @ 11 Jordan. Elise—Matilda Smith, Hoboken nom MAEOliiNY. 40 (a 75 Popple. Benjamin—B S Roche, Lafayette av.... 'ouO Cuba, small Jones, J M—The United New Jersey Railroad Seyer, Joseph—Pat Mut B & L Assoc, Vroora st. COO 6 © 7 and Canal Co, J City 783 Cuba, medium ,' 8 @ 9 Swift. Catharine—Moore & Reynolds, trustees, Cuba, large ,.. '... ] Kissam, Maud, by admr, and A A De Graun—j Ellison st J 050 9!^'@ 11 Murphy. Guttenberg 1 100 Cuba, shaded or figured ...." 15 aud above Somerville, William—J V R Van Valliin'burgh, ' St. Uouimgo, croicUes, ordinary to Kohler, Peter. Frederick, Annie, Adelheit and ' Hamburgh av ggo Sophie et al, by sheriff—Anna Ottendorfer, Sood ^ .superficial foot 15 @ 20' Guttenberg ' go.OOO CHATTEL MORTGAGES. bt. Domingo, crotches. Ann 20 @ 30 Lewis, P P—D O'Halloran, J City 500 Drew, J W, P.atterson-Thos Hughes, furniture. 60 St. Domingo, logs, small 5 & 8 Lilliandahl, 3 W—A T McGiil, Jr, J City, 250 Diury, H S, Paterson—W S Cox, law books 200 St. Domin.go. logs, large 8>^t NicoU, Amelia—F Whelan et al. J City ' nom books 20 Rosewood,good to fine 5 © Honduras, per ton 10 Perkins, Catharine T--E J Mullally et al, "West Voorhis, Leonard, Paterson -J H 'WhiU^, horse 00 ©20 00 and buggy 50 •'Satinwood ^ superficial foot " IS © 75 Hoboken 1,000 TuUpwood sg U) Rapp, A E—R Johnston, J City nom 6 © 7 Reilly, Catharine—J Healy, J City 3,000 T..ignumvit8e, 8(gill inch '^ ton .30 00 ©50 00 Richardson. J S—Elizabeth Fisher, Union lJ700 r,f?;numvitss other sizes 10 00 ^25 Oo Rogers. Ann—M Freiss, J City - 4OO MARKET QUOTATIONS. GLASS. Smith, Marguerite E R, by sheriff—A Cluk, j Our flgures are based upon cargo or wholesale valu City 300 ations in the main. Due allowance must therefore L^uty.-wmaow-PoUshed. Cylinder and Crown Smith. F L—Elise Jordan, Hoboken nom be made for the natural additions on jobbing and not over 10 x 1.5m., 2^c. ~^ sq. ft.; larger, and not over The Marion Building Company—R Barber, J retail parcels. l^^'^'^-'J''- t ^\ ft.; larger, and not over 24x City 725 «n^" on- "L^^- p;' ^^,?''? *^^*^' ^"<^ "o* exceeding 24x BRICK. Cargo alloa 60in.,20c. ^ sq ft.; aU above that, 40c. 39 sq ft On The New York, Susquehanna & Western Rail­ Jnpohshed Cylinder, Crown, and Common Window road—The New York, West Shore & Buffalo Pale ^ M. 54 25 @ 4 75 not escaeding lOx 15 in. sq., li^c.; over that, and not Railway Co, North Bergen nom Jerseys. s 00 ,si oyer 16x24, 2c.; over that, snd net over 24x30. 2Uc • Van Horn, Mary J, G I, J G, children of G I, Long Island 8 25 ©8 75 ail over that, 3c. 78 tt. ^^ heirs of J G—Agnes Van Horn, J City nom Up-Uivers r, Vender Wieck, P H-S S Edmunston, Hoboken. 4,0(10 WINDOW GLASS, Prices Current per box of 5 Haverstraw °av. 2ds 8,50 |^ 8 62U feet. Wakefield. J W—Catharine Reill.y, J City 1,4.50 Haverstraw Bay, Ists 8 75 ra 9 > Warren, Joseph—H Crawshaw, j Citj' 2^000 Favorite brands ^ Whelan. Thomas and Patrick—C Hebel, J ^ity. 1^200 Hollow Fire Clay Brick 9 oo ©9 25 Sizes. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th Wilson, Emma—Exr of A Munson, J City 1,500 62: 8—10x15. 88 00 S6 75 FOREIGN. S6 25 85 70 Wood, L E, and Horton Smith—W B Dinsmore, 11x14—16x24. S 75 0) 7 50 President Adams Express Co, J City 20,000 7 00 White Enamelled, English size, per M.lOO 00 ® 1 s 23-20x30. S.1 25 I 50 & 75 8 75 15x36-24x30. 12 75 MORTGAGES. do do domestic size 85 00 (gi II 50 10 00 Warm Buff facing, domestic size 45 00 @.55 00 26 z 2S— 24 X Bfi. 13 50 12 2£ n 25 Benjamin, John—P Olos, 4 years 300 26 X 36-26x44. . 14 75 13 75 FRONTS. 1 75 Cadmus, J W—J H Potts, Bayonne, 1 year 200 26 X 46—30 X 50. 16 25 15 00 .3 00 Carroll, Christopher—Margaret Lawrence.Hobo- Croton and Croton Points—Brown ^ M.$ll OOa 12 30 2: 52—30x54. 17 25 16 00 13 50 ken, 5 years 900 Croton " " -Dark 12 00® 13 30x56-34x56. 18 75 16 75 15 00 Crawshaw, Hugh—J Warren, 3 years 1,750 34 5 58—34 x 60. 19 SO 18 00 16 00 Curley, Bartholmew—Elizabeth Curley, 1 year.. 937 PhUadelphia 30001^ 6s 60—40x60. 21 00 19 ,50 18 00 Edgar, Mary A W—H E Carrick. 1 year 1,000 fenton .2y 00® 30 00 DO Farrell, John—J O'Brien, 5 years 1,000 Baltirno.e 40 00^ X 8—10x15. Geiken, Henry—Helena Wilkens, Hoboken, 5 Clark's Ottawa White 25 OO-a 12 00 11 10 00 925 1 X 14—16 X 24. 14 7S years 1,500 ^X*^*^ jy**^®^ ^^°- per M higher, or. wiih delivery 13 t5 12 75 11 7£ Guver, Magdalena—F Guyer, Hoboken, 5 years. 3,000 8 X 22—20 X 30. 19 00 17 75 16 00 added, $2 per M for Hard a-d 83 per M for front 5 X 36—24 X 30. Harmon, R F, heir of Margaret Fahey—A Hirsch ""i'^V^^"'' ^^^J^J7 a<^d 85 c Philadelphia, Trenton •4i 50 1^ 25 16 50 etal,l yeaj , 620 16 X 28—24 X 36. 23 00 20 75 18 25 and Ottawa, and 80 on Baltimore. S6 X 36—26 X 44. 25 00 23 00 19 25 V 'iHE K.SAL ESTATE KECORB,

i6x 46—30x50.. «7 M 25 00 21 25 Oak 60 00© 65 00 Telepnone call Spring 287. SOx 5:-30x5^ •48 50 26 00 22 25 Maple, cuU 25 00® 30 00 30 X 56—34xE-S.. 30 00 27 75 24 75 Maple, good 45 00© 50 00 A. OROUTEI?,, 2x 58—34x60.. 31 75 30 00 27 00 Chestnut 48 00© 52 00 60—40 X 60 .35 50 32 SO 30 25 Cypress, 1, IJ^, 2 and 21^ in >S 00© 40 0 Sizes above—810 per box extra for every five inches Black Walnut, good to choice 115 00© 125 0 An additional 10 per cent, will be charged for all Black Walnut, % fcS 00© 100 00 glass more than 40 inches wide. All sizes above 52 Black Walnut, solected and seasoned 150 00© 175 OC NTER inches in length, and not making more than 81 inches Black Walnut cou nters ^ f t. 22© 28 will be charged in the 84 united inches' bracket. Black Walnut, x5 1^0 00© 160 00 AND BUILDER, Discounts, French 00 and 20 per cent. American Black Walnut, 6x6 150 OP© 160 00 60 and 10®60 and '20 per cent. Black Walnut. 7x7 175 0U@ 180 00 155 "West Rroad.-wa.v. Per sauare foot, net cash. Black Walnut, 8x8 175 00® 180 00 Cherry, wide ^ M ft. K'O 00(a> I2J Ui. pecial attention paid to Alteration.s and Repairs. GREENHOUSE, SKYLIGHT AND FLOOR GLASS, Cherry, ordinary 60 00© 80 Ol' V6 FI ated plate. ^ Rough plate— 30©35 Whitewood, inch 45 00© 50 00 1-16 Fluted plate....20@22 % Rough plate — ' 5 Whitewood, ^in 35 00© 40 00 Whitewood, ^ panels 45 00© 50 Cf' mUMk f MTBR, 14 Fluted plate.... 25©27 j| Rough plate. 5 14 Bough plate....'22(i^ 1 Rough plate... 5 Shingles, extra shaved pine, 18in, ^M 5 00® 6 00 % Bough plate.... 1^ Rough platel ;-i6 Shingles, extra shaved pine, 16in 3 75© 4 00 Shingles, extra sawed pine. 18in 4 00© 5 00 HAIBr—Duty tree. Shingles, clear sawed pine, I6in ? 75i3i 4 00 no FffllK Shingles, cypress, 24 x 6 18 00© 20 00 Cattle ^bushelof 7T»..16@ Shingles, cypress, 20 x 6 10 00© 12 00 Goat 31 15J4 [*ine, atrip boards, merchantable — 18© 20 No. 1 line, strip boards, clear 24© •<6 i3j^a 18% Real Estate and Insurance, Pine, atrip plank, dressed clear 33© 35 TIN PLATES.—Duty, 11-lOc. « D) Spruce boards, dressed 25© I C. charcoal. 10x14